Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Aug 1970, p. 10

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ir e aai .n(hampion Wediesay, August 12, 1970 A VISIT TO MORAINE LAKE, ALBERTA An uniargettaitie part oi ne at our Western tripu wa rte riait we peul ta a uitile laite itigh up in the Rorky Moantaas Range ln lte protvince of Aliterta. Situatali narttttet of Calgary ia lte Banif NainlParks, itla arr onf thte trust oautandinli pieCes of scenery in lte ara d ti ta ite missed if yaa are pluani a trip ta inriade lihe Nanetiseleas speatacatar a lte appeaci ta Moraine Laite. Thue veay inplailty maried astyaumataer fnmBantfft LakeLouse Aste drave careiuliy aroud tisa carvet and climitel te steep isclinesu, nied dit amati streatis aotg lte raadveay carried tise runoff ai mettedarave tram thestiapesatomer Ataone paintveeseerted taitr gonrg damnaitl bat abserveli titat lte utreaul veu rusairg le the ap- pmsite diectianrI thapes ofmore ctauty virlt'tg therpitrttmrtraof nu tee rlusrîg apiît me stappeli thse eu. Wr veere ditappaîsîrd ta ter duat ite thse water did rua ln tite apposite directioan lte driver bil brrr ateadiy acceteratig and bil ntt ud te iae aiu att. Tise carsearditaagt, did eemtatrabenaater evltlantte ee; itteas ansopticatîtilluion nttet oery etpreved. At a seca ltabtat tuit tor thse parpate me stapped ta use tite camera. Isronad urved arauad a mtautai adtryld thseiatlder a a aitrer drap-ail oi ituadreds ai fret. Acrrat the vattry mites mîde gtramrd the saowypeakstofimanymaatttatn recueidyearsaait y lte Inadîn as The Valey ai Ten eakuis -siiali cy ittare ite bat Jaly suaahine. The altitude wa sach titat ve had ta iterathe drrpiy o bercaet eatrceety hgihtheadeli. Thr sceae me teitetd as 'amiat" ta tise trar sente ai lte word! Neyer bilaaytigit ta fishid us vtit awe ad at lte samie tme laaes. suait pare jay le lte itritaditg. Titre verremnua s ta te cgitt ai us ta igi yaa cauldn't ser thirr tapa. maaetaias ta lte rift iseyad mites ai valley tree taps as fac a lte eye caatd see and moartaiat itelatd us wdi theronad cacrd sevra mites titrouh il. Wr cvtuatty itroke avec a hli and tuaitel down ai Maraine Laite gteamieg ite sua tube a large brîgit aquamaine jewrt. Lulty peaita gaarded lte site on one aide rigltt davet ta thse atrs edge, givleli ther impressaioalitrthe mil idrtlakrOwasetCitteater A fiaeoaitacy evergretn lardeed lte Ina mite teegtit, titra lartitr itacit, tite ittar, blar maaeitaiea agate. We caade'l gel aat althe tcar fat eaaugis ta lied a saltabte spat tram wlochttate cota ctares. Moc tt oaaramatrmett, aay place ma sustaitte. na motter ohere me stoai lte serte citagrd eougit ta maitra perirct pictur One tim titece'disr aitactgroundo aiiaatey moulatens, pertrvtly tacmed cedars ie thse foreground and lte snp- piîe laite ie helmee. The nea malte eony a ire stops ie attier direction sitamed a datser mattettan tattîcolored rckscin the facegoud and a chsange thelt ate's cOoo A plaqua captaîteli that to roabstîdes itad trea respoastitte tac the dammiag ap oi lte matera ta moite a laite oi avit armantl fac- matioae The anttet ai lte laite mat avec a coagit, strrp lats vhicit braite th1e etîtnes oi titis hiddee paradîse. Noeaisyoutbaard motors