lie aime %adÊe quea S- Maffats ierisy G. y den .EFAnoy in tiseee 3lead. A rafly mie -Me a d 108 i , Oumo,G. teone ail ecmargin' y bttmer and gave iddti and rlcistu teaelng ni rue on dai ta an, ian. Buts nt efforts. Od in tise ansinle leta, ans ondallen 'n HeaI" e isaniset. lento sur- tacs and acttsify, n Heart Tis summer t teel distinciiy Ibai on maineos match or carloch bas put a carne unme.tlon'i ashmechy. t ai dune ntecn' On nobody. Tbeee's been nothng serions oe tragir. Junt a lpt of littie teings teat seecn tu wind up speucig ton. Wby, for exemple, sbuuld teere lie a buge wap' net inteeMiddle otcy edge.cbrvn tee l'tey tittie bruten base nover bult teee belote? Wisy nbentd Itriip usee a rock, Onhe a hnisuihe aine ni a siisee dollar oui ot my "e, and sprain my teumb tryîvgltusave myaeif? Why nbddld my maint-lise suddevly leap froct 31 On a snag 32? Wby sbould cy dauglte fallmnloveirite aguyuofcbun site soya, 'Il wouldn't carry hbm if be score the tant man in tee corid". But it'a sot jest cliat bappevedt lume. 1 nene tanberuarryinig the speli aroard mite me, and amcbgiening tetreel lîbe a Juiiab Wenttn a deliglitînt paely. cseryuoc cas pinuiont. Escept Ibai a couple ut 200 patuilderamountd up inia stote ut deep uc- nrage. 'hllat ocri ut pueple. Ove bai bld tierea a tip for Mdlone's Operation dieivisal greup cembors. Sent time yoa're enlian lte country asti spot mmre garbage daitped beside tee rusti by rarelens huais, pore terougli il lohin or ionte0c idetificatin. If you nan find noce cnue-a bok wite n ouce ialde it, atetter, aogrucery bill, teai's aIl yen need-oeiid tee sunpevted dumopen o ice tite nte, nocetteng lihe dbis. "DurSir toc Madami: "Wisle eut for a drive and soahing uP sonstiagis, noueda antieatelle if nature in 055Y cean, teais, anpoliuted country air en diediy aflarnse, trcace areos a afu Rliht. t laient a pile oI articles wcblelosg re ysou, wilisnoce dli bau ohviously stolea bt dampeti hy a roudaîde in bis atteeapto ta dmwart the mieels ut justice. Thyme eogt oufrIntcdyu teaie attoetod te a tîntin: book, letter, ete.) and1 tome lime aisi-ou you munI On te hase dhen tock, "'f't plis wan diaposeti nI leiede tee ifMtI leama of radin Onde irliipaity ut tfiti is uiieel 'flre apiteared te bi sevorat SBsuall O articles tore, iseludiog yer iOt Removing the blights smneur bond in devetopiog morisabte solutions. 00Oe report mons prepared cbicb reprenentatives rn mnotier of mniipal organînationo, founidbiased. Tbey submitted theeeown combined viecn. Tbe hb of tee cureent difficutty as teai tee Minuster nf Mine willi be isaaing qaarrying permito. The municipality, homever, is oui mitbout somte control. If the zofning in tbe aflected manicipality doneot permit qunrrying in a specilic location, a reooning application coald lie necensary. ljndoubiedly dhis coald require an Ontario Municipal Board bearing cliere objections could be prenenied andoat'uing obtined. If a reztning mon approved, tee applicatint for a quarrying permit could teen lie con- sidered by theMinister (JMies. Nannagaceya Counciltoro aree 't satiîtled cite tis prision. They atse mono tee rîgbt to appeal tee decision Of the rir soreoe pented outanrou-of-province car badl a bomper stîcker proclaiming "Il yoa don't lîbe tee police, the sent lime you're in trouble Colt a Hippie". -liomelimes tee une of tee KEglinli laognoge gena le me. Abusen creep in and teey sece On lie perpetuated by trequeni repebition. Currenlly mv De eeve na tise phrase "for free". Obvioualy the mord "free" doesn't need any bellifrom the wod "fonr" but in some nf tee generally bent iritten publications I lind tee phrase