OMAGN DRUMOUIN Eighteen ladies attend Love is yeoresý thenie area quiling artyfor Beihel U.C.W#. cir u uilin pa tyBp Mes. Cecil PétteemIl goctedtlour. Precss Tht uJC ot. Bothel coals hapepy andeofe jouai ty Mes. Cecil Pétîtéasn Thé second Meeintg of Htettby South 4-H Debotetns ma. field in Oms> chmcb hall Ct Oatteday tîtteseoon as 4.30 pt. Vise-peesidest Pern Lamree preeited foc tbe buosinss metinhg. 1L maé tecidet ehBt muet meeting motit be beli Sast. Pcbl. 14 t 1 ipsm. ROB tai mttot to lok foc 4in coite matetiél.' Leaters Mes. Pétteeéos ted Mes. iecete h>eicomed fout tew membtes te the club ftr a total of 23 and one vsitor. Mont af the giris btd tit mateetot foc theie smwill peojeat to mabie a Bbtet and top te shoets and blouse oe tteio. Ai matetîi s theckcd for sasttbdity 10 the polten tnd foc steiatess of goots. A fine demotéteéatité gtsen by Mes. ies5a Bcd Anse Ratao bios tmt éhomet tbae aots mst atd tas bc tettghtentd by ptilitg on the bité. Pattern machitas mccc eSgdled and tiéttécet, éimo attstioes mbcte nemessefy. Tht girls moehitg sn paies, took me ésoceteLIt s. Thé qutstionnaire foc meetina tmo mas ctmplettd, tnd mdll bc iscloded 6n the eecoedi bookc Most sembles héd theie ses settet baskets and tqotpment Tht méteciélé mmce mos: ttcactie inMary entotrt anc hitds, such as datasm, thttbsbit pehot bcoédoloth and must h HORNSY Rev. Kel on tript Bp Mes. Jcm Hatmilton The second meeting of the iloeoby North luette 4-H Club mas heit os Monday esesina, Pcb. 2, se t6e home of Met. Roy Wilson. Thé Meeting wos ePened milb 16e 4-H pttdge. The coul ctSt, "What t o lot fo0i cotonîs", mas mctmcmed by tht 15 mcmbersessce.Thecctettt Cor1 the Club tés choses ad mdll ,é stilet the Hoeeby Ndfffi 01400o Tétés. Duettg tht eettag ol Borls made faciegt Dut of rap maîenal and si practicet hemo. Oboles mee cal oot ?r the lettership of Mels. Coetisgiey ant Mes. Roy n. Tht girl mel oshtd 10 siet méleti, pattars and ;t ise et meeting. Tht îl ot thus meetigméts Yoaîh Ctmmttec lorth4e lb Sttattét Adtst beld t e poety on Tbusday .18.g Pb. 5 ot the North r.aodgîeR Rcteattîo Cente. 4ceîe mccc een tables of lite ie ptay meel the peotes SU the foloiomtg mînnse, id Wmbteeat, Mes. Frank Pret Wtebmmc ant Willmoot. A daltccoco uAlh mas seset by the uouift and a socisi hoot enjo1ycd. TIL Young geOuf lesmet ageetteai ofcetfoi tîliemsîtbtleyttre toinsgtobelt mbos wo are lets fortucuat 1>1an otheet. Nastn Mes. Craig RoyLe tn iîmdpy spest the meebeed mcd Me. andt MeS. David Rtyce ami lsmdy of Oékmoot. Tht Etden Young People Soîciety épeet t musc enjoyabl iscîceg aitehe home of Me. a Mes. bobo Hamilton on Saturda osght, Pcb. 7. Thé eecsng cse tancieg t reccords t Murray May cifllteg Off lortFc square tascet. A del cccout tue eas joyet by ail. The North Trafolgae loch> Club belt a cachre Paoty c Sîctday niglît, Pcb. 7 at et Nor116 Trafalgae Rectecatîs centre. There mcme Lune tables~ cisîhre ce play mcth the peso asolag to the folltmieamttters