Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Jul 1970, p. 11

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La AT k6E NT. -I M~. Iqi! Death on our faims I arer mecitanlzation han mata a positive contribstion ta Canadien societp. It hans raocat lte limeacnd effort reqoiret for mcep tarer operclions. Il itas plapet c major rata en increaslng tarr protac- llilp oniticit banetitat nat oeiy lte tarr cammoeity bot ltae rent et ltae country as malt. S At ltae scre lima, tarer macianizatian Is accampaniet by jIncreased accident itazards. lTae *number aI accidentai teclths and d isabing injuries sattarat bp r anatc's tcrming popufation itas fireacitet aicrrmeng proportioans. Wiii thte nuerber aI Canctices lte rate aI tarer accidents is te- craasing ancara lte nomber aI tarer machinas. " -e accidentai teclt rate on lte tarer s enlimatedtla ha 20 par cent itigiter titan lte national average. Tha toal namber et iclalilies is nom higber fer tarmIng Iban for cep alter iedanlry aed fllomo ani y mieieg and canntruction te lte accidentai death raie per nambar ai markers. Stodien disciane ltaI larm macitinary tatalilies par 100,000 tarmarn daabied oeer lte pasi ia years. Bvrn mare dislerbing is lte break-dame ai these deatitn, shoming ltaI 20 per cent are le the seder-tO cga groap and calter 17 per cent ' are aged 10 la 19. Altitaegh mansiacterern ara designing saiety ioetras ino traclar and tarer equiperent lte accident iraquency cantinues ta rise. Of ai ftal maciiery ac- cideets, 7t per cent braisve tractors and et these mare titan hait are aserture accidents. Aller tracters, lte machines erasl camnmonisy ineateeti le fatal accideets are cambinen, baters, corn pickern, forage harvesters aed spreadern le ltaI arder. Mare titan hall aI the tinld machine ftalitias nat coeetieg lractarn insalsa lte nicher belng cargit le thea macianiser and 20 par cent ara pcssengers run oser. lTe great majarity ai titane tarr maciiery accidents cao be presented. Unnale aparating practicen ced poor maintenance are lte main cause ai tarm macitinery accideets. lTae larmar iieai is diractly renpannibla far capturedcwtb poisned bail. atrs mt cuaenonses Mostloilbonecaugt are braies lodealb mt a leur boni long iras bar, ediers arr poisoord mt strychnie miua gicen a patelot ced peoloeged dtrht or tceged. or eetnrroleti, ur ther ibeecis ore ntasbrd. Aboot ice million oscanird dogs are titîrd îi apae eaîityrar. Japaese people hacre beoue dug- censcoos nisecesi yrars asthencountry brcemen oerrestarniord.Amoglthesrc il in a slelos symbolt l oms c bie pore-ited deg and people cîttiegly pay tuigi paires lac diem Bot tey are net lrercid lite aluy pits teyae tcisedouptaeaditeouse Ose Item te Jcpae specîcties en imporbseg degn and reisg titer eut te costomners mit en doge ta matre coney. Titey baccd ltrom n d sait lte poppien aI grai prefîts. lueiber cddîeg la lthe bordeonome osmasîrd deng prebteer "Canadîde breederseruta ct ibernsene, cas ltey, en ait itoenty, soit lhir degn lu ,iapaceseatmporerro.boecsg the iralmeal miîci utttmatly amaîle ibeer?" cescludes lte Dego te Canada article. Rreeutly Mrc. larecîne Smclocm. Thte Citampiens Loleutrorccorrespondant, itrtprd eut ai an oulsude lue day toc on soceag popin ci Fauesirc Scitet. Obe gui on ANOTHER IN A 01<1111< et Main St. steres Noemîcht Plan et cemmonity dereteperent ineMdltonnshowsUeprrsnt appecranerta ncd a meeting ca ieieg betd Unes tait le strelcit et bildings aleng lte neUn ide et Unscone il i(Sîl Phtosm) Une rmcd. Thte Chtampien ban naggmsted a ltae iigit accident rateand it's ap te