Fields questions at Erin Whiting favors changes in White Paper Halima M. P. Rod Wlolriog Hi pnseid o hypatt-rtioal allayrd Mr. Rrid's Ceao thon $500 for peroona]eeptol maderitolcirto almosttlialfo siroaioamlsiataro menaeach possangis faimmontohfos so t-e thooght i slioold ho boadîtd coast iroints gliheed ait rarord $t10,0001 a piar. Oaa man arootd affeot t-e capital gari opgaodîd ro cintrai thoorandi of brin Sataida>' afreroor to sprat t-is eattte $10,000. The partof therWhite Papia. dallars. dassoso financeimeiroiter Edgar ailier spent oatp $8,000 af-tht "The onl>' tiare Iheti moold , He mon alto peiiaarhed ahoot Banr ' cnronerroal Whitea $10,000 and prarrarably tanad be a capital gains tan on the titi effroi the White Popet rsoald Papea tat ha lanired riveraI $2,000 foi invesroi. Whp faim la art-n ot os olil," hi Old hase on amati haninaco.s Ho sait aitadoanîr a to sggarttd tan rhoold the mran ba ptaaliatd far Mr. Raid. Ma. Bensoa had rred his tafarmi bafore i oold hall>' aoî havna spart hoisetre la dorsalt mattar whaa aou drpoaoameaaao ale aaaahri'look sapport la. ralarp Mr. Jackson art-ad. poid fat the faimn or arhaa il os r nIit arto. ISmal bhoonaen Ha dafandad the gotrrnmeai'r Watra jr the gretet obfir> ta rorth; Chat har na btating ofl hast drffiltia es corparations intenions math the Whie Poper, popi ha qoaaaed, rince haah men tht White Paper, ha deolard. dosa t-att," Whiarng delared. paiaaing oaa thai aire Trudeau tartedaoutaqaap. Tht gotetismeat arllanoce aa'aiie" t-math cf ahi En groaemena caold tant>' have Mn. Wtitingtrepltdrthatathe taloaaonndapoandtvaluesrmtllbe Laheîl Assnocatot haahedMr. implemanted tht propotoais Whnite Paper mat t>'ang ta set alita Wt-en he iîanrfaîr tht Whriirg fat comang, rimarit-g arithoit onrtirg ahi people, re-t-r ctoîn racial>' aabatp ahi faim ta t-as tan he mon't pa>' ihat Ern mas hlnssed math a boa prefeeîed ro da i tht lnertiracamt giops and asa capital gmainsona goadardmgoada gond memhbr damocratic aa. He pedrcttd measontoanrend toarard Oaa mon ohoîgedaatdda' maaeoedranhiscostituerasand abat , gaad legttlaaio old oct-atiag tat gool. Ht faIt a marier arttet t-e ganeteimeat Ilair pîoblems. emaige froam t-t militer of conranror aras Crminga assLibrior Cnseaitivete Ct-arnmaafor themeeting a cotianars>' and noggeOted Canadaarbrcomrandad ahae contryaas ctepinganmords t-e pîrdaaa ofathe H n omaadimanas mhich t-aa hein ganemenanon irsappaohaa soiatsm. Oihîrschorgedrthee Liheal Association irîo cao paapated. h a qoahamig theasocial ructue. are taamaplopalesin the aameîad some offrhe mon>' Mi. Whting adarnaîrd t-e b Id tafot, same people ohargad t-e Wht-ie Papai ta people caold qoasioas. atottard maie mol anea t-t gaerment arrnt going farîinesmne indùpaiaargsar -Th-e HoloM. P. sadliemas Wht-ita Paper an Taa Refotrm errogmawt- rhor marta ant-ques aooaid tan enasin rntrîaaed an set-cg opameetings thaon any> iu rince t-e bar Ot-air top ar Oaagag