Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Jun 1970, p. 15

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a 1 strige JUNE 4th, 51h & 6th % fb U ERY WEEK Theburth; Rebecca, tary. Pats Fustr D. J.ý Elgin Svhoni I veeks Royalp b, ut ,Royaif ai the Book Yeasbooh Ute iishns tUses notebi esiseeded srkis spasl tes-be i the asd to do x 1son to sbssa se God alto nove Hîs as Wesit as yss have osh grees b le with ne to live Pbhpiaos n yoosig ney Mas )pis wbo roilling 50 essoge of Oses 150 spssiatsss ,iiended Bisompto, Psrt the anosai Halion avd Pesl St. Mslisn divisions John Ambulasse Iospsvtisn Iseld niiik acsident ini ai Milton osesa Ttssssdsy. bad collopaed sojasi Oabnills, Avion, Milton, Post sviibin. "Ussollys Cssdii, Soîlisigion, Bsamepton gsisspi vsmhising and Malin senior and cadet Divisnsweseson Ivd forsthe The agenda isvsded a gsnssil salois, inspection of sanks, accidnt desessstssiissi,lsing iessssks and diamissal. Lt. Col. H. L. Bsown, O. St. J., C.D., Dnpssy Psovinvial Ciosmissiosos %to heded thse inspection pisy and Sgt. Majos G. CiiInm[ flstu parade of 150 St. John membors. Music foi tht inspection ssss playsd hy tht Miltoin Girls Pipv Band hsadsd hy Pipe Sgt. Masîlyn Mastini. For the dem vAlsati Qakvîlle and Ssslîsgtos vombînsd di visinsssasd illustsaid s misvh sviismshilo accidnt ittsstiv ttmnvmss hsjased. Thoy ihssvsd hto rose patisents fsont ths ivssvk asd tom to sdmtsistes niedical attention bsfsse and snsroute tu bospitat. Avion snd Milton hsigades csmhîîîsd to showastovck elevtiiv accsident wtiessimoh mien liad bessns laddes. [l revsiîedsasevsvs lvti ss k and folles ftont thes iaddes. The gsoapoasadmintitesed medivsl attention to the patients. One fatality over holiday Ove taffs,. fatoliti nsssed the srst -sBivg Est Buck Alisv bslîday meveîsnd of tise sommest i the fous voosis sssvvd hy ih, Hanmiton Automobile Clstb (Haitoîs, Halissasd, Ssant avd Wvtssssth). Brant Cossty O.P.P sepssssd is s single car accident, kîtlisgtîhe driver os Ayr RoadsinBrant Csssiy. Tse Hamsiltons Autoîmobsile Clsb rsposts thosv mtsv 114 ajorssccidetsssiompsssd ii 108 tsit ynas osss the sitss day holiday ssovbovd ftoni Pvidsy sesdssght lu is dsiglt Molsdas. lsjsttsaiotslsd 68i- a coosidesahis dsop cosssesd iii lunt yeas's tol of 9 1. nisovvsdentsmsses pisilu dgtlymsith 49 ontpaed Io 46 i l969. Maor ebjects Toronto report omsits Milton Mayos Bsiott Ssst of Miton eiipvsssed dîsappssvtseest in pl ans svently teisased for the Torontosvetssd ssgiss. The Mdayos tid counvîil Wvdnvsday Miltnsa bhssignsod dleft off theseap in tmsinstansand Stigbsay 25 osd the lb Mile Creek eb mt ed os senti. Ths Maysr soid ths seops in thesreporst esviage. Heasksd coanvil iv msvb mtth bise in osîdîsg thespsovincevmthoa isf iv svpîy. The Mayos sbjsvlsd is the rgiosi as il pst Miltons os li booodasp fine hstmsn 40ve lopsient ond sceson Mess. -Mess poos Csîends i the lhstival '70 dasvs sn Milon .A"na ibis