hier ta redue ltae neadiens tli ai dectits ced injarien. Juiy 25 te 31 ns Farer Safty Meekitn Canada. il's a good maak tar ai tarer people la slart putlieg a uittle mare nafety inIa titeir day ta day mark. lthera's a 00W boakiet an tarer nalety me moult itigitly renom- meet. il's calied "Parer Maciinery Salaty" ced ns ceailabla tram ltae Canada Satety Cacicit, 30 lThe Driemy, Ottama 4, Canada. il asery tarmar reat il ltera moult te teerer tarer accidents. ~tIîIIUIOU Editorial Page MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNEIDAY, JULY 29, 1970 . .'.',' ... .' ..'.'. tu t-t t t tt~ttt t t ~ ut t t-t -utu t t liii lt t t t t t t-~ t t t t t t t t t t t t t t i i~i i i i i i i i t i i "Thry're ce lune acce." ite neerie Thtis la going te be one et ther mmi dit- liat oumn l'oroe mve ittro. Don't mrrytitre basnal bern a dratin otite lamtty or anynting lite titat, aititiugli I did offernymwitra divrcreeonSuday nning aod itmwan anoltdi deai fia lire minutes, No, touis nparois phitnci. Witr n piay mitit lira, yoa're likriy ta getitarot .Idid andi1s TIreuittrin, lt'otite tme typiogifingernontiieigititcnd Eacit itas a bistter titr nie ot a divine, aod a qsarter.îcitdeep,.eigittiotitrtip. Sa lon iryiog te type titis mitt MiY kearinten. and te' itearyeathr. No hat l'un nsereiy a one-handott typitt 1Iuse nyileftitcodmitiotrediitirdrnirrity, tarefioger for ittiog keyn. titanni for iting the space itar. Weil, mn citer itcroiog titr rigitt-itaod fîngero, t tripprd rier c rock. nited eut toy teet iand te ocre etynel, and sopmaeir my titamit. Itltooits lite a poil- cdderriititataeticie andifeennii&r Hoeeer, mite t titini et my origititr. niy traoitien, mitle patist.l arr trivial. On thte er et i nommer itoiidcyn, ite ackee pnsomteisin itsnrit Helineitepiiai, in great paie, and in c itage neck-coflar. Mymwitrtasa painetrioad it'n aniin iter orcit Siten nîcit ef eoeeing a motet, et cbaeging brdn 1er trannirot visitain, et deieg great lands of iaaedry. Kim mill g w2 I 5Sugar and Spice t, ~ ~ ~ b N 3b ill smîÎleyJ anutird oit iouedy ltai itrey t0k liSe pregana enraies. Huai tors te name. And Unay îevraby briag trende. Thte mitale mait ban lte camne citarc- irriebec Tbay iramp arooed inteir itare Ie. Titry go ta Une beacitra irn eabout a pourrit fcsnd pre foot. Yaa atercl need a niteset aed a saed-pafi mite yaa'rr citangîng lthe nietroi. i ti my mite sbr's ercoy, thad ibry probaitty erer gril tr lep oneae nietros rscrpi ai home. Onec olfer flit tram tbe nlie et lte tcuedey. Bel nite aI tbe eld scitoa. miîc briieses ibai erre buens nitouid base rirans neets, My adrriceb er bas aU lite elirct ef mriing o mater mt cbalk. Thte ides is ltai Kier mi do tbe tcuodey. Bui sites meebîeg ci a job mitre site must br upcat iam. to beacerkityl7 Sa miten nte'siteme tar a itay. nitentieapsuetit aboaut3 p.m And Memmc.eemwinsnt'ncn ucke, dors lte tauedry, mutirrîne ntaUily. Titerrunc apoitmrit ihyuUtniyau cao se your tids icebîeg aller titerarîren. Tiaye gang lu ite eut et yaae bcit in depedret Na beedauls. Na mare payîogeof bitte. Nemre leokeg citer ibeir doumenes and lte ceutlesn fueums, lobe fltid eut. But ltai point recedtes nircdily ino lthe Unntace ce yeu pied nircdiiy tocard il. Iccum aredabouaiiby aeîeed,san years cgc. Ce boud Uneo gro snm, cil doiegmel,aimarrred, alcuibitcidren I ceegeatultid bier oe bis lie cmity ced lthe tari ibai itey cere ntitir Oms. Ne taogbrd biierty. 