Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Jul 1970, p. 7

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UAJ~JpJvM~/ItJifPk7 t. - s BIRTHS BANKS - Barbaraenm-d Gary Banksa ise Arthuer) et 340 Mais St., Miltas, are plaard ta, atm-osse te birtit oS tie soan, Cbrsitrphas- Gary, meigbt 7 ita., il arts., atl Mitre Distrt Hospitias oneSuday, Jsdy 26, 1970. BencUBb - Mr cedams Cir 'i FBe rthe n le rs dam e Miltoe arc pieared teanorc thte birtito at hair daghtrr, Taey Lysses- m-eigbt 6 166., tOý it Ss., ai Miton Distbrrt Has- pital as Jaiy 22, 1970, aS 1.08 p13.. FALKENSTEIN - Mr. and Mm-. Basrt Faitensteit Istee Powtell) oS 232 Lakem-red Dr., Ocitrilie, are placr te ce- sevisas te birtit et their ave, Johns Ray, steigit 7 iba., 1014 ras., lit Milles District Hospital or Stmdcy, Jely 26, 1970. HALVOROON - Mr. ced Mm-. Ped Haiaer- es c DetmSity Maillet) et O. R. 2, Rocitm-ed, liorme-lp ot Opdngiit, N.S-I ame placard t0 asm-easte thte his-ti et teir dargitter, Paist Arr. steigit 5 its., lS'si rer.,li Miltas District Hospital os July 21, 1970. A sister for Teise Jane HODGSON - Bill and Fiosa Hedgvve inec W9ess-l of 0.0. 3, Millon, are pieaved Se aserasne tbe bis-lt oS tittir dagitter. W0edy Catedie, steigit 6 ita., 41i, Oea.. et Milter DivticeS Hart pitls- on Jely 25, 1970. A suse las- Dsreit. PEACOCK - Don and Jeann- s-Ils Prararit face McHegitl of 0.0. 4, Milton, are pieard Sa siouethe hirth et teiS daeghe-, Letriesî Ddlee srîgit 7 ita., 7Vs ara., et Mil- les Divs-ricI Hospitl on Suri dcv, Jaiy 26, 1970. A tisser tes Ubs-s-5 Ave. ENGAGEMENTS Ms-. and Mrv. Bm-se Smitht s Miltsecs-s pieasd luannuc Ile engagem-ent af lteir elds dsaugbter- Ositra Lesiey, tu Oaa s-y Livîse Naias-, te vs a Ms-. and Ms. Lietos Nayio- a Milton. DEATHS CHAMPAGNE, Flestie - A QIt-a.a on Saeday, Jaiy 21 1970, Fiostise Uhaqeîe, is iarad m-Ife of AddiaS Cham] s-gne; des-r stether of Ciaad s-rd Mitheinve. Il-r s-i Kelly Fves- Hasts. 505 Somrm-ust SI., Otts es-. Fuer-ai WesdSsay tu S Rses De Limas, Ouee la Msc. Itesm-et Pariait Cem s-s- s-t 10.00 a m. HENDFERSON. Jare Braroks - Frankine, Manitoaa dlsd Jv 17, 1970, ci Bm-non, Man., m-i 0I tse [as Johne HedSrseo. Si icv s tum-sas- lier leva. s sons, Charles ands Leslie, Frasi lie. Man.; Gor-stancd Robt Brillith Colum-bia; As-rtur, Bre star; Fsart in CEglard; ai! Iw istes, Ms-s. Alice Liedsa Milton; Mr. Csher Carnis ,hast, AsteS; pm-dereastst t brette-. s-criev Bm-cita. Hvr itS. JEFFRCY, Fsederirit Albert As Milter Diats-ict Hospitalt Titom-day, Jaiy 23. 