__> - -17ý Firm seeks approvcil for $ 144,000 industrial building Alliance Boiiding Corporuhon services Cossed moot bacc 0MB muncii hie company mW Inveet snncovai hefoce lhey spend overhalfotamdhiOn dollarson VOl 1i1 No. 16 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 19, 1970 iteen Poges - Fifteen Cents Unified clubs will hold Srnells bad Renidentsot ROI Mitonwr ,w inter carnival in M ilton ot nlobd nay, en sune Eaaaagud by nie obvions thece," soggasted obaieman cesadensa as possible. «We da't mould peovide tunds lac tassd- theic homes. The gas mas a renmit aote ofIs irit major iieagec. thlnb mc'll bclng in any ncapisg, coad mnrb and sone Stone. irojant tmo mostlm aglo, Milton cross country skuing, dog sied professional snowsmobile racers lams. Mr. Senger sid il mss thse Coamnitsly Service Clubs bave races, puait ball, pomdec ptudf or anyfbisg libe tbat." Mr. committee's iotention te get work A npohesmao foc lb. covpany essbarb.ed an a nem assd larger hockey, bcoombaii, an ouldoor leager said pointing 00t the stacled on tepacb by Oct, 1. usouced The Champion tbat te proiel, s mhi. carnival for dance sud anovesohile races gcoup's pbilossplty of involving Members of the committee gos mas non tosîr and mould 0v - n h henpeople i the community. have lilaes ofvolostee spport cause no harto 10the people. AM. Seager, cbalcesan of lIe comtele mhicb lu represested by anosl ececy service club, ethnie gcssp, alosg mini offie organinations, ssid Ibal plans fer lIhe evant tenlalively acbedsled toc Feli. 5 and Fcb. 6 mmce fallhog in place saýth mb.tes of tce comesilîse mare vecy en- nhistic about the fenjacl. Staat Felday flue feslivitbes are espacled to getoondermay os the Fceday nsgbs and coinuess lhrosgh Satarday and Sstsrday eveninl. The Cmsssttee bapen ta hud moist of thistr fuseilos in nie fairgrouasds andI niay bapo ta arrange sortie fies gamue et nie aresa s emci. A carulval quees mUtl b. piched and she lu enpetad t0 tend a larci llgbl procession at nie talcgcosahere se.mil llgbl a pile sf LCrstals lsee. Tomn. officils are expocted ta baeee involved la the pocsb. if nil goss meii niose in nie procesn mill b. desers by ilof sied or snamobiles. Wlte thse plana fer Frlday or iiahscday bave pet ta beesese flnallued nie comeittas bas gives con- eli5acatlos la a mide vaclety of mVinler events tbat eslgbt b. staged tbat day. "Uf il bas or e mter fin yas muib flsd il agenda toc lb. veeod. Nsnilag serios Mr. louger alccssed lb. ides ut tse mole vebkend vas toc fun toc the commuoily and ils residens. BWece 000 plaoniog anyginghevy or seriousandvwe den't enpoct il tu b. mach of a moneymnahing affair. Jsst tun" -b. naid. Ms outdsoc dance in FehruarY couId mc ie ba first toc te ares, bat Mr. Seager points out lb. ides moched vp ssccesstuily for a simitsr gcoop putling on a siiar Iundien in Etohicoke. Sn0v sud ice scslptsriag are ofhcr ports efthne progeses, thc commiltee oovaiied ccesiip. A esmesittes of judges vil tocr lise to and judge thc individuel allempts. The sculpîsciof sa suiicipated i0 b. creslcd ai nie baves ofthUi scoiplurers. la keeping mini teir plans tu promote covmunity spirit thc ooified service groop mii an- licipata invoiving as vany --Getmg cesdy foc nie barfi-to- schooi teckt? Schoot stacta in iess Ilian bree veehs-Tuesday, Siept. B. Weathe? The higgest single factor tisaI mouid gsarootee a sacoessful minier carsival is lIe mesiler sud unfortuaaly Ibat miii base ta cevain an unbaovn ntid lthe hese ofthlb cscnivsl. The mommiltee is mcii avare of tha1 banard sud bas coasidered sonn ssot oonter proposaI! foc lIse avenus that demand cald vesnier and sov.The gcsspvuwii pot teir hcads tageliser a0 s schedsled meeting Sept. 15 ami porticuises arc espocted ta tail Lin shape aI Ibat meeting. la nie vesntive sub cmmltteesmiii b. prepariaf for nie event. WilI lithelb.bUainand paidfor front lb. cmmittee's CalIs Show Band daeve beld early in the sommer, the committea shows nel pcoceede ni $2,573. Thsis voscy viii b. put tenard nia cesion of Unity Park. The Park site va 10 b. tocsled in nie norn end of tevn bahind lb. OPP station. Jies Duffy, a membar ni nie Cmmiltee and s civil angineer by trade is heading a cmmittae