8- The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, Juiy 8, 1970 117 RA.ETT 7 RA SAE 1 ELETT ELETT 7 RA SAE 1 ELETT 8 HELP WANTED 8 HEUP WAKTED GENERAL MANAGER The Halton Rogion Conservaion Aulhority Witb ce aneocc budget in itoe $2,000,000.00 range and a staff crgcrizmocf 35-70 mereherai - drpending on tbe seas - soliois applicatios for the post ai General Masager. The Goorc Maoager servesa as chiait esectatrive asd toedal cificro cof the Actbos'ity, hcs futi charge cf personnel, and latts pesblo for dirretseg and co.codicacing tar eseotation of prn- grammos, polices and dectejoos of tbe Attorily. He prsenidea inoomctoe le and liaison witb the member mandrcipalitiea and condeets the officiai coseaspeedrece. Appiicata hoaid have aonisoraily degre. raperence je ad- minitration and a background ie reaoeces maeagementso s rn ecai yers' oaporoene in c relaed field, e.g. gerapay, eneir- oenrai atmirs, bydralcgy, forrtry etc. Saiory comemseeOac aith qcalificaisari ced perience. i2aiîos te cmmeneo hoptember lat. APPLY IN WRITINO TO; Mr. B. B. HUMPHRIES, Chairman The Halion Region Conservaion Aulhoriiy 225 Masn St.. MILTON, Ontario, Applications acili hr crorerd until Jeiy 15, 1970. 8loS WANTED IMMEDIATELY - Man or wacecc te sappty cn ace' ith Rawligh predects. Crin oooc $50 acek port finie - $100. and p flt tisie. Write W T Rawleigh Cc. Ltd.. ltopt. G-8-3,4005 Richelieu Si., Meetreal 207, 0cr 8ciO-4290 SALES PEOPLE, maie ceditfLe maie, reqciredfor car epand ing Malice offie. Esperiene ce sset, or wiii trais quailied people. Contact Mr. Neai, 18B Martin St., 878e9511, N. J. Longe Real Estate. "Member ofthie Oakvilir Real Estae Board." go2799-tt YOUNG MEN ,,..tod 1er ma. chie harveooig et cherries. Required i, werk 7 days per t-rk ie shift frem cpprea. July 15th te Accesi 5th. Wagrs as prob classification. Te ecp- plycice transporion.e Appiy R.R. No. 6, Miltce, 878-2665.« 8clM-326 SALESMEN -aed - SALESWOMEN TO SELL NEW 83UALITY FROPUCI Lrcd, Soppicd Aiae Accc D;i rieeeded. Roplo' BOX 470 The Canadian Champion Miton, Ont. "tGIRL FRIDAY1 Needed for Clerical position in local business Applicaei shecid ho ready acd ei;liig oiscccpî roîper- eîiiit aed chcallenge and sould enjeî dea;;egc'iih pe- pic. Initial de, oul ed nclodo priciegctniitii;ofeccecrie payabheoncit, c'îîrcponeedc, seqcîred. -Wriic ciing eulh rtclr of sec r qualifications acd ex- pre cerîeicead pcii, aed --Ah iio d.,,iio' kagi ca Box 471, The Champion 8clo 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTED HOU hEC LEANING largc' er niall. Ccii 878.6140. 91,13-361 ROTorILLING, reo f laed.tî Laiccma;itenace'and cticc. 878-9070. 9c2l.4351 FUIONITURE rfnue;h;ec, pcîicc ad -rci,i .V] chois rccc', Pick-up acd de- licry. Laccii Philp, 878-2243. 9c 13-454 10 STUDENT JOB 13 FOR RENT 3 - BEDROOM epaotsect mth seand relrigrratcr, adt cita, ehero store. 878-4546. 13ciO-4301 ELECTRIC HOT WA TE R HEATERS seitb free serce Phoe Mitone Hydre, 878-2345.* 13et728-tf 2- BEDROOM apcrtent, ccntral. 124 Ring St., deace- sar.878-3375. Ne chiidrco. 