Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Sep 1970, p. 10

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-~ ,- _ __________ I~a -'811e CNE aI ToegsstEfsda - lia 12 The Canadien Champioo, Wednesday, Soptember 2, 1970 His tory traces development of Miltor Th.e NtRPy of MIIR Police additioEai $10. OU r POP a00, WiliamOE ChapRoaR becaine authorily. As well, mheo Ne was BooeDiocstra, a seSOtaryO df rillons CitiUI the 10CR and saISIS began il $25,00 per yerU (broSaNIpI dAlles, ho was RU lte Police DepaPRtmeEl UGO fUPGarded Nis reports t0 lte and, in addiSti 10 aU the report t0 the ToGE Hall mhere Noe compiled the historyRof the local Board of Healh.t aorOemeRlioned duties, GAR 32ould bc asigned work front, ay force datiRg back ta 178068. Thc 1892 marked a oi;R pUit in appointed "Touant Officer". Ne of lIRe RUSEr CoORRittees of the fRllowig as bee co3pfont te hostooy of Law ERIorcerrient wao responsible tr0 the Trustee Town. old byIaws reEorPd et toma hall fr tIhe TownR of Milton. OUNen Bloard of the Public School 10 W .Chpa ashrda and the stappas hee6e asa n hef Constable M. S. Bradley carry out the duties Of Touant W. A. Cnsta n 198. or a wroM il. 320 appoiotedl in 1h1 year, a Offlcer and snobe subsequent, Ceii C salar on 1.5 Focar Thsehistory of themtnoce night watchocen, James periodic reports to them. mniN are na 5 Departocent as il is knsown toclay DOlIidson, was also appointed 10mnili are o l h dates back a sent 10 Y8505,10 lias65818 him. Njght32utchman in 1915, CharIes R. Jones oh- abolIe dulies. fornmation ut 1860. To olttain a Davidson roceived $100.00 per tained the position of Chief clear pictlure of lam esforcemnent yeur for his dutîno, plus a surt Constable for the rather liberc s octn record of ao8es in this tiea, homever. onRe mt supplenoented Ny the Cîhooens' remarhahle salory of 950.8 per 000ef Constable oct il Dan Me- go back 220 years, tRfte Rflgins Comotittee. He came on duty snts8. Mr. Jones as pad ibis Mullan teok over the job in 19241. of the Town of Milton itself. every ORROREE ut 8:30 PmRinE sum for "the faithful per- In addition Mo ormRal police AllhoiWit avaiaNte hMstnoy l is rO , 9:30 in summer, andi formance of lits dattes mitict ssnrh, the duties of waMer or- sot esplilit, il wootd appoar that oemained o pucrol untdl 7.00 meunt thut bis whole Urne RNOSl spoctor soere iocreased. Eacit the liRt pioeors 10 sele i titis aRm, tohen ois duties teootînated Nie ut lte service of the Town". Aogtust, Nie mas require in tit- orea aroiveduat the tocs of te wi8tN te ingingof 5te twN bel. IRere is no douhlfdisis trucfor spct aillcater services and see laltcentury, At uny rate, we are In 1893, TNomus Carrne Ne utus addtURally assigsed the thut mater W65 not waoted Ny told tha1 il was John Gores oepluted Mr. t)avidsoo us taslits of "roead foRpector" and leuldng lape. He Nud aise, lu Samoe. the then ,ieutenant- nightwatCNnnan. Ho potrolled lte -Waterorkois tnspectoo". As ascertain the nMNrter of peesos GoReroRo of Ontario, o-ho mus 10500 froom 10:00 Pm tilI 6:W6 WuterooIRks Inspectr, CNief living sn eacN household, insrum0fental in0opongup the amoin ssmeo andtoom 9:W Jonesmwas compolled Mo isit mesirelawns wheoesecessary, distrctsbynd Niagara,.upoE p.Ri till 7:00um. duoing the Mlto's resevoiO wNen and repor othchaleritby Sep- bisarrivailin Canada in 1792. wtnte. Onceufut, tetOintiOo requestedcd report onsaine, temberl1of eacN year, ailpu- The fit industry,ua gorst Mill " f ois doues coootsted of rittOiRO tnspoct all tupoand tuon waeo on poses forombici wter was belog 3286 estabisied in the titîle the tomonell cnd off on oooleo of pooper used in eveoybousead fOctory comntsnity lateo knoms Os "Murtio's Mîlîs- Ny Jasper Martn nl18=. A sawmill and ahr foloed tn 1021 and set l5e stge for the gromtit and expansion wch oesulted in the incopRated Town of Milton i 1857. Poto M 8is incorporation, il woold appeao tNat law en-P forcemtent was initioted Ny the Govenment of UpperCanada. A lsstooy comptlcd Ny the Ontaroo Provsncial Police MIlls us tha1, when te lîrst Pooliament of Upper Canada convened onSept. 