Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Apr 1970, p. 14

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82 The Canodian Champion, Wadttardoy, Apeil 22, 1970 ____a t a Denîded my edtcoîîcn hod hees ncgleceed emne t'd e cotte acen o boulet. The cponieg cf bbc apnng neonne cf Tbe Piolîceol Ballet ce Camado, otîbie a 50 osttatedenttcfrnphonaoteemedcntdcti oppcetanîtp la cernodp bite definleen>. The Ballet meoOîacoeheopcodancd m Poen le 1841. Loodo Oece b> Lyre Sepmcat ced ligon Madoin te bbc tacchttttd potfoerntenteitat I bcet te. a lîoaaid.nfnoaeao.bepccnalePtaott Int me ic inuit o ceitîctole ai titi poefccmoeoc. Ahile rny peonse mo> he emdaeip hailco, i oct ceanb bp bbc effecuîeeecasnl lite nccnecp ond bbc nec> apîtîteri potftatmani cf Lptttt Sepencat. Ahece anc gci poli aU lite cnecgy tht ta saccîncal> poata iota itit pceneebottatt. gattat Pialeaitattoiconnn nendcacnhefcc ucca Se ititaceoten ci the ceps ted chu pocicîrnannenof lite amail gecapa. Mp ta toi no piecîne bat a hon aboopa amanedrneitcmlhedottcicncottOattdatt thete Ion ail lite mc> cccaaa tht stage. * Oiselle mas an te becîstîn g teicadactîno 10 lite balice lac me Tht taon ennoileot aid ibe pîcacebonce mangccd.TiteaîcacnnantnoenonttiAptti 25 aid obîle clint o) titi petftitntacoen cci peaitabi> acld coi, pca mcp tnd anaîs ancîlahie lac 010e peîlcîmcoceî Ballot oct oeedtotatmmp mocd Toc lite tcîdaipeîitomcecibhi National Ballet il Canada ta capable ni pcodaciog. pccfoernteneetr ehot yca non ecanfi tbern, neetoinly ebe topa îtt peofernional eoreeeoittmttnt, almorl ta qoinbly item billIon at fîom tome ateot ci the nîtp. Prom hcmc b the packittg lot mon a oece O0nanarea. les aboya inltttctltng le rtc ebe fodacor te ebe Olicefe Centrn. On Salatdap nîgite thep ttongttd fttom the bloc jconraodamttalecrlbttoagbehe poneaaa andjampattrrlpics eoeltedettateaof ttocytog lengîha. Again l'm no capote no meeciy obaccet ehcy tee teecccnlt*ttg. Mette forbînon tiscspotteedtltcgornaeattdnapca, bcadt,1ampsaîtt(lgaesa)tttdfntrnoi ail itt enîdenne. r At mcii ot OtteSe eh e nacecet nnitedaie clrc îcniadoa Soan Lobe cc Theenda> cttd Sotaeday cf thît meet. Tht a pechopa mccc fornîiîoc mbînb ta ccc ctthcecotcnalnhctnGteSe.llaecttet Phînelottd aoSey mhoec Gacile, e peetont gati. n ncaeecd by Lopa mhc ta Aibeenhe, Dabe cf Sîleno c Atagatte, mhc ta beleathed tc a booatîfai ncaceena. SIc ta anmoakcd b> a teaicca faceatet, Hdonce ced tht beetapai nc nhonta Ginelin litaI ttc icaeahccceoacc ottddîca. c Thot paIn tltcaoiccndantatGtaoSe'a gtcttcottdptcatdoathehttcfctthegitaatt ohc tcînfy Hîlanon cha ta llattg etc a ttoathy att Aibeenhe oppacta ced e detoon c tte.tttahoatnctt.iattatdoathaecmt îrnmîoecî. daon btcoka dcatecyîeg the pooce cf ho Adia and tht ghnnllp hgatet fade omo>. nOtto aI lite balaies ah oct tanit efftticnncondtîiteteattttg. Cor yoa ohorîle o Btnb pecinde ted iagae mithool o rnrmocy rSpl Cao pot horn a Beerbonen aceolo mieboal didiog nIe faireelo ce barre peofando? Dace naiteyoonan't.Boelnoea.Ahooal. Andîecoremccelyobcat$lT.OPO. Tenable ta, ted ebir ira ecanby point le Apeti, ttcnc cite ta dedanlîble. Thatt'r obol il boa nore me, noce dec peteaeopeottodeo marinai