Mis. ClUse Wilmn, Mes. Si Sosescc, Mes. Chîffoît Ndorte lélph Peotheestos, To lomdes atd Deibeet Dîmi The lacbyttmwsmcer mAI> Mms Rt Cettiee amt Ba Burton. The North Trafalae Shelet held theie lort meeting of t neU yeae ut Mondal escîl J tn. 204i tht Noeth TetIol Resîlaon Ceetre. Ail lad who tee ietetcsted in lot ,ornmight fortheDcmt pi lîchsoes tee meicomne to 100i ibis physteol etocatton peUgir. Mîc. Paét Clay ton cI iitoetu tnd is îtsuîted 115.Ustctoos Mes. Sas PCt and Mes. M. Los Thetececétito Commutta 1he Boyse Ctmmuecty Ce it tcache ptety on Per tDcDceg, Pcb. 6. Théce met tables of cache sn play mtb PrIOes gtitg tu the folios witîsets -Mes. Wilis Hantd Mes, Cbifforew 4mten. Gt soctot. Neut meeting the mîmblees miS be sutthtg out lbhi gtemeets. bigbteec lodies attended the qutitig Paty cLIAs ai t6e hUme tf MIN. 1. MuCéetot, Miltoe on TOeBdByoftttIoec Coî t6e fooelb meetmng ce. the seties. Mtst membees have compieed theit cbiotgteand theoafteetîooe maBBspentlincOtetigoutIblckst foc tbe qodt foc sommtty day, Matcb 10. Mocbttme tand eegy mdl be eeqaored to somplete 16e peojmct qut fe tt date. Moey idets tee excobteget asd a feiIomsbip eejoyed as the mcmbcers moeh îogetherech meb. Seveeo have displayed beattîfcal qadts foemn these homes. Ote lady thtmed a ster pattert qtdt in rose asd bite mhicb bot becs mate leom a beitesmtoîts aome she badl mots. Aetthee mat a gettdmotbDCts lomee gaîden atd alec a block feRm t pelle tlup qodet. Leadees Mes. Mey ted Mes. Patteesot 414e inchage. Tberees o c sto neess ce tho. dtstrict. Stésece Jatis usco a case of momps and Palsi Potterson is atdee dootoîs' cr mith Oct tsd compltoos. W, hope lhey are AoCr fiechu beetet. Oct Weil mcsbes aieto bMet Cliffoed Weiaalletmoech ted Mec Céscetoe Wison bolb paietscî tMilton District Hosystal. The masy lreods of Mes. B e Veetal areesottylto lO lbatésh sat itID iD t Lonon Hospital afcet at eu cident Ct Hfighmty 401 Thuesdoy Pcb. 5. Mes. Veeeald suflettd ImO besdcce legs, aIs îcccc oad potscbly tbe injtries. Congratulations 10 Allat Malstteoo i3 yeoe old soncof Me. aed Met. Matcoot Mtîcecnooî, Posaeth Usne OS UCcssad higb sttttîeng on a mschocoery esam. Allait bacd the etîm ol 16e Eheescty Of Toronto ce Desembce ansd cesails hote jusi betet ateotsced. Julie SloDet daughlet of Mt. ted Mes. Ted Ocoîe, Seconcd Uot aiso Doned Chus eîsîm ancd bîd a hsgh stanDding. Thete Youngi petpie tee pupilsof Met. K.0.Ptostte, Miltoîn, coegratltons to ail Sympthy ts extenedtetu Allaie aed Gad Keeanothbe t uddeo passing of theit gîtedmoîblier Mes. Albert Walsoe, Esgblb Lîce. Me. atd Mec. Watoe mete hotidaycog tin Piorîdo mlsee ste mas steisheti byîaheurtltîc. She i uecaeed by hier hutbosd soes Kctsetb Kiecete, Nec> aod daughte *Marioealbome. *M. and Ms. AdentBumte gatd soes MicohelAnd Barryo Elmeia mete Sstod.y DistîCs mstb' thetr parents Me. aed Mes. C Palleîs4C, F44116 Ue. o Rot Wlsis rtunecd henmi fromt Mitoo Hospital 01 Wcdeesday. FSUiedu mitb