Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Jul 1970, p. 13

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: TE FARMER'S MODERN WORKHORSE. or ais deuftrap? This teacqaul scear assthe tructar andrcombsine baiebuy but tisera ara tai re mahJuly 2Sfa31,tisFeroSfetpffeeahin Canada and theCaadien may bazarda fisct cauld tara itis traqait mcena into a calumity. leaftp C"ni miuia ia ictatr iehutc iefra Plan sufcty the may you plan crapo" n tise Sufety Coancila uadrîca 1naution, is inrafrad la7 aper centaof farta taacbicery futalities. f' to nroll 94 herds n high performances Atotal of 9s dusry isards ta ,Jto n Caanty tare eroafîrd on Jiacordaof Perfarmacea dring .ý 969. Tisa Holstein brerd aorda . Fred Nurse of R.R. 2 ~rgtown isud tisa isigh bard araga for Hoîstains mitit f9 rda et 15,631 Ilbe. cf mais., 592 of fat, 3.79 par cect tant. ,Tbhs giars a brecd clas terage of149 per centfor mii d 153 par cect for fat. Brner- qa as tise miaoer lac lise tou peratwoyearsClaude F. gc aaafR.R..fcargetoae fia '23 recrdaeeraged 15,264 Ibs. af attîta, 600 fis cf fat, for B.C.A. s of 14and tM. Oauataigstpe Bota tise aisara ierda Ma j6antaadtng tppea s malt as paVrducion as ondicatad sp tisair BÈ-iso-agtaicniags ta puat peurs. Ia third positian mus thr bard ai tiomard Turamefi, R.R 2, Slaaegtaow , wtBCAsof f44 ýxnd 145. Fourth us J. C. Reid, ÎRfR. 2 Georgeto, B.C.A 's af 139 and f45. Fiffb W. F. Laflata, R 2,Norval 1flanrd lai. Far Are Jersey hreed. itfh 15 ,150 attend beef meet Tise Peel-Haltar Seat Praducri held Anci Twiligbt Maatisg ce Tiusrday. July 23 ut ItAa farra of Allai C.cb ce IBarifnon. Me. Caoksgare ac or f bis ýadat and tsea flic grcup asoed theemaugbt fuca par cf lrr anaupacfsetfere. The ut part ofthAa peagrata con- liedaofuatpveypaneltdisuson Jnasa tareting trends. The panel ma taade up cfa ra.praseotutire tramt lie la- dapandant gracery stares, a rapresantattre (romtahA cbuîo stares, a rapresenlatie fta the maeat parbars' courd ardua ~represenfutive framta he ~Canadien Cafflemea's UAasociation. Henry Stalep, CrMicutural Repeeseofalie ctad au anaderutar. Fattomang thr discussion thera eantaerainaoaat unit a lunch cf tfon-a-hua. Thera mara bouta 150 paele ce ttandaaca. berdu. Fred Nurse ailai isad Are top average withsixrecords averagiag 146 B.C.A. for milk and 139 foe baller fut. Ken Ella and ASta, Horoby, bied 27 recards arcragiag 140anad 138 B.C.As. Naît ma Mca. S. L. E. Huare, Gleorgetown, mitis 24 records 136 mnd 131 B.C.A. a f2recarda The mîooer inta e lsev fiuercsey herdo ma Alto timby, Surlîcgtac 22 recarda mcth BC.A.ts of 158 eod 142. ilmaraup mare J. Y. MeNabli, R.R 2, Georgetown mîlb If recarda B.CAsoti 134usnd 135 mnd Mnl McCullougb,' R.R 2 Actaionwih7 rcedasCAë..s of 134 .aod 133. AMtes Putterson Miltan mas tap ta tha Duai Pueptan saorciaro acthea nt ith 14 records areruging 154 and f44 B.C.A.ts Fa rm Patte feue aaoths af uge Sheep management epgthmaod more monthba Dr. di7 Iindalla must be improved sheoaiesi tahA yeae tiaeoagb laf B H. J. Stanley tisaI ail abeep breadara ahaatd Ibis us tise motier- The future af the sheep hae a goal ta prauluce the in te sieep inde unduarymwas ttacuased in detatf maximum numieraof pauidaof parasitesaordogotas aithae OariaoiSeep Bneedena' lamb per eaeon a er-rond aaggeaf. and Praducens'Acnuuf Field Day profitabler hasts. He atatad tAt Tise succestul s heldaon Wedcetday, July22 aithe taunagetaent musa he utaproreti musteut dcmntmose Shar-Gain Reaaarh Farta, ifabheepuare taisecomaeprafitable. lima. Muple, Ontaria. es atapheois shaald Me ptuced Mambena of lice Huflan 4-H on breed risueuctariatica - shape Mhecp Clubs, and sevreu abeep of the eun,etc.,adtheretmusthbe isneedens featatAr caaatp, mena more ephass an howmthe luth -Haillonu Me ladt partefathe 40 POpnsn attanding are gaingta gain,csimuant