86 The Conadien Champion, Wndnaaday, May 20, 1970 OUR READERS WRITE: CURLING CLUB3 LADIES CAY THANIC YGU Otar Mr. Dears: On bebeif cf the Milton Ladtiesr Curlinog Club, I oelt liE tr, exprres ar titanh fer tbe nemapapet oere par bave floe Our acCtives bhic pact per. Wn ceontinercianiycarbhaeîng ta limi thenamotrf coeage per can grrraont cornas tire tn the maey alPie acynaîris te tire Iter. Wr cyprecîcte the Cien par pbrregeapbee rab e tu camte andti re prctremocf eenne. TPe montte cannage as alwoya «cil danc. Tbanc par agan forethe wy ur erente areecaaeedin tbe Milton Cbhampion. Ycarcrsncceely. (Mrs.) W. Neorll, iiccretry, Ladiesn Cetrar. Myttn Curig Club. te0 CONGRATULATIONS Dean lier Congratulatoora par anti ta The Canatian Cbampico n r.rirbnatrng ce tire lu th annrnencary cf peatenarspayer itbe tran cf Milton. Ycr anti porn staff arr Pc Pr cemmeiet ed onbte line ncpapen par prbbabh anti tbe servc oar prnrtnflic cammnty antirrtberretineta ferrau maep peare abh par cacre actd effective reparîny. Bctaabne ortbhenext 11lCperc. Wirb krndtireeards. i etat Cer, iceeei. lamer W. Creîc,.PP., liallir Cari. CONCERT CS WONDLRIL HOtiRe 0F PATI LN1 CPfRK Lact Trertapreenig.ail asnip eid fortrnr tuand aceoncert ai tie Milton Ditrict Higli cabrai, pnencted Pr 300 w-rrrireeti ehritimen «Pr irlet the gymerira «mrP nbnin renefri oten, cecempanîrti bye acympbrnrc banti cf Pli cIrent pcrng mrnicansabnoprfrme inea most profetraonal marner. 1 canotrecl amuscaleentgrbfii trac mate tinligbrfri. Bp the suraaneti anti riranterare appiarse cf tbe auience, it oasient dit latsim ar feelings.IL «anti bave been difficair ta dtinrnmine wPr trac enjaping tibe proram meat, the panticipantscr th nbltenr. Threowano .geirneaticangapî brr, bat crmpintr enity cf pnrernatin anti apprecitne saaeti equall rren tbe prangret te tbe nltiect percer prescrit. The eneye canant ac a verp gacti roampie ne abat arr preeger greratin as capable cf tig urethie riglur leraipbt. ni spekt oeil for hibrr laurare. Tira e citicens cf Milton abeore ot able ta attend rbin eoenr miscet a tare I arrîti ul ercammendti rbt tbey ot misscanyefuturepprrnityrnba erMsic Fretirai c7" Cenrcrrlp ibe cendrerait andtihie bebîndti-ie-cneor gantes of lics fie grarp. trPcP ceelti aniy Pc terirrof bance f parient trkC anc entiiedti tnhre lîryhnîr praice, ce acre the yrrrbfrt nnlisnr fer riirrcellentroigiog.CSprctaimention datait be gven te the tremper solismt andi ai particalartu the yangiladiy o ade tire percussian senctoe cf the bond epanble. Tlerrta fficreeening oaltibaerrbc liche tCaeg trhace brilient prano sol Pecaglit a PrcP cf adtimetnon feem tbe audincea, Perniapcaonedtinai pagnam sbnnlt Pr yiacng moreempbarcr n ihisrypelo gyne aianing as appret lirmati paricypation nnctaorn cports. Afrer lart Tuatiaprranam1lam caneiecetitParirt 'Ilicirî Pr sa. A. H. Britn Ccp Bril St. Milien, Ontario. rt y.Oceie