Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Jul 1970, p. 9

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THE CENTURY 01,0 BUILD)ING et t-le corner ut Main and CtarIes Stse ai saed for destruction ced murismes mera anisedutati t-o iegsn tearlatg douliste atoe malle tnday (Wadaesday. Emplunees ut Woltuad Conatruction, Guelph bat-e les atripping lise blding ut ail limaill mterlteiefore knockng sut-lu cala atructure. Tht- liuilding basarecntly been unadea isckery anmsict sre-ist-lureOtt m as e fuerai dapaI and tutucte ctoea-(talcl Photet Cause of probl.m Stone In big demand Tht-ra' quît-e a demend Nar lte atone tacng ou tht- malle of tht- Maccli bueilding ufucis Mdlten Caancdl la lut-sua teru dame t-lis mark. Tise pesky atese-misic sacted cIl tise esu-nt-ray mteck endad on cuuncilaiarlaiintoipurcuastebilingfr $20,000 tear it-dume and replace il tt at- luiery and a amail put-man lu arounid lot- anme lime y.t. Dzartmet ut Laiser engnera ut-dat-ad fie t-ome t-o alune aitfUCharles St. and ut-dat-ad cil mais un tee Main Bt. recoin- at-rut-t-inn prujeci in t-lut ct-na t-o lue hlt-ad mien if eppuarai tee mnrk- mt-naseqipment miglit nilirate lie atone malle and tcent- nie malle t-u reflapne. Tht- blding la ut-ar 110 yccra old and fie mall e mre rein- forcedmst-linsteel rd oner 20yeara ago. Tbt-ee planes te put il At liitt counicil decidad t-n ae thse intime for lining ct-t-mm luulu t-o prenent-rsion.he thengot a etr of $500 rom aman wlumantd te luy tht- atone foa dacoratin. Nom it- appeuaramoneofthie atoenimiicl Id op tee Main St-. joli mill le ucai f0 rompit-te tint camae job- ou c - eteiniiig uatt atong tee lt-ont of Grace Anglican Cisurcis property. Ratlier titan afopu t-lu citarcb len te tee ne aideaeti coancil ýlgursr- if ilî lue lt-ca cuet-I toe the-l Mccli building atonse te fut-m, a r'et-aining malt eit tise cisurco. Some eut-t ut ret-aining mal %vil inca lue neanicary onuothearpropurtiesealesg t-lit aurlt aida ut Mcin St. ietmarn Ullcit- Dr. ami Court St. and ondanas coaniti mnet-ing cci lurinai c motionsttuerect eut-lia mallineteeduof efupiuglthe residensetemns. I a t-t-t-ve t-lu proteste ai Couellur Clurles Johinsnt h morkmes umspartaofttheuorginal cetrect. Mayor Brienllestsaidte- atnet mail mould ilend su mail mit-i t-lu appearacicoftheatne clintch. >Stone walls to corne tumbllng down today Wrai oa tearing doue tht- MacNch biolding on Min Bt. continuaisîtaais e and merismes t-npected te liring lu equipimt-t ta lueris dame fie atone mallt mie îWaionodayi. Their mut-k ma delcyci isy an equipmt-nt operars uti-ue on Munday. Milton Couarît. meaninte- in mot-bing liard te gel a ut-m lt-et-y luildiug suifit ou the e-ar portion of th lott and a amatI park alung tht- front. Local architecl Robert Treanor is noluuteert-d lia servinesto design a biuilding and Put-b and fume huilding inapertur Ray Olan, a former luildinig cuniractutr. a tining up local tramt-n tu arerl if. More votes ... iouinucd hrou t-aue One-) fînancîug. Tht- mayor t-eh te noting aliould lue mure elquifuiste but iid ont Suggest 8p per cent of tee notes. Anarrdsng te WRodes Attan Day. Ret-ne of Dabnîlte and Bifl Gîtties. Depaty Rtet-e ut Oakt- ville. Ourtingfun will nul gel suppart fronm Daboîtte ou