Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Jun 1970, p. 4

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4 The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, Jone 3,17 * . Mitchell registers second Win Cmpbelve deedPreston Pston and le ton ent te Dredgebhad afieady eachedilait Inthe sixth asinle by 4-0onCmbllil r Sundy rut dusewn fur amuoffl10 base oh lemwen ote fsand Chese, Faggo's double aed a ;i tilonitenik fie saol, fhs Hi stuhu otfotadhlu serhiem the seihe all sigley Moore prudited luor fii a mti e mis toi-ates gongu of ply.The pate aooii-esnse le il 3-0iand 'gaton os Cuesphellile upened teumpewaved Dedgebhomebutin j thUe eigieth Chester agaise GantMithesn ail te songe ithe fourt inmingen a Presion protesteidthat he was sieged acsdmasdoubedssome wayfrCmpbeii We a i-ee i puecali by Use ulule orly enel lied t0 tiud basle. by Faggios te compiete the calici u second wi nef te G=dg ssngied ccd mas stei ng Campbeilile aenrght back stering ait 4-0. yei.He linie Prsto u utse second mi-en Chesteri bel le ih anohe in bhe fÇfth as Don Gillow, Oelwein and scattrd singls ibe slruck eut sborssop's nighsi The dloclstop Hec ns opened the ing ogille a Braelbmaeie aili nngied foc mune and malkd bhee Spdee n omenlcdyl jugled the bail and home run over Use rgut i eld Prestn. George Chster miUs Cglel dth hudlsg for eben iooked tn second bal fence. lb ee singles led tbe Ccmpbeiieîlle allaci-. Locis Faggion doubled tesîce, Ernes Deedge singled imice, Don Hecens bomeeed and Doug Long ccd Ken Moore balh sengled. FGOTNOTES: Il mas a big #rù day for Don Hecens mbo plcynd bis fîcîl full gamte foc Ccmpbeileiiie, gui lus Oil let, anedbis OrsI home mnu. Rici- Ciemenl madeca ge paY in the second mi-en bie LowviIle stili unbeaten md ac nde ih n :... UkM M ii ~catch. 125-mil. car rally Millon's Ynut-on-the-Move moIncvl faine a nese iind ofînocal event wit a CarRaly scbeduled foc Sunday, Jlne 7, onganized by the Gaheoille Trafelgar Car Clui-. Ai-eus 35 cars use expcsed ie ltse sally mi-ici- mdl see the fese cac musve off ait Il a.m. Registration mi begin ait 9. 311 ai Milton Piaaa. Tropieeemillble peesenledsto driners and nueigalees oflthelop tbese sacs osies Use 125-mile Applications und fuclhec informion se anailable front 12h Nowafe ai the Caravan Restaurant. Enlcy fec bas been sel as $3 pes sas su oee the costs involed. Hece's a gond wacer safely suggestion: elmefs meac alfe jachel eshen you gu walee dueng. Yeu can seUl enjuf youcself eshile playing safe. la Ipu W%01%oI lo ammI Lomeelle suies ded thie t 4Y uaecaiee eiceai-tefourgamtes mes- imo mess os the Buseangios-Hailue Rusai Sofli-ail Loogue i-ai lus lu PyettOs. O-e fesse place Ocami fromt ai-e -ýý77ZHomiluon Big Four Leogue os i-e post eci-s action. Tueday eueing offineitmeek Lumille huuci-cd Paekiaed LINING Up THE BIG PUTT os Dace Hubberlîs. Doue mas tahoeg Pauseg 5-3 os o esague gome miii- adantesoe gonudecoditsOusas HisS TmeGlfCouse Les Cousue ai-e meesief buteit'sealy instheeease. adehalini-eoll si-unceOoe es icse. Cousos gavecsp filtre, tiemoy Os si-acide Local golfcusseport oeofethebest eons euse ons futs, sissciutiii-ee ine i-c forsulu sume tirmc 1Sta11 Photo)san ossudrow si 1 Good instruction avoulable for golfing enthusiasts Yo alsays moute il) ylay golf i-si iodert i-eo a dlong about os' Yousd lis-ou ssoeui-at ti-e gamte es ail ai-sur i-or dori mirer tuoi-eoognied asii-e oleemale oi dullo*rs' Gooitswatilout soaii-one. wiîl tour scoue orîle a 20 miee rode front Mloln0 ared