E A SE£ u.a * e. 2 lTe Canadin Citempion, Wednesclny. Februaryt 18, 1970 Winter break swim program approved Theeîttdeeîetont broaksmton Theo cnmmîtlmte ok n pregnar nili ho contiueod tltt fthier actieoonatuelehen yeod. emitets et' tho Miltoe, i îoooed a lettet Itemt Mdtan Foot, and Receatcon Leminrittre Arna Board indîcalmng ose of eîed S54driesli, attr tecnitta lthe aiena, tel the spot rndd cppîeoi frent fle Onrolot e aot $2,000 ta Ieacing Scteet eortohe Dent. and lthe tddition et esitanstisg The fits day free smtm eqaipacot. Il min atmo pointest preoOriO ttoctod htmoett 300caltotire sammen monlths nec and bOO doritht e oh, eter Iennaliy sedtfurmatenance sc lvc ti at yor ai the matit. Ontario Schole ter tile Dntt The Rcoaltan Cermitîcee peet. Ticets o tee t te dady itad moîlen lte tait ynno for une itee, peî:edt col teld cn inortonon elthe avndailtty cdsace et lte ceîîc tf intosttin TheeComecttleeclelemet met iecoesernattantdtformatioof thteoseettvo of tie adragon. lttî'etthe-Moe ogazttttt Mnmhotote':temed lthe te teve, pro oee lub doit ooconccmmItter budget, ,stucture.yoefoes. an:d arrangîe ecp,îtg acttl expntuos tol petieed. ieoOttnge metî the meith ast ynao's buodget. I mai Rocoeee Cotît:iiete.e lin ited ltaI weie pool admisstons ee,ete eoreod 129 îîîeothot itcd tocraseal lc $5,100 Oh, et, lte ,,,-eee.,tteettpti:tte an pas orcseatsslreîsndsupplies fo futue eenîe theo peiool R er, $8.300. Font I e t e hobdmiton cltui rpains itcd added o fthiet ter soenioe ,eîead ridais, wli $4,219. Cesîs cf epertol lte ho ,expî:ted. fllelfIn seommer ptaygroend and dci' ,îedi.etîe:e elof t i litn T e cmp ptegacm eti$5,208. Ceoîcettee e' e'rcc ci orrage A jeotmeetîingws tehbe ttetîîlîee foi a batdmiteon neght .iotcsgrd th te Aîeoc Board whîcit ec:ed hcoentc te tu oire lte petiiity et alec etethî be t:tertei îîî teetttinatoteeaeetttttotnttn lutîing à 1-a clubCeltstof neoth east noîgliitetied wih theotinitial meetngtarct(0ebe is eoooetyhbeeeg patOdA I Ildertel >, hi :1: Recre.:tion: reply troe lite tbards i Ct:ceette ad the dae 0 e'pected h y ccl eloe a.te:îeeed Match 4. t. ARCHITECT DONALD E. SKINNER 17A Miii Steet, Neite 2, Acte, Tleph.e 853-2740 or 20 Sîovehek Rd., Pot Credit 274-3-428 otfice Hec,, he Appecelment le ACCOUNTANTS EARL G. BLACK a. Cern, R t.A., C.A. Chotod Aucceontoant 163 Mets St., ilton Phene 8786342 MacGILLIVRAI & CO. Citoottett Accoats, b 14 Nelson St. W. aramptn, Ont. 451-4840 Recident Partleeo G. G. Wilont, C.A. M. Hughe. B.A., C.A. CHIROPRACTORS A. P. KENT, D.C. 237 King, Court Cieotet Ceea,, Maetin St. PHONE 878-2031 nY APPOtSTMENT INSU RANCE CO OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIAT ION Homne Peton Auto, Ase.drtl ea-titand Sole Drteeng, Extra Veoie Rcdnetie, peemeetos Ment teýI.eeeooteo Cali: R. S Hocîhe[ington RR. 2. Meltte,, 97848553 G,,,: 21 Y,, ees Seecane c4f No The Mutual Lif e ROBEnT S, HART Agent lOt Otetille Re.ed, Aeten Bot. 41&451 3W0 Rec 519g53I527 FUNERAL DIRECTORS MLOO 184 Mata S. T Mmiltd o'ian MITON - 154 Mi S. 853-2520 W,daendays and Soatttdays Reslidoace phone 878,9678 LIBRARY HOURS Tuesday, Titooday and Pridsy 12 nana te 5.30; 6030 ta 9.00 Mnday, 12 non,7 ta 5.30 Ctased Wedinesday Sauaday - 9.30-12; 1-0.30 Norttit Hailten Gelf and ecstly