Sp Mec. W. Weatcon Kibecde Home eand Ochcccc Accocclion beld ibece seconcd ceeidessert pectp Meedcp ecectitg Pcb. lb aetb Lert vcc-pccsient Mec. Gorden Haers in cbcrge. Pricipal Nota Hoel enceecced tibat Keibtide Pehic Bcoel caen a ird place eite ski mccc abeeb mec beld ee Pcicciea scoel Seeccrdey, Pcb. 14. te cometetcoectren ef PeeFondet's Dep, e candie leglcteeg service mes bctd. Tboe t king )rin part mccc marder Mes. O. the Hectrete, stedeet Jehn Heeket, coing teseber Mes. L. Hccthcticgtecý ced, puecnt Mes. C. Bedton and Mcs. ep ie Haeis. SCier Bresb ef Miltcn cr4 sec gil entereied a06h sevecel lents Sceeeeslrdeeces eccpecccd bp cciseg Kiek's feibet, Harvey Bcesb mrtb sas the hegpipcs. Mes. Hecket lents cctcndad tu Mr. Bvetb, Kirk eed heie lte girls c vete of teakr. ars Jin Lonay sboed e film neei ettegd "Black Creek Pcoeerc in Village." aldc. Me. Neaisens tcomn moe te cirt sbicld and cmced foc lire anse paets in cetendence. Tahler dlfet wccc seteop Tableccentre- piccs ceegs acte made hp tht ceedenes ce uder the direction of Mcc. -vent. Heteeiegtee. 'Tem The ceci geccclimetogacfll cd in be bcld n Mendey Mctch 16 c tbe and bot deg def miii be hcid e pet Wcdncsdcic Match 18. trige"I Oct mefl wirber are eteceded ce fet heenc cîeeg ARCHITECT cctcd DONALD E. SKINNER peens BÀitb. - MALA.i.C. ce ccd 17A Mill Sircet, 5uit 2, Aneec lecege Teicicisee 853-270o ai 20 Secccbcnk Rd., Pere Credit larges274-348 cîising nfieHus bic Appoinemece ACCOUNTANTS EARL O. BLACK B., Cean,, R,.5, CA. Chcrernd Acenenrit 163 Main Si., Mülen Phtoce 878.542 MacGILLIV8AY & CO. Cbcrtced Avcecrtscts 14 Nelson Si. W. icd Brampton, Ont. ccil 4512484 lie RcsidcetPerterc Om . G. Wilson, CA. M. Hegghes, BA.c C.A. CHIROPRACTORS A. P. KENT, D.C. c. Deveer et Clerepreclie 237 Kiege Coure Crecect Corer- Mertie St. PHONO 878-2031 BY APPOIMTMENT INSU RANCE CO-OPEBATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Berne Protection Ato,0 Acaidececel Demci andi Bae Dciciceg, xRis Vattiee Rcdutime Prernicas Mest Eceneticel Camc O. S. Hccctheriegtecs OJR. 2, Milton, 87848531 Over 21 Yceer' Service ETh. Mjntual LUi. ROBERT S. HART Agent 341 Occilue ocd, Arien Bas. 416.431-3460 rs. 519-853-1527 FUNERAL DIRECTORS t PerleHme 114 Macin St.. Milten Our lTth er cf belptul, 878-4452 DIS OPTOMETRISTU O ARTHUR A. JOHINSON, O.D. ]MILTON - i184 Main St. 878-9972 Tueadea and Pridcys ACTON - 54 Miii St. E. t) 853-2520 Wcdnesctcys cnd SancrstcYs Occideve phoene 878-8678 c tBRARY HOURS Tuesay Ttstcsdey and Pldey 12 non te, 5.30; 630 se 8900 nith Mecdy,t2 nom n53 CinacO Wadnescly Bct.remay - 9_0-i2; 1-5.30 cc Mcs. Hecoy Cicclet Whc borne fecer icorpitec Catby Zarcckcr abe ccc bren dll et berne foc mesth and te Bill Sceese abe is c patient et te Joepb Beant Hospiecl felleaing acr ccidetPridcpPcb. 