preusie besson avoilai-Is ai cc couse acdl gruup Icsos ai soue Os-ose is su excse oru0 ignrai sace. PesO Marliu a O Wyldemood effietsgsooplessor ues and endividual leeoes to tOse eho marril e-esowmore fumea, m1 ile u ordmens, bl.ruei-up onii-or ironsior jousitin for a lepuorimo. Marsie offere a rofram of eson under the auspices sofni-c Milton BantaRf suffers first lc Mlon Leons sine ro hantant i-ail garnes Ois weei-.loeig t00 os-slle May 27 10-7 and oipprg Waicodomor 9-1 lie fulluweug ueglri. lie Gaille fumte saskcd the culs loss ot te icar su las. Hiltou s-as fi-tre mess tours-cr oedie. Milton led Gski-slle 5-3 aller i-e second esserg i-or Guille gos su Rego os O-e ecod aud îied and lsd 9-s- aIrer file fouri-. MoIren ssored agaîr os e-e sesenri- and Gaki-slle wh Os-c seuls- fier Os-r 10-7 finaI soes ln fusennngs Rego faned oigi- i-allers. ouI-rd toms and allowed oue sût Bei-ar si-rom Rus-oie Li-iey estalaiecd hiescîl oses-e mast oui-al durosf si-o Faîruoew Public Soul field doy Tesday of last mees- m-es i-e opped te open cumpeliirsos ins-e 440 and 180 yardsraces andii-re onfuri-er oslin Os-oei-oye' 14 ysors and user gsoopisg. Ho mou i-s hegi- 10sf. si-sI paie. triple jump. long lump, dlas- and orss-used the moeeeeg sciai- ocam. Lîi-iey mus saci- of Os-e eselts liecen tesed and hie esered ail hut i-e ema mde maislus- Jonaill and Anettle Camespi mas die mls-eseni, one ofithe ioug-esl us the agenda.li-ssemi-oi-urk in50 a50 0n te myrour tecr lemese mccc disqualified. lasece As-crufl mue Os-e girls 220Oopen and i-encleanedup in Use giris' 13 feue uld revenes winulug thecldash-, long lump, ehet pull, lugi- jump and accoced the miening celay teacc. The girls' 440 ment lu Maria Van Teigt. Lyon Powegl mas Use aututanding sompeiitoe in Use boys' 12 ccd undee chons. wiuieing Use dash, long jump, Gaki-oe YW-Yi-ICA I-re Wcdrissday eg s-enrrcurillers' îeegli ai Wyldemood and aose fleuro ue csadli mooks- e delîsosol yeopey oflos deoelurationre or expianto peoiers. Special gcuiOt fos wmnanrd smen colfos are brougletli ofie uis fio Tore Hugliesi Hor Hsiy lowsr oicee privats lssolis lOr sers i-y syycereemeeeanod geouP leesoos for îile wmno Ileoredai- oromgu. lie Horsi-y cours ad ote I acore r Bantams Win play OakviIIe iclub Iss Ossohree irge lîseerf mwo os-sols- yitieru Camfpbell anrd Clos srusi- oui esc Milton i-abers. moli-ed sus are4 gave uf lune ios. Mars s-yaii seogled. Siopi-es McCarins urgludl aed dosied, K. Fressi- soeegled. Ci-sosmass- tripicd. Wado Bei-ar sesflcd asd îîoyled and Mie Neseus and L. Rio soisd. Koen Fay led the Miltons s-aîîrs afaiesi Rurordoore mih oue rrroglou mhlool Kclmore doobi-ld and Msflosol douied. Msfaie singiod OmisO, as did Frencs- whil onnell singld once. iils lOmf and oosi-ored Os-e meuwie ig relay tran Karen Asi-seoli. a lihst la lanise ms-o dsmeiroiod the 13-yeaeoid evsuluened 0f ou four ocosos lus 12 yeur uldi. -eopeeg Osas h and field oselec Os-oh Asi-soofi faveoly. Karn îooyyod loegjomy. 500000 f000. ogli lump and roiay comf00000555. Morio Van Tregi, Lcoreia King and Dams Greon doiatid the 14 fear sOl gerIseelts oitexucellue srape and mol- o usle oe a i-ete rsh eioid ompsoe eues oe For Nosri- Haiosers wi-o duei isi- toc fou00 faî thr-coc si-o Haleur Heigi-Os lose i-oie curcse. Hollos Heeglie Countsy Club and Innepoide swimmiug, tennse and golfief fasdîiiee al enuder the saute wemi-eîi-ip.