the prupaeed amt-admeut. aat-laaed WRodes Day eidlu h mac stiid mite lie reprenentetlun Oaknsllc ma gt-tiug and lt-lt tisai t-agiotai gonerumeul moutd rame inithin theuneul t-mo yenra. ami ai thl tîmet- flre mould lue an udtunitment lu tta reprt-aentatin. Tht-Warien ncîd. -Nom isn mi tt limt-e t t-y f0 nitne somnet-ling dumu tiseir (the nurihere cummultiesiý tht-oct - leiteod lue coulin f noul ai- stne misere lte euut-iere tomn sîfit-red trom facit Of t-epreentntion auu naîd thie Peoplt- in Burlingion coutd uot Oit-e hîm une. If Ourtingteu la tu gel t-lu vtt-g pomer clienged lit-lre relgion] goverrment comnen. t-bey mit- haef amemi c privt-c- bill Osai INe ointty apaucared isy Dekodlle Id tuolnte. If moald eppeas Outlingion mwudhliet te ithave-i changad mitieut Oaknilla. No Naneseaty Tht- Rat-des id fie tomea il setli Halfun unet-er gced uhl tht- vtohg panier ma at-rnc nara agu. He egt-eed t-lu raqiea mce reauunale but nu ne--cy esd tait i- aitouli h laI tu raiesel gonvereiment. Ift-iet-amare a oce misera w nultered fromt lack t-t-pamnatil'iu Id l tee liri t olifant, but t-ut la 001 thea cane. lu sail. A 32 sy 36 ont cncrete blck, une utnrey isuilding itou liteu deignad and art-dutt Trt-aner lue acggested ct-t-mg malte oI But-ad blockt lue ued te malle tht- luilding look at-tractina. rathar toan lus-lite. Thet-w fuexepecta te gel fie building ap lot- nOtaS and t- mill e t-euted ta Put-t Food Oakt-ty inliscl ma ocupying part of tee Maras luilding taore if mou cundemned as unenie. Cauncit cgreed Mouday lu soit ai ltocal contractoan f0 aulit tedn un tise bsuildingi. Tht- mail lutmaru fie Maccli luilding and Mdltmn Hydro office milI lune fu ie repleeterai and tee isydro as expartdtenliare the costof thct mot-b miti the councit. By Boy Dome% Ditft-t--iies httit-tn the Englinli npeahng aud Fraeh- apekiug regluna ut Canada are bet-iang c tiltte millier te un- daratead lot-c pair ai 1B-year-old girlsa ccrrantly enjuylug e Frauci-Eaglis at-udet-t t- chanuge progrin. Fortmu meaa la lte early part ai Jaiy Desua-Jaet Byt-ra ni Rallieras Lin, Norte lierlinglun, lulidayad et Lt-a Esoumina, Qaiene eit tee hiome ut Ucriat- Uacetlln and lier family. Tises tut-Fao meaba Maeta- cama tu Onteriu t-o apesd e hliiay mite Donn-Jane and lier lnmily. Tise esclieuge niait ma une ut 500 eut- islite organizad tia pt-ar isy tht- Canadien Couail ut Cliriat-anand Jemn. Donna-Jane (te nt-lomu ce DJt la Tise Cliemplesa isigli acliml aaa and yoult page correapondent trac U. U. Robinsan 011gb Ocises in Bcrliagt-esteenagers tng part ilt t-Na ora t cescel CCCJ escacge progrec. Tise 1500 atudens lt-oc aO cnt-ona Canada traneled by train te Quaiser Juiy 2, ltes mesi ly bua tei Osair adaptiva lumes ereesd tae ester mchbos ai dhe province. DJ dieconared baer et-liage putOser Ucrica, cIao 15 nara ut aea, it-es lnac amolli lumiseriug tomm tallait Les 13 INCHI BIAMESE CUCUMBER mou tuund gruming in tee gardent ut E-ett Watson, Anne Ofnd. The cucumiber mou greme troa e auge flumer and scO u-p-ca Burpît-c a net-y. "Ina nt-t-t-rnen une OR Ohs blotae in my lfie, encleimed Mr. Watsou an The Champion piut-ugrapliar nnapped kms picture. "And lteres nt a testp lu e luahe! -(St-att Photo) -Lochyt-ur car and peent Ilts fat-m aafety inark in Canada. -Neuf Munday, Auguat 3 in Cinic Holiday in Milton. Muet ntores, tee pui ofhice and lunlin muti ho cfosad. -Many tonal residentu plan t-o aittend Golden Horaunkue City seam and antique relanion ai Calednia Augu t 2and 3. Despîfe tht- advancen in tuluroutonîs contrut about une ard a hait billion people liane lit-n înft-cted mit-h Icliercla lurilfi about halt tee murîdus Ppaiaon. IWEEDI CONTOL SERVCE 18839591 rC0MMER!