Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Mar 1970, p. 23

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Dental healg'h controversy S h. ADVERTISIcMENT Mass ,,rrrrorrurcn i0 an Iportant reue' inrncing gccd drntol beaîb hauStsa 1r Georgeown, tho local cubia T.V. comprîr> liao. ciffrd tu tri ecast spot cioicninso -Marpbp the Moisir". TInsio.'aorr w adatcaîrona cocrpt rdrntlyrrg dentaci braila t ira Ycungslrs Theact.rrrcrrrcii frfinslocaliCompany ir errorooici cod applecrirtd Sp tbe Hulron Crîrrîrî Hauiib Unit. VOIIiNTEERS A tromber cf droarsas bane rnenl conlacrdilmeoaprrsiag hibrconracand draina c amroco the dantai baib cf the norimairi One daclasti n parurlierin Georgetownr hua caay Baorecuslp offarrd toriO s frai gratstaid in he scrrrnrro anrd educaîror Progrant an Whaî FREIE DENITAL KITS Oneof ciiler major maufacîurrscof dental icclipunta ban Sara gavn Permissicon Io distribaîr fra,' kils cnIarorrrgrothprare,ua ttcWSasW, dental oier rî rci Sookiats and dîrclasins mufars. . ira rabidara in grades lwu and Whrrr Tbara deal ki ts bava bran mpprcnad Sp ctr Malton Ccunrp Bnard cf Educion und Sp Wre Ontario Dental Amsociatiora MORE DENTISTS IN AREA Maypor Duby fromt Aclon rant a ]rfîrt to me, rquaig ui in cbluining unoWhr denbi for lira Tomn of Anton. I bave conlanîrd tbe Facuitp Of Dantastry and the dentl ruppif bouras int Ontario, and am optimisra ilirai postivra tass miii onnur tIuth ybeux.a The prscrnt rto cf drabisi t0 population in Aclum avras approxirnutrf ore toS5,00. An rdral ratio saîBesird Sp tbe Canudian Drntal Assocition i ole t0900 population. WATER FIIiDRIDATION An intransltanimutar Ounirîdaon bas brrr resirr Sp Mampy Politiniens mnd nitizen' surah as Ma. E. Tyler, Jr., frnt Ant.. ' boa bard a obamaicai analysis mmde cf tbe Actant vii, and on Permaay 16, 1970, il rborrd a flunrid conntent of 0.1 parts par miblon. In ardar fnr mmter fluoraaîon 10 Sa effective, il sbamld Sa raised t0 a lavai cf 1 .0 Pats pr millin. If matr Ouoriauica mere Sanaght luasa Seing, il mcaid tadaca drcmyy 60%, thus arouses Il's an dll mmnd Ibur Slows robody Bod Aard sotau ralbrr oinfarorabîr Pabfinir a Homdîoop tOl ar ocrra Haitosr Counrys dr.laih statas, or lack of socb, slirrrd ap roc s public nolcry and socb a contrerrry fibal Dr. Samurl Grrrn, Dîracror ofvDrsnal Hra1Wh Srrvicrs with Wre Hnlton Cooaîp Heaih Usd, tibns wrrb rrports thercontrovrrsyjus spurrda nrmawakin o ncein dntal braith and tdoogs arr imprariog almost dally. Thr foiiomioB is Dr. Grrons spacial report on mbaî posriir rasoirs bavr Iranspîred inah Ibparlfrw wrrbs srcr tbr ControrsyIlrfûtrtherfront pagesof th arwspapars. Hr was rarliar qaoîrd as sayisg tbr drotl braiîb of cbiidrrn an tbr norlbrri Pars of Malon *wao in Brîso sbaPr a sîaîrmrnî br rrbrmrnsiy draîrd. By S. M. Grrrn, DODS., O D.P.H., Dirrclor, Deral Mraiîb Servicas, Mniîoo Coanry Hraiîb UnirS I wooid lika te Ibank tbe adilors of fibis ormnp.,prr