Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Apr 1970, p. 13

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VOL. 110 - No. 51 fie &xinabîi*an Six stores participate in high school fashions APRt L SHOWERS mont hothe thia got. Lfodoa Copoto mit) suoi dry on box foolh et ottotoootod ottoboota. Liedo vies ol of modela diaployitg the ltt fashion in siwa agottoeto, oflet lite era lor-mot otoirol Milton Distît Htgh Sohoof'sanoxoxo fîhio ahoo -f Stî Photo) -Jxbhuxîtotg? Check Thte Cbompxot' op td" ATEls F. LEE 878-2619 Tfooîdop exooiog the fifth ottotoo foxhio showt "Loxeodet and eo" mot poetei odt. Sttx Dottt h Soo. Cxfxlood otooeoter, o goto greteo ooop, focalo models ood o ohoootong toomoontotoxoet the ooodlforthethowogOoGrdeo12 cofoooxtogod tlio pexgoom lxra ooep lot o ofoxo otp to Motrerai litMay. Cloîhot ood oitues woto opoxsoed b local metohoots Peggp's of Mitîon, Tht Yeftoo Bofoo, Mittot Depo totent Stote, Kîxoght'î Motos Weor, Tht Ftxoo Shioppe aod Miltono Fohre Emergency ma for Christ is u hofld ot afx lo htoohioxt etk p=oo Ilooed "Eoooogooy Mass Cotoofot Chrit"- EMCPC lot Mthe Botîxo of Coophotitifit, h6 poats of ogo. os co-Iodotoxig tire efolht of x MCFC. Ho is o xotn-ogoott hefoeertot Jîxto Cfhrist and fias bot t plinx itg ohbis coisaodeofotepooltoîa About 30 ottoodod thr rt oootoog ou geltir thoottde xoîtoottoo Thtooo arooogîtor moto Christia oox popleotu poottoopoto. Whp oxr 'ttoooogtooy" otootodo? Mtho Booxotn oxplotot. "t bote seuilSaltand sinoxooomtîîoîo this toold li ooop to'tp and hotîtot Salt o tirht s pototolti optîttoot tittdoeto ,oood heooo fins hoppoto. t 0000 Himto ouot me thioogi EMCFC Cotot. KarenoBrberheoxmod gooto oand Caott Tytto vi, coooxottoo Eoglitfttrt ottx Mot, i. Poxttoh hetped tor girls togoxote til how.i Fomoit maits ottot foot Fooguox, Soxoto Cxptop, Ltodo Copoto, Dotto Gtlbrottb, Soopo Agotto. Bexooiy Witxx. Pail Jaonx antd Mttotfo Mtit. Motes 0000 Tooxto Rohoots, Ray Totofi Roboot Coxitto, Otofl Wttoodoand imMarshall A florge oxobto of fladie tanod genttndotxtxmohothe $5 crusade nderway peoopitt aociatonsîto Otaio. S treet metinogt, too ode meotings ond poopto motongs 000 piot ttd. 1SORF AND SAND omoita thote lo tas ohy tomoltt the dospioto of totest leshiona it amimotto. Pool Jaobsoit 0nd Joto Fet-uoottoot- lot loiai git-ls mtdeliîg cothes in t-he loîhot shnow ot Miltoot High Thot-aoy etetoto. Grade 12 gît-h ooaged the show o 10 oise motelle lo- atctassotripto Moitt-toin oMoo(taf Phtoto) the xtiy 000000 to thox mofid. futute. Otr pfoooîxou mpoxxoe Christ anddox precrtîtNopfoittf Sofoottoo, throgh dedocoîed ptttgPplep." Tbre goxop pianttto nit suopportfuo t hexotoxoado tioxglioftoto Christiatt poxog Colloctors Approxîoîtof S5 metoohoo of Yoth ton flht Moot groop coooottd fxorth Caner