Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Jun 1970, p. 10

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- t Sa * s,. - ,t-ý.-,ý_ 7, *-, e_~f m * . ah. U 10 Thet Cantîdînsi Champtn, Wndnendsy, Jone 3, 1970 Milton, area graduates RECEttES 0ESREE Aniron B. Woodi t , o, o Vr. and ms A. B. Roodîn> of 360 Dnorto, Si. S., Vilton, rtotimnt tht dtorrs ot Boorelor nf Soîencenîn Entinonsoo Sl9 it Ossrn onoatinon or niversito ot Guelph on Thnutooov, MVn 28. St7r R ALLÉES Teacher's B. À. degrele, Mti .bîcdoact.fon R. ER.4 Sicon euecivcd isr tBchtiot o> S>>>1 dcii ai1 rpmog t»iitt>at>onoai Ratiritii itolnenîto Ronomoo. crc e o " dito toi St>0 r,. nd Sloit aoncodoîg o>»>tÏ br, init lie l>îtnb.î>d ditigit> Sotoît, lins 000 hlcî St>Ibintcd Sinit, R. S. 5ý l>f»»>,i St îid Ms. Gorgef 'roteil, R.1wi. Actuel,.odhtes. Amidi StîI.L R. O. 5. Setîî. o> Sîcon aid fo tcl Stý, i "'l nu bout>.i Stt LANOSCAPE ARCHITECO Don ChonroSont VfMr aodVMns Vrto Chane o> Horobo, grototmed Va0 29 hron> Universityof niunelph on o îtrrdntooe Artthitnt onah o B. L.A. atogrc. He ont11 Ns mortrng mth Doo Hornoot, Londtntgo Aîohitnt, Honbo. AGRICULTUREf DIPLONIA JnhntBrnnton, onofVM, andt VMIS. J V. Brootos ot 5164 UPen Minl Rd, n inriiogiori gr-adn bioni t Iwo veut cournr-h o ttîîioona o Agricttltre t> Sotnvesity o> Guelphi on Vay 27 Ht' is a grodt of ni V. VRobinsoo HighSUSoo Burinto Buy $82,OOO0 computer 1-. ,it>> tl qupiu Ptro tIl, .t, 11" tiii > fint iltltt>. 1 'i liit fn" te h lot T mii liu > i- -Io, pil pmiit.> h , diîcytet .0 d hb li Matrio> hout ilitin Ot lit lit indicton 0 .y coarge mto id tic main- Tterontrc)riit ttoiîpatl.cd dossig o di >totoo ic> fler 0Ofl ted i thtli appionai fprhs of acompoittobii10> ut>intiti)( for Lnord Elgin Iiglt NAît»»i cnimmitoce >onictd , tudy, ond oecnitrienodtd elle Botrd porohato as nentoa Btasiloos. N Chuonodoi 1titi The ot ofthetntotrpoitre huboe.t for a S6>l(000I gntntinotograte Tho mtochîtne w,1i oîno 800 cOoptnttscience id dota prnicntnngnStridentn oolo peom. Trustee Brnice 'dtnardn noted hoi cspasdb(îny ord odspsohniury ut tlii omothine made Oo agondtbocn [leomotod the mochine, othîto limnted ft ,stvng otmiy 800 otoidets non,' croid ho odopted to serse 3,000. SA SO. GRAGSATE Vîchatl Joho Connon, ton in a ot Vs. and Vin. Denoît Lawrtne, H. Oý t, Viton, orttotmnitfroonttheSUniersio Wesrn Osnto V îo ic OtclShonl Josph Hospta0 L onn Ont RECOEATIîiN GRAD Mist Vonso Elizabeth Woltnr, tonnobrter o> Vsr ondVMns A. E. Woitre o> Miltron grodoret front Vohoonk Coittgs ot Apolint Arts ond Tecnooo, Homitron. Sbt o >fook>ng toronon tro a cncetr in munictirersmnoson leadshibp. SR ADUSAIES .entonrn tooghtr es. Clint Ltoingtos tort St., 'Viton, rom tht Toronto Conocarion Hallt, r Toronto os Moy G RAS SAIES at, tenet dooghttr