1970. Freda itk Alites-t Jsllray. le bis 78 vcar, tvvtarst of ltse laIe Lu Ms-y Browne; deer Sater aS A e- (Mrs-.Brown),Frd J bti et Miltoe, cnd Johtn GeoargeStw. Flirtes-at services wrrehaids Menay Sm-mt the MaKer. Fuerai Hem-e. tetermieni Eves-gren Gemelerp, Miltrn. VAUGHAN, Gm-rge Aubts- MilleS District Hospitl, Svrday. Juiy 26, 1970, le bis 64 ss-r. Geergr Alites-t Vaght itsleved hvvitand oi Gem-s Msy lev; deas-iatheraSo lest et Oaitviiia and Douglas Milton; aise aervieie hy f- gs-s-dciidm-. Fuaervmmire m-as ti lesnt te MeRertie Fue Hasts, Tuesdcy. Ïrlermeel Csss-gm-en aem-etery. CAROS 0F THANKS m-s m-sed tiitr te tait rat onvvcho mmembiered uson occaio for olidenAM esary. Ms-. and Mrs. H. Bromitoal rt3-4 I stisi te Ststt m-y m - riends and Stigbrsfo- sm-nY firveces, sat'dv, IriSera i rvlssstm dttnm-tgsy stay TeMlo DititHeapi aise ttsd isqeiiet. A ape tasit ye te Dr. Rdm-ards, n as and staff and tr Oea. Hai antd Raa. Fotter for rteir vis Sievereiy Aies SOcS aIfr 0 wtIl J c c c -CARDS 0F TIIANKS 1 FOR SALE CLASSIFIED RATES 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 8 HELP WANTED 161 FINANCE May 1 hi thateursinag staff S00 No. t nusrery. John Hase- 1963 VOLKSWAGEN camper, CLEANING lady fes- hettie MORTGAGR FUNDS, ist aind f Milton Hosepital, Dr. Kevlest- ter Laedscapittg, Geor-gettwn, Taepbo Thse Canadian 191 inf st excellent conditions, 20,000 mtiles rieur Milton, 1 day a west. Oves 2ed arvilvitie, retidetîjl,con ki, peuple mire stted theis- 877-7451. 1a48-5ll-tf 878-2341 cmptan Matmr, Ontario on motor (1500). Best elfe-. 854- Ssransporetation ps-efes-ble. 878- m-eciai, aise ssestgages per- ___ferme,_____________My 2355. 5s13-1303 6426. 8613-1304 chasad. Cati Glene Dasaey. fie meveial KENMORE deluer veeveratic am-es. Dem-este.ORROIN A GS.OkwaRatyIvstmns Dtertsyas-. Lite sei xeln tErGEMfflt - NCane' PRIVATE, 1969 Dedge Pelara Qaitrille, 827-5713 anytime. Leesard Firth-Valn estton 87-71 elletat ;tts ttestFOR sttStsm.stav1.sstve nsrs esri-re ý m-m-oa 500, pewer braites and sterdeslc24- ___________________________________________ $1.25 eleaeeer atemste for 15 rm-st. &er s,ý r«a ststt pies eptiee ptga. $2.395 854248M L orF AE 6v4-t 1Iwish ta expess ysi .y ADfl5e MACHINES typte,- e dm-.tes . tltre 5-h t et efler 6 p.m. 5st4.4496 Fer egg gradieg station. Mest tcr rtr o ale et restai. comaa vllws, stABS oreCTt 1.m 0 ftsr fesa.liv.ste. have gt-dsegrvxpeienerHears hastis te, relatives, friands and Phase 878-6962, Harria Saties- it for -th aslesti, tne. M.MDTeetee7-MeayeFsiy. 