Tbe Canadien Champion, Wednesday, February 11, 1970 5 St. George's Church hold annuel meefing On Monday Feb. 2 the Annuel Mes. Wes Miller, Nursery Vestey .n mee=m of Sa u a3u a -erndeu.Mes. Williama Aaglm hhLonlma How.aed. Ne eecoey'fund Mec. hetd iu the daurola hall anilir a Jos. Stokes, Lloyd Stokes, press gond atteudauce. The meeting reporter Mca. Harry Richardson, opened wilh Bible eeading and Bible Society Mca. Claude Twisu, praye', Rev. Jeffaen eead a advisoey comeaittee Beocli lelce froua Bialaop Bqcrull. Hareis, Eelanrl bey. Ken Watsonr, Harold Middlebeook as Richaed Koalue, Mea. Nancy appoiuled Vesley aierk. The Dolhel, Mers. Diora Keaupe. The minuaits of the laut maeting we'e followiug ancre noauinaard hy serad aud adopard. Favorable the reclor ore recroe and lire repoets wcre presenled by the wareuc Rector's Weedeo vaeions secrecîeie. William Beandr a Beaudis, The following arcte offieea leeasurereMr. William Brander a for 1970: Peuple's Waedeu Hall Beandis, vrsaey oleek Haeold Paeey, Lay Delegale lu Syuod Middlreook, oegauialu Mes. Mca. Sol1 Austea, Don Bety Nicholson and Mec. EIre Claraslener sud Nayloe Mount. Middlerooir, coiol moaher Mes. Envelope aeceeaaey Mes. Doeia Margare Hlaeeis. Dale,, Sidrsmea couortle PAltar Gudld Mca. Rumaurry, chaiemau Rusaell Dales, Lau Mes. Doîbel, Mes. LePage, Mes. Bodz, Chres Twias, Donald Eelaud loy, Mca. E. bay. Hareis, Richaed Koaaoe, Richared Appoitad 10 adrisocy hy tire Snively. Cemeteay oauurilee Reolor Acrue Johunu, LUn claaiuuan inoles Lyle Dales, Adrean. Noeîhwesl Hallos John Richrardson Lloyd Stokes, Voluolaey Seevice, Mca. Sol Brook Hareis, Claode Tanin. Austen, Rusuell Dales and Mes. Building and geoundu coueoillee Vers King. Careeakee as Lana inoludes Chiraua Claude Twisu, LePage. Res. beffacea thaeloed al John Richaedson, Richard foe theit coopeeatioo dueiog tihe Koatue, Naylue Mount, audators pat yeae in tire aoek of lthe chirican Eeic Soirrl., Mec. Juoe chrc and hie in tors oaa Andrewsa, Miso Siraron Hoarad, tiraoked by Ha.l Paey. Sunday Scirool supeeintendent The meeing wasdcosedowti Mes. Jonc Andrewos, assistant peayeeand lunch wasaseened. Bausy program plann.d in Scout-Guide w..k Feir 1 Ito 22ull cout.luile Mayor Br:ao Bst ooll ire tire Week on Milton aud several dignttoy in carge of tire enento arebierg lnedup tevenin anda lton Scout, mark tire apectal week, District Roirert Hawins will receie hos Cumm issionee Luery Seojear Queeons Scot arrdge dtugrirte reports. sirow. At leastiree Scout goups are AIt ScouotOuic groupo in plaotuua father-sus dinuees. Ou Mailton are expectrd tu take tart tire oeeirend Miltorn Roes iu tire aonal circh~i parade te urganized a ointer camp fut Grace Anglican Ciroreheon Scouts and Veuturera fromt tire Sunday aiternon, Fer. 22. Qakirnlle Distrct, ai tire ueo, Local hecters are hoeldin:g a campsite in Nasogaweya. donce at tire Scout Hall ont Mallton bocys are participattug Fctday, Fer. 27 fut arryone intire Oubstîle Distrrct's f