2Th. Canadien Champin Whodrsduy, Aperil 22, t970 Somo in favor, corne not Chamber debates parking meter proposai Membrs of Miton Chamber of Commrctaatiaoot astoeek tei disss parking mcern atd tht town'. prorposai ta testait cerne type of mettes in the downt oc core acta. Thnere cete 35 membeen prescrnt for the tuocheon meetitg aS tte tacavatt Restaurcet. Atacharof J.J.MasKay of Canada ti.. suppîters af parkine metets, eptatti tttt p hlstophy hehini parkung meteet. "They are tbtre fut ut. pucont onty SU hetp the meeshants thar is thela UUty justificatton," hie si. But a collarrtutbneraistriteftactthY gecare revenue. obssh metîcspalttss use tu ievtiup mute off-atreet parkutg spuces. Mitcv' srets are csuteo. Ut sai, acd i t as uvusua i re cont filasot huidparkingtmerrs enhler. Hetsaimerteam wut kerp the -ait day pareres" off the maintuects andopenvup tho ar spases fut iegrrsmutr sboppt.s. ote meter sosts about $110 anuouimttts rttutt about $101 ru $120 pt ya 5nitU parking fees, Mr. Luskhat sueraturi. H. eurceared tht tUeS esUti use 200 meteet ehlsb ouati peuvie arenu uf 120,000 p.. yeae. WrtU cepayment speeai avee tht.. yeats, that eeeti givertherocn $13,000 pet yeueru to peei un uff-streer parking. Hie itocti a se t of siies espturnrngtrire Duncen Golitn Crrct. Plat of Vaidatti PFre Parking, vn ebrsh uboppera recerve a roUe wee rhey put ther dime en the metter Parntcpartg mercubses moati refevd tht 10 cents on a puechuso. Me. tockbert Campeigu legs $300 No go ... Mrttoo's Easter Stut Campargo te utmosr ai a srundsti, rbosgit a [e eusb neeiriionaionare si arctntng. The total sottected ru date is $1t,788,1011t $50 betoc laUt ytae'v figure at tbcv rcee, suyv Juo Semple, treatucer of the sumpargo. Tht. peur's ohjective tin $2,050. Bronte St. apariment doesn't meet town rules A proposaitor errur a trthe reraprkingfeustoccse tu stutey, t0euntt aprment the uot Une, the eunrng mouti boiding at the crac of lus rie hune ru hie shongei front 13 ru Beonte St. hume iSot fer tro Rh ari a ptanngrip ouatibt farwe e abpplication frunt teqirer.tIlwasouesittSuMt. tvaoiArmstogscametbefutt Amstrngmwatrto etestthe M iton Coorci on Moiuy. busiivg brbti bits bome and ri Su rb te bouse eïbh a Beuilng snsprctut Ray Otan saeopy. cepoctei rUe pruposai bai Heousnst br nuhUeidtrbougb insuoficient lut frontage und ie tUe respestor rbual the peoîest yards, the front parking spusos iictscnfoto teontn moul ie rou dlose rorthestreer, hy-tae's ceqairenents. Cable relocation costls town $3,À400 Rrtucabionocf Bell Carada Councrîtue C. Juhnson sables on tht Main St. Bridge ohsetned ih eb ngineresrg itl cSU tbe ruen $3,4in tvhe estimatu uf S1,000ûbainctrbrro Manelt. reconstruction ptqjct, tue, tiarstss. Milton Cousii irameri tant eeh. Counstîtuor Art Metunou In asseptsng the osreos vn nutri the engtrrers htamri Bell Cutt mver tht 1,00engingeerng foc not peuviig airquare enttmare, Couurctttu Chattes Fa; infurmaton. Ht outei rbey nour ihe mat ot in Sauce hut caumei ru have repeareity biai ro orbet altrnative ru ntught ieraîi ioformatton un gettrg therjob ne. ehtsh ctoae tbeir