North Halton reassessment Do Ysu tssow the tosoket value of ysou home rofaomi? Resodooto of Northt Hohosn 2008 knso moro accsostrly followig the visitosf tosmî f assseus int05 Acon, Milton, Geoogeown, Esqsosing sod Nousoaweya it lots fail or the erly pool of noot y000. Haltono-Peel ossroomoso csnoooiso ier R. H. Bosch told Ibis ootoopuper at s prtos cooiforeoce on Brampton Moodsp thal traims sf 21 men wssld mose ntîs the vari000 Noth Holo mooisiplities folsowing the ruassessimt progrom in Bramopton. lie expoctsd obos .sold latbn op most of thio youo, bst il9000 qoite possible usolo wssid aient in Northo Holio on the loIr foU]. AU assosiment in tbe province of Otoris will bc based on market valses starting in 1975. Prime objective of the reassesooot progrnis obo& eqsity 10 lte taxastio systent, said Cool bladgett, 0990900000t doecsor for thisirestcovrAt Holson, Peol , Yark, Otario, Sfimcoan 50 buokoko districts. Titere are about 417,000 popertoo in tho soea willo 110 municiplite. Mo. Moolgett bold lthe Bramptson orm conféence that recoont progoaos of osessmmg proporty at markot valuo sloowed eveoyone os in faoso of oquity in osorosmeot and taxation poovided ltopy do't have to pay more for il. Mr. Modgett ssod bt rcived a csmpliAt fronm one omeowoto whos ssuosentoroe foom aoosd $4,000 10 nea0iy S53,000' sodoo market vlas asseoto. His taxesoose fsom $400l toS1,000. ."Titot home we wa hoppig mod. What ho dîdn'l opprciate 000 ltai, hecaso of isodeqacies sn the oid osemettsystom, ho had boen g001100 pooferred toosoment. Othr hometowners with simia popooîooo woth as mach hod hoto paying taxes of close 10 Woman hurt A Milton ona 00000ocoood foîehood and knet lacertos slen Moday esooAtg, Feb. 9 whto lte cao wich oht 0000 doosoog cslid th a truckit s the intesection of Esqoostog ' Eighth Uâne aod tht Base Lot Rd. Ruth Bouofid, 44, of R. R. 4, iliton ws trîttl in Milton Distict Hsital foi injuries ooceivedin the clliso. Driveroof theoruoatwoodity Rolhsay Coocootostot of Eliaa, Goodon Bmubacheo, 21, also of Elmioa 0000 uninîsoed but $1.500 damiage asO dose tuohoîloruck. Damage ohe Boufild vhiclo wsî litd 010$2,500. POLLOCK ond CA MPBELL could start in foul S 1,000 oUl along. "Obviootiy lte othor homo owoers shosid hast hotu hopping mad on discoveoing fihit propetowne0000 hadut boto pîysig Hos foie îbaoo of local taxes in lte pool," Mo. Modgrli deciaood. "'Ilo program is tîsentisi if thero li o be 008 eqsityin propooty asutssmtnt and local lOOoto," Modgett continsed. "Plos 000000sonne people mi psy less ie taxes and othoîs more. Unfortunatly, me heso from those pooperolly r mitose 090100001t a1 market value Atdicots higitr taxes. They poofortihe aid Atoquitiaht oyîoem mitichit aoAtonally csncosied thetîpcialiototiment 1hey 00010 getting." A homeomr mi hsom white i assesmeoîîos relistic 0o00 00 a ho lieiy hos a good tdoo of mhal hie proptîty os morthon lthe open maoketthe osumeot dioeto saod. Who moold seltlhe market value of pooperly? It wsuid ho hoord os tht marketl oalue sel by sales and otootles of simoloo hosîg ino coomsonity. Updaling oid tle place onnually. Asitd if thoemas oyeietf far peoipit forerd out of htomes