RECENTLY MARRIED in Kox Frsbyierîan Cborcb. Milton one BRcer, daulhter of Me. andMrs W. J. Sarber Mîtton.-lHammond Pboto, Woodntocb I Douglas-Barker White munis and ced car-oîîvrootiding tbe empire notions dccoratcd Knon oaîottînc Tbey corîed bouquets Preshyterian Cburc foe te Joty of wbite pompote man and pick ta oedding of Lyoda Anm BRcer îoeetleart roses. and Bernard RenDouglas. Rev Groomnoati oas James C.A. Haînr offlcald at the Tboopson, Woodntocb atid pa.,double-ring ceony. Tbe onbccîmeeTerryoBarkr, Oak- leide is te dauffîler of Mc. and ville; Carl locher of Miltotn, At Mes W. J. Oucher o[ Milton. Tbe Tar ot Milton uod Calvin Rodley, groom ieon ofMr. aod Mrn. Ordla. J. T. Douglas of Woodstock. Mca. Wîloîe Ncwel played te The bridecamledoonthe aise Icaditîonut organ music. onte acte of bier lather ilomord A rceptîon wouleld fotowing in white organna. Tbe dreno atoBoyne Communlty Centremwidi featueed otcrloys of wbîte natin gorst prescrit fromn London, bondsanod applîqoed lace, long Woodstoch, Titîsonhucil, bell sbaped nîcevet and togernoîl, Milton, Orîttia. Kirk- smeetbeart oechtine, The bield, Oahtiile, Osbawa, Welland datachbhe train feul 10 cbopel Vancouter, Toronto, Kirklaod lengtb fr0 te empire maîstline. Lake and Campbltîtlle. A Pearl oateetily beaddrmss beld acideas matiser liersbonldac lcogtb, orfanza teit. The biîde's molle r reveited Stc carrîeduabouqut ofred tbe giestsweaelg abflet roues and oite stepbanotis. crîmpleoe ensemble midi beige Matrmn of bonor won Mes. A. accesnorles. Hec corsage mai Tac, Milton and brîdenteaids madecof pinhoteeteartroses ocre Mes. Jamsoe Tbompton Of The geommo motuer receivt Woodatock and Mis Jacqueline guî oclga avel Oarkec of Milton. Junior ptcne drens wîtb beige ac Oridesmaids ocre Mîsn Cîodyý ccorîsoand acorsage of yeloo Lou BRcer, Milton and Mins Put noellheact roses. Neonît of Woodntoch. For te boocymoon 10 Norhe Mint green Ontario île bride more a peacl Tbey once gooned in mi colored shantung coat anddires green cccatîonnofnparlli ensemble, île dress featucitt crcpe made onempirefines. The beaded occk 1im. Hec s senior attendanto dresses badl cenorles ocre mite and bie lace covcred bodîveî wbile te cortage a ningle wbîte orchîd. junior brîdenmaidt' feaiorcd Tbcboappy coupecaremakin darh grecn velvtl trim thir bomc in Wmodatock. Hornby W. 1. takE tour of local indu The July meeting of Hornby w.t. A0 hld ai te home of Mrs. Clîfford Wrîgtlesort oelmth peesîdeol Mes, William Mac- Phersoin peesîStof Flans ocre mode for Mlton Faiv Exbîbi int Seplember. The hosiens mas contenor of poblie relaions and terolilcaîl, "Ift1oere abhutin bote ýolId t lîbr tu bie rm lered- wm aooeed bybheIl membrs preneni. The mollo "Tbe hardesi totson e ler in lîlr ns tîmpty io ceave odier people alone, Tbe ooly pemson in tîs lîfr y ou cao change iyourefi. ocan peepred by te bonleos aod eead by Mes. H. O'Connor. OiIer articles on bumain relaions mere read by te bootesn. Mes. Oeîggleooortb gave a demonatraion on sbeilcraft and booked mat.A courseo Snte bitter mon tahen at nigbiîcoof tout mioter in Georgeteo. Men. T. Homdenandlen. L. Sampson and theW.t. oncerarynserved a fonely lunch of cake and ice Toar industcy The group wenon . our ol seterat indutres Auf. 1l lot teir Augunt meeting. The Il ladies ocre led teough te Pont 0f fice by Roy Gore. The