edanollon fat rny fteriiy. Afîce oit thot, I nan ohorele onri ham, bolfi cf mbînh I nccld dc befoce. Theera aomeeineg menng bete, bat I natte qaite fîgote cal obal il ta... a fococe piano raonhee, bar honomo booked Once agoto, afece a tpe ci o noople cf peter. or dec lonal marin gereittri. Sher gaing ttttery dtp ood lianeoiog inleorelp le bet Ponoce readeola. (Thoogb aber a bit ndiicd thol mmc ni lhem tee doiogttareoroollt oeil, drapier che fonîrbal thcy door lobe lerroor fecm bec tep mmc.) Bal bec ceporra batte nhetteed me. Tlriaga tee jarl the rame or thep aboya mette. mette ebenagh peter cf ebemaodl boom aherneoct*oti~telp. The fertittal morbeca tee relit or icicndly or on R.C. birhop ted a Mottrnon top peconhet. i oîsh I hod tht 12 Or n bonda te eighe iîett.pioncneceifînote le ebe gici obo played pot nettt. Bat my mîfe dottatte aglce. Wtt mocre. lianepa ohen l'e yonc doagbeer, ce ncaid botte laken a tnp oecacd ebe moeld pool papd. Then he (ce rbc) deoma te foc ebol, bat abe alîli decant agece. inrîghl mb mtorin ehot r rapoeb. ANS DAY NOA thete pîcocetablet, dîrteltct'ncOttrOtoOtltttt otear ted par ntotkedapfaethtoltttet.oclltttteeaefttottt Meactîrne. t'a a genat plate fat kîds hîbeenatteet ted he tpcead aeeattd tht eltethet (Staff Photo) &flrnmpufl EdiaprieI Çk Down [s] in Corne wokcenraAercacarl ÏÀevtut«ee'(Ç«n4aq~. .- .' "c. J Spneg offlctally aeewed ai tht Ocona itoasi an Saiidap, Apot 2 litîn mat. Abp ta taon Thain iho dtp i nam mp fait enhaîn dii potcentalhaehiegotacfapttng. Didot ici i cci anc. cahot. ibece ibtie hîg. lai, codbeeaaod cabtea atctttttttg citoat mp lacît ibot alteteoca I mcm cîbees liane teco tahina cattîne titan litai. il racot ni me ce hod anme eepoeted heeeboetcinncoep.batanlotaal'rn concatecd tbcapongectcaeotco afitcîaiip bete cnt il tee pnîncnaiip acte corne echîna Thcegitnopiilthttneihion an tht hait lamo ciails înîpcoond mn litai day Sca tee 1mai haton oct coite itiaey colA mp itc.nt calA icaptai and c itaifand1antanotpttaiattaingnncl speîegce ihe lac nian toit liii c feticon apacla mOtte b&a code lite hante cnapod apmahctpaati.itct.tttdcalddttntttando bcn o) fientas te liii nlbcc. ita~igniaactcticclip opean titis meebottdcodaloantgetcsicthcdaetid cold, l'il lite)> ho cal heu mît> tho hto.mctnogccncd ancggittg on cga .aitd cîppiof 10 poiholîn cnd ioncîcg iii tooda cf itcctaandotttetaitti.tapaooilecal itaiteernaoomaeî ta dc cnoponcttgdop H tataf tîcîd ail titi ccli teomc "hat spots" ceoaad h cocantp. ccthcat mach loch notatail>. iii iii)) coîlcof fat atieti acpei.aegicclai.ctici atoogooditprnîctl ahaai calea cat~ot~tite~cap plono mitece ttc> bite lite chaîna ced corne on hîg oa ycncattcactp home Dîspat fecqacet appeaiaîhccogittitticcînti, nahcdp boa once beitagint me ai> bcg tipi lia oat litai oobodp icîcca me. t'a ictetp Icat tht lent thol c gccd tchecmec nenet ANYBOOS ohette ihe hîg ceen lic te fot a ~cop ocern ce o iloleeg lb>. larnihepecadeco omnecofo ittoatîlai beanoccd ohiole todep. Bcb Labteg. mita boa bette ocaced thete potIn ittngoocagheokecojaaaobaaacttcepihiag ted cnttcybodp, denppod inte tht tfftcc to peeteni rneoclitoce. Ils nccdp cococd attd ohaded and c han a beaceifai botte. "I jaît