ç Oý OENIAI ENJOY HAVING MORE MONEY DURING THE WINTER MONTHS JOIN THE UNITED GAS BUDGET PAYMENT / PLAN 4 FOR GAS HEATIN SPREAD HEATING BILLS OVER 10 MONTH PERIOD YES, t WOULD LIKE TO KNOW MORE ABOUT YOUR BUDGET PAYMENT PLAN FOR NATURAL GAS HEATING. STREET ..................... PLACE ............ PHONE .... IPLEASE 1 huaI witit natural gan. IINDICATE 1 Iun planning tu heat mith calural gun. ------- -- G CUSTOMERS THERE IS NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THIS CON VENIENT SERVICE You cao arrange your wiofer iseufiog accoanfs f0 ha paid on tiquaf monfly paymaofs Sp ouli ovar 10 moofhn. Phooe yoar local offic Cea fil on andi muit attachai coupon t-o.. IUnited Gas P.O. Box 10 Hamilton 20, Ont. Phone 525.1812 nhe Conlain Chanmpion, Weut-esday, July 29,îu 190 Rivoerabout 2t-t ites nortlt-east of Que-heoCity. She descrikaaithe fume as got-geous--iteutifuat and found tise people quilte talnidiy fiera, ecially mites du afienipted ta aplait lier higli enitoo Freancht tlel. Because lte niait ma desigaed ta encoaurage Mintgualiani and iielp develop uaderatadlog and goodmili betweea Englieh- seakng aad Ft-enh-epeakiog aludenla, DJ epolie as mchl - Fat-nit ou dul auuld misifla inte Queisea fume. "If a amaalog àuw muait Frencht 1 learned in lte lit-at lem daya'" aie t-aimated. Fatal fea liariaca tamly, Ut-. and Ut-e. Joaepht Ciamiterlad and tour otea aiidren, mcde baer right eit htome and t-et-c-d ba cse ofu lte ladty lot- lte tuo meeli iat-iod aile sayed et ltai- htome. They ment ou malta togatiser, niaitad lte lcmilya tisait-t it Fuanitoille, ment awmmdsg and freqcentty gnt togetiter tft- scitedcled et-enta ulit utite encitangeastudeats and tiseis hocle lt-un tise Lea Eacumise oresa. fine audi t rip ma a oe da) niait te Troia Pictolea ity ferry "I aenar guI snniaik alttugs I did loag te isear ou Engitish t-oce dualng ltae lira cuple ai dcya," reputt Doana Jolie. oan l tbe visitona aad tisai ist oatiordedithe trein ait Quese City Itaite lte Qatiene gtedent te theisomesaof tisait-vlitonsaftari t-mo meek hisldcy. Tise itu au train trips mat-a caperunad la cccj officiais. Siace tliei at-rit-cl lu Ocrllngten DJ an Uacis ave-elon beptibsy it a numiser ni fripsacnd t-laite plu thte normal day t-n day l11e iu tis liye-' homne. Viai ensad tot-t-uni Tisey niaitad Niagara Fate fTut-onto, BttesIlco Hmliten an lookin s part ut tise Barliaglu t- International Gamea on t-k maekt-nd. Tlity canolied puent for lt-r amlmming cnd anUsi akatkng, pluc Sait-rday dance i ffI iE orBU IRADBE FRESH FRESH Wl.. STEAK 99LBe ROUND STEAK 990 B FRESH FARMERS FRESH BUTT PORK SAUSAGE 55LB. PORK CHOPS 49eLB FRESH PICNIC PORK LB swIFTS PREMIIJM VAC-PAC SHOULDER ROASI 9 WIENERS 49eLB SWIFTS PREMIUM OR LAZAMAPLE VAC-PAC SLIOED SIDE BACON 79c L PLASTIC - GREEN - 26 X 36 