___________________________________________________________________________________________________ N * The Canadien Champion, Weteeîday, August 19, 1970 17 REAL ESTATE 18 TENDERS 19 M4GaaLEO,1 M o ffcat a to m s ad va nco 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE Ievu SaleS Ratitaaad O 11c2 _____________________Sale__ TENDER NOTICE Rohro Cr., eip-Iton e l $2,0.- $700Down COUNTY 0F HALTON dobta icOiio, in Tri-o n y p a of $25500. $7.000outo ty wr nty playoffs 7-S SoTOET OUS &et LOT' TBrdck 1- oV2 Thi dIa,-U TRC 1970. 12,1 Stattat garla (19 and titder) put Makutg maat ut te auto aitd buo aaititg gates ia tae atit :7[J iyan seocg 135't dol 2arg,Sc t TO PIKUTUC fortin a gaod teamt effort ta datai itattlig lin the yittg aitd litnloig playaffa. Bnuaceld ES Heoie, atc ooblag hoaed -tndrs, claclymark- 20 MLICTION SALES Shro ttttDrittt eaititplcitoed iail ttaitetIe WdndayigittT.Aeoatit flautp ud 4 etruodwat,g cd as ta coutns _______b_________ ltae tata. Ltada Plerce, patmdtag Hro-aid g-a. lad. tosuroace tatilarg kivoica, or mua onra, ecd ly the uadcrîigacd ap ta 12 bter ititiitiraofthieassoniatd + + + W iiasiipia ft RELOS ug ila -tpuh ae oclockit oon, ED.S.T. For Complete .taaitraIlijatara tae ig Lima Mota .qttdopd 19- raflyaudaooediaaiitiatG. at. miuterin, fr uttrnea THURSDAY, toPT Mottai M19ta Iaaaao Sevitaie 1 dactiitta Riokotd, Saturdsy Browan. T. Baamltaiiiy ltait adg a utaide fo th 1970a Aucio Sevc sete t-e. aigitt, the lest 8-5 et home, on iolttitd ta driva ta E. Eaiai uluiiaoa$ltdn-a touitTE ocku tuckp.huau hl u CHRIS A. SCHOUTEN + . + tPda. -th tit tytg rii. INDUTRsA PRPRTE piko Tepe ltoctad ddt AUCT10NEER Failao-tag ltae Isad af ltoer ig Titi itap playad o-an, taut P. Misaltita ova ta titrea (l) 'Pciiy aan-iced sile, au paed rad n-ih euil uncaos. n-II aep- CluounIa Tauafmicdedlal aiatua, Maffat gicla (12 alnd Moffat aaiagad la heep alisea mor aitatgivaMittstsa-Slaad. A auta inoa oel percelS ut $7,509 per acre. Terii aail- 7-61 information ilhl Se cvalblai Salai af ail types. itadac camta ifroit bitad ta tait and tata tae acti to garous ta luit taitg Limaits al Swas aitle. 87-28 17c16 theofafinc af theunodcnigaed Big ou etoutl, 111 do daim ael. 15-avar0GlanitWlltia, tataa mne. cal short, ai Moift aacactedi a ______________front Monay, Aouîls 17, 1970. Salai auctail myotaum.one lad itamies. + + + daoublaplay. (2) 10 acre seemiad aite, claie ta Hacy. 401, cauner pmoperty, BEALNTAOhLe-to a eae ul e. 7-56 çaa eil. Samdt gama aoi a . . . $9,000 par acca. Terisai unilcitla. Lws raytne ilLmhueadMfa lyd Sna mbueld4i for the peice cf nct onacaly hcauccopted. Rel 878-2576aliWltiaiatgi libootmhlao0 (3) Iaduaiciol couaplea. ailucted ena c acca sito, cloue ta 401 clu- RR 3, Milt, Ont. seisl nGe ilastngttt outy mdsi Omio ail acalcuf. 