Thn Candien Chamtpin, Wedunday, Auguel 12, 1970 2 eLiftle White Church" aserri an a e sdi spiay for Steam-Ercu S1 y JanneBaîda Hwy ." ybtm ontattr adrivenonn extraetuy tt do sa,'said M day andntopltndtin tnn e .t Jyce. A get book tis enin otdlocomotives and carsat ii Mr. Joyce t. tad in mind mta site"must"aillatSe bn ycan's Steam-Era eunin txe mtat tie mantad and tant tin A religioes pictare wan donas resntading music et tysman ill dean tn Mr. Vangant mtn tai te ctapei ty tira. Edi tl mch te cars. Pnttad Setied a designed and tait te ctape. tSharpe, Mites. c1 armniite a mxtcape]in Ttetbuitding iemadeetf The estire project cnetM otcxis ptywaed, paixtcd wtite witt Joyce 81,000 wtirt Se niais Ttc sesait, wtite ptymned blacktnnm. Th cmpteted sizeia *'welt wntt te mney". "Nn structure tas teen taitt 12 test ty t teet ty t5 texi. The tat ire sotd tSe termo ire tn Vangant and Sns aS Bariingtea at te tront et tSe ranes. "Att I tecp me tnay." ni te reqtest et Frankt Joyce, mced ettw la an alter cltS and a Ttc taitding is nitnated n 18-3282 OntarioSi "t tare tad it ix mind reaxer inn tSe tiar," said tir. emati traiter ttat mas "tangit tor tmaorttreyeans nnm,"eid Jycn. aroesd tetarmm itnorexa tir. Joyce, "a emait ntnrct on The flesrtasee cerediSt for il". An etensinmanadded mtceel mas juet mtat t nrdnred gatd iexteami andanrecord ptaye te front ot te trier ex til andt1txewMti. Vangoctwansthe tas teex mmced anderneat te ctapet mealdat Se tan nie man ta make ILfor me.i1îigrti atter. The rerord ptoyer is net Setaed te car and tSe ii tf te ceatdl mate aemnetâng as andftymnptay ttraagtentynar cturctmwas biitnonta tSetrais xntrtcate asmanymnxinitl ie riait. "t hd itmade taput inIl centd mallemenasimple,nsmal Tmo planera and amcosstave Otenan show," aid >M. Jnyn cbapnt, tir said Seepianed abere tettar. BRoth altttaagtanyannemtamaantoa meremadety Mn. Vangont. "He tl ns qaita metanese. irve ja tir. Joycelrt atheStplanate manted tatatlea trip ta Hnitaed cntty named il "Tac Làtt tnkedeoutaîde axter tome ateeg and ky tailding ttas Sie earxed te Wthite Ctercb in tSe Vate." WII seek advice on Ilght industry Nassagamcyamnttlseek advicc antnrized te clert ta coater indatry axiiland rc-ning ini trahSe Oataria DerciapeesimtS tSe corporation 'regarding cemmitte ot te mtatc. paationon ttc adviantility ot ter ries as te adrlextitity ot Reere A. MacArthur exteda igt indantry tncating ta te an application made ty a tl8tt deciaiens ty exaniti mnatd ta hthere part ai te tamshtip. esdantcy ta locate in te souillert ta Se taten in Open ceest The actin came atler a ctnacd part ni tSe tawnstip. Pater ibis meeting. msttac dsexaaaed te tratter esateence te ceexcit as a mtate Coannitiar Actan aladed edY. mii vieit a atiiar type ot in- samne prerixua discusin The rcanios pasaed tattnming dutry and it tSey are alssred cemmittee et the mtaie about tie coimstten deliteratins Seyxxd axy rcaaaaate dnntt tat mantes mtint, natnd tare ft]d ot pollution and ttat tbunatr n mt te esatter mascesspxtiiytaytpa adtttanteCmtir ro Sant mnatd Se in te ttinterentt et aetrated on. Mn. Actes op S nta te tamnship as a mtaic tny enti aaggestad residens stnatd tei Stes prnnecd mth te xeresnary thecm anc pressantes an tas ka a rade plans stma aamn.d antr'tl sutnest