eBomibers blast path Good catchto lead Halton loop Bronîs Bombere klasled lsurlasg a loar-hitnrr t0 guide Tuni T5EY WERE BTINGnviellrerntnlymlin Ueir waysnl auonerpointlead in Milto t0 a ". min Tlsursday. barrer Dorset aiesa mlen Skie local louruomne pulled frrai plane in Use italiec Cosusîy Whule TMlton snorrd tiîe in the wine. ifumsuelfakelrous raagsngleumnatwcol ine Pee Wee Buaitoî lragce Usis lirs, treelîimesminlte scnd, ilayes pcsmde-aillin lests anllsreebheurs.Lef5te neek nîth osuloris oner oncnind, twitnin theelourlb Runli riglsl are Sneve Keane, Don Kearney, Jim es j Georgetown se a 9-6 effort andolnen thUe fithte ncore nae triple Smsith Irear) and Lais Naylcr. Ban Neylor, iIfsseday and Usna ig 4-2 wic acly a fraction cf mhal i5 migbs Runle nkc snapped Skie photo, compleced Use oer Ourliegton t0 moe one ee ave brin ce Usey leh 17 min outllIa group. point abrad cf Burlingtoe in Use sleaeded on bane. Bon ........... bague standings. Gnegetomn baU Useir big en- plinb Dane Tuener mecs ail mhe mu5i fignsl Uscigouro ai Ji OakviIle Ieads senior basebail ligOue iiinian Jarry Burnre sho Oakville in lires ploce, prtciqagisandaeihait Joadcor euilngon sadCaesP Miiioîlie nec are sica fon second plane. i.CininO STANDOINS (InnioOini oenaes os nunoon, Jonc e i6 Ou rlincîon 1O 0 ICO pb Il ville n .700 Leeie s c eno0 Hamlilton s u .500 Dunes. n c .u. Waerdndu 4 6 .40 Gcergeton 3o1 .273 Preston 3 î .23s (Atleas 2 la iteoappcaaersi KnnSimon, nurliecen au a Sonk Ruept, coni jloe ce a Dan B u i, eaeîoîn an u canony Maliee, Bintn au Tarr 1,cr, Preston 28 3 Jon Siner, Buliîngocn 37 1 G na C eiek LeaiOc.e,e;Runs-kinnerind Gore Euons, andoe e. cils Okinne, eapts, 1u. 0clo 1 playeS liu wi fries;Tiples-Johie WinCe. Leoside, 3; Ho ,e10eo, 2, StrikccutSs eu Oeumnd, undces, 1 3; Bants struggle to fifth victory Mi uon tâton Bardimn non game boled cn ea real User lUsuhcosera nve graine by cers' duel deleating Gakvi n u -1 trer ai Rutary Park Wedoesday The Wade Bekor startrd for Mil Bell directories now ciaoable Acy Milton irlephose euli- ecribere wnelng tu gel lOakvllîr and flarliegtoa dirroliorire ra order Ibem euth pusearde ssclng rseîcsedellb Bell Canada 'sJane ametse, Miltn Cuiseil mas happy lu le.rs Ibis wek. Celui bas bed a ruelei. baIlle nlib Mil oser obluleing dlrecories 1cr ibose Ina lamas. Mifinelaes pay higher raies for the prinilîge cf sillief loîl-free la the soulb ed cf the couuly, but in the youf cuaseil the phase Company bas besalittileslowin seeedng outdirerturies ferîthace BIses urru manager H. A. mlanhfard cotifird eauacil tisl week et the compcysplan te .ai lticlardcorder formes nls the Jue bille. couescillars brerst led a big slgh aI relief and authorized a leier cf Ihuelîs lu Bell. FUJN ON4 A FLIJTTERBOARD je one seespsîeg aspect fielnsmrsons ai Miltari Communily Swimmieg Pool. Ibis youngser agreed in- eleoclor Kare Ashley was as addesl aunes -(Bluff Photo) Pas$ hy-law, hire super for Esqusng dump eins Council read and Oa kyflan rcgulBlieg the viein and pcliciasg nf Use silp dwenp ou the Fourth aI thcie Minday uigbl mng. le nul adeisablu tlusce ifîcial uneenr iinaeîly, unys tbe fedeal bh depînîmees publication, Cosumer's Houdbuuk." sbuuld lever seplace all r n tbe diel uuleos un Use ceof your ticl. Ibugl Ibece ban bocu nu luce frunt rsearcb lu date ntulbc swenel, medical urilies adnise finit fucîber y iuncrsaey belote aUl tbe aeknomo. Vanue Laogille