3 builingasou ci an-ctl floua n- aio 17,oa0 sq. A LAND SQUA« rER D. J. CORBETT, P. Ecg. l0«eott dy. rw, seyan .Brw i if. Lage paring un-o. $50,0f0 dlowa. tImproce 1kms acraon for ycur- Cocaty Ecalacer conci t. arwth ag selt for a hcacîfui hcaiie Cccaly Admtniitration War Brwrig0itetimyîtlil.lae vith awoaderhdl ie oreep Suildin, Wad rwnigeRseaesy' 'l gaver COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES the rmaîho cîmoaphon-. Cloa Milton, Oat. 18016 Liceaue intaoe theI~f Matali leo. laddm se (l) Excall Mcin hi. loction acîch 125' fromlage, 260' deptit. the lad ad yccSa acf uample Pia -se LutotaakF B fa a n 11-a10 a ea aellm candasi Eaiatiag proaciaca, businesa ad acaideahal unit. $70,000 acoeage for fmhta augetchica, GALm P - laivc /SttIiia t caiad tit le catde esteg wit tcrns an poltr. LGALFuLiau etie th lite, tytagritm L hon loo2prttaanihhaaaprii-100 acoma $900, oaly $79. mou-- Appeuîais - AIl TypaiLmhuewt tetlgrno (21 ~ ~ ~ s cgtcîa hiy mach ducast ay n-c dona ua ML Nt was as excellant tiniasi le aitn ci, 71' facalcge oa Main St. $15000 don. paptacat. NOTICE OFr Phono 878-6730 *PNINUPUULD eutellent gae asere.B (3) Coattarcial cooplea, couaictica cf 5 offhous, atore ad 7 aIp- Write ACVERTISER. lCfIITC . 20ctf testas puttaort teitabut afferta. a erltmeata, prima loction, 128' froagca, idccl harailmeat 20 Ohelitao Slnd. DISSOJLUT.IONt 7 tttthm tctoe alt poparly. $135,000. Tentsaveiiicle. TO cTO 1, ON. TAKE NOTICE îhcî the part. Auctirsn Sale toit paie aieiaiittlals T1RNT lé ON. erîhip heIwn-a Williicm StaN- -OKWO loigttlWthsisy. aS rt Stc pe ad Alan Joha Ni RBKWRDRIOCR COUNTRY PROPERTIES choia, who con-led oa ttc prua- Stction Si., Sou aaod. (1) 3-hedraam houae ha Ceophelinilia. 123,900. S E C O N D lire cf Lawu- cdor ttc ome FRIDAY, AIIGUST tht - (2) Conry osae, 15 acon-a, sartca 3-bhdoai hunaulow ia en-af- Sherpo & Nichala, has hea dis- Comcaiaig ut 7.30 pm. I bAVAILABLE AT Foc iteart-atag daeta, si euccthtcaciicnelhoeiutieudaniaheMO RTG AGE n-lned,oeffectieaof the 7îh Famniture, diahrc, toli,tbue. 'ý1 .a..5 G.i pair Ostarta Heart Fodatidala eu odtowl owl ralolrediigseduy cf Augoal, 1970. hcld merchadiae. IfMr *iII a IteW taaMma ec C.e hsisabatfu rpry H.ce TUFIN 'ot Bud a atm reap M asiet lion. Thi8iae oueio. npry oli aHatSe MONEY AVAILABI.E WILLIAM STEWART 20b8 Auctioacor, t N OT FDRYR.adacmato eiebodt (3uldiagota apeiil,10 1' 750fl rc. o otl amns OSAP lcniu t8,00 Lrc E. R. T or H O ERY Torai ocluhe.Cuaiclidule Toue hills, Cut n-ts, ad ALLAN JOHN NICH- Muto U SIfl aue ThaIe l oitei tin itat int sur- (4) 93 acn- coIn-ct pmoporty, 3 aillai n-cil cf Milton, Christmas moatitlp peyoteat ia hall. Ar- OLS wil c ntiu 0o prctn- SATUSI>AY. ASICUST 22 - t~~fj rature ta productive actlvity, t c-oua, pod allai. $25,000 don. ranagements made la the pria- un- la the dc aIai pn-tataou p82a6tautflcafa . b-3Meaptpu Otai er x5 Oc 19 17u Cisimi home itofue 207 EMairi SE itn n.1pm h7 rih ia, Étpklog BaYe :aoa reororo Ontadatim, Sf) cons- ferai, If mailea tortS cf Miltoa, goud house, hemn 0' ucyl cftet yar on-ake home- cfgis 207na Mcrkin ho., MiRtAa, Oaa.EO Fu 32'. Aakhag $h9.fff. Tomai ecaila. lImmediate Appracal Faittre Storea ailcercure and uftiaciao Occa t. 550 EfeciveIm edatly 48 tes