Societp athte Ontorto St. opotoett ioît ooght (Totîdopi. Reîtt tf bctothodotextottek. THBEE PEAT ANS PBETTY COUPLES Molti, Jim Marshafl, eot Fooguoo, Ray Tooo)tt, -modotitd olle- lite moto on Chootaop ahiot Sotyt Agoto aod GeolI Wootood. iStoîl Photo) s how oit Mtlton l-)gh. Lobt 10 ihtaeMie q SHERIDAN COLLEGE Continuing Educcation Division "Add iction Research Foundoti n" PRES EN TO -DRUGS AND THE FAMILY" ON TUEBOAV EVENI NOS 7:15Bao 1.00 Maly Sth through May 26th Voi AT DAKVILLE CAMPUS 1430 TRAFALGAB BD. DAKVILLE At0 petaot mot eoOm thexatoteatomoOt 0000p patciptotta ooag. Minimumooto 12c toaa orGrade 7. Not-ie-of pticipots iitta Ooetoi 10 Siopo. 03.00 Pamilt$o00 (maximum 3 pesans)o APPLICATION POP ADMISSION IS av MAIL ONLY TaI Coeafeofeg Edocolotn Divfsfon Sheridan Collogo: 1430 TRAPALGAR BD. OAKVILLE, ONTABIO r-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MB. hAST NAME FI S! tOME Siet Adtddt- moltApt. HomPho Applictetot-m..oa cc.-tottnid b 1 ot-oO - -- -- -- - - - - - Stai-- t-i-- o-O - FREE PICK-RTUP AND Delivery FOR COMPLUE ESSO SERVICE QU4E WEEK SP-ECIAL ECAIONI SPARI PLUOS 8 9 EA. REG. Bi.1 Oit FILTER RG $2.59 36 Opono7oam lol11p.m Mot. lhoogh Soc. 9Bom. tao11p.m Sotdop $MILTON 9784641 ESSO COOINEN MAIN & ONTAI T Operotta on w.ekend addition opens soon Martio So Solooxi holdo l fiot 'tpoot ~Toto Sooxyto cto Thotoooty ood Fxidop hon tot'o htgtoooog a( S pomkts arebot TIoooeosenior hos' boo,ooohoii Squtd tookf, t plaou 000 Nooîto Mlon bopoý Bstbof Ltogoo hit otoob Thre bopo rtto d hast place durtgf lit ttgtioo oliodoti otd t.outtoood NOTICE TO THE CITIZENS DP THEf TOWN DP OAK VILLE DAYLIGHT SAVING lIME WILL COMMENCE Sund.y, April 26, 1910 AT 12:01 te. AND WILL END Sund.y, October 25, 1910 AT 2:00 am F. oLea Anderson, M.to.,, lnl onflcc a p o tîtii b>y leiO t0o x 0fo Mooto t chtooI ch' totiple doott otid trile troto a00 000000 tootiot h fltit Lfox olto Music Fes0tival o hoe hitli otiM Z. Bentot o hooo lit Ato Wootooott ttoi ototo f0000 il i hoox toogot 30 tt h tioooiAis i0 esiipbi tiretoioooiiooooî loolot Hoi Roooooî Soptt 'tott ove ti otoothoe hhoooo, lieo'oo oditioo ou hli ,otol toto Foj0ht>-six iloidoa, tototooti tire~~~~~~ oitln ,uet 1Hl Cour oo ooooo othIlleOt9,30 l,s Siiodot inorroootg report, priocipal thotot Aitotootiot ptofttitigti toti OOt'tOttOf oitire to Ail ototIno)gflot lit ltoto hoportî Shoo rlck mutotubchtiold n oie.o Sogoooxoo.i lot kxoioofooîooo toitlb ho tott Apot.] 23 atot 24 frotu: 30t tt.11:30ood 10i l, Sutppotfîlot Coticet hocity', -Lester Whîtîog of Dîbtotto, fothet of Moilîtn MP Rod Whititg, 000 oooed ohootto Ltoos Ctoh'î cittizen of the Cool Feidop. Me bas teme the tomo lheoogh the hoopitof, 00000a, VON, tîhooop, Choohet of Commee,oondoas oootoo. aampton Milton District Hfit Sch Where do SECOND SECION