Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Jun 1970, p. 23

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T iÀ__ _ Convention held Junior Farmers Thce Roi ton County Junior Forera Icineein coq - inl nom mmue.. Qflf* çcetiuon s IleonmSundgy ut Rit fn FIlo Conservationc ores, lice Ontario Horticultuao spolie on the tulip plating in connection wic lice Ifoffon Asonciation'e annuaofentuion prlet ict icone been Regimn Canservatin Authlcr!y mou icelc ut lmmcnsuon Jue 19 inititeci oui ic o ieci uidms "Conservation Weeci, 1970" and 2. Ti wou lice fieat tcme lice ot is ciatcgacphy ot tatcpn andi PrOtram- conventio won hetd in Nartiero ottcec npccaa flocercng tocfc in je nstructcon.ce orceateecceli mac ipiacc he cnention ttaai Ecapd mu adn fgie y kLeo h ittendance, Roaceer, acer 500 mfthooiantcc gacdenecc tram ait parnts of Onctarco oece cegisterecf at theconventionand were rayait y enfertainei ciy tcie Hacticaitaraf Sacietiea in thie Porccap nor on icFdoayt ot a lientie cemiotier of lice noconticoO ado- cerne canditions ficat noetbern guremera must conteaci mitci ft caooed! Sn00mfeimoltlitte day and tcin added muci ciamor and excctenrient ta tcie proceedinga. One ciigiaci of tcie concention won o presentotton ciy Motoci Karcci of Ottawa. Mc. Karsa Local meocersaofthe Hocticcotarai Soccety miii cie mntecmsted ta tmem licat Mc. andi Mms. E. Packicac of Bucfmngtan wece prectnted oti tcie Association'n siicec medalin appreciation 0I ficeir long Oat- standing contrcibutian ta car- ticcultare in Ontaria. Mc. Pockhiam cian ieea Distrcct Dectafr ar airaes andbocs cie cianety soatef mitci lice loa orticccttrat caciety. lThe coiacccttaa mcietces at lice Pacapcne dmstrict did an excellent joci ai planning and presentag thie cnetion. The Canuduan Champion, Wednesday, Jane 24, 1970 ail sponsor HRCA orienteerng Hamilton Kings Foresteci' composa ani ie cequcl ta rec Orientamiaf Club. severaicicecicjclntsomlthe route. lihe team obunci completes thce Orienteering in a sport tIat rote in the shortest time in lice originate in thlie nortlcern mmr Euroan onCunties andi je wo conprtl new inc Canada. It Winnern on Sundoy were Obc n. o cambntivl-on of o cros lanon, fonst; Bob Hoiton's countr'y ru and a car rally -mecc team. second; andi Don team in given a mop andi a Featcicrstone's teaac, dci. Ry H. Coic The Raton Caanty 4-R f..cotck ,fadgcng Cempetitcon miii cie iaed onTcacday, Jane 25 aa 7.30 p.m. ai lice Nurnetand Farm ai Fred Nurse, Lot 8. Concesscon 7, Enquning. lice second stop wllli t tecearm of Retard Gacdciame, Loi 6, Con- ceso , Ecqamsing. Ticere mii ie ime dairy classes. ioo cinef classes and ose ccieep cias aicihe campetibeonlticyear. Thce cemetctiao ic apen toalli 4-lH memes. and is cmpulsory for aoutong tacricie wboie famiiy. Tibequactyoai tcamtecriesa o te macecaceed toc a mortier ai days by reficgerating lte irait an poo as csile otr pccking. UANDBMM6 UWEEDU UCONTRIX SRVICEI 188-39591 1CM C L - RESIETIAL HoUd Ilua 1ontS~ toi chocs. princoss MAN VO. NATURE ... .t's a neending batte ucci c aimant ilcn ac if man ocOcit be wincea. Whco aine bac a cacaiesa man coici deseceate the ountrycide like thcs' An ueneci secioe oi Trafalgar Rd. cn nocth Oakactte apjceared te cie a guod dumping spot andi soeene damped a trcklicoali ai cceanted aaaa acer the Ha Iton is fifth cail... hia ciarders o soamp. wicc drains cece amocecance .. micchemen entathce Siateen Mcle Crenia .. wicc ftaons ce Lake Ontaoi. viccis liiked mcci tcie St.