St. N., Haumltn, Ont, lau-lle, for yena fa tomant. Coul 459-155 fetv m eit Cniattag af e gaad, alca hU FOR THE STARTER Il Qen St.EBAMPTON cf tcuuahoid furiian-and at--- Hen-isa emay deorn-oducnd anodS3- dro othomejoît THE LAW PSACTICE OF Ique piocea. ideaiiforathoaoioiy arred coplo. Thce ia o nn-dto PAT LJRM3OJ Ia cse aI cein, sale saill hoA LA 201 MAIN ST. MILTON dreaho rein hou mea d rahac thea la oa huamacal. REAL ESTATS LTD. ALLAN JOHN NICHOLS teld et a leter dae. P IA A utiity aoum i pmavidod for n-îîhhog ad atcclag. Thc MILS. Realtua AT 207 MARY STREET 5100 MuCCARTNEY, aepcrae livng and diaig roun haeo nen e -o 17r-tf (Dc naoira Pceatiuaa( 2fc16 Aucticoe,6905 flouai. At $20,900, thia ropacacata cacaliait nalue. Temaibs engve e 'orn 184 Main Millt 878s9972 RIHRDO RAIO S . V S IVT bl N c THE t FUUR THRUG REAL ESTAT 1 ofe dhrectory lisatingsanmd may CEDAR ÇORNER __________ INES IN ho-nSu FUyR dhaliaRALgSAT DISPERSAI 20 AUCTION SALES 878-4140 of asReraiad HolicinsG Euent Best Realty & Insurance Limited GUELPH LINE 87-19OR lPR uiin S l 310 MAIN ST. MILTON NASSAGAWEYA 87-19 1C8 IISNSRIK PREFor $39,900. MiRnch - 9+ acn-a at________ n-te fom Lut 5, Co.t6en he eae 878-4118 Ser, iatmccle- 4 tedrwm Noie aCedtr Lice cf Sala Tonship, 10 30EL CItAPPERB bikhomeo, livng ad din- Noieh rdtr ie ot fEi ilg n ttefrLt1,Cm Bob Cross 878-48921 Lew Saes 878-9136 îag rami, faaily kitohen. Sua 10» mie North Saa Vofg m ton Caetc ema. Lu the Co 6U onapiciun-iqt aen-cta400 ANDC ie aa m ou Tt Sat it Airt Peacock 878-6447IMika Ladouith 878-4873 fIr. frantae lcacly t-aed lain onai FI1IDAY, AIIGIST 28 West, I aile Such ad 24 llny. S. Thompson 878-24551 Bob McCuaig 878-2894 In lthe tae or MYRTLE BER- att 1PM. 5 mtilea Nort-Eusto Erin, aon- fIEFED (desi-lta ta REOISTEREO HOLSTEINS- SATUSDAY, SEPTESIBER Sat ESAT IMIE> IS6 NASSAGAWEYA the wîîî ait Myrile il. Field) Tiis la a atall tcmaitn-d gaattd At Il a.m 5 t"anv . e ic NEAR CORWHIN ltl ut Hallsn Celesaial ail îin-d hy Unit Sirea. AIl the RIT V O S $22,900 New huai on onea cn- iatior, 185 Ontario St-elt, yooag actile ae ty Hordmunter CATTLE -7 Holstin coa e e CHRISTIE WOODS it e Towof Miilton, and touai femaici cen-y tii n-r- acl atilkiog n-al and tend unît- sceloL. 5h 'onombricktI the' CouattsorHalIua.Re-nvice. Asaleofetreare 3 a- cd; 25hoeeftype couci mai 7 8 6 4 REAL hooT IMT ugalow pIctout liviag lit-ad ReiItror ut Oceled,trolmci-ifullnsiaters hy ihclc har inca Sprng routa, large kitohea. flnmai- coimity of Haltoit, deccaseti. Ranger. Tho corle ahoaw pleuty cuo choct 12 SWPF ouae up RoaI Estute Brokoro itt occopcccy. of cland diy qcty. Co- te 1,000 1has A god con oa ALL paricon aioo cleimod g- am hn-ed Dec. 18and 27;Jan.taiod caille. 