tan, Me. Whiingtoad tat na one arct-r Wht-ie Papr a icoglraor btee elecîrd to rapreamni t-lton foi t-e thoed "bate tac>'ih te ony n elo oiga thir m onlrtatnî'r ta peopla camplain she>' dant bothaîrd t-or and art-lot ite invtatins bo speao or attirer ugd hscontiu rtaagtrirthmr wa thdlpthe pourpeople., hnped lottec chaged aras t-e quesîionsaon it iagatafthensare and al ta gel out of ark t-boat t-a Bath meein at- tara ordo a maorit>' af peaple an Canada haorc malaiag aqsio taEna aanaed tai math fora l-iig. ManoHr erol ithRsaoesaotdn Airsge an int arrraaifaand arrraraopanndarilt-RodWh$3,5g0ta ieldlag t-e questions, asnrrted tidar sm18a ya 13,500 by the chirmon 'put paps$11 t paie lama Ther mare seau s io oa adra- hi aa ar oni-aGa t-le arould nat pop antimg, qoetiootns mn hmGog Whtring said. Jiaatson oppfa aito Whr ilfareris t-ne, said John Raid, PiaetyopsdteW t an Erra township farinat, boit-ae Me. Jackson, a trockhioher coodar tee a mon makiag $400 mît- Banga iloUsleanmd Ca. af anomott on metfoee wrhite Hamilton, oit-rd art- arpone a'oihie mon irit- Car $500 a rholdble pnat-îd foreat-an moIandnlitu papmicma aibilsa>' ta sana Matr>'y Ha rao i He ohalleaged t-a dooagrtod strongl>' mot- one gaeiatas a-n-g o suggestion la t-a Whie Popar welfare. ~ p t-at stoird t-cm math stact-n and The Hallon M. P. toid t-ae bonds t-adl a griotea at-rta> ar ias onoîhea Whtea Paper caming pop t-an tirso onrîraror an aire artoIe aralfore sot-tar. Ha Boundary changes in Esquesing area Haltaa Coonry Board raf Edaucataon oopporacd recrammendatoat- fira changes an t-e horandaroe fr ramenar> ara t-trillart Hoirran ai t-ar rgolar moetia0 as Oat-udle Tt-oîsdap. Changes irere frîit tacotsoif to mat-r Gergetown hoondoar bt-ri dat-ard for juiora and sanaior pot-lac c" ait and ara aehaoaooavrcrramdangariKennedy t-ohraraiandaa.ahliaoandanoos ir Jraseph Gibbotat. trdrnaanow aurundogsoul iu Speypoade. Lamat-rarsa, Wragglaamrrh, Chapal, Pont- aad Panootoa ili go t- tamarrown firgradeasroornandaaigt Stodonas noa ut Noroal aad Giea Wilaaiamaclaoaai mill go ru Cenaaooallor gradaaroeand raglotand tiarata ut Harrua'n and Kennerdy mat- go ira Conranuoal fr grades oux, saoooand egt Kandorgaraco papalo fîran Norool mill t-r hossad o Panacaro for thei handrargartoat fraiý For grade rcerira>'e mdli rtrsi t-a t-tend. Inthe pas( alto>' have gao ara Gnon Williams Ct-idea an t-aadeîgoaro.n gaade rani, rira or t-iree parerari> attendra0 Hoarsn or Kennedy and near foot's t-rodeîgoaren ct-idea arto lana an t-e aira otarit of SargentRoad and weuaof Moaonmo ara tu t-e t-ued ta Joseaph Giat-toaa. Thane chidrea mooid eant (rat-toaa cotai grade lacowie t-e>' go lo Ccantnal. Tia hoandarars for Josepa Giat-oua mail ha ite ciao atr li rai t-a prescrit Park Scitool undartar, mis t ofMoin Suaitt ira t-e toma houradaio Teonter Bill tamo poaaaaod outi Siomartroaa t-ct-oui coold t t-r used as a seniorapubhlie maie ranalable TheanadienChamp'on