« Lawrnce River . . . cicc fleOS ce tcie Atantec Ocean.-(Photo-editaccat civ a disgstcta Chamian staffer) Jr. Farmr fild day ice Joucor Farmer Camrty Fceld Day cciIl ie heid an Sacacday, 30cr 27, 9.00 a. te 5.00 p.m ac tcir Miton Dcitict Rcgkc Sschoeat The Accea, Neccai and Paierma claies mii c campeing incvantais rack andield ecent te deiccocce woa ili cepreseni then a the Zoeelccd Dayele heid ce Jaiy ce. resuits peodaced 14.310 mi k52 fat fo an average BCAof 1345. Mms Jean Ececeit ai R. R. 6. Milton mac, canneraup. 01er 26 cos pcadaced Affli 0i tcli, 517 ai ft for a BCA ai 133.0t In Iir poniian aa Rmss Lawcence, R. R. 1, Miton, 23 coon, 13,430 ai mik,2Sofait,fteea BCAof 132.5. in DHIA Ry H. J, Stanley lice report f ailie Dacry Heed Inspeacement Asociatcon fac i9asIlee reneiceci. Ticere are a tlof et5R assoccations acroua cit procince, oich ta iree in Haon Counf y. lice Ifaiton Centre Assoccation, atticci oaa ander lice aupecvcncon ai Hioard Kcng, mac Iclc bigit fee Ontario. Thce 344 caacn cad an acerage production ai 12,291 cms. of necici.46ga ticsoaifft, for an averagecieeed closeavoerageeof 117. Tis ou jonc t.5 BCA pointa tine iceh pocioner te al MceatAnncatonaofGeorgie Mc .mck - 459 con. f2,400 Ibs mitic, 464 ia. of fat. tac a BCA ci 116.5. Tcie Haican East Association, onder Fcanci <cccisolin,ad aBCA o17.5 cith theSl66 con, aceealiieg 11,239 o ceici, 431 Ibu. ai fat. Top her in caiton toc tise ticrd connecatice year oan tcie Hlstein becci et S. W. Waters, R. R 2, Giergetawn. Hcn 20 ow By E. N. Escociroucin Vn. I is stcawciocy Lcmeoand peoiit Liingi tisaco contLe certain of treeci, hugi quicty mmmie by picicng the trait temlcm bu tte Mito, Noccat andi Hattonille oceac licece are a number et forma obuce Mr. and Mca. Caonsmer con pcb lhicr awntrawberriea. Tbc s typo of markset l oeilf toi tse monunec in lte oiof etfoer and more constant iies and ofua teneits lice gramer by ceducig is heac- ventigstinad marketing mas. lice eliminoted. Consumeea net anf y tini focces attractine micen icayteg ou lice ftn, but ailnele lice trecci air and focm atosccbes'. i con tie TREE SER VICE TRIMMING SI REMOVAL 0F IREES NO JOB TOO BIG NO JOB 100 SMALL NORTH HALION TREE SERVICE AETO UULY INSURED Ato 853-1010 ait Raton 4-H Lccentacb Cluci members (eccept 4H Herse Club). Att membrs mii c required to place iecasses and ait second yer or acer members oit cce a set ofreasons ona cioss eacb oi daccy. ionf and ncieep. Fccni year membern cciii cie eequiced ce gccr One set ai ceosons deprodceng an obai cluci te or scie n cen Fcrst yeao Reet memtercccigce mnins n a Beef class,tcst yearDacry on Daccy class, and icrstyea Sieep on the Slcerp ciOsn. BecasertGuelpis sactetierieli tihr saine progana an cicey d tout yeac, thce licestocia judaceli day ai tioupc asii nec cie lice ofiiai cooit y campeiiae. Trapaces carmatty amardod an thcompeticin at Guelph icoitce aoarded ontchce aicace coco- petctcae fur 25. VOuS AGICULTURAL CHEMIGAL SPEOIALISTS 00E CARRY A COMPLETS LINE 0F AGRICULTURAL CHEMîCALS - AND THE KNOW 010W TO CUT VOUS CHEMICAL COSTS. IF TOUR BALER COULD... IT WOULO SPECIPY IEVERT TIME Brontford 10000 $7.25 Brantford 9.000 $7.00 Braactcoc 10000 $5.70 CASH & CARRY LJCTOWN &c COUNTSN MILTON GEORGETOWN 070-239I 077-2271 Ry N. Caoci Tcie annoat Hoitan Dacry Pricess competition cs ta ie icecc lics yeoc an Frcday, Jue 26 at 7.30 pi.m Thce campetctcan miii ce cield ai lice tarm ai Dr. R. D. Kuocca wciicc is tacated ciati a mite nact ai Harncy an tcie nem section ai Trafalgar Raad. Tcie cmfetitian c cieing nponsared ciy tcie Haitan Coaniy Mdck Cammcttee. 