Cluh, Georgeteownfl eetelg tee 1970 Reyal ae.dtcei Legiee pr.oeina ettiet ch.ttttp len tlp tins motit. te e linksae pacttCtin. Curfew curtoins caucus Procedurat rules force second Hote arot Bod 0' vote , es c lid a progratf cemmetteof rte whe Edacotton teoite.t gel Ctote op coou lcti ttnished thot, Botoote flic inolteg .,geedo ia thitet orn Pt edoîct eb ,o pieentateon ood teft flh,.. roat l caooe rn items tat had te tir regolat meeting ThusaetY. aod n th. coofusion taay te dealttrtth aspeac meeting Dy thear consttion tey most5 meaniees weenat aure te vote hast te bte itated for Feoday at aImlvea hieds majeîity in a Radien catîrd. 7.30, mach tei oh, consternatn vot ucontinue aymeeting Wen ChstnnaDýoagWood oftseveutlmemiter. teyod t1 p.m. peoceeded te, col faor a second Trotter John Ronson Titoosday witee Chiaînan vote Bootînglon traiter Fred soggested they con tiaoe moil Doug Wood cadtedl the note Aemitoge roored a point oforcder mot items and tran, thte test te manyof ethie memiters fadred ta, and fter nocht detiheratton it ocot meeting. t t'ind titis oespoad toiteqestont. OIy rnadeetded ttat not odycoold somemiateridctos andt1fee rimeitands weecourrier!and 14 titey net conttonue ste meeting, voe stootd deat iil tite atters areneeded teoeotinue.As the bat they cootd net go intot aibond nom. Titis titoudd ite dolte, flot as a procedara t hieg but as simptt a eractical one." meeting soiggested tu igore piocedose now wootdeu,haosta ooe ltt, date. Trotte, Harold Thorpe notrd 1he1 legisltion said 1h, neot meetiog would ho it lthe cati of the chairmgtand ho wondered ifthey cold djolr aod meet again i 11.15 at the colt of Ohe chair. Debti contioard for a fnrn minotes brtore the srcond mneeting was schedaird for 7.30 the followng aighI. Ont Ris rnaY out of lthe 100111 trustre Bruce Edwards retortd, "t hoile ail those rnho vote d againsi M ilon Har wa e.los suetiona;: b rotspport c:stinaing sio te: M ito ar wa e stdfon mmmerl memiteoc. aighi." Sixleen altentes Bruce Frame new owner 1,0le 38yecse inthehardre pianniout meoeatonst ai the bussiness eti Hase 01.,G C. stoen d teekîng forad tea '.Oc "Oomtndtatsetod Mltont grantd epeoing eetion ten Hardmot aI 227 Matît li E, aitout sixoaorit anîd lotîted. Brce ramer ihe The prisentlhardwareRbuilding nwoet, teck possessieon et man Rotît ii 1807, part et lthe I tile biness oli M,,day ef titis Cietis Bleckt, and il Ras ..... I TUE. ON 000 nR. ieM menA. remained sn epenattaît as a NJWL jivuan S A. 7OG P.M. 8 .M. Mo. Fîaîn anesidentottis htardwarettîr lite past83 yetis. F .S A.7PK&9PM aoessittcn 1951, teorneeoy DuccGomiotd tîtst ntiteditee10 '1 > oeaated Gi,îtopey Faloms aI in partint5sitp icitt G. H. t'h. 19 Fi. 2 SmO.2FE Spnystdo mitete he speciatinod in Hîtîman te 1932 and acqaîred cheI:le:i cand applos. Ho ts cotte ii 1937. I PIPIS YEA05 nt maniait fle voler tetebratest b Me. and Mon. Lirtie Foot of Bulioglan Satoestny. Oaco 200 friands and relatives frac îhe district attended lte open itotse an Nelson United Ctuocit. Cards and tlegraats mme seot Item municipal, proiocial aond ferlerai repreetatives. 0(St00 Phto) Mr., Mrs. Lesi mark golden thurd' ~rvioe5 KNOX FRESBYTERIAN CHURCH totteim Madoratar. Re,. F. N. Young, B.s. Geougetattan 077-6206 "0 aonme lt an wraehlp und om daman; lot us Rneel tefnrle teLsodane Mail,,." SUNDAY, FERIARY 22, 1970 9.45 cm-ie. Ctsooei Sciteat. 