* Memîrîishiips soryif eo depundieg ou mi-el-es us uut you miii- lu golf. siei r usplay tenier eoy ey cmieaiu of i-o ducse two games tonight T-e lullumief sea eci-adole lus Milton Balamts Ti-e Baneome gui offte aguodeisit,m ing th i-le two gmes ofth c on 1 aoos Geosgetown and Bramftor. Ti-ey piay Gai-sels i-ose looigie. May 19 Milton ai Georgetown May 20 Braerpton ai Milton May 27 Gaki-slle or Milton Mai- 2i- Milton ai Waeedowe Jun 3 Milton ai Burliegeun ion 8 Miieu ai Gaie Jose 10 Waicrdome ai Mito Jooi 17 BusliugiueaasMito Jli 23 Mdliu ai Brampton loir 24 Gergetown ai Milton lust 25 Milton ai Brampton lui 1OGaki-slle or Mlon lui 7 Miliu ai Geusgeown lui 8 Braompton ai Mlon Oui l 5Mdleu ai Burleegios Zu 20 Miieu ai Gai-silOs loI 22 Woscsduwe ai Mdliou loi 29 Burleegrue ai Milton Aog 4 Milton Il Brampton Aug 5 Georgetown or Milton inniege. Jacqus Paquesis ie relief i-usicd 3 2/3 luesege, ailomeeg one lue, foneisolun -asersead iesuiegenowalhe. Lomuile bois coiiscicd cigi-e bols off Peshiaod's Dose Sci-meycc. Mark- Bush and Lee Couleos i-ad o paie of singles apeece, Murray Damson ecepied, Sea King duiic, Bruce Casses and Dou Cuseedale ech eiuglcd. Fus Pasi-Oand, Duug Gueusas duied and eingled os h-se of si-c ee Mesue. Lowvile s moioiead 4-O i-close Poshlaed scueed Omise on ti-c Oelei- and addcd sie Osnai men t-e seeli-. Ti-e mnes final men came ou ai-c cigi-il. Coulsus meel O-e distanuce ccd gove up foursli,eistuc- oui Il and waiied Iwo asLoîmslIebeat Omigle 4-2 ou Fcedoy. Bosi- crames payed eselees i-e] mnd Lomille i-allers gui au Dmagi- i-solos Ai Fcm fus eegi-e luis alileougi- ic faned 15. Doug Powell led si-e wieeeieg ailocli oi- a double und single MOisie Deueis Sincasues ield Oise, Fsrank Bertsoeei-mesed, and Sou King, Bruce Carvercand Doug Couedale al ingledueoce. Lumudie cîrllecicd use men os Use lton, Port Credif tops in ixe ii jtie Amixed]jieeey aeti-cMilon la wn Bowling Club-sa Ms.M. lusry of Pose Credeeend up fes os thecladiesediisionai-cali of Berey Monron of Miltun and Mss. J. Moller of Streetsville. Gordon McIeiuei- eupped tbe es cumpetiiiue ad of M. Tusseyound Eosl AOi-risue. Belmee 2,500 and 3,0003 Prseons ose cueuecied of isisg us Oueeîug illcgoliy on Gutario every ycos. fiist, mo inthe second, anidone in si-e eigi-ib. Bush Omagb eues came sii-te tiud ilning. in si-e ehibition game Pycil's luos- as eaciy lead andi-eed isit mie 9-4, saliecig i15 luts off the Lumeie mousd staff. Geeu Meejuii hnoched oui imu humees and imu singles, Dici- Bullers e humes and e oingle lu lead Use Monltan club lu sissocy. Lomvües eigi-e lits issiuded a i-ame ad tmusingles forDoug Cesdals, e double and single eacb fus SOs King and Sia GuIbel ccd a single i-y Bruce Ca se s Coulson mas ebe iasing piicbes This meehus action secs Lomeie at home t0 Leggats an Friday ccd Peonus on Tuesday. Ccmpbieilville psclled off c neas duuble play in Use eeghth as si-e piay mens fromt Dredge t0 Faggion ta MsPhil. Oas-selle mas eciualiy scbeduled in but because of otbheer commitimenie, Campbelisille alumed si-cm te smiicb gemes miii- Preston. Campbeleiüle nnm base smo lougi- encocnsecs comning up. Tonigi-i (Weil.) ii-ey go su Leeside 10 mcci test years champions end os Sunday, Jue 7 ai 2.30 p.m. lu Ccmpbeliille ii-cy mcci tis yecc's league leaders' Use undefeaicd Ciabsilie Gaes. Psmsen .........000 00OD-0 3 2 CoillO ...... mn0I 51 ns--4 s0 2 Pcmsen lCOudelî and à. Maucaîs. Campbeilville-Mitchell and Lang. Seven run rally helps Pee Wee club A ligi-t pisices duel Usae bad tbe fetims decdlonhed 1-i smupted lu the fih aeeaeg Munday luglet mi-en Beomnie's Pee Wce aii-stass brohe bouse foc moenvis ta