Charges, sentence of Constable upheld ut special councl meet ITALtAN-CANADIAN CLUB ctflers fee 1970 teck ecer Chair mambtiea John Gazzeaa John Vascette, Saceic Semie, Jat duliesaic a meeting ce te meed. Shome ie front ara aereeaey Datbettc, Liele Dathatta, Vine Alfrade Beele. The cb la ptanning Je Lamcnec, pracidae Alteeca Criaci, eie-prasidaee Dacce Criati litcexedane etthe Lagiae March 28andickets areamealetfram and craaceer Jahn Daein. Gtera ie the photo leeteda cceerittre preaidene Atîceca Crisci ce cep diretor.-Stf Photo) Huntors' survy shows Majority favor coi A rnaeit cf lacdecceec ce hied. A reealutic Naacagawepa Townahip cceld la heieg ce attew recreaticeet hectccg ce Depeetacece e teit peepeety cf tht huniee Pc reaca cnd ceugbt permiaacon, ccreied Pedeececen cf fiahility caceacnce ccd field a Hunters. catid hience, efficeseof the The helef claie Halten Haeiera' Assoccatcon tetd landeceer ce sa Nacsaaaweya Tocnship Cececil bave en lias laed aiteermeeeticg Meedep. cet. 1 f ets Tht asoccatconiete recete cf ccrnpeheey the I c lacdeccee tercet cf 207 test csaeeed aet Naccagacepe prepeettet and c bcerecleirned fin draft peepecel tea aend tire eernpacp. Tht Petty Teepace Act ce they erged aed addea ccc eh e ceeccl te eeccccidee a adaiable frnt eh suggeceion te bac the dicîcege ettaspeiceedeo ef Oreaema tbeeegheec tci ferney level w township. Ibeir becef cceged ctcffte pecaltes fer trespecseec, exîtra~ n i ccsnnlad ecpceded dettes -s ue fer polccecend Landsand Frests Depaetrnect effceec. Preseet treepace lacsancd lichI penalties dee't mahre ce ceeth a f irst fii laedeccee'a whte te file c treapaca cempîccet, bhey pcccced LEqcesccg cee out. ttcnance cccmtt Thcs ccer thespeetccee c suggestion bL ccreed 211 leedeccees cn [Tcm Hitl cei Eaqceaccg aed 207 ce regelaeemeeting, Naceagaeea. l hecrececey Ceecetagee tecleded sic qestons "Weed mceettng te con peu be ce fecce cf allecicg liete c reeciest teereattecal huctteg ce peer scbeetted bp A prepretyif thehuers: 1 -came Parhs andRectos te, yee aeehteg peceececce. chairman Peter h 2 -coutl shoc pecl cf ltebcictp Me. Marhs cie ctscatce 3esed riltes;,4esed acteqceet forac cheegece. O ceed rifles ctclp if ecece t Ittgh greccdbegs cece inccececc. tocwtship people h-ceeld shwcpccfefelc tetteattecaltauti liutcetgtliceecesa nu cectraechar The 207 cadw e teeI'n peettp Nus agacepe cece cectîy tgctegtunbe le ow eto 10 ce more actes et sure Mcttcc cent lacd. Jecet 31 (ce 15 pet cect i de btc c gaee a cen" anser te e aI[ tît2 ccururent, de1 questionse ptedtc.ted. ITece cere 81 pet ce in "I titc ittc i ecce cf lecettetg cette ______ permission,.73 pet centcin cce ,f huniers had iccurce;28 pet centt in laer ote ctrfles; 55 pet cent tcceeed clcctgece. 58 pet cent chcped letccted cee of rifle;and 78 pettcent appeceed tic rieseoftccld lcences. "lice preblect dures nct ceet to he wctb huersor ceitccg pet ce but ceth llegci teepede, lch et recpeeccbciety o lcI cpceeccacn (and litere ce cclude fictermec, cceccebiecc. dccc buggy ectbcccets,etc.)eand cite dcceregaed et liceecccg cegeletcccc ccc le effece," ch e epecteccece sacd. The hret notes te iccedecece hat tilde cheece het cr Post Iris and andhtrpe huerstcbep lite igea. le ce.eperattee cctc lie mae Pedieeatcc cf Acolete cdl Hecters, tite lcali spotsenc ce eeqeaeig armncetc tc ceche cecffee pealtiec tee cte ttp treapaca