oli vo spend ail aur dough ? Bo y RottottdFgg ptojets hall bout ptotooodc Ilotmt Io txoifytttht toliamus N tlo th Miton tHg .tt e tirettCorieTr] hto. fos big ocia ctt ptoottd wth odopod > ot xotgototho, tenoo rtstt footbalil btoo>hoto oto togo ot at scotto htockey tuant ttotogtoar bogng goxftoppet and t ouottoo tik/oooxoto for ltir post tote yett attd Woomy collihv sonttfg boxtitktfictmi lo>otodtxto i lcoshootigoàtoxoo lioidoy toocieurobout! O ooftclb, totrof'OhO.D tpxor gtounodstr prector ttodtt ottoliy àt wixotoot. httiod t Tennis ts hoomtttg a popoto hflicttttog ot ot ttns idea Tire a3-3 dow totth Nelonoon theo r eyqikliMkoan htodettCotoiito]ltetadttooio teaootoo otpooot. Witt mooy il,,a, a out tireouf dtotto,oxh u nia it hnow11b oootxoomisig doet tt grud xdtotdtott tflic. lie tkosg fot tire lico fli goadutoog fins 170t rso n toof fot'atour>t opennog gre-ty. 'Iodent body o> ioohootg tttt ho Mutang toce ociety HtoeerMitton fiasbto b'ood dectooto Trecrtiquehaove i soomod ttu oxtoldox th wto lew w cou t oit xuy y otpinion ood you toit roktot fftoooxoothis tootot ,,entlyý pxodttg g,,t protboby dtsogtto. Iflowever apparent aso tite moisies led by oppositio o tire poopofortof, toiotg nie yoo> odiaoot li PaPooiPot pioyod weoifopx t toi cots o HigltSou] MottPa Suu" ttt» oYtottfict .C. parat fi ve'hxtto rtttotood thto Fotball sctt oxldbooetty oo mdetlaot yo . p no ns totoog ttloes "Vots Joto h'tody itttooobt i go tdx aitflictxtxtmtig younia> Kdsoosdot y L gato or vu aeyatatdt beotot moot iletoit trtiret wee wadod goaolt tfilfe Musxtang football ttooooot ;f fl ýeI' Ptotpx t. necmrPoto Fitchtottochod gomtt ad govtho htoo tu hoogoyjttooo> our third courtier A pairof relax dtigagarieopotonf to bt qttticootott hav otitt pental toi suted lt boefat my faoll aop. aoyoothlul ztttyosocct0iclb; too tof thre Neilstn gtoils, bod patfttg oohoodotcd ottotoxto MtIot toood have Tht otdoot o k/i troto box toat and animal htghttghts tooh beurt dptdvictai. A tctno etirs Io bc the oot os hir Formai Dancet(May t) ftr bort gaou o qot odoqooto emtployabie ocept bot tio and Stodoot Cotooii titcont athoy toit likoiy mototit and ftttooiopotiontofxstodotbody toinc aret o1 oyo etttig heonn murtot tyxthio otd wtb hotettoottotot igiit of tir tootk toottponotod th hir lip of xoooy tototootochont, hy hor Gortdt l2%t Tht oanialu a xpring lofoon tStotw drxo aitI U lIU I otiec o ppooxoootoiy 100. Alhoogh tio otool otody o musicoo'otpoofoomdtflifottoto foos toto hopt ootoootand by oootodtd thurnes and ir mohoipttthtohotmadotli howtta lot oif fox. y co000f to a coset out ttoofthyYT H tnthod ot tptodtg ilca ooto At o t Lottoodtce White Ooks S«oury SchooI WOSSers try radio hroadcasting Bp Pot Foot (and l'il bot WOSh girlt ootot toom. Yvoono LoPoloto, Attdy Wtth White Oaho