rsrrnare. Kilbride Cater to banquet Bp Mes, William Wutson o ithe presuouis iccet scutit uvd tuke su Oste hul iiridns. Unitred Chutai omor ut Ali bohs ding tu aputitputc Kibetir met last TUuesduU rît tile mnus ball psrsmi clos tvetvgcnitheituoudy sicoi sunmer ateuasei t eegisver es. wth Mes. Eino Builard Sacrsay, Aptst 25 ut tUe ptcnitng. Cumruy Cetretuat1p.m TUe lauiaes il sur tu rut Gcci Nesghbrct uchetclub banquet Saureiy, May 2 at the C(j5 oR LatrU smmuntttt tcntre ast i uMay iOtSOl irl' 9. rUte gtcup tili sel ou uinf ,predb sandietsts, douaisvatdsie ai prtd police Brute Cuereiets as, tts sualu At 5.05 p.m. Tuesiap Apest 14 Miss Neru Burtts gaveua ruaio Mircn Poltce snvevsgarei a w rotrîri TUe Rouud tUas Coutisu sur solliiotcon Base te Rd. Mes. Frec Ahhuit gave a rieunaoSc. Auur rivetthp readisgor heCsaiuuUsi Robert Swiucer, R. R 3 fron slite stush book. Thtc tophelivsiie. clici eltha etranetuso (lie evvovtg vhsie desset Up Ruistph Vts, mas uu pphiei hy Misv Cuti R R 4 Milton.Damngerstuhcrh H.achersogrt oi wlipa5r rthe curs stiti $225. gucraundisang tecounhes A or f n dshuvttnuwsuisu Mes. R. Zunsker fuse sUe recpcee su Suoiap. ievussuoui. hUe tuihei about Fusch tît Gudus Wuri site Bile Revý C R. Wîugg ciuvei thu metetwth pruyer Mrs. Waggncovei auvutuof thachs ru Mes. Zsvssetatdithe pcugatmandlunchsutsorntte. B I Tht Laies Auvshiatp cf sUle Fuse ibide Ccbs ad USus mer Muviup tonf Anil 13 i tht Ouniay sshusi mntr euhi ore prtnent.TU DA Mes. Viegtvt a fckeeshey U S A pttsiridandiaoncsohasthle aeeuut dessert, bridge and ruchre miil be heti Weinrsiuy, April 22 uti :30 ut Or. RaphurC's Cbuech, Buelirgtun, tickets areAC E i $i.20 per persos. eA RE The cubante ut Camp Manitou wiil b. heti Saturiap, June h ut 305G t2 ostloch. bucU boy in tise lhride pach cr11 be ushri ru brirg 25c ru tht meeting befucr E tbe subaceetor hrtp cuverth cont of food for ther tupper. EARLYI Fottoclrg tht meeting Mis. Frunk Hicks demoostratri buo 1 RECULA tn ice d decorute petit fours, chisb tht ladies thuteugbtp s eujoped. Mes. Eckersley LT peesented Mes. Hicks cib a LT ssan token of appreciatiar. Thetoldcon gloire ilmaire UP TOS theit unoual appearacee oece again ti pear ine nee.tear ADMISI future. lt's Ibut rim, agutu,a intue wem the boys folac surit epiainti tht, mason altrtivetru retutat parking mettes and tinogb inis plan tht mercbcetn montd bcebeaelag the., sost of off-street parking. Pulitce Cbirf Rap Audreen admrrti patking eut a ptobtemt inMOltus, ap.ciatty big trucks cbrch mut puekaon the Mare Streetrbesuse matp stores don't bave bask iooe i.biveep actas. TU. toon p reset ty hia. oamberti parking spauts in the cote area mbrsh b.tp police officirs to tnfotce tht tee [troue parking ui, but b.e suggestei "tbe otty cap ru contrUt parking is theougtr some sort of a One Chambr irectue Norman Coben sugfrttti unp patk.es obo overttay ther lmir and get a Uinr cil onercot bock agare, uni dit caa but obirf objectron tU mettes. Me. techad tephied a gond promotion befote rUe mettes raf. tffect, coupîti crnb consrstet enfocement mer. ntcroary. He suggertit as