Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Jul 1970, p. 2

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p Te Canadien Chaumpion, Waceudey, ily 29, 1970 Students, aduits f Iock ta attend summer school Loado of yooogoters and odolto sutuerer. Vite ocitool ie a ocx weeit are atte.ding reguiarclass a sssint Hait.. ecorner aceail ut Perdue ititle tl lie nt yei Isoome just Reih Orbool e Oabivdle tbls o w bac any peuple atend lte Canine paýtrol? Not golng to dogs Miltoeu jet goiog to lte doger a yeoc ta teed and boule lte dog, eut jui yet, anyeay. and the force mooid need a Mine muolcipal cotuscile more epeceol station wagon in wliicit asked to lookjinethleouse ofpolice thteda:gmold ridetteeceoe of d6ge a mitie afgo, Cooocillor lte crjrnen. Gordon Krantc and Police Citiel Ray Andreon djd uorene- Anther piece of ioformnutioo veolegotiog und ugreed on fer. Couecillor L'acte trnperted 10 lijge-doge areot oeeded in coooicil io weoit iodicuîeo lte Milion yel. aod beniden, lbey're o Milton Poice ore doiog a fije job pretty eopeetoice proposttion. on clearing op roues. Accordieg Coiuocjllor Kroolo bold rne- tu Dornion Bureau of Statioticu beroolcoooilbtiumweeklthe record, thelocaltforce ba Cltjef did't elaoneildtu bave clearance rate of 52 per cent- logo petrollieg ocit lte con- oecen aod a bail per cent oltove niable. lTe cont woaid con $1,200 lie procinceal average. - POLAROID [r SWINGER FILM SPECIAL F1~ ree peettet pitet albumeth tcevery 2 ceIIseofType200 " tlm putcesed. $945 V ER ROLL NEW SWINGER FILM REQUIRES NO COATING! Here o se if et iroduer ycu o te e Pol,, S-i ha g white Landfil tchat BOy 2 rol fPolr Sngeflm vooeandtgeto pok t euejbm ti ,tact. Tae oyr Swonge citrSw ee yo go 7Cre abumt c ohltispca b lMu e hrl ceyotiec -MILTON PUOTOSRAPUIO 162 MAIN BT., MILTON, ONTARIO GRACI ANGLICAN CNURCN Milton, Ontario. Rectort 0ev. IL W. Ponter Assisenet: Canon F. H. Mon SUNDitS, AUGUST lcd, 1970 Tony X 8.00 etc -Rote Coocato 10.00 tem.-Mute Euhcitee eand Soeon. Ne Theecilet Comtmonion ilor- eoie t oc0t o Auoc MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. 878-2022 Chitniano gotiteredit n te oece ofthOe Lorit Jetas Chtrist. Locilo Day SUNCIAI A1701.9 2nd, 1970 10(30 o w -Oceain of Ornait. 12.15 r.e.-Socitay Seitont 7.30 pc -Gospet Serian. Weilceeitop 8 pot. - Praper oeil Bidle eaiig. At) ar e oeme le Ibean serices. Jeoceeîad, "I etc the Light ef tOc ceorlil; hr thet (olloce- e ttoc e) llnt vuelkin o iark es. Joho 8: 12. BOSTON AND OMAGN PRBBBYPB8IAN CHURCHES Ministr Mr.c. R.t Lewis, O.A. 878-4428 SUNDAY, AUGUST 2ed, 1970) 1000 e.ctt Ooc)oc Rocehip Sernioe. 1130ea.oc-Oe1h: Woechtp Sernie. EMMANUbL BAPTIBT CNURCN Comtmtercial Street, Millon Paotort 0ev. Claplon Cotes 878-4473 875-3542 Te Lorilt Day SUNDÂS, AUGUST 2eil, 1970 9.45 a.n.-Oiitlc Sohino 11.00 a.-Morning Wtrip 6,W0 p.ln-Song Service. 7.01) pf..-Oteni'tg Wtrnldy. 8.co p.rn.-raprr Mcetig and Baible Stadp. --Loiu cnter loto tie Ofouce ai lte Lord oicli taokgiting and itia Mie Courtu bath Pranue, CNU8CN 0F CHRIST No. 5 Siilere, anit 41b Lite Trafalgar SUNDAY, AUGIUST 2ed, 1970 10.00 nec Bihtc Sool Clavset toc all aget. 1100 o.oa-Morno Worcip 8.R o.e. -Prn nctg ni Oie Gonyel. KNOX P8IBflIRIAN CNURCN Mieictrt Roc. John M. Murray, Milton. SUNDAY, AUGUST5 2ed, 1970 10.00 e.tc Uoioc Servtce ceSt St. Peuh" Uned. hDeoeep o:ith cou. Chasc Heteor. get otîicte NIGNWAY GOSPEL CNU8CN A local anrcitly af The Protecostal Attemtitiet oi Canada Waefieldl Rdt. oeil RC. 25 Milot P.te: Reu. M. Chetsteocco Te). 878-20&4 TRE LORD'S DAY SUNDAY, 0170175 2ed, 1970 9.45 o.t.-Sooitny Sehool. 11.00 att -Marteing Wortii 600 p.te-eotitN Pcravec. 