17, 1792 ut Niugaoa-on-thc Lahe, lte horst Police systets mus estaNlished. lippe Canada wus divided loto Townships acd Conues oc the i'ounties ad- ditionally groRpod toto districts Millon 3286in wt a 2 kooc as the Home Distori. Dsrîng te second sesston of Paoliameot in May, 1793, peocialona qweol mode Me comate te position of ingh Cosnty Constable fos eoN District and 10 nominute a sot- ficient nuoihao of Constables f or each tre. Tis, acodin o thUe Ontario Povinciol Police Nîstooy poopeteated the enflisit Com- mon Lawrequirement 5ttevery free, i and poopoo peoson Ne ioile Mo service os a constable, 8501 ail pooross ntigit eEjoy the > dge of free citizenship. 3286ngwa curîed oui thus Ny ucpaid, octooîned cîtizns unUil the middle IRIIOs when totot and city police depoosments weoe os itatituted. The fiost Chief Constable for the incorporated Town of Milos SOONiKELSO POOL will close eth8e summer and Hoooîg and Mary Wlls. Rook rowl]efitosigbî are 326 Daniel M. Bowmm. ap- il wilI Nie NuoN tosoihool for file goaods oNo hIave Ptil Maon, BoN Ramheog, Andy Kadoiolka. Boit pointed in 1857. For tUe Sion of 20 spoot o loi of the sommer ut the pool. Fon ow3 lI Toîli and RîcU Cox.-Staff PNoto) poondu poryeuo, Chiel Constable 10 Pîit are Suman Ouclos. SUaro Protor, Pouc Boo-mc coforced oUl TRIER Ry- Las and the Ciminl Loos of___________ _____________ the Provincte, seoveti alsm mortsad wrrntsnd ttenied each session ofth5e MyoerCourt anduallCouocilmeetings. Hemoas also respoonsîble M lice tha1 ail menesoarising front fines o fes idisebooge of Nis dutSes weoe poid inM the generol fonds of tUe town. 85ouldMr. Bomman desîre Moleave theconfinesof the TownR, it wasnecessuoy to tin poioo pormission front the Mayo aod ot IcosI 1320 cousoilloos. Even ut dui1, Ne 3286 oequioed te appoint and pe-imNuose a competeot soNstitole to oct in Uts abtsence. If Ne neglected Mo do se, te Mayor very obligingl y did tUin for lUic and dedocted a orcpondinf sus foomNis yearly Gage. In 1060, the Cief Csnstuitle's salary 3286 convooted 10 dUllars and cnts and for the soin of $5..W poo ymar, the dulies of Pound Keepoo ooeoe added 10 Nîs ootee. As can elltle imugood, in thedaysof thîehosrulseadbggy i ilself, mont have Neen an oeosdsty. TIRe set sinioîtcat entoy in the Ton' y-Laws concerning taw Enloocement showos the m aPPOinooent ofMichael Conmay A as CUief Coostable in 1873, Foo themicreased wae fo60.00per year, Chiet Conmtoble Conmuy carried on al] the above dulies. in I addition, Nie 3286 umarded the tille fonspertoo of Licences" ohich ~i enaitled im to carry outperiodic inspoctions of ail taverns, is aIe or beeoNoses oc syo8e places of entertuinmeot, Theso inspectioss mfrned Nîm an ad-. dilional 0.86 poo ymor Au a traiter of ioteocol, the populaton of Milton mas, ut ibis Electrical m ouernuzation lime, opproximoted ut 1,400 pors 3,ess sn rale can mlake your extra roomn Costbl fr h twnofMito. extra com fortable EssesstialSy, Nîs dolies oemoined th saee Homever, he mas gises th: authority 10 disperse aIl If SoAr house is more than 1ev yoars old, chancesar parstios lochiof a sîdemalk on RUai ils elecîrical