mas hbed as superviscr t0 replace Fred Robertson nbo quit recently. Me. Leegile nilI reneive $500. a intb aed use bis on maclsinery tu buey refcuse. H0e bon excluive rightsou ay salnoge ie Use dump. Thse leur sperviser ale bas Use poner lu probibit dumping of an7 maleriol Iron cuide Use tonship. Ibis fealuee of Use by- Ian anecyrd Depcty Reene Tom Hil1 nbo said ke Uscugkt u- wnted moteriol ebculd be nanned se Use ceus lue refuai to accept certain efoucket; et ral bock ce coufeil agoin. Cupâti decided, bunener, Usrait Use superwîsor atstend, bane Use rigbt temarreUshedecision and if lurUser mneediminlu te tbe ky- Ion nere needed Usey cold bie added ai a 101er date. Est pas"e Lne Îls mdsn avde ou f h1 and mas relieved in the sixthby suri Marke Grenke. Bekar allowed stud one runoonoeehi and fannedl13 facts batters in the rive cosings he worked. Grenke pitched two mouillasof relief, alloned one bit and one run and faened four baf ors. Frri nc ltse distance for 00kvile boding Milton t0 rive lu tsl fohe garie. Mlonescored le big wiung aun the silh me ne eg left Coenell simgled wtone out McPhasl walked and Marke Grenke beledlthennieg rili on a baud lut single. Connel singled lsce for Mlons nhe Greeke eingled once, McCams singled once and Bekar doubled. salvadlon Amyl PICK! U1P TRUCKC IMILTON & ARisA EVERYMONDAY OALLI -l91 CHICKENS ........39c.LBS. PORK CHOPS ....... 69C. L. Maple Leaf WIENERS....... ScLB. ROUND STEAK ........ 9c. La. RIB ROAST ........7c. LB. Prom LUNCHEON MEAT .....12 OZ. S9C AIIee's PRUIT DRINKS..... 3eo 6OZ9C LOMA Laundry Detergent . S... LES. 99c TANG Orange Crysfaîs........ S PKG. PPc Schneiders CRISPYCRUST LARD.....S LBS. 99c Granny Goose POTATO CHIPS ........ f1I OZ. 59C Tceelli singledUshree timin Ferry Capulc ninglrd saune, Paul Stoner humered andsingled andsingles miens su Bruce Elison aed Rue Jobc Tonelli miUs boisi ul support front bs misfeld and uuîlieldiere guildesl Use Bombere te a 4-2 min oner Buirlingîce Monday. Tccelli borlesl aon bitter Mil guI in trcuble in Use last scuing wiUsoe ou andthe bases loaded andlinersmomedthe last rivo min clown ce strike outs. las s Bol me Frid Niag Moni Th rue ells laned 13 Burlington n and suauaged su triple He u'oî lie only Bomnbee tlu ccilio lits as Ilon ey siugind, Puul Suner ancdCraig iubb smgled. y Ellison and Twists played înding bail os lIhe usfield abers were up alaint gonsd cg front tse Burîsoglun club lut Dolman fannedflsne i n lIse fine inmigs Ie Bd before ewui pulled for a lutter. Grill n finislsrd lIse nnieg for Buelieglun. linglon and Milton hane leurteîseach and eacs mon smoc gamin. Milon a naerone pintlead Burlington. Tbey scato uy inoalturamecs in aaFalls and thkm husl genome ast Rotary Park dey. ee are ni ne gumes eieieg en the egulur lie. Knights win two in minor action KRmgbss Cleasers mon ivro gaines le MilIce Mince BaseMill action tIm nerb, upendicg Op- liinlut 1- leand CanadiaenLegiun 13-7. Ic Use unly other A League action Gpimisbomrd te Brancier Jenelleey 18-12. B League ancton aw UW 490 top IJAW 1007 s-3, Elsîry's Pbaemacy beal UJAW 1067 00-7 and Miltun Auto Body edged 130W 4970 14-13 in a bsgk eccrseg bol close gamne. Besun Farrell leipleli ana i10ubleU lue Scsigbts mbile J. Auellon, Jay Ncrland. and M. Seralini doubledl and Don Rid- dell, Don Habbsek ood Racdy Glaer sngled. Jin Clarridge doabîrd lue Legion in tibes lues hiole Geeg Rusk sngîrd Usee limes, Brad