bytocalatsdaoasessmetivau, Mr. Madgett saîid this 0001 pot lthe oospoosîhoiîiy of bils deporimoot. Thoy tmoioed 0000018 10 equalie the 0901000001t. Homevto, ho poitd sut ltai people oseo 65S ytasl of 040 cosid ohîao relieof front ltse Att moth a loto agaot tht Mayor HIscol McCallum of Sltoetsmdle coiosdod litote Streetsiol and poootod out Ihere w asoftoncofsion beîmeen ioxation and 0000000001. If a muoocipaily dors noi altmpî tv toise mr 000008 themajorîîy oflhome appooxomatly tho sli uodot the nom syslomt. Tho mîli rate ohosld drop aocoodoîg tu îlot Tht assessont office mll have 10 juggletw set oh f c00018 is assessetd aod iloto swith 0000 tu the neoosyslom. [LECTRICITY voff - 878-6378 Osiy sot ooototy i. Ontaoo Yorh o s oompletly îtas0sed. and thoot verre ooîly Imo pes vent inapptis. Mos. MtCallum, mito Atossted tho ooptooeotod a Sltelvifie Otosapaplt t the meting, illustratod loto point woth as o00mple of proptoy she oed os Mossîstooga whiclo had tsoo reassettod. Value soaod on ltse foot totos and ahouse font SI 500 10 $22.000 bot heo taxes Appols o t he Aooossmet Roooow Courtîhasheen oovisedmi ooder ioprovide moreotime 29 dayo tn al. ooîloîed of i4d for the hometot n tu00 0 decido ohethos lie 00081 bo appoal bot Reatssntino Hallos os expectd tu ke twoyeaot. Speaker ful I@tfy Stili hiding crippled child Tht dayo of îlot hidden oooppltd chdld are n0t ov00, John Butler of the Ontario Society af Croppltd Châdtto bd momitoos of the Rotary Club lot worS. Heoecosoted vooittag one homo wih tho districtinurse insa sorlher tires. Tho moîbot donotd Ohooe wOOsa crippid chid in the homo hut sitto gotetoi îlots ootoy a hahy ith o dilooated ip wafourniundr tht hoîchro oit, hoddeo foom vlow. The Socoiy mas able tu hslp. One of tht poomaoy objecives of the Ontaro Society of tht provsilon of ctrandotrament foo itedy cooppltd chidoos. Mr. Butler pooiotd out îoo ihat costs on tht motS. suppootod hy tht Eastoo Soal campoogo, 00000 osooeasimg. An sotofocool 0000 costs $1,850and the dogsalone foi chl 91014 cystic O foll.lbro srt $225 ooshly plut asoîloso 0239 for o msoofslent fur fli ohdld tu oltp os. "This Oc tho Sosie es]a dollar, belp bold Rotiaaoî. le sopoted thsee ar 0000000 y 22 thalidomide o.hldenliving in Canaddandothe laîooiîty ore ingadeoneo, vry itelligent and g08110g alongî weIll Ho soiod the dsoolopoîooîî of aolîfîcoal losor tlies ohidoos and the n004 t89 av lht sto 000ie.o Tht 1970 ohjetivec fur lhe fasito Seal Campaigo os Miltoo wdi ho $2.050, Mo. Bulos bld the Rotatos o s ponor rio local drivo. Ho noold llîîî wa, an inctoas ofsxpet cent lîî9lî 000 s indirect proportonoîîîlle oood for additîosl fonîds tu ot the budget, Te Canadien Chamspion Wednsodoy, Febrooary 18, 1970 7 show on '70 tax bis Glie r' ýaw n- ýi MîLuo1 s but lî~5890011 900,ss,îod1lo1 809 îll o .ossge o s c oots 1.08 0k. 88dilnsIhs lls ti erwl li xse htxbls niaeleitrmbilling and ftureo ltoldhbcpreparedl, 1115 1914 a id agesîpti,tî 38 wleterornu i i pdid, prsosg quipmost iithe perooîs, thovo îof them0 aduits Cîoîî repots that ssgios.ibssseosmtîffices. anldîthe resogedb15ltu21. used tu show0 îlot Tht pîî îîhî,Iloy ot981 lslyî Tliep1101 town linvestigate the 0 bill, bul