nirs. Frosk Holl ot tuis, tnrmtrny or o rrsrsr gsodoot thînsns Soot ni oontoetrn to tort ttmon et onvoosaorn Houl ion tloin0. B.0 DEGREE Almnso (AIl i. Stnts, mon or Vr. ond Vrt Jon Dernb.h 369 Voir Sm., Miltnn, grodooti tmnm VoVosrer Unverity Homilton mi o Bonhotor or Arts tetsts. Caol for more communication between school teacher, parents 1 let, ! f>ilnleîitdry mnteon Ilt Inteîrtviot dîoniid ,cio le>1 ý eh ocmneriuebn a o uti Itabin aimrnploîro, titi>.>> wilii parenttinu oitttfloiotlaytaîd oîîonran tctoîjdoiL bh,ý1 tipil progrctso pon >0000 ortparents' nglet.(li ntid 0h>iool proi>nit fli report taon n t t.on l(ît.tîi il 1 tdt>o> nno Tiretreprt notr! honni con ho 1id o> lheuncco.oo einsg ooîno oo maiumst 'ooflicnm fhoîtýdaý,tif(akdlc o inîtrnîeot hield hu> ioggontt SOtr in ui hcoo c iiinoda- rhootnold bnoontt iftire o>ntotrioctpoo frotelen i,i', profcto ondhuonn Repotti> Parets i'olot], rcpnrîion o> ficn progroin il flho BoodîrCîtîodîhnleîrport courseolrthintforontorndary aitilao'ncdlt> birobIonakot>o ncbnelint'nninrnoad horitr meetig hi ftheisonterviews nitood ho goontoil ionodciaoen nrdomod setottoryhbythe ooiiitdd o>tticttitotd by Tho topos> rnconmemîdn fittctooot> itreprtnnterviewsnoodhocrnist uefo .iciiurntoovai'd trototeBocelni afror the parenîts ronnnned o ntolorc aticqooto Whieifiho orttreoport. topo0r tirnniot lunen Etompit ni taro tepot ýtoodoîd homneo rntpnrtioghbe a,,nncîododnsinfliootd udotcd' f dc,,,crcle erain leport. Stylo asd ctma nîs the, Ohor, tooo bcr "o record. mnport chongeso nn goade un rit fomatof licrecrd grade. Most reporst sinon booynîgboohlt itî oiîndhbclob comn on po r i he ino thpe r iniro atconlois. nno lo inngciogorîrt lioterrnrg, mTcnirepot.lodongu mli oprokng esding and expretssn rcordts neluolul ondtodtn throsghring. The osstil rolin, bu nomnsr of encooourgsnnhoostbhontethe poptiKn od toncs[> tsesreto ort trot mofletst the t se n Illn î.iid'n groonrb oiod bc tbtnr othnni. inslciddo trin mni rport. Ibnreodbadh eotone Thetpoingsom ni tossttstts tocbnm-proîtintnrviewtinthe 10i ttoohtrs frontsitntsoy foai 1 em ood tht interviewmsn hoo, in tht cosntry, two shooid bcrndootedunoeor trstees hlotr the briard anrd oe(porent, posents-tsanihsst spesintlssdst tJames Mossntss relioosnp, osd roonss of i5 pesvidisg odminnirtive hiaïson. NURSE ofMr. ondEN ot 336 P grodoted r Getrirrl Ht No sg ot Unerst o NURSE Viss dors Ht nfr. osdt Fentno Ft Hnrmnhy, mon rtrm tht A Nursing ofth ospîtol. Or mr fildict ith aorssspr Nassagaweya going te Hfydro to negotiate pro posed hylro r N onnogonoof otiotol ore ptoprrty osnrn had bers poltotron". Sbt oggetrd tire cn1rnttttd en otttOnn adnrnrdttlydtottotldhbcanrood estra minttoon dloi:ifsrqtreo Hyni iet I'nttt>tî Chntaito t, pt>k lep inctr frtpertnt'î Il ilion e taitn'tno