rrsr tnterested ir Seoe:rtg. Proanedo "gang shro" ar White O.ais Htgh front tire danetito nî go onard Schul Fe. 19, 20oand 21 and seadttrg oure boy frro tire tire final targit iras irern distrct t thre Jamireeti 1971 deatgsated "Mlton Ntgrt" sn Japar. Aoea students receive university informtin - Ou Wedoeaday, Feh, ail 1le Affaira widl alsu lie persent lu (lntmiu t.trinerities will he dîscuss the Onarieo Student ,neraented et a Sccuudaey Awad Prga m wt hse iroul-Uunvraty Infuemation itrseinir enei gram ru ire preaenled ai n tigi ýScirout. Geades 12 13 studceau frum Maltou, ARHRA n and Georgetown and theu 'JHNO rnttssevttrd t prtcpae JO N S os tire couresotfferrdhby DCO eritres, tht educattusal i O ER tirementaunerded fut OP O ET Y su, esaful cotrance it t iese ceurrea, thir coas, residenc MILTON AND ACTON ers, and uair queattuuserelated e Oa Prefessieeal neeltty lic in general. Di cetoy fer Dolails reresentattne from aire itrment af Uninerstty FOOD SPECIALS CFOCKENS ..... ..---.....39c lb. CHICKEN LEGS ... ..55c lb. CHICKEN WINGS .. 3 Ibs. 99c PORK CHOFS ----------85c lb. Maple Leaf BACON ......-95c lb. BEEF LIVER............-------55c lb. RIB ROAST ----- .-------- 79c lb. ROUND STEAK --- --99c lb., T.BONE STEAK .. . $1 .09 b Maxwell House COFFEE -_75c lb. Pcedeee et U.S.A. LETTUCE . .------- 2 Ibs for 39c TOMATOES...........-------29c lb. Meadean Gotd ICE CREAM, ha'f gai. _ ---89e P.E.l. POTATOES .... 25 Ibs. $1.35 Wonder White BREADr 24 oz. 21c Swttt's PREM Lu'nch. Meat 12 oz. fin 59e Mpie Lew ieBUJTTER, first grade ....69c lb. 176 MAIN BT. 'misTO S-PHONE 878-3161 aga Looking for a spedial gift to light up the oyes and warm the heurt of your favorite Valentine this Saturday ? Look no further'. At Stripe Discount youfl find Iust the right gift ... at Discount Prices, too . si. guaranteed to win over the heart of that ver .y special person in your life. Here are just a f ew ý"cupid-approved"1 examples ... PSMILES'N CHUCKLES CHERRIES IN LIQUID CREME 8So.- 19 Value 5 PLASTIC CINNAMON MOIR'S ff HEsi "HUMOROUS" HEARTS( SCHICK Instamatic Razor WITH 10 BLADES Regular 1.95 Moirs CHOCOLATES Delicious Candy in Beautiful Heart-Shaped Boxes DISCOUNT t Q PRICES FROM 61c to 3.87 14 /EpE." SYLVANIA Regular 2.19 1.4I1! FOR YOUR SPECIAL VALENTINE TIMEX A-1o OFF WATCHES 20 le SUGoBTWD LIST RC e 550 Su 50 OS. e 19 Yordiey ' flP: I 2.50 LIGHTERS AVAL.UE KEY CHAINr P LIPSTICKS88! P 1.50 VALUE 8 '0 PUHL'S 371 b 'ýAp SOAPS 150 ___________ Gift llusrd. VALUE Assrved deltohtul 16 "aVive Le Bain"rIELH<'BATAD Luxurious Fragrance 246 MAIN SI. MILTON oz. Dustieag Powder ...... 3.75 OPEN: MON. TUES. W'ED. SAT. 3 oz. Body Cologne MiEs ... 4.75 THURS "FRt 0cm. tel9P.cn Desert Flower or Friendship Garden i 37 DUSTING 4 Z.45 POWDER RE.20 AFTER SHAVE .3 LOTION AND 2.75 SHAVE BOMB VALUE OId Spice *5 COLOGNE and 15 STICK M3.5 DEODORANT VALUE Moir's 28 oz. ClussI .88 m 2.39 Chocoautes VALUIE M WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMI-1 QUANTITIES