oflean been apendtog part the erant. taaanaueaticasa,ae tar holiday lunc Mare fats Lumis ahoaîd ha sent fa saisaratauin Miltconut Dr. Saris of Micbigan sfated mariset isy tice lime tMpy reuci Your most useful servant canicripple or kil you. Tractora, combines, baiera, corni pickero and other machinea have made formiera much more efficienst. But the increasing use of machincry ba been paralleird by a frightesitg lîscrease in farm accidents. *Marc Caîaadiufca are kilird Accidentai deatha invoiving ici farmiicg thaîs itn uîy farm machines have doubied otiier sinigle induatry. over the latit 10 years. *The accidenst rate on .20ý of ait persons farma ilr 2011' above the kille'd in farm accidenta nsational average. are undcr the age of 10. But machines do not cause accidents. Farmers do. *Leas thon S¼ý, of farm accidenîts are caused by mechonicai failure. - More thon 93Sîî are raused by curelesas. A thoughtiess oct, refusai to use safety featurcs lika tractor roll bors and power taike-off Shields, ansd allowing children to, oparate, ride oîs or play neor machinery are omong the principal couaes of farm accidents. Juiy 2Sth ta 1sat ia Farm Safety Week and yoaux Workmen's Compenstatiotn Board urgcs you to faim sofeiy this week and every week. FarnsersCovered bytheWorkmen'sCompensationAct Ail fcrm employece have Furmrcdesiinog inocmation abcut been compulaorily covered tir Act ahaulit mailtChia coapon. by Workmen's t -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- Compensation 1 ,,.,n.CcrIircB... aoit, silice 166 fPi:u, ccýd nic "Ifa ira n tue emnîcrasa f and more thon fin liido1 i1 $7,000,000 Naaf b!as been paid I in3 compensa- f Aittanr tion and f medicai aid t__________ banefits. f The Werkmenas Compensation Board, Ontario 90 Harbour Street, Toronto 1 Farm Sqfet-y W eek The Canaiean Champion, Wadcesday, July 29, 1970 là Farm accident toil rising Feer farmeca work faser Loiprodure acre fond chian r et rml Ldcgrourii Oetiii ira îi c.iiiî.i ke pl.î-yu hic belte. Manyaofthem acehurrying thnceelves ladeathhecause fhy macls. sacrificesafety inthe name f speed.In 1969, 29pecntofttal acdet lookplaciural ra Farta accidenta have risen on a per capital lusis parattet mitit the icaaiîted lcy satne 10 per cent cf the population But flcey accounîrd for intensification of atachunination. la 1951, a Canadien farta papulation 74.5 par cent of traffic deafhn and 42 4 par cent cf injurlea; A Ihird of of 2,892,cf 00)peeafed 399,600 tractars. Datainion Bareu of Stahitne the peuple iacaled in flirte accidents are rural residecla, flucif thrc prajetioaashow tfat thelatin populationhbaildecreased tu,52,000 in a mach hîgher per-capita death and accident raie unir, urfcac 1969 but tractars had iacreased ta 627,ffa rrtîdett. The tractar is thce heurt ofth tie frni praduction operutias. Thîe airre are piapaiated operator ta the bruin. A Rayat Cotamissioa on Agriculture study shamed 78par centaof farta mactcinery futalifias îcralred tructars TIce Acaflier mcajor cause of farta drathe ie firres Of lhe mure char 20c futtare cf the aperatar, affen faaigued cnd cadr stress hecause of annccl farta fire falalitier, mare char hall cf the vctlmu arc childrrc. meather, uccaants far aortir 90 par cenat cf fartan machcatcry accidents. Ways îc reduce these deaihe arc iderfcfylrf lie main liccarde acd Stadaca shata taca thirds cf tructar accidents taite place in mid- fixing faulfy eqmipmrcc. The main causes cf farmta ire drcfhe arc afferrcan ce late atteencan. delectire chîmacyr, chcmcey upcrs ce inflammahle roofs, coaf e Childrs are vmntitas rîcces, furrare intaullaticcs. îcccdccuafe flitecctg prctecticn, cm- But the cîctitas are affea chitdren. Ycuagstersuncder the age cf prpercasecof eetrcîyuacd mimecf aslce and hercreer fire, mataof themerunoer, acrd fofrl12percent of