Aides hoUp oause teacher's Ioad Aninoton ai J.elM. Detye Sellei ctiedieeahec'naidesthia heiped ente the maîk ioad oi flie neaeetinthetsclacaiand hat become chol peincitpal Wec Ciam cered'"accemefcdoonostcni TUe aidet tee e foc parentscof the cahooit peits ho 0>0e 0p tomne aif their oc taret do cabontent moîkotea hooslatl At ptetsentithee e ixnpaentsc,al] mnheeS, who maclai flictalto.1 aepmheee trnom hni[ennhon taoa fail nohool day. Waektng i te rsuc cntre, an aide mny heipnsetap etjatpcienl. pot books hock o the chelcet, hclp the chldden blot foceadatg ecatot ai ancd cocor Ut as lc mocl lcad ai fle ceachen on chaege of the stenacils, mnektng tome acaignoin aodîoeadcogcîaîiec ta umaii geopc ai childeenar tan oacI hy tc aides n ai actIonmn. This [cet the hecer e ohle ta pay aminer ateto catecasa hoie. Teahctts aides stacîed en the school at Janoaey ai 1969 et a cecailto an iden haought op haUt hy Mr. Cio and by the home and scahoasoatinh. He scysthiîymnîrkncn ecymeilmohtl flccasomstatilon mith tome aidescicang ineîyheec toacheîsthemoincc. B A EN MUR IT IBN'Tbotlflodlfucct i andcthcenecitcers lee Mnhnn, cit and Benne Lang, Uie Cmnd0 arnîe coogl che . PauoCUUied Cboeh'tMHiCgeoup weecng accdcthefieldnal proecinmoflthe abbggyoumoUorioi ThesecondeCharimat :ntaey Pack onder che ligts Sncoedny niqUe te teint mcney fnn tie noilcU 60 John Riiep and milf Bil mUitn Shelley Mono gacded the .etiey Fond. Menteng, ne Manning, ceth e itcrotmeeDnog tenmnenondcthenoce icysrae-ScnflPheoo IAtM. Robinson report Etampton CHEOKING IN BOOKS c oc ne ortheclisoa ehr'adente reccne centre ancDen0en chnoland Mrs ee 'eli hw Uelpcng rneyent olU Mentet Wilso obiqle okb ia-Sceil Phoc.) "Hockey By Doica-ine Byers Wallch out nom' Hockey Foolien os acomtoi' The btggnci Hockey Secovgaoa of the deade. Whyoneronc wilh e frhtur, 'Wioket Weikee', 'Stettice Smdey',, 'Finir Hoawkoi', 'Boom Boom Baiod', 'Hoate McAdam' and Of 0curse Oralnie faitest, 'Smmsh.gettqisled, Gnith' and 'Bnby Hoey Alico"' This greet lae-up of talent wl blle canigng ooe heiancd Robictott Raiders. Uelonenoately itanugit don no lack of communtoatioo it tomne, ahtemr geotienoi (?) hy the came of, ah, Smytite, yelt Staffoed Smythe, Hople Leur Gndeet oold othec ecced [ne the etight ofiFehîary 13. Do tu oie opoiitpotait ettqaly gceal Gaedeen lias heencoîn îa hot isnteoatoclgamne. Plos an entea added featote tech wllse tite BAA challenge the GAA ni a mtc of tice tlastag'. Recaltiog flie bc cd ni, oh lea ch the Me. [e des heml nhe ti inclded a quaaîtofalocalirock "nicti Eaecot, Pain Ledmîit' "tickitog afic ivre"an top icadi o5a mnîîaged ccc Uccîco file hîcgicoci Theoho acta ti oda pîood a sctaoccand tae dunestcaiiotd ii conte ic, liccdp ni tc' flia Grcado 12Aventure' c.