Satosdsy svseog. '-Resesbes Steose-Esa 1970, rnsdas reebend ai Milton Gr Oounds. it's the 1115h ~ivessaey showo. GETTINO INJUR painted on Brssci Amebsiance mabes accidenterse hs ard seased bisaiS Mslion and Aviont Cssdit and isae bst ssith rise sese Maltoîs illustrated a brigade thv ssmhss wa whnch aosent sneves,- îvîd Mltîns Sspt. ng the people Dsn Milles. ws hsve smo A igit lunch mat srvssd to fosse a afteswasd. EO is ibis sean's hobby. A seosk bsoken tsg is Lanvg, Eiseseod Cros., by Briion Hsfield.SSt John p enpert. Brisse pasîssspaîed inv ocsk eisstricai asd fsssvd had folios fsose a laides, bîoksn vis isg isg. Suias applisd sehe sp ts ait patients fos divisions. -(Stoff Photo) Sid.walk surv.y What wouId you do if mayor for a day Todays maio lcsr ad s nn inpioeiis qveto akd younvad d sssoudb hes t lwip ad Miton, isissi ssssvd you o di ilstar( agai. voosAstosttaysi foi a day' 05CR M0IR L1:Y, 71) isîsearte ilsoo s: Csommercial Si.: -I mois MRS. ROBERT INNIS. 952 issagîs 1 osd dio sîsîsîs iiîg Alisne St. -I mosid chanigefics ahboutitlic poicess lic. Yso parkigsni fit lAtsoni anle cas't iiakeaassssvc ihutFln to paraiii. Wiîsî yos iavc yso lioeiigasisid. flicsmaris cas usvsked oni Mais Si. sud a ssosid asus lilse sin dsssisi truck pslls ii hosido ysss, you sopsîs worl<' saisi ses pais the truck i lsosok MRS. NORMAN CLARK. fur ifleitafis. This anigle E.R. 4 Miltssn: t tîsîsi [tisai patkssg ssaisssliardmtisss u msîsd hsave heissu parkinsg have tsîpullsoutssfyourîparking sasiissput '11 iiiisiows. Mores posiit" sisalsi pars s mîsi vie isod. An MRS. G. COULSON, Miltos idoal lsosationt ivosd ho ti put a "if 1 mese sîsyoi I mosld parkinglot onsMarySi." os.qsait the psblic îtîs miss I RANDY HtANNON, 35 Cisur seatymsas. Ifs srpssgsthe St. I lmoldiassure lthas nssetsof'yossg peoplinoiis soiii0 goi to wossI sud town who on't k,5ommhotoh rpaired the oadsll abigtioty. sesyssîs 1Ihink in Sptomhsî 1mîssld atsoîedsssttflicsfilessî mhessstsool rsusssfltic ntyor Isiteilif.' shssld vsist the ushoost SIJSAN RIDhLL. 83 lifslsp esesysîso mold kssmfisOuile Rod Iwuldsctsasspt(lie andmwholie mas." sseets tisai are liîtesed mîsh ROB NELSON, 60l Cîsasivi oS.: gssbsgs sud papers. Nottiig 1t would fixup Rotary Park fortr s aiosmvlookmoreodisity.- tho yossgss chîldssvn hu bssssgîsg MARILYN MacNAS. 154 in se recrea'ios cqUipmnt. Stoîsin St.: 1 mold fîssp thv Ths pssetslideveedis rpiivg isîdsandsoutsof srtesofthe snd fiestiiidsvn'ssigsse ins storssad testansosi iii n sud itoto." Tîssyte simpysainess." JOAN MasSAS, 154 Ssîsste NANCY PELL. lb2 Srotosl St.: "t thivk fihet Ibis toms St.: "Iftm estisyotîm otd ossdssmstîs o hsîiss polis. ses au t hese seres ns force, one thol is hsttss restrictions on sho is altsmnd svhsdsled. They almopi rses to ito sestasunts. This lont faisiso bie nabbing bîds fss smeuthing. the popîngsostoses." The ssads ase aise, a se ss Und RICHARD WHETHAM, 17 voald do mtb sose devent, Marin St.' 