ladies sali bowthîe mail îs sorted and bom otampo arc concclled by macbne for smai envelopes and bybhand forebigounes trc addresencnnootd always lie wrîtien on te face of aff fetteen in te upper refi bandl corner. The gîoup leacncd mai] mathees ocre noi aI lomed 10 lie Ioaded mîtb aoy more ibon 35 pondn at aoy one ie Foltooîng te Foui Office tour te ladies î'înîted te cooniy boildings on Buse Linr Road. Sherifftody Frank conducted a tour troogt te tfegisivy office obere tittes andl deeds cao lie seaecbed. Pick lurors There is a page en record foc cvey lot in tbe vouniy. fluplîcalen bave atmo leen made stht tere liannot bie comptete, destruction of records. turîng te toor doe group visited te 100 coorieooms and teared bote ju ocwre setected. Tbose choten for jury duiy musi bo British nubjecle and mont lie peopety ooneos Me. Frank eoplaînedowomcn are ashed to act asjueors but moutrefuse and Scotch Block W.I. plans trip and a luncheon The August mentig of the Mco. J. Hopin rep rtcd se- Mco Sevice r Scotch Btock Women's lInstitute dignneer biethday, get weil article from te was heldonligny Halattpm. and sympatty cadsas well as a MagIn e about on Aug. 13MThpreast,Mes.C. 5ttianniversary card toiMr. and days.aAt the o Service was in the chir and te Mrs. J. C. Moffat. Articles meeting a love meeting was opened oith te brougist in for te Milton Fate servaid hy tise institute ode and te Mfary Enhibit tee on dislay chaege. Stetwart CoSect. Mrs. Seevice ten condocted a very impresalve "in Memoeiam" seevice for a _____________ former active member and past l . geeatty misaed in our heanch.Y LAO CULE The RIto CaS "'A trie t wOvld tîke tn taite," shomed the I remember history an a pretty doIt suhject. Yoa a membeeamwerea looking for- Saatloteton i te erydaysf Our conty mard to aome intareating recordedmintehistOrYtyexthbouha. 've ofen ond, travelling in te future. lThe aeigueitr.enttY fe'hdfe spi mioutes of te previono meeting pngsaehtoynit toeri eembliedmoe wererea andappodandthe cotoroup tepugen emgthv eebrdmr creaod and plro and .enca peopte. Weîteen like Grant Macowan munt tinis torrspodene ad te fnuoial Kitheide Schoot Lihraey nhelvm on te history section report given. oritte by him tat 1 ish bben in my sol dmk Dessertlasnbeaa lihrartms in the scbooln amay hock tbottî The finance committee It ns about buffato hoonteen, indian chiefa, farte repoeted a dessert tuncheon mîttiooairen, even editorn an umsorîment of people mould le beld in Uàgny Hall it rotes in our western history bot who didot get into October, mhe date te le an- booho. In' tie, ,Fifty Mighty Mem." nounred ltler. Boh Edwardn, 'Editor Eotraordinary," of th The citinenship and educaties Opener, tureort te 'other aide' of hos mahe up and conveser -Mrs. David Laso îndulged toomuh finom tetittle bromolotg, creatcd P ttaed wo mmgpeole remSta amthicut chaeactne mho heeame real in thoeeeof oned on ee letrceie at, in fort tat tooristu travelliog teough Calg nehotarabipa to fuether their ntoppcd and inquired if any of Peter McGonicle'5d edancation. It mas auggmsted te ntttt livtng flere. gopmgtget somte in- Bloh Editardi had nteong feelings about i forma tion conceening the Hypoceîy nd n ihesse n epei ulef dangers of druga to Our Yon penned loto bis edilerials and "Slociety Notes" people fromt te Safety coacit. amsement