13clO-286 FURNISHED hodreese ini quet hoec crcîrcily iccatod foresicdysmeto er. Liee aopplîrd. 878-4675. iciO-t244 STORAGE or mareoe epaeo central location, er ae etrac. 2278 Nspistog Rd., Miton, 878-3781. 13c-t0'd254 VARIETY Cameping Traiers, trot trociiors ot 538 Brecie Rd. Book cem for beiidays. 827- 1865. 13cl7-3982 SUOLET tse bodronse apt. Avcitehîr Accetat tat. Appiy Apt. 410, 455 Mapie Ave, Ber- lieoîc. 13cl0'4325 FURNISHED onts for gcntle- mec. Lîens and loteie sup- plitd, priait, etracr, central locction. 878-2563. lSd0'4243 NICELY lcrcishrd thîrd flier cpertmetcecîiclrl Juiy 1tih. Aite ercese, secoed 11cor cp- crimeet cîcichie Joif itth, tort' coneeietilocatio,quiet zidolia odev. Wric Bes 473, The Chcmpion. i3cii-4323 14 WANTED TO RENT 2 OFDROOM cpcrtsecî, Mii- ton crc Sepi. Ist 8783565 alter 6 14ciû'4246 REQUIRED imrmcdiacy, 3- hodreese he in t ho' Milton hic b .îa OFFP. cfiîcer. 878-3644. 1,IdotOiS 2 BEDROOM hoeo eno epi;cc eu bhe, or 2 hodrieuse pcrtrent. OBi MacolIau'c. 878- 6246, 14cl2-4317 hOtALi..îp,,-t, oeî iîhc'd i.; ucioroished, priVe' oct- -eofolrhbuiness girl. Urgent. 878-3523 clter 5. 14c104250 TWOSTOcEY heeco ic Mil- ob relicbi cduiiî Rcior- 00el. O. Weods, Occorci Oc' l'very ockoîiic 14c 1O-2605 YOUNG proeicicc couple .tpcrine 'cior smaii hocco ie Ccmphcilillie - Leee;llo croc. Repis Boa Ne. 472 Caocdîco Champios. 14ell'4237 161 FINANCE MORTOAGE FUNDS, laI end 2od acailahi. resideiiel, cm mmaaise mogages pur- chased. Cali Glenn Dcaey, Ochoma Eeoly tccestmeete, Oaka'iile, 827-5713 acytime. 16lc2243-tf 15 15-AR OLP girl -uculd tîko hca; iltieg jobh for the coui ____________ mer. Ccli hooce Wheîhc, 878. RA ESTATE 4771 i810-4331 17 RA il LOST OR STRAYED BOY'S hasebcll gioo, cs-ocnd 91h Line cead Sîroîrs Avec Fi' qresing Teonship. 878-6381. lIcIO'4318 13 FOR RIENT 4 ROOM cpartset vcith hath, avaitchir Joby 15. 878-9737. 13rzI'42l0 ONE ledreeselfrh cenntaed aportumeet. Eircts-ic leeted. 878-4692. 13c 10-4241 3 - BEOROOM heese. 1 pear nid, Auglt Ise. Milo - George- towen aiesa. 878-2210. 13cl0'4287 PRIVATE SALE, 3 - hodreese brick hucgclow acîlh large 'iîcîeg rouse. ful haseei ssîth S r...,s pcrîiy liniohed' cloe ii acheels. Oe mortgcfocat 6%. Ecarice fcr $110 FIT. seccthi0. Prieo $23000. 878-2588. 17cl0-229 ABANDONED! RAILWAY staliti mîlh Ibror builinagson 3 acres,and rvr Hes bers rit le die. 3300 deace. $79 seceih, gires yo a avck- ettd resterelion projeci. Ws-ite: ADVERTISER 20 Shcisa- huile 816, Toronto 10, Ont. 17c-tf 57 YEARS' CONTIHiJOUS SERVICE Membr ef aise Toronto, Ontarto aad Oekvilir Trafalgar Real Estair Boarda WANTED W r c0 iookieg fer gond, mediume pricrd bomes in Milton ced aer. Inemeopcaes,acooccc rrange ot'lccab. Ie confidence, contact teil Lawceoeo rit 878-9543 or Walr Luceas 854-0619. TRIPLEX - DOWNTOWN MILTON ;49,500 - Locted cs toe osytisg aesth excellent poasibiiitioa of gond addiion. Teco Ibro hodoese aed oeo c brdraomn apcrimera. Laccdty eqeipacoot and saine kitoren applieccre. occd fieaccîegeanc ho rrragcd. 010 STONE HOUSE S49,000. .