Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Jun 1970, p. 1

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tSubdivision plans do flot conform Reauire averaae 60 foot frontaaes in new area Ut ftuÔiau Eluîm pion hILTON. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAV, JUNE 3, 1970 Until August? Meter Co. Uays off 41I Productinfaieiticciiere g. t eea, iceeeomp cf te he imo eeormil vctin dîme it Ciiedice Merci Ce, cieiliy c. ltmeli fire . peitcd, Jiciy 17 th Aiget 10, Led,, Mltiin e. Fide and 41 lepeff. Th. berm hed e Pciue-dep Me. Oeccîî iepeeicid. Bei h.ie mn'erii laid off fie ici lpîf tire cceeh nI May 18 and hiped saesi mouid pick epI iidifmnili peiicd of limie. A e me mite ti have eieeeed hefiu. ehel, dcilienstafcfihbouteadcen eeccekcaîeiirdpmieeh,hbut "W, haveenliccedltiiiiales mnhccas i pen ec iter Mr.Oricieild TheiChampion pecie cclh out ceîiomte ding serice and repai ccîe h e sodicdice ie hoitgistiti aeeîîîthîecoentrycadîmidioui and chippiigi ieciiduitg te te cii "mire cciii 16e. me hle ineiteiy ce h. ceuiielieilly en fini' maniegiof mmiîiciteg cihcipted,' exciii cif oe projeceel Jimn Demie, Cceidice Meier manufactues eeqeee.meetî," be eoplied. "Th6e piileigid rceom cf go. mcliii fi. resieil and This il te cîmpeepos hem major îîcc huiig ited and te lîgli commerciel ici. Ceeteimeet if ieyîff sicie ii a eîeeliihed in mey poiep îII.cig te prodcin mayeeel ehriegli Miltoîcine 1956. Recover body Of Paul Sclisizzi The liedy of Fiel Scliîîccîcof Pcel aed Ned lî hvli h... îîeii fots Deiie te hel in r0il Mlton, cli ccci diccced on caclicibg ncecccaefcll ccli. te sueface cf the ccetee Pccuîd. Mcp 17 et Fiee Rock Fille oii te canne gel cceghl en coue. lb Thboy mer. îmcccg 18 Miltone the, Muehek Rti cii Bie, and tipped rayer. Thbât i Rner Crec mmheîî eejeedîg e cci reconered Rîeeedîp ciuoflic ideef the cne for ceoetigîand hdllng trip demi afeotec 65 i caîm if divers eminute bot Pcc c tcen h e rierue ii cf Bcic icin roîm te Hemite Acc'Sec denidedeec sicmforeshoreOn aieliibebdcycc.ihetdnebtlg Rescce Unit. Decggeeg ho cccy i got meî ciohî,e'ad forthe ce.iMti îcbo ip.eailnsilbeeicaried!eoutst OccîMain Deance eletldcdp do.ngltcire atcc ofccammîo 1 îee Diftrict eeiki hp Onterio Proinici Fee $10 for COel iRecer np Sete Police dceonee ies.ie-inBo cuthl A priate amil burai srvil geee te Baic te sitwhte wApelicc egedhcioectr,'e rb picifun lrhoeain alsfte Milton, onc Mecdcp ccoenng. pi geig Kcelofc, ceehe rin.a lehe RiFH i. .I Mop ptipclop-ecepî foi hiciehuld White aed te Hacidtocnccclii Hnlp Reici'p Cboecbi ebîicîted. Poîîîeee.and cppbie.o ml dîceeg tcr mel te flicea A Icecal mass bcad heeo field c cout Mdlton reienîe $10 pee Sctoedcp te b.ip. mel earlier. tucchleedn ortrpten futurt. dfte ooudpecg the coteets int Paul, 19,ccie thecoi rOtelco Oe Mcide coiidcppecd the dcl, celd ccce the slente a.d Adi Scheteeti et 389 te I. ifee hen, 5cmo . eint;fdliesieiihce ti Broadmay Se., Milton.. H. il aie iicidieec hae he. citiig and ccît1 ehie. 1u h. body bard icinîn.dlip ie ecetelî Jni. ce eglrg tres and leevng li.iieiconr ideph ofb65 (Mecs. James Kiimiet), Elcte, ireentfrtimnciemitipîichcp, feeet 2Sfit fontccbeli Fecncee,loAnaducicîc eHe iH o upeîci.deout,ccnd teis Fiel bcd dicippecicli. De. ZmcisaoledentealMditnDistct