for tbr opportaailp of roprsaBaserof my Ibougbls concraroBlbherrrcenalprour cuad bya mioOoIrrprrIrd articlr prinîrd racanriy rrgardinB drntal bralin o airor Courty. Due t0 lbr construciverefforts and marcrr t aPProachb y tf ihe cOmmrnOry miodrd crîoris, Poliîcans ard tbr capale dîrerront of thbr niror COcoî,Y Hralii Uni, drfinrîr positivr rrccii b.raverooird inlthepast frmarrbn BENEFICIAI BESUITS INTLREST 1,garera brr lias bran a gratr rorarrîr arooorad as t filnr dental brajîb statua if tbe conunurly, rnprcraiiy fibat of thr ehirridror. Many Principals rocb as Mr. McKannar ur Robert Litire Scbcci, Mr. Smitb aI M. Z. Beoneti Ochci, bhana an rosiastranjy baraird uu lrts t0 promotr drntal brihah avelboorrraon toathebarprnsr Of Puchclrcog audro-viscai, ards t0 bnlp niraro chirrdrrrinlhercasroms. Tbr lsIfI teeth and mpaird mouthbfio I are lorTge]Y file rancir of nrmircl. 1le '.loion tu tbe probirm of naiect i, ductorn trire use of prorarrore and cniol ineoorOrac Tberaducarcrroi facirîrrs Ot ocr schoolcir.îrfere, caand do play arrIrfItorriin riinortheîlbni f droîihoib of thr cbiidrra in tbr Cou"[> To realir tI o ai cf bettrr dentaol lieulib fer cbiidrrn 1, Dr. Grern, mat i a ihorrrrabrof priocrpaisadlbe staff1 ai flie lorcal scboos te dci ary Ofof AI HIcALISI GI»UUM GUIDE 01, icbroary 19, I aras inorîrd by Mr. Haitoc board centre. Il roas an erelaroy costructive anc pbodoctive rnrnirg. cianra 5bt Parties rr-ampbasrard Ibrîr oollrra0rassr intention and drsrr t0 coPerale crnpletrly inodrrroraBadvanced concepts orf tocclrg dntial albrnth rcol.1 is end, lira Nortb Halîca boarrd 'fait i wcrkrrg ime taî rs,rabirr a "dental bcalt carriculurm Iluride- toicar by lracbrrs front Kiroderr orîr grade tivr. A pild sludy of titis buokalet rs braoo carrird ort by Mr, McKenrr. II arit Roobrt ifileo Scbolii Ac(icr pa pa cf îinterest PrrorolroB mucb Para, discomtforî and roprnsr. Tha nosî would Se samrewhere in the -rborhood of 1010e25 carIs par parson par yrar. TIhis is approximately whaî twa obocolaîr bars cosî, or haif a packagr of cigarrttes. Oo Sbaif of thr Harlon Coansy Hralb Unit, 1 wooid br esy WdlB tlO5iton any commllar estabiibied li Ihosa tos wharr Wre citizras wished t0 do a frcasibiiry slody on waler flaoridalroo. FACTS REGAIWING DENTAL PROGRAM A clarification of certamn facîs shooid br madr rrBardiaB tha drora prorain on Haiîoo Cauary. Basicaily, thr program noanisîs of roanralion of tbe cbiidrra's lraîh for drnal dafroîr, from kiodergrtrîn througb t0 grade four ,ujso, motivational education as grvrr in drotal bralb. la four locations in Haison Couaîy, topaaluSorida clinios arr maintfrd for ohâdr frott thr aira of 3 - 12 yers of aga. Ther s no charBr for ibis servicr. This yrsr thr laIsI concrpts of Prrvrasrnr drabistry bavr brrr indriaîrd. Tbis conss of "brush-irs" wbrr tbr obidrra appiy Souoride la fibrr orn rrrihbSy brusbing Ibrr in lbhr ciassroom entdrsuprosioo and direction. Il