- Jst 2'A mile os 00h cf No. 401 Highcocy, thie acporbly lcerd lace stcrey home ocrsac lot of lia'iog, cbas'nt andarelasce. Livingrom osparcie dieiog rose. large lcmily mrt, modemt k;tchoe acd foul batb. Up- sOas cas 4 bodecces ancd seoderna bsthoc. Trecs, atrease. About $15,000. acli hcedlo. Qwer acili taee hack tat eorîgage. VIA LOTS We base saine orclly cico prepertîrs thei range front 1,i acre toaceprcia. Fer îheae ced ethor fine listings, oeil Waltr' Lucas 854-0619 or Deail Lacrencr 878-9543 arcytimeo Cail Denzil Lawrence or Walter Lucas Anytime 878-9543 Oakville 845-0619 or Toronto 368-4121 17ciO FOR ALL YOUR REAL. ESTATE NEEDS Phone: MAURICE BEATY Reproseniing CANADA TRUST REALTOR HALTON and PEEL DIVISION 878-6418 17ctf REALTOR IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Hcrrycûeocendec thi chcotig -hdrecmhebugcao itlhrge cherry living reumi, icseily kilchce acd hcihreese, hrighl flt haremo ocld seek lots moe living croc. good loatced lot. pcîoît drîaoaey. ircs aed shrohi. Otocr cati tacaer hy iciy i. Frîco 325.000. Ccli Annac ced At'ohio Caires 878-6980. FROSTY FREEZE Wandurfci locction for hbie thrin busihneîss. Prîceof $50,000 toctades ai oqoîpninci heedav le gii Oîuoe pccmei of $20.000. Lcrly poesio'ni Fer more ieformaiiti ccii Oicdye Richardes 878-2777. EXCEPTIONAL VALUE 2 lîrepîcs cre added attrcionso in tiis Icgor thac averae 4- heoioe huao wie' pcellod l.îsily 'cees. 2 4-pice hcth- 'oma., ery saciece kiohcen, loelv living reese. dinii croc acith hoîltin china cabinti .ittached garageo. $3000h îith 7 perocent me: occo. GI.îd0e Richcrdsoe 878 2777ý CALL THE RELIABLE COMPANY GIBSON WILLOUGHBY LIMITED MILTON REFRESENTATtVE Anna and Archie Cairns 340 Maia Strert E. Milton Phone 878-6980 Gladys Richardson Mrs. Susan Zilio 434 Kiogsieigh Ct.. Miltos 160 Miii hi. Miltce 878-2777 878-4546 Rick Downs 274 Woodard St., Milton 878-9540 tOc 10 One Acre in Town Tis oe acre isoidlcg bsit ac oeled ecrees f ros îl 1osia inan srrma oi openecenin. Speciaill priea te se1 fer eeiy $21,500. Colt Rose Ces- caca 878-9511 os- 878-2755. 100 Acre Farm Toy 313,000. as e deace pcyset. 3 ledrwms nids Heose, acith seodern cesido cescreiceces. Largr haro, large eprseg fiai pend cI or dccrsep. Oms- ocaicca le seli. Aahieg Price 345,000. Ccii Ms-. Neai 878-9511. Try $5,000. Down Onithic bs-ick bungalow,. mie- sitcs front deaceteac ce c os-il tmed ,atrori Thi'cc gond ae hodreeses, icmiiy kiichco liingrmuni, diiugt'ceeand fulh hosese-e. Oicture ov ingaot oflhe coclnry Te viwccii Atnne Chcchscch (Mire Ch-ceh) 878-95II. Palermo Village Lueciocounts-y hemoe Largo seil leodsccpcîi lot ucith sec tureotrece. ond sole- plae lcrgercsurc 4 hodreess 'hrccdiose iniingecs-insacd dining s-ocse niere.mn acill lirepico Cail Mrs. Ad- c.., 878-95ii et' 878-2278. T REALTORS INVESTMENT F0000.011 Milton Main Street. 