-: a c P.ftI~,j 2 The Conodian Champin, Wededep, Mntcb 18, 1970 Canadin weeklies tell Sente Weekly press represents community "Tht natoas andopondont mettaiy patta as snnsmaan math the andope adeat csamnntpeash repooonîts. 'lot. an samini cf agle, the sooohiy bas thiedaonschage and rs i sho 1î ta poont.yais bath odilansaliy and tehnagsiia". neprseon tativs af Cando's soooity preîs talai the Sonne Heang an Mont Meda an Ottomo test motta The bnifofatlinod the gosth la servt shaoboaee alai o ies, tht aansaaing impopancet af theatooklyintheoral sentres tati the leadesiap theadtny pnactdod in the tronai toaatt afftet peintinfi ai pablisottans. The nseang nasbeoaf J oasc sin sbaai geodatst sonnngaon mookios as santsahshang ta an anssoasoti tiopth ai toposaang akaili anti an ansssning -tamberoesapea fas ashen meia" son aisa findssg sialosrgsng noies in the sotekip press. 'T6e mtattop gonoeraiip a stif-taffiaient buas on t he pet theostedsaofîegonoîotian mast cnse mass soathin. It bison noot fator a g boho ta atth tar i shaaidoî pnettnding ta toash on aid champton o isn in thbasic biessand motiiaf the fasatth ettta, tht baiof sammaciei. It met saggtstodi the weooiti al the latt strosg naoeo a aammassatp at nsaaia becoe eega anssatiz , absoshon o mogossoto oad egtoael gSossming badtosnorotetaop. tn Canade shoot are 24 foerlea nidsngs an atbsh shootar n taontgroatoî than 5 000 and in 52 nidsngs thooo as ottaownt ovr10,000. C WNA Pntnidett G. C. Ceoson poodasteti those o atsi be mao g u ergont a ic Exchange bis for $33 on disputed woter occount Beass.a Cheetts Lti. woat use ai the sheattasi plant's stait ftght atti Mitan Casastias ptapetty fat hieeatass dsspiayt ssates department Matday. tlait farthie past thoe, yetet. cocrst anoeesze water atte Ca-atstdeataily, Mr. Keetaigbest's andt as oesaise accouarnt fat catge tathettatsfoat"asetsf S3102athiash urcilai (tie propassy, seat ont anti test aates, assa winchi tise ftstn destrtion af gta5t hy bts selistttetiy dettea ataplayeus assa taatt's agents Beasatfiad a tataaich'ottt a.isle discalagg ftseataksaon aste asti acaasdssg ta the tassas iaiy 1, 1967, 1968,' asti 969,- al as, t yaa use 3,000 contes toseactiy $33.02 the galloaaa ass t.atwt'ici assi .nttttt dispate. srie thrata as $35.47.1If yaa Caasciiaos atese adasanas the havena lia.insantservc iecst atnsbill bcpatid siait ile ta $2.45 tas theasauete amisitmua feasats sasasse sittasit ga ta tise htllsag. Tata yeass aga Beasasa parssbaoadtthsislispatsasea ic abjecteai ta then tates peapaseai tarematsaispaya. The mastey asd ai id tlie tee "Mtet ts'tsinthe patha budget ta uanistics 'Thy afeseai ta pay cattsta.s atill likeiy enda ap paystsg Ilhe $2.45 bat fsatasi te tise bill sînf, as pasretene aacidttoa a $33.02 aa Ian samesfront sliteouic accoi t.Caanssfasr Charlies Fay satid la leasas ta asssaaal Manday. Ms. Kenagltttt htad pleasy af Bttaa.aa tassieat M. S. ssasatng ta cantge hts atates Kessgiaa asai il cattassi aseie tuahalifnhaliae, antdst tatiue t tatfo paymest. ataat "eilaissaaaiti tins, t aise saats ataaia ha dattnai to as its mov tnt ours. Girass tires Siga of spriîg Sureau coacemned about lasses Thesos aonc suse si thnit danst hght uaah eintthehist Spsssg sas't be fan aatay. plaae. Mlotnt hest gttss fates ai 1970 Fate Chaef S. C. Cunnhamat atesesepasted lait atela ta af Georgetaown, 1970 ahaiemet Dabsaille af Haltan Fate Ftnnonttas Haltan Caanty FIte Burea., ta tilsi imossible ta Preeetiaa Bureaa. a sell ho