mhîppod titis a> te ahaci hec miettes," Bch tttndeitip capiciocd "Titîpte eaîp ta do". Ho tapi ctdcttapitnpnaciiein eaneîba rnateîobo Aiteti Bah mas a ha> te cetooniboca cotonp hannmaad cota long atapa aed ociottif ihern mb Paies. mcih titi beip oIe dciii Rigitbocombin lite scpceanoîttgc titi hic nrnîlccatpaocmbîole linan înîetonoogpcececfCanedîeocandl'rn1nnî anpîondcfrnpoemmitcileaabccoidite milita item fitat Eeg ncrnrnenteîp lac mut piadcccd toma ttolitbietoaeSa ccc Ilega ccc PpîngîitcmectaiCeoîînoîaliaeton Macho St. attd Mîibcc Dînicîci Haîpîtol. Ni' cgticicnemllcgîctipicnotitaictttceeot lite itigit ichoat pot, tameeci Oea Olp atoned tome Saedap me mcii chogoecd lotie titi beenpmtodaiaomiot bot litiît cil 0110e lette placet miteci gocd. choie, ail-te ami-puce uiaga itad bece Ilytega miette~dat Titi liegal OSOtai hecooti o telle ialteeod ottd lite linaîgtt ai titi Legîco ccci ci 1' neigeenti fornetnîp manoot cntonitcednhytitîmodn PEEKING INTO MILTONS PAST c.- ' .' f BROOKVILLB gRASS BANO rnernhoer Cecoford, Rom Ricacdme, ,loaapb Peash. boA Ibair immomecta aIl ahmmari ted ebrie Peome tom, Doocte McTaaiab, Gaottga cape ail e place mhee sfic> pend be nha Blachiocil, SA Bcftcoe, Doncte CampBail, pborogeapfiae a loeg aime Oga. le rha mat Jiet Laaabmae. Sacrari le ftosc, Jack arr Tom Blachlonh, Me. Musa, Sotte Moffar, Jodla Batthatt.-lPbore eoottmarn Feanla, Me. Kiaehieg ord Jor Leanbmatt. Haeep A. Mackaod.l Secocri rom, Wifliam Peaeb, Aire Scpîtccî foc lite ccleîîlîoc cf Scnnlay as a day cf reti la tticeeastttp aîîd lite hase fcr lite soppoci enteoda heycnd bite cituecit geccys ncmmccip ailind 10 accu a cache t tstîtiecesltcg la sec. leco lite acecai repart ci lite Lards Day Alliance af Canada, litai an itîdependent coomîtine compcsed tif cfftoa.aia Ina fond aicten citaîcîs, laitue anices, leade and ccnsamec cegatiiettactta aSd clineclîns pceaeîtted same oteos cci lite sofijeci ai Scitday. lite cammîlice affîrnîed litai 'Scndcy itosaîteas ooaid depnîne rnacp mortees cf ceai aîîd fenedain irco ocrit att lite paclîcolar day cf tac oeek miten lite majacli> cf peapieacencatcmariiy ai icîsuce, occid tate oackîîîp fautera aîîd morkîng maictees aoay front itame co lite camoco resi-da>. and oaaid de prtnnc.liiidrenafpacectai oantpatîy acd sopeenîstaît. i oaoid add iii lice opecaiîîîg casis aI bostîîessacîd titis ocîîid înenîtaitip k/crthq 4enice. la ac tpe cf peaoîng cao itittaîttentetti Il ta iîeariecîîîp la sec mec lîke lite ima Mîlica finefipittees olta ocre iîonoced tsi oeek spcn lutIn ceiirenîenî feco actîtteseenice ollit lite local fiee itrîpade. Geacpe Vaopiîac lîaegs cp icts liai ni lera fou 40 pearsaf oock as a coiccleer ce pari unie flealiglilte. lime (acter lite apîllape cf ail off Cape Bubon frais lice meeched tatîter Areco ta a cuite maeniîîg la ait iocreaaînglp pailstîoc-cansciaoa tontinent cf lite ocese lottet pciictîîîîi osacota Air fonied cuIt facborysmote ced mai ce nanacats. saîl ccntarnîcated mut pealinîde reaîdces;rîsecsecîaîîed mîlît îndcsteîai matIe, dcmeatac semage ced deteegettis aee bat a ito ai cite paiiatantscanteîfictiag ic lite dcadiy bcem me are misîcîg it ice oceans. Ibese heee beccme lite catch basins