ap- Minister if lie grants a qunerytef permit over titeir objection. The Niagara Escarpment Protection Act na aiment at protectmng the tace if the encapment t a depth otf 30feet. Wtien be imtroduced the art May 6 tee acting prime minister dencribed itgnfietterai terltn "It wilt impose a meauure ofstrict controt over theeares.ttc it give teGovernmettthe power te prnttibit any nec mining operation of a type or in an area me feel wiii endaitger tee future recreational une of tee enrarp- MILTONO ONTARIO. WEDNE' ot t ing s by îim dîlls j I's J Concern for ourenvironmenimabenithe motter nI nec leginlaiun On govero qaarrying operations in the Niagara Encarpinent oI norte signitirance in teis Tisnsection ot Ontorio is apporently rirh intheehindof aggregate mosi in demand. Il hag the atideti advantoge ni being clome t0 tise enetropoltaa ara wchl heepo tn itetiverad rien competolive. Thune wbo tise in tels pari ut tbe pvince, homever, and porlirularly in Mton, or dbo travel almng bîgbcay 401 can'i minse he iprit ofquarrying on the tandsape. Municipal rouriiltors base cresied cite tee probleen ut quarrien toc a long lime. 'I'ley boue teti tee frustrations uftirying On satinfy perliirhed rîtizens muile quarries continue te biast or emit dust. The step tn provide mmie nec provincial lçgislalion OIn teis agentf peolesi museeros 1tbinkhere are grounds un ubîrli cîgar senokers soutd lie summoned tu ibeir plarards. On an Air Canada flîglit tntticed tee alie rlearly indirates '"Cigarette Smnoking Onty". Noc, t sai you il bati su't dincrimination. Ail thetests base prosen the rigaretteumobers arejeupardiaing ibeir lite span and no sarbdamage bas beru prusen of cigar scnhers or ppesmobern. Bol bere onn Air Canada fliglil only cigarettes con lie nmohed. Cigar omobers sbuuld uie i tentent. -Tbere are ail hindsofu slogans armaitd it seces. Il's undersiondabte tue becaune teey do sticki mite you. A tec piched up in receet travein may lie inlerenting. -A nign board on tee oulskirts ut Winnipeg nuggents motoriste "limite yu may ieaon radar" and lt'e signed by Mayor teven Juba. Aaotber in tee none sîcînity ssggeala "Speedmng dues nmt pay, anli the undeetaher". Andmbhen 1 agi beib ý!%- SSugar and Spice theeuteer, durîng adiscussion of eerise, Aoterriend invied mfrtroday'n jotgging anti coisilinen, teat bie mas "jent a fishing. Came tee day, idea for tisOnng. big, lai pig." Nul nice. But cby coul1 the Came aiseaphonercall soying he'd put arod only cale refI lu beep dhem tromcring tn ibrougli bis crnbsboft, or soceibing carnage? Ail 140 pounds ut me. equlybhorribe, and Idamoter as ruined. Weni saiisg cite rients os a perfect Yutikta a utcicdne succer day. Wbydidaiterr'ifisterneconte, The obercngbttIdid gotfisbîngcîitemy oui ut nowbere? Seraune 1 can on board. broteer-in-iam. Gond boat, ccdt motur, lots t'en suce ut il. of morens anti minocu, pertect lime ut evenieg, and ahotispotcbherebhe'd pcbed up Lasi liarday, cent out as rem mite a somesnirebaseoteday belote, 1don'tbhave Icieui isba rares bis saîlliolt. He didn'I On tell yoa cliat ce cauglil. About tour figure on wincing, ciIb a cremman mbo licuncie ut meda, chile a dmap in the veut dueso't hnoc a luIt troct a lorboard. Bat On boat boulrd in a builier. aise ditint figure on cînding up Imo toies betund eseeyoteerbuot,including one bc LAstcngtwemwent out te siîanother bouts reguiarly. We bit rvery poîrli ut deati Onoteer-in-lois Tbey'd Onhen a colOnge tu get coi n tee boy, cuile tee oteer liote in- omoy from tee terrible boul ut tee City for a sseiably raagbt a breene cbicb moulti ceeh. Tbai liîr visit fisrd bic. Tuday il's vanish