cc. bey oeti fcr riees cf $50 te $000 for cecpactengonaep landcittoictc cieced, asaagardeccoriccc.cco fat subce theeee tepssi eebcddee hy cetd et mtcccdin ecg, hp posters ce ce gea viscie oteeay pointeofacecectothe di.Ifcherapace hececef he ccdsit arec, fishccg che, meterbihe, acec cehette, cee buggy or aueomebtile ce hus oeceaic,hey raeceed a tee cf $100 te, $1000 ced capece cf the tecpcaec'c ie ce or cmter cehecle giateatice plates tee cee te ccc catrsa. Chacgaearqueed ceclede c cdcpy cf $200 te $1,500 ccd et licence ce picates fer cc rice peers tee a second or eheaquece effe ccc ce a eccicice whiea cedet apenalec. lhtp aice recomeeetd thet P fie e ied ha amarded le edcomplaenaac % bhef ares puhlic liabideef il Ptcpeatp damnage tesance held by aIl hucteta chee king a hunting liceca of a of Iandowners itrolled hunt ceLc t ii affect cccideted hp cf [andsancd The Ontaeio ca eltla up te, the ay che haeteill andcwhoeeilt damaege coutl ce thecensrace bucteras came raidhbcaeadil e licence. ut ce lagiclatice tit entirely chipe cee tht bel hunier. "A ce ischarga cf fitaema hy-lac weeld nce atteviateathe preeht. Net ectp cceld the tocnship fuerevaeu frete tht cala cf ceccchip licences bue dicre woce cthaeedded expenseccf emplcyieg c hp-tac cectret efficar te arnforce chic ce diacharga bp-tac. Naitharth1e Ontario Provincial Police nothe Daparcmacc cf Lands and Pereces Conseentirai Oficeca hace the jeriadietcte urentorce a munceipl hy-lac." Tht aeebeec o ethe betpoint out c casa e Saiefleet Township ch eeac no recem Il hp-ecc ing may appoint nance commiftee cl tcy tIel e ceasareselttof y depetp.reece htccdcy ctght's d eaelieecinthe eidce ar budgee tee ficceccel aid cece Btoard cf ten Cecernttre ceercecliecfeiî dceascinerde peeceetege cf usee paehccand hlesean Actce, Lire Georgetowc e now ad tl'cn gcceg te [et it etheet coe tcty-teece Hill timewe iedea ticace ccmrncceee ce cii ceucl." 6e cdded. Tht dapeey-rceee sctd 6ie ehceghe Eaquecccg ccc thr ccly menicipale le Ontario cithece a financcecmitteea Reee Gegeturreccgeed andtcndicetedhlerneycappicted the chele five mnc ceecicil te the finance cemmeecre. IThere have heec eceus teea'.ccaitmacp hoe recd Hallon Ccacty ce tite pace tac cechs. Mcce, fcodand redllp scîrable items have hrecensee -A Terra Cctcc Preeeeccecc Ccrnrnetee hsbeectcoreto ftght the eourd decelcpeesancd eceempe te preeeee the beccey et flic village. pcasead epecdeccedtadeiabl raeiuta. Rahhits ccd ethet peste aeappaeclp cccemig ce echalceace incete in Sattfttat Ie concleaion tht report calS tee tea townchip te jii sports cluhc in tht ceeety ce pessing tee tht camae lagisatcoe and teo eepaed the peraocneland daes cf tht OFF ced tht Landsancd Fcrest Daparecceesa ce gilatien carihbeefteecielpanferced. Aecrdccg eu tht htlef "peaec" ccd tehi acimala coutl ha ccetrcllad, lachreahesoti beadh diaeeplintd, tccdecettc wectd be moe seerecandcspot smt wceld have the cppcaeuciep ee peecce theer hehby le chic 'e cligheed, progressie township." The repoet vies cebmitted te, the ceurcl hp Paul Ceelace, Presedece cf Hatlon Hacntea' Asscationc, decreaee Jite Ethericgeee ced memer Arc Rep tetetatiee cf the Huniers' Associationc e r eccited hpeecenilcctetedca meetieg ef te hp-tam cectctttee ciera the iegislatice pecpcced tee tht township ceeldhb rcted. Cececeiceo Att Gihscc declceed et ccc nct the cccechip'c icentien