for coery type ci pailataSI me aec ncnccctmg on b addition me are diccctly polnasittg cite acecen fiy cal accidents Site titot ai the Arcsm ar bite Tareey Coopta anA coantiesa acher Icao-pabhiniced calcoges. The Mosfiettos's ocyogc ihecagh cite Nartiamett Poorage mecco le peehoble Saab scaner er laSer en ail-loden ccd ici icrilîec clîcrease lit lite ccitt cf ltntttp... lite Aiiiaîîcn ta beiîîg enaliaito tait mince il soppeata litai lac litase mita aitacit tille att tic împoeiaîîce ta inlîptoti. tint cesi final cne cf Sanday ta cîtdocbîndiy litai cf eestand eecenatîoc. itesi lake t ut farniiy Sanda> miii coîttîti ce la fie cedce atiack despîte aitorîce oceit mecits ccd ncppoaediy more nacre bates. Titere oui aboya fit iltose oitc oui tpe lite entra dopa prodacticît or as lice decîdînp facior bnen iltose mita att iii Snndap spart greai cemarda day pet iîcd difficciip as Scnday lîseif itecarnesased for aliter tAnrean litait enongit ta tope litai tiîînkicg peaple mail contitîce ta eepacd Snndap an ait oasis te a ment aieeadp mcddîed mîlit feennied aciiaiip. lite naine cf lite cornmoc day ta clear ho i tintaclicicatton nnnd scoceiaoi sîgilacîce if il iaitci la be meested icoot us b lite disadsaîîiape cf ail. aod Bih lîplîl iceca iii ils itadge alite 28 peaca cf se~tce Polit oce are cf lite"aid" scîcco i. iiieionp Mîlioniana, pood famîlp sien and anIme le a ocoher of aliter conîmontif todtances. once lite pears. We litant lutte sîîîceeeiy for liteir dndtcittd pearsof oork. litcp batte notoîîiyaerend oeil, îcîep hotte set ait enample foc ail cf ca b fciioo tanker miii be cecsited ne site Acclin ce mut deadip conseqaîncen b nneey icem cf macine laie. An are dîaconeranp litai ocmeeocs forma cf actait itased île are nearinp etoltncitoc ce ccc ttc icegre miel> edihie. Tht algee miticit fced cpcc pitcspitate-beaed deleegecta are cotisamtng lite pencîcca onygîn le lite sca mater, domnmeigiîicg tite beietceolnaicee againsi lite sarnittai ai nies cîlgitie forma le tact cor pomer, if me ccl eesoicieip. b redace b a talceable lenel eneey loren ci poilatian cf arn, sou aed rince. Bat att lite eneama me nette startcd o iife-deotrcyaag pecceos ohinit moy olecedy be nete bbc palot ai inretteroihuiigp. It is tac pensibîr egornean cf titia deedhnc ohinfi mokes tac lime ioder lite ttigal elceecatt in rntcancîng ta ail-ciat actant an pailatiao. Arfacoal'rnncttnetnedlnoaldbatte aakcn ebat 012,005, ebecon î ofi ebe end t ofîbe donk. ted becttiarrtrfoeabetd. Onnttagatn.eltecttipceembotgeeeamilb Both mp tîda hotte degecer in piton. Bcth mete îaicnecd. Ncae, bal not qaine aI, thencencet pionce ceci. 5db ernhomed(l (ttc thot macd) a natece an marin, bentare hr ehcy ooctcd tc be Scal. AnA lbey monîcd te Ichefece. Aeil, thepet fece. Hagh beobe Ian mtddicfîngetoednaetploylWcntDomn TcSl Jomcnlttfîcrnaey.oithcnlpofeo hcrn octet. i tient 1Dm nociri ploy The Hoppy lioernce, mîlit a noapic cf dapa' peantine. Bat poîhopa cet ail becc mocth il. Thtty'tte leocecri tcrnclbtttg. Hagb boa ecalleed thol yoa natte pctnelae ebe pîatta ohett yca'te mttling table aI ebe Cboleaa Peonlenon ce reiiingoonaam nicoceen te Caigoey. Acd Kirn for ecaiiccd that "bec" pîonc mcml qaite