Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Jul 1970, p. 4

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4 100 Lacadian Champion, Wednaeday, Juiy 22, 1970 I ae Zish Newa] Someaihere luariinmhecornler ofteuongioc' mind aadecire tw catch "a mail fiait', a lroplty luaker thates jeet o Uittle omacler, a Uitile mean, aed a aihole bita itigger linon timie aeyhcdy elor hon ennr caognt. Thic aaiee goes fer itaeteri lockig for a tropliy rock frem a aeageiflcect itu, or o largo grizzly, etc. Rigi Unes te miere lte elemet of chance comsin.Wecon aId ooreelve (adae hi) ity braggieg obout oc atil or experleece, aod it's lace Iliat a cartaie aieouto aikili la reqaired. Il aise itelps tlobe hleaoed miita certoa ammi eti domit loch. Calciig a btig fisa reqoirea a cemitaiao ai clccumulances. Casing or lrellieg en lthe right place ai lte rlgitt tires itelpc a mi sre eaperleoce itelpa--tite more yen fisa lte mine ysur chtancesof catclintg a big aine. Saie folin iiner moite Il, ltougi. G000 REPORT Ai lte lait meeting of lte ifolton Sprtimai'i Asociatiocn Jis Smitht our ihimg directoer turned in o very good repart on coadiea and fiaig loch. le lte pootlfeur meeito Jimi MeLa and Primoa Ria mail la Nipimieg and coogit some caire piciterel. Jiae Memntil and famdfy itove iteee fiaiig aoeiod Waaa Reacit. Some ai lte riait mosiara ost la Cebeai Laine. Rou Marsall,. Dec KRey and Loame Liens fiaited tram mie boeat and gai faour fiait. le lte second itoat weaDo Manitoll, Seae Kecar and Jite Scmith mita caugt 13 list incladiag mimne cnry amani laite troat. Thte lorgest fiait ai te trip waî damre panoids. Thie fllaiagaieeitDonaaercey.ifteveRKeeneand Ji aamith meci allaia and cagit Ove aire laite trati, one ai four and o hall potina. DON HEARNS liane c o tellmng imt mit miii happee mitai tac Naional Hockey Leagon Caferees and Milton Junior Marchacla longle tamday alernent in exiition mifihai acion aI Rotary Pocrk. Thte NlLlubhfamed tiea and maiig exhiitiioc per- larmonces-millteo itonttir BIG WREK grad mitai taey laite lie field Ibia mark miith Detario Steen md P. L. Robitnc oc iteUdoye, a agonsi lthe local eiey experta -oo eamhar ai tac ha ys are fieiig hn tac Romorh ait aes and tamdayosa 3.30. ilnea, Derset ares. Wc thekahait hall et Milon, Eilliride ami Wie the Junior Marciatsi Lascile arc aI ililam Laite ai Doret, no dai e c il hae gelliag mil have age, or roae thc lock mime big i tiec ehcriiy. ai il ce their aide, lthe NHL will have Pot Mhetier on NHL officioi FucHINfi PICKS ia mnd Frank Udvori superviser of Picierel hsaicg aftinr a cary ailow alart taie eprieg la hcgitmhng le officioa catiag tac caoi tram pick ap, oe oa tac 1mait liig. Delmar Ceais, vice presidslt ai tac bobiaidthe plate and on lie hases. doit and tis sos Dhaar mare out fialaeg rcnty and came ie mithas iet nii rely improaale liaat eight icce apeccietrodisa. Thy didnettrocel foreithar. tac officioa mill ha loatieg tacir KEITiI BRIDGMANy whistie eau t ofiteer