peoplo, tootîoowlidtotdht moygood Oîbtotoandt1ottttltkyooogh tiodtofig oxytoit, botog tootottoot tots bofotof otodoltoi tiothox to go thte ttttt doy, an oi wehoxo oxoote totootobt ftomtJachFoxtt';oond otgirl, otjopott o ooottoxoiy. We olthtttootod cxxolm thns oook. tookîoghbttetoOîootxo,bhotod hitooodîIoîthetooooofotndo Bot tbtt ootp mtoot thete'li bot off otothes ftoto Tho Ltft, btls thoo, o'otohod bto topo lts ooxt wotkoxbttttgxe oo Oooftot-Fooîot'x lodies' totr onn totooîmoooto,oondbad tbe tho totodott on tho Hostoty toip dopotmoot. xoohto f ti sthtatixot to NewYork. Tbe traotutobastotqotodoa exphiodîtoousbobootengooot Thoeosttetrtamo mdo too field dtivtsio xbttbi oot Butt txtofoooailtni ooo partd dobot, ondxic Sootots, oxho pratotttgotsbootttootooihoottttoîficttofy bigborlofotg otctott'îfou bodioatpoot,tlooktd pots ortootooptContruotonof oroottoxttxtîtotie aod thoo otoo botttxtonthtoîgoooo boxin the xpooîodto bogt our, bîoodeaothtg tirott as pootol wtoohoa2-1 t ooxtNolson.The 000 thoat oxoto tototott tire ttportsîootoflhtai. Aftorthbt, Jitorst, popîtgîthrtgoo înooxttptîfptg the foooohtiox gottf boohtott.hooiand matong astuant, dtdx't tstow to tooil. tool bo gotttog. Mooxtobite Mo. the oltîtrooot oooomeîo They otoot dlowno 4-0 to Mitcbell bax beurt thottîxg flic xooottd [tht prttp tooto ttoff BothongtolCenota. ditrot îtosotioteboys,oond Stodoot Cooxotît' batik booh Miss Motctto os ttooboog the FAT TFt-RtNG OFF: Stodoxto slottktog o tttte lhtpptrtthetto girls hoto Io tox the botdlot. are mtingîx oooîhîtir ta ott dop th.oody slsbooooog A progoot lot totttottp polihptototondtgoîoxottn and aooootxtfludantctottthothetrt tdintrdioootsbas hbtot foioutoxytot .tstpxisig tbttg Ctott'olie. Ito beeooatohlt ottoogod bototootoot journxoîo os duit tire htdx arc00 i totfho 0000e ttt'tt hod o i an hîoto lootadrdiooxttionCNWO ltooioootIo iopdcownoothetot. gtoop tinit dodo't pot ot toto Oohxttlo. Thoto ottdootx toîtt go Vooity Noglît tiohets go on dtbt. Litpoî h.C. vtottr toox o tthetaton for tote dt and toit fints toot. Got pootx bofoto opttxg fothtoo show. Thet boyt ooo ooth tht staoff on the toox thtpy'ot ott footte M.M. Robinso. Polish "votre Francais for trip Bp DotîtooJloto Spoot Mopt Whol'po doot' îlot oooootot Ntthtt0? Agotxt Moto otti 000 yoOt Fohtoto Ooooot. b oohoti lp-otr totp. san g Tht otodoot oxotooogo buoonoxs bopoxs Jotp T aod todo Stop 30. tch Foglxsh todoîx totO ho oxoigoot o tFreoch tptohtog stoidoot pooatinro xila ot go, Ie dootot, odutoo otnd totoîets Thte Fogioh ooodooît wiltooxot togoîhot hp toiltuo Qotthto,oooootog Jxtp 2, ohoot thoy totO xpood toto tooo tin the Froonch hooto. io hxgtoh stodoot ooorqoooed lo opoî Fecasmcaspoosstil. O totp 1h, tht Fxgtoth otodooto il otoitur oti orst toti Otobte potîtoo hot loo otooho. Thte French xoudoxoo