M ~ Fil-I--j *; I * 'j, I~ -------~e I 6 The Canedien Champior, Madrens Smith, Eastwood Milton Police For Ray Snmit 22, asd Wayon Sith Esstccod 21, hcih jcannd tagistoso Miston Polie Forcet as the fiss mates hi cf Match.Sii fss ais tacso poas Ms. Es eprec asa sttiatasp taaandsin polisceman. poice Bonn se Wiiand.Ccuit.Smith C E. Fs liaed tiants fer 19 ynatsaand tfinhas ces tujcin te asosi tir cccv sincr scatsoned cal Camp Pesamama, apposeto Kangstcn, Camp ccsrdn acd fosce Lodon chise as sticar sy. Mt. semptee WAYNE LASTROO rsee A. MacArthsus trha a casat ai N assagacopa Tocnship Ccuicil Moedai as seavessasaoligo as 95 ar parscsisat rhsiaiisep aead. Thte passai cs doctord as aaccacadaie 155 lais fas ocated douriandpcst ofadla Townsip caisses cihala es arn ise Guelpih Lassa Casasii acssd aiat a s c cas ada sas ai alto cay Merot t8, 1970 join 'ce Townsdip Planning Board Osast tiadecadrricdociosedtficroposai promatrse Casicailasr A. Achmas presard for furcrafi ie ta casades the proposai fer sezosog asd rrfased se sastacevtes iseli iseAbstention front soaaeig cas traitrd asaevot in fiae afirmcaat and tiss cait alise case cf Cascilaor A. Gahse paasdsced Oseica scivoe support. Oepsap Rrrse G. Agasem asd Casealia J. Ratsons ppaaed -CounCil Briefs - Roose Rats [tassas praasd ces itonissas 1 icc ieaaeg t sei Msaaday t-et testa ian ail attence of Mayor Biran Besa lh as tri tisssta o arsanss5, s *ODcidelss ta asssa5fats agit ,I sin att t 1 salts~ pro ttio tas t casa as tlia Ontasio t CFR crstssaf A sassar frsnt Folicsa Chant Rase Asalassastaseal -me a casýar.e asipiia sac tlisa tatimay Maae-Onatstacs liglt ta Senst s C) laacfias pestI unaa ira Bu.arddut Ldcata-sa aspiisaata tatar a lasnd epIallr sass asfise Ucapas c Cmeill cas st Adîaset ni aiur isa trsa alliiag fi etc, 0 de -as Lpas as taad lassas lasag litcsis Rd.t aý sl -lia dta s!, pase tla ast a ie Illss aisa aistC fsdile - ],,iad mc a adeiî,d sas tstascaie -e sa SiA0 latPst patIt,ý f[c fas 5 dsatsstsa jsaa dc as' sacs1n ar1IrcsCt parking caas , me sars saasaasgti-ac teimll paspsalfi a ahe tacsý tetdssg ceaasacs tisee asfos -d ce\ parleta as ManSiie sattfias LCH ttoaa, mass pp: aedý ai 1iparkinag ýpas, etO s.. scea la qsc te lac iiý -r(letu * Deaadail alasamasteaeao casesiv plaiascsd hî "Caucl sa no npaead ta sappit mass-a ias alidivsisasa sacd Oase moasse A esixnc ite c as oeqceaad, *Adeassd ResslII Cac Massen St les lacsl mccid sasse isaalasnesdmalk Ms. Case *Usgod tlia amas maths deparamentaf sci teulat sp te origial stroagath iciiamasg the i osa of tca mast davng Osec eAatcoraed aise tact cars staff te htgas reconstructioc cf Qoeec and Thoms Sta. - maesg ai od aptait aad sademats, rtortg the hase ansd gtading. - ie suggestion fecm a S a8,0icinrtrfrfi O Ashtd alise citat ta check tc ast cvepeed Tuadt ilaaseo tat crasses altc aemav ioret noost ofperor t. Caucsil cas inidrr Osec emprss the sscd tiad htrc lasedain 1968. *Fdaed a retiutio front Osec cwn f Pefsases. satotattef casmsittea of Ad5astmest foras eaessrcastitrainlisandard .25 pas appliscat. Mass sucs fr cs ted tisa fee cas tagia *nNocid file tawnCs nn sca.siafasrsalldmpeasided 0 dags tFetrasass,moeha ses ciller essais Faas cere Iasamd and cex acsicamoddega case aUnvted siesaatualicrHuaec hSociey.Oleofctasc es adaptad. *Receied sassce Miltoc telepiassea asiiatieas moaid te irypasso ap sase sassa grscp. Bri Canada sassa grse 30 dapa* asifaiast ties astr sec rates sas ics va (ne effective.