20. Mc. and Mec. Anges MeLaco cnd fcmdpe f Londonsprn the aeekrcd aitb Mcrg. acd Buck Lengde. T6e Kilhcide Homne and Sctreel Aeecictiee bcd tbhi ceecetire meeting Mendcp Mach 2 in the staffccrum. Thcy met artk tbe Oecrectien reneartice te drsrese plans fer tbe cew 18 cee peck diectly bebied 1he scbeel propecep. Tbe ap aitb the ptoeriy fi es c hyme, acd tbe future bal]lfildand prkingtera;sand picnc areva acte macked in. Beeliegien ber effered $6,000 ibis pece fer secdrng and greding cn tbe peck, vise $600 foc c bcll bck stop. Thecterecerton cermieeers plcnncng onv hepreg twings, Laisars, sîrdes and clcehrng bcr, abiobcc tre tu6e plvred ci 1he herk ef the scoel yard, se tkct btheee cbolcand tebpekrcan make ue of 16cm. The neve Homne and Scoel aetin&war 6e beld en Mecdcp Mach f6. T6e speaker is Hilde Clark frethebHelîen Bocrdof Odeoceron and she adli 6e rpreakrg on paîily Living" and bowancd aber this is te hr tccgbc in tht clcacentcy cooir. Mclton Drstrct Hosprtal bes stcli cet ecacd c cea cdmcvccrcece -Milton Coucccrdddneramee 16cr arek. Comarree mceerings acre bcid Mccedcv. The Canadiar Champion, Wedccsdap, Match il, 1970 NI Kilbricie HoId dessert part>' tt TH0 HOBNBV 00.1. rllinn crlubhbas js liiced mare t6e nru eva cdere for the qeclicca preleet c qeele mhicb mas chair ain proet tei data. white Mec. OcConnor, we h e r as dcstreyed Shoemcniigatheqvilc arae i.Perry Mry, hyfrainDeceheccscbrtherecpiecteofthe pinh. Mes. John MrCarrvn, Mes. Cael Patterar ccnd Mca bccnd-rncde qril.-iStcHf Photo) Hugli O'Connor. Mes. Marte and Mes. Paatersac Mornby Qult completed Bp Mes. 3cm Hamdlton T6e Nerth Trafalgar Ceoteen Teile held thece srctb 4-H Clcch -mreceg eith1e berne of Mes. Jeohn Cevdcerglcp 0e Moerdcp cvcccng, Mach1 ai.e 7 pa. Vaeie hile resrded Perth1e mecetigabrch acepevcdaobt t6e 4-H plcdgr. The rocti, "oeccasioneonercchoea erherts, a csered 6>1the 19 mmrs peeet. T6e gicr ceenened 10 accck ov filait germenre. The cccl mceegadi 6e heid eon Mendcp, Match lb. Thecrecreicrenaricte ccf thuîth SerïVce GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH lton, Oetario. Oreetrc Reer. R. W. Poncer Assicîcee: Canon P. H. Mao. SIJNDAY, MARCB 13c6, 1970 Lent V 8.00 vam-ely Communion. 0.30 ver.-Jr. Cbencb Ocheci. 9.30 ccv -Metirs acd Serrmon. 10.45 am-c-. Chereh Sebeet. 11.00 cce.-Bcic Rvrcearct anrd Sec-acte. 00 pcv Iboc Ccovccii of Orac Cicorcb cr91 meet in ther Pede.h Bell. WEDNESD9Y, MARCB 18 Loocor. Commuccionsr 7.30 ccv. lolv Commuanien. 