by te tme wegot thre. Why? swoeaeanadlong pente weaibr ibha Do n[s] i hsCorner Down ~~'2roy douensJ everytecng recnizablet. The tteef min enntended doat no enpesm should On spared stele dhese items troct you muni have Onen tueavoid arepmtitionnof therisb tie elivsnof chaseilby apolie ar ado rdof thea dnte astronaute. ' urtbaegnbrdeyto avodben anrbd d i Witicb recluda me dthat b ave afirnys 1 aegtee eeyhn Pa benpuzledly oar euriudoaublestandard take i t m o me.apon lementeand et mut somard deatb and thevalue of alIie. For arelailwon asd Posed t Kupr1s loyerne pecaliar ressont, ce attach a grouten parelitopandsetiitCNExpes t Yur valeaonthelife of a mnbo lnot mnr- home, collect f cuence. teinand and tend te ignore dhe poor crescli Yome very trudy, etc., etc." whois a gomrotiet o h t roud an editeriat recestly, teSmebi a oes.<Ustewtdldneof decmr Itigis, On minci tee criter code an icpansoned piea toc greaser aafety On spore sbis. Tiu guJy Tise misote murîi mas conceruedl about thetives o et dtree astroaute. Mounctete, tock n dhe grenand, a couple nI bandred Ameericnt died in Vieteam and nbudy- encept fnr relativea of nhe trupe over dheee--hatted an eye. THE SERtES ENDS-For tee pont teree photo montage sowms storen Irnen te. menthe TheChampo bas been prioio Lasrece Fruit Market tuIteraional ediorîal page photosofoteestorelfronts in Bakery. Ameetng is bcingheld in ep- dosortois Milton, in coojutonwt stebrt Oicus h Noiriich Plan andi I mîgl ise lsoe implîcti it wiii bacc some ediiorial suggestion ibai Miltnwsdefr ha C ofra vidowno area.-(litaî beaing oer theoperaiion ofleiting a NorwichlPlan of ede'omet Ttic Pots quarrying operaiom. Indicationsof tome ut those changesMay emerge shorty and vi wouid bope ibey could noi only include a liiain eayfute amg ath aeAw esom e of the encarpenent bol aiso rebabîlîtation oI teat damage already donc. Ifce aretoe consciousoflour en- vironmenice migbt bmore entuias rf tm l ca i n ores removed. The mile by mile trip o1f airaîoload and confidentteburning ofte erve gas wOuld oouaboatlload ofpoisnogan,tonit cay te be anyosaler metbodifoeeliminabinglthe burial ainseaindicaen teligteniog im- deadly properie ofthe maerial. plicationofconiinuingitomanufacture sucb Ceriairlythe eintence ofpison ganin deadly maiecîal. Mtînru lt waspainfliy in eidenre during Ali theegreat pecers tiave stocsuof Woid Wa1and tbere weremanyceeran cbemica weapons cncfornoseetessr 'on utered theuagoniesnoflîtudestrucion teeor ,l a e Ly leel teey Cannet desiroy, tor a cumer ci years The techoology ban breabteeougb alog tbîoline butcecold peisonocasses. Thisucwesome arsenal jslunt SDAY AUGUIST 19, 1970 bopesnmeofthbe other greai pecers mîgbi asulrigbienircuas theaMondearsenaland te ..... gn a pcogramtofldestrucion. soocit liscreducedibhebeter. .......1........ We areoneoepertienougbitodetemne Ifcovccocentn couldcreacb agreement cbeteer ihe buciai ai nea is the talent onctheissueitcwoudble a mlestonealong the meteod of destruction.f hban acesome roaditapeaceandithe rishs ofannibilaionon minent. Tbeo in the private secior ac ex- implcaionsn uuemînd buoeiteeroarecwe iiiîs plaetiscuid bereduced byai leas one. cavationrfoca major apariment building on Ontario lit. bas been rocpieied and teere are planstfor an ndustriai compiex nortb of i a r N tee Base Uàne Rd. by Alliance BiuildingA i o r l happening but sumetimen tbey lusi nveer gel atide up ai the ove lime. -The pictuce ai tlir top ufthe page ibis cee is the lestin the eries on theap pearuoce ufthIe Main St. Ivierent in a Norwch Plan tue the retucbisbing ufthie sireeeibas been espeessedland atleavtcuw local meetings are planned un tee tupir dhis tait. Wbece itgues truc ibere miii depend un vweriereni and the possibiliiy ut ru' uperation. 