Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Jul 1970, p. 10

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10 Ti Canadien Champion, Wednosday, July 29, 1910 Varied program of cour-ses 384 Iearn to swim at Kelso By Janetfleolda Cosiîs $6per chidpertheeceek Snimning lensomn ai Kelso ssin pool began Msnday, Jane 29, Minnoons aie tie fine and six wilil appronsoaiely 256 peinons yeae old ho are notaqaainted registere i n tbe firnt progrons, s'îihater, andwboareaoableio 1281 ine second. An eaeiy floal csnfideoiiy onilseir frn. nsoeoing dîp and lesson ian Minocn are Lasgiit 10 blow provesi salînfyiog for pre- boliles cis thiiel nose ansi sclsoolers anwelasnany-duits. nsouth, to keep their heasi Spoosoresi by Halson Region tinsdeeaer for five seconds and Conservation Aulhority.lliree the artof reachiog a icins for swurunsng sessions ris for Oie lfie savng parposes. Tocels andi entire inn surnner monOhs; Oie Oniiterboards are usesi as pari of lrIt, janl conspleled, ras Jane 29 Oie reacliing progran. Cmit per lo July17, second frons July 20lo cliilsi for lise nsinson course is Augani 7 andi Oi frons Augasi $4.25 per Oeree weeb session. 10lui28. Lessons are divides i 51 eigbl classilicaions of learsîog niai poin( se libe Oie noier, nsinoc, The nasiing pool ai Keis bas lasipoles, llegi5Soea, prejniors, bees paisiesi for Oie fiesi finse juioiss iseroiediaies and iis year, reports Mise Peselor. seniors. Ail classes rus beineen "Ibe sens bise nsaes if easier 9:300.ns. loî12:30p.e Moosisyin for thie lifeguarcis 10 sSn Oie Friday. Elemnsary ansi childeen, bol presenis a îslernseiae Royal Lufe Savîog, maintenance problens in keeping bronzensedallion, sbîodivng and Oe poolfree frons debris." nsîsed adui swiminig courses Tailpoles are loogil Oh iee are aise anailable. technsiques as minsios, wiOi Oie Warnser caser ssly differesce beiog Oiai oi Oie Thiis year Oie pool staff ai Reis age linsil. These senen year nids bronghlcwaler pipes in frons Oie are sel famsiliar wiOi Oie naine lobte ansi csnoecied thens is Oie ansi cool is $4.25 per chilsi. fillee sysens ai Oie pool. Tibe Begioners is a coarne fsr sunrfae nssn-narmed) caler chilsiren cbs are able 10 floul lrsn Oie lobte noe filin Oie pool. coslidenlly os ibeir frsnt niOi Iprenios yearsnwellnwaer lias Ohier face inthenwaer. Cos aiisOe bees osesi for Oie pool ansi Oie sense as ninnons ansi losipoles. caler cas s colsi, sisimnsing 'Mis group of siasienis loesr 10 registration drspped open Oieir eyes ussernwaee, bob consderably, olir said.six t ices csnlinonasly, jelly fisb "Tenpealreloitewaler in 0st,lfrontiand bacb gliie and snso ie 70 ansi Oiis ban lreadnwaler. belped boult Oie somer of Learnasafety registrations- Pre-Juniors learn basic aspects Learsisg buslie Oie caler is1fe of caler safeiy, rescue breatOig Oree and loue year nid, pre- and reachiog asise. Tiey aise sebool cllsres. Classes are belsi loesr jumsping 11110 deep caler, inOihenodisg pool and motlbeeof feont siing, rbyibnsic bnbbiaig, the cbulsren also talie partin thOe front cranl ansi leasing naler. core This course includes the Pre-Janines cms base pomses cbdld's nsOihr cho acconsposies Oie Begisser course lu qualify. lsnsorbler inloOihecwaer, said The Jusior couese is for supernîsse Shorron Proclor. childe dbo cans nnm 20 yards "TbecsOiericsitiibhecsld onOhier frotand bacb andciss ieacingbhicisoplay gaises, bloc con easi