cilr abui Plane tan a Santa Claus Prier ta ttc camesitice expect apetonnthe tackfor doi L parade in Maties mina Deseester diexaxasin Councittar Alan Ant' mtat the people enpanted etent h___ tvan Sees drappadl ty Miltan mes ntjcted ta the dscuxssin et otticiets ta An. Chealier ted teex stadyng a prapasat ta rerire te papuaa parades mtinti mere tormerty spaeexeed ty a cemmnttee ot toae tiretigtern and Legin mmrsebt aanmneied the emly-reerganîxed Cbamter matd ront bandn te tinanctal capeane anti te long teera ne nerganizationeaimorknenessaey ta carry tl att nncnesatatty. The tjtamtcr tan aeSter ides tan Christmas, tamerer. It * Iareetigatieg tteconantofe arranging a free tus service for local ebeppera, ta anti tram te busainess district. Sncb e ervice nmid oprate in ttc pre- nistmas shopping paniadeand la npected ta reach ait aces nf te Ima-mnpeciaiiy te aparemeent Iildings andi subdivliins Suppart carnirai 3Ttc Chtec tan ais piedgcd nappant tee a minier narairai Igram mtanb may Se adeptcd th Stexnt tnd-fraiaieg peejeri nf *e Miltes Cammanity Service uabs erganinatin St mas gialliy a plan pnnpascd ty snober dirertar Don Smit bt t3tametr t fitstnabig a jent ton necldut ami tned Anas oter ta te Commtnity rice Clate grnup. wtere it peara ta tare See met wmtt e reratie respae. ~ te Aagest meeting ni bceer dinertens. plansxore fortn an open meeting n dncaday, Sept. te et te ales Hotet Banquet Ranes a seaker and fitlm ex te rmct Plan et Damatama retapesent mit Se ex te de. Alcan Siding s2 n wl a ret of S.-te S intllaino l SWA OE 5995 KARL'S WOOWORING 287 Spms Rd., Satemita 844-1316. t . n e the sy ta in a ain i. n , t Shore cost to plaster 'Mtemnort ianerxnmwand wtth The test nt $2,300 mii te eantt day tttixgs tank a littte dinided equatiy beeweex tSe taxe Setter and passera ty beneme and te hydre commianin. Onty mns criicat nt te tnt an te to Serma tered bida tor the jab cerner et Main andi Ctaries Sms. of the sererat cnattedl. Maynr ottere te MacNatt building Brian Best tatd ceuacit neverat ntnnd fntl just resceetty. fSema dectiaed ta evxx bid ex te Ttte rad was ctnsednftfr job benaaeeoftheamento nererat treeke abter te Deparn- scattntdixg required. ment of LaSer dectared the ntd Canstraction ot te tatery, te buitding anfit ta mork near. At Sie txcated at te rear nt the tnt, teir meeting Milton Connca men't Segin esti te ptanten ngnl eegaged Sabeetan Planterers comptete. tinat is entimated n Lad. ta piaste teneommeemwai take oeeet. Howerrthe ente tat stand Setmee te hydre tas tees cnvred in tii and nnmamian's bantding and te footingsao thSe nese bulding hare ManNablt bulding. Tte mail toitS Seex laid. A small park sa have a gney stace Sint. pltaidta Sorte frnt te tnt. DEP. "LITTLE WHITE CHURCH IN THE VALE" wilt be part of fhix year's Milton Sfeam Show. The church mas expeciaily buitt for Frank Joyce at a cosf of $1,000. The church was but afop a mini frouler for easy mobility. (Staff Photo) Ramb lors Johnson"s Furniture Buttato Rambters ore jant ton COS mach for Hntnn Cetmy al] xtarn outn tt fo nana ad an the Rmbern beat ttte att stnrs tamurae andappiancem tnam, ot the itatton Cnnnty Senior eefrinnununn, muonrs, r etc.t Leagne 5-t in ttte annelt att-star Phone noma game ttetd ie Oainnite Stestiy. MILTON 