'mietre byre iteeeemrd eeaugit tram y tar a doms paymeia n aiounr. cter p cetîiremi. And erreiitre.,uesO ty inZanzibar, ibry'ra home evr e o meebed. epcngtobewieduand die and baby-sut." An eran dead rigtt. Thte olynaturt 1ca ee Sm fer parren of gron "citildre" ta soit lthe tamitybaome, miUn re rifour bedreomn.cand mareieieca bereom aparimeel. prterabiy in sa place as bcedy ta gel ut un Aitiartit 1 dm'i iamie the bids muait. Our two bot meeting ie lte bel, st5k amy. ai la meniitale sead biving en prrlty siqu reeme. because Unat'n cOl Uny con cii Wr brve te a tarrty mntmer ores, iteaces, dlean air, c leg, sitady lt, ce bulin ceek -hibr meer. Tbry stili Un il as beme. Cire searle ceai errai, ineadaof and maccroni, siteee galora. c do melter ta picit ap alir Unee, aed a stmai lee". mitmoreaculdUnreymi And i must admît, agaînni my mi0l, melre preiiy gtad le Se ltae red-iterd tbe big bromneryes, ar the Young mue Unr trim beard. aed brar. "Hii Meer Dad" Lost deposits le estigate belara ou osenst. il's a simple slogan ced ana ltaI especiclly rings trua e inosm erertime miten dear la door sales- mas ara making ltae roends le Milton and alther temen errons Canada. Witile mont beit-ringers aller gualily marchandise eit reasenable rates ltera are c tam tisitonant typas mita tact liee up ta promises or sige unsuspecting boyers up ta long-taerm cantracts setiet te lina print. In' antair te 1er and teatiar ail mt lte stigera et disiteeeslp beceese et lte ncreputoos tam. Aller cli. soe people itese ta mate lteir living salling mares toar ta dear. But ltae disiteat types are cnually lte oely kied yautil iear about. Receatiy samne Miltan rasideets hhase complainet ta Milton Police about oct-ai lame driemy pcsieg contractars mita sali titair praduct td, on a toar ta doar, tapasil in ad- au cce systeer. Accardieg la Police er ChiaI Rap Anidrens ltae tirer en Pd question tatas orters te lthe tait tor ai p;io mark ta Me dene in ltae spring, and ants 1er a itai tepasil miten lte canîract is signed ion ine a l. Opringlima relis arocea uP but lte pasing agouipmant doese't, one lud ord. da telt i . i.. . . . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . ffyol tedogs. den't garnportine cny te Japoni. Titat'n namr adrice ireni Stepiten Fernth et Bicr Spruce Kenorîn. R.R 5, Milton, mita pannetl ataeg c cepy et a magazinerctird 'DagsminCanada" micb centaien e cater eciteming arbicle on ther lite ai degs n t iat contry. Japaerse Animai meleere Society afficiais asnisted "Dagn en Canada" i compiing ce article an titr dag preitlrm te Japan. ta mare Canadian itrerdrn ai the monditions in ltai country Japanene ding impoera are iaebing te lte Cancic markt cnd JAWS manîrd Canadicon le itnon lte acin itriere tbey conider sndieg ary dognacvres. Pactn ef nlray degn recmn Japan. cttciing ced killeg nmrat citildre aed etd peapte, raragîng catle cnd crepn. rrportn thtemagazie article. Thetais oei s tray deg pei i theUn Baddhittt teaciting cit ils injanictian agaîmst takieg c fle. A Japeane miii erer billhi itin dag-Hr simply citandens il on the etreand t tiis ban crecîrd a teriblr ceccoîrd dag prebteer. n ocrer degs miîr are diepoerd of i ostn primuiie ced tarbarie erasner diry are Jt tonne mite tey brcoemniud o 'th'9kou inters lace lte siodres entss imaginablte," scyn Unr article, Sama arr datk miua dmrlt os tee rutuory contribuon lu How to produce a hippie ts5 Clyde a. Buin people ta de lte sert. Thi may bc tar to e dia aproeso olds nte e oes en te Dûoyoulhaeanextratees-ag soneor bimleaeudercladdneyoumustnstrss il biteofbisnternls.sbiiutoeictomo w' augfter aroundthe tooseyouwoutdblkelte regrgteyMc oeh nmi. get ridaof? Mayb ou canconceciml to usrrtNgesntgeoc Abcciba T ctputir j enrudm -Outand fade ino hippie tend. smomblr suce. This ciii press upon tic esperIt). Yo are aidr titan te un no ia nsy Il u a opbilty you reat 1er otr ps-pIe. nlureithdic you tene more, It dones' J Tbonsuggstoscaeenot gucrcneerdta -Atucyncriicteaithr Gosrroneecsnd me ifdte s t itnomrijuanaloeig £ eiaet-t I Uinktheb proseclal gond Unci 0loaltffctdn, butifulye u y on ris-lion potcy.aorthe mctngthabitsnof ce uadecet -Attend churet eegstarty bal errer tant itscuse te us aid eougit te figt in the titr itcas tre UPE donaleononey oreyuruotieacurc etd Cieioai uanoareasonthe o aid eeoug to l 'T'berrcar.ecouemeyUnhrccysito ceusitias. raie. do lte jobao aitenetaon. le eci canesot -Donot joinaiie clubssoreorganitias. -Impress upen bier your haaeriy bai ci mark boter titan odtirs. I Oaoletyeuomustnjeiefor scil resnsrs teach ttmmays i cbeatonehis incarnr les Thint about a cand yau ca prebaitty thdo tobai do ont ite partin tue or- -Seres lte importance ni lte camte op citb ut a frc suggesttoes ssaboi.bompcps pon itnticiforlbeer "Atmtglcy Dollar". Ce onust Sa pernded Pesbiy een sonone em anas. 20 years ago Tatre treer tbe isue ef Thte Caeadioe Citampion, Titoendcy. Joty 27, 190. J. D. Milter. Orpoly Mînster of Hîgit cayn. brigblrrd ula ceng standing and munit taiked t uton citer ie issurd a calioesiase 1î orenderseonapplyief ahte min pavement us Cîgitmay 25 belceer Actas aed Milles. Tendrsn tee lte pasief et therecdcerrle crepreed onoiusî26and ce bed ltai tbe cesiruci 1er tbe turc amaitrd tank ban iteen acarded la lte Lac Contrucct fTorontoal cont oflt$100,0W A mererrabîr errol ite bistcry ef Presiecial 100F certles cas celebratet err tant reek miten membrs of the Milton and Gsegreow teilgen gatberrd te iteser iccof ir reterce membrs llîgrdarîes front lte provineci ludgrc atil acnîisitue froct lte dîirîct puîd iîgi tiribte tc lthe servcspeeiurmrd by tbremen. Thcee mare George Ailes of Milles ced Williîac Edge ef maierdome. A seesno the Board of Aritration lu mate a mere aqiabte dîiribotion of csrI for tbe Nth Hatan iligit briton District mas tetd rn Mîltoen Titarsday acd dectdc'd tht lte preserit basin ef Che ccuriy eqoalieed asceenee cas ontaîr le Engoesg ced Nascctcceyc tonbhips W. Donald W'ood, Pctercoocrecely gradoateil irce McMasr University cit beeces in pabbtcat eeenmy bas bor acordrd lte Clarence J. Ci e Meaa filoectp ineicduslriut elticos.bQueec .s Unîversity. Thte leltccip is acardetl fer tuadmiae clady and research cn lthe fid of endutrîi rerlations. 50 years ago Taken front tbe issa, ci The Casalsar Chtampîon, Tbarsdcy. .toty 29. 192() Mes. Lý E. Pis-k cit uondereeo as operabaionaGuelphtoelerct Hespital noce ilcys agc. c as able c retrlo itome o Tuendas. Cercurnyriednmîillb plaed ta know she s rerering nisey. Dr. K. D. Pcnoo ban bers iaiîg pont geadocte ccrk aI Landes and Edieburgit tee soremordnis, Ce ban pasnr! lte FR.C S exmainai Edieborgit Ce gel ihe landes MeRC.S noce yearn belere lthe oc Satorday cigit Citie Canstable Cliaperan tnokth Unsmbrs et about itou c doen cars us Maie St, cit Unair tigitc eht aIl coslrcry ta Unr Moier Veiîcle Art. Cîtizee scy ltai citr en Une night tw car and Court Street coeers, itot cnleetueairly Unirenumbrrncoul otatitrg De. R. K. Anerson, M P., Mes. and MiOss Aederson teSt an Oceday aigbt tar a mons vacation te Western Canada. irteding le rinil Winnipeg, Aibrta, Sanktooen, Vas- coueure and points ineir sicieîty. Thte reraiple aI Une Geace Cbss-it Oler Tyne Fai were undersaed i at wieert and witen lthe irate daponitor tries te contact lte cempany ite lieds titey hae moea or citanged