cocer for one msinute. isnbblescwiO bis laces ine caler min goup oins loers naier ansi fbool Thie isleos e r ssiely oclesige ansi roucbing worbscîibOite sudent tchbng assîis as well as arlificial bic perfection in ail cairgorîco. respiratîion, front dines, bobbing PIQATING IS FUN sas RaOiy Schreiber ni Milton. Ansi seconder, wduO a bonsisome boy as n losico. RieS Cas of Burlingian bolda Railiy assise aiiempts a bocb floui. RaOhy in a memiser nI Oie Pe- Juos wîn closs ai Relse pool. <ýStafI Phioto) a BLOWING BUBBLES la pari of leaig tne ihecwaler ansi Paul aBeralla of 0.0. 3, Miltoa siernsosirulea. Paul ansi bis mother Mes. C. Berili are active participants in this Reis nboiag pengeons. Watlng lise demmnsraioin latruelor Linda Davies.-Btfaf- photo) andibaclisîrobe. Cosslis $4.25 per Ohree ceeb session. loleensediales loesr Oie arts ni breoul sirobe, bacli sirobe, bank crawl, drocnpeoofing ansi undercaner scînsng. Tbey mst bhave aoccensfally consplesd Ohir Junior lied Crouss Acard. Coul is Oie saine as Oie Junior course. Tbere is o ge linsil for Oie Senior unis course. Coul ns $4.25 ansi ail lesr tu sliaflon dine ansi treasi caler piusaresue procedore ansi caler safely knowlesge. Ansordapragrans Elemnsary Cerlifîcale Acard (Royal Lîfe Saning Society)lai a course for cbilies dbo bolsi Oieir Begiosee. Tbere is o age lenel ansi the peogruns isclodes rosuas, nasiog, reacbing assista andOiheory. Coslis$5 per cl per ibree ceeb sessin, isclasiing eafee. The Intermeiae Certificale îe j4 I olu- LEARNING TO LIRR THE WATER os bavng yor moOier join you. Mrs. M. Wiocbell, Brampton, loins lierdaogb10r Ric in Rels caiog pool, nsirucingOiheyoosgsOers in cbt icber fe inthecwaler. Standingae bacb sa nsiructor Linda Dunesl -SuIff Psoo Two Lorne Scots off to Scotlaànd Tcn Miltos membrs of Oie militaryuairerall Ag. 9andsicus Lerne Scots Pipe Bansi are bo lhome agaîn unlîl Sept. 13, ansg il nifitheLeese Scots Wbile in Scolnds Oiey'll stay ai bonsmen boading off 10 Sclansi Redford Barronks Firsi cerli of sesi ceeb. Tise il feses Oie thejunbri is scedled for Rulion, Perd assi Dufferis rebearsals, Oies for tbe nesi four Regimnos fumonus bansi ciii b cerls Oiey',, play eacb rvnisg amosg 44 Canadian miliiary excrpi Tboesday and Sanayund bussismen perfornsîng in a Oiree sbocs on Saturdays ai Oie composite bond ai Oie Edin- famed 101100. Pleniy nI free lime bocougb Tulbno Augosi 010o Sept. bas bers allnced se Oie bands- 13. men cas tour SotnnOn ansi Oie Pipe Don MoRoobers, 204 Lerme Scos are bsping 10 base a Jasper St. ansi bonne drummer reunion ciOi un aliied regicesi, Dose MoNeill, 162 Commercial lise Lancasie Fosîlliers in St. are tbe osly Millonians Roglansi sonne lime darîng Oie seleried 10 go. The nOier nîne fine ceebs. Lerne Scots are Brampton, Georgeown anduouxes en A weeb aller Oiey nease for NeiOier cl lie a steunger in Seotlassi, soure nf Oie bonds- Scoassi-Dos cas Oiere fore mes's wînes ansi regimnl of- mnoiciilboheeslieLeme cots Ociuls are flyisg oser ons bassi in lise sommer oI 1900usd charter fligbi. mhis grsop, cul Dane is a saline nI Scoilassi spessi a fec days ai Oie 101100, Benen shaws a nneb ies go on a conduciei loue of They're flying 10 Scollan ino a Europe. perses fouls the roues, $2 ciii bie refuodesi This Bronze Mesilion Clase is aise bels in Oie enoniogs comnsneing ai 7.ii p.n Mined adaif snminsnig lessons weeaise belsi an Mossiay ansi