1t dinh tee sireet bas anqe cbararterisiics teai cao bie emphasîed eti tee genecat adsantoge ufthie business cuccîity. W'llseec deepibeeîneret is later increating sometiirg uique wich wud cube the to soceteing mure Ilion ortiivaryyteshoppers and sior. boclîng îsind and tee temperature ducn Abiiut tonty degrees. Tbey'll base a emsecable ceeli, tbansu On ce. Thene are juot a lec incidents truc a catalogue as long an yoar leg. Rai t'c Ognnnîg tthikhatwhbcc theegudscuuld destety ibey tinst cahe cati And t'c geîîîngcmad. Ircan put up cite cy normal siupidily. Libe a dunner truc tehe revenue peuple tue a t65 ine. Or goîng olt tiputuur suiirasenîin tee trunh ut tee car anti tindîng it full ut elin blocksfo toc ibfireplace cbicb cy tateerin- lavebad gisen ce unit sprivg, ardbasî ngitu unloadibhecin theheuav adcy branduneu spert obîri. Or tiasing the cal clair ce about tee veau andl ovouitiers ou teree separate occasoln. because sbetioesn'i lihe drîcîng ia car. Thai cas cy cite's siupîdiiy. But 1 carit belli feeling ibal teere's socetiig sîsster, soerr knduofa trend in ail the uteer ltille "accidents." Siucebuy oui teere is trying lu gel ce. Todayl'mccvinred ofit. Wobeupcwite vîientlslocacb ceamps teat turvcme iea whie, sweaingcretch about every iceny minutes. Aie and deanb tee sacme teings leut vîgbt as tee ciberu in tee bouse Wtty sbuuld 1lbe the iy oneltucivd upcîlb dierear? Wby? .h co made ut.. ar.n.... ydivsio basi On b a ltile coltibluotieti n assesuing tersks. If beplansonîinsatiig an islard mite 10,000 cen, be cîgbt tiecitir tbat tOn plan s fusible if casualiiescan lbelt u2f per cevt. ny dis logic, the henIso 2,000 cen Oncoces "acceptable". bo tee generni guen abouti mite bis in- vsoloues bis 2,iff mes, andtihiO aftale gues doce in the hîstory bockis os another glorlous rbaplrr le tOn bisiory ut marfare. The cuelti leaders don't drop cbatever dhey'ee doing tu go On cliarcl to pray, presidrois duet fly baltcay orruso the uceldti l greel tee survisues, anti su on. duttie froc tee grîesîng relatives, about ai teolbhappensîs tbaisorte cocpaty backin Connecticut bas tu stamp oui a atditiotial 2,000 Purpie Heurts. Ancdback on teground,tenation cn contemplate dhe fart teit mure doan 40,000 yong Acerirana bave dieti in Vi'etnam. Anti chie tels contemplation guen on, teee lu a ronlinuing tiebate ocer chedher it constitaten cruel anti ununual pamiment On senti convicted rapisOn anti carderers tn the gos cliamber. Yen, itu ail very puzzlieg. use ut aircraftftor selective trattic taw evtorcemevt by the Ontario Provincial Police in 1969t; quoteti by thie Ontario Satety League. There were tise charferei tineni- wing aircratt operating in the Londion, Hamilton, Toronto, 'Otf tama, Sudbury areas-anti they ioggeti 3,793 tiying boums. In t970i71 a sîulib plane witt be engageti belmeen Petembomough and Belleville. The pmogrm is nom in ifs tifthl successive year. In 19th le aircraft observeti 8,338 bacartinus movieg traltic violations, resuiting in a charge air patrol. Cars traveling betweeo 90 avd 130 mph, wbîch vurmatiy escape pursuit by groueti units, were apprebrvtied. Repurting titis lin the Legislaivre, the Attoreey-Geveral said tl demovstrated the value ut aîrcratt by practically eiimieating highspeei pursu il anth le inlierent dangers tothe public aed the police in sucb cases. Commeetieg, ae opposition member saisi: "I wouid tbink thaf about the oniy way are couiti stop libee troco going 13li enovit be lu, bomi thbe oati." j J~~$Pages of the Past '~4î~ar~l ~ froc champion files 20 years ago Taben frocn tbe issue ut The Canadian Cbampion, Tbursday, Augunt 17, 1950e Milton Bond playeti ai tee Beserly Cetemial Cburcb Service in iOn Rorbion Fuie Grounds aI Rockion, Ontario un boy- day eveningtiug. 