te dcaallec heccecg bel ce ccc cneedd te Reece A. MecArcher eepeetcd che ccdt rececced an acecymees iettee theeeecg moedcmantag cocthe townshipccculd becaed byhurcicg brishcadaccampstif lececîceg vois ncc clloed. "te bcticeedeatetccpeecccld cette chat heed et lette," site cbccîec. If Cecce, Gcrdon Ceceks cf the Miton Petice Depareeeec gecto te, reeccei aytcpathy t ceti have tucfrontthe Ontario Potice Cemmissice. Aftee a teetgthy heaicg befeee a cemecîitee cf Milton Ceeicdl Wadaesday, Mayor Briser Seat aaced the cemmtee %voutd aphetd the receet chaeges laid agaiest tce cecastabta aed tht cacaba8n centence tsseed by Chief Ray Aadeesa. Age foe Censt. Ceceka, Cerne. James Ceeke cf Hamidton aeecceedhle weetd sehae ecety heaecg fem the Ontaece cercil's dectstce iteetediatetp Iacet Mayor Seat made the Me. Ccche had peeeted 6es cmc cctieg a tctal cf 19 iterns hae fait ee weceg with the mace te which theacharges cere laid cnd cceeied eut. Hec case a calmet actiey geated te pecedaal Oca ceceectted, 6ie ad, Il Cttief Aedreec ie ceevctieeg Cceat. Ceecha. Afet hececcg the tO-peit acteceatice the cettecttea hadt saenetcheiee.They coutlhave quaahedcthecthargea and paidethe aceeaed constable teequceateec cf ece ceeha pcy hie ts senteece; thep ceetd have eedered a cete teil, ce they ceetd ephctd te chaeges ced sentence. Dy deieg the latter the eeteaeeetteetneseceeeteed the casa te the Ontario Poice Cecet. Ceeche caa cccceted Nec. 28 by Cleef Aedeesc ce ece cf the 22 original cherges placed aglateat the Consteble. He wac f.cidtgceityhy tie Ciel ' et cilfelly etttccg faice cttdece t ccctdenteand shccngthe ceecg position cf aca teenc the c cident. Amocg 1fe pcitccietedcintice appeel riva the suggestion tire constable ccc cet ccerged ccth an actual ffense.tInflling out tlte charge cheet the t'hcef did cet fillinc the bteck tot the charge but licced peetteelete ef thecincident, sautCeeke. Othet points ce t6e ageetes ccase noeed tht Chiief lacd rtce charges, cccectcgcted the case and ceedccted thce heeecc0 ecnd 6ie eefced tc gcce ecdecce.for tILte dle f e nc e uc diletr Me. Ccckecobjected Io he tact thet et lecct tce cf ctue wiis cctled icdet beecctceit ancccd a cctcesc echecce untct rite finie c f rtce heecccg gaee eccdeece. Mi. Ccoeeccdtlieccc ceeble te pccpetty eccnd et hcc cliccedlttttiet ttcdcnctbeec gOven e fai etcrtal. Aftee lictcng 19 Oece ie peccedere 6ie tcid thte omte cep cee cf the points wcc enough tohectecae hecc out. te hic cemceccc cnle urged the eeecececee te havte dite twc charges aed tthe penalty dccccssed. Stece the ortginal chcarges tire Conctable faeces theee ccc charegescctt chcli ilbcitectdbyea judge, t tice Chcef erthlie policeetcttcetttee tof eccettett Ceecc. Ceeekc tccc cek cebccîcted lccc ccctgntcetc fron tire police foce, cc c effectie ce Aprtt 11. Councillor speaks at Cidezens Forum annuel Atteedaneac spaeae but Morris, Seech Hetetc. G. B. aetheaam cac acidae chec Clerntc, lTm Ballin, Harold the Uppr Burlicegec Citizees Mcddlebeeck ced Mec. B. Foarmhfeldcisannelneeting McGeegce. lTeey ccii seect a ce Se. George's Church, Lecvtille preedeece. cec.ecceycand onuada eeicgcf lqat ceeh. teesceer et thece tetet dtectcec' Mec. Elle Fouee, caed ther cerein. ceurct repreeeattcre, spehe Allaic cright ci Buceicgece. hIel aboue tht peepale ter e cce-chctcrmai cf Hcitcc Regece teg0 ica geeraeet as thep