9.45 a.m.Young Feoptets aible Chais. 10.50 a m-Jo. Citeoci Scitant. tise0 ac-daottong Wnloship. MilsîCer, R,. Prooeamor J. C. Hny, BD7., PhID. 11.00nam-Nursery7. MILTON 00SPEL HALL 306 Ontcro St. N. 878-2022 Choistans galttOed alb arme of t etd2a Christ, Lools Day SENOAY, FEBRRUARY 22, 1970 10.30 a.tît.-0Oecing af Bead. 12.15 p.m.-Saotday Sdtaat. 7.00 p.oo.-'onspet Serviae. Wedoetday, 8 pan. - Feuper asd Bible moulin«. Att are weOtonme la lIgue serines. Cece cte me. att y, that te'oeeeandcare iteesy Iodes, Matht. 11, 20. HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH A loclassemity of The Peete'estaltAssemnilietal1 Weield Rd. cnd Hwy. 25 Milton P :slei: Rev M. Citistentett Tel. 870.2064 THE LORDS DAY SiNDAt. FERRUARY 22. 1971 945 c.c -Sanday licitant. 11.00 cm.-Morrig Wneîii 600 pa .F,îcty Frayer. 70 p.m. - Eeig Eange lotic Service. Wedneedesy - Bitte Stody, 7.30 p.m. Peedav - Yong Fooptens, 0.00 pm. Comit thy scy no tht Lord, Trrsl aise in Htm an Fîotm 37, verse BOSTON AND OMAGH FRESBTTERIAN CHURCHES lolooim Mederctaor Roc. G R. Necholison, S.A., S.' Cnmpitettnitte 854-9%05 StjytGY, FEBRUARY 22, 19 10.00 a.m.BosilnI Waesltip Sernice. 11.15 a.m..-Bnstan Charat Sctsal. 10.15 amo.-Omatglil Churai Snhool. 11.30 a.m.-Obh Wornldi Service. CHUUCH 0F CHRIST dN.5 Sideoad ad4t Lie Trafatlgae SUNDAY, FEtRUARY 22, 1970 10.W amis-Bibtle Satiac Classsimo lat taie. 11.00 a.m.-~Moonn Wo'ciip. 8.00 pais.-PenOding et *0 GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH' Miltoa, Otlti, Recta,: Rev. R. W. Faîte, Assistant: Cann F. H. Magn SCNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1970 Lent Il 8l.00 a.m.-Haty Communint. 9.301 arn-Je. Citotcit Seitoot. 9.30 am.-Hnly Ruaist and Sermo. 10.45 a.in-S. Citerat Scitant. 11.00 c.-Mottos and Semon. LENTEN eIJMMUNION WEDNESDAY, FEBRI7ARY 25 And eachi Wedl daotng Leot 7.30 cm-Hely Commonion. 10,00 c.c.-Holy Camantes. 8.00 p.m.-Lenteo 'Meditotin. Yo amcalwys welcomeua Geaceitorcit EMMANUEL BAPTIOT CIHURCH Commercial Street, Milton Faste,. R,,. Cînytea Cotles 878M473 878-3542 Thte Lerdos Day OIINDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1970 9.45 cm.-Scdcy licitent. Att oges. 11.00 am-Mornig Wnip, 5.30 p.m.-Ycot Meetintgn. 0.50 pm.-ie, Ser'iee. 7.00 p.m.-Eveiaa Wnesitip. WEONESDAY, PRO. t1.,1970 6.30 p. Juo Ctoub. 8.00 p.m.-Bihto Stcdy and t. Fayet'. Nceso'e taciltles aI Sunday t. Services. Att Ai Wleame ST. FAUL'S CHURCH Of THE1 UNITED CHURCH .e OFCANAI3A Main St. et James St. 5. Mtaiter: - Ros. C. A. Hainer, B.A., B.D GOganist and Choie Leande,: Mos. Harold Magee RUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22,' 19 D. 11.00 cm.-Meosesg Wnesiiî Seron soitject, Love." CHIJRCH SCHOOL 70 9.30 o.m.-Susday Seto ct btoys ad gitotir years. 11.00 a.m.-tnant Nursery charege aI registeednu and nursetrydepat'tmont 11.00 aca.