10.00 c ce Boly Cccmmaueien. Yvvccarcbrcyr accce a OraerCerch MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontacrie St. N. 878-2022 Chrieticco gcehered en tise naeto the Lerd Jeceer Chisit. Lerdns Dep 01271097 19012H 15th, 1970 10.30 c.a.-Bekccg of Bead. 12.15 p er.-Sccdey Sehool. 7.00 p.a --ceepel Service. Wcdnrcdcy, 8 pam. - Pruyer ccd Bible maiding. AIl ae wcomre ce thsee csetrvics Eccerv idlrccccrdiicct men chall cpok, choc -bell giere er- coccci tcoc Math. 12, 36. BOSTON AND OMAGH PRESRYTBRIAN CHURCHES Incctiocn Mcderrcr Oro. D. R. Nricccocson, B.A., B.D. Capbcitviilr 854-9805 OC ODAY, MARC15lch, 1970 10.00 cccv Bccecccc Wec-sbip Srvice. 11.15 v.m.-Beeton Cbeeeh Ovcceol. 10.15 cc.e.-Omagbc Cberch Svhccl. 11.30 o.m. -Omaghc Worehip Service. Roc. R. Doncocccc ci Kitrhe- oe %il] concdc srvice et bctchccchcc EMMANUEL RAPTIST. CHURCH Cccercial Ocreet, Miltoen Pccsccrc Recc. Cicycce Coea 070-4473 878-3342 Tice Cordes Dey SCNDAY, MARCH 13c6, 197f 9.49 c vc Soccdcc Orcccci. Ail ogrer 11,00 cc.m-MciniiogWccsbip 5.30 pcvicclOit Meetinrge. 0950 pcv.-Scvg0Srvicec. 7.00 p.a.-Rcening Werchip. WPDNE9DAY. MARCB Il 6.30 per-Jcnivr Clubt. Yovtb Plicng Session. 9.00 p m-Bible Stcdp and Pcaecr. Nurery~ fevflities ce Ocndep Serviese. Ves Are Wecome CNURCN 0F CHRIST Noc. 5 Sidererad and 411e Lice Trafalgar SUNDAY, MARCIS lOch, 1970 10-00 e el-Bible Seceetl Clesses fer cil age. 11.00 eam.-Mervivg Wersbip 8.00 Pcer-Peching ef ise Gospel. KNHOX PRESRflERIApN CNURCN Ierîerim Medert-cer, 0ev. P. N. Yeueg, B.A. Georgetown 877-6206 "O oene leet us ership and bvwclodewv; etL ce keei befoe the Lerd ver Meker." RIJNDAY, MARCIl lOch, 1970 9.45 c.m.-Sr. ChucS Scoev. 9.45 c.ec.-Ycceeg Peopie Bible Clerc. 10.50 a.mv-Jr. Chvirvh Soev. 1100 cvc.-Mvcvcvg Wvrship. Mccc c cr, Oc-v. Pc-cf o vor . C. fiey, B.D., Ph.D. i11.0 a.ec-Nurery. HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH A lcal ccvembiy of The Pevivoce! Asseebles ef Wckefieid Rd. and Hcvy. 25 Milton Pcccvc: Roc, M. Cheireen Tri. 878-2064 THE LORD'S DAY SUNDAY9, MARCH l 9,0, 1970 9.45 c.c.-Svvdcy Svhvei. 11.00 cee -Mcc-vicg Wcccvip. 60 A v Pcci Pccvev. 7.00 p.m. - Rvevieg Eveegol- estie Service. Wedvevdey - Bible Bledy, 7.30 f. Fridey - Ycoung Propie, 8.00 p.M Fcc-, hall blccvvoce Mccb.oich 9,cvere41. ST. PAUL'S CNURCN Of THE UNITED CNURCH O! CANADA Main Sc. ac Jaes Bt. Micister: 0ev. C. A. teiert S.A., B.D. cgccitcvnd Chcir Leeder: Mccc. Herold Maec SIJNDAY. MARCPt i5cb, 1970 1.00 c.cv Mcrvivg Wcc-chip. Nicci Cac t Do?c CHCRCH OCHOOL 9.30 Ovv-idccv Scoel fer l bccvs and girls ever B 11.00 c cc.