- (aucaslicas asgassd part cf Osle stes ricctsisgtrates cas tisa larage salitac saitag asea anda dosadsd te aL Osec Bell ta matracure loalscidotfs eee ciprpia date cassata fat Ocasvils anda Basiteigaca amcas *Rae-ased asr apsiagy fram C(P Rasait1 Lsedaeri i sapsssntceeaaG.A.FPoell, for as srassa ticag tlise hMartan St. -sascasig ses day as Fersasts .'As1 e aacsgsCay hrake appi as-"itassai sasr aedsoerrd cas- ceas hissaed. Ms. Pocell ais saaed sapacas mcaid te emadle ta slic Masses and Ossama, Si rotangtafl suggests alternate route for as mctcied cash at Nassagacepa Township st aid daaghtes. anad Coucsil Mccday exd'orsed athome cn Miston. oppositiot epesed ty the rsssmod ao niand PlanningBatd tuoas740fout OBtvie and av iec to hydre eigtt cf csp angins crt. He sagrcdaatncof acsoassteoownship. de Hgh Sstociand A Planning Boad trief, Led as se eiessricios revieweal tp Coaniot Aise eassogasctoci. Ttecr Aclsman, coted te townstip secta tctg the lcal dadnot mct the hydto lotast ait tact ap to c fail bt ifat sere cecesy,atlasked on o nneme. Ronald Woods (Cantfrredfem page 1) Me. Roods fets the toaties at the tospatai tare teet e xsag gortredi. The e admincatrator fer the ceas fec - oeets wdt te cotkacg part taxie in Mdtoc Hospital and parttse 0il Nort Yorkhenersi Hspital - shete se tos hero assistant a dsemosttator for te pot sco yeas. Ptier to fit te was asistant sdseicastrtsc at Noersteo Gtsetai Hospital iToronto. Born in Daxdaa, tie astexded pubhic stoc sed grades lsne and1inDcdas ahrigradesi10, il cead 12 as Ridtey Cofiege i St. Cashatanes. Me. Woods as a geadae fsoseaaccssssorsee inBusinens Admisnistrationi the Ratetloo Uivietsity Collrge ROY SMITH chete te tadced front 1959 t te rezocesef teajest. Tht tre hsro trflele te affitmative. M lata1 P .Brodiac sepresroted Broctaille Estatea caith rasaced F555555FO55 Hie atomsed aocoaaacd filtlietsoald luisder staned asemediate deaniopsees sagtt te Fttecate bt tescaild set ce Frctiemt eis settoag coide lands fes futare deeiopsrent Ms. Brodagar saeted tas cliaenta ete ciao, devriopera cf alise proent ai Moffat cisere a 59-a subadivsicon hasotoesarvd dsraft plita-ceptoealand tentative Heoth Unit approcal. Depaty Reeve Agoec deciarrd sats opposition to the tetonaag cf lansds as Brooktile . fThe smnte cessazoneetheandceccrease is value andsmeiltspsaiasaee, and 'sp aigast drist". Rente MacArthur pointed cas ste hald dffieted cash the FligotBard sastasdessma tesaase dce fris the soceatapas Officai Plit gave tlie raght fer deaniapsiea sas flic viage aeas Ste atared dot tad sas aappstted alise Officiai Flit.a Ste fois. iacrer, flic film tad