bamtll Beampton 8-2. Lentil the fOfth the teias mece eeeniy malched bua big tme mun double by Ron Twissebroke Use game mede open foc Use moais. Milles oullul Beampton 7-4. Tmesî aise uingled, loba Tene i-ad a triple ccd siegle, aed Dose Tomes, Bmuc Elisun ccd Barry Bsidgmcc ail singled. Dose Turer and loba Teell spit monnd dutees foc Usefi wnesai 3Vfionnngs apiese and Midget squad shaping up beat Oaks, lose rain game Cuach i-Gos Cleee reports stide-uute. Dose Hile asd ie Milton wedgel squad os Hugi Mass-hl mccc the ehi-eg up oue o -pîcet goud ousanding Ocldes in th- game. bosch of i-oye. lleey si-oold go qoole a way" ie Hollue bosebaîl Sanday's lues lu Watecduwn mats ibisusomet. masoa scpiay rof a May 20 game The 5cm.w spuesuccd by wlusi- mue soned oui mi-en NadolinE îcisos Cumpaey, mill Mdton mes eadaeg 2-0. Clemesi bre feeling rees uneferse t-es used ehree itches, Bcecc year. Bridgma, Greg Ci-ahmach and le action en t-e pose mecs-, Pele Roberts je ecying lu stem li-ey lsoueed os-selle 7-3 un O-e Walecdumn bats bal i-e Wedncsdoy anrd Ore a 5-3 homelame club bumed 5-3. heartlreo-er lu Waedown un Tbcy met Watecdown again on Sseday.' Monday. Pele Robers i-usled againse Wcdnetdas as 6.30 Mion Gahuolle and registered 13 bosie Brampton, baib pitched leecihsc bail, reports cachi Val Capuo. Peecy Cepuo mas beind Use plaie. Miltoe teaveis eu> Gakille tonigi-iandsreiamseeei-me diamond for aMosday garne. !E5 *PRINUIMLD AVAILABLE AT R. R. 2 HORNBY. ONT, 826-3M6 IAN BEAK, PnOPPRETOO Mufrray Hood Drive-In BASE LINE RD. MILTONi 878-4028 lamof i-mn Cessems nuat SaisO -Yc quaneite Pu. n9c 99c 1.39 F-nedu Sip -O40 pe, nder WANTED BY TIff opYimisT CLUB 0F IILTou USED ARTICLES cuttage less, fureilure, stces, refrigeraours, gocden luuls, etc. jei focl anyti-ing thai con be lurneel enlo cash foc youli- mofk ond cummunily service peujecis. Piek-cscs wii ie maade affiae 6 P.M. and n Saturdays TEL EPHON E 878-9069, 878-3024.878-6626,878-4488. FLAMBORO SPEEDWAY :~ This Saturday night Jue 6ih GIANT SIZE DEMO DERY PLUS REGULAR RACIN LArE MODELS AND HOBBIES RACE TIhIE 8 PAM 4 MILES SOUTH WEST 0F FREELTON USAC MIDGEYS INDY DRVERS COMINS lUE 71 Rowacam Nwc*u - 0013 FAY'S ELECTRIC COMPLET8 ELECTRIC SERVICE INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE *ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING *Ei-ECTRIC H EATI NG *WATER HEATER R EN TA L 818-204 FREE ESTIMATES :M cabuIl isoc i-s 1 cf 600l t batik. Os successfu beced of Abw, unte-ici the pou is ued t wlule ai Cottages. Melu holdayie Mue ereol si-e SIca cuule ovy oi-les ou goluiefs The e qul fol-cen a eside r Ti-e ci-esc ac I. Comn 2. New 3. Musc 4. leali 5. Mosa First c fi ccl Wedoee (lui- cý li-cîspl K soi-les of Ceas job oier off Cai ap si-ce chocs- le sp by sue by fls big s. ilomos Ho stil thee s (lroi-s hi-o ilhi ack su iead la bl lis case i-s folluese infeld, double Dor Mill tq dee p4 One $100 Casa Auxeli; Legale lu as, tempu Use ce, bospel. ?i ,00( I le A Versai huspit . A SIospil for p budgi Admîs defisel Bist eg ai Pc prupo! dungi p«en Robert Libbey wins honor at Fairview CYCLISTS Bicycle Licencing 6.30 p.m. Io 8.30 p.ma Monday Jun. 15 to Friday Jun. 19 AT MILTON FAIR GROUINDS LICENSES MUST BE OBTAINEO DURING THIS PERIOD. Bicycle Rodeo Saturday a.m. June 20 START AT 9 OICLOCK et foo unfi Ut parking loi, Km# St. Auto. PRIZES, GIRLS BICYCLE, BOYS BICYCLE. ilPONnOREu 51 OPTIMIST CLOB IN CO-OPESAlION WIlîl THSE MILTON POLICE OEPARTMENT.

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