List instruotors, losson timos for Milton pool first session Milton Itarreatiat Cnrnmillee'u tirai tisre-meais stession ut swimmiag lesauau sait gai un- derwaynext Maadap, Jiae S9aut9 arn. 'lte taiiawissg Bat esowa dlam greuplera atartiag tirnrn and laalsaeuters: 9 AM. - INTERMlEDIATE "A" D. Smitis, teatraclar Catiserine Elmaad, Lealie Ellwaad, Matiset Berrp, Gregory Braisai, Lyon Cisilda, Stevea Miller, Clady Lewis, Maris Aikenbead, Millise G2eorge Cearma, Sandra Muse. 9 A.M. -INTEIIEDIATE "B" A. Raid. aInâtruor KCaren Teaidll.i &Maa Tieadl, Relis Gedtrey, Relis Rare, Rais Kama, Peler flsampson, Patrik Tisarnai, Stevea ilatietd, Murray MePisail, Pally Annea ore. a A.M. - JUNIOR "A" J. ibant, leairarlar Mike Heard Mary-Annes Palaad, Ruaa Moeell, Julia Biedermais, Gary Rama, Dan Nadalia, Fred MoEaoisera, Dave Talelaka, Debra Warmiaglaa, Laua Aikeneed, Ciserpi Ezeurd, Lorue Verrait, Krla Monro. 9A.M. - BEGINNER "A" J, Stayer, P. Braisai ,lett Ridgeway, 'lier Pamera, Duve Elaiep, David Heard, Aller Haiser, Julais Tysua, Michael Johsonai, Miriam, Headea, Dauglas. Hawdea, Douglais Hawder, Alexndra Elmuaod. 10 A.M. - PRE-JIINIOR "B' D. Sentis, leatraclar JetI KiateyRande Ridgeway, Peter Radgeway, Tmpy Rami, Maris Teaadei, ittepisea Pal- 17 tersais, Brait Patteran, Catserine Mailla, Jaaia Maliia N ra Naai Lisa tvr sa A.M. - SENIOR A. Raisi, linslrucor Cyntisia Biederman, ishama Spee, Jaist Taielaisa, Garder 14Tiamperas, Jahn Hable, Relis Hatieid, Vue MePisuil, Pui Sauver, Lyen Aiberlead, itadre Lewmis, Gtan Tarner, David Milter, Brad Evans. lit ANM. - BEGîNNER "F' F Davidamuwn, Wayne osie, Raasaie Larisie, Delma Rayaxer, Haler Rapeer, Hurman Hilisua, Cseryt Hiisua, Suae Whtlrida, Tracy Morgan, Ciseri Fartae. tSA.M..-PRE-BEGINNER«"A" Pain Branai, lamtrarlar T Paul muea, itam Rayeer b Shsaraon tisiteaide, GofNr IL .93 1.19 LIS' VATT .99 .&DES .59. .61 L M 1 f soute, Jeatiler Nartbeoue, larcia Nurviseote, TnimY Oro il AM. -JUNIOR "B" Deisiie Smilla, Iaislracoar Ravir Blunis, Michauel Ettia, lions Rapre, Slevais Blair: Bryau Tuarner, Maris Luisgridga, Nancy Edmarda, Michaet Ha- ieid, Fraureis Berry, Ern 'Sralilui, Suam Sherida, Kelly Carp, Satan Ewars. Il A.M. - BEGINNER "d" Assie Rasti, Inatructeur Mdichsael Berry, David Berry, Claire Narlisote, Dereis Neelauds, Larrie Tise, Kimmoie Orr, Ruais St. Johna Dianse Si. Johna, Rioky Varalti, David Taiselli i5 Aid. - PRE-JIJNIOR "A" J. lItant, istaerlatr Donnea Huler, Egidie Wriggimswartis SAdrew Baumsat, Liadu Smitis, Rioisard Narlisole, Kimiserly Kiaman, Deisiie Seridan, Shsaran Wiiteaide, Wmndu Timisera, Ossaie Staak, Givea Martia. Il A.M. - PRE-JUNIOR "H'l R. Asiley, linstractar Miohael Brumn, Biigei Putand, Suala Hamiun, Andr batta, DouglasPowers. IIA.M. *EBEGINNER "B" J. Sauver, Instructear Lyada Jaisonai, Heatiser Gadtrey, itadra Gadteey, Date Pullersai, Beveriy Ormsiy Raer Irvinsg, Barsry Ruai. il A.M. -PR-BEGINNER "CI P. Braucis, Istructear Haîdi Harris, Julie Hait, Rabise ltiedge, Micbael Ratp, lup pans, ar itagar malaae rnismald ut 513t. ae a u Mîtue uli e repar ia v tone dro i a ni era P a o EglletlCa. N . utarci aliamt auti e ui ieu lit.e a arti n laie a laatuayeai enî iteisdmai Mrilietons alierpaoert tisa velc riensdetRoert atric Eges So. 4aa lairtee Si. .stupa sia amtacth sut muao reagtneal ie easiealk asuren.e Tedrir Ch uero panaaager, Grant Caulman ut s4a Cast S1. mare uurt. auverligulseg ulîloara ssid tisa eue had aboualB aneaga e tisah front,naides ad raar anddarage telle praparly mais mstimatad ai Rua. Soe saiapiosemre nul ut servie tue a tam haure. Milon Palice lvertigaîrd a nue and croli collision ai lise corner ut Robert mnd Ramer St. on riday.A car driven islHarry Rachard Dsaid, au BrunIe St., culliîded mils opelis Aedy Ladry, neen, oI 73 Robsert St. flue