a "myrU" that peuple meuhd dive outrof tueetohopeatherthce speni 10 centsnabut on mettes. M arovio Grotte, anorbet iorctoe, saii mttett arr "an eSpentrvtuotecrire ievrct". The ruen atr.aiy bas fret parking, ut nu sost, and metes euiijustcannuytecustuntrt. As Ut alternatte cie frît a capable mon ouuti U.ep rUe cart muvng byistityrsfusivgthbe t n int pUstti ut nigvs-metets arettu easy ta "féet ail iuy". tfrhertoeo netis m.terc t proide monty for off-serer parking, ibis mas an espencie may ru tce tire merchants, b.e aiiei. MrUe teimirth sai t pulls. arr ding a guui job of patruttag rte parkintgspuses eue and mettra would only bc bevehsrot n raurng moory for uff-stret lots. Ht norri neyeraI reset rsshrmes ptupueibyrbhe tuen's Parkcng Autbuet hune bren rejeutri by the mrchavts aoi tIs mouui ho ore muy the mersbants souui sitate the cssibut h.e marei meters eouii bie 'untogontsts" ihu mue bush ntrert parking lts. Druct Don OSth sai rt moUti rakr futever ru'ss tnuugh muty foranoffsreer parkiug peugrant tb the revene r tos mts 'te ulsu; frit the seggtateil takeo plce caud ibe vneqattabte us tome stotes svuuli hane ru csh moto rckensrthan trs. Me. Ledirh ,riiei thur if a fuod store iscunrriua$2 purshsr byi10 uf business." Bn rCsstowantrirokoeifua one rheemtusonesessucy. He feit some irupprs ut.i mura thoni an bout tu rat a meut is a tersrourant or huy stme stuthing. He isior feri mettes scouti hrrng noce hbusness but uff-street uots scusti. h. S. Clemnes sali Ute fansri parking trottes bot iiocot rvsusmesi the tutros fu a strt. Ht frît ai]thre roonts rxsngpaek.ig lots sbutiuisu he m.Srrri. As rUe iuscussonueniei CUamberserty Bob McCuaig rUuukoi Me. tuskhuet foc Uit p tesrorursuv and suggrsrei Mitron dues haseaa escus ptcblimeSth parking. Hersatdit ecuti cst vont mersbaots $700 mure oi taus rtbuyua $100,000 uff-itrrrt parkitg Parking AurhuryshooamaotC B. KnttUS askri futacncnu of opinion uni cf rte lU ebo pur aip SheSe Itans, ctwotis fuvocri furtesruiy ofua nerer ptcgrum uni ore-tUti issriea they oece dintet ufaiosr ITO FUNNY SOMEtiOW, BUT OUDDENrui ALL DU OEEM TO BE SO SMALL.-iCaetoot hO Several more grass fires apartment, home on fire Milton Fît. Depactment answeeeeisveru frie mstibis eeh, themaortlyofrem gass tes. Thr peupertes of D. Etot, Campbtttrsitt; E. Ftstry, R. R. 2 Milton; O. AlinpSs, EsquesSng Township andiMts.M. Crre, Nassageya Twnsip ectuS aflame fromt grant buening. Tht hmreinstei us a resuit of hnrrving cubbish. At 4.57'Wedneday ,ftetnos the brigade eus salI tu a blaze uit ElF Primuo Aptt., Ontario St. The aprmeet of Mes. K. Judin eus un fite as a renutt of gferan oveebeating uni catsing fine. Cief A. E. CI.mrntnrports afaot samunt of' duat.g doncto tht suphoacis uni smokt damage to the ealts and furorrure. On Tbuesday a deitot Ure eut repurtri ut tht buore of Charles Menefy, 279 Bell St. Estonsive damuge eus reportai -Gutfrrv su haeme g.rri .ng in tîseir fiesr games uf rte tee sao ing thcpast eeh. the main floortor tht basemenr. The saute of tIse blaze ns srttl unitteemînri. Artesian well ln Milton Uts.? Enqat.ng Cuuncimayhavera sotuttona t the uatct psohlece St Miton Heightn. At Moniay nigbr's egutur metg, R.rnr George Corrne indisuri hie bai heard rmr about an artesian vieil pouring wuter oui in Milton Herghts. "All e bave lu du nom iS pipe the muter dues"-, terne Cutrie summentri. Counsîttue Ken Marshatt's comment? 