procurce. flic officioa mill have ctelt natablesas0 Bill Fridoy uf Hamilt, o former junior hall ployer, and Bobi Myera et Dimdoe mita has ployed le taceiHomilton Big Faonr League. Oherexectned te lie intac lieeup arc George Aaley et Gacl ph, Bac Ega or Tornto, Joha D'Aicc et Toronto and Joha MrCauley mnd flac Wicha atm are haIt tram Brampton. Closr la home, Brune Hond la cupecled la hae relegoted la tac spoi t m aiarhay. Veca aaffey, mita retired reLenly and la mai mvitla tac Vancauvar Cancch in a souig copiai i li coach the rere. Other ehficiale are eopecicd tb mahe tae ce. GRAHAM MERyl Procidicg tac home lsam fer tac Junior Merchantla ha sUld ruiler ai itackey talent-bol mifihail cs the game. Pal Deviie mho pruved himselfma apî gonler ccl sc action alacg miith defesimee en Pontoin Mhb Mhmicn, Ray Tacdili and Dove Gaies. KEita Bridgmon, Dec Heames and Graham Ceca are eeperled he provide pone aI tac hat mitile Gary Hadson, Carry Nach, Don mnd Ccoig Choclimach, kiriy Monro, Richard Murray, Hugi Marshall and Dace Heipel mii round out lte conter. The Juorscll lie cochedhby Deug Hyail and Dec Sloutit eccuice icemitera acd e-. prriccced hall playera and cachesi hcir omcrighi . Momcpeople juloecnature and evea ccct 1h large nis tacy Oaip tacir bond ae claie ta natone ai posible. Much a Fmo nki U Diawson of Elalacaite, Fronkn has ociy for acres cal for fram tacaheI Uf * 1f R s l c phaamie, roblite, guicea pigea and segalis, alacg mita hondreda et mild docho Riot are o as tac ceai. Fronkn taida SIC poonde aireornao Oai aHmher Riverar third year running NO PUBLICITY Did yu iteow that tac Cotcsdion Wildlihe Fedieraion ea one cf tac 1msait pabibcieedurgociaiuce incCanada and does mare for tac paicenvoliafonfwldlife disencmicby ail tac raio et taogaaiaiae pul ltter Denationsefras claie, epariamsn, etc. anidoagract lcamn Camidion Industries Ltd. supparts tac crgoniaion. Thnn gmodcos imneacne cares! Mositerchipa arc avadohbe hy oclilcg la Cotiao Wdldliie fedaerairt, 1410 Caring Avenue, Ottama S, Delario. Hall tac farst firce GOnario are causdi hy carelessiiem et campera, hunie and fishermac i hle use ai smoinig materials, matchesamd camp fis Jast thchaboutit,e conedlholfthefaussa res i Ontari a i ymar Arecytu doîeg aaytig aout l? Protect early Iead Tonelli wins duel Milton ileomalea ilemiere hatiibd la a 2- ciclaryavi Brampten Prîday en Calman Camity Pai Wne ilmiehal acioec indrampton. Ibe gomeiouned lna ceai piichiag donl as John Teceii tare a locih one hailler fer tac homiere la hie houle agaleet hnglsy ef Braompton. hnglsy gaveaup tacaitshand iamned C oftte 29 houtera hie laccd ohile Toeeli gave tap se hitand foced 3 ofitheih aite ha faced. Eariv Lead Hilton jsmpad leaon eariy lirai Amig 2-lead and Toeeliiiatt work protecting tac iead for Olve comple îecîege inciare Bramptuoarcoed theieadiae rie inse tiey acared le tac mit. Utile giait en base on a single aed ecmiuaily scared. ie mas lthe ecly Brampton lai of the