Tuesday ereninga. Clanses started Moniay Jaly 6and esie yesierday lJuly 281. Classes ras from 8 to 9p.s. and fee was $6 per persan. "Tbis evnisg claas bas pennesi a greal saccess," saisi Miss Peoctir. "Befote ne ued 10, caler tu Oie bousenines nbes Oie clase cas besiin thie noesisgs. Non tbe msen liane aciney porficipoiei Tbere cee 51 ie prograrns. Ali fl-use lifeguars nsrb six day cycle founs Mossiay 10 Soiursiay, Oie ceebessi guards nnrb only Susday. Lifegars ail base Ohir Bronze Mesiollios Acard of Meril, Leader Pairol ansi Red Cross Iouiruclor ansi Rayai Life Sovng Insirucior Acarsis. Tliee lifeguars ore aise lied Cross Exansiner". Fall- lise ntaff incluses Mary Wills, Milto; Sosan Donies, Uabnille; Linsia Deniez, Oakville; Bob Trou, Oabnille; irb Con, Burlinglos; Bob Ransberg, Guelphi ansi bosi instruc10r Miss Proc10r. Ploygraasd pogeans Playgenond leaders ansi lifegaards are Ausiy Rusiziniba oI Guelphi ansi Pbilip Mahan ni Canspbellnille. Tbese boys are leaders in Oie nsorsisg ansi double us lifegnards sn the afiernoon. Chlusres dbo hase finîniesi Oieir leseos ossi are cailinglforua ride bonseatteni playgeond lu occapy Oieir lise. The gop ploys ganses, leacos crafts and eas ories. Duriog Oie firsi scin session a lias roule cas entbisbed ansi cidren weepicbosi op ansi lrasspooed by ban 10 ibeir lesoons. Wbule caiig for the bou 10 tabe Oiens homse, ibey also ailendei playgrosed sessions. Pariiînse staf ai Oie pool incluses Hfarvey Mole, Burlînglos, Anna Morris, Borlingson; Jîns Hyberis ni Oubsîlle; Denise Greescay, Rurlingson; osi Mostgomsery, Brampton and ad guard Loise McElrsy of Gluelphi. Werbesd labe staff inclades beusi goard Cliris Powell, Burlisgbin ansi las Muoro, Borlingion. Pull-usme staff secbers sonelines double and bnlp oui ai lbe lobe on ceebensis. Teso foul lime gurds are aise staioned ai Carlisle Pond. mhe pond liasit bees prenîoosly condemned bol cas re-opesei tsa ceeb. Stodesis Irons Relse Bluff Camp aise nîsif lbe pool enrry Monday ansi Taesday for anlisurscins Clecanspifean by Borlîngson Recreulios Comnsiiiee. Dues malienance A maintenance mn bas bes lnresi for Oie finit lime ai Oie pool. Bill Reene ni Burlingion Salies car 1o disiofecig cusbeooms ansi change staions, cala Oie grass and weeds arond the pool ansi seoks aller Oie pool huler sysiens Thie lulir boandaries wr expoosed to tree-quarersof a mile long Oiis year, repserts Miss Prarior. Thie boussiary bas been ropei off lu eigll letdsieep. Teso goarsare on dulyalOite lue il a 'ni 1, 8 pns , Monday 10 Sosday. Oais nabe boorly p'oi ofls'e labe .A ne loud of sasd basuaisebeen dupeialng the lubeobore. Sisee ce bave expandesi Oie boaodary of Oie lobe il bus cal ssci os Oie socober of people lrying 10swm aceoss,- saisi Miss Preltor. County office building tabled for future study Iiuappearslboere will bcoonec membrs feel Ohere isoi sol. members fsiO teycwoaisibein a coosly bailding, or aileasl nnîin ficîesi needinogonabeudcîîiOte beiirborgainig positinsifOtey Oie insmediate future. Coanly bilding s plannesi. caîied for Oie province 10 come Council onOte recommendoln mhe seesis slody ciii boe on 0t Ohem asuiing for lbe building, nI lbe penpeely commillue bas Oinuedassi Oie proposais muy bo Seseral deparimeol ieus tabiesi proposais fenes arciiecla reaclinatei in the future. mhere is ander provincial autOrsily base for possible cosiderulin luler. sonne conoîderulios 