eeqcoreiîaicageltruckiandlcc Fîeecccct, cibe hcded t6e Eth cheol. mec, teocot onie, foid te body. "Micouviscred", Delay approval low rentai l'nirtcctcctcctcedOncoOi fic codetctdbcmflFIC cold cier," lid CouciiiitnChcîlci ccit ctty tenantc if tei t'cy miencaimctin cci boglit iccttet reco FIe ccc is forcced et Mnndcy'e Miton oel 16e 1cm tinte moid Ceoetcd mceetcng cpptoîoîg tacehcacycaeece'sinitiacive t0 Ontarte Hoecpn Coepoiecinhon% et hinemf. piopocsel fore id gerendte 1ccme m necl octet ftr flic Bbc Coeîiim Wiliacm Wooeds town ncel thnc mcc c "terible" c tl c t i a ge e f c tti1 M et1 ethee icieiciiicci accocnmodctions i eecc igbu cci,ttclieccibhee.ttnd nccccndieaid mcey eeeb.iced teecppîndi ccii gtocded etr Onccrio Scheel Ine the Dccl ecc eeki te cliecc moe t îdy. stfeilceî mc hIccc toble Ceouoccietl'o c coldn't bendiogapaepicteh[iv.FHe heped housing tl entai project muid fiee cente pieet bneîieg fci cecc crestcifs 'lb. wol, milter mc c6,lced fer to mete te alom conrcioeî mît, lime teithieh abiot ol lhtp met, aise .eery. chbout mcilitng te dicoteon ithot Ii emecccierembeeî ofl cenccd, McyoriBtilanBeicand ReecReî Harrsteîî h gpreienl tc paetielpele in the discusstec. On. e ilîo hoidcpc and 16the.e mcc îltettdieg accnnicno Mceday. HELPINO THE INJUBED are Arton aînd Mitoc St. John Amblanîce Beriglies. T'h. tme patients bud cneltectcicil accideit, bcd hum lecie frn aeddie andi miii cieccilin icioceli. Aceen anli Mieton brigades itigili the ececk accienut cand liemccîecîied 6cm te vccime are gic.. meil attentin heltei and ec roie. te hccpciial lb. licmenaiceccc oneci tof iecciîdentscpcemîted ce Milteon dciii docicg the ccainsetii Tbciidic. (SuIt Pheto) Intermational track muet Deaf athietes fromn four schools converging Compocci cIt Ontceio Sebeni foi t6e 0,cfton Miltoni bch c lie (if aci ity hoi wie keetd. Stodent frcc Recile, N.Y. and Flont, Miccb cciil appecen. ile ec Tbmcsdcy ccd more ceodecte fecim 010 Belicclie cii arrive Sateidcpf fiele fîîci fniainltcc ccd field pcmec for te dccf. Socicctctiieianditipscci occopy the cintr and thitie OOD becste fet fie bece cm dcyî ccd thi' sorto cempetitiecc cidi fite plcce ai 010 al dcp Adecatdcsociclbeotfoi 1he Amecceand OIC oeodnîî mil lie bcld ce t6e îcbcei lbetcdcp eecng. Fecdcy, gtoficOtiocieceentren Piocceet Vilcge, Motocglcicni on OSD this weekend Picnccnoumcand0ild Ft'ork pluse teeec oi.er ponts cc ntiemet icecic ct. Tbecy ccll catit Milteoc aI 830 coi. and eontote ci 4.30lptc Fcidcy ocioic llkencupccicc Water feeds grease fire Hoee ucecoe lorth1e mchîcg et RGifdi, RR. 3 Mitocn, Fecdcp. A ldp en the stccf cteenîid Ic ectigishlic blz ith am o xc cf îeîp flîket. Whitt flic blcce eeliederierontthfronteoflhe restucatnd pnedcccitetto the lcte. lTcc peace îc'eigited and flcmeî clcmbed op thteccati te the roof. swmpeced ce flin 000 pocl mille pieney of iteiie toc cnccitcipn cîtetocei. lice. cote oStcedci ccd 1 ito.' ohificccioe titc cl abcot Aeoood 200 ccmpe titir frect elie fotr icbcctivol ccii cto nî the tahcacîtcid cecti Opeunt .citem.nio are aI 9 dý copecntiendon Dit Kcnncdf itfiicictccpg ditîieiec, ]cd bc c ppec bcnd, mii iac Olyoinc-tcyic oto bli ficid. Vatecet local deptet eci av heeo eivitdr] tn poeticctpttific cpeflnccgcinniei Scctdcy eccine ail