am sty boette, shoeds, saastyatsde gsaap of mon atha aatbaildangs, maadlatc eaid atask ta peevent fates beface ttaabltseet hane gaI tes the ltesstarttîa once agaan genaing atayaof arampattgaitsofr. saasretdabaat the geass rie "Btsthete hosebeen plentyaof menaceasa Hahasn Iaaanesreaat îtssnalitaeaaastheaasttty,eand yeas. Sprng grsa tises mice moesasnlaablt ptapesty isheing ettsated taaast theaasati"ala]st ahpatg thaagbaasb tasapayerssases $30.000. saeelessneaa," be otdas Bonides esag daagesaan, gass Fareftghteea are hapang fatsa httesareaiiegalsuneaayanshavtea teisatîfl "qaiet" nprng thin apessal pesmit fsass tlise Anr ytas.They daa'tlaak faoatd Pa1lattan Bssnsh af thesaespedag mass af theat Depattssssaaaffaetgyaadmekendtaatttng asaeadierth Ressasses Managemnt. anai caantry, beatinotgassl'ae permissionaoatthetlasalfttieshaf. taaahed aff bp buao Whle mass geas hiles aie c.aeieaanteat Gant them, ond aaaadensaiiy set a sastltatly yaaae paahetbaah. a htteok-ho dassaitai csgarette as a hanhie ettemely caaefsl math flot i thot geaaas ou alaf esha ais e t itirysaprng sessiae, the ssaatsassaataistancs a.tttaaBraut urages. otf theat arc aitibeatei ses hy fatatet anda essai lattaiattes atinhg ta gest ai ofieaa grass ilamna anai filds.i hasa Ciset Mitaa Caattasl bas sease tlteaaataattssinandaaariaatsttsstatthetappatttmentaof fentthesaoiesaautaofaaatal, Cass Rabert litres ta the hsrefigtis eornpt. Tht0 aro pesmasseat staff as Mitan artaily aimpassible ta aasssai Palisse, faiaatsag fis prabatian anlessthe penaascharge paha pensid atttsyscalotaiay .pseparsafarthe mart ath plaatya afalhsaass Mayas Unian Boss lias bien ami hashes of ates. anai aashanzed tuaaaadthe ataa ssaattas iiataeifawtaaatsy saafesease as Ontaria tayont af heipesa ta case tise lttre gels and aieennasan Winds May iOtao amay ans[unet The bet rusaha 13, ath tapeaseatao be paid BRANCH 136 MILTON, ONT. SAT. MARCH 21sf eCOBBaiII Legioe Banquetf Hall MUSIC BY VIC CARTER'S FLOWER TOWN FIVE ADMISSION REFREBHMErBS $3.00OPER COUPLE Zest for lvin . .. et 104 Henry doesn't feel much different Ha 'aafei tabcl104 tas the Mariea. Ho selebteai bs Wedanadap ho m as aid? Mast ai an mdll novr not asaa. lOqh binthae lest Tooda. andetsteadabtp hned foein ail Bat Sman Henry Bcnensnaah the tanatomont ai tbo tep doos hno andi bis ansef mes e befo. sitepotnt, "Weil,Idae't foot ITer siteotasaoirotpers mach ifetent ... .nat asnas a ndi mp fimlp ame frimm ail I dad mben I sots 20 but net .ve antaco me," Hltan'cîoest Mincat dtioérst.". a man mets plitet. Whaitt hoe 6 qaito "Mots o grand aid matn," aonabndaeetet o onottl ai bat tanmmates canmoentt. 'h ante oan h an Mr. Bason iii Mr. Baesoaa, aetonatnert tho a m es cCitd ben eu atneini MatsCentoansel Marisati t aeeistaeobto zst fan liing. mate ebtan hsppy ta hoe thete ont Atltet atbast his ectpe fce caronnp a leuh dep la dtp . long lufe, Mo. Baerstah' estinaties. ' ,hectitetedt e seol aat eny cingle "' noscoae", bell toit foreusao bat attaittot ho eatepes pen. Faor tht bettet pet ai bis .