71 foot iresicco. doples cnd hcsinescacoc 315,000. dearo - oen te fer.s $26,00.o Semart îhrc' hodreese brick huaowie on Broadway Street, fieihed ic. oniin îîith firopicr, lirepîc ta liin rocg EXECUTIVE HOME -c,îîîiisî io, uic hciiiem plit horne. iing rouise c'par.i diiaiccmuni, wali te ac imaito leem, filicied toc. oril bat' h tc. GiaOrage, mccy extais. Aokteg pîîco $43>000. COMMECIAL INVESTMEi NI Loectinc mcio hbusinessaria, 12 toctil ulte. Aekiog S135,000. - Reelel iccoe $10,000. MAIN STREET -îIclîil cîîîît eciait in cthe cetreof Milton, 125 fi. fromagfe hi a dopîth ef 260 foot. Six mont honeioîaîtg hbucinss. Open Io elior ei $70.000. - Tercni cccichie. NORTH BOL.itNGTiN -Pictiiiioquo country seitiof. smart tiiroo heoîîm brick bugelow, cemhioctîee "L" saeod li'viganeiiilieie-i Aîlichechioblcgragc,,oiotric hoc'aicg i1' bhhieaman extsrcas Frîcod to el arlt $303.- Tersavcilablchi "COU.NTRY LOTS" Boîiîiîî io,î Gueclph Lilco. sooh of Camp- bhl Hi'00' c 214' 87500 - 31.000 dec-c. -8,acre ii,iiiioi lo iiite nîcîoîiîîîîh of Milton, cloe toeHigh- -,Ni, 25. Aekîog 519,500. Best Realty & Insurance Limited 310 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-4118 Bob Cross 878-48921 Leoc Sales 878-9136 Ant Pnacock 878-64471 Mike Ledwiih 878-4873 S. Thompson 878-24551 Bob McCuaig 878-2894 17c10 CHRISTIE & WOODS REAL ESTATE LIMITED Real Estate Brokers 189 Main Street Milton, Ontario TO0W N TRY AN OFFR 52900, rdcird for qîcb saler, smeart acril brpt 3-beroem hungalow itih hroaoe coert'g livaing mont ced bal., rocseî kichre le attractiv'e deor. cise 4-pîrce bathi, Sir- ucicdeonailarge oi. S24 000, 3 hedoiiîic hungaîlowi %iih liing rouii, kitchoti aith cutple cepheiarde, 4-pico bath, fll haeomeni, dîoîdrd r-ociiiesei cooirioio '832000 incone rt'pert 'ih 2 si.elfctiaîsd partets, clse 313,500, coco Hisy. 401 clait H .1 ,Icoreiia400' fricicc, 2 le dcae'eloaoematsarelcros onepropecîf, god ponds, about 3 acrescof hh.ice 'eiic0lcnd sciih iciteof wîldlilc. COUNTRY 340,000, 37 acros coco Moiict, has sirem ihroegh pi î.poî o, 4 cre S75,000 fll prîco. 8 cose brick hoei aith tiroclecce ou c0 cres ciocicg inchoeit ieidcihcbuiding site, s ccess to Hy.' ' t larodclos, we411, oi.c in ipcod mail, Fsiasehars 401. Torss coîlîble fer chickecc. aed a sterl bcrn for pige or herses. $15.000 dece. Milten duplerae porfeci 1er 2-fcseîly îcmiîy, cloe Steel hci ciii houe tri le 3001 pige Io chorchcandacheei. Thia hoe siacced reidsîici 827,900 fitl prior, soew 3-hodrocise aplil-leîri hoeo mush garage, am.Asy rrcaecebie etior cccaidoi'cd. lcrge kitchee. sciccel ccphect'da, dicicg rires, living $8.500 seerîgcge exisîs on thia unfinish-d homo. serlh of Camp. roise hcrdcocd ileers ihiccghoît, siiocird ee half acre blillo. Nords coac enrgeto wner wit0 aîh saine keeîc. cli dot hca.turec ad sinecahOIl cresacfhcsh wihebout 20 acres,ifreoîte120ceod, skg 320.000. a3 cieon heabl e cd $lcaet as eesyhm 90,000, 100 cre fame, 4-hcdcoose homo, 2 barne. Stone larsehcue ce 12 acres, cerlth et Ccspephlier, sraciy res- Iliare huilding lot. Aabîeg $8.900. csialod acîth gond hcarn and drîeîeg shed, streant fe pend, 10 cos lot. Aetg $10.500. cloerto Hw 7. ExcelletiersOw caaba hait cashs. Local Rap, JOHN L. NEWBOLD, CampbelvIIIe C A L 854-9968 878-3888 878-2095 - 878-6057 1760 17glt S ECO0N D 0OR TG AG E MONEY AVAILABI.E Lase messtdy payaseats. Ne bous. Conanlidate yeuo bills. Cet seesthly paymeets le hatt. Ar- rangements made le the priv- acy of yose esen home. Immediate Appraval Cai 459-1550 tl Quere St. E., BRAMPTON PAT DRAGO REAL ESTATO LTD, M.L.B. Reallor 17e-t RAY EASTERBROOK REALTOR 632-9281 BURLINGTON le Carlislr village 8 -romed heesso, prrerctl ap doplex bel ts'oidseckr atseily-amiy homo. Beatilut lcodsaped icaco acîlh plrety of irres. S21.900 mith $6.,000 doace pcosecl Voode- miii taire hcck liret sees-lgog cI 9%6. 