M a mua ~. - - 66 The CaoedeeTbChmpin, mednsday, Febraoy B8 1970 HOSPITAL AUXIUIARY SUMS UP BUSY YEAR Acecal reports tcoariag lira "Oaa Acsiasr asaempies airae pastosoas, aciles mer flest typa cf mrlliag and pooseaed Wrded= Pdufarg tira aaclr amoparoarreoneant ras Miton Disric r1H10rpraai contitine to aspard ara rLS Acsaiaay. valloncs S c tai tha potierais The f.ilamarg as ahte ealiadaya.1Illetapnaa poacadeals repart, preserarad hy Scemrag Coariten osele Mas. E. Joyce: Mac Olive Orcata raeieed 120 ' The services miron aira laours ai naak arr fira aei bacpatai. cadr tire capable acan pics mary, bas ail'rn guidaneacf dadrcaced carcaara sewne by ha, carnnaisore aed thirs, a ittrir liras gâte, gacraai medaagoaraeg drapes, aaay smcciiaiy. Ailrraewmmmer ciacrearrng games aed smoacs hae abd ac orenatatnf abs The gaccy iras ibsec cceig baspatai oad bacc baiea placd arr meacies pics saisseas arr bond abat, dasaaad service hy car i tr tir tamrrk. caoraof ccaiera. ha Hareaaragaarcartaa Mac. Saptembar o tien Servica brna.i BOcet ta Boarin c rapari ed ara preseatatg ail ne babies rat apprccamoitelf i75 patients tireachsietrialatodmvilaa~r benrtaid trot titrscrce. ha ofboard-kneadhbociraes crd Clrt blis nird Audaey Ma, ercair discssionrard Peddc dc flira poattsrabra. difficiiy arr ah taratatg O Fiar atrmmttrenee tovrirard nerbeas ta mcl, Mai. Doatliy Greenr aeramnd ce divracarl tirarapy, il ftill tirai cammteaars mark, sac doa gcaarrdaa wcp erlpnrtamakolbkaoyaiceon aesîel Nacembas. nird ta doa lirai plairts oad araratgcur nnairs pracear i arcrend, lite second i ta tire parialts foa Ilara r phase oi lireropa ta pota ient mrrrr. Tira oa 25 arr lir cefrrrad arr bcd cmseaand tammitaac durarrg tira scornad enli at MIS leniVan Saics rr ianaayKrrrtag, crochtrmaakcr tlia lithapaaatmtia ced naercig moiertol aae ars-nad ram paients arc pracddiail(li parait aaira cappliad mir books aind drarar ta, ba bacir Otierreagatara banc diycoI anal. areadiancal- rrdarracma libc flaecotmmarana ti artkifi presectediric datraatt.. iso magoaznesr m 'Wti tira additirn afi ira-ar loracgarltguaaes as raori Nac tram snrvices. crr - ia fHaspital Carradrarra ai Dotait, iflairait and barrie* ti%\(rait la i0, cati crmi oaratitra ara arrtag trt ecel lattalo it racn daf rr lae rton Ill oitratanltraeba aSmocks ha arn mari grataitil ta Dormi;g IlAcS tira Icnaeda Daraita ar cerfrriar ira Coradytira. -Dan ta rira dadr,ainti mcriad1.adlhrcaa i a total arrd tracta y liradmarkrigtnaaittct Ti i,. ipdaIrtire v a'e,, rtr tard rarcrarg At 1ltr IIrtd-aitrtagcart paaisatsmwltt. iladnriteaditrarraarii rtrosiral ai Moyarsea "tJltt Sappat Citrtctittaý ararcatr Ma, ltr Parai«« baepicacir Lamar ODcllacprriaai Ii Jltt torc Paria- caid Cccl Bac' tata gris r c- Iaalt aipra taa rasa 75 poie sustaloattir arhm- e andclercacd la I Dranar rte Aiatta a bat ir tsar 150 hr Art firaneatir itati ard taataatdarilriperstnid seaat raefrashisrt, acre appiltcdaj'id tmicta-arn crntali mararag iair approarmaearc0part a rII carraena, b,àbrar ltttdad by la sNebar the -i caa . yc Ms Jaa5n Rtcaoitt mca pratnaiirterara r rIn ars ilr Jarre tard ta raran Abat 2-:pai> car altt bs-na --ý ýs- ,dI- bar a. ai - ta il, ccd Stag fiaaataaL e aap cardad, Il Frama mas abs gaopa, rapraseesaire art1 cira hiti, borrad rot dirastar Sha bâti tatrabra caltar intae abaar as carorerccfacaaietaas As cin aio hperrtiProicac cira aeparrad aira Acariaary tara Yeo taraollad tbe adaaaacrue mo mhitl reqord exara mireg ccsiar 0348, ara tiera .pmga acckrcg chairs forpcrbasidfor padaoarcsoai $28, and te tbs cafeteriaoaaci ofb$70- Fact pactrega by lcal ortîiat more bougir foa ai-la and anamm mare darotedt