-Ivi- 'ner r in ocarge ci ,zgirny. and cccrcvc-c depertment 11.00 ae..Kiredergercen cc'd Pc-lever Deperemeci. eges 4 - 8. Invitetien Te Ai t6e Bccpne Cccmaeercy Cente held e eccohie pcrtpo ce Pvdep nigbt. Mach b. Thece acre 21 cables cf cobte in play aith tht pres gcccvg Ioc t6e feilcacerg actere rse AnerDeccMcc Glcdpe Ccccccc, Jerk Robrtson and Hece> Oavis. The dcaw pcicesaeacvonby Mcs Gecrge Brccaoccdge, Mît. Geccrge Rccdhced, Wiiccd Brcdgema avdeoarcd Winch. Luecheers seretd hp 16e romeedîce anrd c serial besecnjccped. Jrm Meffer of New Lcskerd visiitd ccn Sccrdad ih Mr. and Mes. Tom Hccaden. Mc. avd Mcc. Llcyd Marehall of BitevcîcRcedhvecrcccrned home frontacvcto ninvPlant City.1 Piceide lhvp alcc rccced aciShMr.and Mes RoylBreakcat thicrcoctage cin Mieamc. Gel acfl achervre ectceded lu Ledr Pre eSc i a patientl in t6e Mcltce Dcstrct Hccspital. Mcs. Mergae Iceveor ber PetersrcgPlcridc Weaecctcry tu reportcsnhaiscrhcn qcce ill acth asevrcef HonrgKong Ocl eed preccaccece croc site cccccceed hcce. Oct acfl acchcr are esterded by lier ay fcrndscer ths distrct. Miss Shrley Docees cf Teerccto visird on Sclcîdcy ath lir paenccsr Mr. and Mes. Deiheet DOcae of Tcefalgat A pet ck dcnerccnd qccdong ber a field aiet 16ve ca f Mcc. Jck MCceccn ccn Tccesdcp, Martch 3,her meabr cf the Hccchp Wcaev's lccctccre gcrhrrd te ceeplete cber qoccît foct Sccae Oep. 16e dcrplay cf qccltc. erhccîcc anvd cîhier arile i be field acl Hcllcrrî Uncted Cbuch. 16v acehly ecline pccty of tire North irfla cccciccckre Clucb wcc held acc the North Trafalgar Rerector Cenre onv Secccdcp cccolcl. Maccch 7. Thece oece en tccblesccf ecche cv play acîh ti6e pvrcc gccccg Io fle fccloicacg Miniccers, Mer. Jic Hamiltcon, Mcc. Relpr Peocheccîcon Mîs. Pced Wcckcveo Wclcviec Maoc foce Hoadeo antd Donalcd Doucglas. T6e Icky dîawre FtrankPcock. Bcrtdey grvccccgo are vccredcd c the foclcccvcgabc etc orcercccgl clcec hccchidcyc Leeccvr Bvigdev occ Metob 10, Brce Bodcey coi Match lb .ced Patc Picppcccr occ Machi il Mr. eod Mcc. lure ataof 11cr Ecgoci Lcce specl ticr aeeheod accu Mr aed Mcc. Bill Boccrci Ofl Baivle choc o srcpvris hvldcdy pecîy ccu hid en fccote ofl Mr. Sccccccc Tire Wcccd Occy of Peopercco hrid acc Bcirecc Unictvd (hc Fccdep, Machi 7, occh 38cladcc ccrrcdcvg. Tire dcccve foi cicr do> ac, lobe Couccofc A flicccp hcccc Icliccarc icr lice Milton Uodces' Accccici for flic Mecccciiy Rvîcdcd arcv holdng aeclre povty cc the Northi Traflgat Cccceccccccc Cenotre oc bternes Arvonue (Basv Lccvl. occt cf lTrafalgac Roud, ce Wvdnedoy ecgbc., Machl i1. acc830fper Lunohbprcvd ed Moccroccof bccdcccc ccc, biencrcccccga bIc Mrcad hic-. Pcvd Wckererand occcclyc dccth Nccctb Lcvvý Bcrhdccy gceeîcccgr ccc cccl. Lcro Haoec aho ccii oeiehccr- Siec leds bcvtbdoy onc Frvdcc. Machi 13. Mc. aod Mes. Lerie Rvcivdgc cib ie Nirib Lcte cpevr cicr arekeerd adb Mc. aod