'if or bai outr cner there, ee soutd ilUI both ies of Higbeay 25 euth sniusrry UP ru Fime Oietai". Cteeh-reusuree Drimar Ftench ts ru contact u repeenruinruof the Onrtu ariotr Rrsoures Commissintooattendiameeting of counsil. SO YI& SUN THROGURS.8PM w.22 rs.f 23i&. 24 s,. 25 SPKIAL MATINEI FOR THIS OUTSTANDING FAMILY FEATURI MOVIE SAIT. 25 and SUN. 26-2 P.Ad MATINES: ADULTS 60. CHILDREN SOc EVENINGS: AOULTS t 25 STUDENTS tins CHILDREN BOt 6%,ME R9 TROUBLES Iilf Otiitlr New by-law neorly final Fittutieutin of the towns new Confusiotn on p.rmlitted Zouing By-tuw crept unother aputtmrnt building une rn step formard as Coancl lait Ontarto St. nutth cf the prenenit oeek appruveci genotu apurttt huilinrgcsuareforeed antrndm.rrtsslarfyotg poinit ta lUe Planrvg board for ruined darrng the tint. day clarification. Solicitotr D. A. Outurio Municipal Bonrd McCosucie toted the platner heuring. Membets nete sUitl netned ugaintt bigb rti nen uncertuet nehen filappruvut of some members nf councdl sete the bp-toms moutd b. ubtutntd. ugutuat math op buildtsg%. MILTON COI4MUIW SERVCE CLUBS PROUDLY PRESENT FESTIVAL '10 AN EVENINO WUTIl TIff CARLTONI SHOW BAND *@ CLAP YOUR HANDS. DOAAG AND JOIN IN THE FUN SAIURDAY, JUNE 661 8 P.M. AT THE MILTON ARENA FETICALKET S AVAILULE DIREC1 O AU MILTON OMN SERVICE CLUB S MINER MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL AUXILIARY MAYTIME t i BALL u ( SatuirdayMa2 AT TES Club Galaxy, Oakville S COCKTAILS 7 p.m. .'3 J DINNER 7:30 p.m. ~ t DANCING 9 p.m. t TO AF E It A EBN ADMISSION $1S COUPLE FOR TICKETS & REBERVATIONS DRS ncr. ONn -prtu LOTS OF PRtIZfn CALL JUNE McCIJAIG,87819146 Tho BlG PRODUCER miii give pou ail the hnt muter pou eeei 10 lighlen the shorts. Fat thet Cascade girrutris mater heator Iv mork foe yen. I's the BIG PRODUCER. MILTON HYDRO 258 MAIN ST. E. your byrot PIlONS B7B-2345 1~ THE WA duwp ant sttuateli Cummuni De bol Tht tri1 tr for tu tbeir wv fiutttngee and Chuci Motors, bit 10 day t Ceopany S Botb ny crotuded ci the peopr traies yoa have ber.,' Me. Gali Oddty e hsgghtbsîi Mrs. Beet beautrifu tofore the, country. i Hospil Ainertut Dtstrict t cstCeafet' huard of i veeh. hie Apatt c tttpie te memtben. i thte hoard si ossîthersg sum rniay 0i eso ites mveeting- Cthe hoar Titotpsvrt Signs to fi> murhttsgs ci Ontio St. a csng, Mil ce Munday. Av advae, sigt will bc tutth of t SI. a nd i pavement mi St the coudi "Do not stc tht he pont :rossrsg. Cuncdeilun ffihwuYs a. ttatsprtt fot U se $1 For pr, front ils cap asti for i anttttton,a tttvttandtIra Tht capita Up of et irvetup.cs tr ofa capita Ptcsfin cap r diS5 the , llhcch tcs et^ Ptttv1 Time.i UndiuY. T Stcatd cit Pdtm. iGO r WININGS P.M. HEART HALL UELPH ST. tGETOWN lIED GAIMES AS AT $20 EACH 'ECIALS BIRD GAMES AR AIL 000.00 TO WIN lION $1.00 B