fine norbood 01Pp-1îat1c uîîîi>t u Jlte Nb' Mtllen,.od trnnobtYtlie byîhieolnintgBoardoosonii' hydttn bot' dtagontatIy .ncrtonel tt d Intortnodnsoonieliehopodt i norymecbheitoon t conteto rohe Truffe otro oell t tho sooidhcreonind byttlicond of datrogrttort'ogong to brdonr." towshibp Joor. She noird the fine tottonrd R. Mnttttr tif the proprrtot Coosnttttr Watson oormorid tl tbe faiti of tht ntoitipahrty in feratCb, Ostorio Hydro. tott otosotrosn to inodrato Hydro otbtt tooonships asd "yoo'rt towrnohipn.oontnttors Mordybli sood bctroond topikop ooddrsty nioncned shoot ooodiortstrdrtulepo(ifftbe r o t Pt intfnitantdttnooYsrynortymbtn yos comnr t propotd rootrtuIllrtonshp therobtroneroute os Netg Nonnogontys." aqoncty ast possobtr, aong irg th stodtrd. Mr. Mtttr soggrnrrd rhe dattonnnnhrroutipropoodhby A irtnrr fronte the Grood coositprescrtotormnewsto the thrntcomisnonnd nsr alhorono Vallry Cnsersotnon Aothonity Ontario Hydro Commissios. rotmootnd bytIlle i.trfng oottrfrrrdgo by Cosncio -'nt nor oayisg hon tht Boartd. A. Gihron Whbo soggrstrd iO commission toIt rrtonr the Mr.NMlltorfatrcttirnod Io sttorgtynopporser]t proponed potmhrobrd athr tht p pet (lie Ortfp catrtd t>e hol hydtnt rootr. notr tht Hydro propetty toooeonrMay t3tootncorret tn Mr. Mttter srtrd tho rootr dtpottmtnd thetortttond ntnhoer otrnnnwodcgt'cothe' titon propondttttndedtornd tosntd ptanng bordnîoro obrooty ctoint bc tect tunnnnnon b htireCOonsrat00AIOthoY. notinagreementHe ntd boltdettgo tttotg trtounte. tir reporterod cottio n hadi Hydre, mootd hane tnt hast tond ni qoeoninog lieotd tttnn Non fiotd mott tht nepratostfrosttretCommntt ciios fitttote .ndo.oncd Ooptnttttittt ot Londs and of Adjormrstoandif the mrier hefl cmis ob lits 'ntrrt n d bhey bail ht'or ws ot reooised aot onfi doprtntnttstodhc ll niitit'tootrod abtout tit Frork applicatons ooood br torned cosoing dogottatty.n rsto [io Tract. dloms and then hostnohrb ttotwnshnp. Dtaoitntl o rigin tal tir toggeonodhriehacintnnod roffrrod tt tbr Ontarino and atrnato srotes o.nd ho hoi Autori y anbnout hoi leons MunicipaltBoard. prntttid.nand fbli(tCommisniontndnd hllttndnreavsdnet wtoohe Cooscttbîor Atkmosochotttngd cootd munse t>s dt'cîntot opininsntf nmtnmherrofrh tbohilfgureotofanmidbon dotrs fottînmnng prnt'itlantn ni tll seuilat, nlon tllo Anthity. addinn o tnt o nalent tonsrhip',ncaste. C ocen cti1tnt Achmn rooto. "i scenno more lise o Tho ondri ot nf iltnt nnay qoeoncr this ohm tho pohit reltions saeetI otili ho rodood sroint [lie tontotinp hodl ctnotatd tiro me", lie noggtnted, thoan o orîgîsaiiy npntnttd 74i0 onct tnt Aotbornty. dotaid tttrct ingure". h'i e fo . M irrcpainod tic Roono A. MancArthuor sotod the Tho Ilydro rersentotise pontto 'Onr elle fill caro n.n tomwnshnp hod] oprot $otet nfi