paiciepants mi piller li c hcnquet aecd preemcctoccol cmctdo. Vîcctinp cticccc cre' epbei ieccd l'ot rte occîccidi the twoConyi0l0D Opinions .xprossod in recreation survoy Find M*iltonians prefer small town, ,-Ili Mlion'i itîhliccotnti havei occîcclîiiicccpiv todittatod bout do titI mîîb te l vin ce cicgertetemc Tlaiofic telitslie fic ttit itecetncicoiveylisiihtn dit]77'; cttflic peoipecoldnnlt mccl t Icmee te c htggrturbanbcente. Thiscclsion.i il cced on uelet mepreeing beteien 0,000 and 6,000 cil Mltcic'c ppulatin, în ehe îeecey oendoied lait mcinth hy Gtcde 13 giccgreply stedeits i etMilton Distict ligb Scooi. Wlip du peoplt etîcy ile infe tofeit let Miton cs Perticcctc townsfolk mayiecp belihebeccbitcoitbectig country ftecbcai andnoftmendicg moeephifciitcdnd dictied cOOùtesti iiiilip centes, Tht deie te Ici cite co sineiy avilitncatehliashec ceppi.lid, 42% nI the Pennilîi have ttcielied the Beuce ucci in te lccîtcuea,mwl lccmet ihceeqocrteîin oflite fcmilles engage ce leîiegco itfehîg. Whec pecplictive tecce fut reccon cime thîed go tc Tortoc mile ucly 15% cîcit Heamilton. if ii îoîpîîeng duct hcth Ochile f1910) and Buingtue (17%) ctetrctnoe tcf Miice'î eitettcient eelmu. ihan duei HIamlton. Lac s yeîu'c îcccy ehecced ehce loch centresu me. îucgnificcci i cttuc'tng Mieone', soppene. Hnmecer, il Miloeices re typîcel, Odincilit aed Bctningten cre bctticg il ciel Ici deetîde the cîteeltîiment capitel ci 16e reegrtc Sun. ilccng opiînibon have cc vicied un mceteîcîofle.cing te hl utocim. Recules mete cgeî.ct i ncc îpeedcccy as uely 44% liied the proposai. Tcholceîue diucccd an ecen morc tiegetîce uepiiforethejeltiporto ch ceiid b ccelucid oeioeuit mithin clii icmOty, leci 16e, 23% voter!do teehe ceon p. 16cme citie cchu eipieoed 16e dentre lirtce ce beter aetaîcicit c cs decii. The mcoe 47, Per. 531 i'agcicoi, c nem ore bcctteu mmcca. Rigeediîg the quetion cif htgier tcaxes lorte arua, hs igeicel pcylueg ceeeidiy dllpped ibene cciitg cte pcy by 72% le 28%. Chacges cchmh the ctleco ood le ccete dincoeed. T6e lew msslidly hehîcd 16e suggecscin ihct Milton dcceid havce c YM.C.A. ce Y.W.C.,. 85%A tic if cl c cid idcc. Tie moty ni île repliescîceîed Ihet fomiiy mecibeti ccciii use flic pycnccciim cihimisi e cli gh Scheel if mcd. ccaicbic: 627, ccecd ici te gymn nmiekenltewhicte, ndicedOtci Iifccoild ortkot dcting nneecticn. Sopeuniicd picygtooedc. wiht are cpeecied aI flic pubiei ecoieideigecumeter mcnlts,cppecntteioide anîimpnrtcnt sernice. Reelte shnw ibci 52.17 ni Mltei famliecav icccbildten unec cge id. 0f116cm farntleseccy 50% hae macde use ti tice îopeecosed picygccecdc. Thisoervice bacc tt been occd 6y oer ene-qecetu ef ail the familces on Milton. M cny reccuetonel habits and ctitudet ef the îndcctdcci taie aise licce dct.umînnd, Once 60%7eel ihey îecc have ieeclue o eecre.elî ihan Il pcîie cgle. This e c tupine. leteelegisto ot. dtiiconioîcity' main p lmicimo e senei'incccing afcfl eictiono eu tinte hateil the ecpictiont Il may be elat as one. gtecc cuibe ily ancdipccialy wok repeehdOic ice cetl neariutitmeclcage.lTheijobhnftccicigcPOfmdoilmch me cempbictid and demnidcg thcn ici the pcet. Onrt eehenogiccc scoî l picciig hcccier etpcnichdyopnncail reecand ileteeng c îe.d Pot tleee gteclci adcptaidlpt. le