Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Feb 1970, p. 2

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uther ARCHITECT îcueg DONALD E. SKINNER tht Pc B.Areh. - ILR.A.. 17A Mill Street, Suite 2, 6.1er Trîrchere 853-2740 ce 20 Staeehue Rd., Port Credit 27,t3428 ACCOUNTSNTS[ EASL O. BLACK e. Cent., set A., C.A. P Churtreri Aoceceelees 163 Mate St., Millt R Phoro 8786542 MacOILLIVtAY & CO. - Churtrei Accutatt hbc, the I_ 14 Nolson St. W Braemptont. Ont. SU 451-40 9.4 RttiletPartnrc 9c45 G . OWclson, C.A. M. Hughes, B.A, C.A. 13 CHIROPRACTORS__ de. F. KENT, D.C. tînt0 Deecter of Chiroptractie 237 Rtegs Ceurt Creucet Cerner Martir St. 508 C PHONE 878-2031 ne ni APPOtNTMEttT INSURANCE s 1t.t CO-OPESATORS INSURANCE 12.1 ASSOCIATION 7. Auto. Acccdtrtal Death and Impeirmet Sefe Duieig, Exrae Votet Redre t en cct promm Most Eccunictl m R.0S Houtheintet N R. 2, Mtonu, 8784855. Ocr 21 Tcrs' Servintle ROBERT S. HAST Agent 351 Otecîte teccil Actes Bss 416-451-3460 Rt., 519853-1527 FUNERAL DIRECTORS M.KE SSIP Miltorn oct l7th vc.c aI halaI- 878-4452 OPTOMETRISTS ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, O.D. ILTON - 184 Mule St. 878-9972 Treslett and PFldas ACTON - 54 Mill St. S. 853-2520 *Wedsesdcit ard Seneteltyti jResidesce phoe 878-9478t LIBRARY HOURS Mety 12 teste53 lseel Wadescd Semedey - q.12; 18.38_ tnc cullets ate ceniderîeg esrandhlquortattheutsn 2 ThtCececltecChapct.Wtdisdy eur 4 97 Town's firsi cocktail louage la 6e opeued, namned Thursday Mtltoe't [arst ltcecced cocktail cweres eeport. The espaetion ut lauegentilhbc fftcaaffaopeed the huding tees Puest ugreei ut tleCcatlte latl, Mi t.o t ce aponruc g i certettttclPtteuadil Thattilaf rettg inailua actui costrtottctted lO ehhaencctttegtcettttoPy that ntcp. ccntraator eectcree P nill acoaffuaiallp ape tht taaall andtht sisffu at ocatlas lectels cent ding Icarge and teil.1 'aheasten" bath Icunea tetth The Chuohmnaths hure owneil ent es. nrtAie the Chatte. Hcl enileesteureet Charles Htlsonr dr, ietacthe fait cf 1965 anil hae Ntak andlPeter Chuchmtahhae~ ceteeilt cextene e aton planreil a gela eaettieg ta auet the yeatt. ceert h fica prigo Tht cocktail lourse. fînisteil the tucdittes Tht ccnt nete c. e Speresh decot ncth pluth farstuopereiloneJan.1, thetdap red seetsei and chcgenf afier te l.cteat ltaeccg boatil teacileck. teats 131. The gare ots final appeacal fat the dtectg lcuugecur hanille 60Qete cocktail laacigt tinte aeil the to separte Thutilcayt ptagtan cicles a beuteege tomcanscat 104 teceptcac ail imeet fot un eah. te the cer future e offhciai p.etp af abouct 20 banqettaoo etinf150teill cauple. Thep toit he ptpedtcnto opt te tht bauseent lerel cf the locgc ut 10.30 pnt. hp tht cu.padeil building. Rue ptpttc haon tht Luot Scots, Hoinsu ill hteetttetteig thec Mapycr Breo Bett acid MPP teeketils in the cocaktail