189 Main Stroot Milfon, Ontario 20 SI DE RD. NEAR 401 chit the Sain ai MYRTLE 2 and S; Men-t 19; May 5, 29 TEACTORS ANDO IMPLEN. W S N ____________________ tictifol 19 acres frir1rd n-h SERNICE FIELD, hice cf Hcl- end 25, Thon- un- 4 tallera ENTS - 2 F-ard rcors On-eu i-uns, ccd hccniîy n-oded lac Coctial Maco-. O89 On- brod lSca,24,Ja. 29nd31cand itih kyln oacer pcta; cul-M A M R E T10W N on-eh un-cmr hrhiod cicîrcd tario tree, South, ha the Ton-n Mcy 59 Throen-S5cpentrtif-îhiîctr; dic; eze drill Didrai Scedtitca McS.nith ci nc alo prico ociy $12,000. et Miton, in tho Coconli cf Hal- cri. This ha ochoice huai cf cadihlmar; n-oedo a coti-O IHV 1FEI N o liing aio. kitthcanod S-piano hdtt. Firs tgage Coaîy of Hilton. doccîred, causesitheae. FURNITURE ANDO ANTIOU- 310,000 ci 7%. Willio Essery - 854-9963 n-Se dn-d on or choct ltae 7t BSE - flie irfliog achjocl ES -A e rge ofernag cf cld $24.000. -heroeai tenalo n-ilS livng muta, ithea ait OR diy cf Mis. 1977, am Somhy act- ta O.M.M.S. eppainul, 10 221 iha. farnimr dishos umpa etc, Y@wr utcher SuYs: amplo cephoirdi, 4-ptoe aotl, fl a hiotu, div dad ce- Gu.elph~ 824-5054 hflaoîatlpcunriatioton oIar cfIR OaE I Pl chio îo a I crainroom nariy aetaplrad. 17-16 toforo thc 1th dcy cf hoptota- 2-ooit milterh -utpmp, moîce TSRMS: CASH. dorm itIs at cayreaie ter, 17; alter notah doa the an-i pipr; Champion toIt tan-t No n-crv c am aild taurta i ad ot" wa aur COU N T RY ONE YEAR OLD îîid Entito n-hO ho diatrihoird - 1900 Ihi. Lnchc alle. aeavnaeo $49900, oneotoo yp -hou-o, large teooy code hu hahot Srck osr edro ide opit atahai ltatng regar-d oaly to the TERMO - CASH Nul rsocsl hor aauccins Speclalil. Also remoember on ceofland,.3hodreen-a plot den, 2 4piee a hî, gaccror larf aiuiy aleita sothel Encclor itoul Nul roîpooaitle for accidenti MA STORSY, aur dollsr-saciog Freezer garge earo foo fa i hen hcavercicd. f l 9is o na o L saprd itian d dînîag ota, îîoer fihaplaco, ktctoo mn n-it pail dean- lu Dilcd et Milton, Otario, tais MAX STOEEY, Aucioer R.R 4, Roekn-od, $ac8.25 . ofve atit fo it cusoitehot cophearda, era aorago cloieti, heot y-ard, raqehahîip deoer- 29î5 dty o) Joli. 1975. 29b8 SER. No. 4, Raikn-oud 2fb8 Auo er oaeat $5,2, le vrarett If hacril 1 ht-ocgtocî, mn e rs t. Torma. cted lhoghoct. Etoai lat0o_________________________mu i rpe u numeousto mntin. nly ALTN &PEELTRUT &freezer papar. $25,000, cnîosîoîooî prolry, pîrlly acaiod cador n-rn- ireau oirto n00clîer ad HALTN &OPANYRST&,CT SI j~- hiot, irisa living qoitero, aitcd onalar-go lot. $70.900. n-t $2.000dnacd SVNSCMSY oaceptooccfly goudaitgg. 282 Lîtoihoao Rocd Eastii.I Nt k SALE $79,000 ful pt-toc, f roon- triait Sou-c n-ilS fin-pioceon 10 ocrai okoilîr, Ontaio,FO ci land, acto lu01f, on taha pîcod mard, frîmo barn HOBBY FARM Siocuor. ORISDIE ARNCALO ocîtîhia for attakoca, acd ae barhn foa pîga cr-ton-ca. 5 Son-a ciocn-d cnd fonoed toc- ty SHARPE & NICOLS, CRSDIE ARNCALO hitre an-il) boue p le 300 pigi. tt-100 c coqy îhao hodrei 7f07 Mory Sîreet, Milton, 0F CAIlPENTER'S AND CONSTRUCTION SOUIFMIENT BURN'S $600 Oeil poice, 84 acres and barn, cloaa ta 401. ht-titk bungalcow on e aicevOin Dtario, ita solicitOr laccoped artling, plusa e25 19c17 C~~ A0 L LoSOal drive ated acilîhîr At hic ridacai 16 Witoc St,. Acon (naa Statiin for aivnvge gadn A Notice t o Creditors HciaaW ienor 878-2095 - 878-6057 ratogricyilo $33,0o. fRh oN OaTaE SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 22 I7clt lioeatoiog angd. Ai 9.00 A-M. Fot- theancd ochrr lion and The Admntatrofa the En-MTRASýNe)-Au- 1I no tct of ANNSA MEYER LAM- TRUCK - (967 I7odga i-ýtona MTRAS(onI-Ao-~ coutr prprisi h c OUREUX, oie of tho Town ai tc, 50f000. Ctirtilicoto enotil icemn block vnotiluicra; 0010 of Oaa Pao at-oc ccli- Milton, la ttc Colny cf Hel- chia. block I cku; 5 refrlgeaor egular 1Mrs. JUNE WARNER oWdndoed.-Sdid CASPENTER TOOLS - Rad- ficki, n-il aat oigs, 2îciie) 878-3238 ai7 Sot- Sont riofloathe OiOOli yod r aid, oaed n-t-y tillie; atîli IShtiarl; quotity cf oupard REPRESENTINO or Srpîoaitor. 1970, hcvnog re- a-* HO Milt Feia ,,toem c oî 0pisc EN MAYS gard 0019 to thoseclaim i led imapct drdtlnitheam bisoV dor tiogai (35); large qumn- or or belote ihol dota n-ith ttc la 1'; týz oloatah d iO "Mur- iyo a - vaaloui teugt Powera; Nu alactric drill Blauck adltpes; quuoîity cf clumm- G. Alec J io il..1 cndeo{igpiiîtdopc & Deckrr;Sabre Suio; Cons- ont iiditg tsoto colon-dl; A SWIMMING POOL REALTOR Dtdti 4hdyo uut rcinbaeadbrelfrqunîiîy o ubrvrcu S a e R b 3-tedýmuaglow w-thlarict-che adlouoivig mcom, al] 1970. R ibsiene) otCttrszs il fptost;qat raiefolly deoatcd, n-a, t-acta paîty ipkchod cnd uarge Acton 853-2086 MILLAR, ALEXANDER, Oaw; scij tci;s Hatee Cli- aima; pof cfn ploacr; qo nl garage n-ith n-attSa0, aisaretgo ainig pool xSlt l7cit TOKIWA fi ISAACS, - odn5 610 aticci scliaf- lilye cfi ocoaco aiai shiAug in- mgafc-d 8 pmecr enoarica. Aa1al4 $2.5. Hoan- 5 ingoo StreW, fldiog picot, 2 rothoitired Ira qtuotitp cf aupper pipea md tTnsere. mcdat osesin.Asig 2550 eSIl mnyttiog tacugit ttc aitnOtro n-tee hîarreic; 34' auotoo littiogi- ateci lad; flour cent- BNAO INTHE COUNTRY Champion Clan-thed Adi, 9cioioc 1e oAahh teto conator cdc loucs 611 oui 0' Reg.tcl on-tot Saicet 11111e bcungalow, îilcolod ha îmafl village, on mne-tird anre Slac; 00c; clt api n ancd suppies 6 9 o Vcn pm.Roeh rada 2100 ooruthi ot iol;ot rn tr nVcîp n-ca. FOR ALL YOUR REAL. ESTATE NEEDS oihar tîcd iola; 300' tany ex- USEO MATERIALS -Stc BUILDING LOTS PhCtnet ~~~tension coed 3 cîkn- cord 50' tapi; qoan-ity ai ued lumhoer; __________________ Phone: caco. umy mter ion-O items., iuaOSîoîotoiîED MON OP AT.9AM. aP.M, Zoited commeral, I buoilding lut, 90 x 296 fi dcep. Aikiuou S16,000. MAURICE BEATY FROPERTY (il ot paaaiooaly aîdl -ULDN LOT Tilcesofo AND FRInAv a c.M, - a P.M, HILTN RPRSSNTAIVSCcniiîl of dwerllil. 7 rouonsancd bth, and unige tact kIt- MILTO REPESENTTIVERoprosanfing ctoa, eo c lot 66' ty 132' f pn-paed ommeurcal ores). Oau fue- STLL ARO M tn 88 ne, fln-place, uootoa atormsaind tan-ais, item cool. Hou"W ET N 17c16 CANADA TRUST REALTOR ltltgdadr 01 oofedu 10 H uja o able n-n-me tid. For inipeion contact lte otaier. HALTON und PEEL DIVISION Dacoar or fuocer ouit reupanilur acuaciits ME AR E 878-Ml18 MAX STOREY, Auclioncer. Champion Ads RealIy Pay ilofI iota RI , okwt . 1,4 tiaotoaPiieV[ti.!U I 1