otit toloto Jotp 30 lo To hoe eliîgoMo hgloshotudoîxo ood 18 pooox ofoago,and havt suS-O oooxodoop Froonch lotoa Equal ta B.A. hot o tootot ototp ahot Motý Alfotti Soîdo hopot anot asrtioonst ho boconnet îtr ht (io oqoitoo to ba good 13 odooootton frono îlot cootte lot îlot dool lt toUnitd Stolt o.11 taot Mo. Boo'toedutwox oquietooto a B.A. oiom thol lai otoqoood lxtec gooidesoluoeto 13 tn Ontario. minoto toyoto. Otoong tho ttton tooh offlhc pootîotpoloog catitet. tht otxdooots xxiii bo theoootoxghtottg totos lx potsof ieeto anxod Fot opplitooon ox tc Mo. Thotcher, hooti of MM'î tFreoch dopototot. hbothtoottotot MM placetoi top toghl on Onotro St-îoo Math coottî Spoctot 'Moth Corl tx Dtoog Looop vihol plooett oolit top 50 oi Onttro. flop, off pot dooty nid muni0 ohoxoot poxo prooo Qooto pot. Htît ote tht 'tooootp ladies' pto hoveol holooxo froxo Poin Koolo (go. 1l); Morp Lot Middtohrook (gr. 12);,Joo Sbophood (go. tif, Jootot Amoot oand Cxop WîotSîxoooo (go. 13). Vxtîog otitl hb xtgt toI thte prot tot ototit tht dooo i(gooti fooh Socoot SolIp oopoolîog boto. Box Moxtiiii botil 000 lot ai] pot foothfxi xsxceor seois. Our oexp-ooooo-xoo' toto dofit Moodopat Perduetheoogoîst! 4-t1 Tht oongleo soxooed in hp Keo Ttoughtxx. Wtdteodopi Whüt Doko oto otoogoi o S-S oie. Mxondop of oetox otoeh, ooxh Miltootad Wdotodop te totot Nelson, lo th lhoBooxA Toooep Totodop, Noogoto Folls eoeoged ohaops ood St, Cothoritooxotte socood. Pot lit pot 'Bodooton Bohîta', tht ail Ontorio choopionhip are Aped 24and 25 oit Weotalo Mfgb in Golhet 'oond gotoottîto foot, 001r todiea boutoo homne a îhfed ploace 'ot hoxto t ottooîog Cathp White plaoetd fîrti loo c Juoro tottox ood hfth i loot-ootootot Jeon Thttoas txte lîîxtooonxoîooveitîîoltg, Bloto ]Loncostor poooo.dhlirootuo thîod oo îlot bolooct hooto, foot, oxid Sto Roothongton o fotlh 0i senior loto. BlokelotE plooti ft o il Aooootoo seconod. Tht bots, teond anoot thi coopetitoto afte ot'othot otooh toi floxoog anod troiniggoooeSomao2 Map 25. 'fpo otg bos opo tog ond to hos o 000 oîtophot toopot. t say 000, hototoot gooox othot, ITO MFXED! Mo, Ho, thot the xoolp Tfresiotats;o orc dtotdod itto oxrtootot ond îootrioted. Tht toit. Thop mot plop sixo the c-out îootodîog ltwo gteh)pteh). The otttd teiote booe o maximuooofocght,omiimuootf foote. Thotp otit plap foot ton the c0000 iootodiog o00 girl. Tht motohes otooodo toto Il poolt garnot toO ojoointes altooght tomie. Eooh gooo mwon coonlio lot tont poolt on the stoodog. Tho gomear ronoto 4 -0, Moodop ood Wedootdop. hIANOIN'LOOS0E Mot-dethoS llsgoop om. 2. Cbteeoedoe toolt ta Motdop. Robinaonoalodota 3.VooentlEoa porleoclota rurmiog! -I MILTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY AP l r y 3 d t n

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