Borne Centre hosts organization meetings Sy H. Chck You pcobubly know of Tis yecc te ,Rganization soutiecne o, cs tcteested e, moieî,c foc th, Hut,, 4-H jcclmg, 4-H tis If s, brirg H nst, Caif Club ,Hall,, 4-H ban sang8 If lie w.c 12 Yeats eeey.uesey ducl purpose asl by Jccucef 1, 1970, and is sohoCain lb Hall,, 4-H cl bc 21 yeces, cf aile by Dec. lSf Calf Club, Halton 4 Field 31, 1970, lie ils mou cerîaicîy Crop Club, Hallo, 4-H welcome. Hcwev,,, one must be Consernation Club, Hall,, 4-H 16 yeces cf Rtc cr une, bef,,, he Stccwbeey Club, ccd 1h, Halîcu cac bc amortifie cf the Hiall,, 4-H Electric Club Oi be hield ai 4-H Electiec Club oe the Halle, lb, Scyce Cccmncity Cectre 4-H Cocseevution Club.' Tis ce Saurday, Match 21, 1.30 year ccc-fai mesembees ae p.m. The Scyne Ceci,, os eccurager! by a change iu the leccied 1h,,, miles souîh cf cules aed eegulutins gcemtcg Milton ce 10 Sideecad, jast eaut 4-H clubs in Ontario. of Highway 25. As foc pecbabîy hew, If yoc are ploanning tojelu 1h telbesuare gctcstcbiegien Acte, 4-H Caîf Club c, th, eve cpplotuimty lu becce Actec-iîedp l the more icecineil, and more cgiton,- mield ,go lb the cespcsble, in 4-H tis yeu,. beld iai 1,o, Ceincuiy bPcFo mec, cf lb, huins'unil Coia h co omnt why' oefthe 1970opa, le,' Cente o e neday Match2S, se, ycu ai the crgustbc ai 8.00 pilm. meegs. Omnagh History reviewed Sy Mrs, foîî,,50, Othc, mcmott cccallcd wr Mîs. Colin Marshlîcl c oîmeeting with Hornby eetairoeliîc nemhîtc of b thteian Chh i 1927 Omugh Preshyteriat, W.A. and follomteg Uicoc and late, w116 W.M.S. on Thoîcday Matcht 12. Bostoncongregation ust1h, tee Ms. J.C. Mhaloî îfened lic chuhes wer ,.ind cn oe c W. A. mengcîlig îpraye chare. On Jun, , 1932 Omagh y The hotîcon îoulidîd a Jtte, ladies utnded a social f ef titutîli forî lo,,cet ool1 aftrncoît uit1h, home of Ms hics. Jack Chiiioflcî îecenlf R. D,,dg, Euchfcursincc thut 'I an ahdnto a aet ii is utmla enfCmp loeo.forslies. lS,0,,,1 followd ud Omcgh iscgam ha packages of Cariadu fooh,î lahelsit tted t0 be 1h,,, g0111 in June wer, haded in Laisar of~ etlisyeti. t remieded to,,n1,î,lng. List of le 1933 cite goupvotcd to tIl peoduot choits lu Save ele Chuange their came fom Laidies- hcded out. A distcssonîîo1 Atd 10a mor, sephtsttcaid tilt,,' purohusiîîg a dhomidifier foi Th, Wome's Assoctation. Inc the ohorch held. Bazaa î s le 93hlthe ftst mion bandui isstforNov. 2l aBoye Omagh wus organcedhfyR,. P CecîcIle . Mîs. C. fotteson oeil Mît. S. F. Acdrews. Tht, has a inelcomedI 1h, ladies ced hce fitîhfulf caîucdoocutil a thakd ho sts uncîcc d feul age.a oecducî,dl fle W MS. fortio0 of in 1933 1he ft,îî clectrto liglits P busecss. werce istallcd inOmgh chuch a, Sale ccd tofly ilony cre, fie laieA. A.Galbaith and et ceqoclîcil for missions vi îtc, that lue the W. A. has N Septembe,, hoie cooid tîclode fooleil 1he bill foi the power qutits, lufettes, yard goods, large uscil So e sh, iî gees, dcwa hs dres1e ctrspaksadcl uuhtéSo rdtdyi oehr clo t ies lor use fit 1970 tltcoogh th, effcrts cf u ,esecnet ut Keora. Log