'ice cantestants mact cie cet- ween thceages of 7 and 26yearn. Singe contestants aniy are eigcile tacrlice 1970 campetcttan. The canteniaoi's place of cescdence must ie an a fourn where a daccy cierd cs main- tacaed. Ibe contestant i ite in- îeccceecd by lice jodgos, preenn ta lte pacilic a scioct taici ot net mare thtan iiccee minutea and mcici a co mci. a ifling macciae. Thce cotetmnts mii cie jadged an lice cneiewe mnd pacie ad- dress; a asseming ond snatcncng lice mitcing macciine; thce mcicng and comptetentenc ai mitioag cieaecog and tacceithe ateaniic, perfacmancce; ci ficccency, cciomaaship; acgouiaiac; andilactty. an ie 'Meprices tai contestantn arr as teitos: Rayai Saoufa Canada aiecieray andeeoeca luice oinoer, $35 ce eacci cancpeiitac. and an addicanai $25 C.N.E eniryifeeand accistouce te te THINK! DON'T SINK! SE WATER WISEI M a is, ne ioacsicp sipn ai Trent Ulnivnersity, Peterboerough, icas been amacded ta Doaglac W. Tigcit, son ot Mr. mnd Mcn. Williama igt ai f0 Oniarie Si. S., Mdlton. sccia arscip tram lice mniceccty toa ounni oith cs fciccd yeac ai RECEIVES B.Sc smilles. Douglas McOoneti, former assistant agricoitorat represestaie for Hafian Caanty, receioed bis Rachetar ai Science (Agriculture) dogmee with hanars ai the convacationc ceremootes ai University ai Guelphc. Ho is precen0iy emptoyeci as a territry manager for Master Peecis division et Maplo Leaf Mills. FARM WORK -PLOUGHNG lCULTIVATNGI lHARROWNGI - ALING 878-4514 Bquit ruggeàd - - -priced right! Whtcctbr yaa'e atcrcng or ircdcng, yaa It take the hard work outcecoilycihcheeil HU610? setif-untoodinci bas, fi aatoadc tact te pracide ibe round trcy syred yca nerd ta, krrp big harvostr gaina. Tilt top roof ricoh 24" ta catch the etire nieOn ci materiat icone choppcn delectorc, thmn ioe te thc heigiat oi the bec nidre. Unit teainces o pami and Fycockri fecdr opren drive, aagcr crosa coeor, sandord notrty trip and to and ihree bear combinotians. SWANSTON FARM EQUIPMENT LM1TED WR. R,3 ROCKWOOD -086-9512 ATTENTION FARMERS, TOWN AND URBAN HOMEOWNERS For your late spring requirements, THE FOLLOWING ARE JUST A FR00 0F THE ITEMS WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH * SEED * FERTILIZER * INSECTICIDES * WEED KILLERS * FARM & HOME HARDWARE * HORSE SUPPLIES and EQUIPMENT * ALUMINUM LADDERS * WATER TROUGHS * WORK CLOTHES * SOLIGNUM WOOD PROTECTIVE STAIN lb POWER LAWN & GARDEN EQU IPMENT lb FARM FENCE SUPPLIES *0 LAWN & GARDEN FENCE SUPPLIES *1I SPRAYERS *0 LAWN & GARDEN FERTILIZERS * PEAT MOSS * LAWN SEEn * RABBIT PELLETS * MASTER PET FOODS là WILD BIRD FEED * POULTRY & HOG EQUPMENT.0 WATER SOFTENER SALT WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE 0F MASTER POULTRY and LIVESTOCK KM~ FARMERS CALL US FOR YOUR SUPPLY 0F HALER TWINE CHECK OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY ELSEWHERE PLACE YOUR ORDER W1ITHf US NOW Halton 4 - H4 lvestock Il dging competition Pick your own helps consumer

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