Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Jul 1970, p. 12

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I ~ q - iii- SAFETY ON THE FARM IS A VERY IMPORTANT MATTER. TAKE TIME TO CARE M r. Former Read the check Iist below. It wIII heIp yo:1 correct ony existlng form hazards and maintain asafer, happl.r forme T I ANIMALS *o yrou spea to animails os yoo opproaoh trots to tooestboetse? O Do yoo lioai shitoiror away trots pars and barts o'irs yrui're not aroundl BUILDING AND FARMYARD * Are alt sfnstrisoi circuits sqotpped sîith theo pcip, fs loadn? 0 Do yoo knos tint otl lot shsol< tulsotricti, blesding, broken bonss, etco? " Hae catlebann deorme andboa tusý l Art yoo sors tiret ail ofsotricat oppiiosos. ors Ollos sorti. bos dossdodbotnw o rtisg conditios? ODo yoo have ampslesfgurds ostir ys, * Do you use p50i cats tirosdisg osisos doorreoysond orkiogo»tais? rethsortbsrs yooog? *S o trou isuote tis ltobiity osd sooartty of * Do yoo &oici irosdtis boit. by proo.dtog HARD TOOLS taAre irotstsr and axe bosdto. soors osd in conoittion? IDtDo yoo havoe o doliito, sols placo lot soory ID Art dosgeostoo. os hopt occoy frst oidrss play .,qat? il yooooe onswersd VOS ro &It tiros rts, tabo prtioe bot retsotbor thsrs arse11 stil ore potos. tif haosards titan ve havospooo lot hart. * Do ytro aooid los.. cotorials oosrhood? locatios.? * Do yee protect wer-tosirs, cisterros, vel or pools frot danger to ohildrss' * Are martaf roolod buildinsn propsrly grounded? * Aro iightsîsg rods (points, grsesdinsn od connections) in good conrditios? * Are iroyrores, reorkitrg or living ores ode- quatsfy f igitsd? *Do you kep tiroloos yard cfor ofttrden tools, foris, reirbisir, ors.? Ifi you'ot osrssd YES to aff thsotes you'ts insrittg tiro tifs of yoor torts but tinte's ptobohly stil ,,,t tlot san b. disine to aooid pittolisn. FIRES 0 Do yos hae att stssrgooy wer snpply osoitobto (pond, horrmis, hose ettahmt)? ai*o you oooidsooingolnoroi.sotrot- sd roils tyisgorousd? *Do you osoid bursing obbislroor unwatd grons os soitdy doyî or suot buildins? " os you bot tirs pforpes lot iffrot lits extisgoinlrs? * Are srsor extinsqeinirs placed in .tratsnic ODo you oooidsmoing round dagoor * o yo haovea orkisoagtoremet with er, by soigirbors lot lirotrssosiforgsîood rural lits doparttsost i. sot oooiiobiu? * Do yoo nopplsstost lits lighirtgnq oqiptssst oritir snti boxs? "O Doso portodioofiy <botr out &It potestially inrflatstsble sttoiolftrots buitdisgoaro&$? Il yoo'oo onsts, YES to ail thon. itots, bawni sthes for oostisosd vigilant:, bot rotsotbos lors alsot ta anbdosi mk APPOT FieS? AID PROMPTIT ri, ,,O,,,oto,00 sso MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT * Do ysskeep goorts inplaon poweor blts, chiris ..d shafts? " os you froop ciîdrso ooty trots lors sta- cinesry? " o youaveoid otooring foose-litting of tors coti.s ood gfossst * Dosysa blfokrrsoobfostoolosry and tott sff power lslsre adjuiseots or unclogging * Do ysoaoidolrbinsgoorror rotrd aru- ningocombine or trshr * Do yoaoid oprtiotrator nsdasgos anrd stosp incltines or horri ns " Doyou aoid steppin ooor oraondor moit * Doyos kesp tractor speod Io 4/2 moites pat SOs Do do off psttîot trots tirs drorebor, aoiodiog pulingo trots tirs osto 0O os oucoeck ooot you<rs i mahirtory ai requiftevl forflo prOoostative, tsoistorr Iftyou'oroonsototd YES to aff thirostemrs, con- bratuaiotns dtootssbor, thrre tssy moro sois lorirg poedustnsot listsd hotu. FARM SAFETY IS YOUR CONCERN AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL SAFETI Festicides and similar chemicals are needed te obtais good cropsofe higit qoality food and libers. The osanolactorers of these chemnicals meet the requiremeots and standards estabiished by goseroment regolatioos belore preducing thees for agricolteral ose. It lte. becomes the responsibitity of the laroser to eoercise care in handling, applying and sforing chemicals. incloding proper disposaI of empty costainers. FOUR KETS TO PESTICIDE SAFETY t. LABEL Reod everytiîg os thte label and flow instructios in lte test w55<. Utec omîmun sose f0 bridge te gap betosees whabel writteo os tirs srtl andthte acloot chernîcet applicatio. 