I A I I A ~ ~M A ~ * p~Ao~e.a~ Dr. R.j 11 1970 ;& andatdehewaBs HavnatthatoWolttta hot PCWctunri eoatts~ott tadtintta t n Fon tho paca Iwo Yoaua Miltoatt mntntataann hate hatllod an ut anglat doalt o t %vtan goitagtu tire prootttttal fialstit ea canal the aenat Inala lac yn.nn beote. Tisn anal hotî tînt Madats anal Buanansbi harntl antu Tn.Cooutty or provincital laucnla Madgnta lont oct to Hespetît an aat ladtotnalelohmer,$at seles Mlto lo5-0 nid 82 inthe tao ga nanu aothHepee tain h andarn up o il aa raaPoI ruhinta loohtd tctny hat as gaod on Hoapelon datang to gat pl cdp r bat feIl opant ahi at alty it tnira Hespeltantn Tht Madgot lonc aa ai' nxaattatg noptatatt nc tînt Sta Jeta. Alterttaaoul nePelnt anla ltn iren Mltoat inakatdott ont goal boey travealnl Io Unapelen taonnpoat trualan taoct. agan fostg byatone goal and acodn usettf upaigfl Loattgby one goaltcsliadattake ntpttabut tmte a sua eonarleato tatlal a cltamplonsltp ta mont tItan to heurt thol ave totnise WiththetMdgoactandtaatnotaatowonilta itnek and tht Novicetand Juanttl tatotlaadoa ut oltcommssioaitoO aeP o tlan Pen Ween anal oft tcos than joniors. aoh olba daoald t'aceti tnoulI gttingthnttcglttltoocarrenttt ,.ire it.OnttotthenPnt Wennain ahe optnnt would b ocadtt ennogh for the odalatu non an As forthe JuniorstTli.riitalttlLoialolt sutathe id cu tlat ili put Miltton doata, 'aon ondroratnatatlOttttatonntt any case Oct tlhe Lons cold huitllteMerttlit n dantly. Ifnloangago an alnop taon ai yo.a Maltont naîl alk ocon tire Ttottthtll anpnnntttatttta withtîtany facntgo ttPfoolard. Thtat ta ir a thela paohlnnt coocba . lalhootl Milton colla hy Thonnhall andta hav oa catit lneatir tIn ouait t.oapetttotait amans tltamalletheot tsll esla -11 otaaatllc o re tattlkabr lithhtca altonlost tougit comtttpnntttt Theataagilttoutotltttolttttaletoaa Newnoaakt andatiltthe Mnttltntttarnttil Ille ttaatfoinntaitattlatnet thenRalan titnptcillt-tanto hulo f totaoat ttangaaoueooaa.hcausnothnyaoaa liait titan, tclb ata mail laotoal effort. ManagrA atnandtacoachtboc Augec ule n alienauggest lianl conlaleu haioramnt an tlaay piapana tlanna hnt. Thal pnohahlp i to.hobt lalO lavec tobhominutes of thtarbthnd noireofotirat oaap penaalitaa lot altaia laay havet gaoaaa aaotoaou Othertha ao aaototp tt traea finta ors paetalaattt mOalal ho prttt pik busintata' CAPTAIN DN HEARN ils paeettataofaa Fondl. Mentheant paeset aeatBrcsh andittastees, Chaitn hockepganie tAthtaltîlttOa eabta oftanue Unnai anal Nacla Chuanhmach are aln aht Boaral oI Trustees fot tht Tai gond Memennai pittutea.-iStaff Photo) Hearns, Hern each register three goals against Lions complaned t Merchnt oficiais Doug nsworh, whie noactaiodMien thtbapoo a bockn fortte mInafieh u Hui cord a goa aaulytp ua orle Marush aa DON HEARNA Etday analan. Bp the anme tiae alanal peeinal hnall ended Heurn hall tcaand tinta goala ta saeton he Mecantattatl alana math Grahaam Hanta alto ailo ancotalta a t'an tari tai inad fite Meachat in ienu 10-0 routeagainst Tilaoatdtt Laens. aii tireateaaoant 'frt ht Mankîttlnonîstaad Manciaaot ,tatgîohaanalta frlot tînt t puta of tor opananna pnaaod. Ho mat ait lIat totld titan Titoanldl clab frntn hentgaraitaglat Ot ile rnta Wladt Matîhat dad stop nanan