OSnoggooned rhe differerto mas toto dogrec foin tire ntragin at Oiincn.t Pli.tt tol prttot ntainty rît tire construction. ligiet rrnst hynr.ntnn sotieo nttott ndIleplansdon't -ýThol fingore n s rraity honildinsn. Titr' ttf to [li rt note iinm trinngolion ot psnptnon. S 1,200,000", lie tond. ontoti orstrntittfttot.and.n Sit ondond hollydro cotid Tireocoosiiosrqestnonodd i tittnwit ot nn iîsod i nlie tuen sangoinrshaott. Ms. thero hald hors asy mnterot proposai cttline nnws ock. Milerroond opplincattont mooid osomnon of the buiddins Cnontint.n wspinot anfhaveggot o tihe Coonoti t nnovisnprpingnhe îeonîtoncsnqocsng ton.h Adnonnmenn. ostnnto. Mr. Milerttotod thor iorminn ohnt Mn. Mntler Mnn. MancArthur fid Ms. ntorn tierce bouses ont tho proiro itatind ttrtn, tint n.tonni MilIlletonsh,îipodndnî'tmnînt rnte flet ntood note tîîIll chambet'tn hîiin ng ainocattcr -tgarn ailenolp" and -viserai sîsnodei. meetingnlit socrin Tonshipo. 'I 1 k nuis it ydr rnsîîtl dnttersninnd lo pro.nod rithoe origonal prttponai'. (nonnt.nlior Acknin obscnood. -We av loto Iked ut hoi alternatives .nd prepancda heot oi c Commissionn Nb. Miller ropiod. tic recalicd tl liod booelerngrood ann uomeetng tittire Planninng Boanrd atonhip doiogatinsîhooid bo prrntncd [o mnobo ifs prostton oel (Commison as eil (ni uniltîr tîntl W atsn rettollrd front discssonocarier Neighbors pi drug, medicc nit oa rpsd Iediu ete ad p.rmnnj ontIl onro Moto and ttln.'nbonb Sis. altc»' tu,, tiicld Weil, tir ptospct, t gbit natpynntttlcenj.n hanve pnttoticd îgoitttelle prtjein oand IWO sloge bar] ,nttninopanc objecntini otel it tcnol bc.otnig. a Pag îd a nbînnid '!(et bc alltowcd. Fiv Mlilton dîîttcrn.nie bcutîîîd Ilo indt.icsntre building. todoantos .1 a pupsrt pil) lt out Plaillreo sll nt t e len ibo fnicib nirnporry. Wincb Nitit conon.ni hal rid gsnind et) bc eungo ptirc afi ol hos nuc iîo ts pnnsd . Objcn.crt er l SIl os(in prtoacy -Ootitmnri no linon att>,'> Moto, St.Ion theositetaohrd for a front vatd bu ffe as eil CHICKEN LEGS and BRI PORK CHOPS ..... PEAMEAL BACON DEVON BACON SCHNEIDER'S WIENERS CRISCO SMORTENING COTTAGE ROLL .. RIB ROAST ......... ROUND STEAK...... T-BONE STEAK ... . AIIen's FRUIT DRINKS, Maple Loclge BUTTER Max. House INSTANT Primo MACARONI... Cania Dry Viva ORANGE and GRAPE,: Jo.'s Geni 176 MAIN ST. FREE DE Special hearing ta resolve Main St. boundary dispute Adop.