of hin readeen; tle ouhicn of course v tey couldn't fail te recognion temnelves. People did teru. Dougtas Robertson, le love or feue him but toe qlualified 10 judge nul venveneof home eeonomics and quatities ofboart and mindwe sboll not aain." lealt distrihsled somte very Heounqoîlie politicualty minded and joioed ail eou informative titerature on petit - -hle coco got onto te Lngîsattre wlere, aflterb bot nutrition mine and in te euogy foe a fellote membor, naid, -Nom 1 bom tebo cutting, cooking and lreeaotg of lie in a dead politiciao and tebot ttn country oeedo i sanie bUaAootbor ioleeestiog cboraclee mon Haery "Kami Mrs harle bolit a bolet ut Fort MacLeod and mas instrumental M m.Cote ooon tld of fient tranchera association in Canada. There ocreo te boa trip which te bistoricut bosiness bot the public agrend tat hin code o research committee bave govero tecotduct inois hotel wercitou patalel ptaoned le Niagara Fa on namptes: Scptemher 10 mith the bas Guests millboieprottdedwitbreakfast andoupp leaviog at 0.30 a.m. Tickets are teir 000 diooer. nwavuituble. rwo or more persons mustntleepinonte bed wbe te propictor. Bats furoinbcd free doti ut te river bot gui teir own oap and tOWes. Gueotiowitbout haggagc moy nlepin tevacant ILiMeasnserved inthbdoodms wil tote uara lEarisi Our maiteen are bongry and tI above temptatioo Att gucoîn are requested tu rine ut 6 a m This 'Kepig'sheeti may lie nedettfor tabecoth. and lodging with wooden beocb to sleep on, $50 a Korner todging mîtb lied, $60 a month. Wben gunsti find Ilemnelves or fleir tnggoge convo feoce. tey may cossider tbot tley baie receite [M RougIt and reudy, meren't tcy' e Bu~lltteWestliait isoreensitive5oSu. "Poc Wel 1 on' supos 1 oud, Valley, StanIey Harrison," tells of te English lad Weytill ohaspnetouldr w ent teStae Q.i'Appelle Vailey in tan4 mhere he i ayStnglchngeooruonry mootti A femmeeb lale eemasadng arareho habbits le soap or tom pth phate minuit came to te river and ptuingcd in, rider a tdetergent if youbhave t by now dap the young man'scntunianm forbhot'tet Tî *Homever I mould liave tmteab te bous tce inscription, STOCKWELL STUD, Fort c onsciece of a few ladies mho andble in kon far andmide forhfishreediolloflfi habveuceptic tanks. Horenemcocoaxed hitaleave theWest andgoî Wbite the eart fillers te coutdn't boe pcrsooded. n bocteria fromt youe male mater "For reanoons ntI difficuttu compeelietd, the h sa the phosphates of other lormeeo tboo Stanley Harrion,. but ocidier île dm0t achemicato go intote tond, lyver a more devoted studeot of flomeen. bîrds, poetrY tland) andcarry on into themater chupler quoleu many syttemn. tat shows ton snsoitive naure is eotitind. 'Thi, r Su youtladies aedding yotr wbicbtes toeresIîoOe: bit of imbotance le nature also. e We reailyosa havc a duty in tia 1 ove te ound of nommcerti motter. Mormoe l oin teint grin 's stries pcescnted club membors mifl pens nd invitedtent teatten, court bearings ut teir con Tbe tîcd and taon stop of t tor took île ladies tu oscco Chemîcoa LI0f on Morgura Street. Murray Kerniebon proprîctor of tbe busisesI shomed tbe group differen peodocîs such as 0000e tend, do and cal repettanto, terni ù ecclîcides, dîsinfectantl cleaning materiais, sap fo dispensers and oter produrto. booy but enjoyabte day for th w m ouwa concluded oitb