lounge fontScno illcunp tncuhhbnsa nd cudgulta cutry antdnetern tilecaae the dtr.rg lauoigead cctettuîntentteli contire in cocktatl taeegt ý'alfhcatp" tht heertage tointse oneekerd. aperneil Oaeeg the evetctg the wneslrteot. fuethet Ietitteature planed Tht itccg lucge te open to and cnencuus eteretcent 8.30 p.nt dadp., neekerds te nill iclude Rue Hopkins ut tht ndideghl, tehite the cockttil ctge, Jack Reertsuand hustrio, Icungecas peus ilescanttk Billtruh a theeclttrndiJ.C. fltcm 12 oc lu I e.m. The ard thtSquicrebad. aners sre hpng se suce lie Tht adiionta ard teccuattou ahIe te offet ltquee, heet ael ptouectht trîusftnttd tht wne iteihnteisnthe dmîesn fornteestauraet acd ktthetcmttttrre. setion cf the hatel entc the tntc Until Deenthees plehisce, net laanet net a pee'steeek nhtch ceethelmsrnglyfaPeyeed and teptescritsa iententetf ltqcce tetth nteasesndhtqer elntast 5100,000, tht hotel lcutiges. Milton tees eestrieted te publtc dtinkitg te the henteege eecnts cf the tnc local reCels. t....Pepieters cf the Charles, the geMi ton Ier trd the Cnteecr R estautunt spcesceed tht el 1968 nete $72,342. and thee skptuceted tht fclluwnrg peut to rech $348,581, au nres cf oee $27h,239. Fie cels dereasedhby 30,front 119 et 1968 tai 89 en 19h9 Attttbutieg the greet inreaIe cett eut cf sereret lii ONE OF THE FISST Certntente seteepheres te be irsttled t bten Ceerty mes put rn the epertente nf Me. crI Mrs. Rer Hilt e tht El Prime Apertete et Orecrie St. Mes. tilltrnies net the rer phonre hish fietrures tht e etee, emesbpient ced letten ntecheris n rone unit. Bell Cercle releel the phores ice instellation begirnris Metley et thismnth,-StOf Pheeo) thuet Setcn KNOX SSBflIBIAN CHUBCN enteit Medereter. e.F. N. Yesne, B.A. Gegetowrn 877-6206 coetletes shibP and cluwn; let et betel hefoe erdeeouttker." DAY, PE58IJARY 8, 1970 an .-6e ýChuch Sehuel. an .-Yaccee Pecplt's Bcble Clase. ýi-te Churcb Seheel. ca. n -ýMornieg Wcrebcp. btnte', ev. Peetesser J. C. tat, B.D., Ph-D. aet.-Nuee7. MILTON GOSPEL NAIL Ontario St. N. 878-2022 beireccet getherel le tise e efth8e Lord Jsocs Cheit. Lord's Dtp tIDAY, FEBRSARY 8, 1970 0 e .-OBrecies of Bread. 5 p .-.Sundtp Schotel. tf p=t.-,o3spel Service. Odnetdsp, 8 pan. - Prepet ccl Bihlt rteadsg. a1 re neleeme tel ilcte services. N.c act ant ctte (.0 nos rs. Ye. cnnot cer-e GO i tilo. Matb. 6, 2t OGHWAY GOSPEL CI4UBCI A lcaol z,,eonthh of Tht Pentecscal Aseenthite nf Ceanada W'akefildc R. oeil H.cp 21 Miltce 'cet", Re'. Mt Chticttrute Tiel 878-2064 THE LORD'S DAY INOSI, FE8SOARY t, 19 9.45 a.tm -Sccdoy Sehucl. 1500a- oee Werhi [Ilpu Pnt P,-,er 7,00 [nm. - Eeeig Eratg Ittie Service. Nc'lcotlat - Bible Stedp, 7.70 p.n. Ft'idac -tYaung Peoplors, 0.00 p ccc. Cointact tse a neo te Lcrd.Trast aîoin Htn.z He' chaI1 hccg iltc pues. Pcclin 37,.es BOSTON AND omAGN PRUSBYTSBIAN CHURCIiE letetin Maderateet Roc'. D. R. Nicholson, B..,1 Ccnpbctlcillt 854-9805 ScINDAi, FESSUARY 8, 1000ca.n.