drtrccled the peacefulnetsthespot, lastrad, o briglel catara oece bieîg padltd teiaurrty accota the latvy surlace of the uaitettevaitty coloriaI laite. Record crowds turn out at Rotary swim pool Mtnand oras resderîs sert ta ite itrotisg tee tient tese dnys mate a estalinli dtp is Roary Paris New homes are fewer Nasaaueya buidiag drportmnesl tsord aix biltding pormtais toc coastructioa vaturd aI 192,600 durting Juiy, bietgteg tee toali toc 111e yeac ta 1179,291ý One aduatetal yermit foc o $31,000 addition ta Ontario PlatessotaîofNumbr 7 Htgt- way arar lte Fut Unean d a tîo.ootprrmt lac coastrutioa oi a Chuach Camp en the Fitliia wre issted inJuly. A permt for onehouse vaued atî$24,000toaataaurd tResîdenal sarts are doms compuard tlasua yer. homne belîrve lte cesîdeîtoa t aris are dovea bevamse ai 111e tighI montai conditon te lte couvntry and itigi cuirst rae but altera miii argue tee uacerloaîny of th1e ltoai of11e ae. utepari har hod a corcentratrd elleci on the lacb ai resîdeetiai building te lte township. people have patd admittance ta tee pool, reporta supervisar Bais Aduit tessons htae iod a recard ceapotarlhIns yeac, Classes rua Monay ta Friday tram 6te la45 p.m Fet s $2per veeit The vittdrea's morning io sessioaitat provrd lthe target yrt. Approaîmatly 250 yauagstera have ateeady regiateed, aad mare are stiti 10 camne. A survivoltveimmtsg corse wiii alto resame Maeliov rvestgifro 5tet6 p' m Fei or teis 10 do y course ta $1.50. Sryen cadidutes irota Milton verepreertlforeeadrship training pcogeam eaama ofithe taoyul Lufe hovîi ad tRd Cross hocirlies tresat mas a 100 par cenraoartaeRetvtagtaed Cros Awards were Ctdy Corp, PainBrasvh aad Jo asens. Bronze Medattios ver e la nocy Noble, Van MePitai, Kevia lipeichr and Lrtgis Spîciter. Tests vere lobesa oltoary Park Pool Thursay morniali RECENTLY MARRIEO ta gitaener United Citarci vere Mr. and Mca. Murray Fait. Tise bide a lte former iSusar Word, dagitter ai Mc. and Mca. Earl Ward ai Campitrilvîlir. -(Phto ity Wiitry and Clarte, Gueliph). Wedding Fa tt-Wa rd Baskts ai wite mayas and gladiai devoraîrd Ebiteer United Cituvit toc lte Joiy il veeddtag ai liasar Eloîse Ward ard Murray Citarles Pait. tev. W. A. Leemn o aiciaîrd aI lthe 3 p.m doublrrieg cremoay. The birde ta lte daugitter oi Me. and Mca. Ear F. Wardof R. Rt , Campitellilir. Tie groom ta lise ssoitaMr and Mra ChtarlesF. FatlofR. R.1 iPuslîset Thte bride more a long wite empire style gaves ai lagoda veitit a lave adce. il liitd shtort sleea slasd-up voller and mas accraîrd vet a large witle lave and lisy bullots tram lte ola t11te veaistîse as te havit Ttc itari ai lte dresa flordîsnto atrain, 01er titoalder leegla vei tntl tram as orcid accesîrd veiti alepitaralis. lite carrird a car- sage ai pîis awerelteart rotes o a white Bible, Tise corsage vent msed toowrcotitihrgoig-amay outlil. Bine repe dresses Mes. Judy Wilts ai Inleread, 00ai lte btride mas maleos ai toaor. Miss Elizabelth Wilsoofa Snrigeove, mousîi lte itride and Miss Eleda Ward ai Camp- itrîlville, atir ai lte btride actrd as ridmmaidu. Tey more Bloor leeglth dresses ai turqaoise ittor polyesterccrepe vheitil ad pire style oaîsls and lace ladices ar111 a amati cuiSle arouad lte aecklneeand onltheshort