wirivg iS hehîod the limes, TUduv, v0A the SahitaîN and mas eopected 10 need mole oUUIIIs. bellot lightioU. mor Power, thon be presestlallhTown Hall on ail me oîhoo A AtEOllci1 IIgm occasios mRen i1 3286 oeold forohnyu os a ul. lcrclr-iigwl concerta a nd olber en- UlillA ySu 59 10date. fast, Il wîiI lot 5100 istaîl ail tUe tertainmens f0r the express applianCes yo0500 alwuys wavtod-boom wolkhhp 10 porpose of preserving ooder. Il Iasndîy 10032 10 kîlchen. You con enîoy plunnd lighlîng. Nears smllog aIse thal, mbile toc, and clean, oomforlahlo, oIoCtIic heutîng. TutU 10 a Chief Constable Boadley's startisig solary mas sec e $125.W qsalîfîed eloctrcRil COnIROCIAI aouts r-irin n110 10 90A par year, bc ws allowed teooloin home, or usit your Hydro. the fées front convictions. Tho Hoîdro Finance Plan Can Uelp yAA JtohngCuetlé pterisa e salayd righ a2.8apo . theNe Constae ina 1p 8 et en asr o r Q (baif CarotafeN =.10 e ya 0 lledlgt027 o rI Caot fines mere again relursetiA A I tei the tewn coffers. Homever, alorill w18h is norsoal dutles, M L O N HYDRO Chief Crome mas appoiRleti 250 MAI N ST. E. TELEPHONE 878-23451 "SaniUaey Ioapecter" and, for an_____________ _______________ police department in temn. l'se Chief Constable mas mentioned, Ne mon respEnsible OBe already Sanitary onspector" for the maintenance of ail =opl andi SchooI Attendonce Oîlicer. reords in respect 10 Nis dotien Moreo To theso positions now meoe and GOS enpocted tA report on Police ndded IWeed lospocto", ten- sane teTownCouncil on a Cansta spocter linder the Uiqoor Cosîcol mos85ly lisais. Le "£t.' and "POU Tan Coector". t. 1949, Hogb Waromlngten .Nom Au meSl, hief Constable Mc- Necame (2sief Constale. The pers Mollon 3286 espected te fssrisit dules asti nalary mere on- DelO noch relief dtioies deemnet citanged. However, it mas noted mo necessary fonm 8:00 p.m. 1111 uit Citief Constable Warmi5lgton Althos tiayligbî. For the exerolion of aSl hato pronide Nia oms oniforos. come thesedouties heoecevetheara i thename yearSam allwas inauge 0f 865.00 per mosth. appointeti NigNt Constable. Thse Force Melvin Halfleld oocceeded 1mars meoe oschangei asnd Ne lThe Chief Constable MeMufan in lS mas poldaeth5erate ofS$125.00pr Does at a starlIng salary of $60.00 por mos85. De bis rounds, Consstable Chief mosnt. Mis doties rcmaine Hall man specifically especsed to 00185 unclsasged. check for biren, Reater service te In 1942, Ny mitich fimie the leas, stresS ligtaZ andIe mater Bib popilation of Milton bad risen 10, pressure io ^5 Tm Hal. lIe Cons1 approsimotely 2,000 personn, citecked the locits on ail stores, CannI Frankt McNives mus nameti Chief mareboses anti garages asd Constable at a salary of $180.00 dinhorset ail perona loiterisg ARn por mosfA. Wateo mctern hall doormayn or on0the sreeta. Neen installed in the toms and 85e Mr. Hall hecame (bief Con- job ofleading simeon a quar- stablcin lR1andctIdeblssty in- terly Nasis bell 10 the mater in- ereased tn $2o0.8per mos85. Ted spoclor. The Chief ConstaNte aiso Babitk took cver 85e dulies of boit over the position of NigNI Constable for $175.86 per "Asnennoo and Enumeralor" mosUS. mith ail USe duties tbon ent afled During the nest flime years, o andlIm8 Named "Relief Officer" consitierable gromîb sn anti -Reginter of Mliens". population mon esperienced. Prom 2,460 in 1951, Milton Io 1946, ucUSher mafor o- mîmiroomnetioa Townof sertie movation tooitplace in thebistorl 4,410 pernons Ny 1956. Sob- of Milons Law Eatorcemrenl. sequestf y, tIRe Tomn fathers Witen William George Canning dremeti il cxpodicot 10 inertelle salary of $125.00 pUr monfA, four