hse retwsbeatillly decoeoced iD a Valeticne theme. Met. Eileee Dacees oeduotld sm gamet ted coneella Mes. O'Connor mac assolted in opetteg liet gifts by ier esee, Mes. John Hagcelty of BramptoD mho osttsted lierto1 open liet gîft 35 plaît Ugo. Mec. O'Connoreeed hierecocete tbmcbs to ail lot thetr usîlo gaîts and 40 thote who wr eespoecttbie lot docog 4416 good daed. A deliccloos lonch mas seeeedby Deise Grant, Ottan Beadley and Jodp Rte. Keit Hawkes and Met. Htamhes lefI Ihus meeb osa trip bo t6e Hoiy Laed. Reo. Johe Scopies, Depoîlment Of mmoitee of Polermo United Chueoh, mcli conduct the service mhite Mr. Eawsmt is omof. Tht Edencî AUgeegalcoD misc 6cm oa pleasacocjooeoey. Bsethday greectînge oct cOteded to 16e fotlomcog mbo aecolebtatîsa tho bcithdays: Leooctd Bobicer on Pcb. 9, to Janet Caihouet os Peb. 10, to Patsy Pord ot Peb. 11, and 10 Valtteo Platlos Pcb. 15. Get eel iobes ure estenedt ist George Galbraith mbo bas hoîo > lUe fo6te past ttonth. Met. Lotte ChBmberlaim on Wcdneeay escetimg Pcb. 4. Tht "Ltoe Love"X Mts. w. Harris pesdent tead t6e thought lot the day aDd teptrts mlle gîsen on the loesbeot on Wedl. Pcb. Il se the shuesb. AUl ticbets btd beee sslld. Oloý qudets badi beet htuihed anddIBdy forshpmct Mes. L. lister and MIN. S. MoMîflao ee ttmettlpec ttbes fortW rId Day of Pîtyce 40 be bcld aI HilelUCctsOMéChuc ILMrh6al 2 p.m. Rso coU mort "Love" a Weltnmweed by12 mmbess. M IL P. Mecry misionaîy oee gave a tpletdid talb on 'Gise Lce" staheng thot tep doncations gisecl b missioDs ma) be teetgetted for uetate courtes if tetied. tev. K Hambe mott preecret and led te ineeîtti discssou onhd hultoey of 16e choeoh, ehî peretooe of eaely Chiste andlthechhOoday. Poblem today ae alcohol and drugs an, ar sdifficuit as aef falled i the ptst. Ltobin ùe- ... fute, IL INUcti dis Chritiantyand thchurh wc neee ditappete, alcbough th 1 boidcegs mnay be lett i e e grtndeucr. Cousellieg os helpie AaDy uefotODte people colfa( i ltcirpeobieetstandd0bc abe 1 s have t toit, tncheir 54mA0e11 c The Math meeting wll 1 held 41 16e hUme of Mes. i Wood, ai mhiCh Dre CI membees are tuobîitgDnemide aDd sucggestots lot te f 600541. Thit mdli be a W Meeting. Luch tas sereei tho F.ostets and Met. Alfred Bs Bot. Keith and Met. Haw IODle thoetly for1 10 dl hssliday tu the Holy Uned or Reotheot ted Murroy Lomrenece. Tht loohy deumt mIte moe by Mes. colin Boély, Met. Veeey Bradley, ClairePFortdadDonald Douglat. A delîcous lonch a servedand asocia isietjoyed. Tht Eveesîg Stmlitghc Gmoup of Hieest United Churcli met ast the chmcch os Mooday eeti, Peb. 2. M1s.Sos 004ev precitet foc the meeting mhoch wsopened mieht hycte asd' peater. Mes. Hagit Ceéig més in charge of theteobttoapeiod. Dusing the peogeamn boue Met. Peébbk Ruddîli bobk 16e ladies on as ceeeoBtlay trip bo themwet cotît aod bo the Yubon. The sltdes mIte mosdeefui 10 se and Mes. Rsdel gave a seey tnformattve îîlb. Poi>omUsg lise peogetmiluechméusstesîd by Mes. i Oeom anîd