Ccncercation Attttcey ces atctBurlegtce. Sha atac deaie ccheduled te dpeak ced shoc a mcth the ecce'accclnghby.lac filmt ce thetmeeting but cadci andctfficiel planandcceihad andeechble tcttend. Hate' rnamhrathe panccng bardc filmc"ThebMancacdice Boy" ceeetetly ra.decfeieg the eeeccg ccc sheme, aIsea cite on the on rdhrentBulington land. coer tieccc e ter seppied Oceeecear cnad tee 1970 hp edue Octario Depercueec ut enctuda Rca Nixon, .Mec. S. -aned" .Ratcee Pcrtch, Meue Granhy, Mes. Lois Management. The Canadian Champion, Wecesday, Match 18, 1970 1 Esquesing agoees verbally to Hfornby Park pavilion ,,Esquesigccouril liascerblY building, ccl be open and erfe to proccde $10,000 for oniaincc pcnc tables. thce cntruction f paviilcecin Horcby Park, but put off passicg a eoltenathorizicg the Aae evc expecditure uccol ae rte ae e vc ageeent ce cccecced ter the cpendig ofaccmilaemwcct cost ro towfl fecc the tece of Oaheille. A voleeak onParl St. i Hornby park cs ccced jointly by front of rtet Rober Machey Ecquesing and Ocheille. homee orginlly blamed on te Esqeig's shaee ific cs Mack'ay houce service, hec ofte buildng stobec ken ou toecccd out t c a ow cf the toe hcp'scapital rececce problem. The remaining $00 fo the tc CcireMi. cey duced $26.000 bucilding c expected te $6715 lie t. eoy tae be provded Ihroccgh a ece. The teck vouei the Heentgr.RcGecc tow' ute. trot lits. Tcec tecce e'mccde Reee Gerg Muri cccckcec cho incesigtted lie rcccictecourcccecccaco.otuyle reepor eltccdf rccccg peigts feia eeting.thpcdir cette, stoppd cchec the Meckay pu c ethdcrted car litre te hu ff Mr, Meckey tOcae pvemen cc.cce i astldt get a cecc lie c -Cac you get a seond icttdîed. ccbcidyl - le woncdeed. The 2.600 sqeeet peecilicc Dco Mcgcecd wciil taerer wilhoue washrooccc and ti feait as vie-prtccipei cf dressing rctc One eide oflihe Otece cccw Pucb Oho NOTICE Residents of The Township cf Esquesung DOG TAGS Due ce che Provincial Tce-c er cf Assesset Dcc Twllg rtio lne bcc6 aecclebte froet the Ascecace. Dcg Liceccec acd lacs cre ceetteble ae the Tcccctctp Office, . R. Ne. 1, Gecrgetowc ce bycmailcoe receiptfthe ectced ifote ion ancd licere trac. Infrtiecteo eqcted -Oex and BeedetfDcq LICENCE FEES ARE AS FOLLOWS: MALE - $2.00 SECOND MALE - 04.00 FEMALE - 04.00 SECOND FEMALE -0$.00 UNSEXED - $2.00 SECOND UNSEXED - 54.00 DELMAR FRENCHlrceare ebout licr et c0th c belcece lcccg ce deeccd. ierp se pey oit tegiccel ýd dicte )ut te Neethe get ancd lcation r ected. eL Apecl 5. a ern nde ris teac t, Iacre 129. -kc offefet iaturday or ceded he cthe socia .oet Serge ia Satedat, atpptaed by $3.00 pe ORCH Welcome home a Westinghouse the big choice in refrigerators FROST FREE refrigerator- freezer 2 DOOR 13 CU. FT. 13.1Cu. F:eetet eccepttcce ot t aec toee ai a t traectie prese, and Ili compeeact 601.cX 30" sce. Thaeks te 6060 3 efficcient ttetcai ececietece Sepaeate 124 lb. freezer. Li t ce coneacere tee 22 egcs Peecetate eeaee crtsper. White, 0 99. Avcadecor Antique Ceppee. Rigtehore Ia dccc cwîcg. aeUY NeWeN Eecv BUDGET TERMN ee ecUE YeeR CcetGEc YOU GET ONE VEAR FREE SERVICE AT: RI CHARDSON'S 201 MAIN 4 hielp! You hotiuinvilsn tret e dfo ad ieiie o . n ýl iipovd eia ce t'es ctoL fer citai retta- iltto inNieria. ase or oaction Ee LNICEF, 73 CÉh hStreet, Torontoor to yu euetCharteecî Banck. HELP UNICEF HELP N (,ERIA'S CHILDREN N CemmitUNICE -I