Mrs lcvcce Wallce cf Blpcb. Sec tejctrpcc qccesticcarcc on6te cdctrcccc page cf finc eekr Cbhampion. -lhece aseaeSduccadc a t6e Wcccld Dep ef Preevices bcld rer Miltocn. Lowville Golf in Europe Bp Mît. L. O. Salve Mr. and Mcc. JeocDaiseeia Europe,awhcer Mr. Davs veapee in 6cr professien ce c gelfer. Cbeos Bcedang bcd c vecy scccccssfel secten aoth les ecoamebîle. At Bettie, Chers avd 6cr fcthct Wclly made c fine cheareg fer lheacelvcc ced Cheiscme homecacb sevecel f es c c Cochb Petrc Gaes huid 16e pleceece cf bcedang ver hie ced aite ickeer ce t6e ermbes ccf 16e Leaecllc Ictrediace Omagh À4-H Debs plan skit gp Mes. Cernl Pettesce Thesertbaeetigf Hcnbp Soccrit 4-H Debccteers as hcld ocn SctccdepMatce7inOagh Pceshptevevrbcstrch hall et p.er Seentecer girls ensacced the roii oci cabl wee tucca shorts". Bndc Neerck preridcd fccr busies ecineg, Jeerîre Brierce anrd Karenr Marsball gave e ccum f t6e skct foc ArhcerteertDcp. Rcrdhccccks aerchehed brbthelederseand drertrctsof pttieg inc e vcppec. ved o aitbandacar groe. Aeoe Rvbi avd Mes. Kierean actîr Carcl WeIllsa merdls dccaedcthecocrrctcp tuccarvecavdrclocbtherhmo ackccl. Caroc aicc nccgcc trarctie skcrt en drcdes ocf rocse. Slip cvrihccg ae dîccer and ecd acerbet erade o semple for ntr boock.lThe ec eetvingadîhl e fieldccon Matc21. Mcmersdili acckconccbsend grevr. 16e St. Petîcice' poc lvck 1 l c hbece r for OagS Pcechptrrcce W.M.S. adi 6e beld li ocpee Cenre MaverS 18 et 12.30 p.a. Lodies aed gentlemen are cncceed cor ptcgrem tcc fccicca. Wrcterd srncrreerrpathp tcc Daiter Cacin ccc 16re pesccog ccf ic brtIee-ce -aw, Arnold Pottrtcscccof Mkhem. Me. Petterscc cccc o fils 5Orb yeet and vssccoccdhbyhlisacfccced foccrhcldceer Gcccd prcec aecc ceehered ai flic saleof diry owsin Kitcheeri oc Pccdcp Mach h. aico lice herd of Me. eeri Mes. ELer Mowcrl ere dcrpesed. Williaom Deoiv cf tire Fotti Linorecoepcvedby Mr.vand Mcc. Keit Occier avd fcerdp crvîvredbIoneefcrnvbhcdepie file Bahams. Mc. anod Mcs. ClareceoPercckeretsvccd a fea doyc vgcc front cc tac acck hicdcy acrb chicec docglrtcc Accee cc ic he aama. Sicerve cycepecby tc lice cvii> ofi lie vaie Mcc. PFecck McNiocrc col Mciton, abo pcsercd cacay in Mdcon Hospccal ccc Svvdey Matchl8. Tle rcceochvcc ofl BccehpW.C1 qocili cccs field o deighlcI gcc-t-ccgcrîvcercd srgchcccd occclcesdy Mat. 3,awhee rscJ. MoCcrccoecîececoed filera ai bier hoe.e ldiens icId e mcetinrgs and sececci efrercceer ccf qsdveig ei t6r home ced tOcs ae heId vs e fina pecep anrd tu cek piavs fccr Svmmay Dc> Mar. 10. lacerry-rae ladcies aedun litrir bccy erîeyed the deiciccvs mccl. T6e dierieg tahle as erreeged aoth sprng lccancd ccodies Pbcctos acte leken ccf the