Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Mar 1970, p. 21

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Provincial conférence slatedl for mid-hlarch Tht 1970 Junior Fassasa Proassai li Cstaittatat asd Assuai Maetisg of the Juniot Fstrmta Associatisn tsf Ontario salt ht held as tht tnn sn the Pattk, Taronto, Mach 13, id and t5. Tht cssfertscetlhemt is "Up with Peoplt". ThetoItat asaltassne pssgat saiV sonsist of a stases of atiaitits stg o nstkshop format, durist sahish detegalas wiSl ha tatsssg ast ia-dtpts tlsok as loay's yoosg peopteansd tht sole finat tht Junior tarmat cluhs sas ptay tn the Atatiopmest of Itats yosssg peopla. Tht conftranse progao is opta to officiai dtttgatas aaty. Evtapo s ta nttont st tht annsai astetias. banquetandos 'I I. I datc htiag betti Sttday tfteroon andatsasg. Tht Hllon Cousty daiegstts are from tht Patasma Clsb, BIl Sincasia and BAi Jsatason; Astos, Donts Bestty and Kalhy Bosat; Nossat. Gwea Rutttdga and Mary HarnsIon. Tht 1970 Junisr Parmas Zona Cosferstst la to bt beli ia Haitos Coosty os Saturday, Aptst Ilt la Esotavillt Ssaooi. Tht ptogramt is to tai art I p. asd istoi bt foilosatd tyaa bsanquet it the Ehasater Chotsh, and a danse in tht Bîsokalta Sahool auditotiumts t ht musis of tht 'Young Beats.' Halos dsd atsy sal attht Jutiior Formert Zone Bowling Costpttition, saissisg the bosys' section asd tht girls' setiton. Halton Cotaaty Junior Passas Zone Drama Festival nos field os Frtdap, Match b at tht S,. Paulis Unisted Chaîsta, Milon. There sas an excelent stand attasdsng tht foot pisys pot as hy Haitos, Wellington, Wattroo and Ontario Countisas Aithssgh tht adjadasatot. Mss. K. McKit ftont tht Guelph Little Theatre, nas sot ashad to pasta olstaadiag asaissa and iatrsses, hsonorable metioan nas lisata ta Robert Rotttdgs and Jassat Matas sabo stas in tia Haitasa production "i Nasas Sasd A WorA, Bt. .."; Richard Bird, MarypHaoa and Thersa Thoane intht Welingtons prodton "'Gtorgie Peaî6ta", Datbsae Graham sas tisa Ontarsa plap "Tht Boy Upstis". ta nas a sasy dffh ait Aesasau thab Fair photos win prizes Bp H. Cask Os Pah. 25 aod 2h tht Osntanlo Assoa tiaon of Agasicutost Saitis haid basar anasaioaftstsas Is' tht amateisr Calas Phota Compatatias. open ta tic province, Haitao Agassuituaa Society piossi laissai it safile section sas Junior Passai as A-H Hsmtmaaiag Chah ashahats (nat isivstac), fuss as abs slivesta sctioa 4-H orsagla classes ai the liassatait pasade; haisl sas tsssecioni pactisas afaScisal ahlsdassa asishas assd 5ua sasfli section, liants as sagatabis Showa. Tht fatoiang people astaadad tise conitstasst Mss. latai Dsson, Mrs.RssLawnces. Ms Stas Lase, Mrs Tas Bassisld. Getorge Rtadiatad. WsiîaAi CsottsRoy Casss . assid Mss. Jts MaKay. Ma. and Mss. Alifred Ford, assA Ms. ansd Mss. R W. adisoase. coo Ontar . famwmi asC 5.sOasg R.s..satsdtt as.sPtWdl5Otss.at.ttsstsissIN W-Klid .ssss5s,. A* ~ .- ..~a5is55t BRONTE C. MILTON adjtsdicalt to pista tht stniag pIay whasa sas tht Welington Cooaîy production "Georgie Peosgt', fotiosatd siostip hy Haitos Coossy's production, Final fling closes schools Wsssasnmayhbaonstsayaout bot as tooa osa last tascE sast Wtdnsaay satan omhssed ti asd aoid satathas foshid traffbs oanscotry arids. Oshool biss s irtI Btraotoaktvite. Cassphttiatitt. Sttnattton, Piatosan, Spapsida. Nossai, Lanahoosa and Gin Willias shoots nasa osahia to asaspiata lhista soutes aod studansa attodtog tltost satas gos a holiday. REMEMBER