ht cîco ebcett-tocm pod te Toccntc, atiera yca moelle rieep ntt tcp cf te. Ohat honea aS chia te mmd. ond olîhoat btttttîîcraa tho font thol rny mife, The laids tee atili railing nIe gbeie piener te becateent rpoed, mhinb dec> nool pordblp maiolaic, ted beeobing domo in ebe middle, ohile ebeir motheer ond eetnbeer laett pocple or Ibe poanganees famble, tori ebeco ap ebrie bonrir, ond bacrîmen rater. Bal poehopr the Old Lady ir rigbl. Tlsme momenîr te the manin irreicol, io cîbre peata, mette tbrniorerltobcocen anA bell Ibal l'oc cotte capocienned, milb Ibe ponebiceaneplion cf rbnoliog aI o ncnneneealîco cf Geemott tooka, mldnh Salop btnb aI pea mîlb biggtte pont lbtn >00 bcd. l'oc reoppori beetrfaeg ice or manb or a dtngeeoarip long aoc minalea oldie mp roncedtaghteemttottedlhecagbtroooctnt. I hotte goce oatofteemoedaaodnmobedo nomplete nigatelle le toc deaga. I batte noiicd ehe odjadenteot a mb, o mocon, ocd. rometimes, o betiliatte jadge cf marin. Mophe tht Oid Botticone la tîgitte. Mopbe le mot mcelh $12000. Anymo>, i non oleatie ehece bota cf Tanhaîkottakyr tcmeelncg ce cîhet I ~. Pages of the Past I ~ (rare champion files J 20 years ago Toten feco bbc îsoac aI The Conodîae Chaîmpîce, Apeil 25, 1900. To a ponkcd theotte, e gecap of ecceapter tncon as bbc Sanabîne SentI> Tecapo cf Homdtom. ificîlicd thene listeneco bitent peescetotîce andet lite caspîcca of lite lonol l.O.O.i. ted Rebekofi Lcdgeahttrnuoomceh.Penmbheptîaegtttt, agcd face, 10 bbc aideri eged 18, conh nombet 000 meS teneineri b> those ettcedieg. Becot>, atili anri octîrle> mccc dîspbtyrd b> bite mon> actas mhtpcerentrdVtnclp ne Reme, seoged il bbc aceca base Peido> mghe. The ritto cao rpcmoceed b> bbc Milice Robecp Clab. Tht iaege cetmd attcndncg peaiaed bbc pocinemacce of cite beai atoting eahibtttttta cotte peeaeetttd iii MilIce Opon Honte il Mibcce Higb Snhtni Pîldo>. Apeni 28 te 8-30 p.m. bnecycet mciccmc.Admamtnfcett. The dîtecetes anA item Pceam ccpccaccbobîner cf Neiran Toonabîp Pedecolîce ni Ageinaleace met ol bbc home ciMe. ted Mca. Aditom Hamr on Apdi4. Pions mccc ntmpielcd foc bbc rannce ted dtnne et Nelace Hall omd le mordcnided te no-cpottte mdb bbc Coame> eaenahoe ne pcamcbcegOOmmtte onhnîSer ot bbc Lamnilie Ccmmacity Pocb. ScneceibecaeybccdnînHohonicaetp coptet noms thel banc eenenbby nornpbceed R.O.P eecoedo. The ieodcc ns thiacencel gecap a Pînetece Vainome Rote tomed b> Moacîce Betty of MilIce 50 years ago Tobte ictm bbc mac cf The Conodîte Cbornpion, Apeil 22, 1920. Beston Peerbyteenon Cbacch neegregalice pecpcre to bcid thene neneesoey nnbchroaicer ne Jane milb aponiol ne bbc ebaenh. Thencamnîl met Mcodtpttttcmisg. No impoteottt barorar caO dirpored ci bat ahe maelcetfebepccposcdsemhlgbanhooi haîidesg mor dnrcasrcd. The ptacbaae cf tee tithe Osera tedbocgeraeenideener e tome, milb gaaaedr cf ample rraebadbern nonlempboard. The maponîce monderA bbc pcopoclp, bal foonri Ibe boare Anraitable foc abe peopor tectegemeet ci anheol Theeciore, Ibecoancd neratacard dec nîrcla le perpoce o $48000 dehoobace bp-lto. LicrecelsaprntceHtcttcpmtaimccme os Taeadtp. Os hoisg bld bp o niciare tbat bcot-leggieg ocar ttotpented, hc raid ehete Oas the rame raspînîce te tht other fcct Halent teore ted tillager, bat il mot nettoIe tttot ttc illîcit deolet oor gettteghc repplien by tati f ronfi Itteote came, malt came te octootobtlet. Detentîco mol nec> dtfficclt. Jearte Alexoodet. qeece cf the clccotîcolats cf Canada. otîl gttte a teettIl le ehe Prienero Theotte ce Wedncrdoy recel~eg. Abîgb nltrtpecgcamtttdlbe glotte 100 years ago Tafice fccm tho troc cf The Conodîce Champîco, Apeil 21, 1870. 