>c hednjaot o emao ont tho hifo Mo. Banonîtaak noed in . cassat ttinh. Ho aie ntet Elmnolo, Satnia, Michigan, c liftime af outiloantmath. Alendete endi AUlsetan beoate Mie fine shidsn est iJahk end aamssg ta tht Lamnlie 0100 22 Prenk af Geiî, Lasies (Mts. A. ponts egae. - Atpssss) af Sceebota, FNtoras af "I'tttbttsaieilo0 amis1dthh theTown Uine ont i ai as boe." Mn. Btvestostas ofBei. Parking, store hours on 1910 agenda emoigearnan aI saestttnty sesospapoîs ns the use af contral ptaahatg plants cantiauos. Tht Assasiotian togondot tho peableat af shean onbtsp af mtohhoes bal antisoted Ol sasia nat ploce btitis an thoat in o frtee ontors anaplte. It met sggtsted finet atben ameehiy fiis ta do is jab in the aommantty it lotawy fallamet thot oasasspetang mediao o stobisibeai Sonatas Kesth Daeo, caetossn af the o aassttto, qlàsstiaod e CWNA tepeesesttasene an ashoohet thoy Nomsapets amnoti half the weoolhea an Canede. Ptoaidnnt Ctanon andasatoti tbop sortsonip wosia bat sohen preottea fat a set sambona hich theAssocation atasld beomosaonsoînd, the pattadont dosianeti ta psta aposafas 6imi an the se ai a Qaesttsanot an sohothes the Assaaiation veaaid! tistaaaage samptahasn for att ettitng mombo, thepndntndsated thas atasit nat hoe datte Thoît psaoslc the ttîsatasy af ils The pobloat af Media aatnshap an Natta Soasa mas paîntoti ast by Seatas Smath oasepasotid osesnt pasahoat af attathas gsaap an csas tmaamwntsmaadhosacntoitg ail the mookliiotas the proance"oa, hoe ssggonted. "We thaah a loallpamnot tenklp as she bot fan tho sassmanity. W'ne leresda lat af lestant tbautnefhsaonsp feas 16e gnaaps bat at mas the losel papets tinat psaneossti affset", C. lîsoan Mslntaah, pose peondoant af CWNA talid tise Satas Dassagaite 12 hases slateti faor Cattadots aeehiy press ta prsctontas toma., membs af tht CWNA peasoatoti thoas besef, andsstshersaof Les Hebdosf(a Fsonsi iongaago gsaap af meekist) aisa sahttetoti o Fasse foraums faliaoot math ppeos an the sale, the santons, t seenues and thli dasbattssonta af the atoolio, bosnghfeld. Tboeo atone 120 sooohip papoît soptosetsd by 83 pahinhoon os t ht doy-lang hooning. Tho Astan ent ..tjIte pepene 'sotte toptestei tys David ona ima Di. Dsoostaîs ai Maitans ssomip reoansod Chombos ai Commone hoiti thoit firtt moetingi latt ee atotand t wson agrettainght frass tht aattsot, thoto aton't ho anp Ian6 ni math for the Chamberthi bsa ot Major itoms tapoatei ta ssap ap an fature meeting agoedas soc parkisng andnfaosscsing haars. Maltant Paotaing Aathassty bas appoanht sasnsiat ith a$110,o000tplan fan aor iof-ntooot parkingsin the damnosn atles assa tht Chassboo osponts la sbcam itt tapport bobinai 16e pion. Nom prssdest Mt. Mary Clare tossomoti the shootagof ainsg as the cao aooessad itsoos gonosaip agneoti bptho diostatn tbatnssethngmaste have tab paorking for shappoos an aido sit ootbadening the Moin anti Maotin St. ses. Thoso as a paosibiity the ongle patkingaon 16e asortsaleof Main St. mdl be shssngod ta teeteilol pnataing, athiah moans the aois ai bauf she poostat b0* npaes. Choathot diteatats mdll aisa loah anta tht Poakssg Aathatitp'n peapaitl for motens ta the shspping atoat mhicb mouat dispenso a taose oodeesebe foassin theiascal Seonsd mjor poject for 1970 mail bonasey aomrnabsîta tee i a standard setol aisto bous sas ho ogoood spon. Datent ots nssaed aitstpioanaoo mslb the prisntepîtoem sobb lsoi stoes ae nisst ail top Mostep, athoon an Wotncdap niteroone. Roeti sammttot caiomon Bob Bnrett met astatt lteiat ansonvepantisotaitho mercants san egneeoan a standort store hasts paias. Mast ai the taretoos folo abappons matit bo frappero math stooes open ail dtp. oeney top innat Mantep tn Seatepd, assa sggtot staesasitl stoggoo thoin staff baistops aorth Ibo ant bsptnpnfheotoh. The pannibltî ai aponsng Met stores an lhaoctep ovnnst an addtiosn ta t6e otgsiot Fnitep nsebtostentot heurs, as aise ta ho ststte. Mombeshsp