1imouldseoveoust FAST rspoirs. This toron coUld of the toron." SNOWMOSBILE ACCIDENT VICTIMS are tisas asmbulasce brigades. Miltos, Avion, Saslivgiov, fisi aid Sp Oabsille and Bovlisgton St. Jobs QahUille, Port Csedit, Bramspton and Malien Ambuasce brigades. The moch acsident was brigadens siaged shaîs 0A5 ascident and stagrd at Milton anena Torsday esesivf desonsisated eisergeiiv ssrtbods of vase befote ollse einS Sose accident vits mare aided by she theosii s shospitalied. (Staif Photo) Halton, Peel St. John brigades ut inspection HBALT 6UBUIDSl 246 MAIN ST. MILTON OPEN: MON. TUES. WED. BAT., IlIsmn. ta S aIli THU RS. FRI1. 9ilal. Io Spa. WE RESERVE 11HE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIÉ& EN ROUTE TO HOSPITAL is pations Chris Buehies, Casepbsiisslle. Chviss tshesisino a ohelesriol acidentanvre; adssisisisred ssiiss assstance by Assois and Mision Si. John AsmbulansesseAs. Liftingithe pati sso the asmbslasnce are Andy Cabes (left) o f the Milton disision and Gnsaid Lamarsb (rigti of ihs Asson brigade. Asson and Milton bsigades sesrked togeihes 50 iliussraissississsnt of the ssosb ascidenti ast Miston Asrea, Thsrsday-(Siaff Phoisif Rattlesnake-Kelso hike Conservation Week kickoff A -Miles iss Csosrvation" Museums os thv Tsssday. walkathss suili bT parto liaion Rigios Conissaioi Authoriiy's Osissiteosivg Iistuction ai ssslebrsuiis ofi Coservation thic Msuuiiieg Conservatsion Week 1970, seliediiiid itor ts Scosis Wvdnesday. wsenkisfissis 13ii 2 1. Premierî Jolin Rishisis. O A tous fos Aullsssity Miiinisi er ioftsssvgy sud mnnbes, schissl lildresniorss Resossces George Kerrs and ssitizvs and mosienni clubs os Mines Minis Alisn F. Tlisisday. Limrence isave bossu ssvitod iii passicipae iii flic kssksil s'aik * COiu.p pssocs losloul suai isook. ft sR.illostiake sildresuso i le Fsiday. Puiit P ark t o K e1 o Cionservatuion Arca. Severallsher Osisiseinssg and gosssllvsslssofiiis are.llalso sstnnocit sikcs osi Siisisdsy. epotiIod tesossikotpisl.san tot eby fl Tliussday's metinsg, psublie serice, lisp iliioliisg suda reilioss iiniiloosisiissna psogslns ofi mats safssy ut Kelsis Rai5sli Slierosiiid ssiisd a Pools ssii Sssday. tetives piiglai osf evois mhili iisilo H RUA olsisims Baissy Hussplssnys urged the isilsmlisse A Ssisday sioisiiisgsbs chr 0 towsh ov a "pollution saliy- .sr icflllliAlly a dsg derbsy dsssing sirs rovk. -Nom asd f55501 il Koisi pooni esss'bsdy is on the polltin bandmsgoni, A e shlîîd toit the O A tisrs tigpils Ilî g peopemlsssssslshaveobvvdsig de )si lis utiFu Mouisihog aboust pollsion l'rsîs ra Resosssiisand touss oaitoilis yvsls,- lin isgesîd. or i .1 AI SMILTON a~ 5 MO IN RROW 8.88 the more-for-yo)ur-money 1970 DATSUNS are at NORTH END BP ALL MODELS ON DISPLAV 1 a fl F-11 1 PRICED PROM S1,845. SEE THE 240Z SPORTS CAR OPEN WEEKDAYS TO 9 part SAT. SI SUN. TO 7 Parti 235 Base Lin. Rd. Milton 878-2471

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