handages W.A. ccd W.M.S. menmie, cf 90 kett fronm White c.opet cup 1h, fasI who labcued and thse eu aubout 30 icht lotig aic of the prsent whocaetyyonihe alt reqeott,olcofont cii sir~t work, Omgh churoh sua qu dresses. Oe wà1 liided ni. beauîîfoî well kcfî plot, of fa hc Worid l)oy ofi Ptoye, morshtp. ccy modern with a sriewcs îollnodwilh Mis. ltdoediandheroadloomccad a bIt Robert Sowtiridge as leader. Ieccclf cemîf ,cdcouî,il Te Th, lhee -Toho Cioi )aeutwa hascent wilh o hccdîone tîletiw much cenjoyd. Mît 0î,tcîîidge iloo, o gift fronm a senier oIt ulsoereadlcwofooois Fiot Spt mendcer. Wushooms ond ca of 1h, Chrit Child and Livintg cite havehccttuaddd tuntake Oit unte dofaitlue. Mît. Margaet Ilitc cîuc h coenet fo, Le Lambct led iii (lie tînotl offlt meetiegs. Nesîied umetlg fic Ro Ilfmes offîlaite icovel lices antd so,,eundd bf Jolt Siote,, ladestttitoîid toi bcauifif cemeleef, il gices B cal, wod -pru.Ahhît ilitoy solto, oeil comfoîî 101oh, dise of th, Omcgh W.M.S.wa otgce leembesuandlai]loho pussf cyga hîithe pesdeit The, otitty Th, metingtlosed with call cas formcd ti Nocoehoe 1922 fifei, aosaleforW.A. utsheld Plut and hsh,equieacivec, cul " lut,, 1he Itess and bel< stee.titoas ttodtfile otolied comee Ms.F.Anmeuand cul Gefcîth.Aoxtili.ty init,îtiî,to Mis F. Peacock secnd a Ami tetîtîccuef anfils it Ou Dr.i tii tilout lunch. held tirs.' Gofortht [lt îloîîîîîîî h1o The ceci meeting is toe bield 10 emicutes of flit, fou ycârolt an atiiflelhome of Mrs.Jessmae fit, inteting bts f itifocto Each gcop gave acepcrtîon Pol wece glcaccil The laiest i iis unt0 hei classes. Hcecbfus liti, fuci yeats okedoathtoooit, goîtiot stoif Ou, gice, by Mes. J. undi faries and feust0loîitiiOitY MoCotîton uand cast in rh e ith fo the oek of rite curcîli i Miss Flint of 1h, cruftu me 12 i92 loco, fteilo2ti0e deparlment, gavecomeetsuand eni mai;sced l'orlS o5Clso choweil sltcu of muy Plue tn 1926 an 2oiOgrafltod citit heattfol old ucnd modeen quilîs. Anlf cas acttoted ai a socil vtnti0i The q0111 club has b,,, e, att,, ilflic home of flic JteMr undi tooessfu ad c,,aîed so mooh exPe tics. James Putock. Tiie quit i tleletlulaimfne wiequiteg ques tom 44 yets oitistrleototîdhby seemd lohbuadyieguart. Seea A cm,,wn, Mît C. ftîttro, groops usked for c16er caft desi, lucyenames 0fformer Trafalgar lasses for net mictet. This onît ouicil, tiocl.îî otid i lleri succîcco day utluctcd more prope filtnen t ro.tlaecttos fluait af cote, foc a Fire mhtoiderd te lit quit, i ts toesid,,ahle line. scll ce ut b m mmres ttotett, h Tcl he membees of Hccnbf WL bol t 1926. ,oe ol ls teielet Nymnphs work on separotes Nussugumeys Nf mpbc 4-8l hceeuing club memibees eoi Mlatch 2 uit the hcee cf theii 'eode' Mes Sitdy Membeca discusei ceicfccc u curee sciae, ced inseetIcgauipe mhicb w,,, deecnsîcuîead byp1ee leuder and Susce Kidd. Theic sixth meeting me, beid Match 10 mise, Mes. Stanley deecnsîcuî,d appifinga maisiband on a sepacute. AU eure, ileeming und s]iPsicing. The girls ae ccniuig t0 mcck cn lb,,r sepueutes and hepe to hae16ee