2 orgiatrs-d building laIs, ail rrady le hauld on, 100sx200. Coul ALICE WALKER 689-4431 RENOVATEO eider home for sale, 3 bedrooma, 2 leetterai, 114 batbraems, aiomseem siding, large trerd lot, adjacent ter Fia- a and achonis. Phoer 878-3157. 17clh4281 d. GODDARD REAL ESTATE BROKER A Heavenly Bungalow Ai a Down toi Earth Prico! This semacoiae 3 bodrcem home scas custose hut fer the prescrit cacer. Situciod tle ti chonis aed shopping, it foerrresc brigbt livief acot ith iireptace separoto dinieg ron, ccd tis bitoren acocld please eey stomeol Orccdloomed tbrategboet in bocotifli deccrater cotera. Really c ploasore rt show! Fer lcrthrr informatio, 'Gice Annette a Cati' eesc. 878- 2051i. Mini--Ranches Asablg $40,900. - Re oveted en rontebrick hoe. Taco 01000f brick bore and 3-car gcrage. Pond sito. Ali on,2.8 coresoel 2 mites tu tosce. Ctii Annette. 878.2051. Aýk;eg 857,' 003-Nom bungalowe, scebre lic-og mont aitb fire- plc. Ovcr 18100 sq. fi. of liing space. Os tee actes cith stream. Building Your Dream Home? hehieg $15,000 - Fise ocres ot primo proerty acith atroam andcrrciacritl. Try yeur dccc peomeet. Othot' Oeed Buildieg Lots "Givo Annette a Calla Toronto 249-7217 Milton 878-2051 PRIVATE IN MILTON $29,500. FULL PRICE Well onoed for 3 - BEOROOM HOME on a beeutifsslly lalsd- saped corser ket. - Attederd garage - Large me., raom - Heodsrocd fleera throaea - Aluminsen steema, aceees ced doses - Ail draperies ilsaded. $5,60 sortgage ati%59 cerrnes for $93 moetbiy (principal, let- eres and taes. Ocnr equît, escash tei this mortgage. Reply: Box 468 The Canadian Champion Millos, Ontario. No Realtors, pleone. 17cl2 19 LEGAL Notice to Creditors ANDi TERS Ia the Ratate of GEORGE HAV- ELOCK GRAVES, lur of thse Tasse i or Mteur. ia tisa Cnty of Haltas. danased. Ait perons besing claims ag- aieat the aboeesate ara se- qaired Ie eend feil pertiroiers ci suris chaims ter the solicitors fer rite sederaigeid Adminis- lraioo. on ar befora the 4ib day cif Asegeat, 197, aller wcri date the aesets ofthbe scid esiate wiii lie diatoiboted, beving re gard oniy io, aeob daims et mbicb the Adiniisirater aoi aia time, bavc noolle, Oeied aI Hamilton, ibis 23rd day of Jsee 1970. JOHN HAVELOCK GRAVES, Administeeto, byVariceand Vance, 29 James St. South, Hamilton 10, Ont.. bis olicitors kereis. 