LibraryBordi ipenng f braecb library ai Trafalgar Cienany Centreoi * Duntias Hrgha, ne be open r eietm tnrth cf the Queee ,a..caJrElizaetghtraacy tnee Fee bride-to-be at trousseau tea JAPAN WAS THIS VEAR'S THEME fon the anneai Halran Ceoteoniai Manantteooandbazaar. TheoBodtha isa painted rolicaoft the Japonese rerlrgos Gaed. IL mas dratan anti paintid by a Maor resident anti the barbota et apringfowteos arunti IL repreaet elterinot. Tht baoaar andoiternaen teeagenm groe a tbt a neti. Anmen ladina coenea this yeans bable iabie.-hStait Phote) LARGE DECORATOR FLOWERS madie frte mage mcme o main otractinoon etPte bonoon her t o Hairen Manar Wrdnslay. The floers sdtr erchnntcamin aroeathune oyrnhabluessand mavs rnM E. ontoanditiaoghteiSande 45BMary St,chrteoa Comte irt M anar resîdoon Miss Laura Post. MisrPsttitanaanteof baby Contre.-iStati Photo) Bp Mcc. Crail Patrîen Tre Boe reraill crnnmiteneeret ateuccetefal reubre n Fnitiap May 15 mitb 19 tables ta play. Wtonece wîtb bligb scres weme Met. M. Tomner, MeS. George Beonitige, Denalti oeglas anti Gore Reatibeati. Luib draw winer ment Mes. G. Taber, Mary Centra, George Breanriige ooti Harvey Drnt. The usuelintor lunch «an cnoed Ny ail. Sympalby ta eteotieti te all «be meero the pasrlag cf Mts. Gerea ouglas ta Baiiogron n Baîrtiy. Mca. Dorglos aoti ber bad aofrmetoHtgbway 25 fer maey peara, bat becarre of dl beoirt abre bas beco Ina3 nursng obmfor thetpost ne anti a bauf yeres. Her hbaot pretirceaseti ber antisabe ns surnnnctibpbhrnistre Mismie Pacesnoandiseecainrieces ani oepbc«a. Rre. Jameca MeGeman cf Veoinnk Hill (ie the Cromall lcal «as get miorsee an Omagb Peabytreico cbecbo Bentiey May 17. lange crogeegatren anrabapcti anti «ccc larrr jroeti Ny members frntBoston cbarcb forlnch ant i al perieti. t la Itepeti anti copectedti ear one cf ihn tbee minialerr«bnb ave bren le tbe peipit fer tbe post trrc wietba wiii bc ginen a ci fr Braire anti Omagb cbercbes. Mes. Baipb Forti enîetalacti onSarrtay May b6ait be bhome ata trousseau tea fer ber tiaagbrer Miss Diane Frdt. Tbc gests «etc rectei Ny te becrese Mec. Fort, tbe beitie-re-be anti the grrrm's merber Mne. Lauec Cmniencaer of Brlingren. Cba«ingrbhefeiendtiabergbbhe cannes lapims cf grfcn anti trousseau w«cm Marilyn Frd, Shirley CicrPare, H eirt Hanter anti Yvonne Frd. Ile ibeHdtirnm romMec. A. Deacb, Prt Cretit, Mn. W. Crmack, Oakctiie, Mrc. Jatck Hamilton, A ecosice anti Mec. W. Barierc cf Brampton pored ti ec fronm an atatv table set «tb white Pien, Pirk anti nuire carntotns anti ree fo alncntepoece anti ptrb raper nitiee rvince.Cerrng lit the rcrm T acwre Kay Cmakr, Lacre Brocler, Dîane Dixn, Marilyn Hamaiton, Eizrabetb Hamdrnn anti Maetba May. Diae anti ber groom Marrie PterieIarc id Pc Uniteti le renayae i S. farl'i [Unired Chancit, Milice an Catrrtiay May 23 cr 4 p.m. Birtiday gondti «labs ta Ennlyni Sera, Met. Roer Hatfierit, Bceodo Leckie, John a MarKirrron, izabeth Wilmati and Lawrenrcn Smit. Ont wcl wishet ta Join Darrtra, o patintinl Miiîaa Hospital, aise te Joba Liodsay. Congratuiaioas and goad «lares te On. Michael Cannas and hi& bette Dn. Betty Lawrencrwoerntnotoeied in Ci. Panîns Unitrti Chercr, Milten cet fatirday Map 1ir. Tist Pappy Qeebea. 