sboald br madr absoioîriy cirar tbat thbrrri no Irraîraro srrvicr offrrd Sp tbr Hraltb Unit. Tbr basic rrasort for fins, os tbat theprovincial sonrrmaa1dues ne sobsidizr Irralmrar in public baaitb, bat onIY prrvrnoo Wr arr qalîr awarr fibat Sêoauasr of Our ioability t0 proordr a ttratmraî srie, ibis presrsl a floorcal bardsbip on famillrs in tbe coonry. Tbrrrbave brnrocellernîaîoi front tbr denal program siocr ils roorpoion on tbr SO's. Eacb prar, tbe Hraitb Unit fioda fibat tbr drotol braiîb sîalus of tbr Cocoîy lis ncrasrngby 5 - percent. This in rffect is saying Ibal Sy mraor of prrvnoion, lbr oîitiars and taopayr arr savno sorarmbrr cp t0 S300,000.00 par y ari rrducrd drotal bils. 'Tbr drnaa budgrt roprsrdilorr for tbr Hrailb Unit os aboot oor 1mWt fibns figre, bu sbomr rroecellenvaluerranmnrd bflbreCoon for thr Iso dollar on bralW maltra. Tbrr arr lbrrr drotal Irama iat Haloo Coanty. Oneis assiBnrd foalr e orthba aveu, sod lbay rxamior aPProxioatrly 4,800 cladren Par Scbooi ear, asrdr front tbe Souoridr Irratmraîs, rtc. ln tbr saaaWer morr braoily Populatrd parI of therCounty bhrralwo tramsandatit roa eaminrs aPprooiataîry 0,200 obiidran. C orsrqorly tbe srvicr rradrrd ferNortbh.lalron Countyisrnrry bit as adeqocîr as Ibal proordrd for tbr soutW. .A nam organ miii Se rottodued aI Si. Jobn's United Cbuanb, Gergetomn on Torrdup Marcb 24 mbrn Da. Melille Cooa panraonts ancagao ctal Cbuach mambars ure rrira tickrtsaî $2 acb for the 8.15 p.m. amciral. Dr. Cook bas bran caBanasI and cboarmusr cf Meloopolaran United Cbaînb an Toronto aroar 1967 and bus Prrfcrmrd an concerts atourd the mcrid. on programi Èra of thn chdldrra fibit bad caviîrrs an raoutr. Zalon Col cmareas a " a graBtr dirrasan tbr ms f tbe Prorinct l* Et.bcol: for Acol e riplr 42 r -nt, andrinth IbSrccgbof 40 par c Ycr 46 par crn1 Of tbr chidrîn bad ra in cavii rsm 1969 The fesrr Percentuaei draîrîru t'O"gb la Sa dur 10 orrail rvmrrr legs], rîl flocirdaîron on Ibase aIras. Pubie br The mcre rnlrraulaaBstarstrc r (bart a ci cil Pc Srrakdowo of Muiron Couory Irai> uboror plama rr tbal an Iba aorlro armas, more clrrldrc brho bad! cavrîrra lbao an tbe rouWhr amuIs rrocb Tbis, I Snirara, is diracîly relatrd t0 thr rduca lac prarraca of walar lucrdaciao on Oakvrlîa actron T andBurlrnoîowatrsupplies-in àl la conclusion, tbe drnal braiîb asi cuIr 1cr t of Haion Cou y isvry ba od as baer prc oWrer armas in the Province. Howrvrr, vie dari î kncm rOuI 98 par cent of thr Pdpntarl o'rh i wrlllieS afflrcîrd Sf sonne tenfoo fdental rîo drarasa durrng Ibrir lifaltima, and viwr om , r IbrI ulmoar car Suif of tbr cbdldrra arr rocibina arooad arirb cavalirs on thbarr TIME NOW ... TO BUY YOUR FER IIE THE LIONS CLUB 0F MILTON WILL AGAIN THIR YEAR BE SELLING FERTILIZER CAMPAIGN WILL START MARCH 13rd AIRO GRAIN 7-7-7 FERTILIZER Daîrrsred Io yar door -40-1. bal $2.95 lEagar braînel mbo mari t0 ont Cheir fertrirrer on cbfra tSe' ions