titeir ChiaI Andress' adeice is "gel lte mark dana tirst baera peu pay fer il." il's saunt adrice. Notes Raceotlp a bietogint, spaaking aI aur tant disapparing nataral reseercan minerai, ail, tuai and toeat -said me ment assuma slemardnip et titane or ma're gaing ta ha in serious troubla. Hin remcrks mare direcird et gouere- meols. ecesommnts aed big business. Me. intlisiduaily,pra part aI lthe sae piclure aI tremandaus mante on titis centinent. We basa baceme soraciaun 'conuers' aI more aed mare, baliîasng 1kms kaaps ltae acoeeery itumming. As ltae bielogint caolionad. titis pattern han te change er me miii eitaust aur naturel renaurces and pollute ourselvsn out aI axistance. I Pages of the Past fromn champion filesJ Ms'c Aroe larcae bas set beeu cpe site hed an aber k ai îiflenza tact l-eiteary. tciioed by pneaccela Cee codto s sier elserioas '100 years ago Take ro sclthe isce et Thte CaecUnao Chtampioce Titoenday. Jaiy 20, 1070. tIi-a R. . Laidiof ci reckrîir miii pra-achin te Saiiiîi Citarci, Milice, mclt Sueday ai il a., Fise irlegrapt yoles opposite tbe ltre ai Robrte Cillerait, Traflgar. mere niruck by ligtii la-I croit bridas. ,lcly 22 lthe bars ced shedis ai William iGrahtam, icc miles ftra Oecmp- toe sera denlecyrd by lire. Thte building suîiaici ail lthe cceer's icrer impiemeats and a ha>ulrspforlthe precrit cses.n ioelbcr ailStale itusitein et aid mietra. Cause ai lthe lire s aekceon lasses cee aboat lame00 irsarase $8W. licT'rsdcy CNitlais B- ci Paler ac brecîbi beîirr lte cayerls rouet o w chareass(itafrgceYryoe laid b5 Thomas C- i Patîrcoancd William E- 'Tur greaer pari of lthe evideocr fcr te promecutias mas gýaes,u the iieeairderofetbrieaieg cs peed cecil oaci Torsday The casa itecagitîby Mr E-' mcsatbisrqOrnt alse yoctpoced cccil nei orrit A meeting efthie reditors of James MaGattîîî cas brid ai lte cours bouse belote lte Caceit io Jde Wrdeday, ic appoist ce ascîloro I 5ý Appirbe, Enq . Ofticial Assîtoci ac appotrd. Jobe Heigale, Esq., mac ociaisatel, bol an ite dectised te ci bis nominaioae cas mitbdrawe Tite Mapte Leaf Club of Guelpit capturait the- silice itlu ctaîepîcrsbip drieabeng the ledepeudesi CluboflDucdac by acscore et THE CANADIAN CHAMPION c - e -ani - e 7 ce3. 1 ---- --an. ,'cs.cdi' e - $p'thf4, t i Down [s] in this Corne r tajîfh roy downn Di j- S baciturga. Cere arr snne cote encerpin treom nome uf lte lettrs' "t1 lited the htamburgers and bot dego yu find tnsaid yom yac Ttry cee dertisi andteycwrrgond"- 'l'mnoreyîifT---mcnicd. Thtcbern made bic gond mites me gai tact. "-Mes Poole lrrc petols ceoued Une plane ced ce bcd ta gri ibeer ced i gaI t peis titen ceaie. Titen ce bcdl logo itock toe nr netee The end." -i - ose yor bai dagn yo mata titey tere vrycvery gondi1bcredaoeofyerbotdog. Aller me htave ore cench sonne et us ment lineg ced citer hacrd a peeisacrcmbia." "Titaskto r giving us the sweatrs î mare tdtdo'tcwarecanseaters. Tbaek yu to conlosg tbhetiers Task yootfor brieg lite layîog pale. Wr bcd lts ced labia oun. Philosobits Oy Elsith Starpe 'Tiing guod isiitcetîegGed." Wcek un te bey lu itappisns osouractiuons. IOur ctinscaregondibeenes Cappînens is a slta ef ceelantonancd cocaes lram being mselul, muenil edn eeded. Hem lerionate n lte one woin tis buny îile laites lime ta tnlp bis flloc on. Diggieg crîls na about Une aety joit mitera yo don't htave ta nicet ai Une btlom. if yoo muin carey c chip an ycee nbeuldee, gai c job mhere il men't be nied. Ooad buon oiin Une miteels aI lite and kerps il runningaoonboy.

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