imy man taber lu Miltoan District Hospîlitalat bad ia- jurier and a heukan tailt liigs lasua. Damnage lu tise bisa, mue rnuîmaiad ai $iS. Nu damage ma reportait au lisecr One miaur accident mue atmo repariaili h asuiees. Stolon taxi upsot hors Grant heIps Jier Sausa, MPP tue Halue Etast aaenouuicd ludsy tise ap- pensai ut a provincial grant la tisa amona ut $5.175 tue a preiiarp eagieering sludy aonithlie 16i Mita Creakin l the Toua ut Osbviir ta lise Satn Rrgiun Cunearvation Aaihuriiy. Theapurpuarnofiis saidy saino examne ruinprhiamas tag uhe il Mile Creais tram Laite Onaio lu tia Quea Elizahaeth Way. Total distance lu ahout threa miles. Tisa entrai and vont ut renomindal remadiai mucha will alunse daarmied Ai mamisar muaicipaitian ut the Aulhuriiy have hean dasignaid au hanetitliag but lise Toua ut Gakisii au tise maie beaaftisg muanipiipsalitl heur usa major portion ut tise Authority's shara ufth cianau. £4N YO U FILL THIS SPA CE WITH A GOOD COLOR PICTURE 0F STEAM - ERA? We'll pay $10. FOR THE BEST COLOR PICTURE OR SLIDE WHICH BEST REFLECTS THE STOR Y 0F STEAM- ERA. We're alter a picture that wiii be reprodued. in fuil color. in a speciai Steam-Era souvenir issue in lime for the 1970 10th annto rsaey edîtion of the Ontaaio Sieam and Antique Proseevees' A ssciatlon's annuai reunion. The Champion miii pay $ 10 for the best photo suhmilted, and a ceedit [ne wiii he giron misen the photo is prlnted. What c ure tooking for is a good coioe photo that shows lots of equipmneni and lots of people ai Steam-Eea. Il could hure heen taises anytime during the poli ulue shows. Priols aud teausparenCies MUST he sshmittii ta The Champion hp Friday, Juiy 17. Ail suhmîsvions shou id have the omner's namo and address In faciaie returu of prints or stides, and al[ iii he reiurned. Final selection mili he mode hy staff memhers of The Champion. Look out your color shots of Steam Era now.. That '10 could be yours! Tise Cavadsan Cisampion, Wednesay, Jure 24, 1970 7 If you think Ontario can solve its pollution problems without your help, you're not thinking. Fortunatlt, for our future a o' iseing done about pollutioîn ight nom. But bo mage and min the star allumai pollutioni, Ontario vcedv paur houp. Who causes paollluio anyma7 7 Tise unplrosonl insser: sic the people. People miso bay lise producis tisai industries produce. People oi1 cars and bouts. People woe Spy People miso isuild cottagrs atid heat homes. Esen peoplc miso trrp lice- stock. Pollution nom i s cverYîne*v peuh bm. Wbat'n gaveramani deing about paollluaon Tise Oatario gosornmenti v doîvg tbings. Sinco lise formation of tise Onîtario Waler Revources Com- mission in 1957 and tise passîng of tise it provincial air pollution aci le 1958, Ontario bas hecome isnown us a morld leader en tise boille against pollution. Sliff tegisiation is in force sisat maisv pollution a ceime in Ontario. Il controls misaI our faclories con put ieto tise air and muser and misai tbep caut. Tisese omws are isoing eeforced and pollaters are isoing isard, le addition Governmevh on- giaers a pollution controt experts are assistieg industies in tise pion. nieg, design and installation of pollution coatrol oquîpmenl. War le the air Ontario bas a lavsk force ai mors clearing lise air. Tise goseensuent bas creaîed an Air Managemert itraucis ith a higisîs irained staffoaI oer 200 specsolisis and a nuli-miltion dollar budget. Wîish thîs ind of power direcird ai use aie pollution prohiomn, or can a l] reahe a utile casier. War au mater Tise car on caler polluion iv heinit oaged aod won. Tise Ontario Water Resoarces Commission moriss mush comnîuniiesithroughsut tise prov- ince te plan and consiruci caler sapply and scisage systims. To d ate, more thon a billion dollars hase hemn sprat on sus-h projrcis