completeil bf the neci eeeting. Special mieet on fax piper *sfafe planning Hultu, Feilecîicc cf Agciculureis plannting a speciai meeting ci the Masccic Hall nee, Mille, thîs Thudu cfiecccn, Muecb t9 te d=ce the White Pupe, ce lax Refuce, and the îubjecî cf estai, planning for facmees. Atlfene ictemesied cn eter cpict snvSied tcithe 2p.m. ceeting. Donaldl Ccue cf CiAG nsccaece oiil bc16e speuker. He tus b,,, udlesng fari tecupu t esctai, picannitg fcc the paut "This meeing mili help liners leocu the steps 16ef cud 116,1,o plan the besi Sturc for heir fari and thei, tmilf, suid HFA pccside,î ectil Lawcence. "W, dcci' ink acf facme, o, affecil not lommu,>) Ouf in FHilleest huch on Tuesilaf, Match 10. oe, thu, 200 ladies froom cil uarts cf Haltes Ccunly ut w,11 s visito,î front Peel and ielliegîoecoceîîcs gcîhccd foc t e terestig g feno tcgcum. Mis. Ssn,,sî, hoe tocemisi meloomdthegu.,s til intioduced Ms. Velma ecis wo presided. Eight lestitot, scoops huti ci clauses ced ail met, prescrit i dspIuy thcit coepi.6 ecîs. Ihece wcc, quOI, cf bloe, Id, pieb andl mauveiln shicet cf ,eery ho,. Hoichf o hald a dîspiaf of about 50 it blocku. Ibece we,, picci tchcd, uppliqueti, eehotdeed i a esube, cf freedship îcks fcont The Yukon, N. W. ciîtois and 1h, United States ce îhewe. 16e,, me,, patterns Iacd eew. liethiluf sceetmsgs ucnd gooti lies 10 bics. J. Willmott, Licila riche, Churles Laurentce bct Sargent aed Sharon cf ce Cente mus 1he Scl, of tossice and geneeclpotesl test 1h, pofosedi ut, field cd Geetal Aviattoe Accpoet, nneti foc the Fou,îb Lie, te, Omuglt. The meeting led hy 1h, Rutepacers ooitloe of Wuid cne. anti on Sueduf eenieg Match duew a lare, cumec oif cestd persecs. Motse, lulie, ucd many othee ors milice ihis pcojecî esicable andl il mOll b, et *much opposition. An opena ll b ie ut oyc Ccclr, ieliesdc Match 19 otl the tins Board, ut 8 p.m. one Sneeeste I is icoîtet 1 dl, heae 1h, dctuils aed lis vieos ce regard 10 fhts Suturdafeceig file oyed the loige hrtck hoose ieOukville gaîbuge disposai trucks o,,, calledt il îugh Y.P.S. arc planning a in g Partf fo, Fîiduy FINAL WEEK WE MUST SELL EVERYTHINGI SO PRICES HAVE BIEN SLASHED. COME IN NOW AND TARKE ADVANTAGE 0F THE RIDICULOUSLy LOW PRICES A&T Rose's Vari.ty 192 Main St. SALE ENDS SA T. MARCK 21st OOUG~~ ~~ UAnOSEc i i e rst me ofm- grand champion sbcmm, lu16e icceck .6m ut nicesiîy e cph's Ccllage Royal celebratsiestla wmhk. Heis inethe second mmecceeîofu B. (Agrculture) course us Guelph. Shue,, with Dcog are Ontarie Agrimilucral Cuilege deac De. N. R. Richards and the Hue. William A. Stewart, Minuster cf Ageiculture andl Foodl. Reports on Windsor meet to fire prevention bureau Icspecîec Peter Cumphell of Oaknilic Fit, Depctmect submiîteti c report on ec, ftce preee vlticn oeffîccs' ceec,, uit1h, Match eeigof Hltte, Ceuety Fi,, P Bnut ure,,. He uttecded the Ontario Muncipal Fi,, Preennnen Offtc,,st Associaton oeufeence atWindsrtct ,h 4 te 6 us a Bureau delegai, astd reports he leucd much fcom te speeches and discssions ai the ihee dcy