> [ar nota Lieoasat lcpntg Ociti tIlletcctt>g ontl hoîkacholi oacd nccilayhaii ccioadc hoi tr exceonc arfic citaHdgi boys mcli pî.aahi ho glatd ta ce ho liond af iicaaaca lhoncdap mslc ig h da> ici spcîorts doccd Milton Hcgi o. ail] t00e lela er[at cUi ita girlsca>i>cd Pordu ot i uno goain oand Whîit ak oti, t it se'naî fan. Nocctaaccaia tinp, ictaoctctrangsi e iltr [clbacact ai Ille Seniorcarn [ clss oawna ha> conta auc hi o) lfic [aine. hat hamad out grlot'a>y ha [ai [ ile >L' fjord a'c'cttt 11 Lc ai ,Ot~ -ota, oo TloatSail at c opit Paic t1I aot a ndcarne ro i a cta»t gatoon' Whcl' ita flc Mdgea .cooad Paîdowti 00 buta a>d SCacci hacltaolt cuh, lic.cccd cita Pacccccacc. li.c t ta i', 11 wi ai [c it t ata t,, ht1 (l Moaacg Uta>( cal .0>0> 7i ý4dapcaI '0 oint, las Pccc ***~*" UaU M gamoe i'ehioaiy 10 ls Aicbnsicica Lodînt' nallnyhal mac a p.a ortaî itiscc maak U Seorsacaîolyod filetcaaycaU a nache i 100 tai niccny, MHaolday n Noilion acd Wodccccday accccacg Wainîdaon Uneacd. cite Senioars arn pîop.tîcng ttf Ihle piaoc lec Jlos lot a fo inaat agaant Neloo>ncondod a mcc agicîcc Woatdamic "la p.i'Oai" "IoTtccaec aclub, o ait ai sta acci cluh", icot c Itle questio Und, flic ditiocnacf Me Nelson, a ancw Avin and Lac 'cotait iiîap liac ccaîod. lic hasit paîpaca i ta gît dudenis aacîancatd cia[iearancandILI daneotpad dccaieutooam i., ta flcild ofait. Athigi tha cci s Meetntgaof cita cluh tason ciy Finday, coîdent leaodorsancrdyanîry apu 'tl rilO pialiat paac>i>caies Focatvaret fic>h fun Waîtret HoLoi Playcccg cci irn o ai ccoiy aocpty hicct ci, flia Parict daiccad orsiii [9.43. Hcicacc'c pioyaccooiiy vwa mort[y i a vctoy iAonatel cita hall cc cit dcccsiccidoci 12 painti lai Ray 1accali>. 10 ccr W011 Bail ancd allie tu cic'atd Poal Pot>mit. Hcdgoin tarauad ccc cc tliti lait Paai Wal. iGeorge floodi, Scl Robe'tscond Laily opcon'acta cocoacadrtaflcita cioh paoitti iao9-5iciadaaa g»iyý i rocck, ai i HMiltac> Iligi a, acI>oiia uanig t> Icoat o chic.ccîîîcîcicî hoclaihli butni Wiccc.xna fnie corai;gUrpdai ,tcdet'c il HMilaon Higit aie haangcattd hy o Senct L.aatci»tSacc'anl Tisdcooid grade, aa1n inalicatia Ili oinnaoai oint ogan,, a' cita gOit gt'> ta aIk du, [tyt c cic,,cEccdoycdace. "Lncriert dcohand.tounaîla "ScanadoSud Çitic'c ocd it't> oL>, b.>Ia> Findlay. 'ch 13. y'oui itckt dc. c> Milto>iii > White Ooks ualutes wiler Red tape cut, carnival is "go"9 Bp Pat Fonid White [OUsis cimad ta tinda c i ai, antd icapt>baIIp damnoa,.nteî Carnnoal Alt ceeeommnnîîalofplanningoad ted cape, riue oetenabmwibitiablly tae pince Febitanay 10-13. igldighns mi 6e [ce tcacc>cctg aI flic SOa Qoîen nromt tLe seinorgirlc and aooPrntces, tric n ijnious Alto hoacomed mcll bcoa stri tienm Ahhna înw colptuîng. aod hckeyn andhnoiaunheO gaeec And ha dbl op cent meccli schedabe Iocten ctli, ufuace cull 6e an occnmb ih coUc Oncd and a gondt speaker oct pollution, hsedtbal gantes mitt, GYMS ted Perdoe, e biggLockey ttciect math Peedon and o mUUnmntwil Applbh and iO Parnts'c Nigbic on wicch on and Ded mnr dimcss[oui iL mark ni poîc cUtL Une eachern WOûSbehd afreîen ekminfil U,,cbil clicadulet a>el loita diapo ail itae ttaatcddoUc aitu onichcacg lac Oc. Tha Hcdgocc accoccdod oct il-day fountimnt in Uaa-tcaille aid piocod [ari, hululad Loto' i Park acdcU îhael Panait. Batil npocoolg.innllghit alto bc Mnîicaod ritl ic Hcdgeuc doboouod ail cite local campati ...i1. icladin fci[c Milii"n Mustangsc TUa banorsaccad Seourat p lot d cocon gaînnus wtili c ane Ur lis[ Place al Ille" ana fiagnea Witt litoei l30 moit (ie