1EeC. CARfAE REG. 79c 10cERCN BAS(PKG. 0F 10 PKGS. C UPNT NYOSE Facel le Moderne White Swan C FA IAL large b oes la th ro no LL . I__8 sou r TISSUE 4 FOR 99e isu AGEOG ORoni 7k NEILSON'S JERSEY I0E CREAN NALF BALLON ALL FLAVOURS 7 REG. $1.09 SORBET OIL TI NEW BRAVO FRUIT TN DRINK 3TN99C La Prencara Wliola Paaled PLUN TOMATGES ~ Q Lancia MACARONI LB.39 FRESH GRADE A lED.I EGGS 3 .OZ. 99e Lageze Refresing Ame ntoshr Spy WAERE OS 850a SUE 4-OT. C usrAPPLE BASK ET35 FRESI NOME ROWI *rsen Oslions 4 lunohes Radishas 4 lunches Oumumbers 3 For 2 Leffuce 2 MEARS 2 Tomatoos mot flous@ Orio Pognd ADVERTIOED SPECIALS IN EFI ECT TO SATUROAY 6e asm Peter K. McWillioms, S.B. (Har.), Q.C. andi William J. MacLeod, B.A., LL.B. are pleased fa annoance the farmation of a part- nernhip fa, carry an the pracff ce of law ander the firrn nama of McWilliams & McicLéod wi fh thet r nam offifce fa apen an August lOth, 1970, ait 1 Trafalgar Heightli Concourse, 1226 White Oas Bled,. Oakville, Ontario. Telephoes: Oaismille 845-5124 Tarante 849-7352 Their Branch Offi ce wif f cantinu to ali open for business on Monday, Taenday and Thorsday af- tarnoons or by appoffltmenf aI 181 Main Sftreet, East, Milton, Ontario Taf aphone - 878-4681 An experionco In billnguallsm for Ontario, Quebec students Blitoun. A rempli-e wou un tht-la uchedute for Tuasduy eveniug of thismarku nd tonifhft lWednesday) att tht- Burlingion lioate und ttei- niniters are fo ct-tend aciosoi rereption and dinner uit Bartingionas fume hall. Ucrice bouda isome isy t-t-cn Tisady moruing. Aakad misaI alie likad st aisnet Ontcrio, Mcriat-enid it mac sut-y iseautilul and Osera at-tart- te lie more places tunt-e and mure ltinga t-o do tees in lier borme tema. Oie t-njuyad lier tour nf Toronto and a niait tu tise Ontario Science Centre mesi, clu saidl- tes nisanged lier mini ami enid Niagara FanIs mac tee isiglliglit ai te trip. It ma tht- lirai fite alise lias lever liten futOer ment titan Qeea City, and lut- lit-at niait utaide lier pt-ut-lute. Bite clcimaed cle moul nait lumenicl litcause si ne a haiang scc a gond time. Woutd aise tisle te, tint- in Ontario? "Aht, oui, j'aime betauoup," cama lut- reply. outl girlsan to corres-pand- Mcriae su Engtiss, DJ in it-amis-misentlu esaitange t-rip ens. Marie ns guing luto lier -tird yt-ar-n aofueda-y acluot and blpua te lerome c set-retary mien aise grcdueles. Doesc-Jcne t la antering Grade t-t asti la - lokinglormrd teacaareer asa jourareliat. r Itas beeon a Inn-tillai montk lut- a lultgirls. Auked todecrilulit-r a niait t-o Quaisar la an iat-erim a repart te t-lu progt-em nponsora, à DJ snt alriefluurmord repot- y tsatcuommeiit-allup: "Ilad a r hllt." DONNA-JANE BYERS, left, aod ht-r Quehonc friend Marina Marcelin chtat on a hug stane in the front yard of thte Byert' Walker's LUne. North Burtlngion farm. DJ spent tino malin itîh Marise an Les EscouuminstnSaguenay, P.Q. and Marine ns nuit retuinlm t-f it-sit as part of a Frenrh-English ntudent excttange program.-Staff Photo) -Oakife tant wark opaned a drefeopmeot in Northilakvutfe. It nwmunicipal hydro substation t-aines t he powner suppi y f ram denîgned fo aid furfher 4.001) f0 13,0000 kittoinats.

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