cenfe,enc,. Hacuels ef cotaintion cf Peticide inatehoue te c, tuy trainting cn tecocdaey schceis, cnsp, ttont of eicîtcul e quipseent in hespituls, Oire-iouding cf buildings and Pcepmed chunges in 1h, Ontario Depuctent of Labo, cegclatot o,,, amnoeg the main lapins itcussed. One Halton mac, ft,, preentioe offit,, Boh Gray of Burliegton Fi,, Deprtmeet, hcs beeu nmed to thenîoute of OMFPOIA thts yeti. He i lieusucer. tn othe, husinesst1h, Bureau leameti Onturto S fety Leugue hus gicen hbâtit tu aoe loclizeti symhal of -,,e tafeif Sosy Sean, o cartoon chacucte, whîchwilîhbc useillo plumule finesatfety tl0founegr Plans leîc fiealizeti for, Spctegtleae-op campaign atosc Haloi acnd 1h, SOuts memhcî fic, depu,îmneeîs mîlI hi ditibuhofng littcotue on thtt DRUG SA VERS PHARMACY US COMUNG TO MIL TON Both Formula 5 GDE TERGENJiV GASOLGINES , <:9 CL'EAN CAkBURE TORS MPA, the CO-OP deegeî udditine desetin, carhuî,eeos and keeps them clean for more miles 10 the gallon. Anti ihut net aIl! I culs ulullieg dueleocureolr icing helps pienentiorosi.-..oîoc fo mUiote pcwer whni ye0 neediluandllessens power ~ tess in Stuet deîving feor cai, i truck ced teucîee Y l cuehoeeîcrs thu dlean T Deeeen O-GOPcies MI LTON GEORGETOW 877-2271 _________________ iýý3PetroIeumn Products; Suggest licence On race trucks A $10,000 licnce,trace Thats the &toion Sixth Line Ltqueointcouci Moîîday ev,,,eg, to the prohiem tof lOtttgllilly '0 heiphoîild f.'2hooi--foînH.,nby,"k> "And with 1,co race trucks in 1h, lonhp it cotuli gc flice Otîhe, $10,00 lu sorts" li, udded. Ma Sowmce'î p opýr1y i Mdjcentol fi h,p..d Golden, Horceho, Dragway on th, sixt1h Lî,,e jusl notth of ighwuy 7. Together ncîth other reeidents cf th tire, he,, purstig court acn in anefort lo hae constuction of the drogw,,y Courctil, hown,,, deidcd 10 lohe th, moîî,Y fol th, pavillon Out Of the townhip's citl -Spîî,g? The end inhini has hîî,îîghî,d aed Iloiihî of 1 ra OticoulcotîcadIîokeg ge,î, lave îe spotte in01h thtie tho mo,,h. CAN GIVE ANY CAR THAT SHOWROOM. FRESN LOOK Corne in for a Complote appraisal today. BI[L'S AUTO BODY m 878-2721 Laoes-878-3251 The Cantiau Chamio, Wednesday, Maeh 18, 1970 ATTENTION FARM ERS e SEED GRAIN CLEANinG Our seed cleaning Plant is now Operating daily, cail us now for a seed cleaning ap- Pointment and avoid the rush laSer on in April. mhaE NOTE WE WILL BE UNABLE 1O CLEAN GRASS SEEO AND CLOVER SERD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE GRASS & cLO VER SEED Cail us now and order your small seed r.- quirements. It appears that grass and clover seeds may be in short supply by seeding time. We Will mix your seed orders to your specifications free cf charge, if given 48 hours advance notice. W. stocka fulino Nie MASTER FEEDS_ MASTE FEED STEWRTTO0 USED CARn S A E THI EEK PCA 1967 METEOR 2 door Hard top Lic. L10582 Turquoise, V-8, Automatic Power steering, Power brakes, Radio, White wai tires, Wheel Covers $4950 TRUKS ESPCILLYPRIEDTO CLEAR LET ONE 0F THESI MEN SHOW YOU THIS LARGE SELECTION IIMMILNEMILT NICHOLSON PLAZAORS LTD.' MI