passhaseds(ielandaingccd fcatt lardttliccavsiiadpaasodtte" oftfici pla ic feuric faili '.If I tad parciaadttlicafodtccwalnd sailc faIt tlie hy lac saad as ccaid ie reecced" doe cecladed. Tte Plvanig Bord motios tej .eettat aise sec ccssg applicasintasced flctownccship preseetiy hald smne 500 lots aalatir fat destiopsrent sud faralser lots cerenoet coossdere iesesay. Csatasilsai Astmav sggeated ft i faise towndhip dads'tcae deveispmeet cf Brectealie tht allahoud hsave hen deletes iarli Ofticiai Plit. Asted ay lisa fasse casate ttesetig sacw claen i cas coe aeteoded as praceed ci deeiapnet tas teve pears. Ms Bradgaa sitad tlie vend fan icet-saate pIava hy develepes Ht satorsard al cas est practirsa as tcld failifd l n ern snert susch as the casrasc Dtpsss> Rosse Apatc deslios sctiss a ptetdses aed Osr dessas cf aise FPaceesng Bcav alacaid sar srtiecttglt Tht prepasatsas of a hy-iam cangae lad[inccasaalAcand' aonssoci Vtcaappraeed. aide soadsandscocessionmardis. Maps presected hy Me. Askmaca dataited tise tapdsc proposaifcoeficfie toentersthe township on te cortttctete No. 7 tigtcsy teoda ta go ta Rcocod. It ccaid continue an a sseaagtt diagonal fine satting the Guelph Lace as flic ncstt rasa sortes ofilot 30anditeae 1963. Ht oster teck post graduaellmork ttheniversity of Totonto feose 1963 ta 1965O. Ms. Woods ccc livresi Toronto chete te mates tas tome mish tis cafe Maripa and ther tteee-yeas-oid daagter. M'hile hic fatr isa dostos Ms. Woodsadims fins hald tattie to do cathfiis desn tesiorne a taspiao admmaistsatos. Sine te mas 15tyeaes oidhe hadflfinia e emnpicymeot dataog the sommet fatfdhlng a scaety cf tasta. I tnrc i did't macsta te bca doctas bt t cacoed te do aomettitg to soottatate te tamacatp" te eaiand. WIit an soitege tie cmned tas oct buaimens, seiang fcacdty peodacs. Afser tirat te oced and operated o Florentine Foactlin Stop front 1967 tn 1969 chren tal jot as assistentt odmiciastcaot ap toc moot cft fismine. It cas fasr, scys Ms. He mas tise tecapoont cf teJ C. Brco Memcvi asophy fos sancdang tist as ais clsin tisd and fossais pean as Raterloo and lin aise mac c ssadest ashoevsmect acard as Ratesloo. He effeta a modeat espiavaccan for tot acotan. -I St te sadrt oainsemeot aacaites and iasego aot cf fat, andi1 gaessccoeiese tniedcon tise exama cin i cas slisese- Dariog Osle samrmet tie and ha fcmily eocy ahieicotagtttat Hunsvaileand davuia flcavnt tie falhes s ta seg. Hie sad te mas pieaed as te sppoavted and eacated chocs comag as Mitse Hspital. .These a s arexcellet medesci staff, c dedssaaed board, a fone toapatai and a teie isapatai STR5KE INTO FIFTU WEEK OSshes ait MOltet Brich Ce.. Base Lite Rd. - egat tent fstf cent cf piskt dasp Mccdap mctviog. Ttesetlasahtieevvno offes fsom raithes tht compasof maaemetstorccin fficots c'r meeting to etat cegchtatacss on the sco peat pro ject the tcoatahp bttcno t 24 and 25oncthe Psinstcaouday. Tte Plsanig Board tnief ncted! the hydre taun appeasnd to fcttc los fines troaghoot is ectsne iecgtt anocvd Laste Ostario, watt the