1 REL ESTATE seighsitrs tes- their visita, serds ,-y -96 ts-97-t mIGT MaseRce con 7-5 tada tut Friay 17 avRE atte-eaeiem .a je41-t IN________-_1.50pl-_0r_-______tr._o ditien, 28,000 eriginal mileage. oerph Brant Memeriat Heapit- SI.MMEI5 sicranav, 6eOrly Dejn i asii,-5pn ,dy Set tep aed sevea isetaded. Apye.PRIVATE vair. 3 - edroom t. drivas caises isasgrv. Regutar sote MRI s tam--m e il. -Ir ttr -aaîem-1 853-1768 Actron t8.5 Maple Lodge Farmo iStbugalovw, bi-ck and s-iem-ivm, Ge3rgtown 8ae7Fr. 73-3 Oi 2551 Grediras, DEADUNE US 12 NOON TUESDAY 199JAVELIN SOT. 343 V-8, LIMITEO yodtoepve rv.R I fm epl gates~d n m Gerteree, 67251. tlSs4, 4 bas-s-r, autemeatic, cre- onscily sicrd. Phones 876-6637 afa h itnDsrc o-YOU WILL LIKE bryier yeee soie, taiiy poevred, tetly etp OVL afses- 5 pet. i7sl-1di sital foreteelletare Itbilding mcteriatt and ceatat eed darna My receas fi- Cramterds Campitetivilir. Qaisit The Canadien Champion, Wedstasday, Jutp 29, 1970 ped, 9,000 miteaga. Bras effer. test, I am pat-tireiariy indaitteat service. Higit qeaîssy. Phoene Geos-getestn. 877-9196 a5ter35.00 6thaLi.vle, aras v satmpîe. ABLt-AN--csNtar KvstaiD tlosi fritia medi- Campitetisiitt 854-2232. ts-416-tt 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE p.m. 5s3-43 Hai ms2 ras-lit staio Sîrica ADI'h.rJNE ai akiti and se te amitelance BROADLOOM remeartsvair, FrYu etCr...bildsings ce 3 as-m-s and s-ivr. ds-ivers tes- titeir semdy a e hiiment crsvcd pile, WHEAT strass, 25c a haer PART -TIME les- esviag FrYsrNxCa d-MAEoFEAE Hsv itcen rît ta die. $300 daste, aretati service. Il m-scv erta'ety sagvand pa60rv. Fronm S5.95 [rom the field, i mite seeth aS joits. CestaIs-ai tg 878-3350. TR-Y MAEo8FM L 79 m-asst, givra yaa a m-art- m-art - mas-misg te, reartarve suprr square yas-d. Gaoeitv, Campbrtlilte. 854-9977. Cra 8c53-4435 Cn retrConpoet maygo ihsfonfriesds Gereon 77-2551. 1lb5-742 2c13-4495 196 CHVCOrOseKsa- BC MLO II Milles and te staff t OS 98CE.Nvat.6 a UKHMLOWi D. Pirate assept MYviasers GOING Werat, mestserlf 1967 _____________dio, erasv fiitr est, 11.000l mili AT for Residential Schooî ADVERTISER bharba. Fard XL cenverotitte, lis K96- rv878-675 SaIS-4498 c13189 A.H. riton.723 14 ma ittt hll m-at, 25_3________F___SALE_ es 1965 MUSTANG, V-8 assemas- B E L L B R O S Food Service Department Toronto 10r, Onit. 1 itp. mater; 1970 25 h.p. arma orno 0 Ot crm-ir. AsIes 853-0204. 6 UE-BE eisar . i1050. Cait Ms-. m-alla 878- 878-6380 Eaprievccd in quanetiy ced 17c-tf IN MEMORIAMS 1sl3-4423 bors; 4 Hampsitire itrars. Retss~9. tSpm 5e-rf qaaiyatsedsapsvv _________________sale,____ Milla, 658-3645 F5seeltes. 