bonioît dcd a hat u.aadn dcstpiaig [ret[t0lY [ht cOObOehon cita CalcUle feigon c hlfro a aiotis 1 iile aiea, Ticep k haloocic-mati press (soteangpaoilernncUrOurt leiguel and tii hopeflSa o gadmon o xpr ecatfr henmne <Unai paît Nelton ant the, top af ihe heap do Bougiarn. Cîacg L'aluni led (ileita venir lits boni [li Suitat liooi ia cnith>d Laina Park poci tac point dca hlieau. [nird. and InoaL qoaccti got bihaitd o> H'c sec'nd ciaote aond fast nantir caconotd, TUt>y Uad ahad EonnccPakuliapkup a nithie ai pitii o> ic tat ditu ta deloau rte Joaais mai Up 01-3 30 Thehal ciike edae mli taive ail ico-pacîci Iaad i liasi ba t place oi lic [tacou doogetoan second ipot 0.T. Rnd Deccli. This weoa licauoant ed maLi Blaklocoo 2-2 mUth goals ha captat Bull Lowceutiont Jobiunt Detaep aod Lauis Girard otitad Up Andp Tienot. And lot, bol haedbp les, Olie cîecting tecm looks henîn nd betienluraiteSOSSA meetc Vabenin't De Thts cnekUhep dneoiaed OTHO 48-13. chosen] catho a mcc and tit cll icaide a Pa1et Choorman wlitca Piaoct Consultantst Gîaap Lîceaay Crcîom, ncporltmo>tt ruc ltrt ond dehaceon itndit artc are a Inn ai flhor ocrango emie now boeg maiiod ocot. Perlcpc tai farane. an exhibition if MHR'c heai liaeîaie and art ca icat1adnei Non aay ccadontc>ntiteoccd a flec alto cat or ai a tvts hc naccaily, don taialalofpeple aceqac1ni ccc.naiacdonc. Sa, Pîcaccacsand Angeloas ai' Ronsnc ai,, ta t cuit Patiezavta> Daaticic'> Jo. coul ii May icoîct wcli hcaptovncoal onetai HoHociet Uaiversity. iong flta priton> iles ci trip»> Cc'nta'y. Baiot tî lie fia [itt mi ho 'eioc>ai conitacta Oar Ho tanl acd Pool e ioa aonts ccili ho field Satacrday Mar cU 7 o> 10 a a r tir emi ontUatidotg if Enadoaii Cttiiogo Il atalcii rquestians an structurcocaiuail at>d cdca, licccolng aotptohonclion, c.olpcolitt.ctan af mectteit lanîman. aad it>e mrtcg ai a short paîagcayh ni Germait Pur ayctntt'a aod curry loais cntacto Ht. ihaitchen. VIL G LUCK> HANGINO LOOSL i. Pccctiy's Fiait.' i cc>mccgl -. Seai a Valenitie Lia Pilloti t> Huit ot talie, $ 25, Tht Battk Site. 3 jlr acn Saienior Curling 'inaa, ticd ta a lest place dot aie acatlttai. 4 Juat a c cypy naott'atnd (i xlsMatch 16-ic20. *BawwillMU NeIErO OS.D. WINTER CARNIVAL Hp namte cs Heachien Gchcoc i [ive aia ear 'Iinc Cîneoaca i ieip my montreroad rllcon e liao homeoan weolendi. 1go ta Bruceoret Sahaalcnîy day. i go mihl 10 ohîldien nl the hocd-al heaing oloci . Hp cc'snneis Hic. Chase. Todoy mn ncoynd acîflo îemidenan and pioyod nouilde CI mac ont Wcn Camîcval. Se ment ckaaing an flc pond. Oe had raccs and pioyod henochal Oie hiad fun ndang an tremwgon hehcind che iîacoa. On ia ort tingi &cite t ttchilidin ciido maLh sna', a beoner, a car, a tutieoand Snapy. Daic3girl malleacooaa Ohopo me wili gel o pc con. GRAPIC ARTS ltait effort ta koap op nat modorn ptcctictg processus, mn jiveaaoitay acqaittd a iw affset prensi Thl' macineo. a Hadal 1250 Hcliliic. i cita tapa Mo tcancacl ,c'd ta y icntilg ciacyn ad Ii-ta piîaciacg dapartmonin, ai nsalcancoparueas. hitaii ccceacasaocnd manuaoclaning cao'oak. nt~l[i maitil rs iib sdm il lUir piiai mileh Multitde ocr laiton liccsaly la