>.tiahoontngby ficoitgoi neontotnnniot ob otonleqgos. nrsodvisiotn ficOntario Thtronospprnntiyoannsffnt Depott otî f Jostico otîi ho dîiofrocrc hotototo toto tomeso fidnoitJJupe'22tosort oot maodeooini yorn, ao nd the Min>n's Maon St. bnuindo'ry recontrution proirct bon ptobicmnsnitnîhn'rn oft,'ooncdl procced os for nonsard ter iorni.d tit>s onok. coîsplioîn on postiblo otîthoot Biondirion honton ots hond firndly noling tho dispute. annd psit'ep>pty havnihKerc R. V. Anderoon Attocoatot fdisput oi W iii nintob Ive mtd. fic inotn'o consoitn oilice'theMoainrnd Mariei. ooigonncrslortb drd adlinorb Stopperd 01o hol projeoin May 28. ootrtrg thte onitoomo of tht rotesting hitnig. Bot otoocd boannd blnda0 [lie ooboontraonrt ilcentre oit.oielrryng nnbownio s Wl ont flio t.onpitille~~o "ep nripn n'ompbn i lfot beoite i ooocrl ,co Moodoy, CouniotiasnreonoinIpoy reo ('ooon.ntnir ('horon iay oaid hoe contracbr any soand-bynr or ogrn'od vnnillnel hobjhttnro. Whotn tois men or nqonpmont. Tboy Ilot plontet aille n u hicoutici tondibm ohs weIo 0r tO o.,t adispeosors ont> planord cntes fi orointetnnce ci'nsy bt o te oo o *îonniboCrunoild'og dormingleîhnd tdottpeniduý.îni ,nttr tîti on>ldioettt stt addi nfroa oittnro onnt' n anage o n roertotrrnitnnl os noirrtd liai [lic dnog ntoro itle ste. onoold bt open >ttnnl dtyt t lbdîtor's Noie- A ntory rotlant oncoh. otooko Champion de'otnttig tlic fnciinir (lordl KtanintoI nel eors nit somonyn wot non Iwotonhboloînnotootorhinog ntnded an onyot>tncboso ogatos ont innnoninr. One ntys agois tire Miltin norooyng tntme the psot coodr Su mtmy of Fiod G. Cunoninhm. Tirn parkingisptcooaod tren nimber Cunninrgambfrmndtd nntdoflic says nt oms have o 10 foot oorony.l ptarsong orp ht i onomnd imrpnossible go tae otoh Cionnnntiitt iliamo Woods tond> et TON 0F OAKVILLE onldhcparkcingnnbtrennpnnNoic oib Ileotcghbtm> pnînon'y. ioie No dot ni>"e actionl wa> lak Propert y Ow.ers hon toto> cil oonhnonced o>s ,iil,(tatteînd ait OtarionT Musicipal Board bn'asong othos ficaesgbpreod, D ESTRO Y SPecials WEEDS petrnstonossesson of ard nO Coniroi Oct. 0...90O, 0427; .... 39c IL 19n6no, trot, sot st.SO EASTS 55e IL >905.s goO. on te,ndsn tfrennthnTowhn srsvll atre 89c lb. Oin, tOedi, oh ient h sro of s 55e lb. net97t ,-ht des and disparue ofltriantt 33e b. sornso Sro the 69e: lb. akva onres .nnt , arP..i 79elb sai lndsr and Saeosewe 9elb. 3 nL5ettsn, ar Rnam the laros aist th om nter, anclein .$1...09c IL ..nss r, intsman o 48 s. ...3 or 9e sPsr22for widsprad las .........$ . lb. fro tss rn n the ar r s t oft COFFEubli 10 OS. $1,69 rs rs rart, 21.9 rqtmto farStsorm, --------- 69e b. PasOn nont ois Dannsrloa n d Pli, ajttî nrod aen, tnsiri ts 30Ooz. size.. 3 for49c accetsos. irai StoreJ.E LIVERV 878-3161 WE E INtPECTnR. comme bute Coionîtdbtr Aohrn statn antd lt in, n> destrniytbic notriroa Mr. Mtiler rrpbied toto fiecltrot coornrer, Hydro gtnc boy îlot nitoo fonta. Mrs.W. Hoey, wb in tbic moeeting tonrtoabout thete Irroperro ord pions building foi as ort o tbe offrct of tIlle tint Mr. Miltor tsugrs %voirideco eut og b> bot flot dtogoooiiy. porebone tire otr1r corner obtict tbo orporott frontt tire aronnbtserd il >00 at