pîcoceluncbonler. Kermigban JOHNSON OPIOMETRY MILTON AND ACTON 0 Osa Presalsal Di enloy fon DeSsuss The ridile ssn-hissed. The low wldotlesof abird' rfrain. t lite te lins of a Thorongbbred Clean-cul limhs and bigb floog bead A bircb canne A cornflower'sblan, A droosy sninobisfleecy bd-" There sa somtcîiof f or everyooe in tis bookba up oyou cao't loy il doon untît you'vc fîtoobed a eh our boome setdomi gels for eooufb pool île ncm joornals f0 read a boed coverbock but 1lnoticed 1ha1 e Sunday aftersoanmwilh Fity Migty Men"m bn tWest. Butteyconquered it bcause tboytoved i pooder on Ilese storiesto1 lie able tu understand whichlbelongs to eery Cnadian. gt A ead a sptendid Seniorinen' te goog t iclonion 0f te ly lunich mas committee in mid1both know c Ibot didn't getg eed mby. Hap- icy anecdotes tob ates, places aod soaou.OnSthe H I funduabook E Ime did't haven ers, politiciens, nbo played vitl our format tent e Calgary Eye obo quile ofteo 'eter McOonicle,t the readers. So aey years lteri esceodants oece unman lebovior.t fewere aplelebt are ortied as nIt kno wheter ,d ofbim, "Socbn osvtversial figble caring afunniot tastalesmanîn,; s more of tee. oos" Taylor wo in organtizing te ters in te botl f rides pouled 10 . IThese are afee rebut mustrualle n n requmsted by osto mont protide lot. nteed in any waY. is imperatite as 25 a mont. Board month. Sourd and rthroon over the dnotice 10 quit." t1of te to'Appelte borain 1000II, oho oked for$Iioa te in a contest. te od ail. Tis dido't 0f ay is letterlead Qu'Appelle, Souk., ne Thioronghhreds. o Kentucky bot be Volley bad botter la orthe West had and horses." 'Me n first love, bu1 ooe ngs t Love," f ront îd heo you pîch il opter. The mon at spapers and farm bie spent mont of a os bondn. Il is ah- tio te slubborn and oeatshol île great berilege Wedding Schuyler-Clairns 91 adini asd orange carnation ecorated St. Faut'a United borcis, Milles on Auguat t, foir te 4 p.m. manelage, of Loia karlene Cairns and Larry [omard Schuylee. Res. C. A. lainier offlcinled ai te dmouble mg cernmmiy. lThe bride fa te sagiter of Me. asd SOrs. Acie ICaie 0f M4 Main St. lise frîae SthSe sas of Me. and Mca. loadL. Schuyler, 1M h- rouis Crt., Millin. lise bride in a teaciser ils te laiton Cousty Board of ducation. Tise grooms la tonager of Canadian Tire Corp. o Miltos. lThe bride came doms tbe aSIs site ares oIl ber ftSer goosnd o a obole crystal siseer empira boess mit train faliog frae te pte lise. Her train oas 9S orbhes acense et lamer edge lt lace appliques forming a cluster op tbe centre of tbe train. Mra sos illuion oeil mes held by tiee setala 0f cepsal sisse enhosced by face tImwers orcented mith a bow made of sheer. She cerried a boquet 0f peacs roem and oite carnsains. FIne aendan Mald 0f bonor oas Jannet Graham 0f Carlisle, frimtd 0f the ride. Bridesmaids mere Min Carol Cannon, Milton, friand; Misa Audrey Calma, Toronto, sister; Mes. Eleenor Milsan, Mitons, sinler and Mise Janice Scisotye, Milton, sister of te gra tendns e.drs Thgar edoom oc.deee alie in fuSi lengt peacis dotted organdy. The goons mee paneltedlin front mils on empie fine in hock tram micis a pînat mou formnd. Tise drenses haid ross hranciŽe4 tr~ a -.TC... DIA-0N.. CHINA GIP'TS REPAtRS 220 MAIN STREET EAST MILTON. ONTARIO PHONE 878-6341 on fine ENGLISH BONE CHINA s Carlyn-WEDGWOOD