goalstotaovanti occ.asions, OtlP otan at tireno u oaa lr tangantereal, atthe lart natanna atacitoal lfttnt a anit naecttata play. aatatttg ota pas nt ohiand tht tat [roa Dot Hnonna. HFlaurus ntOtod tata ofls anae go-ta ti fitfut poanoal Hn looght Maolinat Ion posanastian outil fn otir liernt andainat ht fataay _$t t a obat fcaaltp poppoa l ai n tht opta tonant A htina luite tino fiepcnao a ont Ofl alto goaltons pal tu Hcatata'seantota goal. Huotnatta olan Goagane oaninald Iloanata ant luItant fgît Spot o Stone romeback agleinsi Oaks ilton Minoir Hockey Deii Bra. MaoittOrta nann~ntnaS I -tclle hoalt tp il, il Htaj4 ouse leauie~ ha rpeig Ied r1 rw Fatl iangloal bitta Scltna hon. ta - O ' atta lia, attc bu,_t~ 9,o'I 'atia-t!,t.7. o', iodtabi ,tatIIn 1 -tatn Alita, A), 'at 1_ ' anati. lanipcna Iit tan- Rattalp Hamaloat MataI C(natta , tal a t g-al Il,, cdw.mati. anîtlo Lataio Rliota atta Rucky auknt adala taioot Johnt Whelhrtaund L, Wdtatthtae a IIASTAM VaMtpltal tocIltodtaatu J'taal BelO Btthata to a 3-ian a",a Dapantattait htoeaon * Wtalnnad.P nangat Robant Lagnadat tootd aca aand alo daem an tacet t anle Date MaNeal aaddcapair'fnatata fin the mannnab G.,d Mannhan relier! fan Dnpa Storno gntttg laelp frua Mark Hpaat hl R l t IiI I ar.ý'l lot Oaanh , OIleK n%ý 1 and RognaDe Nai Sta a1tat aU-ta tht goal gatanna fI Cala Tan anal Knoaa Kattian. Fapas mnal manhan tata poinsaIftfat plaen Hoodab hy doatnan the Cicnna Kanga 4-. Pat Haggnen maFay' bat asnlan fied a pairafor thlan awhate Gnanp Tambeta anal Richaral Nianatlta adalea unt nacla Nortlcote anal john Roskam drew a par o aitttaah. Rabbin Fnamn anal Alan Dunctan I dtIrtirde to Il - voeTn tata Hannonta lId Flitaitactu t nal vi n rMc ui ' a atite ia eIta itaia Ba-ta npa ,,l at i attO , 1-1 LI. 'alat at "tuI hdt -a t t, c tied F g,,t !,d cateld lot Mt t Bill M ILTOl play. Hodotat cd Han jacta loto pald apa ad ia hort t GRAHAM iERN tpoad lieril ileita ttoaatd tînt gal treoso ad tiotae tittloalot1 lto contant Oaa a t'tot latt21 loanl'lt. WANTED - cEXHIBITION Mik GAM ES dala ail ata n t natk a, toto aen a, -3 t-, t AREKA THURODAY, Fain1 Ftqtae Skota'taa4 307 230 P-' tAn 745 10 00 PRIDAY, et 13 TPaaalo Mathat 1 SATURDAY. Fale, 1u Ml' ,"a"'.t1 P,u- O1- Fa, 1 4 Y, J 'tY' , yaiaa e nIl came tumbling Wýhn Mtttn Jat= Meahans bomibng anal eaaea lnttle aelp. 0ot ny bane at anlCI n The sane a 60 befoe Malan Ihny wtn tà ta nqaally de=atn a e.galw'GanH natir bkl Fanday nanght on home ith alan aan tan art npenne arasa Ray Mtlton anam mas ail pntmer an ta Tannellt. Hadson aannned agatat mathndto a 100 ctnoynne fensa Grahnam Hern anal Dton lcwly Ttannhit Lana but Hearn ta prontde the oaly spanla Sunday in Ajan the power wat in aIne Miltnn ananen. gana attd thn Meachanta came ont of Ajax, laads law, w ond nnng how bey ha d a r a t ' managnal a 13-5 foaa to abat club. B n a n Thn 13-5 tatane maa a fait indication of aine may abanga Marty Sada Kea Patron, Gennp Ifl Hespele N atta anal D aua U n woth a wer Ita T hnan tîaa saa t ia m tbou t ai ot oa ac ion. As f abat maa ab at on L go a tm non enoogb tnouble tlan bas tbne MiltnAin Boulatsaandat' lanoka down and dnlnynd te he mnm lrA enn thnat daanf gama fon ait bout. alan Tt-Caun T rtp haiof Aftn