T he aiCimpion. Wednesday, June 24,1970 yp THRE 0FTHEGRAUATS a On academic standing [n tic clasa. Siccin tareESho Ue Tic GRDeatrEc spacOnlwitA [hem arc' assistant supcnintcndeOt awards dcrlng thegrduationedinncr held Gary BuncA ciAo la lcaoiog this sccimcr Friday to hanar the clans c! 21 graits. fcr two yrars of stodies, Halton East Caonnie Henoing, lcft and Muke Smith MPP Jim Snoc cia presentcd tic Hall received Stanley L. Hatl Mcmcrial amants. gurst speakcr Arthur Hazlitt ot Amants tor showiog the mosl ability and tie Ontaric andt Canadian Assciaticns promise on their vocaUlaflal training, fcr tic Oeaf, and 050 supariotefldent white Brenda Neeh, riglit, cion the Don Kcoociiv lStatt Phctc) saperietendent's awar fo ta he grcatest BrooklVll@ School Studeuits writes produce own play qo- 'ý iiriy graiie nrorn andii rgit c" stcdrala ai Orookciie Pcbie 1 Sciooi presrentd 'Hey. Bsns, tir Fcoic'd Tirci , a [iver art play wilren aoii cocaiccri Ai thr atdms ansstnii iy langosor artctacr Htarold MaAaloc. ThAe playi s a weranrcocirc renlred aroOnd th l cii lici Are icrîcra dacinrl- TAc adents ciade al lie costumcis m elas thr sce'rry andprops. Aciors crc tciciy Frrrir, obrt Maiy, Motira Jarvis, Gail Gîhoa Kîri Harvie, Eioa Newton, Gaoy Hitccick, lReid Knndy Denise Daîgie. Urad Martin, bennes Mitc'hell, Kevjo KmtnadCamlRa f te rdt ar cracrny, Hler MacLecii. Carciel Real; is Willy MoLarro, Davcd Michrell; ciahr 0. Drbic BUcra, Ahirle'y Racisay, Alco Pitt, Garry Marn,Mark Maero; costaumes. Mari tocoro. prcgram, Gira McAdrtia; muic RidiKenne'dy,Grant GibsonMr Mahaien; stage ciosgerment, IL Cl~iferer. Brian Tfraîl, Danny THERE'S ONE IN EVERY CROWO. CasU members oU Htchcck asitat ireico 'Hey, Boss, Wc Foled Themi'" pose far Champion Mahatos. photographer, Rarassed by the mnscievOUS lad in the background cas!t members includei Etva Newton, Danny Hitchcock , Grant Gibson, Rober! Maly, Mattieci____________ Jarvis andt Carmel Real.-StaUl Phota) 27 comploe SPOCICI trolnlng 1% stude Dcat lcgA ah ciom Ka ha pasi tirs tirs Anc fini fit tir os~ an iy fie pr gr ail lit ta lil la pr e ti ftdri or Garni speakier ai the dinner ciiciîc aa nsdey ccii o Arthur Hazlitagraduatc of ccyarcremetiri and orî O[SD Belilleii ciAo maniages a .dithe scial icft cbncîcci nlincrceniOg plant. He [s Rtc arr readi to iegir our ccci prrnudrat ut the Gntario e, or hie ta nay gccdhyc." sice Association tcr thc Oral and a Id> hc irgcd tir gradostea to dirrctir ci of ch Canadian bcicia ocomastcr andacive cegacitatica, and dcocriicdos a ccc cw rohircs inotout leaderein e es[tcummunity.He B ren a N e b o f K it h en e , a sp ian o e w o h i ii Ar icmciiroai stcdrnt recivdý i]ryla ta ohiair a intter SuprlOlrdcnlOs Acand niiocalicn. -oci niocation oyBldr îesemedby eiyntcOenicnt Don ce vor