2.. USE Faroters shosfd plao thir appicatison prsgraots thorssgriy. Use tire RIGHT cirroocali eir Rt GST fts for thre RIGHT job. Usr the approprîste respîrafor otheo rsqsîred. Wear tirs Prescribedftype ofcotiîg or sknocorîo as noted oothe label orounopectalinstrctions. Ksepcftiidrrosooay frotototog. dustingsr sprayîogsareas. Ait sgricuitorai chrtstcais soood ire storsdwirere fere s no chtanocrontact wtirirmolfood orîosstoirteds, Kesp chesoîcas in thisr originai containers -oroor sn pop broules, casotog tors or sther usmorirrd containers, especiaify tirsr usrd lot food or drinki. To prolect ciidreo asd anioteis, retors uosd porlos, tiret you wio ke erp, tosf so torage prooty Neser dispose of oheotîcaf containers or otriait leStooer amouots sn gariroge cens or dontps accessible to ciitres. Get rid of empsy ciremice containers imtsediaeey. Crunr, irreakr and irory <octet or gies crmicet sontaioers whiesever possible. Wbes bursisg containers, do ot oboale fosses. Ganes reteaoed (rom lte boat oey ire extrstosty dangerous and poisoos. TINIk ABOUT THESE FACIS -Approotroafefy 250 avoidable accidenfs ico chldren under live years of age arr caosed anosaiiy by caretessness tilth pesticides. -Ohildren o s offso conne into harottof contact otith chemicelis heause of aduif negligence -MOvr 4002J tonsrof pesticides are osed yearty In cototrof derucie insecr ts.f -f21rer ýo2d soffer a substantiel ecoooic toos if rgulatoryagoolrr. profectng coosumners findtonmuch rsdwfteolir rop from misuse of chemicats. MILTON EQUIPMENT Company Limitsi A Foul Lino ef Fares Equlpment 3163 Base Une 878-2121 MILTON WELL NORIIS WELLS BORED - CLEANED - DEEPENED Marcel Peltier 11711-9352 7H55 PAGE PRESENTED IN THE INTEREST 0F PARIA SAFETY DY THE FOLLOWING CIVIC MINDED FIRMS: MILTON DOMINION HARDWARE 227 Main St. 87e-2353 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION UNITED C0-OPERATIVES 28 Bronte N. Halton Branch 878-2291 ELSLEY PHARMAOY 212 Main St. E 878-4492 KIIONTIS DRY GLEANERS 300 Main E. 878-9941 GREST HARDWARE 136 Main E. 878-611 RON WILSON & SONS CUSTOM COMBINING AND BALING R. R. NO. 2 ROCKWOOD. Campbellv.iIe .854-9964 SUPERSWEET FEEDS LTD. 39 MARTIN ST. MILTON 878-2311 A. T. MOORE INSURANGE your Independent Insurance Agient Serves You Basf Campbellville 85-2271 JAGK RICHARDSON 0MEV. OLDS 6791 No. 25 Highway Southt 878-2393 GOPELAND LUMBER 2172 Main E. Building Supplies 878-2251 SCOBIE'S TIRE SERVICE Farm Truck Tires and Recaps 53 Base Line Rd. 878-3222 BELL BROS. LTD. 405 Martin St. Fe ilnGaon 878-6280 Base Line R. G. CLEMENTS 878-2421 Texaco Fuel Cil, Diesel Cil, Mator Cils, Gasolina, Steve Cil and Greases DRUMQUIN FUELS 6004 Trafalgar Rd. (Cor. No. 5 Side Rd.) 878-3591 Furnaoe and Diesel Cils, Gasolîne, Mator Cils, Greases, FarmSupplies, Fertilizers, Weed Killers, NADALIN ELECIRIO COMPANY LTD. Specializing in Foie une Installation, Heatmng and 3153 Base Lice Ai odtoc 878-4111 BLUE SPRUCE ENTERPRISES Purina Choots - Custaom Grinding R. R. NO. 5 - MiîIton 878-68U9 CLEMENTS & NOBLE INSUANCEAGENOT LTD. FamFrWîndstorm, Equîpment Floaters, Liability, Automobile 16 Martin St. Please cali us 878-9523 MILTON DEPARTMENT STORE 200 Main St. E. 878-9261 IHT'S MENIS WEAR 202 Main St. E. 878-4472 MILTON PLAZA 14 Stores te Serve You F.W.B.FITZGERALD INSURANCE 218 Main St. 878-2326 MokIM HARDWARE 260 Main E. 878-9222 A. (GUS) MOWBRAY 436 Main E. VOUR ESSO AGENT 878-2381 BEST REALTYQ INSURANCELTD.I 310 Maine E. REALTORS 8711-41118 MASTER FEEDS LIMITED 877-3512 STE WARTTOWN 877-2512 iMoCUAIS INSURANCE LIMITED TRAFALGAR MOTORS 00. LTD. 409 Maie St. FORD 878-2369 19 anSELRITE STORES * 19 anE. 8-4463 LYLE DALES Farm Equipmsnt R.R. 1, milIton 878-9974 bA ts >ord 9j69. eords çerget rtg rds off1 Thi s éerage audit, 61 of 140 1 Soth shoot-r Lt thîrt «.R. 2 f39 as2 RH 2 For :1,5i 'be The Produ eti f SMr. ed ~ee rer dep repre re Ces Agri cted Fol aite TE Fi ni n

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