grccpeand thceleders, the bccclecc ced lady abe coull ee the beedsccme qsdrt îcst copîcîrd. A sorial lime ae eetepcd, ce hehaif ccf the grccsp, Mes. Marty p eeserrcd e eeep dcc Mcc MoCececce fccr lcer setreg efforts dcc bnp eroke 16e netss sucrirab ces lacenty six ladies enrclird acch fccvcteev erbers cf tire lvsccrccrc Mr. O. Docav rcpreed cppeccrcccr cce chee bebdlf tu the bccstesc ced leadrs Mec. P. Mercp and Mes. C. Prîtecer. 16ce acte dacive gccecrs ahc renjcyd 16e vceas and Misr Ele Sercboci theerked occ dhicr behaif ecpsrerig piresce tic meeting anrd mekrng er revdc avd lecesergea hobby. Af frit tiret lIce crac sprerd bcd bcccc perftble. Scmact de mdll 6e field ad Bol cest hrhon e Mach 10. This riese aril eslvbcr lOer qvddt, accsod cccchairepedfroncech erember aod qesît pettene ccld anddoca. Mvs. Nccea Lepe of lice Dcp Nursery cce Seccere Street ancd Mes. Ketît> Ridgay of cthr Cc-ccp Nvrsery srhccl inSt. Peccîs ohucob Miltonv ctecded chrecoeccnf Hamtncand Oistrict Ccccvcd cf Co-peccores Pic Scîcolc cv Chedoke Genecel and Cicdceecs Bcspctcc1. Hramite ccc Sctocdcp, Mrch 7. Mcc. Eleccccc Bcdhid i rovlecvg se lier hccme fl i acg cce emecgtercy eppeodeoer cin Mdlton Disteict Hosîpital cececîiy. Freeds acsc lier c cperdp rcore rp Mes. Nettre Browv cf Torocntc wa Sccdeyvcctradihbler octr Mcc. George Pecockcccd Icadiy. Onl Wel i aches gcc tri Mcc. Bccrk PFord cccvoesocnglfrcct, revrn srgcey rer Oakvidle Trefelgr Hospital. Bcîtbdey gcecbongs avd gcccd 10lest Bck Peccckeand Bedîr Marshall. FLOWER 'tttfl4SHOP MILTON PLAZA 878-2881 For Tro Boni In Wedding Designs Anncversarie FHspctal Gîfts - Funcrel Tribr.ton ANOUCEMENT - HAROLD C. FUNK BARRISTER & SOLICIIOR lB PLOASED TO ANNOUNCO THAT JAMES C. EDGAR WOOD ILLB. HAS JOINS) THE FIRM AS 0F MARCU 9, 1910 207 MAIN STREET MARCHB 91970. MILTON, ONTARIO Sefebeli lea ls Sctecdep et c danoe et Bepot Centre. The t ami lcccking ferad le c tophpareniegcsavourr. Tom acd Carol Pesee ai eppeceacî 16tte Hedleqean Coneert Siegete, a grccep of 23, et Rcoe Peck Hrgh School ce Hamilton, onc Apeil tO-Il. Tht cvcerogoccvereec f deffecene etyles ccf aveic cvd any cccrrecesccfaMoudc. Wrnncfced Neail isc îcmpotcvilyctingeascccgceelela Knvox Pcesbptrrcccc Chech. Mis. Neell os cn eocacmly cclened lady ahc cochec 16e Jicrc Peamer Scegece aho are norcd fer Iker mec> frscv i orperlcccvc. Mdllvn Ledy Ceelces are tuc havecarerd pcrîponMatchl15. Mer. SIT Ccclso svisvheg adth the Gerge Cccebenc. Mis. Gerege Cccdoon hcdted t6e G C.W. cf Lccavdir-Zcaaeac Wrderdy. Leccise Genhp ced Olenve Ccccltr eare ce charge cf the discussciov. te ae c ceccy, fcerccog dcy ourrede, 6cr t6e bert' sesson ahect evepeece hcd a l ct 14k