0e Merda> eîght Woenop'r gcîrt ont oor bcckee etc hp terne peerco' cekenon, foc the pocpere cf pleedre. Th. thiettea bad eoeranbcd the plane foc mette> hot oece ceoanncasfal, os theec Oaa cet> the tom cf 40 neets o the boîldiogoed t oarnoeloiecdîeadcotftecOhtnitOostittt colyceceot cpeeed. Thece cee renne sorpinîcos nhaeontece oboat the bon ohi mont oatnhieg ted t ta te be bcpcd that tbey thaîl once oret oîtb Ibete derettîr. We cotte thatthcCeloectattdrnaittctiil the Hatîpe Regîrneotot Dinîrîno banc ttcneittcd îhcîc neornîrsiner. There cfhnc,î etc Cnt. Dcoold Coophell, Mojoco Willînîc Allott and John R. Sachet. The Speing Sboo otît ho held o Mtltott ne Ptîday, tht 29th crI. le Nebeorba Ibe Iodions ace loteefettof oitbtbctotttnodoednttPetdop, ranecedîl e tbtooittg 4 note off ebe teonit. Thîy oppeat te hotte bette dnoeoooop by tht fiee cfa bcokerrnanobneernttttedtftttthc nooponinos bad stoetcd ce tht engane fcî ebencetreotice. A 0000e itt tht ocetheen pote cf Morne. oho r tht onthet cf 20 nhtldttcn, bar beet gttotttcd o dînette cotbcgttoandshebaoiic affînity foc bec barhand. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION OStOS La ratrreaa Oaa rra.aasaarO. LU. t o , c. t i , rr t t r t t ce ,. a t r o n a MIL... CoMa [ta'-- 1~ i ~' Sugar and Spice by bail amaley J >UR TO Tht Macinipa Tomonibede Dete Sic, Re~ Prop Aptclmeorr. bat oi~ Sonine Cilice cnpeerr Ibni relcnled ritte Seoine Ciriai noliogmeml obo hotte* nettiniaiog ai boildihg. One of lenalior ailI eodmoy leta Radmty Ce ttdodiol ef people batte of ebe tconh porribilily r olîl cnet cf obom ha fenmlbcp tenliene ofî ncorrirg of nocefal eeraleioiaact Amoog peoporcd rie ord the le tentiottoft tht apacîme teste foc Ibe capendilotet patter ohîni pecetrie o Thît le fceoocded t. he rnemhoe ce ebe taon peoponedret att apacîrne ildeel> peop Teai Chat Scneî Serti Po ONt Deot Ste. lcteg c Itacce r cf fttcop, gel gtandrnclhn chat ail paiiotittg an Poiialîcî iceceto t cet dcl bettîga lidO poilaI lhc a'ce a ttn dchttt itet toc lt) cadaatoenp piîndt. linon t cîpeetîble aiidîtleid col tiîgbtiy Bot Pan TatanteDo sain ncetp cil 1980f nîctoboil att Sornette chat non Iticatta Sf .atea thoît la aI cno'toSgn qanntîce on 'ci gatboge Stase Mcli clii cctaidhcd plant ta bat acdl Oas hi ilaket onti iaottd. (att he hfclîan dcc Paltan Cou dîltînale et pahiîc apat pictattaiti S ccd limait ficlicînt tA> cîgc tome n i hotte Cii ccgantc Sakaîlie h Atoaciotion aille Lt. n Bnîoahp B.. The cor enît pcott t iapapond tac the i ohant Ccii adolte ce hn tht ecai i ihot rneonr ttd Oc Once te Oc ccrnc le peilatici lOt (att ail ihete pia tannidettobl echlcrn A ttttttmerl Ah> en hoîted etc DEM Y00 (Mer 71 Il 878- arîhie)

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