I0 tin uni (lie ihot othore rdily hon Io ilhod erier ressee ffeoms nn bier ou topasd o nihont> onhed ted tht ltns etpmopery tydro mooid osty, or the onrp ooti tbody ofitht CNR working on erosion Cosadias Notisnal Rolnapa tahing 'Ore action tnt $It e osio its fields West Mitn, Milton Coonil tcarie, Mndap. A ttnr troot S. E,.Spncr t >too oncamnagen,nferma tin flcS atre fle t the (N enthonhmtnt mi»i maoderontoMtond granti if stedtd to stop trosnon. it hope tht eronion ptsblsin méiSl hroogboundtstcntr ssortira possibtenn he mtrcte. Wor vill;htgualastnte, Coononi hon tositr complia CNts fids osd tesstsd Écilwai fi ere roding and osi danody osier in locai orttn a the mili pend. -Utr Champinon nbifedn. mouid.h b nenod. 0sps F Winon do yoo filo optas of ---POLLOCK a, of expropriaton?' Mes Hoty A--D dsnpa onkod.M AN nila "Wr hinop e don't rote o. CAMPBELL thebs Mîiolr repiod. Ho oggeo(cd brary. i bulnnoplans of eotpitonmoos Masnufaturraof a thing of fio paon. "Our poicy MîglaMmsan, it netonnoîr peooefo0ly." Mnsa ErnanI ra Ht prodncned Éthontrcton - sçms t' on the ltto mood bop ns le7 andooegonooonnoi d conne si ot 7torrary 1972. Atton nettiemorrns oold rot hoËý 6 viWaînrSe. Nor reoohedeotprtoorn oidboli cosndesed. torlnrinntllotmeting inînors Grsdt boad bron roconord front Morley .siampbei R. Mcitotrnnnnb and B. Wihitnt en tu peoponrdl -lydro roono. Kenth cessesfljff a Mooreotas cnetndoaoouthflic ou atorsate routnondvoncod by hoi Amool Planin Board. tfeintotdh l D.~~> iot Hydro Proposai aod 3O acoec4 tn otîtor (lienonsthip aItornoi.e 0u'u nd o Ait fio munir Welthersnnggonrid u.g nn.,r. natOed Roono A. MacAthutr, tpenikîrg BIOEU F l "Tht beoin Ill arivaid oMr. Miter, iS'.Kntbnoggostd tInt' ttonship hald dgr'iUn ttoiliog coocrclto cillen r arepi p bli etng ourtif a nitailed tlydri ct i anrpîntnd a ~ j 5 reon ion othsig lor dntinadd I p mnapso t Élieroote. t 4 tPeopl Building permits Isin r s ho it fbsa"'i total $264,OOO oilvonotorre and atraoctive bee dot Buidding'nspociir Tim ievlryfrYutcontmondp McLen isnrotd o al ni0 building permetn s bosn 1 jbt townnsdop dooing flinonnotho -fc 'aynos for dotc pn'ssits aroiiosutid mrh i Total et'>nnatd cnint itltoll -*ganz buildins ns S264,0i00. 1 19 Main SI. MDI, A mes Mosy FUR 0ml STORAGE & CARE D VOUA VALUABLE FURS OBSERVE OSR FINE STOIlAGE FIRE PROOF VAULI In ON TH1E PREMISES Do ip COSTS ONLY 0% F VOUA VALUATION totnI n ~ ~ ~ A Fer'o~. m notes îSTORA&GEI,$tr5 ANY AMOUNT Natont a Go mo ONLV W 9 PLUS CLEANINS Mm I Sein M (Oste, Nst Instada Fard) bed facs POU FAV AMEN POU TARE T OUT abmmn zlansR FREE PICK-UP rnhco & DELIVERY -e Ž CALL 878-9941 l. SENO WITM CONFIDENCE TOOAV TO: A bM KNIGHT's DRY CLEANERS LTrD. 300 MAIN ST. E. - MILTON - t,789»41

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