5cl3-4429 ior ned OZRSN-Inlvn em hpetT ramieas al, 5s1 i- 4-4500 PRIVATE, 1969 Toyota Uem-i- 40__________ itrcvek. Samc sift S E C 0 N D ery et Argea Rosv CGesei, cs. Fs-sm 33.95 per squasr yard. WELSH pery ced Paiemîe Pla 834224 mls.f1 y$,0.wr.Orai ii evc meite paasd am-ay Jely 26, 1954. Geedlat', Geos-getwn 877-2551. gelding, tard sidisg. Maits et- Phn 5 -24 ier 6 p le. 7 WANTEO itrscitv. MO0RTGAGE 60e de set sm-d a vperial day litS 741 fcs-. 877-6852 Georgetown. 5cl4-8-097 -Sala-v $2082 ss 32.93 ie itear. MONEY AVAILABLE Te bsisg yea te rer mird - -OA cpe-e 3r13 1766 966 TRIUMPH Spilire con- Lasr mestitlyr pvmettN Fer lte dvyv ste de sel thittof3"it 1ND Yt copertt vertiitlr; 1964 Vaitstags 150Sf. WANTED TO BUY Fer Ss-plm-itc vsmnt.N Aryee tSars. 3 ycs eid. covarerd la_______________ Bethin gsad condîiion 878-2781. Appvinesss-slgc tu itones. seyeitl.Ct Ar eyhr t id rprebtcav bc cbaeged tano' onoiaeyurbls u Ifre s bard ee. rst Papar t aal agav;on, bark- 4 I MPLEMENTS FOR SA LE 5vi3 1211"In l Furniture C.H RTO otl aeseis indaf.Ar gicave itradbotard. 854-2640. 167 UHEV. 4 deer. rxcellent W-ill pay yae ravtse rthe vpot Business Adîrsai vîsals- rargements made in ltse pria- gtrs, ls-53-1262 condition er.-r-ilied, 6 cvi. ase-, for gondavedfrniturevand ap- c tyv et tse m-r aie the ado mGes- 3 h.Lveetr DEMONSTRATOR - Itr- m-all, cusvtest s-adio. Phare 878- ptiacrra slaves, mresiges-cara, OtroIedasApe Te ar lite tare etp Geaviewer 2n atserai 1206D Tresses- aved 3076. -5c13-1422 stsieaer stasiterst. School o hedt Deaf Cou459155 dearSpavial 85.5; 8 it. Laste Trac- nlty 14 itears. Ceme amuserg titroegi te deeor. tes vsith 32' valtieg pcv PHONOl NOWteDef byMem59d.9d, vivorra, 20d H2iadw 2 Uvcd Itrna-ioneev F806 Die1i BS FE MILTON, Gela-sa. Il Osera SI. E., BR.AMvPTON Lrisl M m-dmrdssters and ndle-cy eeStnetrek Ts-ctrss. BET O FR Milton 878-3781 81 b-them-. cIS-4488 664t-6014. lcl4-4427 UsdItrainladCs 0Open Eresirea titi 9 PAT DRAGO OSBOUOONE - te levieg m-est- IDEAL las- gilties - a vs-ica fiaelf propetlid Sectte-. ITIN S 60MAN T.7J REAL ESTATE LTD. ory of a dea s andbratiller, ef setc. el crl-y Milton. Av- 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTED 34.L.S. Reviîvr Jimmie Ovtosre, stit pavard cîlahir in faur m-cIl ps suais- Ucrd Itent nala 91 vaelf pro, TRACTOR 17c-tf cm-yvddel sa -etetfan aitise frfr-mieg.er s-saris pclIs-d Ceombiie. acidnt Jly31 169 ohatinoe.. ttacivlypak-Internvatoal Moel