apeaota a ac.1. il, Ocbd, TUa sicidents gl caloohia aapottorcc oct oct alist prosi chit tiac ail the leuatiesairMostpressesnlargeor Daci mac, hoi Boy Stant G.ancg Showc tra OcEcille Fu a.9 20 and 21 Tlle fcaa ncghi hiat Lia» dc'in"aed "HNilton Sigia" .and Hay.i Boi i Boat mcl ho In itnanceh Ononda gcaap aif tkeu tin Shoaat Cailago. Biampon tadi avcide cita full, ai lon Edoît SI Club' Kolipc icionit Ie lac drug debate next week Yoîthant he-Hao'itcentlfutcoehc'tt 25lceon lac sncond dance atchidhatacday non-motohato ai Hartîi St. Scicoal mci>i rte Ortlearoaa'ctcinilefuur mail knom Toronto îtap a tchad' aaltesor'tsîc at d "Quci Jungle' ai flia hand l'ot twmmntg nugiral OSD 053It 1 ho ncot>ng 'Ahout 225 atacd tti iitccntc ii oiacfoik concert the daco 90 ai filea cluh ta caly Matai Horeadntachlswi macîhoît. bcaatnaacdicdrter "*Tire clob con Lac a total ai 130 menhata acd ne a10 liaycg pîaccdoat ieiad Namak. no Icta c ia> gc conta Homhothicp applicatioanand '.odac . 10gaahp candi aro acacldbhia at file('tava cca>t uei, h ,.,d.' Restatrant acid ai octp cluh ptadict.ttaal il' cicly pruig. A ponton la potion dicussonc an1 dcgîa flhagnanp'ccaaxt eet.ic' Haaiday, Fah IL1 ail R [lc Hatino St. sciohl andoha.ttid J.*R LUITIO, a.D. ranl [tant 7.30 ta 9.30 ai 10 p.. m ceyonc<ttinnitad ta htcîcg OPTOMETRIST thoît accî piiam an ttc a it i l-nnito'a typa ai A speaker mdl takih " ontic BURLINGTON typesiand ptapaauageofidag. MALL iil flic hor iawdl ha Opaît lui dicuincntttdoacangct ai W'JEPHONE 632-7788 opintons. Roitonlimoit, mdl alto be onailaibie Admission c 1 5 tMilIton yo uth i n MexicolIL-L (BMNU BRIAN BE. RFLY&ABBNEJ finds living a bit ruhtt~ lV Noe dtriioltni ig maitr acrestaurant oadcaer!ayaid stoppadaIo ip cita On tayed4 cacktaachoc and a lackI chin [onîiodn'iîaead[caecmenuacihadtdrctcoce riaagiitiie Eoigiicpahag aunai tad ocdeddap gaotgycact a. ioandmcottldadphpcgf Hexico ar oct> boa [aof air [co e A aa[nngaout pactiofa Lac A ceihacki iS-yoaiaid Plibit, gal.Phdhlpitnndhacl cochie "Fo>ay, litdhoaiodo., Potaell ai Milo ias tou n îaohoî ieochockodoaot a soounit anadasua1le t fim enot>aittoed i cc l co t iltac c icael wnch letoà lot ta bc hcave a ok tfurisor ie Oeil . el ocUcaelai fl acnaa dt'otodoc'aerlaios"Fia>Oyi1 fat.holieoaidalycsoodetcour coa.a mourtnir i>>litscilealie gaveopand dcaoetaoianlo(ctdciacdieuryit'h sacitiag ca mont' on igot. Ohenand aod gocaacoou. finaiy gaviait sae Picipiciitscicccc al cc>Hti i i>dinoifl oot .ccl ic'anu sh cti attdcicoacttg cooc' p ban I i h o c ncohoci dune file Uod and oclîoauchoc Phdilcph nalacac.tdaocuagad PowellOatflicThad td'aad, Phdhlp finayetacopna wihoadacg hock apl ccmacdc litsou taghiit ci Picip'c sortie ficcdy Hancocis alciccaci Lalclcoccccceocnc ccinuaocn refletctuTheoLaionaccnaao hlUai. diou, ioccod 00000) aildricos(autm3JalMexico [toiitQoacactti t f icatiC i o ePeieloce lac fc ao>lic for 1cm.