-tttodergartena Fnimaey Depaonita, ul 4 - a Invitatian Ta AMt je Peer wedding Satoîdit, Foit 14 was a enlia spoctot day for Mo. ced Mos. Lestae Pil mite oeceived O ttetds and relatices ai a0 teni Nelsen United Church att the eoccsiee et thoto 301h woddtttg atloteotaty. With themn moto Ileto tamity Dan and Enelyn Feo tMount Hope,' George cnd Foaceos McCeîmaek et Lomttll and Ros and Anita Corn of Fateroe Eight goadsos ted feo goanddaocitletî e prescrit onwel Untît tarttment tan yeaos aoeMr . adMos. Foolî,edeon lthe GuelphtLi e aMount Nemo and epertîd a daîoy fatim, ecas Ilu pcuooe- IltredI Holtmma-Ftuinans. Ornîg lte 1920's and 1930's Mo. Foot met atv inmanicipal attatot, esegetgittyoas on township ceeic nlivce yoais oncouty octeil. He as cite pontident of lthe Halte, Cocety Holten Clubtand oeeetedhfis 40 yoc pin tîem te Hotst,îîî-Freisian Associatiee in 1958. He mnals a dîoet ce lte Hamilton MilE Board tefo s umier et yeas Foeîng toc at lthe "oen hanse" meot Mot. Feeois stîteti, Mît. Winn and Mos. Armstrong ted tee îtoeong toîends Mos. McFhitol and Mos. Stokeos. Thn weddtog coke mîteS mas tesed mos made by Eelyn Peeocand the thre tlnter cite on lite tea tablte mas itecutttotty det.ocated ity Mes. Stanley Fote. Goanddaogitteos M artetîn McComaci, ion Coaaî, Resemcty Fer anîd Sirley MeCcîmacit ,eosed luctit AssisttOg mîith celis woto goadîeîîî Ken Foot. Ralpit and Johno Mormack and Neti Corn. Moi. Fe's sstee'în'law, Mos.> Haooy Richarcone atteodod thte gust book whtch wassied ity 220 peros Tetogooms moto teeted Item Ptrime Mint,, t Tru deatu and t he Hen. Johnî Reiteots. John, Mosen, mnmittet fpaliment ter Hallo.tltetrti aise, sent geetsgs. AscroeOfoemttetown cf Botlisgteo ced a plaqe poeseîîted hy flit, He. Greorge Ker eon eelîîl et flic proviseo et Onîcte oo ere enod ai el mas c Bîie te flic mede transltion prosentîd ity tettea memites et St. John's Anglican Citîcit, Nettsn Mos. Feiot sa memitet et St. Jehn's A.C.W. On lte esotttg fle Nelson le Ueited Citooci ladies seosedl a iteaoly dmne o telmiycand No e îosdîsg et 434 Seneca Ave, Oootttgtn, , ond Mot. Feno eoy ltoer asotctien etith te Bulegtn Senio Citien 7 se sin a Reeenfli AwtIs F. LEE 878-2619 Phn R ESTV ' 7-0 ST. ARENC DELICIOUS APPLES set 550i 89< Att WAt-T 0 ISNEY MROAM NAVEL ORANGES ose- 394 Sun. 22 mon.23 riu.24 w.i25 He.ad Lettuce 2 fr35< uatatre-oft PEPSI COLA 5 fa, 894 eiie cu1llos BOLD DETERGENT GI-sieonna 894 iUllROiM Dur 4 Bro B,.tO COUR ___ PORK & BEANS lo -is 5-o98c plus CI11Ç; Ge. BlondL MARGARINE 5 B98< hu 26 Te27 s.,.28 Devon Brand0 105 Package MUSC M UIEDT WUTU [PC BACON 45<, 'PRL~'O I 1Af!MERE AUTIIURMOMMIRMilfEl SAC BACON Pii,, 89< BSOLOGNA oî,cidorpme 2 b or 89< PORK COS79c DTSUN 1000 su±fml845c seOo il You tb"n maybe we left someth*n out? T.m ~ ~ co tî,,eltO, S't'mý - e0OItc .1~ 6tenelti.,@,heean Ciect he tI.Dasa 10 Ras, 've-y pole o l 1ir s ip oe,, îiting-~loh an tho soectos iea Wti asnoliiiîytyam n e Ca ahead, majorAI o-rtnî.1,00RN e , gras lit onlyin tiig ecor00 cel e gallonh li choie cec10l00ehpaCitage Dtpeop1e00r Tee arenn penI icasi moe h n et-an tRea jacrtrit, cobs 50ea Wt asu eiblt, o o' rI hI eaî cgan titp anacct ol. and at itis Il ptb neut th r r o îtin its, c tas- . spn lfl ootans goe s ,0 ina s i toi e f Imt or Da a rt80s.cleitem r-o-nr maer sonorus, 12,0r00 betwIna igres h m o y Car. nd D snom 00 y na e om R NORTH END B.P 2359.sein Roil Miltn Ontari Tl 878-247 THE CI 1970 l held o Down s, OWNA ladgnd N Arni princil impletn subie. consid Tru agot toI if the dropp IncIta and Aoc Lawlt, t he elt lter, 1~ 3ý rrow the