7.00 yen. - EcecligEanooel. inlie Service. Weiteoiay - Biblt Sîoity, 7.30 yari. Aep meanthient, lcI fimt conteraetowme,oandrink. John 7, vn. 37 Chcist standsc cait1 pro vide cpirituol itc toc titan .uho ae tIeirsty. BT. PAUL'B CNURCN af THE UNITED CNURCN 0F CANADA Main St. ai Jamnes Si. MinstIer; Rev. C. A Hoioce, B.A., 0.0 Orgonint unit Choir Leader: Mns. Rarotld Mage. StINDAY, AUGUST 2oit. 1970 10.08 ocm-Union Service aI Kno Prsenpcrian Citeect Oct. Chtarlcs Halner wcl ba tba onelater. nebool, Principal Robert Laogîn oai Ooere mase 1,400 eloudeut nubjectu. le olter wrdsano tunowom nueber ut, etudeela aitend 1,400 classes. Berne laite more lta- one eoure. Sente are tabeg mlurses ta complete tbeir dipleca reqtlremeula. Ottore are taig Interee eourses and faue are taidog indiveduel courues le get ceite id titat eubject. 'Ibere mere Naie. as masy adulteand more bigit ecbaol liodenle lta. e.pncted miten te ocitoul ope.ed. More teuaciere mere bired once tite eciteul utarted. Driver edocaien, borticalure and typing are amortithe courses acaillabie ae mdil au regaiar académie nubie. MaVicy sf111 b. Iaind assombly A Cbamupion etery tet meeit caeparlinerror whe.it oogge.led Milton Couicl ban decided tbare id ne ned toc a land aservibl progress tor lte Clerit Jacit MeGeacie bau been requeeted le oblale in- formateon en a land aaeebly pcograe undfer enietlog leigiulatiou , and sa te get detailu on o gocernment-epeneored HOME (Home Omueculdp Mode Eaeyc plan. Cofcl je eut la- teceoted in a land auseebly peograen for enduutry at tblu tene, es Alliance Builing Corparation te plannong an ondutriel pissa on te îoo-acelbaroptaero ecth ot Base Line Rd. culs ot Higbway 25. Obituory M. Boughton A reojden ofllion and dietrict toc lte paet 10 peuro, Joba Maxmell Boogitan died aI Milton Dintrict Hospilal on Jaiy 16. He mos n hibs 5th yeur. Mc. Boogiton me barn and educoted on Brontford. In Sep- telobar 1030 bie ment overueaoi mitb lte Oth Oattery trocn Branttord and mes bonorably isicbarged en 1043 itit lte catit of Sergeant. Moveli trunt tte Jonc receoly beanod ise taciy moveit to R.R. 5, Milton. On Feitroarp o, 1945, ite marriSd Catherine Irens Haten aI St. Oeil's Citorchitn Brant- tord. Foc Oie pont 15 yenr ite mao eeployed aI Ford Motte Co. id Qaittille. He mae ou active membar ot U.A.W. 707 Oatvile and wan cbairtvan of the Stleward Cototvttee ut Ford te 1902 and 1963. He mes aieo active in lte 5401 aattery Aenoc,, Brantford and a peot meebher ot Brancit 136, Royal Canadien Legion in Milton. Fuccaleservice Rev. J. J. Morpitp conducted lte loteral service aI Roly Rosacp Cidrcb en Jaiy 1n mlit totereent i0 Evecgceeo Cemeery. Palliteaceco mere Oive teptewn Jusepht Oieubi, Roe Toniter and Jba Poiler of Milto; Wayne Clarkt, Brantford; and Grahame Boughtan, Oshtawa and a itrntbec-to-lsw Joba Htten ni Brantford. Survtving are mite Calterine, eons Johin Michauel ot Aliiuloe, Orpan Chaarles, Robtert Jamneu, David Maxell and dangitteru Doota Marie and Cathterine Margaret, ai ai htoee and tero grooddaogittero Mariene unit Taeey Boogittot, Alboleo. Aiea oorvtiog o broutier T.A. Itougito. Oshaowa and nintece Evelyn (Met. R. Cronidr, Uiter- non; Jean (Mns A. W. Clark), tirace (Mrs. A. G. Clark) ot Brantforit. Sister Margaret preiteceased id. Owuo"" MMIIdata88 LU.