TO HELP Mrs. E. Maxwell named president ByH. J. Sltaly Mis. E. J. Maxswall sas rturnead as rsasdtasof ia Haltsa Egg Pasdsstas' Associatsan ai thireu ansuai maeting os Mssdayaaassng Marth 2 in tht Agaissilssat sffica, Miltas. Mss. Kes Bita i a stsattaty nsah Ken Etta a s tesr Csmmittaamts apossttada tht Osntaris Egg a ltsni Produsats' Marktinlsg Baad weeKen Eus. Don Lindsay, and Mss. Mawtll. Don Lindsay sas ssssiaattd as a Asaetea ta tht Elalsan Fadtsatasa of Agriscultr sass Ktn Eusa ta tht Haissa Fato Safésa Caussil. Tht meeting sas sot tn issor of gassg the Martinsg Bard Oat555' powtIS or pastIs af sttltg qotas. aIs. Hastats, tbtp saît ta fsast of a nstatal marketig agassytIo co-odiate marketing of eggs asss Cansada. Bp H. Cook Hattos Couata di ry naîtl as tht lilsstocsta aanship sonpatisias field as the O.A C Cottaga Royal as Satssday, Match 7. DogGasdhoot, LosHontes VeraoThompsnansd Don Naisoain tate the top four shonsas is the sîsp sbanmashp. on tha final sanpsstsoa hatnsas hass four Donsg Gadboisewn flicansd Chamspion Sisanmansip oa Vtsaa Thompsa sass tia R eassleava Cbhssunp sassa Showssanahsp. Tht Grand Champsion Showanso fsant basf, dassy. sheap and bosas ibso saspaisd for tht Graand Chsampiosn Shwan ai abs day. Lasis sampatatas bad ta aliaw tisa thata oiller types ai livssssai and sas tadgtd assassaisgly. Doisg Gasdhoosa wn the ovssal Grand Chanspiona howanship of ths day. Doug ns a sashas af tht Haisos '-H Ohtsp Clob ood Haison 4-H Bttf Clutah ta yaas Ha as tais thea Asanes aou sei Agricultturt it O.A.C. In the Oairyaiass, JakJames pisacd asitsassataataaita sasspstasaa Jack sas tia Sannas Atssistant an Haitos Casat laast ya as Halton boys good showm Sassst i , Nrsesiaod sissssy paawsaa sis asoanssip by wasttstsg top tassas ai tia Cailage Rayai ai tht Kaspts5la Catiaga of A gisasitatai Teciiii.iagy as Saissdary, Fab. 28. Lassa Besnet sais tia Baaf Rockwood cows reach Uganda Readeas may aa stasyssa statas ago about aosa basog takes tao Ugasda isas Rashsaad 1tesa als Livestock Sales as Georgetawn. Tht soain setas sas the itaA ataay as tht frant vasa osf abs Ugasda Argus Feta i17. oa Osioas of Misto as uaa aoasf sassai inasiasd sîsit fysg tia Assaadsog ts tia Ugisoda Aagus, "Ma. E. M. S. Ksta, Peraanenst aSsartary, Miaisas ai Asnal Isdaatay, Gante asnd Fathassas. and tal. A. K 'K. Muaasda, Sasîatary tasr Plannsng, Msosatsy ai Plannsisng ond hassasas Dsssiapsasst. tsa a s le aas ta foisfli " The saptis ah tisa plaire. Captais K. Daas sasd tiaow wers notable as abs ligisi 'Vais coatil aasiasay astl thas moving thissa fasa abssut but nae bad as inci.dets. Tisy tlook t ait qos ta caltii la' iftp ina Halsssas sans nae flissain and arepart of 600 fi, ha Sont assdts a mlion dallaa Casasias devstapassas tas ti, Ugasata, Soth Afassa. The ahspmsaî tisA a doublea ttgnsfiaauta As lansbsssgtfic tisi sipsess ssf Canasdsansdatay as tirgaisda, alis als u tie frtaaaaetock iaasght cliiastea fas Aia Cansada,. tsasAtiatss mataag thesasssy of aCaadas stis otolia livtasi iid Shapsasta ast hasssg apasad sassa seas asi 5 sai l Tht Canadian Choapion, Wecaasday, March 11, 1970 B9 en la ý il fq'N fiisa tuaah dal csaalassd wneunlts rata r 555abiliy n liaaadig flishlasea* Baaii JaiS anad Lsssy are 4-H- Clu Leades in Haiiaaa and lavae besa oaiasanding dairy ahiaasss tiaaaagiaaaaahiiass4-H ya Lait yen- tht Ganad Cliaaaapaojsila was assai ha lssa. F NASAWnYA At Maaday eeatsg's sagua metaing, Nssaagaaasya Caasaail *Appsaasd