ar brgtethe matît rat srtaie tffie paatient" atee as T.nne Msb J sac b ate aodieg. This nichade a draaccaros sale asd saps. Ck Book e-secososne Mos. R. Mcuaag aeveed abs Acaalacap's focs cock book paoeacl aed sia s beped a second presan %vol saoa ho sseded .Te dote ces 1,000 of the 210-page boebs have boss sold ai 13 sed adneatasseg baogbt se $2,487 of'the$,035 prer asg prse. heptembaa lame paty coees Mis W. Rensoy aesaaned ibis eseas, mhssh mas againe osoccoss. The Million Arts Sac CANDcYSTRIPERS-aracage olueisos cirel Ingrid Stan Linen,, Karen aes, Sanda secad ta rasa, Sparr lme or MiloDserictas Featherstoe, Ane Booms aed Robie Lerre Hesarrai sereaiorard by the Hosptalibcsîary Giiad oeied pins forl75aors ofservice. The drirraosrannuel meen asoocmk.KarenrBarbe, anards mess pooeeosd hr Hospial Bard Saaed, retrlaaabalfr 1a50 oirsbofarbrir ie hairmardJ M. LedwimSaff alPbeat Mrs. E. Joyce lis president Candystripers are honored pacardari t fSilitont liaryrtal Auctartati rit t a cia a rg lid Wc lepl catra t trrpa a cl r d itta ater Paaa artliy ha Book schedule is big hit Van hours moepermanet Disari carirld abra sac plaques dancsdap lcapiroi's quiet acas. liscaieg tire ai'ooi mnesoflie Acadrary's S1 00 certrnactr brary. tia $25 ara-arbar ierra Marr mencariai hosaary, ai cran a aird I irai cf Accdaiarp ife tart tard reaebers Str, Il i me e es ollihe naicint Carrdysriaper gacap wr pascarar iracediforl10,rgSevice doarmig ,ecnit arte meetineg. Karen Barber ancra, rtrd a baforc 15 luibcscaf ai'l arC chaic Kaen Waters. Irgrd tara I, Amier Ocers tard Robin Lyaa C Ilar-d r ara ,cd pina fr rarlpiaIttII c5 h"- aif cicris Hr,ptalhcad hafmai St M Ledmarir rada tha yararrcraaaan Tira ttra t " reser, .1 tha Cara, nd>atr a. ( aataîed tctUcaeaiirt-aarar5t is FPleasaasPamcctrns icre ibotiks, ha bard, mvie critiy appreaoei. The doato alficraa, 1970, as dan by fira arcrerrroare momtte as acta pied. Tbay reaiode paardaaaMis. E. Joyse. vcerassdeei Mrr R. h. Fame and Mes. R. F. McCcag Porst praces Ms., fi PtioemY. aa5aeae Mac J. Daiaacri arnaccra Mac. C. Anedrriatrd chirtma oaaalerteaMIS. fG Hamiton. saaeed IItae abohard oi dtrecarclrr, tiletr and nete yertersi ere Mntr, H. Brama - Ste G. Strkai te Mtr$ E Gi oaa,kr The setaraatang zn irae fr ner yea, mc5taec, bita fi Ga11a-, Mtrs 1, Hall, îr, h bil-FIdden. Mac CG Stark andbtarfi Ptclaaab - - - - fDeil Tina rgad ia se Ai i hn ta. ar, nra t -a - a l-- r air Ill I rahi d the sina n t ra a tt am tis hart - , i a i àta iin t a n r pir a tac trac h-ir ti' -tal c , arcatari paraent ta it, aap LOSE 14ILBS. IN14DY pr-aId c r tictci -dpitbsct GOGODTHINGSn mmeiliCc r-HAPPENa rease,. i -r 4ar-,-,.-,, WHEN YOU HEL at ri r t 3RED CROSS - a - gila dhop .em - Pc, y-1ep' 19b9 iciolcai 52c expees emrc slta t ' mcaay-mers cc al 1tai psapt sebrir bratagali ta rt aire gala sh-tp Si1.3 ta-a Mac armne boit SI.r' air,it - ta the Ata.laiy, bar agit r -i baspial Thefair srP report ah-cd an 090515 if S21 ý3-1 crac t:ffnrocsaeac Sta944 acdaa gossapeaotitg profiritl l9b9 et $3,455. Gala Sitp cccet Strs Goace Rambetase recremed a cheque b.d boe acrd tar In juintfie Srs nd rlie ,ctaaccd choque mas $2.500 Chamarrana of oaveoers Odes. Gmysose OHeedriioos sabteastad o reopo evoeting het poets moak. cc . n rot- 0. Music festival stresses concert two April dates, adjudicator set cueotilonaitshowradjacent triafil lame t'ey rhocb haped bsiarg mut a gond cod caeeeocf Msmbersbp Mss. S. McFaddon aeperaod 4h e members jired it yea ad the presct mnenhaashp is291 aeacng ofarefaeshmatair the aanuai meetiang, i ce stappos pasay, lama paay, Hcspiaal Baoar asorsal meeting and grIs sbep Chaisemas sale mas aeveed hy aofeashoaent committoe cerer Mas. H. The finellaepor al ronta Mas Rcah Wison, pcblrcceaea ceseorsg the ise of ance ballettes aed rogcoar cens astrales ta The Champion. frym dispoycical ioadin nd sar Ibore ýcscd by he North Hala Masse Fostsia Associaaioe os Thu ,sday aasasasg, Aparil 30. IL wsvli ho bard ta Matas Flash Ochoal Tha empbasac ah,, pece ml be arr the cta cespearosee coscest, it mas deadsd a1 a era meetigof the assocationaae Raoet Lattie Scheel, Action, McsdayJae. 