slreves. itry more wtîte stuora Tiry carried bouquets ofptik varnatios accraîrd vth a pisit velvet riblaa. Thireieaddrraaea vere mode ai a siagle pisit canto na background ai pin everritioaacvrsardmiith pîreae of ltly-ai-lhr valtry. TIte brîdras gIfs la itr ai- leedaris verre peari drapa as sterlng ilverrvhairs. --ontarioaMuiipa Boardtbas approved a 12-unît asior cities-'aparmnot a18semi drlachrd gearelito-iscame anils lac lte laves of Actas. Restrelas tan1the oras iad atjeled lte aile mot net stilt r eno vitîrars 1Milton Council briefsl ~Keeping IKorneri Wher me pour tac pait sup- plier tact mr larpostise, itemit cenror lieavea itebidi pesticides te ineticides doms toc drains me are doing batateb bemeroge plats an osty reoeoi and sotlid motte ard Rer irnt tee rmoaîuig moIr for bocirria. tn oua case the treaîrd venter roda apten bites bide Cre, sti11 coseaînmng ait lte altiter goadîra me have mnaogrd ttpour dmttauc tis or flus ovay. Whitietaecant notger me the remis for rerreoliorat parposerl, ve canoti noas polut ir as ite ns Posasie. MILTON TEEPHONE ~l ANSWIRING I IICONFIDENTiLI SpgESoNALIZBD 878-202 Oseteg tarI meetas meeting. memiters tf Milten Coari.l -Learsei lte towms bitea ollered a free tard fl] aile on Base Lite Rd. ersi aI 111e CNR emitarimtta -Gave tird readiag tv a ty- lav e bac parinîg tan1the aotl rude oI Kiag t [rtm Huightel Brown bisý Tour homses -Acruagei a toar oi tomshoaea i th1e Toronto oras for 4pta. teîaoîîecaaaeî Wed- vesay) te compoay 0111 aI- ficialsof Chainaoe Inveamels mita propose sonme ai ltese ails in Miltan -Learard lte ig tre or SydaeybSt mitîvmaoacevr- dered ta 11e citoppeli doms, Ihes reved a -dstay ofecutoa'. iad beeairft p bu waatrmmed iîy a vrerof a ree mca last veait -Ageei t0 place parking blocks aaîtheratreel lice inîroat ai lo properlira or lthe atrt aide oI Miii SI. ta ailevialea parkirg prabem. Theverîste 11e lite ta a triai hasts. --etig marriedv Stories and phoatos or yoar veeddtag musI bc subismtird la The Ctampion lite pubaisono mîtît arr morte aller te e ddieg day. Tite birde mas give te murtage ity ber latter. Groomsma aaDavid Ward i Compbrllvîillr, braIser ai lise bride. Usitera vere Robtert Dixsn fi Milton and Johne lagis ai Campitellvtlle. Aadrey Kitcitg mas argansa cud Misa Anar titorili, lte solit sanag The Wrddtsg Proyer cnd O PeriectlALve. Sîsly goets atrsded lte eceptioo ai KEenzr Unitedi !itarai. Guests vere preseat [rav e grove. Noiltteos, Port MesrtironIgeood,Rackwoeod, tait, Heapeler and Camp- vellilir. Special garai vent Mes. lames Wilts, gratdimottee ai the bide. Tise birdra mrolier recetard dressed ina turquosergrentace drrat mite wite accesoories. Hec vcrage was piait aeretert Tise groom's moîher recrivei ceariag a caratl dreas mils oite avvesstaee. Hercovrsage mas a visite gordesia. For lise voeymoos, a loua of Ontario, the bride more a gren crîmplese enembtlevita whiterand grreen ceat. Hec accesoorira vere whiate and ase more a corsage ai pîiak steeatearl'es. Lie sn Putinth Tise coapler e malaag ther home te Pusiiech ter Mrsatos. Prier la tee marcînge lte bide mas itasared ai ararrat galtrtaga. Mca. Boit Ellittofa Camp- tnilvilir itrld a iclaeu shoveer aI iter itome. Macllasmaatithomrrsweeaise give hy lthe irieds and sellas hors of Esrrer Uied Curct, Mc, and Mca. Douglas loglîs ai Camphrllvîttr. and Me. ard Mes. Lorse Wilson ai Sarigrave. lite vaite mas mode by Mca. Murray Hoyveard af R. ta. i Acoanad dcorated by Ms. tas Perit R.a.l2Camptelivilir. Tise Bave r uere arrusged ity Henary GarIeras Balos ai Kîitbrîde Tite birdrmaida' dressesmwere mode ity Mca. Jackt Macoaad, Sneegr oua ai the bitde. 