-Beten tersh Service. 11.15 c.ee,_cBottn Cheevi Seteet!. 10.15 e.te.-Omegb Claeie Settetl. 11.30 s.e.-Oesqbt Wtee Service. Rer. R. DeneccesnnofRK nnr niD cosîtt terri, oth ettedce. CNURCN 0F CHRIST Ne. 5 Sidtrecd and 800 Litre Trsfalgar SUNDAY, FE5R-UARY 8, 1970 în. m e-Buele Selessi Clssest fer ailîsac. 11500 e.m..-Mntls WerstiP. 8.38 pes.-PeseUels et te GRACI ANGLICAN CHUBCH Multes, Ontario. Reeteet Rer. R. W. Pester Assistent: Casesn P. H. Msses ScINDAY, FE5RUARP 8, t970 Oeitquaefsmt Scsdep 8.50 e.m.-Hcly Comntion. 9.30 cnt.-Or. Cteca Setteel. 9530 u.nt.Help Eeoharirt and Sermer. 10.45 a.n -Se. ChuteS Sebeel. 11.00 a.ttc -Maliet cecI Set- mn wtct irctclîatiut cf Cheech Offcicai. Thacciat, Pteray t - 10.0 a.n., Hclp Connunion. Touaraleas nrlccnrtat GracebCurch EMMANUEL BAPTIST CNUBCH Commnercial Stret, MItnc Pestur: Rer. Clorlen Cetes L 8784475 878-5542 Tht Lord's Dtp 1ScINDAY, PEBRIJARY 8, 1970 9.45 anm.-Ssedap SchomI. Ali ogre. 11.00 i.cn-Mcercng Wnrsbip 50 pn -Yuuth 'Meetings. f950 pnm-Scrg Servce. 7.00 p.nt -Eenien Wershep. The Campbell Nattee Ttas WLDNEODAY, PEB. 1l, 1970 p. 6.30 pnm-ectac Club. Yucth Pl-,taeia Session. en' 8.00 pet '-SihIt Sicav. and Nutre, lcciîitctr ut Suris Serv'ces. Yc Are Welont Whcte Mitonc Atma Fut teparîinnt eetîed Peter catis lu.tg 1969 lhae lhep dtd tht trerteus peur, damtage nus ruttplced ultecet Ptee ttesri .969 ecoudcrg 10 the teeuul epeet trsed thtî nrek hp Chiet A. E. Clenttent umnicil Speedway promnofers offer, residents orne year option Peemoer cf t6e peeposeil $2 buildings end saructutes fut cep mtillion dolat Iedianapolis-typeincthet pctptrt chen the oe sperdnep hetteeo the Thil and tuttirg. Tht site ef tht FcurthLUnsmofkseesing et ptopoer! seedncp has heen Miltes, hace mtet nith the lune astI fur ttgeeultutul peepoes mn et 10eeteepetsnwhchcie clote the pet. t the sitenitheancfferte Ceueiilagteed tcellen Mr. pluchuse their ptoertp. oodmer 10 eppter egan et Lenyet E. A. oodmnta telil their Fehruarp 16 mteeting. Eequesieg Council et hIbr Ecrîter te the m cinrs, tegular nteting Mcndey eight ilttk-tnttsuer Delmet Ftench thal huslients havetfftted the reil mouesil e lettet frott Di. reeeby.leedoers un optioe te tvot Dent, mayet cf Edmontoen, perchaetîheer praperîf fer e sping thete haet bren ne pettait cf ore peer. If tht sempleirîs ehout Edmonton redents rnd chttîhep hue Intertional Speednttt Peek, hter uilcerelp cffecttdl hp tht uohceugh it t. loetloe te sptedntp, one pert cflter eecc iseg htstî. The ntapcr edmîttel hrgins, Me. Goedmn's gecup t hat teafo te aed feont tht wid1 peechase the ptapet ut a Ipeedway ic heavy ai htiesut figuele hhcrseofdtstrhedeas tht ntcsthtmest lies nct "10 to 15 pt ceaI ehoce doe creete e ptahltnt. market prct" Mapot Gent