Scpr eetycc ata cvscde. Mas. Roscs MecAvella adli bcct the U.C.W. ecccch fccr c hot levohec fincc aeek. Ladces ce thce errea eeeccded the Zcnimrmn Wocidts Dry cf Pcyr serviceon Matoch 6 Beclcvgrol eccTourcConert Baed adil play ce the O.S.O. onv Apeil 5t6. Roy Ccccir cccvn Ottawa for e Pael Dicccccov ccl North Devdcc Hrgc Sohocl i oCerleton Counol> Geerge Cccllccg cs rin csptlcc Rrcvvecieg fec at r cd 0cr aed ciller anrer cocplcccrc ae: Oice avd Pecrhccrceoe Ccciccg Mr. acd Mcc. R. Herbercccgrcv aod Russcel obeerso. Afr c lrvgrhy cîey in bocpcreiliber lvievdr care happy lc, have Hvee Melcececoc hotva. Rccodp Recdhredc and Rccnep Richardsonc arc vea membeer cf 16e ccScegvg Cbidren cf che Cheech" ce Lcavcille United. Mes. O. Salcc, chvir leadet, ceys cea mucc ai hie rted sour ad urcgesc i cf oir ameerrctected. Peccrc ew Scooci re parelcpatieg ce t6e bhcprs Ocbvci Assciaticoe kdcrore trips anod 1he ccl ou b th1e pccpdc en Grades 5 -O8adl roke plece in ecciy Jette. Pcccvcacs "Pecoccr Ncglt ledacvek ace cmpvieve dcacc-vrtccc hy t6e creobr and popils in the olaceetoams ef the meek pcegcemt foc t6e pece. Therpccpdcaitherrbceieectaed $154.00 foc 16e Red Crccss dccrngPFebceccp. On Match 180G Notoncre ev ebe Nocron Ove Lrnecsailbc 16e guectreaethe aroceeHomerand Sgbl meting. He adIlso piro s r tercker on hcs erccy tours Tht Nelson Otacol W. 1 Il ace Mach 17 ciie h ome cf Mes P. Bell Oo Macoh 3lutethe Overyv Burîke Meeccria Aucditorium rOe rs c 6e acc openvvrgh cccicc Elcevoc Ccccicvc picyrd chv Dacvcd Ccribh cs in Pucerco Rco vhdc 6cr accîhet plcacs a trip 10 kEglaed Iccocrsalice facly. Wocid Dry ofl Pcoyr acl ZcnmoermanoChccon atch6 Lcook forctebceelck Cc vrage- 16cr speci dcy cr clered in130 cocrev ir e dry cs spccvrtd 67 accc tratoa Ccmmcrrcc. cf ehc, Gedeon Occecie of Gecmnccy os the Charca ancd tce Pcevideor cf t6e Woervr lccr-Clcrch Couccc o f Cana da c s a menicr. boerace fîcnc Egype. e oca ocket fcca Gvycce. c iecbc frea tndcc,randcachcocke frcca the Phicippiner avd Prcer t6e United Socles. Ladiestakceg pacrt front flc Loaville, Zcaarar and Anglioccanchrce ace Mcc. C. Richardson, Mcc. LePcgc M rs B. Adams, Mcc. H. Barce Mis. G. Foorr. Mc. G. McormacokîTe so ccc a Mers J. Pocwell, ocgaiioct Mcc. J. Ccrediand speakr Mîr. Jclfcccec ccRed Cccl Occorerge anîd Nvor ctu New Scie"i oc bcid onc Scclccdey Mat.ch 14 crI the Mccio Cenre ce Neo breet cbh thr prccedc gcccg ctu pochere Orea ccoccvr le lot ofv ItrainlIccocîcîcoccol DecI Gccvec gel ccodr ay v Miltcon cr4 the ccrliergcon Vc-rmont gccccp lcyh ilc lc6 ci Bcctloc ccc Jiee ff EEMER TO HELP_ 03E SERVE THE EAST ENDO 100 flrnmptou Ib WEST END MEAT MARKET 141) M,ý,, ý,l F HL [ Pi L IV[ Hy