lotîîd il ili, wit donco Theo iilek îocgoetd flic bc tYpîîg informati.on regaocoding a8iut1. avod onfuon,îî il wa.8 .lfîid this as do,îî.ohlo olcleî.lî9181Ial bierirO810018 009, mil .oîd li p.ssihîlity *11, [SIMPSONS-SEARS _1' Save From 1/3 to 1/2 Men's, Ladies' & Children's ail greatly Redueed Ladies' & Teens' Casuals Children's Dress Shoes Men's Better Dress Shoes Save onBoys'DressShoes 399 399 1299 4 44 Ovr3 ar!Choisie feuro t e tite, s ad Oxorod ud lofderstforhoy. Strps ad es i M9II> styles ad asrted sizes. Calfleother Moldedsoles and gurantea3moeots agbull~. petend patent. 00000 51tei1. Moi. oidt. Reg. oueds, patentor loutierfor to 4. M 8991000. i-a ouol os. 71010toi ntegoup. inguosay front lealboos rppers. Black. 31. tri 7. Reg $5.98 toi$7.98 pr. oidth. Reg. $5.98 to$7.98P. Reg.$19.8ta9 8 l .$6.98 04 ta 7.98tir Teens' Sport Casuals Save on Children's Boots Save Men's Dress Shoes Men's Handsewn Shàoe 599 499 999 499 MOo r 20poo! Diucotinuaitdutyles of "00114 Waterproof o'ioyi and astooood beatter s for b - o-dt t01 ic and slip-o sls s in blac 50 or brose Losihor s o post poion ml,,s, bools. Tis Woolley' and "Marie Cloire". Leather, paient. boys and girls. Ail are fully finrd. Size 1 lt i. Leaiher ppeso p os ons ols . 710o 12. Reg and slip-on. Blackt and broon. &-il olectivoly. 5-10. M orodtb. Reg. $10.00 Pr. a eg. so9 Ute $9.90 pr. Il014.98 t0$7.99 pr. Reguiar 9.98 pr. Ladies' Fashion Shoes 499 Over 300 paiot! Slings, prampa, illusion antd shuohy hoes Pretenl patent and landher 5910 lu0e .9604. $0001 8 Pr. Ladies Sboes a"s-? 99." .Oet 110.94 O~ Ladies' & Teens' -Boots 999 DOvr 400 pairs! il" an4 il. hîgit lî,ood Iethrr bnais wtsot e onkr full1110801h ooppos 5-l,. Reg. 817.9 ts $1909 Pr. Menf's Lol Priced. Shoes 799 Severa-astîylesinlblack and bo'o. Ltho- upper' , compoiton sols, sobtersaot. A les in EEodth. 6-11. Reg. $11.98to$13.98p. Men's Casuals 444 Speool puasu lot "it sole. Tir. and tlipfflm in suodeand leather.SonneEE dtbs o 2inO the groux Suveral colora. Re. 90.901000$.00. Cblldrro's Sbor. Wulking Sitos Ladlies' B-1. TMen'a Cainsa Vont Rouis Noo'u& Loufer ~ 9c ~ 399 11.9 - -, 3 2499oi 399 99" .8.98 a _t. 699 3" 0I.99 ie 110tr Lali'bioku oui ..b. t. $ 00 . Sai .Woooo o8tb0 a uooe 015.0. 5pf .*~ y Equ~res Tasd.edO tso sit si.L pissi.95 N0$0, Store Hur. PsSO *.m.te SeSO pda. Dully - Tboesdully & FitodoY UntIl 9 pas. Hamiltan ut Tbe Centro - Berlioisen ut th. Bila - Doudou us UulvoeJy flou. RWAYCHf FOR REsOPEN ING PAINTSPECIALS IN NEXT WEEK'S CHAMPION SOUTHSIDE PAINT & GLASS il Fulton Si. W. J. Koski an omý 878-9452 lBahSndBfianBi Rt is ,raSl CNICKENS ....... ........ ........39c lb. CNICKBN WINOS -...... 3 lb. 99c POBIC CHOPO .... 85c lb. MARIE LEAF BACON .. 95c lbs SCHN*DRS WIENERS 55c pkg. BIB BOAS? _..... ............. 79c lbs ROUND STEAK ........... l----- :b. T-BONI STEAK --------------- $1.09 lb. POBK ROAST _ --__..... 9 lbn R.dpaf h SUGAR ...........5 lb. 47e llSIg'o Cor. Flas il-ou. 3 for 99o KelIoggo Blic Krloplo. 9-oo. 3 for 99c Maxwell Nouae COPPIR 75e lb. Sebeoidors SOIt MARGARINE 1H/ lb. 39c P.EI. POTATOIS 10-lb. 49c PRESN L&TTMC 2 for 39c GINIRAL STORE FREE DELIVRRY 176 Main St. Milton 878-3161 -I