> mweeks. Hînîcaý adc'a oin, an hoe tatits. "îLoat li ponang coîdi tauh ho Ilic lafcia, Phdihp Y,5. "I afttîncon Milleo mac criao gtu patoents a hUec leucot mue, 'h/ ,petitoacudoîcc rinaoccao gai ou> car cuated. tracea> Ota homennsonnetirait b1 tireEastCasct ad waotto Ht>a>nclfrota ata eiet tugt" dscaocoad i1 afi),(dd hacliaonoe TUec ana ot)%.ler o Ojuis taor a[ i.1caoicn'tttata gal aai icuod nil cacli bei "IlidIL die nt ow tr CAN IDB SERVE YOU? but ladtit> lardoca.ane, oicoc'a(I oiccnahat One of aur ersnais hîstnIani n tdadoalotcogca wiII be Bt Bon voyage party HOIALN for Pastor Coles O Okeille (Tnl BO5-7561) Foncd focomoîli acdîci mcccol On Toeelny Jocomay 13th, 1970. [boit(oageandlacaccgcpct aIfnu eiea te an tcnnt oa>eîor eiiq CHOO E t Lnnacccati Bapiut CtLrl Io hacnnaae mu tdionUotnd Lu ato a let Icuren i Haio lit hon n tUeontaient O n c e anance y * A E TN A L Aoyooe aobet3front Marron tlpoitheUc eUallernanc n Jnu luotonJan> Mr Caa otedo 4, ____orin___________cin * ALNTNEEA Sourit Aloca tora ah.,( vua nia i li famdpIDSRILVlnin ed, iî,Prl nor Pui ha cileeta ' o ff ahi' aic icaST aip Royebrshl Timt Iai fANK HARRIS STATIONERY hopmîemcRy hadct ra DEVELOPMENT BN dolicooo Cinccn dînnet. 'eEnM FIeNCINScOR CBNeDmtetBUIcNcccc AND OFFICE SUPPLIES e Apptanumnbebplb 15aang peopln 20 O6eect Sîm Swtene ¶2i eSe. E. Mitcoe 878-662 cnoaîd ibut happy turte of uamiltn seci 528047e) 4 eit flsihp ingethner. fnnliç&',; rnmninn Frirlnv F4,i 13 V g MI yr U 225 dance to "Jungle"# Milton High assembly 1Frantic Frolics ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS 61455 and REPAIRS W.i. KOSKI & COMPANY Il FULTON STREET PHONE 818-9452 teck i aide Jam i Ket Ait aeb ved> and> et set tdedd and unte Inn t PIC Bp Rticaed Ftgg Aliee hgicighiceg hnit meol moth ibe, Winier Cacccaal, fic Geade i 2sc coin aaied op ap ce atirat l'ari [>0 ctirndaca o teeo a ncmhhocs pot oc, Up fic acdivcdoal grades, clane ta 600 tuadoct acd dtaa ccc o hoodi cu ake a> [aui vcnayhaacu Aicanit Frcitab [asa mon ccttio Miss Pniacciaoll lahol May jioe beoni "lTae Oui bail Shcon" ai Witt appcaîc'd cc dit> tact Waili Jack [dl> ai H acotil haaau cliii ha ta Lrade 12 Theatre A it, classe, anU gyceocsic c'ait iicccig a labuoan routine hp Alan Mcaen c ha drean'ci accd "aht' fero taflctctoasie mSid aia[ldatttct aîoald tio pacall hai ba> ,pitp wmaig Kitrk Biishl oaio ad la dccpiap hanaaoa[ styletaf Higlancd dac>tctcg cMorei,'o tic tende c1' cil Oi1 Bill DaUL> Scith aad Sopa Aîan daaaId illI.agli ilion, "Lîoa at aanîmoowekaco.aca Sa>ga>11 calena aa liand iiiaiadad Kaitn bonbon, piancdcag flta ouac loi "Cnaoi"el accd 041i Bail gîamliag [iaougi fietc iae "Baotic ocîcai". HascacaccicîUn (ua sho 'aneicaget onilUcann aiou mixcd po doîpail loachali gaime, tii ci andohîodiyhbca Tho actionc.ttal 7 aad taethe Ioc9cii lo eckaccîig ni 800 BE TIIERE. The plaae flcnec Hotantaîn Gardoni Alerca; Ilite prion 50c wcait ID, 75c mcthcîcî 0h11 o fcleh tapic ci aiesaleout ami> Rohiniait Raiderscicod htbg,hbigmaekmaih tovctic inctacaca Taoiday Central gaiot cekqao)ialo [al Robinso> Raidericqicc lac flic pricoa a 2-i daloatý TUai ausu nc paint holind 'Naaty Nelsna mhoaractcitcposition Itie fliccmtn nîghi ,ci Raid, .iaîaded Uppot Canadda CailegoIot a»l exibihtiton gaina and ýcalpod a inca 'Hackey Headi' ltae 'tcated a>, a 5-t aictay. Laadcag Rohinsnt sresaie Ront Baîkoail, ill> Dadgeoitaitd Iota Boîlint Snet Ný