mcp lie i c effort te relaxand rcdict tensin hct wcchihg T.V. hcs lieoen e if the mmlt impoitcet foins of hore reccecie. htil, abouit 77% sid finit T.V. te oieced 1cms thon muo hciurs pet dcp white 407. mctch ci ieeî than one bout peî dcii. Reading il cecI c ls crt. Octt 47%i stated chat more himt no pent tetdîeg tirae mctcteng teleciton. l'eîtyeoepet centifecil tctiic ndictdcciebeuld havie out tm hecti pet dcy Ici tngage in ejuychit eclti. Occîthîi beieced ehcetece teîu eurtchuldhbefoneeepmmnt. Eclusiveiof mctc10ng T.V., 53% bie eeny cite biot orieshi fut reccuctien each dap. Lnckmng cI imnumeleue ouolidî t6e hoe.l il foud Ihîl 50% do floetened eniig meetingcluscrimgltccioi; 43% attnd fl'tin 1-4 peu meceli; 12% attnd Puom 5-9 and 5%c go te ovet 10 meinlgi pe mucli; 30, cil thece peciple jeîe lte. cigacizetieni lieccet cil detp. lb. large ,emcer ctlcîdieg ici meetngîmcy be (Cnctcin« ce Piee Il - 0. MILTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1970 VOL 111 N - .lie joi gtoupttnsdccd iootpngcylt,,nt and fil park due plansof subicdiviion ccth a aprojectd Io icde the icicitif 1,281 lotsîicctcceek. btbcccs ftin barcth cactti. ltccccpictd outiibce791io MenberstctdotocdtIle oigia tbic 1,281 lots provtded in the coceptf i lc deveitipccent pic. subdivisio>ni bcd 50 fiui fi peering ibe busb rec, a f onioge or les* Il ad beîn d onct f lic lie Courreil idic.ced cf devltpcceci plit, ccith plans ccoid reqtire îlie liot i lle aended it-t to toiiodcic hoti. subdviions 'Il cvetoge (,0 cci Ctcsdetble dscsionoo ciliàmiiumo 50 lct. Anlc e tontt tit lt ves ada ciiecciocetof 15 pt cett tf fic vàit 5 f it irlua ttt nt ctoild be emdetcliedftttf>icd ndJ ,cjected c. and ioi a e eqierriîot idctc occctî,ncc f iiter!d tipcieted n Ilt ie R 3t nuber'tci Siit t , equreccects ccoid be 6l was p. ttced ot tie Ofiiai mai;tctned. Plii pinîtdcd for 3lp0 tisns pt The subdivisionscr propttced acre ci sige tanll I Ltcdctti 6y clin Landi Cetop wtlic ccc wntb. tctctctt in tcge total of 329 bots ofccicb 153 ti 501 toi. Mt tLititleodiatdý are50fret;Georege Wnnpey witit wvr i a lvl h ltn 649 ltsîofccbccb 49i aree50 tctpl iidcitioevrbLd,c'M fretiandlToprop Ltd. ccttb33 50 fîitilt , ardica,iid oitoil itstof clncb i47 ae 50ltcet Lt plin tobtnited, Hetoiipocted less. (iec propoic Ce lot otoy Couii id pning phard toicOffica Plin extopiobtit have biectcitdening the placci ie e e unde 50cts licc deneitpetîp frfltibco lit Illec tif liil toit peotticil fli nrth ccii corneofftile ald tel]flc doccitipit town.p'ticîiiiot C. looi ttoleti Pianning Consltant lieih mecobein lici tit defîiiteiy Little cite eeiecced tbe tlice oppttced ti) flhiccccstiinrtyf placsion pontiencchbiieyiotsbettg ttt.tiic'ttcit6tO eit diffeed feemtthee original -"inetondet'totd tbt75 decelopet picn. pet cent of thé its iooid bc 50 He eeted t6e Toepeep fee t asilc pioposed aitIlle proposci peeiid.d reverse Wtetpey sbiio,"'Cconcilot feontage lots on the nceeb-coebh Gord Ktietecbeicd. cetery, did net incerpeeceethe 6f cci coeed cn (lie Haltoc origtnal cccibccyc, deieted c Lciteietopctctiiiipe setif comtccotiy paek-creec stte, flic ocitt ptcpctcd ,ctc' ietecdcced mote teeeectieci ietncdeechled. iobthe coiieceticcrdccib sot Coueloie C.t oty cictcid distance, dtd nct pecntde c He dcbed