corne arouEd, cn pcb rf rap tirelnne'a from Laon Georea Clemnn - necîra Or, S. - 878-2328) n r s ~ , ing roecs o "%WE SERVE"'J Tbaî rs te ra, tbrp havr c dental rl thbri mocîba. be reraiag fuor rabu oseoarr raI cf tbr cbiidrro. Irm i last HailcoCourirybd narrr brrr tc Tbi iaorugc il r air rrcaiund Paofrrnrcoaî docf titi, rîrbir. Experts trel] us thro Wr cc I Sy rap Io 85 pro cin arrd iri rintrntrcn ccd baut cf my staff to fusa noal thbogh prevrarco, *n adctganizd cacr * dati tirrs gcal, rocirh rrnd= on Cccrrrp mýstar sue B rrsPOablttcrrrhk prpr irtnaninracd lirrîr cirdro frcort air denîrîr, andtu Pr proir gccd eaitb hbitrs. Tbrrre a r ccfog ra pplicable "Be rrcr poco hey wrli br luisert roue t u 10MiSiFREE DELIVERY8760 Red bit bands on police hbos Woadrring arbp Mitlon Police OffOcr ara wrariaB the fiaab1 nwrrd bat bands? Tbr arc bands mr Oirsi aoîicrd lest mrrk and haverSrcomr part o tbr carfcrm for ail municipal pcicrmen an Ontarioc Milîcon Cbrrf Ray Aodrrs, acird tbe med bard cffers oniformiY for municipal poice officars and bnipo distinguat Ibrm front nrcoaily men, posîrre and ti lr corfonrd people arbo magirr Sa misiakan for Police officars. Wii m uaicapa officiers wac rd Sanda, Ontrio Provncial Police wrur Sior Sanda and tbe Royal Canadien Moonîrd Police ma thr Iraditiona paiicw band, Fergus man given townshiip position Campbell Tbonpscrr, 26 cnes nated i tr building cnd plotabrng rnsprctrr zoning admctrstratca aod nacar tory 10 the plaing 0board cf Nussacgarryo, Sf tcwonsip cocorii bonday. Mr.Tbcmpscrraaaouîard and [ives an Frncs Ha bas Srao an construction ratb Guelpb firms andiassrd aconstrtoa tecbncicranardrîîrimaîor. HerncccradaS.WWnaewbo encartly resirrrd fecar tira position. Organ recital1 RICIIT HERIhI AT HOME. fird o maie selctiiOn cf for favorite Irmoirs brandsin aîl rangeocf p ira t lii pose budget. Sirop t'O' ulie yoan aniod orro. Know licol lhe morrry foc rafcîtis a it innostment in then fureia Of poir cOOOmaniy, frovdirg for irs peogrshoani geomîli. Maho il a habit 10 sbop hem, arn Milton. Milto11 THOn. DEAR SHOES IRIS STATIONERY EST HARDWARE SVERS LEDWITH'S SUPERSAVE MeKIM 137 MAIN ST. THE HARDWARE 'ELIOW BALIl5~JN - ~ Get The Community Spirit And Visit These Stores In FREDRICK'S MILTON TRAVEL BSKIH' THE MANS SHOP SERVICE BUS WEART MILTON AILLSEASONS HAR DELICATESSEN HAIR STYLISTS SEIRITE STORE FRED MI LIS WEST ENDMITNC MEN'S WdEAR MEATS MITONPI RE F000 BAKERY ST. LAW6RENCE DAI ELEY FRUIT MARKET DVSJWLEa L T N D P . S O E B O B B A R T L E T T 'S E L S I E Y D R tJ G S LEMENT'S PAINT 5140ES ALFONSO'S FRUIT MKT. & V4ALLPAPER CHARDSON'STV MILTON FABRIC 137DMIN T. TE PU Cl Ri MI à 1 The Canadien Chamnpion, Wadnerdcy, Match 18, 1970 mi. bjl lor Ili, L. Rhowland o ilr bruilding. Ha plana Bpîr ocha ccqrrrod ihe rcd diyrrm 40, ci her beis h p Lrt r efiec rwr beil trath coiiected. WE SERVE THE EAST ENO Too. Yoor Rbicher Say,. The braI paror are getting