- 375 GsàIpIu St. Gegtw977-523 vot lRÇW ARAALER 196t saROVER -JAGUAR SALES - SERVICE - PARTS "OW @FEN ~NEWPOTATOES 10UIb.Baeg17'0 GOLDE RIP BARAIS 1- lb. WAVING GOODBYE--oeeof a dezen icycle ridieru Lyn, Lauca, Mns. Aiite.bead and Debitie mate to W -------- IVW ouya turemeit la Ohil boula toc tie nigitt. Dr. aed Papnon Store, lte test ni lte cidera te lessve- OlO A Mm. Dn Ajkeuieademaderoae for lte rideramiten llieaft Fiotol HNO mhey ee rained mit ut Keu dtimg the eve.ing. Rain-soaked cyclists spendi ;;wL;;0 OIE dry night in Mîltor ny Bab Buje Wben titey arited bere -"A-pedalling me mili go, recently bllty ns eade it eigb me baa tbee sg ora iepossible toc lte group id opeed dahwlen Aeiaoe ynogfor ma the nigist ,ut Kelea Fuit as are pealtn tbaic te may lle planeed. Mito District Hospital .Deoiitnobe fil7 wa alare considered taig the daep crem Detoitto uebc Ctya dstaceid, mite. one appeared ibace mth nf over M00 eioles. cola ltaI ne.ded attenion. Dr. Paynton Biture, ta-yeur-oid eon Don Aibatited, the dociacnonncl] of the teud nf te Atoanir Esrg ltat day tuait the mitole gcnup tb Comumiesion id Washinglan D.C., lits b or toceb nigitt. four otiter aeitioau baye and .Rt omer odnndcl neveue girls fret Balibane maity Nvn VontfrCity alimore d ut mbn iba corne iere," Mns. New orkCit gatere aiAiite.beud ejid. Payelen said the Detroit and bagan titeir tripe loy people in the ores mece gueat and lie. bie grop apprecîated lte Susy yoar Es undorwoy Rotary plans carnival Reports ity contritteel cbujcemen in the Rolary Club of Mitton iodicuted piano foc a buy peur meS ondermuy abter non offîcer beganthibir year ai the brut of Joly. Ol ma reported a cacoival mou beieg planeed for Rtary Parkton Augest le. lThe progitra le a revitai of Éudnier eveula iteld la the Oirn-udeteioped Port by Oie doit a nombar of yearo ago. Ibis pear's evenîmwill fealore a cbjcite. barbecue. A carrallp ioin teplaning stagesand wil aarrmnged for a date in the foul. Continue assislance Intecent ie pactes acnd playgrotiedn mut continue asnneer subdivisionoaredevelopedilimms reperied, and the neede for asistae on larcng lte areas iin uetul additions to the tome's perte systnios evideul. A new sein of icucelogues ea urracged and tbe Oirsi progract miilfealure areturntvisit bpthte urtiot mmm pre.e.ied a eau- ucre pcngraen lait; yeur. Tbis yeur bis .nobject mili ba on Canada. For that Pcoratt Oi night mas cbaogedtobrdy bat ail noier prograrne id the cerieu mdll ba itel on Taeuday as A sutber of noier prograrna are being develnpedi andi mWlie b delaled au plans are fieubezed. WANTED TO 1IUY Johnson's Furniturs cill ety yu CoS M lthe atf t-ar aand au ffaniue andcl appictucn tet, rufralore, accgue sueS..s etC. MILTON 878-3781. Orec eceiltt 9t oltc haine ORANGE JUISE baepitliy. Tites groupa elayed ai poutit baulto ere filr mere basietoa and ai camping groucla ie otiter placeu. VIte Iratelleru petitS sleeping btaga bat n lents, and tere je joui emetig différent abaut sleepintg uder lte stars mien lte ulars are repiuced by b eavp clouda releasing bucitl oftacin frot lte baavenu sbave. Beardel scatellee Papene.n a bhusky i8-yeur-oid npocling o beavy beard as evideoce ni sevecai dayu en tie bite, acted as noftjcal upekeneon toc the crem. Paynlon got the ideu id apply toc lte trip front lui talter, mito bad gloue bo Europe on a trip speuecred by YeHout eet of Arnerica miten be mas a yongslar . Ocgaeozern recoeeended abaut 35 mile. a day but the fnoup itou coverba an average of a day. Belote Oiey are tbauited Ohieyilbhave tcarelledotvec MW rndes ity iie Body BildIIIIers oe t- aie r kuile n .Sceaalbiog oui delts, tctous repit- Ilg aur upeciulty. BILL'S AUTO mooy 269 MAIN BT. 878-2721 MILTON 878-3281 vol e9 WALTDIS1 WAT ISE e n co,:0 P.M.t10E nesu lit L dI & n an i-la e:B BATET F E.OWA DInIng Dellght ... Make dinfing out a operial occasion andtI rp lrraîing posurorîf to troîy fine fond f antI service. Eojoy the brol. DAI LY INCLUDING Sueet l 1 nO e PM" CHARLES HOlIL MILTON 878-9952 FINAL CLEARANCE e Si% pht e10n L photo carryi photo Con.. I(celt letton Rotai peule peck Pool. i

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