C 205 B HELP WAidTED HOUSECLEANING sevs-s-s The yeasam-aym-tpeoutMarty agedstalliips-s .90,O iati- sd Interational31sef pro- Yvcr 1961 las-ge as- sm-ail, s-ais 87M0-t. abiega notes 95c. Av-ails-hic as Ttc Lys- p0ta Me-ENe andy 2one yec-v9v3.e BvlthiChampim-ip19rataacre r, TRAILER Covtinae Rcm-ivigt ses-vice tu ROTOTILLINO, nes sm-I laid. The m-cm-atT et tier happy Miltse. If erds-ries iy mail, Uvs-d Mascay 27 veit prapalird Fs-scital Madal 352956 asuerst ysvr ste. N protbeL, aneac 87n97d 9v21-O3S dayv, piesar cdd 15c ta cvers postage. Comine, ssiy $925. ruessm-rra Gel 050Nc pm- 878907Lac 9tslvev c1c-4i351 Wiea m-e m-cm- vît tm-ethes-, tisI-4308 Yvcs- 1956 visrerrvorvpiai- Hie Oriame hlm s' ateral, Orrera sardtur psf type Csm-tser astmn eel rdrd. Write W. T. FURNITURE vs-saitisg, But saee notn t rail UhsED drsse s-s vi ail ts; BARGAIN Rastîrigi Ca. Lsd.. Drpt. G-284 paivl and vasriait s-cm-osai, gardas-arIse i atrra res-i- ASS CNDIION 916, 4005 Richltcieu St.. Msetm-ai s-hais rrceed. Pivk-sp ced de- Bulwe god-lctonofslve, rfrg- YO NGS S S ONITON 207, Qoe. 8r13-4292 i-ry. Las-sy Fitiilps. 878-2243. Lots Bet itt pire oS lte m-ail. vs-s-tsas-s-d wes-ias-s -nera.FR QIMETtervs sais sbemade sesrire-. 9v13-4354 tssîsl as Juat mitas hîs fle m-as brigittrat, ne- ced sard is. m- s- ces- .11PEN tItisn foa ERSETTVSris la t,-,id cire Just m-ber hâ hepea stare bm-t, bey gardi vas-st laresave. John- CLAPPISON'S CORNERS abea i ecs ERSNAI sa l. ît m--ihave building God salird tim gm-m cm-erg va ver Fas-SîOm and Appliic PLEASE COME TO TOSELL FARSOM AND lt s-est !. s-vs-s so 10 s-sa. Tahage TOic F hwRm UA ROPERTIEit 1 OTRSRAYED Ta %e eavsi Mis. Are Ta hem-e et etermvi mes. a-aa- liv is am. Phone 1-416-689-6668 ciPC eqie y xadn el LOTR R AlasrmmeeMent ard 160 MasnSiO., pisse 878-3781. INPC rvmdh acde rCia chs-i Ms-s. Chars-S> Sedy; JetS. Shes-yie Bilt and Gps-a evesegc tli 9. Las-ge4c1 sa ognztn.Tiig,8-91. Lors-aire Oviteeme; Cas-t' Larne ecc-e astk 2278 Nipi.s REGAL TRANSPORT ase v deîae mvdvd. L RGH Wes ra s-ssem vsth$,0 onPye Pats, Tes-sy and Ps-nny Kig. rg Rd. 5v1-flt[FRSL xeavient scststieaioev. De-e msclIs-, als 700DonPyen r13-8t33 - 5VEHICLES es-s-E .,lie ,Rcad Apply Lie- Pe frmavlstiovnssaad bs 10Ace Bo 7, akile Ot.spprvcissrd. 878-9766. 0 ce WID etaig -c-s- f GET A LOAD 0F THIS" 199Die-te sivsno Bx70 avle ent 1v3425S m-sit 3 t- dîes bickv iteme, deas- fchr and gs-cdat-itr. * RCADY-MIX CONCOCTE S50 as c. Alter cie 87806109ee MLO RIKC.LT.81 m-a-d-e plievst- larsgs- bsar., FranktWiid,m-to pascests-wy * SEWER PIPEETC. 