hghrr and hiher- each dey. We re 5% highar Iban lartfr ca thisrnîrrrr The imerae sock 0F ve freeear is NOW!! The icreasad drernad Ior braI in tIO prices avn hrghar. HURRyr Wh le noc are Ihrrkrrg about th. "bcrrr ituation take adcanlage of ou pacials. WARREN CHARLTON Fresh Fryer or 3 -4 lb. Av les (RIeR. .49 l ROASTINO CHICKENS39 b Fresh Chicken Legs or Ra CIIICKEN BREASI.S Ibi) 55b P S IR",,"RbIS6 cI POLISH SAUSAGE fU Fresr iRO .9 BRab. Baby Beef ver 69 FRESH MIOW àtAAI l4lE FLLET OF SOLE FI LLET 0F HAD0DOCK SMOKFDO 0 ARRIVES ON TUEDAyS F HOTRS Milton Stores Have Lots of Easter Values STATISTICAI DATA Sosar people buve qursiord tba aaWranicisy cf or denal slatralans. The dental divisiona burin OPeraîlon a stalasîlcai eaaaion pacgram arbanb mas dasagnrd, creatrd and cbrckrd for possail inaccuracars Sy profescsio la rpidemriogy wiîS Ibrar marrars and docîcraîr deras, ut the Faculty cf Drotiltaf, University cf Toronto. The anIsai format on howth Iba ilîran are urrarrd ai, Sus Sara lard dcmnSby the Provncial Mruiîb Orpaltmnt. This tocS pee alyascof rasearc, andarcrow accrratea c standardrrcedrnîuîîccof 2.74%, winch la argigabir. Waadcmly srlanîad cbidrrn arr dentaIIY roamiord an deluai. and ther rarails laSoalaîrd on a mark arasa curd. Tbaar crds ara fred t0 a computr ai the uninarrîf, and facer Ibis paocodur, the baib unal as a Sîr t0 eraluara tbe rasulia cf the progruar. Dental sluaslacr haaet 10 Sanalyard erf carrfoilp, and il is an ibis regard fibit mlachconfusinaruilrdfacm theareport n Sa conîronrsiai artileana Jacuaay. A Physicien or droîni, spaciaiuiog or the anivrrîrî in pubic braitS, rucb un four dediaa Offanar cf HeaiW or Dental Oirantor, must laba apprcoxiaal in rost Braduatr coursas an mrdinai, deal nd italsuatsacs, and an erromaîrins and pademroogy. Itla s Ibreforea 0prerco Oili-rurord an slalaslacs WSo can oicnliy ndl nalmly inrprarth Iarsulîs. If any Hait on citiaen as antrarsîrd in btaing more in depth anaiy sas cf the.a Barrs, il la avuilabîrla n h ybrlyr report f the denal division uit Wre HraiîS Offices. INTERPRETATION EssrntlauSy, the more intereatinB rraits f te dental prograi ara Ibase. Ifon tipureis thr incidence cf drntl cavas the cbddirrn an Hairon Ccuaîy an 1950 Ibul la 1969, car couîd arr a reducîrca ont 92 par nana t1054 Par aenl. TSar lasIc Yfiabat day rs Srcommng irîs and lîss eraîrnr, bar the fuca sîril raraina tSart 54 r cent cf taa cbldrrn rxaminr in dto Coanîy iastpyar ad dentalnunîîru one degrie or another. Naw, car mighl ask, Scm dors tis unipare t0 etWar comInrtis? The 54 per -Mas. John Ridgeway cf Milton won a braurafa a iterpakin dcnmad Sp Baardmr arun d Comnpany, Anlan, in a donr prira dramarta Malon Dinisaon Guide Leader ahaner an Anlon laIt mark. Anlon s Mapor Les Duby prranled the dcmn S DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRYI S MILTON AND ACTOpd fDiesorv fer Df.als

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