tînt fanat pana of thlen anaaTam Moun btanktd 531. gama mu lanattacal anal Milton Tbnessa to lton m tamanlea mon taclan, 6ý0, tlan ahouglat The sailleto tcoamtangao pnobably accaannd abat peabapa e wtop Mito 2 n outno 1ly toud bte neterg o top 3 ind an nt tna fanl ab n'bunnntbtl t fa.otire two tamsnmttand Maton flt Sandinga ana fon Unamortî annot Canat rock an fil out Reunion ambanoal antî Id Gnaap Nash noaqun goal t' .hane tatna aicntan Itt, t ok lth anaci a anot r ain anewrk at at an fo irelgal Nain aota ln scodoala offilengan.Gary Huont atta Braidgman alto nttad fa ot alo Metttlats InLUL LUNE HANTER. Faon inondanal anale aglntp pend gane Cnomdsar onexpeottal ta ha goota fon tine plupolaf. Jualgana latta pat clitoantttt the tanna snllea agaantant Tlaaaaatadl alculal ho o loua gaaa allant 1l taantc tavea 30 miion dlalarsa annanally nat mnain Canadans foetrr iltn ocs Bnua.itHonalana heea grta tenin ain Bos nlnton thsata >1 in oflan ent ane the nodanon. DoaandTnm phoke anac alan nanai tquaal t OMi ton a t enlin the Iaince. an ay.N anal lac ton the ast gntota a noted. Heapnttn akateal an, a 3-01 conunandana Inoal an tlan Otan pet noa anal poppeal fane inaellen taat Club managemnt qoulaln't pnnpoint ont anna ohee then Miatou club fnîl doma but il ma jutan attogelana alffnrnt sho than tlan onetahny put an in thenr omn annnalaatmwetb. Il mua hatfmay abanuga then secnd peaina llufe Milton gat on tlan tioebana anal abey nenen aconnal again untl then tinna peninal Rida aridaman scannai boatb Milton goutta. Bnban asamanal an tlan lt une ad Dane Roberts hnlptal ont an tht seconal. Tht gantama are nom finitabta math uny ambnitina tby bad fne Ontario honona anal mif drop initia ahen consolation antans. Bo sto n 1a atch fil NHL gamn e M V O R anad stap oven tu Play Bnatnn Colioge an hacky game Fndap aanght. Tht ntio got tOgatiten lft the game anal talked minat nIa. hock ey. K en tu ck y Fri ed CHICKEN Ski race at Fairview Fren file Cnt Apptnttamately 20 schnoota - icso lvrCi hcm the atea wtti parttcpate ln a P F a C .p a n cross country ski rallY Satunday ai Fairview school. The race will begil, ai 10 a.m. and ton a sinuar course to a cross country faut race lield ni the fail. SALUT! TO On~Ma nn s-r ta vingtta:1 Hon Mitala torn Ton to.h mao nda a. h ah. Mer-cirisa MARTY EEOS AF 1ER THE GAME TRY MAGSRESTAURANT Homne cooked meals Home mode pies Deliciaus Hamnburgs 1 175 Mein St.E. 87&.6943 atted Bonao $1.49 CHllney t SCr Chicknalteato1 SteC' CiknRato S3ta 7 Mura nH ood. .0 DrivlyCoe bi 1 etaon Ht Chclat an Sc10 FrlltSWA 25d MiLTO tpg 12N.M TO.- t BRAND GENERAL MOTORS VIVA CAR FRQM FRM$ 1499 MYILTON~ SALES PONTIAC - BUICK - GMC 388 Main E. 878-2355 _ Ra By A long 1 adoonal Rus Prince Edma lan happy -o employed a advic wa Dr. Rota Et stadndr ha Goldnt Hon Fon Dr. Fi aoaîatnvly Ilannd oin Sn tn nn tn lo Fo, as la We wir teint pat loLala o t'a I, i ltt hai tt'tt ' P'ari 'ala gait t. lit anget t i te c l 'a bit t lia peit a i0 down The Menchants opnn the fit nnund nf atne plapdnwna againsa Thonithii ttnn Fniday ntght. llaannhalt tas pnt to Win a gamn anad mOl hane a annaja fnine gealaag bp Merchiants in alan finant ronnd bat what Inappens afat then ta anyboalpa ganas. et gate ~r series