exceptson cf a part ofaadjacent townshipcand Nassagactys. Oppcsis the diagonal fine ac oste toccttap, is mas poicted out sast a fine coatd cotestreguarla stsped ptopnrt, deatray macp aspects cf cnservatiov ccd sedase pscpetysvalue. Opposition s)as ansiso an tiseli area cf the Btar Springs Creek was asodccted y te rad iverCoseration Aathisstp sci vcted tise ceee mas the oiy coe n fientr systese asis pots esscagi se Mn. Ashmcs pomared out flte toate pseposed ty site Ontasio Hvdsc mcaid macr the demtohitonocf cet 40 homes, barsancd cthe buidngs. Bp sovrac asotescaute stadcd moaidcaffet ociytcotcomes The propoed toate mcid cisocoompieseiy tssalseOiOte 55 500-acte fasseis and natatea, and inoadditionscoaid ane a fssthes naglit 100 asoe fens foc actai of compiete andpartialdamage te 1,800 actes cf acti mn cfilas tcmaieipc msect ccaahie land, tbuildinsancd catarai eoucs Ms. Ackmssn opctted the Board forousct dtigoatrd AI, A2 aicsg cati B coaid strass tise inas damage te Osec pecple, pscpesty and tnosrent ci Nasagcec.RoutenAI pasard item aise tcesipas ceas hcasdasry bten cats 23 ccd 24 tc thet oilave hesceen l ahasd aed fccsaiscsoceo. tro dattsaip notl a flic hccendaspotnd eastsentept tlie origial projection ci fl Thne cvraciic emphcasied. as dsd fian tre, aise townsip csaid -ptoin t cia ins file tiacagh aise township as as asr alitratiaeso scd pseios tc sc tis sie tvoed. And tht rts t aiocd infinssrepcrtare oiyttmegmidcstedaasaciacppy alterntvs , and cia under te macamie dmae shcaldiaet te posie sccecsid sh a iv etl the Towshitp echtiet Tht hsaef aoggeattd tlie rcate pspoaed ty the H-ydre caaild t ra dasates oct ociy for tise tht peopln cf Nassatamepa bt aitso a dia ctes aolc stecrai .soc-pciiahcen ced cocneacion sneesetsc(f tlie peuple cf Onarioa soc and se tisc auture" GAPEFRI 8LEA FNIRST RADEBUTRL9 OATOESAC 3 $1N-FO029 DEVONA BRND RLS SC. REDRE BCO F s P 79< LON PORK CHOP LBOX9 MAUS LAGE 59 DAD JUST 1E GAM E GOOD USWDTVS Q\ WE HAVE REAOV FOR VOU A 0000 CHOICE 0F USEO TV5S * AT REASONABLE PRICES AGNEW r RADIO EUICTRIC im :LMAINBT. - CAMFOELLVILLE *64-2262 - 854-2239 - Nassagaweya Twp. opposes hydro lino WORK EXPERIENCE Tis per for the firai tise, theets to thr efforts and aoderstaodis cf E. S. Lavonder, soeof onr eradosasngogils are ta have te opportasity for actual on-te-job coek expeerence prier so graduation. Mr. Laveuder is chtain cf the North Edoorsion Cestre ofethe Hattos Connty Board of Edocetion. Yvette Dsatoas, Connie lnneBrends Net, Anse P anast d eth Rotitaie miii te spendata a foil ceet. 9 tamn. ta 5 p.st. at the varions datrict offices of te liaiton Coanty Board. On the aftrtnooe cf Match 2 tesotmercial tractera accosepanird the girls 000a peese tont ofthe res offices, whet ctct ol mas snsrodoced te the persos cho malt te sapeevoing tiee, a stoco ties dest, and cas told chas types of jets ste woatd te eapected te do. Tte giels siarsed mort on Monday. Matct 9, and tougt me tnoss ttey are a tittie oevuw re sore tteycwill do keetpiug oàye on airport Milton Cocai coot eotr the