to mabc suggestions la lIe Poches Board coscernixg pls-s for nie park. Fnsfrpr The comvittee fait the proceede tramt nie Jonc dance Dam may be completed before winter cornes TIse Scotchi Bloek Dam a Cam il la b. mcd lb. Scotch aie peas einmediatety Iollomlng. project Isp Hallan Ragian Con- OoiSk Dam miii b. nie liio mn Mr. Halbaciy eecstted a terrifie nervatioa Asniorliy la eupected Canada 10 bave it bot it bas fies nuesher oI complinte dsring ta end water shortagee for people osed vn lb. United Statee. The Iflose peurs. Severai market in lb. are ni the 16 Mita Crack device resembles a rubflecined gardesere aod gotf Coures b.ed and prevenl the tiresînim aler ballesn ami cas b. inflated or hicenetuodrammwatec fconnthe Ùtertagea la the futusa. deflated tai flp regulale nie flow tf-Mile Creck and calle farenero Thee dam la enpected t10 es i0ni mfater over nie spilimap. vere campb.ilnlng Ibare massIt lb. Viclsity of 81,000,000 batore il Plane toc thle dam mece esolagl vaser 10 faed niair stock. 'a esmPdle6d lais "u faIn. BockI mulliated in 1964hysa spocial order Mr. Hathertp sugeued the bagas os lb. projeet eariier nuis fron lb. Minixter of Energy sud suppty ni mater iaI' as b.ed acm pour and la ex:pocted la b. Ilososrces ta liuild dams. Mt niaI ou iltmas tan bt sated that mbas complte d balore thie minter lime HEtCA eesbached en pIeus nie dam la compteted and the m"InUsp-vding the wcather :or lb. Scotcb Stock and 11111e mater man b. rogidsted Life miii Peemits the mork lo ba dos. Falla Dam. BIsile IIRCA officels b. made a lot eaier for golf SOIT gelleral Contracture Irom cas focosae nie compielion of nie courses, market gardenere and Oakvilb. are building the dam Scotlcb Stock Dam lb.s fl nie individes deawing mater f roen and C. C. Parker, Pamoos sud Hi111e Fals dam be etil b.ing nie raek.- Bcinkerhoff of Hamilton are beid op fly ltiigatios. Thie Theamater cii asbase asd engineering the job. A Auillocitp bas lieao tu court en a in rocent pas due ta grester lobaa for nie enginering namlier of occasimes but lise pome given te, OWRC. .llee" lien eplairiei b.m label-dam malter fias pet tlba reoved and bava more tasoli and are alint miii empomer the dam ta hoM the morh la stil hld up. regidate lb. mse ni mater" lie anohr av eeve t nimatecb inie Cosplslaea aaid. resereoir, Max Hatfelecy, secrelacy The Scotc l oc 11k Dam la Fabri-dee smaancec of HRCA, sald tbare tnctated os ighmay 25 fleleent Falri-oio las& relalIvelp nam mas a roui Miortllga of mater Milton and Acta n near thse laTvice, uai b. Conesructin nI daring the somnmer of 19si ami Tangenere Mosflroom Ceespasny. olIier cammodilies niat il iiib needcd. The Ontario Sebool Pur lIse Deat bas alresdy promised picnic banches for lb. pocb. Mr. leager cspressed the hope te have the park in oporating order forthe spring and rvealed tentative plans torsa dance in te nsmer tcstsring s tnume band. flic dance vii baost lte cotters of nie committce lac ftIre developesent and fornsiis for nie park. White nie mommittee daesn't anticipate a t grlncame frees niemwister cania il la espected osy revenue from lIhe carnivat viii b. put tovards nie park as mcii. Two car collision Tvu ouI oftîovn ours coliided on Oronle St. scar Mill, Saturday. A vehicle drivenhy Keith Urch of Buclinglotn receiord $400o dsmage. The ol hcr vcebîrle, drives hy Thomss Cole ot SridgenorlIi, Ontario, reccivcd an eslivaled $110 damage. Mfilton Police iovesligsled. Ose vinor accident vas aso repocted. THSE SCOTCH BLOCK< DAM, a projeet niaI lias lien on tb. bae store 1955 ta cmb.g aiosg sceordlag te orliedute accordi laBO Canstructionsepahaesnen. BOT la the generai contracter toc the 0 bas mnade formoa] application 10 b.gin construction on a $144,000 indostrial building; lb. tirst of secveal to bebuilt t thieplanned industriel plaza, situated nortb of Basetine 11usd and jusl 0601 of lihbay Il in Milton. Alliance hougbl te 100 acre faom that wassforoerly ond y Ted Horcop cacly in 1970. Milton coucoul gave Alliance lb. green highl ai teir test meeting cohen tey passed a resululion niaI vouid provide for sees and woler uines toc lb. propecly. loacal impruvensent Council proposes ta have tce vorh on tbe semers, and