crahrnYciioiiintliiica rcniidy icr lic greatairn th oiiirici h aud. Ycouhave utmieyrcolokie GRD r cocaiocal inilesc. as a gcrdcrr tendsu Ais gardes".iliyo asw Smoi lie GeirDE AlalicaLetr o onrtlain wr ts cuso Seso n a Cno atnis MPPu acoy rtidrrnWK.Clake ircn rgrade iinsa Haicoiiaard 1crn ticiitriiidnd. dnts ust speinS- grae e .anrrsemainciaetSii roaiccAl o h K.Cinandtu 5500 ssOOtT are: Ke moilaachuor i cti tir Ontario Ocpartmcnt niof Erjc Be xc l ae i ocatianai sho stodiro Thr acardswcmi tc Mike Edocatica ccii Lorme Johnona.o, Smith ofKingsviiiR. an auto body assintat dcpcîî ciainîcr. BILLS Hawkins ocor graduellr. and Cocaie r G John Boyd, a farmer i IlOtg Hcaning ai Lialcori, a comas istnainoicrrînirndrInit Oftic ONTARIOSCHOOL FOR THE DEAF'S 1970 graduatîn AUTO BODY Mjchaet class incloded 2t students Irrn vartous parts oI western 269 Meceto Ontario. They cicre honared at the annuel graduation MAIN ST. 878-2721 Mrcr dinner ait 050 an Frjday evenlngc before headînig out MILTON 870.3251 * inta à world ot work and hjgher educatls!.-tStatî Photot Especially for summer SîccîIli i ccîiîaids ailî'c Y O UTH laro n h ahoal ed ac tiîcing tic fra t rehci ccotccc cîîîlock.mi MILTONFashion i ureO La TLPHN Beauty Lounge ANSWERING 17 asS ao 7 03TEACH SER ICESt. schcl OPTOMETRIST 1 SRIENei tC àULNTN < CNIETA Durnan [[ N CU IT O S2 0 C I O12 Terry MLL à G ý îESNAIE GEORGETOWNSpnoebyGrgfWl Mba * ~ I MEMORIAL ARENAI PI Donald TELEPIIONE A32-7788 87-2020 U g" ~ ThICESaNmpE O liOUO5~Tues., Jane 30 TICKES ON SmALEN 82LU~ THA iAMES à oora Fait:.gw AN 46 BREA PROP!El "EBOSS, WE FOOLEO THEM! cias presented by Tli tl Spedb IÙLPII 30 grade seven and eight students aU Brookviîle Public dei School on Friday. The studentS wr ote and directed Ahe E e ptay and made their costumes, ass sted by tanguage UNEIEAL lnm arts teacher Hlarold Mahato. Shown leUt ta righA in a THEEABS1E MGI CAIREN tics kmî nedy and Robert Maly. Two showings att 915 and 10: 45 TH ORIEN t $2,M a..invited the student body and parents tao vesc the p la y .- tS a U U P h o to ) tn fo i tie bdt lheft Insurance Away From Home Fay's ýtao ELECRICCAS OF30-total ali toitO !IF M£ 35 li ml O PI P HINDREOS OR COIsQEOlO Oi EL ECFRIC SER VICE G ro SicarCTONS-IM R M iglef MOS!ST IA BEAITIFIIL SOOWBIAI ton b.yIMINUTENANCsEisaE ANDINES FANTMSTIC FEATURE 'lbCONTRACTING as he ses themn .. TAs en10 U Aang Paet of lhis SloUsa..sals4.se A O3 COUSEL OURINIt ELECI7RIC il FotSoiYmlLYtumws sTle PATC OREFDIIGYU OIAS EATING Nskdy j14 ..