gamne. ilramptenarmeeraodvanredit thîrd bame n tarie eccasions lare ithe gSie betere tacy trotte tac ire mita a single ris le thesîcta. Toceibmok tiemaoneoa a hime famîcng tac inret ihee haiiare iemweciagaieet in thecbaci loig Scores On Solk Percy Capela molied mnd Craig Jobh einiiged and cvectaly scocedeon a maln for TonelU and o doitie ity Dace Turner. Turner oaa tae nby Mlilton botter la get past firsir haie afinr tac tireit inicg ad hie gel thare laanero tac thchort stop le tac sixlh icosg. Juiti sicgled, Tercer daainied on Tecli sicgled fer tac titrai Miltla ies. ay Meters hoId Ioop Iead score big 6-3 vlctory hletere arcaeded le main- himag lirai place iny detcotiag Leavers g-3, in ac exiiag game loi Taesday. D. Tichn ond P. Llocnocrger einared tac pitciig har Metere and etuck out honr - ate, moiked laie and oilaacd Oive hila and tarae raim. D. Yeaos mccl tac (baance ion Leave etrihieg oat for hammam., le oalhîeglorand aliaauevai b laadesixara. la hn tac aia iaeiag, Meters goie a 3-2 mcal. B. Cacher oaa alked, saole second mnd ihird ond coral mitai D. linor inut - ulee a fielderis chaice. K. Riddeil - ai ais givai a frai pomi ami samred absn G. Nayler hatted o - lai-ram hamnr. Leae' imo ruesawere scored whesD. Gies, - ho itad bacc itut iny a pitched hall, ai breagni home absn B. - Howard cloggml o hamar aie. LATE BIJORuNG Thelteamaswr o neai leor siy rae titi the fairtit oin 157( Meter ployer L. Vaghnwa 1f.7 aalhcd, saole second mnd lird teandhbougtuhiny aasgleialut y GWI K. Riddell. lne top et tac filin, G. Naylear cnglcd mnd mcoral wee D. Kearccy iripled. B. Carter tare ciagird, sorieg Thi Kearay I the ittas ef tac fit e rployer A. Replis 7hglcd mnd amrcd on a double paeddiy D. Y.m he end ie - amrm for h eta ios. Ml D. Geao, D MeGregoar mnd A. hmn aS chglcd for naiere and anc B. Carter (2), G. Naylhe 121, K. Riddeii, il. Gercais aid D. Tichoar lihooise hor Metere. D. Yosm daahled for Leae ami D. Eearaey lripled for Mctncs. Leaver ployer B. Hoard and Mace ployer G. Nayior bota hamnail BREAK ECREAR Laci lborsaday tighi, Leacari haike a taie gamne laeicg etreat hy defeatieg tac Logisn icam 13i- c. Fred Deduer pitched tac oîceîag gome 1er Leavece, ctiîhîg cal aeca haitera, eolkaeg mne and oilomang elgt is. Legiet pAtce leciaded R. Wildfong, D asellail, C. Egglclae and R. Audrees. fliey airorin aut meinbor,wabiedl10oad alemed cughi fîais L. Gucity, D. Powell, T. Sargent and P. DeBace iled, D. Gaies ami B. Homard dcabled mnd J. Dls and T. Sargent it ponded hemera fer Leae. Legiat playeri A. Melonesn, McPhol (2i, R. Wîldlong ond D. Aselac iglel. M. Flhacher ami McGatic dcaitled and McDeitiy homned. Next Leacer gamnes miti te played ai Roary Pain ai 8:30 aganat Chiarles Halai on Toesday miii and Mainas on Titarsday ight. --Cnaldrec are haciag fis daily ai Milton'a rensetiai ceai- n-peored playgrmi aI thrar1e an ci Locvlbe linermedioces cloimed tirai place taie year la lte Haiioe Rual darbiagiec Iceckiag Pacihabi