10 sellîsg Oie resioesied uddilînnal space bai ns Thue coanly pua o le1 plans 10 peesesnt osiy building 10 Oie erfeues i provincial officiais commence cilb sec uc- province us macy of tlie in Torntohavelieersreeisediy comsmodatins nbos il learuesi provincial depurlenenîn cnrb thecoainiyiodaeOte comsiuee Hiulon Cbilres's Aid Society Irse the buoilsing. Roceser learsesi coulsi seose acconsmodations in Oie pesposai sens building. M ain St. m ess Warîles Alanr Day saisi CAS would have been te prime tenant Carwash owner asks in Oie sec builing and "il noalsi be ~ ~ fo rebat.h onpSe it h building if ce donsi base to, be f r r tef ax saii. Tlie properiy consmillee Prolssged rsoacnstruclio on Osidei Coniscllor William met lu dseusa Oie problees Mesn Si. bus serîsnsly ufferied Woos. Mondy. lise încsme of bis carcasb Adtos Depaly-Reeve Ted business ai 305 Mois, occer Oin 'iler, Jr. arged Ia colleagaes os Gibsbons bold Milton Coueil in a theconsnilleesnolinn abOieir leiler reud ail uniceeb's bansofthe plans butltecontinue eeing. wiOhaborougbsneesaaudyOtal Cash relorns are docn25 to 0 ~ I k isnsscin pogrenaiseidetemine per centcomparedinibte sane tA B ~IA IN chaifondes re nesie ~ os yeur, nni!]g 10 Oie was proiios f aare deddno %.plneable condilin nI fite Fn iik r anpocotonufd" Oie se saisidi ee reqaireensi. aoradý bus taxe. Oeekeehlanl un isr s Oite reqansi 10 AT FACTORV TO Tise coanly cas la the procesa il cas pointesi oat Me. Gibboos VOU PAICES. of birieg an arebchie lis te ne coul nly oai ite lief Ocrougi IL building chois CAS affbclala suIa ie th.mmlny cours of renIis. "If *ITon mu. Ohey noalsi mi mode 10 lise sew ce gise il toes ni e sboai4tlsve il MITON FLML buildiaWi. Wllboul CAS finie, te oeeylusins n Oie ntiWoni" G UPLESSONS ai Roise pool demnsmrale bobbbsg andernaler teh iqu nsiruclor Mary Wlls naits la gise tbe sesl caomeant] as chlrnsbow Oieir boasis abone the caler. Lesons znsi Massiay la rrdye c eeb.-Staff Photo) Film festival highlight of ployground activities A fils festival cas tbe M. Desyea playgroassi, higliliglil nI Oiis neeb's aclinilies Wesisessiay nbou Oiey defeaosi for local playgeoansi ansi day Oie W. 1. Dick group in a Inn- camp cindres. Leaders sluged Pilcb basebal msatcb. ise cronsi Oie afleeos film fesilai ul as se pesnsisiig Oial a regalar Murtni1. auditorians ymiterday ceebly turnamnsula inte iend. lmnesay). mhe sevn films ran StueasiontaaJ.M. Desyes are nul apprnsimaîely 10 minutes oucb conspleliog pappels for Oieie ansi cere borencesi Irons Rouas poppel abow andi cosnst Ouas Coniy Board ofEdcain. neek. W. 1. Dicb pluyground bas nons Besce Sî. ploygroani plansao csring on a miniatare Indion bille drive. Mooey coUlectesi cii sillage complelu ciOi leepees be ases te bay refeslaenîs for ansi bitens poles for iboir special tbe kisidies lbroagbaal tbe "Indien Weeb" enen. me rnap sommer. A puppol show is aise ciii porade sn full costonse 10 beiog plannei as Bruce St. Ohis Rotary Park on Tboesday aller- conb. noon.Day camp ebilsiren are Wis maich fînisiting offîthe forts Oiey starei Victorycwasonthe banser of J. test ceeb. BROABLOON BUY NOW SALE AND SAVE YOUR BEST BUY WITH ALL THE FE, * TOP QUALITY MARITWIST " STAIN IESISTANT * MILDEW PROOF OI REG, 1 *REOOMUENIEDFO MEUT TIAFFIS LIEIS *WILTOI WOVEN *SELECTION OF SOLOS *hAll MIE S 2.%1 95 MI TO LA A 7 .2 1 I <I i

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