making Ou- laios scoage ireaimeni facîlîties tise besti n Canada. Wbal caa u du about polllluao? Y oa cao gel concerned and ssay conicerned. You can make sure pour hoat, pour collage, your cor or pour plantisval oddîng 10 tise prohira. You con tell pour chîldrrn and pour. self tisai air is 001 an ashtrap, rivera and laises are n et free vomers, and soit iv not dîri. l'ou o,î hi' pt-ipori'd to ivent iu ci -liait, tiealtlit prvietti for nar alllvîn. ToIa thal ive' tte'd a healîhy i'uototv t0 suppevi oui' good la- tentiotn. Onse s-au i-ou con hrlp- î,v'tt prou? and11 qulitv comspare, îlîop Cncîan. Picue bv soeo Ontro's In Ontaro, were seodil peatnglthe 25Oi mo nio g sain.Some of car in thehbaiefor heahS tc thsesttin, quppd ih the emission conto oeguans (te morlds mosi advanced instrumen- hersi of iheir isind in Canada) more lotion, checks air qalîts and meosher inîrodaced in 19680 and sîeengîisenod dola misicis v Ibm telemeteed direct- in 1969. Tise rosait: 1970 model cars py 10 a centrai office for immediale contrîhate 70<;* Irsa 10 air pollution osevment and action. lisan did pre-1969 models. Cuaadu'as 111. style of tomorrow preasala nany chlldenges. But t's Ontarils style las maei th.n chailnger tady. SGovernment of Ontario Departene oflTrise n Deselupuma One hurt, damage 11,300. in Woodward St. accident Scnti BAILY, Dusse Timisera. 12 NOON -BEGINNER "C' Dahiî Smiths, tvstructor Nadasa itais, Carrie Bais, Chisiese Thamisen ,Peter Tsamisea, Jady Mcougat, Rutbeïriae. MeLean, Mariane Jarvia, Laaam H -le, Deisiie Wriggeiswarlis, Relue War- miaglaa. 12 NOON - BEGINNER "*E" A. Raisi, Istrarlar Eveipe Tisampisan, Euet Ramerait, Tier Hawks, Murta Hawks, Grare Vais Berisuer Kareis Btacooi. 12NOON -PRE-BEGINNER "D" K. Aaisiey, istrucoar Gregary Harnas, Cathserina Ilawers, Jeraier Huaie , Brias BelS, Charlea Jarvis, Marray Rae. SNOOPi - PRE-BEGINNER J. itauver, Inatrartar Assie Aibeneaed, Ciady Fassi, Catisy Blair, Glenn MoBride, RM Gervaiis.Tammy Orr. 12 NOON - PRE-BEGINNER P. Braisai, lestrucoar Jahn Turner, Asnettle Brama, Dan Hawkes, Jean VanaRarsm, Paul Wismn, Bras Molistesh, Hall MoRaisera 12.30 P.M. - PRE-BEGINNER K. Aasley, aInstractur Christine Barbasse, Kelly Anne Milter, Ravie Siae, Bitiy Sine, Jettrey Nuathote,' Jeaviler Nurliscute, Murola Nartisoale, Breal Slilui. A taxoi a tlea in Guelphba rervered bp Milton GPPoe Campbèllville Sumdap - but il liad $150 damuage la il. Tise car hiadt rotird over on a lisgiiay 401 eail vamup ai the Casniseiiviile Rd. md suas ourd aisaaduned. Patine lter ap- iwetaeaded a nuspecl maikissg ataag tise bighmay ad Guelpb palice have laid a thet charge. Reveal... fConsiaaedfroee Page I) Parking for270 cars wadbae lte sarne as Ln tise Oaisville ia'apaaai-aa lwa tavela isitis tse suaper levei taaced. Natiag lte proxamity ai lise CPR rak, Me. Raymand aaid the buildiaga waadd be given s aeciai trealmeni for nsaiae o.trai. Denaily aot lte sxsaeresite wautd carnti lalie samas rnedium denaily requeennl. "Assytiig in baller tian wbal la lisera aam." aaid lise plearaez, aad caursoiliara agreed. (The aid bue tacttry baa been a sure paine as uteil meetingstfr lise pas peur ar au. Part ofthlie building la taitg dame anai neurby reideis ons Cast aed Gleorge Sa, bave cosrplaiaed la coualil lise isuildiagsaure a isaard le cisildeen. Tise Chsampion oated ane aftie principala ut Msiloe Indastriel Parka Ltd. misa pernmiaed lise tirer wauld briag in a bsulldozer and derahabs tise busildings lise marnt ouacl givai lis nsdaraatiaa ta tise apartmrnt prajeot. "We detiniteip wiii demalisis ais isuildinga and cteaa op lise p'aperly, me are juat as anuiaua alietlieaned upaaas oilia," le said.) Our stylist wiII brin g our wigs into your home by appointmeflt or in our store Thurs. 2-4,* Fi. W0-12, Sot. 2-4