Leagie mita a 9-i ciclacy oer Procor. il was their 171h aie of tac ycar and taey have yei la be defcatcd. Moffat homer Hem e ras caetr intid te Moffot 12 and onar girs' mcn aig aircan. Michelle Miteluai lait ima hamersaos Mfalt detcated Glea Williame b2 la S. Malfoa motheced Bebmcd 27ite 5 as ua Thomsat ebommcd tarai. Michelle Mokobaaieki iebted taie and Docbsne ilcyder con- aecied for lthe lireit home rua ai Haily Hans m ad Katay Mc- Clone lai their lirait hoers as Mettol oauccred Poemiaity b3 le 5. Thei12oadmudc girlshaceoa b3 mnd S recerd. Peler Maselcue itomcced fer Meflot Alame as taey edged Gbmn Willaams lI ta c. Wayne Thomison corced themwi olitheceae strihe- euh. Aoems iremcccd Hiblshong 20ltoC as Martie Gaieand Wayne Thomson elammed itemere. AMamas iold secnd pbace la te fli-Camty Aiem divisien aiih a g-i renard. Mattai Boniams lesit tee cloie garnis aseteymwere edged 4ltas iny Rcbeood mnd e te 7b iy Merrielac. doniame are g-s taie Sqaicta pabbed a tiple play bnut atill boin lita 4ie Ponmiety. Ciiff Btila saned dcfemicey ohea Mfalt edged Limenaumi 9 la il. Raekmond aaionered Mfalt 17 te il Soardoy. Gat Eeeery hamredwitaibasesicoaded as Sqaieta ineat Limchaaac 12 la S. Squlrta are Ch t 7 for mie eeasac. la exhibitioa action Mo ', 12 andudcr gilswonmand lst 2 a1 thne Geergetown teeccameat Mionrday. Eriedale t, MottaI C; MottaI 21, Guelpht 6; Mofiai S, Gisn Williams e; Gbeorgelawn 4 Mefiot 3. Sas Thomson piicitcd ail leur gamec lac Maflat. Mfalt 19anmd mndn Girls drepped laie gamnea te Mochod 27 te 14 and li te12giaing theem a 4-4 seion record. Remaiicg regolar ceacea gamex: Atems Jalyi22aciteond ai Moift. Dace Galea and Muarray Dawson dealard and aiagled ole Lee Couicu, Brce Carcer mnd Deacia Siaclair sicglcd boire mnd Frankt deriaso. tlu Deihel and Burke Harrsonsigled once ler Lamc le. bclubs to Win Auoma July 24-Maffia ai Ponohy. Maloama. Jaiy 2e-uilbhg aI Mallal. Gicle b2 and ucdec, Jaby 24, Mottai and GIes Williams. Girls, 19 mnd trader, July 3&- Pneahy ai Moift. Tri-Coucty Micor Sulihalb Associailon- Arlac diviseon Stadinga as ni Juby b2, b970: Sien WiIIiams tournoy 'Ihere mîi hie piny ut antie tais maihcad ohmn Rie ainu1 Gin Wiblams selihabi toac sucet gela uaderoay. Bellot andGeorgetown se acionairait n Friday ai b p.m. onth Gien Williamsanmd Gueiph gaicg n the taamead ais9 p.m. Actisa gela uederaiay ogois ai Il a.m. Mardoy. Giher ieais seeicg atisa Saiucday are defeadiag champs frum Leaiie and ciohs tram Arisa. Cobliagmuad. Narval, ilelboe, Heapeber and Hilbbchogh. Win ahuffleboard Iog eawlng contesf Lloyd Crooferd et Camp- hebîcibie and Mies Carebyn Keacaet ofeungelama, Oio an lap heners ai a shaffieboard ieureamet hrbd ab Siasien Lodgr cer iiporrecc Laine Frîdoy. Rbhert Laiîg mnd Mibent Conrea et Campiebîcîlle mue a log saoîag cnesb at lthe samne imige. Senier cîlîlees et Mibton spentaauni GOLYMPUS POOLS e e ade, Me1e Ce-t Ce. La. - 3264 MAIN WAY, PROGRESS PARK, -BURLuNGTON iPOOLS - SAUNAS - CABANAS - PATIOS BAR BECUES - LANDSCAP ING PUEE ESTIMES OALL TODAT 832-1886 lb as the blard year lna owa Lowaille lîeîahed firel. Lee Ceaima mac bte aileaico plucher tarowieg secetîiangs'alomicg o e chc n ie itsh, amatand laceîag leur houtera. Dace Yemnm gave op b ais hîanmd a icaitîvceîeagseofreliefthut secer alemed a cmn. Gel Heust siagicd tac tac eeby 1101 fer Precer and AI Pore oas Rie bositg pilciter. Loacîble sam camne mougi cempetiîn ohmn itey pboyed cn Rie Cadmnoni Teareameci bait oeehecd. le thte lirai goins tacy hemt iltrahace 2-i mnd tas 1Cms out la Edea Mille le tac scond gamne b-0 Eden Mibbe ecectuaby oeeb ail tac oay le deteot a Guelph tee la tacheiabs. Lamvie Hile Deug Poellb deabbed and sîegbed ouile Murray Dawsan daabed asd ilruce Carcer, coche Harrison and Lec Cobeea sngbed, Ceilsea mas bte oinciag pîtcher. Larry begies tipled and eiagbnd fer Sbratae Laccibie's ig hala ocre silenced in bte final game as taey drepped a i-0 dariain la Eden ils mnd wece climicaied tramn Rie laurnamentL Nem NItcher The ecby Leaiville iitece ocre Harrison, King and Dawson abil auith singbes. Roc Nixon, a nec m uwth Rie cluin alloocd on e t osiaitsl. The aeiaig con came le on a triple an the elaRi lealag and a sacrifice fby. Lowvlbe anas aciaa agoieci Norton ilus Lîcea le Lamvibbc ..uby 24anmd in La dle July 28 agaieni Paberme. ROAYPARK CompitellniLecae opmiaa ho ie i Wedcady a lgt ia liey dcfmiled Lcaoide ity a 7-3 score hn Leacide. The win gave therra o seasi record lias for tiiyeoc of eignt mica agaleal aix leaos and pot item hn a vielsil Uce mita four amher cains foc scrnd place hn tae Leagone standings biid tae lsdicg Ouirlhngon Braves. Hearai ancra Campitelinllle ocloally mec lte game hn lthe f fret ielg. Long mmi miles mnarrer mnd wail on la scond mits Moore malhcd. Drcdgc'î greondar la tac pdlclan forcedloore alasecdibtLag ced and Dccdgc mail le seecd ce Cieteira iaficld single. Dec Hsree tasn poercd a lac-drive itome-rea once tac cignt Oceldcr'is lae drive hn titai race and gîve Camp- itelinille a 4-il leo. Campbitlcille hcpl op tite pessure hn tac ecmnd timing. Clament deeild and mait la Game rair Campbellv Campitelîcille moi roiacd cal inathecsecond iiag onlecday i aihea lthey mere lcodieg P Conlieglea 2-a. Goreet Mitchelle had retlred the tirai six mai leC farcetime euh the help ai o doahle play mn the econd. George Me- h Deold lie wmiiet pilcer hic tac beague (10) mmson tahll ferC Conhieglea. a Ce gave up a double ta ies More inthe firstihutloi tac cccl laie mai and lefi itan scnd. McPhoil maikcd th open tac second mnd mccl le seecd aihcc lie Bocliagiec auiert-sep taremhbadly tcyiagitacatch hmn off lirai afiter o pap-ap. MePhitl Scores ita taie cal Faggla llyed higi te tac shartstopoand flcc hee drappaed lie hall McPhail cred mnd Poggiane mded ap ce second. A eitorp lit he lefi cadtre hy Mitachell amrod Fagglin teo the roa came. Allter o hoif-itear dotai il mac li coinihg se tac umepires caiicd tac gomte. -lic