2h. The pacodaeg day, Aperil 29, the cemparirie festival il ach beld te msec classes. Alsaady luescbacia hae enteaed, asd tbaare may ha mare. Fa, the fiast finme abs coimpetatace maCl bc bsid ai tha M. Z. Benetet sabeel. Acace. The ees mili ail ho ose c n e obs casrtop anld soeaS cf abesemreaia mil appot tie Ceiicmaegoeoeaong ai tbs concert. Adjudicata mill ho Moi Eeass, a music ctonsultanete maSoth Haltesn Ail scoa in t North Holtoa watt hoe eccuaged by festival exccarveeicssed I scase oepareetaoar tri tis nom type cf coeoa. Feana cai go ot iaaaacsggosig, as neaît a ic gymeocirs gacopa, ploya. chcal radreg, caclas, daace gaecps, instrumestai gsccps or cela,. Aa artidtspay mayea - -p- . Festieal association poosadoso Ray Mosoises poosdod Cea th. organsoatmng laaooeti mith Ms B. Bestoe as secrosooy-tooasnem- Asssstant aises saspoerintsdens Ef. S. Laroodor and Rea Campbell weeaise, paoseet math the eathusastac repasseataes. Coee desagns loessa Stndents aae StI beisg scught. Ie the fili, the futuee cf abs festialoilsabeak woen deep mocr as colt laver the valas cf campetarera, lacE of masse speaaisas sn aacb scheci, and ilba amensan cf armie iod. Faaiy abs image cf tbs fesaival begae tachage osd ether aspecsa vil bo icded thas yoas fes abs Casa lime. as moil as Altbacgh mmoe saheels had appoeds casspetaraaa, oait Cela tee dfisît se compoeo witb .lai, aeerlsclaw nsas sechar in charge aIch-ios etle alaeady pteasedi elîrcaitevs Taoy are leokiag Cesmiasd ta anasbe essyaccesfsilfestival. ALCOHOLIf3 AJ4ONYMOUS MEETS EVERY TUESDAY 9 p.. GRACE ANGICAN HA ViNfi A FR081 FMi DROPIN. with an electric blanket W atr doesn't look hait s0 grim precise warmth they lke best. Cost? from undereath an electric bianket For less than you'd lever imagine With te thermostat, ira iighteight for so, mach comfoat and coaceaience warmth beeps ou at tbe same even, - and aperatas for abaut a penny comfortahia remperatore, ne mattar a night ta keep po searm and cosy. achat happens outside. final contrais sn't that a sebola lot cheaper thon ae lrushand and mife each d ai the wintering ta Fioridai The HydaFinc Plan wil elp voi got statlod rght avvay livre better eiectricalIy your Ilydro MILONHYDRO 250 MI N S, ErELEPHONE 878-2346 A DEWUXE WH4ITE SEWING MACH4INE ABSOLUTELY FREE I I PWN MANY CSONSOTON POsCIES - arWIls ta $B0 OPLItE THIS CR05500088 PLI15 ~ - ci0 sas as,.ta l- MAIa Y aoU nT WINNR WIU, a£ NOTIFIID WMITE-ELNA I SEWING CwENTRE 160at M . 481-040_____ UNCOME TAX TIME US HERE CALL HILS BOOKKEEPHNG 420OPINE ST. MILTON 878-9762 Sleep in comfort FAMILY SHROES 55e bel r o la happr (cet math a s.g, cseong-w ai r as o r ad aman t se a i esl S. airera if- Ilsd goiethe hol faillim happy e Discount Sboe Store U-lIý228 M Stect N. G.orptBU Av" 4SI-4ffl M NO RVA L - a ed ate t Milton Ba Hamilton, 18C Mc Hatas codutres r naakete Nass begi O ce Nymphs projcta carder tbe St an ey Tire l, i l d a r i -amples. a raiter a ar, rid P oader dc rear) Sa ir rla flcp ara arg s eadi Ian à A meear h Le, ambrs a 13 Tara tirs ppaas ras] rdrcat asi, H pragar 1h, 4-H e dascusi attablas rire pro as dis araghr a adeaos t h para acghr sarderat las mb l, al 1. -MI,