Wedaetday, Mara- il, 1970 3 1H A 1970 TOYOTA CORUA SEE FOR VOURSELF HNE FOR A EMNSTRATION RtETODAV RICK'S AUTO SERVICE LIMITEO TOt-TA tAct-S & tRVIto rt-aa tParas an nOAKVILcE 827 101 - 87-103 GET READY FOR Easter! Iight and bright SPRING DRESSES t-trn>' styles lor parading Iliroogli t-o seonrs, ara fou>' mot-hable caimplono and fortr"l and raller lIgaîlit-oarîrd fahrics. Choute frora a wrda solocation ot priais. chrecks and solads an a sprrntrglmo nood. Add noritl> lu your sprrng ardroba mîit- tkitsa nI l t-e latent fabrrcs, stylas and hearalfol spoing colon,. A tram stock of jomp sait and bolled cardigans wili co-ordiriate poafocîl>' willa tirs aud st-arts. GOT A PROBLEM? PLEADINO FOR IT TO STOP, t-ar "stop" niga oaa samplt ai t-a tpaaaa t-air iaoding an Maltn aara io hiar a timeait merageof ai ringiime in in t-e para metk- (ttoi Photo) Milon. Thts vacat lot onWoodard Si aa u SAFETY CORNER [ GETS ACTION AND ANSWERS 0ENJOY THE ENTERTAIt-MENT OF TO E. DUGLA on ~ ~ O A. MD-'RiPT4&ROUGLAS kO Rd qie reuntytuge o eloCosrvtinAra SINGING ALL YOUR MODERN use~ ~ ~ tuetrBs ieR.Isei fetrn h oi nrgi AND OLD TIME FAVOURITES gledi aiwybig h lmbrn stn rcs o noIi AT THE roda nagle rgitathconr BaeLn d raeRd. TRIDENT LOUNGE- motrit ppoahin tatco.e tom henothjut a atrckrorsCharles Hotel in M ilion o i neBs ii.*ilo: tpii.0 THURSUAVO, FRIDAYS At-O SATUROAYS. t-rcoadly.niiranaohooud caason TrmacRd. hav-eaaroght-m macg a lafi too cano Koiso mirnt-yraohathe maaci t ý r a Milton Ileaglats. Titi naoraihoond coa hav oa ira trirgit an t-e middle rai aire ltaagitaintersecion t-nitra lina caitimat-a a lafa itar, bimanse flic cornue as ragit ai alto top tat tae luai], t aspot ahrtae 'oo t-oa ara bheprarrp carefioi Coorara>' Cornr Ploas Mi. Moroas,iateio as onthe por padestanans alis t-praag Puddles and ponincias foui cf mater oie err'here t-loir doi rtac driveoaroorad iaaa, niai pretrao fora apioa naa> ha yoor omît. OSave tiare, coafusian, traat and baby aittiatg f eas. Saa exaetlp hom yor aaw Bigelaw mil look la yonr boare. Joat pick ap te phonte and giva oa a geacral ides, of yoar calar sand styrle prafaranra. Thaa relax! tel WaIl on taYOu at your aaarvaaiaaaa, ahowr yo B caîxittll arlarteil range of Isamplat and gina yoia anr aroourate, aa-tre-apt qtaate. No abtigatita. af ouirse. CALLU GEORGETOWN 877-7161 BURLINfITON 632-0252 HOUSE F ORIENT CARPETS HOME t-F CItE CAtiPETIOt- 158 MAIN BT. N. 3011 NEW ST. MOORE PARR PLAZA ROBELAN» PLAZA L GEORETOWN BUILINGTON INVENTORY REDUCTIOHS 0F . DEMONSTRA TORS and DIXCOHTINUED LINES, ETC. ONE LOCATION OLY ... AT REAUTIFUL SIeobs Ave. end Ho 10 Hwy., Brampton "%TAIlE ADVAHTAOSE 0f TIIESE TERRIFIC VAWUES"t TEB4S AVAILABL BE SURE TO SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION 0F GLACE W. GROOVY JEANS AND CASUAL WEAR MILTON DEPTI. STORE VOUS HEADOUARTERS FOR ALL THE FAMILY 200 MAIN ST. OPEN FRI. TO 9 parn 878-9261 FOR THE LATEST STYLES, LOWEST PRICES -I