ptcntstd te hae Mrt Goodmn teld Cauetil ht theatity's plaeeing diuctctcand espeats tri ken in thet net tefcheegttter srrdealctthtei tete depî hon mne cf te aamnnts tocaueailcasell. tatepapets lie apptocahed tecl - cneruea te agtrmnt. d Mir. Goodadn cIta tequettt Not fcuedronwndseld. " îtacctcl pas. e resalutîutt hcve jest rînesheil pout cat. The rsemnaghtirs op tutlle peopleteheecnwthteccidentcare Provisionss aI tht tnshtp'r seatchirng. They thtrb t asm SHfOW TME: SUJNTHROUGH TtURS8 PM. Th.. S F,16 $et. 7 t 'e r 5 and tr FEMAUSIEI h Ste. 8 Mote. 9 t Tue O ST. PAULS CHUBCH af THE UNHITED CMJRCN OP CANADA Main St. et tentes Si. Minleter t Sec. C. A. [iet, B.A., D.D. Orgccîse and Cheir Leadert Mes. Harold Meget SUNDAY, FE5RUACP 8, t970 10500 ant.-Memief Wersbip. CHURCH SCHOOL 9.50 e te.-Serdey Sebeel fee ail -beys antd girls erer a ye etc. 11.50 e.m.-Ielee Murery le charge tel regieterel sure andsnurserypleptees 11.50 ase-Rlelergertes est Peitseey Dtpertmaese, nue 4 - 8. Inevitation Te A Chtef ecleil thts cutil hie eunbtedcrnlptithtatiftdhlir trspecttor ptcgtanti aed îles coutil he eactemphîheily eph mure fult tunie trîpeetets. Ir dent cf au httteesedl ntk cead ard recaîhusg the mnr part, the Chief recntteeded the htieg cf ttre full-time mner aed to note peett utne ftttfighttts fat tht heigade. Ht ete retemened the putohase ofs anetet teck truck tausetai rual fiererenotutelttu ecuclahît. Tht districts' huve Ictotît hies hp lun or tonsip tutelleil $184,'000 ntth te ktqemng barnonetdhfyDt .D.RKuoic beîsg tehtuted aI c lots of $54,576, $42,000 fat the G. R. Chetet dnellteg te Surliegtcc; $40.000 fot Mclton Tere ard Reicelc Shap. $32,000 fut sore uttd apartmnt ened bp Weilliant Cocitet cci Nassegutepe ced $16h00f fat a bare beleîtgteg ta A. Hacklng ie Oukvtîle. Tht Chief teportsl nth petile husbrigade tuck ancactive partîin htle prereettue ectteities, heth centîe drpartnt ced eeertp terrI ttefugh the [taller Ceuetp Fie Prerenha r eu. Ocr 800 peuple tan flmhs ted attenedoene ceuse aI Millt Fiee Depeetmnt chienlig lite preeette neek. Octeher 9 and 10 th il depselmeelt hell dentenstrstice f anddfiepectehctionawads w s perserteil te the scoel classe s tehthheceght the t pare., tepenhue. Deerg tht pece thI q ap L 40G MAIN ST. r Deeteg me peer t test 50e helgede $4 032 te figlet ~eu le Ontario Freighes Cneto en Whithp. te 1969 Miltet mes tht sesle c f 2htres six me thet Nessegaeep nith 20. Othet aessetreil hp the deplattmert nete Butltrgtot nitlt 11Ils Oekeille ntth etght, trd .tet - .etnthl4 Christntas saftp ptcgttmt and heil e boclth ut Mdltce Fact. A pstetcetest Put gade Siet studertst eil ccenuallp. Othet teres cf preettitesa 6,000 Pt ecer cf litetctutt distribtet, ce vieil aectue and tourstto ceraous greupstand fite dills et t unthet cf plece. Duttttg tîte peet Chief Clemet wsappoiter! Chetemn cf tht