shetomen Rass Harrisoepser!d the membesbsp sompainsiltptagoassg,msth 57 mombos panid op t a tt. Chethen aifissias entsmaeo thee as o 225 staos, offises, indatries anti tenvice goaaps olagible for mombnnhap ont hapo te aenontilent 150flognot op tbs pont Tht Cbemboo as aa-opooang sostb a soats-laon samssantp geattp ai sernico csiandn moments asgsaao ns, ins sponsoing a sasmmtp dance et Milieu Moeno in Jont ieatssting tht Coottan Shombont. Poaocsftom teodance wiilb Now oeil long distance even faster iust diaj thon the area codo if othor than "416#8 and tho numkor you want. ® Bell Canada up sleeves astai ta tenolop e tiengae perteoan Msghsoop 25 aI tho naort enleense of osn. Dietno Dan Smith met naedlaa hairoe asp and mattnt' conmittot ta gothot fatnd-oeining idoon. A delogato mop ho sent ta tht Ontario CbombtrofiCnoereamnai meetgnWndsortinMay,oand mombeos agootti tanesoat momboship an thto Conadian Chebofa Commnrce. Botletins sosît ho sent ta mombons eod praspective mombns manthlp thie peoe. anti pabhsttp i atoeadphoassghlnod ap ion Miltan enonta thnaagh the Onterto Dopatatont ai Toaotsss anai Infarmatian. Dîhos pojoats andoîsansioceaon maclade formean ai a taon bandi, o nome-the-pata soatot fan tho lents ptonentip anaon as 'triangle Parka, a sme caonnssatothe, a donan shapping al, e ilooper anti a gante-hantao ainfomtioan for taaistt n ositas. Regao dinostase' mettotngs sottositotot far t6e fieit Wodsdey ai oab Menthtati et toasit thato mare gossonal mtmbotsp meetins tsne besag piennei this peso. Noat geotoni moeetngisttferAptdl 15. Tickets on sale Swim programn next week R enattan Cammattot afistals teoat tiskets ete tellatte atoll fan tho indoat missIon smim pogoaat mhith soitl teke plaeat e tht Oeto Sshetd fot the Deef ttening tht mintet tahool nosetion noms meeh. Tickets mont an cote et thse Manicipel Office this meea. Tmn potintes of emimaming ont ptanided tedc of fine tayn not mooh bol ettendaenon ncitot ta 60 ewimienos for ah of theo boss potioe. Atmissiosn mill hoe bp tishot onip mith tiskets nolhing et 25 cents. Tht ptogoemt mos initietet lent poe ont tchots e ooolt oat agsiataip. 15t sexopoatedtIho 120 dodpy apaaatp miii ho a onît-atat seri this pono. Friso swmming ie prositet soith no instrutefion. ST. MOOREI CAMUlU ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS MAKI STIWARTTOWN LAWN & GARDN CINTRE TRIS SPRING LAWN Si GARDEN FIRTIUZERS MAPL LDP 7-7-7 Cembination F E RO PIE LAWN AND GARDEN F000 33% AtiMOHIUI NITRATE PURCHASE 10-10-10 £ 15-4-15 0F: 100 LB. FIRTILIZIRS AN&GRE FOR BARLY APPLICATION *FRIIE 'THE CAREFREE LINE FOR CANADAHOME, LAWN 'M GARDEN ROTO ULMER, OSE IRACTORS, POWER LAWN M0WER5 TRU-TEMPIR GARDIN TOOLS COMPLETE SELECTION 0F LAWN & GARDEN SEBOS PUAT MOSS WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE 0F PETF00 MASTER EEEDS STEWARTTOWN> 877-3512 PHONE 877-7375 SHOW Di&tE SUNTNROUGMHTM5RS 8P.M. -ml8 7h.19 F420 wa21 sw w21 HOLDEN BORGNINE RYAN JOHNSO -end w.t. 25 roi..26 Fa 2 sas. 28 WBCAL MATINIE - F111. -BAT. SMN 2FPM Chamber of Commerce roils w LOW DRUG PRICES EVERYDAY ELSLEY PHARMACY 212 MAIN ST, 878-4492 MILTON Fo Mo.n Ches eabs Mit bate fow eu me, MOth theot T MY tpea' nf a the t osf f Pinh bacp Wlap (0 1t patia dadi oç trned hasp pet s tand sas fa Hasp iad i aide t thal tian MYm oiigsb la tee B Nassagr Compb Vallsgt halti bt candit- *Re Caa t Hmosslt Asrita lesm e 1 tietai apostai requite isada. *tL, la n tan 1969-7 * As stse 01.i2 p mas chi pattt mantb actinan