Tonelîs tince and Dcag Gilbert tInce and Jîn Clarridge and Murray MuPbail sngled for tbe Legion. Beac arell bomrredlfor Koigbl's mkîle Duc Habkirk sicgled and doubled and Raedy Glar dUcbled in Usese mnircv Oplimies.s Opîsis bitteslere Jacks MacMulln mitb a pair of singlin, Bîrne MuCuobin msUs snonsingls acd adubleand a single 1cr Leslie lar Greg Hall acd Carl Capuso douabed lmiceandnicglied telead Opliminîs iu a 12-B i o Oraniero. Slene McCulnbe sluubled mhite singles ment lu Jin Cartwright, Geordie Jackson, anci J. ManMile. For Branuseens George Beaclseu bomeed and seglesl tIse witie Randy Glar singîrd ie and Mark Brancier igled. Wayne MuDougaîl ningled and Teddy Biceo Uubled for 130W se tireurvido oner UJAW. Jobc Crisci and Doncy Bell singleul Imine 1cr Eleley's mhite Orian Bell ssogled and Fol Rloberts doublel 10 bhat UAW. Niuk Clip acd Pal obertn pitched a gmnd game lue Elsley' au lbey bad rigbl fibrille odes Milton Aato Body earced tbh lîic uln Us te yeir au Usry bea, IJSW 14-13. Auto Bocdy bitter mere Mîbe Siepberd mîUs a double, Tracy Murray mith lImes singles and snsiWs uent te 0000 Mortn and Seuls BradiogR. 130W bilîr mere Trddy BlIou mslb a sngle and double. SIens Blair addrd a double and Mari Teasdrl a single. Eyî uccidients harrir hunisîdu of (anadian yiiungsters caudi ycas. Boys aru invlîlin thre oui if four îmchipi Wîllîî Wise Cml ofi The Cuuudîoîî Naioinal Inntiilul fus flic Blini uuys il' your child nei glauun,gel lei unfrly glasini. Tlîey bavenslsiing [cie btarc ihaiiuer reiaul oif accident. The Canadien Champion, Wednebday, JuIy 8, 19705 nond Ce_ Mauil eoisoîn uiss0913 Obituary Harry Couison A renideni of Milton lue 57 years Tiiiii.nry luineYý Conlson of 141 Thomias SI died July l in is 0 yeare Me. Collision mas boia n Mukuka Aprîl 16, 1881. He mou a kesublayer by leade and laser ownedlard operated aballe sup inMilton. Aller selling Use boIse sbop be nucrd lue Milton as lunea loremac andlister macuged the nemage disposai plans aclil bIs mresementl. Henuns an atv mendier oftheCanadian Order of Fcremlers. Revn R. W. FoslersofGane Anglicac Cbureb nonducîrd Use foirerai service ai McKercie Fraierai Homeon July 4 iniU inrment in Eneegreen Cemetery. Geandons James, Doaglas, Larry ansd Grant Cauio ofMilton and Dnald and ordcn Early of Hcllunvslle wr palîbearero. Me. Coulson mile Mary G Ring, son George. broUsees Juo Issue 20 bldg. permnits Building permitnsoh$23,106 mer ssue l n squesing tomnship daeicg the munlb of Moest ofthe 20 permîls merelue Mimes and garages or additinons bul Ibere mac alun une fur a $10,000 Susiday Snhuol ai St Albans CbubinGlenWillams. Si e* Eri,,. preli,,,iîi in. He in b w hîliien Ella (Min Eaalyi il Hullonville and Harold E. Coiiuln ofu Milton as oeil as 12 geanbilden and 19 great-grandnbildrro. Alun eue- nsvnoguare brotbers George and Frank of Edmon;. it Sadie of Getoit und Amy of Turonto. MILTON RECREATION COMM ITTE E sw'. rMEET 0 t:July 17 Place: Community Swimming Pool jui aOors, lour inerednOi i ns andtou seors. ue 00 YOUR WHOLE FAMILY'S SHOPPING NOW AND SAVE FROM 20% to 50% BAMAINS YOU WONYT BELIEVE MEN'S SHOES REG. TO 77 Richie & Jarmon $25.00 12Poir IWOMIS WHITE a BEIGE -91,10, -- HBALTH & BEAUTYAJDS 24 MAIN ST. MILTON OPEN: MON. TUES. WED. SAT., a.m. tep.i - THURS. PAl. 9 &.m. teaO P.m. Dress Shoos $2.ý A~/O ff S s $99 20 %of AVE. 2 .480 0 .433 0 .380 0 ý370 0 .360 0 ' .357 0 .251 1 .346 1 .344