valermains donc under loca unproveen.Th s way the ovn vii pick up 3608 and lIhe devciope milpay theacest of the cool. Sevcrs and matermains are cxpecled 10 cool 871,000. Alliance bas tld couvcil lIîey are anxious and prepsred 10 start vork on the complex as soon an nie toms gelu ap9covsi rom the 0MB 10 psy thei shace of the v oncy under local iv- provementu. Alliance viii secb approval tram the commi tîce of ad- justment toc s land seporamsu. Tbe developors aiso mii sh for a relief on the parbing rcquiremenls. Thcy plan te procide parbing toc 61 cars. The licol buiiding, an industriel campus, vil consisi ut six unitu. Eacb unit viii b. 0,000 square 1001. The Oirsi bsilding viii face Base Lice 11usd. The dimensions ufth bone storey builinAg mill ie 100 by 240 ted. Plans include parking spaces foc 61 cars along thce ont and sidevWith SiXtruck lusding hays et thse er Plans show the proPertY 10 b.e serviced bysacoad rmnnngnoth and wesl fromtiBase Lincid u t thc vest side of lIhe Harrop buse. 'Me Loo fi. vide road mii he 800 fmIt long. President et Allisuce Boilding corporation David Satek haso lid the complea. 13 Buildings Alliance plans an array ni 13 indoatriat bild B's a 70 rn motel focg igray 2 n fise ntorcy 60,000 square foot office building faciog Base Une Rond. Uad esqulcies According to Mr. Satok ie lias already bsad enqoicies and reuents foc informnaion about .Ie vilabiiity ot space. TIse value of lus ficsl boilding is eslimated at $144,000 exclusive of land Costa, roadsorevices. Wlten the Pcoposats went hefoce planning board sevecat montlts ago thse tomn pltinneca weepleaseil mithth Ie genecal Intent 0f tbe developecs. i te expecled mnuclt of te lndustry wil be "shomcaoe industcy," thal smaii factocles with eat en- lectoco and o ootaide storage nf enateciain. The complen is the firnt of ito kind for Millon. Award contract for town owned building The building niaI slnod on thc At a epecaimeeting of counicil <iod prine corner ut Main and Charmes St. Friduy uflarnoon counoil While coonciliocs mccc ail for more tIssu a flsodrcd yess svarded lb. tender toc tc happy aboutlniepcice soneee snd recenlly beasoe helter monstruction ufth building to . lese enlIsosiashec ahout lIse design b.ovn as the MscNsbb bailing Deffldt Construction Company. efthe builing. Bavne noted niaI ix dovoand construction oftanev h fltom tender came ix at thse front ofthlIe huidng mas bahe ebap et nie rear of nie $0,112.50, mcii vthin the pocbaps a lile tsncy foc ninir baiiding bas bagun. badgeted cos o toclIe job. tesng sud indicated tey mould bave prefecred a more con- veotionni budlding. Mr. DeWildt bas said hie mostd t 'baginnihevol onthehbuilding m eeedistley sud hase il ram- plcted by Sept. 1. A pockaresaia plasord toc thc front of nie bailding sud morfi on tIsaI miii .-foiiom nie complehion ufthne TIse MacNabb bldot b.d ita fate dortamed by the Depoit- met oftnLabacmwho iealed astop morli order on lb. rosd! recon- stroction and repavina job in nie - area ofnihebilding ostil ilmwas mter lacs doms or baid an in- depoodent Colgincer cectity il s baing vn a condition niaI mould est endsngec morkcrs il tey coohinued morli. Demesstef nid buiding On niai note tise toms par- chased lhbling aiol nie lot, b.d il demohisfled and are nom erectiog a e building la bouse lIse baker, Mr. Giies, mho mas s left mitbut s sbnp mfles nia building mas deetroyed. Mr. Oilliesmiicl TatIshe ubiip fo tne b flic projeet mase os everat tactors covplicatiag the mals streal reconsuctieion. I held mock up for atmoet a mooth. flic demolishing ni the builing sud thecilosing ni a portesoni ofCarles St. proved tu b. a Imn ahni bach aide lac sececal maercbante and toc people patraninf Mats St. businessos. Onplb. te eii- oees d aide- - ath supociutesdaste mIse ganiered in fron of the lams heall as arrose nie .11-set classe la liae jabs eemed 10 enjoy tihe demoition. A ragalar grssp gathered daily and sent a cassîlees samber of haus dlseosslsg hem they mmald go about nie job, ami hemt they doasI dmh aml e na trocled in cagutIate ltse flo ni nie mat f rom make buildings asy ume 100.0the flic Da-mixe bing ose dueat mas flein dunolsbed r ni 110811eCsec. amng ogiser bld Ibtenif i- (