Ontetto Asociution cf Ftme C htie f' fite p treetter aantttt and Wiliaîm Det Je. testlotel perdeet cf the Huntbet.Cttdtt Fisteenes Asocaiont Ivan Shepherd nus utae.ptredttt cf the Mmne Ar avetage c f 22 cctc out cf the 30 mari brtgade attandtd ht.etlotltlfttratntng ctghts tehete tttep dttlled a1c the Pcllcteteg ap ctso the hasieess: leddees, hase laps, puntps. fetathîr enrtp seettlattua. s alceage, tait ptocedueeacdhfrtttd. Ocreng t peut the chtef attened tucf neetegs nttth vrtic t bards andl tcnmttees rn tht cuetp as nefl as a fout Peteehete, a fcet-dey Fie Chtefs' cefetretc at Mehiastet Urtrverty ce Hentilton aed the MILTON TELEPHONE e ANSWERING s SERVICE ýs *CON FIDENTIAL Sl COOSTEOUS *PERSONALIZED 878-2020 HEAD LETTUCE 2 tcpsses me39< Ocem Brand MARGARINE 5 fil, 99< G.sd.erparmi t4 ... teeNi..9 CREAM STYLE CORN 239 PEPSI COLA 5te .s.rite 89< ptut denteat Stlectr teette poid Pac Queltr PUAS eu... tire 2rn-39t MACARONI 2 pbk*37< SIDE BACON t.k. 89< PORK CHOPS a.79< eSthpi LWe SAUSAGU tu es. 59< IPWMP CHICKUNS t37c We Neyer Deal With Strangers (JUST FRIENDS) e o lt. Tle ar al orin niour s mhembaer a ul r cornrnunity. Tliatts why weu ionvityu tcrn and see ivt our seeto o ne97 ords - ain fnew us97crs Frs-nfie ue as ONLY ONE LEFT '69 MUSTANG DEMONSTRATOR Do... Hail op, Silrer Jade, Equippeil neth 351 VS8 gine, au ornatic, pone te Irng & heakes, console, sports peu ance package. Only 7800 miles, Pactory waeeanty. i.152-231 OT&IISFORDoe. LD. PSEPAStNO P meekeed tre tee Unted Cheesh, bothntemheer cl Appc Grc Ane tteostl t ele te certainposiin trtioeles coemns t reening 1969. Raymosd eppeletel us F 1Thomas Apple Peeples teerde etested as t Waten dtr Mrt eppeleted tee Chumch teseder Othees elect iledrd Mes. RErelepe Se MeCucîg ant delegcoes nere W. .Elliep 1Ledwcth. Rer temîlle Nn Moretu, Mes. Howard Atmst ta theuadeuctp Dnttrg 19h9 total cf 1,370 cuefenteil, 2 corde. ted. Durtrg t. aperatrd o $29,045.02 an haudget cf $3f People'. W teportril the f ut hccrg ttc $182,000. Fat Rrctcrp $20, $12,000. 83,00.; Fart S5,400.; S50,000. as hcdily t..urp antdemployr A.C.W. ec Hittr torp.ý nte e eting Prc per deaheng "Funttlp Lcte ctcudeil a h cutered te e Rulpy and ila..ghtee hacît Tht Chua CANl CA SMO' FR1! Corne comple AU, 20Mca esM n t :hief reports fewer 1969 f ires, bu t Fire Ioss skyrockets to $348,,581 Pihone :4TIO' 87uI043 RED. TOAORS N29 m MI LTON 878- Miltes; $2,258 le O4vlle; $1.051 tee Btelitgtot; $1.590 je Esquesîtg andl $1.979 je Nussagutefu Espensee Pue octleigs atdtituscellatttitllls expealditutec tatalluil $3,186.00 Pet the peut. Fiee hightees suffereel e tutet eti 13 injttetes nthtle combatte fnet dueieg he pete. muet efe'heet cule ce minir îsjeeiee. Hie eempleted inspeetiuton 3 1 buildings lest peer endl cundusteil 30 investigatiens.

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