Ms. Chaehce LeRiche. Met. Gteîy Hamilton mat bottets for a tuppeemoîl Party os Tuesday eeenieg Peb. 3. Thece meîe id ladies peesceit mith Mes. Maey Hoilmcd An charge of the dcmoosteahUln. Tmo gats mel played oîd pies~ amaeded 1016he mînDels. A delicouslunchmas serecidby the hottes mbo mas ésssioled by Met. Ronald Plant. Meirs. tLeete Sasédet i ettaiOttd 40 ladoes ai e home 0e Suedcy aiAIDUsse whensit-e held a isclac shomeetsin îclUor fMrs. ugl O'Connor t bridt of 35 yeasî j go. Mes. O'Cosneor ccd lis ttsfscetuoe tu14 leMosc u ieh t belocgctgt Cn a couse flt il Sosomry. Mets Doug Lelie at s Mes Bill Bradley ascuoced Mîc e Saosdtes Witlhe sC dc4el Tis Piano students complète exoms The fll>sslIg cs a ILii 't sce ssui 5.sodid.>>ss ini l e IllUIIilD, lîied LsiiI the Royal1CossDerva151 .156144,tlýl of TOrOtU t se' Mî11.llîs i e >5 e tee 4tîis>ged oi ssdet et 40>» i Chitide Viti,, P.îss, -n Aodecile0, Mdlgl>' Os»' GtidqVai) i >iOil Pattoîsi V.sîiassi Li. c Jolio HesO I, As G ,AI.Usl BreîdIL LADII 10î14.di(eua l..,ado i li i >1111 t-L 41 bol isou ialet hîssoi -, 115 [alli Nit.T Rob"î( P b..,i»0,504 Ford. Loli N1 iIol' AItL>, 110 ts.4'4 leqali fnIId iMais oi. aiîîîîîcen14t tii 'lIît,î tsli',' Mor 1, , ol i a11 tc io cLessthA~ lîiî 1>41555 KILERIDE The Caettice Cbsesptei Wedtîesdty, Pehsscîe 11 1970 11 Fifteen attend meeting wtsb th6cm clssesW, 16e North Trafalgarte Shimetlet met se North Oaholle c Ctmmety Cete t HUeeby onMosdty, Pcb. 2 m46h 23 P ladies tttetdieg. MIS. Pot Claytt I aiIstsl4e led ce eSec5ses, gtWIt aed squale dancing. At the meig-i ce te s fDued Ihel estty htdi gtslltd pooDdt but iere mete aise, s4tt gtDd mecghtl IseLb Wehly mine as Mes. Ruth Ate Cslimg of Miltoe. WhI1e mIU t0IrD 10 g t Georegetown DD Saîterday Pcb. 7 t epeeseel White Qas Oesoeduey School mn the reettlseg sompettiDoa Stephee Hoghet ttd Bob Matcceeeau carcash a1 Coyece Sobool. Haghesîeceied bead injuries atd MReeau blohlcDlegs, and celleemUR Wmsle Contrai iower ahiggst item on eplermit lEst d O9 Etquecsog towDnship hbuiding : lisetot TUA McLcae IsuUId t ýo total of esght building peemîls y. durieg t6e moolb of t4euaIf. ,eTotal salue of t6e boildiegs Do :). bceeeted sî$183,O000. se Biggest item on lIse îst o>f et peî mds, os the one uDted Io Cul ail BDitoUmforU a o4Cîî1Ilomeîînd eh tetetos lorth1e GuideD by Hotteshoe Dtagmty,40 Lotî29 i. Conestsion 6, eoîîh of Hcghsoay 6e 7. Valuoeollhe4cetl t4tCI ay aod îeseeDoOr as ùited a1 0 25,000. ValentiDe candies ieom... Elsley Pharmacy 1212 MAIN ST, MILTON 878-4492 Sanitary Land F11 Site O)PEN FOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL MORNING 9 AM to 12 NOON * FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF THE TOWN 0F MILTON RESIDENTS ONLY * SITE 15 L0CATED) AT THE SOUTH END 0F COMMERCIAL. ST. NOTE BRUCE MCKERR. * isé.e shck wita bulldozcer égeécdtPet woRKS UEITN N, th iefrdsoa ri eIl vd TOWN 0F MILTON 'III) ýo discu Sy Mîs WlIlUm Watson 6e KslbL"de Home ansd OUhUAI 5 