878-3781. Catnphelille's Gany Mitchellit AN T swactioneon thte mon for tte tMi attetenes. Opaen vnnratil 9 p.uu. Georgetown British Cars Ltd. VOUR NEW AREA DEALER FOR avant M UUMPN LjROVER JAGUAR VOLVO SALES - SERVICE - PARTS - NOW OPEN A SPECIAL SELECTION 0F MEN'S SUITS WiII Iay charges solve problems obtinsa ta tiarttg ftutt mterial frt thcosraln autaîde the townsuip and trant arctus au luuuentd uulda't ne cosrain aeas benn maurat bath rutila. D=tpia5 dumpat n Nannagemeya dntp frns atiir esctaipetitice mas mere inred aith cescit meeting atex rrPxrtrd Mnday. Layntharges Conctt renoturd tl meett Lagtnatinapîanacdmwioattnmo prepare a by-tam detaiting ttc dump oerater tni tay charges operaix et te damp anti pet ton nontravanins ot tte by-tam. nes Incite, n tSe dnmp etranct. aftr cemptainta tram, dump 'Mercranted al mnicipal eperatar Alan Ferrier. nanttary tend fil sites meattiSe Ttc eperetor nted ttir cntralri tiy prottacial Council is surprised Nannagamnyn Cenacitinra "Tini s ntinnting". Ceanctiter expressed surprise and sbnnk Alan Ankan maintaed. Mondaymtran ttiey reneired -ltregardSibisasjnt gtn Ontaria Muenipal Board ap- bryn tbeir (Conservatin taroafr tanSeir $2,123.87 cext et Auttority) rigtt. t erer gave purctasing Crawiord Lakenbythe any sancatinrSibistccausnrt'te Haltn Regin Conseruatin oppanetlit front the Segtttaag- Aetoity. Serte MaecArthur mc nded. Rerte A. MacnArttur, a member et te Aeceerity, ex- andmnxdenedmbathad appied ton it. Ste esaintatard ttc townshiip tiedat anti recatird stieI mes te ny oxe an te Auttority te oppose the porcbase af Cnamtorti Lake. "t mes tnld te MILTON PLAZA provixnemnld assume the cnet", 878-2881 sie rat' atgx ed gDe.n "Lea Cd ont obat's geing ý . on", teputy iteern G. Pngnem 7 Hosptal Gif s deciaed. Sizes 36 f0 44 Assorted Shades NO O 588 69l 88 SALE AT L -4 MEN'S j SPORTS JACKETS '/2 PRICE uý " REG. 24.95 TO 39.95 SIZES 36 TO d2 MEN'S STRAW HATS5 Golf Hafs - Flnhermen's Caps ON SALE 1/OF NOW AT 3 F Mqny n@n-adv.rtised Items throughout the store WE GUVE YOU OUR BEST FOR LESS Une fte convenienfChargen plan MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE 200 Main St. O..n Fridov 'tli9 P. M. Phone 878-9261 Vaut Milton Chamber nf Commerce tas been esnrking toward lilmicaflon of fthe preseet rn- cansiefency of store taure anti clnsing tiays ir Milton stores. WE BELIEVE YOU, THE CUSTOMER, HAVE A RIGHT TO BE SERVED ON MONDAYS AND ON WEDNESDAY APTERNOONS JUSTAS ON ANY OTHER BUSINESS DAY. The Chamber of Comemerce tas aiea argei incal merchants ta, rema open fai 9 pex. Thursday Mest refail stores wii be adnpting these nees six dope, tesa eveciegs a week tours. We siscereiy regret (bat ot ai ttc merchante hae agreetcf change their hoars fa this systene. SHOP IN MILTON 'KEEP THE HOMETOWN ECONOMY GROWING" Your Milton Chomber of Commerce 39S 59c, IGES 0 Re Le. 90-L ;ONs tegatatimt b Sept. 5 ai mas ex- peeted. Couraciltxr Art Giixaxcin plneatthe dortping by the aonse tautxtxoity Ste notrd trcu A. MacArthur poittd out Keina as i thie township bat Coaxatttar Atax Ackman pomnted out atlier conservationx ra wext axd tttny ettoatt ext dump tronm thet in Neoxagaweya. VANDENBEI IWEEDI UCONTROL SERVKEU 188-39591 SFLOWER SHOP For The Best In -Annivertariet Funerai Tributes