passiasasai 20,00i0aaubicyardsaofgael tar 1970 toabaasdonahetonsip maaad. Tendes are Io baile taisr *baaid Onceasaiadbssta aauildina pitha l aaasia isse aluae ai $46,200. *,Wn iloto ass aaiiiaa aie ashaia tao eceiae eigii appiaisa ic u positioa af bauidingiiand pliaabagaiaspaa anad aaing admnsaiaaa Na dasasasisn naas raaiiibyaaasiail *leiaseds a liarfrn Aasaaa Parsa assa Reaaaaisos Casittsa ilivtassgiaaaap rsadasîts ta aase Acasassa itarsa tni deatiai iiis NUFFIELD Diesel Tracter SALES & SERVICE SWANSION FARM EQUIPMENT FI.R. 3, ROCKWOOD 856-9512 Legion Notes Tha asasihfirtraa) issaissa ai Sasai 136 as astiadaiadia, had onaMonsy, Match 9. Asthsasssas, Opiaiana sasr ta ha dissded assut tha adasiagas as aibsasso, ai the sassai pla cair wh.,h is basae inhes sait- spi ti.sa id k Ifds aa. sshshbl .asatan..sgtiaath..s aId gcs Masaha.SaiaaSaa ,ai taspsagai. Cass.da Rag. M.shaii A arga Lagassa tafa ac.b-s aataendrid th, lia R. W. tassas Lsgs., asa. ads Tasadayasisit The aaasaisa-tîsid unatihassay sasanut hads fli Jahastas, D. Cass. Gasasas, G. Winasaa'. Casisas.and A. Gtalasa t. tia tadaSiai Dan Lassas 7* * p ssassdn¶, asafrM -1 1 -ss 232, Naps tsass 200, Tiaialas ttas 70 ad Sahatt 168. LA Stas sasit hoida tila top asitl scoesti i40 andMaty Nasilsathe hsgtîfinishsths i14 A sssassstaiaope asttastassaa Sasasdsa stssas Th, ssiaale asdsd i. a i hainasan Lsd tohns ssth oa Eggistas and LA Blira Tha singles snaaker aanstent gai asdts ssy as Wsdsadiy fast ..d a bas sla.pissd. Ptsyass asa sskcd ta gai diaeu sassas pIassd att as sass as possibles ai the saaondround aa ytssaad as shadule TheansasaSt Patris a5sdasaa Stasdsa. Ms- 2. Mass ssi ha psassdsd hi Osa Lastars hisoasisas - sad ticakats .1$3.00 tissaspa FsA Sasasasi ass pssasdsd tia OS.tsday. Tlsas,e a' si ahab asd .1sas asaayassi ssgst. Sassa Allen saisetaiassai ah ia, t. bs ha .aphc.sacd as Mapia Syrap estiali s hir gi. as te Sap sa ioasang a i flia lices h lit t ( i- o "d p, . POU MAFRMAVACE RALPI-C MEAH if 81E 4RVTBRI 1946891 1969 SAFETY '99' STOCK- NO-TRADE-NEEDED PRICES AT BIG, BIG NLNMLN1015 DISCOUNTS 520/10S 12.75st019 55li/12 13.30 14.80 h.s. .s . 520/13 14.60 - - 91t1-k-Y 1,w o y 0,b 50/13 16.0 1.10 19.70 _rti ati1 as...is- tai iýttti 700/13 17.15 106.65 20.65 tasIIh 65555 tsa5 asotts 5/14(600i/14) 16.60 - 19.60 su tiasatt 6905/14(650/a4t 17.23 16.75 20.55 735/'14(700/a14 17.90 19.40 21.18 775/a14(750/14) 18.85 20.35 22.45 suasd. ïg .y ,, as 825s/14(800/14) 20.45 21.93 -24.31 aaasLisaaa 855/14(850/14)i 22.35 23.05 26.40 ». s ay- ast - wltSsA585/4(0014 - 25.90 28.95 as lýi taMwt 5.5/15 Tatta 12.90 - a~~~ a/15a sast..s S95 17.45 - 605/15 16.90 18.40 20.15 735/15(640/1501 18.15 9.4 - 7705is51670/t5i 19.25 20.75 22.95 id 825/15(815/15) 20.95 22.45 24.85 852/5 54/5I 22.05 24.3 26.90 nS - IE EXTRAI cash Bonus Coupons i-a iton drama group Guurdhouse tops 2 nd in zone final as showmau W. -stock a fuli lino of* MASTER FEEDS Many faimers are concerned about the White Paper fax refoni proposais. How could they affect yofssesmily adarin busiess? Do vstanaowhotnprobeant ftn agains the iroas of taxation? AttestheOS Estate Planning Meeing ansd leare that stops vos non talle Io plan thse basa futuare for yosr ftrn andi family PLACE: 1'/2 MILES SOUTH Of MILTON On HWY.#25 et the MASONIC HALL DATE: MAR. 19, 1910 lIME: 2 P.M. Halton Federation of Agricukure Esfir about 000r 0.45 1545s 8j Sloap sami Y..a Canadian Tire.c Crda

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