6 tAi overbeaied lîglit bulb brougbl the local tire brigade oic acionv ai about 12:30 a.c. liuntaycurning wbev theycre called tu a blaze ai Milton Deparicevi libre. The prompt action and early dîscusery restrained theelumes toa scalarea clse Otee ceiing ontheecestsideuof tee niue Damage tu tee store avd to icb was o extensive. A possible soutaiîone eage problents in Nelson Townsbip lmurr on tbe utting vite a proposed sec syntein ued le tee Maritimes ard recently introdured in Osnaro. The syslemt providen tue a grasity teeti avd ulber teaturen mcc lesn espensise tean a central systeen. on Tbuesday esenîng, lii. Gocrge's Church Member, Lowville gathered tajoin cite tee liunday Scheai tearbers and pepils for thel annuel pirnîr ai Lowirvlle Cac' mariiy Parki despîte incieceni couteer 50 years ago Tahen trucn the issue ot The Canadien Chîampion Tbursday, Augusi 19, 1920 On Mondoy, before tee baseboil tour- socreni, membors ufthO Oahvdlle nin ere practîsing ulunigsidr tee Hutel McGîbbon. A wild pîtcb or passei baSl ment Ibrougli iOn Iront cîndomn ut D. A. Rrcgill's store, ncoubcng a large pane ut ginos, worili about $9. The Oabsilte coari apolugiard for tOn accident ani promised tn pay for tee broben cîndoc. Acwarrant bas Onen issurd for tearrenl ut Alfred S- mîdocer, lue nnsupport nI tes chiîdeen. Atter retusîng poyenent be rîft ton onethee7imt.,cit ayoung girl. Ila snet knowmemeter bc arried lir or net.He is understood te ea -, nd iýcpture le roperteti. D. D. Cliristieuf Guelpmas one of ihe tirstinl tuo Satueday for the nId boys' reunion. He said it as 48years since bc gave ul business in Min. Re is putling the au e ln o nth Id bomentouti, opposite tee Chistnie Lime Worba. R. L. Hemutreet On on vacation in Muskoha. 100 years ago Taben train the issue ut TOn Canadien Cbapuon, Tbursday, Auguni I8, 1870. Yesterday îWecioenday) atternuaio, the rotf ut Jobs Oumpbrey's bouse cauglil tire truc the cindero sbc che ere flying froct lhe scolie stack il Calticels ciii. A bîgl ind prevaitei ni tee lime, anti a nucboe ot tugs invthecll yard aiseobecace igvied By the tîce tee lire engine cas in working order, tee tire ut tOn bouse bli Onen essinguisbed, su the engive li ceeely lu play on iOn legs arnd tee sacdusi beap vbisb cee burnieg. Mr. Hucpbrey sustaiouite hef hises as Oenvg tee roui ufthe bouse anti turniture. Lastliaiorday'ali tecartulsv lames P- ut Aubîruse, cas trieti belote o Sencb of Magistrales, for seliing lîquue mitbout a lîrense.Trbrcbarge was clearly proventand Oc au sevlrncedite ree mentes'im prisocevl witb bard labor. On Suvtiuy last o lîttie dougliter uf S. Page, Esquesing, chite coding user lhe brîige leadivg lu tOn Epîscopal Cbarrb, frit iniotheeponti, uvd wuuldbhaverteomtedboad ivnt boenfoerr Brasbycbuoresruedboer THE CANADI AN CHAMPION pearing. t hope it bas been succcnsfully banned trom tein paper but teen l'il prnbably tive tn regret ibat annumptinn. -Lent you teinli tberens noteing gning on in Milton ynu miglit t up tbe municipal and prleate pnjerlo undermay. Ohcinunly tere's tee main ntreet recon- structin, them tbe construction ofthie babery buitding. On addition a new pump boune ns under contruction at Kelso te augment the tOnes mater sapply. A start on the Senior Citizens' housing project si- m reais veallier ut nar lember =reezer cat tar eles et ed ln 0-- ý_ýI ý*WNA ýUý COWI .. ..... ... ....