5sl-1302 5l 0,., gss.gs Gts-cicv m-m-rd- tegust 3, 1958. îcvLO Eîîs s-sa slestss 3 FRR N . - .- Usc ie ce lthia WShtittweeoud give ilm-5 old cc h vasehase at A DD RE SS E RS 13___FOR_____ lsv-i 8 cd8-951. Ci r "Helita Dast in te vaste oîd 39-7 25 Hcy. s-t Buas-t-has-pe C e.t.sj WA T D ETs-la.3pscs-t)Ns-79l - m~~- F80Read V a u L.J J V I'~ INFORMATION FREE Phones 878-3659. 13e13-8424 70 Acres Ta tes-a yrvr vase, ae yu PHNE 827-107 M-v5 e30s iii pr smlDaiiy -et. Svvday sm-s* Serd Ot-m-ped. Ss-lf Ad- HOUSE Tsiais-s- -s'.istu s-s Tis I -.ps-s-s i s 1i mile vi stit ith yaaced cit astiîl. "TCAEL BUIsIN --- y reu-n any s-ay . s-. I rv,,vd Evvs-eIrs-. Laits Ssm,- vs-scpa 5. 854-2593. o,ssds vf Milts-. Gcd 1evas So you wo have faTher BOSSE' BUIDIN 13bt11-4379 lavAi Is-celsga ce 2 s-ast. Te Se aa -beitavct-tts-,Our Sales Staff wiII be caughf at play." MAILING SERVICE v siev cali Ross Cscc 878-9511 Uhedit itim eiti are, MATERIALS LTD. F0. Bar 66A Geos-getown SMALL ,lp,îsse-vs s-p.s-ste s-s 878-2755. FePr you'l aave-n trac urt r- ta tO You the Car Buyer can sîjîl have a VALUE PLUS 8a5 s-vIs-s-es-- evlsss-esesd. Ais-su acene______________7627 13st-i Older Homne with Lots -Till yev sec his acanct chitsr. SAVINGS DAY on any one of oas- trouble-free cars. ""OPE3FRIHS t-isla-sps- "Ro Aistcyvreanme6d bdcelt R U B YS ____________ MARRIEL> O PLSofRo tes Gladys, stciS-icc Hem-id - ___________________m-el,. s-s-vrai les-alîs. Phe-.ý 8c- lss s-s-s-s-cbsg, caps-vichy and ga-cdsnasye s-es Ste- Troica & Exotic Fish I o atetaIcm,883e.1c349 hon>sopn.Pie pitss. c13-4436 Ops-e9s-m-. - 9p.m ,css-kd.s-9 1969 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2 DR. HARDTOP havs-rti msapar- sims- anvd itarelis-cksl iS2,0.Vn 1 .m -6 .m SFm-sPrvvshissunitvsits-aItest ds-ive. Lis.792-973. useofa cas-s, s isvos-pps- RGG ntsdBa-d, cas-vs-vs- d hl la qavci-2.i4V- COMING EVENTS 5 MILTON HEIGIITS COCO. 1969 CHEV. 2 DR. V-B, AUTOMATIC CALL s-s-as. 87862068, 13c-11-960 gags- ai 10', Tu svis vs-il Ks-y _____________ s-sscs frvm- Hs-itav Bos-sd s-S la hs-sd Iotels-l il iv-v- formes-s O.F. v-s- ... buit ce wili. Hamnilton 547-5848 CELEUTOIC IOT W A T E e]889,1o 772 17,13 YutonteMv peet dCit ice Buildivg Lis-. P38282. Oviy $1,849 . train- il am. le 8 ps.. lys- HEATEOS aviit fs-ese arvice Veelitpasa intiew5s in your Phase MiltoS Hyds-s, 878-2345. -Davar se Maciid ltia Scies- 878-6882 1968 FIREBIRD 2 DR. HARDTOP home. 13c1728-tt -day, PAugeat ls, 8.30 Ia 12.00. AQUARIUMS s-vd SUPPLIES Lîr. L98856. fic,14 