mes. Go agreement o-as Vincent ballon mas aiso ap- mode mitA the Comiisioser of pointeti Night Conntable. At USaI the Ontario Provincial Police teo limie Mr. McNiveo mesI ARlo assign fo members of fAeir oosessmcot and enumneroliof full Force for the purpose of policiof fine. fAc toms. The ressort for fAis Cansi. Mallon 3286 on potrof Pronial Police takeover from 9006p.m. tli 6:00 am. mifA railler thon the formation of ils WedsRestiy mights off, except for omo police tiepaotmest sa Saîuoday anti nigNfR before a Nelieved 10 Ne a questio of IRoliduy o-hon Ils commcoced ocosmmics. TNe toms paid the dulyuat7:00 pm. He us aise salaries of thene men asti copocteti le checkt traffic for the provitiet os Office for 85cm. Mll salle crossing of sehoot chtitioen 085cr cois mere horne 57 thc eveoyyi n6Rmwheiever the Province. Chicf Constableemas aayOantO Homever, o-bon Miltoo's attend aIl hockey gumes for fAe population reacheti 5,520inA 1960, peopose of maintaining ortier. it berame necessaryto fortinoo For the faiRistul performance of oms Police Departmnt. USese dulies, Ne recelocti $116.66 Murray Ray Audreos, o former por monîb. Ontario Provincial Police officer, In 1940, Douglas L. CanifI 3286 appoinled (bief of the sco- becume Chiel Coostable for Milton Police Deportmenl on Oct. $175.00 per monA. Ineosescehis 1, 1960, auposition be holda lofAbis 2 dulies ocosineti us pseviousfy day. The Force osiginoily con-- of feo me st as esntetid NySgt. RoNerI sl, aIse a former Provncial officor, andtio moectoite hIes Ket Robertson ant ineI it o tit8 yeur o tion, the Miltoa Polies tment Nas increaset inA ars fram four to cinle Mes. fis many constables have and gos s nce is oration, the nucleus of the Nos reosained the mame. staff of the MltonR Police tmntpresesly consista Of of Police Ruy Andtrean, Sgt. Robertaont, Sgt. Bill Pat- i, Cosst. Lesf Pickett, Consl. Boite, CoosI Roy Smith, Wayne Eastmosd asd Bal-, E85ott. -TNer day ai Mandayens.o -Use da nbaziss fo asiie 4' ' ALFGNSG'S ME"T 174 MILL ST. MILTON 813-240 ' MAPLELEAP5-VARIETIES-60! VACPAC RES3kPKG. 'ILUNCHEON MEATS PRO 250 FYRCHIOKENS 25LB 25e FRESH DMLY ROMEGROWN 0 'I ~ ~ ~ CR ON ES GRAD ACEOUBSZ CHITE' KG. OFs 8 M OT 00OGor HAMBURG BUNS 25CIOGS oz25. Fs COiRISTIE' SOLO COANTRY - REG> GoC SUN aiEAS - EEG. 35C PORK LIVER 25L". RUSTY BREAD 2501 BREAD 25 5550 ST SWEET AUC C - SIZE 6. NEW ONTARIO NO 1FRESR HOMREGROWN ORANGES0z.25 POT OS 25IAISHES 4 25- FRESR HOME GROWN FRESR RORREGROWN 0 GREEN ONIONS 4 c 25 GREEN TOP GARROTS 325 PRESO ROMEGROWN FRESO FIRM CR150 CUCUMBERS4R2501 LETTUGE 2 A25' BNAS525 -SPECIAL - PCA -- EIL- Coke And Fanta -is GraeCI -rn Goose "Plein" GANNED POP Creannery BIPOTATO CHIPSI 24sTIN CASE TT 5 LARGE Il OZ. 10 OZ. TINS $2, 912u WI PAR G AMAPLE LEAF - SAC PAC WIENERSG 4c OXYDOL M.LA COPISON S LU UREGEN SAC PAC SOlEoad- BPCR AC R ING SZEBO 1 5 32 OZ. SIZE 79 Siod REG$2.112 REG. S1.0 RSid STAKSN 75 LPC'ePN OLQ PRESO E 51 Park 32O.PK. PG RGb SIZ Shou r R A T 3 LB. 92 ZSZ4 PORK CHOPS. YEIWl DO HAVE FR11E AOER V SEIL INEFET O AURA P.M CAMAY RAND SOAP 6 A 79 he more-for-your-money 1970 DATSUNS are at I£PRICED FROM 1.845. SUE THE 240Z SPORTS CAR )PEN WEEKDAYS TO 9 p.m. SAT. IL SUN. TO 7 p.m. 35 Base Line Rd. Milton 878-2471 lfarlae In 700r faoffly f il5 Onith 8e Neride a groomn fAey Nove ose oosî oSler the medtiing l0 soUmit a mcddlsg stoy anti pctue to TIRe Champion. Aiuf RA. IJOHNSONI 0= F ' OPTOMETRYI S MILTON %No ACTON Oiesesay for Dotihil cime Fri Office. and plan wRPgam. Overail faut yea extra-curi Rockfan,< Ontario compared More I DOZEN

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