aîyccccu oo [and pubiecbool it lort.Ltuccsite, cîtti'oeid be pasoed ocicîiflo bcd net tncioded bclf tbe poecbcîee. lie aconoiiiedpcd cite neeîb'îeoib ceilececi rodi, tocce ccncd tececce blcoludînt ,eended building lois le tbe ccpcita ie ncd oicîcaesbutble pîth cîno wich i to havbîe coppotteibte officourici. pcesetced ecoctng boîb, acd dîdiet cgtee itb flic pian pecpeîed te tbe soert. u f n u i Reiieccing flic [laiton Laind S f s & Ctop plin, the loccet planning consultcit îcnted fincîc area ..T .aslcesc îepcîcied ouo lice sections by à5 155U d115 fIND tire îccd patteen, c e oa tces ocditoficlbid Lie M.irleyiHallR.Rci6Milto iicicdded, atdrio prccisicn bcd reci lireandiiccrncciiiicebic bon macdc e fOfie cccikccy tol3npcieint c oft inoine .o. efsiin The pcîk ce fle macin kachue, tire ai ecemoti Bcctînitn inteesecticon a cccille imli and hoecTiicOcc. ocdiemoce 60blo70pet ent cO ndnchiobiimWareniii nfi flasa bo l ccllcce oniy nouete fineicroe out andei îcpegcpbeccl iceite cf tbe teniiiec u oe siiitheithr l a etc H ocdicoced flic oeeeil thi Bell chio Lcheî bcii ngc. plio cci Olic bcdt cif, s 1 ici niiileiicicicutiooichalciic ccnrnit oic decelopînentit on ctheeciiv,ccuici, ioiie pliie bc pepced. oi. eDamaie o tecttcnniceui Decbing ccbi flie Geogeiieieeciv. Wccepey subdivision, Me. Uite Mr. Haliee ie iiicngiiiiii observed] fle indooci Onrp andoeceoioihalteieli tz cicngMcon Se. bcdbeecieedued ctceei theiioftheiMcion fronto00 et icio 400 fct, stie cciii Fire Fî1necî iotsccccg teebird Ltieddonoi MoHali a eicicciii ambu- hv tlie 150 foot dcptib tine te Milton Distictsita i imniosggeiied, ceceeciwer heeiinucciincciiciDeci soiailpars lad eenaddd Efiociiet ccci reeeciiic se wont whie, wuldKI ineif lictou bhsohe foeo iii te fe timOi Operation Survival tackles 'teyesores" il1ecaicoi Soriit bcd lis ccccîcîg, cetiîngîccîcîetîîout lirtio'iicticoiceetig biitidy boter. "fOtr plit ict deuil p fle cvse in Milîcoi," lid chiini bîti. Joce Burotne. -Our gtoc respoentia ci.icco-opetitigIlitci bou àcocilici ici clecocupiiîen ccc ccetend 1 eti ctiottncodiec f e filtait flic el i." ibe laid fic oritieo ccii wcieteny peoncpicce cf "beccey spots" i ow acn cd cciil pcteî leon et calcc bulleetin bocrd bit dispic co fie pubic. Tbo gop cl da ccncideeieg cilescicy nrer cocleet ti ti , Mii ce' 'celemtcitcy echooli 'f cleeec pcoieicoudgeiifrottbe 4 ccccded 10 o flccccneî. intend Ici pot postersîcpcencnrd twlad tti. Buton.i"Tii ite sbhcc 16e peeple ince becc iereted Ilbe cilitec rei ctimbceecg the peebicm." The eîtgeneel meting d eild lice Il ite Cedit Union teli. Town holiday on June 29 Milceces teoccipal impîccyee lie hc betvneg the lily t Demieneon Oip hilidiy oni Mecdîp, Jecie 29, Mdiii Ciiicdi aeedionMedp. 0080EV CREW-Teeccer John The lîccie meeko dipcrint et lieut icd bihiscmof Grade 13 staff lied peiieed mules cdrie iiiciuey tdciia uiieI cueitledeii Brue McKiei teifelings il Mitone and disltct foi lte Miedep boidey, euh.e îecre.iîei habits and tciiieî, Ibrte he. ici te aceel dep mhich icia iiporeid le iiuey'e Champion. W.dieîdcp elle yîei. Coucil the cliee poecmti heiicicintiimc cppeîned aid iîtidid lice ted, ceilectei and eiheieiied. -Stf Miidep hilidep le cil iiect.ipl .mplipiii.

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