meataar hai ites cosi mnd raiey tiei paît mect-mi hao pleoscit fer thace on italidaye. Murray Hood Drive-In RA^SE LINE RD. MILTON 878-5025 MC Con SUew Oaeemd Bon C omice&, s'a a IFAMILY PAR 16Peý ef FI.. Cic Chuhec Oae aS-a, $4.n FailS Cle'sà Pettoe Sol acaitl Pizza Sec $ 1.39 F-diiheip -4fr pet aida. ltaird on on ifield ait. Lonig walitcd and titca Clemmeet cmrcd an o macrifice fly. Taie errera hn tite Leacide iafleld Pcermttcd Lang la score. Leacide cameiboc tle score aone roin in tac btent ai tac second la redores tac scmre la 6-i musn Palca lmmercd once tac centre field fonce. Nacron Morgie emside piacd ii aloter in tac fori mite Tinedon molitcd, ctle sconad acd crcd on Scageefias single. lThe defsadag Icagaecitmpions Ihn gel aloter in lthe iiftah redore tac cmre le 6-3 htcDonald daabitl mnd cmrcd mitai George Chane drappcd oa fly hall hn loft field. Campitellnie momplotadt tac eorieg hn tac cinth mitai Drcdge iec mnd mccl he secd on Chisteris cingle. Harri forecds Caser oit secomd mita Drcdgc gaieg le lird foam mitne ie cred on Andrews icild lit. Flearey, Mcflcide and ed ouf iii. led Tite gome itas cece sctleim rer Joly 2c ai 6.45 .M. flue mdll preitohy ha tac cly mark cigt game ployed in aemphcllcille taie yeoc. MeacoiO Camohalville mais i Watccdoaic taeight (Waad- eodayi and miterlain Dokviilc hn >mptellvlie on ilmday Joly 20 t2.30 p.m. Turn to softboll pro refs see action Ealamms aIl pllitcd fer Leacide mnd tcey ollawed cevn rame ait osîe lits. fley malkcd ieocr and clceck-oat cîgnt. Bac Noyler mail the route lac Campitellvllh He molicd litron mnd sc-ot-a eigit Naylr mita woe o Uitile citoky in lte eorly icelenga Oeiaitdcy vac gly lIne îh.lerai fine memigc ie allemed al three rus off savon laics and acmy straci olt ime mireai anar tac Imit honr imgs ie anal Leacide ont on acly one bait mitile alrlhmng Poulese ititaiteme-e and a Pq single for Lcelsde oile bleD fi; Donald deaitled and eieglcd. > Clark, Wmntcr, ilcogaci an Flcoreyolahsigld. Ricn Cloeaet led tac Camp-> itelle alact mita laie douitlea mnd o single. George Cite litj imeciingles, Dec Heosi hamcrcd jSMILINI mnd es Monre, Earme Dredgc hald aI and Peter dAdrewsm i S hglcd. Dacid T esior; . e o c Gervai, ,-ia on0 11 re4mpeli (9i aOM a la-i c ALCONOUICS ANONMOUS Gs Oplimi MEETSEVERV Cleoar TUESDAY 9Spa. itattlcd GRIACO 'ANGLICAN iCanadie PARISH HALL iJemelle HA COCU A PROfiLE Af Legion i DROP ON. ,Milton i -,Aaie Mo .600 * .ih- efrm e 96H o eha c.a e i e 'ey eo 5c. e--eoain s - P~PR DATSUN $2 9 21 Pice or tee from S S Cip Ch hkec liedy o5e Sv. lW '5a19 NORTH END BP OPEN: WEEKDAYS TO 9 P. SATr & SUN. TO 9 P.M. ML MODEtS ON DISPLAY 235BASELINE RD., MILTON. 878-2471 0hinltc A lie it th lits Other telean Fi )ingle,i Par ( Catchai lanit irai lodlatlla Mdaurice SLegion lbeir fait rod Tt Donc M $ic Clau La li cn Ria Wita areared Il Elurnîoi Ji'A OG Merchants rally early becat Leaside club 7-3 T'1

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