sFlorentine- WEDGWOOD *Belle Fleur -WEDGWOOD *Gold Pandora - Minton *Haddoei Hall - Mînton aGreenwilch - Mlnton aWlnsonle- Royal Albert sLavender Rose - Royal Albert sEmerald Isle -Aysley sDenver -Aynsiey Spring Crocos - Ayonley Kenmore - Aynsley Reg. Sale $23.95 $17.96 $32.95 $24.70 vi1.95 $16.45 $32.75 $24.55 $18.50 $13.87 $21.95 $16.45 $12.95 $ ,7 $12.95 $ 9.75 $19.95 $15.00 $17.95 $13.50 m.595 $12.00 $22.95 $17.25 OTHER PATTERNS NOT LISTED HERE AT EQUAL SAVINGS TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F OUR CLUB PLAN ON T141S SALE. oemble. The mat mon ennnd euth coltred heads ohinis were reeinS ber Oowered, stS'i- mtrdbel. Mer ecesacise wern oite asd ber corsage mwu pi roes. Tehgroa plak Sr qrter engtb. sais shatunlag esas and tines$ nsmle, lTse dea mas sccested mils as embasasd border aon hesteees anI yokn. Mec bat mes a On0k fusilier wimsy mils beige accassares. Se mare a corsage of red raie. For lte baseymoan mater trip toroughneasterslUnited States She bride more a pale hie cent and dana esnemble. lise dm08s had a staitd-ap cla n a snla mill a fahet lis omt tees llttndmwitb pastel lins and a olde ingly deroration coller tS hourtd hottes closing. Site mare a white met look pans and shons and obole bld Inatiser, short une- hottes gloves. Hec corsage oaa pink roses. TaUllo IMIlle Tise happy couaple mIS malin teir boreeta El Primo, Apart- mens, Ontario St. Milton. Peine tu ber marrlage the bride mas isonored ai anverat gatherises. A mincellanes shomer mes gives sy Min Jeseet Graisam, Mes. Marg Cefiras and Misa Carat Casser os Jaly 6eat te Graham home in Carln. Tise bride's motiser gavena trousseau Ina aI teir issue on Jaly 25. ALCOI1OUC5 ANONYMOUS MEETO EVERY TU ElDAV 9 pa. Gouce ANGLICAN cAnîno HALL1 HA VING A PROBLIiM) DiROP IN. VICKIE LAY BALLET IR.A.D,4 VODERN JAZZ TAP SCHOOL 0F DANCING Brampton, Bramalua, Georgetown, Milton, Malton PLEASE DIRECT ALL ENQIIIES TO: MRO. BARBARA BROWN SECRETARO GEORGETOWN 877-6722 Regîýstrations Accepted Now long sheen stenves and a sllgit train in hock. lil bouques mera mIhite and yello dainina and pati carnaions. Flower girloes Shelley Mailans alece af te bride. se mare an empire fine dreaoftpeachciffn mitbepd s lesvea. A lng lin mon !=d 0 dottsd orgasdy (sainsees tebridemsaldal obitis formeli a cummnrbund and trailed at te bock le give te app nse Of a trais. she aare basket of white and yelloo dehones and peati car- satini. Matde isy friad BridaI gates and isidesmaida' desses oece mode by Mis Janset Graisam. Oransssmas oaa Minis Damna, Milton. friend 0f tbe grono. Usisera onre Lee McPhisel, Milton; Grat llcisyler, Miltn; Alaen BeSl, Oeil; David Calrna end Paut cairns 0f Weterdon. Mra. Marald Mages oaa orgasint and Marilyo Calmai,, alisier of te bride, mes sataint. se sang O Perfect Love, lise Wedding Myma and lThe Le«d'% Prayer. lise receptin ams beld at Moreby Tomer GoSf Club ot île in attndaace. Ouests mee prieset fram, Glasgom, Scada; Vancouver, B.C.; Edmonton, Albserta; ,Narwich,. St. Caterones, llcarboensgs, Paria, Loadot, Mamton, Burlionn Watecford and Wnstes. Specil get ere Mes J. ouae: ofSe leid si e.d Viatet Bleynsy, greatsntt te graOmn. lise laide's mother recaived guento oeaeiog a borqae sost abiastons mant andt draia en- L0,1W DRUG PRICES EVERYDAY ELSLEY PHARMACY 212 MAIN ST, 878-4492 MILTON il M M I M