19c11 20 AUCTION SALES 20 AUCTION SALES CLEABING AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE & PROPFRTY, FUitf.ITURE, ANTIQIES, APPLIANCES, GARDEN & CARPENTRY TOMtS 1H THE TOWN 0F MILTON Right oppeosite the Agriculture Hall eit the Fair Gronds, fer The Esiafe of the Late PERCY TIGI-T SATURDAY, JULY il At 1.00 pes. Round oab dieieg table and mieker baby carriege; pe up- b chairs; eak extension dieieg rigbt beokcase; monm divider: table; 2coches; daybled; 2 p- rserai wstea stand; bedraem hclatered armi cbairs; piatlcrm dreasers; 2 bondai praanls side rockerl(gondcoe);,by cib, board; 2 metobingeak eem jeat like ooac; steel baby crib; chairs; 1 bigb back rocker; emi'- 2 bode. i h maitresa; quart- eieg rocker; epboiatered obole; fity ci boddiog. qoilts, hie dlock; ndd cboirs and tabies; e. Fîlior Ocoro vcuuse ean- seorrtery; cil lampa; picisere & ors; carpot sceeper; menari ra- framea; 6 atreigbt bmck chairs; dio; Admirai TV, 17"; kitchen steamer troaba; eprigba Sec- ateci; 2 matcbicg floco lampe; îery; qatity of eld, c=ia cerd table; acashicg seachine; glaset.; plie cbrat ef drsst- round ac mîrrar; kitcbenen eonk atoer; treadie seacing me- PR ETY-6'mtes chine; sbon, stand; seaie as RPRT 6 oeo the rrgesiar biicer uens ,Isa fraeiegr s 1Il' deep, wet sael appieecea etc. tetaisldscaed ici. House costlat- MISC. - Siep ladder; Spray hetbronm dowsentaira, 2 bed- Moter powcer leawe momerrrmsuptairs. AIso car gar- (gond ce); cppras. beif tee age. ofsoeceai; oarge quenit ofroriaiieia 4. achreiearroc; steel tiing cabi- sebjeci te orasonabir reev net; rlectric aaw; drill and sast- bid. 109- of psercbaae prise te der. bie paid doset day of sle. Bal- e be paid le 30 days wser ANTIQUES - Large qantity peensessien tili beé gisce of bocks, cas eary as 1830; foid- Fesies eegserdiog preperty seg babty crib; bhail rack; ail. tram 10 e.m. day et sale. TERS8S ARE CASH, No neserve on eny et the keonebold articles, fer Estate basu Ce le settird. Etecutora or Aociioneer set reapessibe fer accidmats. CHRIS. A. SCHOUTEN, Anetiner, 878-2376. Milto. Iim ced Lida Langedyk, Cleeke. ZSisiB ne SPEYSIDE Neat As A Pin Wbite brick eplit-tevel home, 10 2 bedsnems, large livOg roma acres, beestifal stooded set- and femly aliaid kltdsgas. fun tleg. Aakleg $49,5W0. baisement, large spairate gar- Village of Kilbeide, 30 acres, MgM ih anibdyma wnfk vacant land wti frottage as alasp. Ie uimmcaae ndit 3 mails. ian, Clos se -hnela ecd Derey Rd., commercilt btdldlrg, shopping. Aakieg $21.900. lot, 90'. Askleg $18.000. MILTON REPRESENTATIVE STELLA PARTON Milton 878-6705 17c10 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE Subg A multi- agroeemnt Nassagaweý reqnatnig a servicesa 'l conditions jmitasy la Y AUC CAMLI LATE Cos..t1 ( que crib; weel; 1 table scitl .et aod 1 organiste of od roc brasa ba hoider, c Secreai antique il wasb star table; ti books; sn ocre frat 100 years scoode n m aie's cba tables; ce cbestefe (gond sba crib; titre aswing; ? Steve: bie reaundoa trany mst tramt, ail conditions possible 20cl0 on du Moift Piano; <O.K.); Chairs; or Sewhl Rockers. oboir ai Ouebeo Harceat Stands; one; t/4 beda; K Fiat Ba stand; 1 ratai ty Table; t black; GLAS aord N good lt, Tongsa Froit B va) Bo%% Buriagi 20b2 Cedar ef Kili bord tc mer; S P105 tbrifty moatiy race, là 9 alter a, gdlta, s lot. Las Young breedri TRA4 ENTS rd bise MH 2. 6epiate tivalor eievatc .p s wagn as MIS2