0e tber tren Met. Gatreee. M.. mili prendrce la Gece anti ber lesasheetifid antrtin St. Jesephas Hospital, 1aotien Yoiw %"0« >ays: The Bar-B-O tse. la lest aseond the cerner anti the tirmanti tee Hmd Quarrer rustoapnnialyasteaks arein a grtat dtmanti anti as a trah I prina o ap. For Ihate «ho boal frotants oanae cenlempiotîng baprog a idid Ouaremc my lanvce ta par it ORDER NOWI WARREN CHARLTON POLISH SAUSA6E ~6 PREBN TENDER Baby Beef L.iverR LBG,69t LUCASOVAC-PAC NO. i SIDE BACON 99oLB. 79 C FRESH HOW A VAlABLE PENNY TABLE wos oy on i mting plcfor Cee nneasting the Norton Maoe boooor ocst monk. Me Caol Lyre, Ocav ne plantMra.Lyonnmet manptinodortrheotnnnnesoi oe.-Stf SottPbe 111 tIIIN IDrra ee MiLeCN ONal NADALIN ELECTRIC Company Uimited INDUSTRIAL ANC COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING ecBtTitreNa AND ceTre ReArra ne UNERGONrc e IRiNe 24 Hoa MAINTENANCE SsoVIE LOB rADAoarN EBENEZER Pluys given ut junior choir at Be Mr. Rton McLrar Tbe laniorn chair, abip irarorti hy Mne Bicl Lady antiMni lJobn KirtchPi cy . deliîgbtrt rP erliceairifo lic anfy Suntay. Tanne Tirtn ruaE thi cale par cit aiI Werid Pc Tru." Par la KaaPhing andtSanratircaly sang, [Lord, I atiore Tbier Lbreeer I.C.W lîrîti ant aiereniain feticngf trith clvr,,MrD. Jee anti Mrc. M. Paywant Tac luile plape. tratîcgaaitai.discaimina tiad tlie irannceaofcetinoga UnCaWn service nrntiahen i rises,.amrputîoi Thare takrogypart amna Mrs. D. Marnr Mnc. W. irnly, Mrs H. BiyrP. Mn,. J. Kîrchiof. Mnc. M. ThomsniaMni JosaoedîeMnî McLan.Ln aaccrcrtiP Mr. an CFerer, Mec. Cracn Na neePh anti Mni. Pc rIp. Mrs Liyarnp ir a patienr ii Milton Horyital. Congrcalaions ir Joyce anti ClaudeJucreon on flin cicre anrrialaofthc'ir c cotie." WEST END MEAT MARKET el'IL SEHVI, IIIF LAý'1T FN[) 1_00 Lam a placin soniconels heart Giveto the lied ShiedAppeal The naeaeed cldiei te aged, the des ti.e the ai ehelîce, the poeeeial sa ýides, ai the If caade rindisrse lare le, The Arrny. The Saleat re Arny recer refases a sali furer l Te yrecrde the hoei, hseItafe, clinec, and elfer cera ccc necseary fer thre digrit ol f Puraa ey. The Salcalier Armny rende pear help, PLMSI NOTEr- DRIVE COMMENCES NEXT WEEK Bosidonts are auiaad a. mail thais donations la u blia. arnolopo tahint a i.analiabi. ai aIl Chanomie Banka, CANADIAN IMPERIAE BANK 0F COMMERCE, MILTON R. M. HARRISON, Manager - Honoravy Tmasaar borts, Cc batrir .£peeplr dti petic an a Laelc Ctet reirer nbc li i rae air ti reacc Ilet ceq anti liii, lbr wr apciii do truc 1 Cycle tredti pan iu bu do + Dbe, 4 lot frbI, ttoc,