til4 mlet l TIIuIUIUI llwgIItr.R. MuO6D4ad MIL MeI DUie eyreRd shR baSe $1.OU front the sale of hot dogsb A miRonU Ihal the asiEtionD yay fUI thR bus 1t1a .IBDtpItd the primaîf cldîeîî .4 the Afrscae Safari Ab pUosed. A cR41540 IhUI upItU $5.00 bcspenti puyIII4s4ngbe.iUSiUD s4111Db f41 the pîseltef deparlmeDIwa made by Mes. LyeD HI4I6eRIIRUI4 and sesoeded by MIS. Davi. Dr MUIr1IIII I6aDhed Mes. tiles fore sending gel Weil cards outfront the eeCUtDC sRAberIs Ano UppoiDtiRd and are as 14114Us Me. G4144n Harris, Mes. Willim Watson, NoIrmanHowIII2andDr. Muehead. Plaes f41 the Febîuîîy eetlingi DCII finaled wU461th 14piC bessg F4uIIdCI4 Day. fof4sced by adessert Party Etîh lIee.utIID ID1RbCî asd IDîpolsoible f41 the dessoîts wicDitt 6e sed taler. Theî eDIertisUoioRIl forî the eeniIg Dii be 0001015l Danscing. The îîîsldresî sosl be osked ai4îlduî yeaf 14 IDILI. theo table c1n111 pue, er t4 he loi table,5 Usd4 Heîîîîsîîîgso.o F-shesîî posplî atîîoodod thîe inforiD fiîosîdî Moohle4d, SpringsîoId M.nDOI Fo6. 2. spUDblîDd b~ t6e Kslbîîde Homsee aîd Sc6îîs The poîpse ut the meelsîs wAs t1 dIscu455t6edirion5I5o1 educatiiii il, 0On141io a 55 education sug e ndeHalDni th 3e eo Mi n Mr p14$121D5 and oseîhiidîs inOUI OODday Feb. i sî honsîs of 15U s 44644 Wayne 60uIIIslnh 6oî6iday on DuItuIheIîdskof iIters uD FDb. 2, MIL. Robert1 ault'I Si. t6e part ul t6e mters,îhIî e 64511d4f 45, F46 3 a11d Gardie Ladies' AUoclsîey ofDir cllrsI Sieveoîcsbirlhday oDP164. KsIbride BeimeePacksaîd Girl ThssIîueDdiîgsDeIe Mr.4and Guiîdes wAS foîoed 14 clo4se asMît Essîse Stîees, Betty jeaD, îhesî mere no mortiers riiIgI4o Htîbsî aDd GUldil 4f Lake aD 1514015V1 postion.5 BUIIfiI4Do, Mî. aDd Mes. Robert Ne> NicholsoD and KoIDsy Sools Sî. andMr. and Mes. CDCr Wtson scote disric guestl Watson. M4eday eDoDsDfFeb. 2oih Mr. aDd Mîs. Robert MsîMuIIDI, Bîsos ands 064UsD oD îîîe The IDUf eedil siecel 4caio f Brian's IlilO esîeodîong île sptel shese doyî. boîthday.w IbJUsîDIghl end up heoseglo A b4lthd ylupelU4Id45lda p4yîtheDnaiol4deh1 4iu14eID15 I)oTOYOTA COROLJA heCfwiIh a differênce , CHASE NSANBORN Rl.@ $1.0 DRib PSa PAELEMDEN COUEE Lb9g1 BA1HROOM TISSUE cHISIES lan r ucr Reg 34c Pkg. OT 127 Rqg B9e Q OL 119J0c DONUTS G 4 F9 APCELLE MODERNE CRSTE: BUTT RMATE STYLE FACIAL TISSUE BREAD 5 OUAVES 99c L2~ 3- aLCES 3 9c REDPATH WRITE - PEPITO -ESPRESSO LANCI A -2 Lbs PSg, SR ANULATES Réa ý CO l SEf 51 LBU45Ge ? 39C PEU. NNHEWII BAN E. BNî2 R ANTI-ERSPRAN NS 4EOEA SCORE SHAVINO FOAN 79CTI CBEOM 79 C E WOODDURY -REOULA R -SHATTE OPROOF DENTAL CREAR AlTO UAR DOL Rq '$1.58 bBC, SHAMPOO BDTT1LE COLMTE 1001H PASTE Rq $10 CU: 19c bées RéBI FUIA- 19c TUB.E IZESUEF SSAIl'S PREIUMIIV OR LADY ~PLI SLICD FRESHf CHICKEN SIDE BACON - aaa- AO cVAC PUC &%à%- I IF5D LEAN RS PORK SHOULDER tA5si494-P- smf BELLY fiACON-49Lc PcE5s FE PORK LIVER 35ct PORK OCKS 35 tL FeEuS LEAN T-BONE, SIRLOIN «r ROUND HAMBURG 49, c STEAK 991l th Hawkes leaves o HoIy Land mmmonnuaý y 1 19 f