farta marhiceey deatha. Ttase uadee 1c accotffar 20per centfthse fataliie Chlîdrec sold lie prclecled fruta eapceurr cc chemiccle liy lThe pratectian cf Cucada's future farmeet as a ucetay gcal for iseepîrgîthet awy Iruta ccîcrf. dcrlicfor pesticiderrprchig ras Farta Safety Web ta7c eanniag tram iuly 25 tc 31. fa ilt campaiga, the Canada Sufcty Cattacil cn cc-cpeatîar mifh flic Canadian Farta Fortinchîfdre lîre iccadcfercus enrructc Thr deulh rate of and ladattetul Equiptaect fostitufecerges farmers fc bel p redure lime latin rerîdecfs is ce0 per cerf hglir tha fcr lie nation as a uhle. trugedies by refusingtcsaellerhildrelog fcrie ontract nsar Tliey Mcre char , lt rtaecaderfe cdl (ie ccccdcrîafly flue rcar. ton mllle sbrilluandistenot utthe acsmer sbuld necafcrmcno mary cf flirta chîldrer T'Mts coua sufcty must ccerural higismapa. Firttly, Irarcra are ccf If cc p fc Canada * farmeru co plac sauIa lie cas ylliy placrope deaigoed for higbmuy trare. le the sercond place, rural highmays are rn crier lu reduce flic lieccy cIl cuber lic tarin acecierle esercialfy 4-H Club travels to Science Centre aeccîdel cuIld deaflie ard injriec. np H. Cook theScîroce Canre There mere 37 1-iters and six leader a The Kianis Cub of t Itendace. The trip mas enjcyed The imuis Cub f te by crcrycae, but ereryanehbcd Kaogsmuy ugalo sponsoeed ther coaere h ddlhr E S O flulton 4-H bus trip ta Toccata. mn rge tc cc ifl na tat Tisa SigW SHOP D Neý uFFIELD Dise Tracter SALES lit SERVICE SWANSION FARM EOUIPMENT R.. R. 3, ROCKWOOD ratier tha 856-9512 If or eigist ce Becis sfatad an t lont by r U.S. euci c tartafity. I trseno prilcllenments &NobleI sotae muy IINSURANCEI barp raiser I l s at tatabtf 1AGENCY LIMITE 1 1 MARTI N ST. MILTON Whitcsg has cf lis sm cisifief con- mi flic ridiecz L78-9 2 i 7-4 ATTENTION FARMER, TOWN AND URBAN HOMEGWNERS DECLARE WAR ON FLUES OOWFLY POWDER FLORSAIT FLYMOR Pratect yoar cotas t rnm Tiet rstacidstilthebestdry The premifat quelcfy dccfy buicg fces ccd gel ap ta 20 bail ly biffer. Easy ta cse sfock spray ecîfi fasf 'Kclfccy par cerf marc mifhf One wifhfthernew FREE FLO' tap Power'. Sale fa use on cff freattanof ls up ta 2 Cace. Sale la use ic mifk ficeefci cr le farta machs. "PINK COWS GIVE sheds, stables, piggres, etc. habildinge. Acaifaliele f ard gMORE MILK." Acaifabla le Acailable cn 240z. dpaz. andt 5 gal, cars. boa.o2 fis. duster cccs ccd 10 Ili. lb. cace. BARIFLI SPRAY - Ceeltaica Dimaîhoata clfcCticragaiest cff resistanl filas. Spray on maf s, posta, mvietat tramas. etc. Kifficg action Iats ap la 8 machs, 20- oz. otle tahas 21/ allcoes of spray. Accilcbfe en 20 ccd f60-cz. baties. FLYVAP The ciellata slrip that car- paurices DDVP ced hIlle tles far up ta 3 maefhs. Sate ced effectice ta use le mils raams, tact rcams art other caclicet arcas. PRES-SPRAY The eccamîicaf 1cad elleclîc e acrasal spray far hase aed gurdce cse Kllsfetlies, mails, aphte., caferpiflars, cftc. FOGGER SPRAYERS Usea cFagger tor Ffy Coitraf cn yaar dccry or tcag barn, me bacc ce hacd tise Root Lamai f Na. 1022 Atomîst Efectrîc Sprayer-Drcp le ced sec ce SPECIAL PRICE7'TL AUGUST l5th REGULAR PRICEc $69.75 W LOCRY SPECIAL PRfCE: $63.95 " Snip FIy Bands e Oygon 4E e Ortho FIy killer B " Raid Nous. & Cardon Bug killer e Raid Outdoor Foggor STORE 'OURS MON DAY TO F RIDAY 8 A.M.- S P.M. SATURDAY a8A.M. UNTIL NOON W. stock a fui! linoo MASTER FEEDS -3431 AIme, 1-3591 a, fiers, 1 and 8-4111I 'ES 8-6869 0. Sa, 18-9523 IRE 78-9261 IR 78-4472 MCE 78-2326 78-9222 .78-23811 LIII 1781-41118 177-3512 IU1TEI LII. 78.2269 MILL AND BELl VERY NOURS MON DAY TO Fh-DAY UNTIL 5 P.M. BILL CROSS c HARNESS SHOP 10W OPEN FOR BUSINESS JAT THE NEW LOCATION f54-2344 -9964 a Nt! AST~I~ I E R FO I E SUT I HA COUl ; Ji(~ i 878-4463 ment 178-9974

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