Admission: 31.25 tas- Mmbe-6rv1 tll 2 - BEDROGM epstiairs s-p- $1.55 tas- ar-memhee. -1966 CADILLAC RIER s--m-set, vsuits-s-sss-sd as- bi- Lvviig les- lapa la dritiSa' Anevlts vs-le sas-er. IU'.ls-vrpiBa47,Tt e-t ________________ T V TO W ~ER Lic. 437792. Minimum Ags- - 23 m-as s-v Chasm-piov. 13c-14-44921 Nassagaweya West ITp ciar STOAGE s- ss-s-bcaS822>900, vs-a 3 -beds-rm-r bs-set 1 FOR SALE A E1966 FORD FAIRLANE CONVERTIBLE 5!1 s-p OSeet apave, venrîsal loataionv, s-ps- 1tsgi-tc s-sli c SA ELic. K95833. Orip $1,595. Yeas- roand Cm-piaym-et. aIs- eelracrvv. 2278 Nipisiig s-s relies la Mavnitoba. fIm- v 2 FORD 15' chitme s-revse, Appiy to: Rd., Miltn, 878-3781. m-vdis-l povsesio. v 25. 878-3318. lsl-1265 30 oer ais-sal-isd iith ail vhs- 1965 FORD CUSTOM 500 MAPLE LODGE FARMS 13v îl-4254 _____________ e- its-sd $62.50. DrnOs-lyi' 40,641 m-ils. Liv. K96337. LIMITEDVAIT UcprTs-is-, Oa-oSt 87AMPER las- trce vit-43 40Fiteesdwihalc Nos-val test îsailes as 538 Bs-se Rd. 5-, 0.50). S5,000 dccv. 4 t est ____________ e- hs-sd 876.50. t LinWes mt ci Bram-pton Batk r om- lesvids. 871 ui seplîl, uv 34 s-s-e- panai- e 16 9222T aSrt 870-9795 r 30' lasvv iecialls-d sssîh ail s-nt- <Ne voîlI have Vtaiting Bayes for 1968 - 69 t1 m-ile aes-Ih ai Ostelas 1865. 13v17 3982 lsd m-s- ro-av, ofelîs-s.acla 113-44g9 os-i hss-d 891.50. Chevrolefs or Poniiacs 8h11 enbi, havlv dieieg on-lm NE Cl--t--ilc sed VMIT > ~~~ A E T Real Estate Career 14 WANTEO TO RENT s-s it ivl ts-m.dst Fn RET as-s. (fas-or s20.00. MV s-is-. garsags-. Ovctas in FIRETON sýr1). ntaled$2000. MILON M TOR SALS LD *WANTCD -Fait Tima Ral SMALL Apas-lm-ele r m-sm- Nas-lth vi-ss- tere. cad. testalird 388 MAIN ST., MILTON 878-2333 £stage Ageat tee Milter As-ev. 1er 2 single girs-l. 878-935. TieSeilo h e $00.5h113 Jeir Canastas lvrest m-iter.n 14v13--t2S Guelphi Line 64- Tir Speluof therpo Wee tlmn oo ed ntle Eapss-ienvad maenager to assist Bas-gîsîs Ba-tîifl eards-d acs- W4s4eehitm-piar $64.-9l-av5. sa.ntai FOR AN yav. Extrateip tuepavdscom- schasis41 x 25 bsmeet y- iel 6.5.E* m-tsseras. 15 PERSONAL Os-sdN co bviid ce. Sacs-siar se Sm-ail hlem-ith marksa an lirs-e Aulemsti- s-vtor. Isalied Me ~ m5b-et m-f MosRai Estat, ps-ce s-s $10,800. m- hile vappty lavIs, enly $6.5 O K U E.> C A R Boards. HELLO Se aIl my ls-icrdv ced T. $14.95 Op-sva -llpa THE CHOICE IS YOURS AT CONTACT Harîrs o ndee t ieMv"mers -en t2LLOYD G. LEE, F.R1. se London, Ergiard, alîbvesit 22 Ssdsrad. i s-s-st Ii100 v iy HURRY! 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