Omagh arpos cneraeY. bt ciii kssp an tlt oc the projeci mesehers cf cooacst agretd Mcvday. Cececiletr Art Metanso tadl ottscdrd cer Oseagh sasepayers' seetinsg ce tanday as an observersandtrepctdtcCoaocdl Moodcy esgls tie rtepayersar gcsgscspacplnnig toard heavti fnsThataday ateicea ccud pratest. -They feeitw ahcatd heone atioesd," he Mot coaiatos agreed ta cympatece cctsthersesdeots hut efféed ce helm sapport at tsaLme. They nosed ftisas it se flhc ltsa draft for tegicrat soenent hacadeties the acrpcst ptc5sct ccotd stitt te iccted on Oatvstte. Matctrs, campfstes and smokitng maeeiet cause mats. stefrm aint lists le- sant chirs se eess. Btowerfll elsus ae lent, exe. Lite an saedtsseo, dBaer opens end shtn feam eittee nids. Caomplots accona fxe gesiet bttinB BN otildena, casieteeap sftercsed. Exclasivs flexiblespase#l syrofetekeepsesteinsidstat. Woe't ceack, ststote, sesld, seildew, a. ee-eet L:ifetises eeplacemtent uaesetes ee psnels. No opee traskto catch dlit. Optionat dcrseteparfis cesaisie in seide ctnirs sf n $5495 Shawerfeild e Safety 1 Fîmi5is affront 55.59550 panels prossol fon ti est ltourfml srontts snd ttusss. cUnitsgiste, ttsyt5e rusoanîad sscneot. t:e j L Shawerfeld ls J_ AcressIbllityl No gropaeg for leur batig etsild behind ssiI Bpet by-psstuab ftoun saffler end for comple 111HjjjJ , Shawerfeid lBsi Canveelence' jj- A damp tlth ksps yo uitche and batfslhesopen trak t catch and olt diteordold Inter 5,shtnott braI to R5ffietr~is5555dI1 [iIA¶OPELIDwUIII3' Electrical Modernization can improve on everything including the kitchen sink Electrical modernization can help f Il your kitchen wmth extra convensences. You could adai an electrmc dishaxasher, enjop better lsghtung and use ail the appliancex Von need with neyer a blown fuse. But electrical modernization cax improate more than juet your kitchen. With enough electrical outiete throughout your home, Von can use al the appliances pou want, Weheever k pou need them ... and you can event havei electric heating. Improve pour home vcith electrical moderniza- tion. tl coxîs lees than pou map think and the 1-iparo Finance Plan can help make it possibe Caîl a qnaiified electrical contractor, or ast your hydro.t livre bottuer eieotricaliy MILTON HYDRO 250 MAIN ST. I. PTOi 078-234 CHILO Ctitd Tyando are pis tiet c etý Weil son Oit day, M DITTB ft, On angtsa Its., 10 Marot MARCI Oan of 101 Mississ tee, 'Lt pliai a grandi! fioedoe Ms. O -MARSI Mars Beaads ed ta meigt Distict Moech Teent. McO Gary cf 23 pinastal of the ceitht H.spit trotte WEBB Rets tan,- ar tieth a Milton Match BOOTs and Masga Boothi ding s Knox Gecaga St., M sotel Mr. G2 cand t place RADE and their O MarCie, Rcdhc Grase HARG son (I Sas-at et of Mior sais shilda Monda RARE Fida3 aheth R. t, Rosse (Mes. Ida il toc; s Bet Resto Modta tera Biche 05 Ma taxes an t. Oeeg canal REMODELINGI SHOWERFOLD'TUB ENCLOSURES EXCLUSIVE NEW PRO0UCT TO MAKE ANY BATHROOM COME ALIVE WITtI EXCITING SEAUT .. . ssse.ŽjA OOmcatos 0K rezoning at Brookville for 155-lot subdivision t r d V