'F : Fay's EIiLRC lulit " INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE "E LECTRICL CONTRACTING " ELECTRIC HEATING " RATER HEATER RENTA Lb 878-20-48 On Your Mark Go fornasoteit dit sets yoo tfr. Lot aur expert bute stylirla ceete thesremlooktofasommet for yo. Culi todny. -> Fashion BeuyLounge 171 Main Si. Poe8893 Cargill-Kaiser Th eeto a enSt. in a douitle-ring -'-emy La la lias Munie Cesntre aifeemari. t. MIt.'s Anglican citurnit, Wilt lise biedes moter ilinl Actes, Adrana H. m. Kaisur andl irplial, lte muid ai itnnir Brin James Cargit tere receie lte gula la iter pluce. marcrdei trav il Daveson ai- Tise geoma multer asalatel inl lîtîd lc the aft~eoo ceviegtreea atitti cccemvvy pins and awtite varnation cor- a M..tltdagttcitr Thge couple trie ona trip la uad MsCitarles Il. J. Katser, Ottawa, lise itride weuclag ak Vanirli.g Halland lis te groom grnariyln sitdusai lihe sas ai Me. andi Mes. Cari F. grenm taneaw iyliorands Cueill, R. ta. t, Campitevilie. Titey arr living ia isaissuga. Mes. F. Onitra, Actas, ptuyrd Guenta nîtealiri lte weliling lteorgat and Misa Bandra Botes, tram Guelpit, Tocante, Cornteall, Burtaglt sang Tite Lord's Buriou, Hamilton, Windsoar Prayer andl Wrddirg Frayer and Hollali. Searrai aitmees tere itel lue Tbride, gaves la mareinge lise bitrde telue iter meling andlC ity hec latter, mare a fl rngt a stag pariy mas iteli lue lise satis gaves accroird velit lace, groom. Hec hitar ns itervee lteoulii hr headptere, and site carrird ced romes andlitle canatnîs. Kaiser, aster ai lise bride, Building ttrn fl eagtitgeenasisutad aarryitg plisk and witte car- pe m ts Thte Iva itridrsaads, Mca. Pal Building peemies torce ca- Lamitecl and Mca. Hasseite straclias valued ut $49,675 vere liîgertaadl, Cornwall, wor isoued ity lthe biinlg depuel- yrttoweandnaisevcrd pinad ment en lise laves et Mtola. twhite carootions. Permîta issued c avec arvecai Gcoonnmaa mas Bruce res ao prajeala, Imo Cargîll, irtraîer i lte groome; demaltios projrcla and ose mitera vere Brias Brtary ai seiimmitg pool. Titis itrioga lise Guelpit and Albetre Btam ai toal lac lte year ta date ta ADRIANA KAISER nd li en Cargill tere eserird la Rt. Alitas Fergat. $002,000. ituacit, Actas, andl arr livinsg la Miasissauga. TRUTHFULLY.. WE'RE A LITTLE t1 OVERSTOCKEDY We MUST cleor out these shoes RIGHT AWAY SO ... IT'S A CLEAN SWEEP OID? 7d11EVGO Mon'$ womon's Reog. 1211 Reg. 91, Now Now 899 699 ALL WOMEU'S ITALIAN SANDALS Reg. l', e f091 Now 3 77 LARGE GROUP WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES ALL COLORS OUT THET GO $5 PAIR 3 PAIR $1000 croup of Mou%. DISCGNTINUED LIMES Reg. 16** f0 30" Now 1000 WOMER'S NATURALIZER AI WHITE CROSS MLARINS Reg. 183" f0 20' Now 101, BoB BMTETT*II'I'B 250 MAIN ST. Eu MILT%el 878-350 J I i

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