&5:5pm l e iith Tsar 200! Sass tu Flsh *... Sal 0 WATER AEATER LISIEN HEBE: Film te Let Actoes Uîlk tn and Ot of b 4 c 1 S R I E *RENTALS ___ l ainten of Abs Audosiece Amr I1 IN .jj5î,a,ý o Silp and Béome5 PmA of Use MOMI s! mu MIRU î o U78-194FREE ESTIMATES QATARIT S AUTUORITATIVE NEWS VOICE Three OSD graids f0 coIllêge& se oftb 2 g aan mesca ls grad.Ib awords Milton liooil o ta oWP pincemoetofftcers frontlihe nt iOnai Scioo forAh are g n aI lity freet aIalb th eacbor siad i Canadien Heorlsg Socity, Use e dcto iGladtMP mroin14 e16 adwo mn th stdet t a idaimero of Use 080 Staff. e.g fo t, Daf i as(uite intrumeai a ing sgetdte a Imie osr A te caner drewto a clse, hig.i)C il a ýr_ t>SD loceinMilton justicd ill our'effcîorts~ ree superisiiendent Kennedy offed ccii Friicîeenn c aci , [he Olisn the lcradctating cla Rt Racî oghtgi grertiags hiacisiaho anddopprecaticfl ta ci' a ccii accoci graduiation 0re Anne Pceaisy of Guelph, [cci[ow of c Milton 'We caistat sopriteodeat Gary eh.abc y cultuire and home crtîi doctsgauates' Hosch, cAo leaves the schmil lbis hariaoooumica caiso course; Bryaa p cnyadireou theid deter- suacmer oa a twu year leanve fin Hmiay of ailtoa uhon, Woodsluh a .i Gay oe ry ntic. siblem cln aoaamieamssr cd AcduilaiteeROc tewprta o OweicSouR, cabet pbc o c li ac iod ancrd nleasieaodab hyOinaof oai hce bra.I noigocrwrVet nsaidiowrdhihers.bm dasiticain "He0 ibeea epted ut Gaiiaudet. ih n the Dahous of Windor and Bet Giier guests inciuded years,' said Mr. Kennedy. ciiege fcr cAe deot in North Rohicaiiic oi Prastang, coos- erc.Last >,car OhSset cierciai. Stephen Bycrs ut re stodenia to Gaiiaudet 'tir horioca Jiimmy 'Crîppsofc t OSD goodu eligirl for Gali, 'Doc Cc-ore oi Eimdaie obtint.Kart Sugiie of Gai t and Oîliy ,emaining gratis ill uic tc te hite ofGelph, raphie arts; d workiin a arit ftroîcn Grrg Crockiond of Sarnia, owing soccessui compietica NormacnDurhamioftsartord and aout 14 ycars oi accieict Petcer Kh ci Part Cothorne, diesand vocainal training at cic.ai traiicn andi Ulic itobs D. Mstof the grdhegn of Neahcsynci.ting.- ir iiocaticc aiOSD Bellevillc A 1969 gradocir wo cas dttrorsntcrreitathiiec Ge SD onahi teceiv icnipioma a Miltoa cn rricnt y rr [cnt ycar's graduation, John Miss Gîrcil was icsen casn Wilder, con aise praicel ta Oc-- citictorcar andi drspitc Arr crpi his certlicaic of graduaotion. citicap gave a calniiiciory Mont oi tir geaduatrs liane drei that oaa cieariy hccrd iondowori and alters are ex- tir tianir an ch o cd-epcd icui e ai odsinhcc a 1~ Use ChaOiPioO dosodiled -liore tho ation bs. ADOOR-TISEMENT Agnouate New flealing Substance: shrinks Piles A ,.-dsal l n -t5O5 en b.sCsi..I.5nu -U* scd di.coc-ItO OiciiSS se-As. op healisig of théi. naet le ce. f ..».R -le g.etly rehiceis Pain- scicil e.d.atis. (scoi)tank Pe-r Mien e-~~ - R v. eci "f eny.ntootiiîiîare Tho i. es aplatd clili a nec he-ccAsscateeîtoîoDOi Nose Oo.Dyne e offeedi in oi.S- men .. rositoc f.- ii l.s eto.. Stiasaooi. Oro ffl --- .fiisd. 0 L e MRS. J. S otudents a followIng Arbelter, Fay, Fni Joseph Hi Robert NU Porter, C