nauron nHeikni Preventive dental service decreases tooth diseases B Sio Wad rrnr ieapatyon tioipr WartCr daongth en >to opntoluo o luation no O Or ~ ~ ca of nît iglto r tho proporoortn ro drt hrttUtwartor' i197nal35petnt o ramntandîout plainfêterof bot sowrg tamoenniesand ThetfWutrtOtng ptottte rir Ha ad n in Fari ony tepain hty oito t h taknilo trmonOOhiroOf l o ' nchddrrnttrpndyonrr 00£d ren ena ratme dnt tmnt tanis Early ibis yer Wr w0atrgft 0 îot r ofr andthot fgure as droPPedto loonchdaOamaroPnnaimait aicndiot and yrt mOOny oIy 100 ptIO trot of the cildren in grade one, usng a toonritoplitirt don't sot fO to, srrontytdrdrn nordott Irtsent rymbol 'Murh yh th ooi oto rrotmrent todoy soys Dr.OSamuel troilat to Emot, ore Sfty ftoion tprv ntoth Groeen dirîror of the Holton *Eltphont." day. Goorpoo ftn Cooty Hrlhic tP rro Dr. Gteon irrîn people in work hoe and bis staff arr dotot. Drrrtotot ispeeto tor Coonrp have bottot Ho dlairod popi i the coty Qhog nouaroo ai r dental htoloh thoni in othr rpond nalp 03,000.000 on rhrGr n tdduro, theidose tooritoandhtoeoad htttaff drn. otai atbutthrontlrtin Grrod, orr da orrg tht Y hav1eo boro 000£g a comprtuttO On tth nit's prvntiVo dntilrY w g~~lhhbfiuAre O pntU0lî o rtoortamtooth dr'UYnisbrn Cu T oh dca isa dsese ndfooa oroH sas thoth66prcent b htatf Ont pr centoa isTour madncobitotop thd ofthe Oo-yr-o.odtchildrtnhii byn rlroraoo#o tpea of1 0100 jobae 10 trp tht thecont hoor no drntal nrr bodgrtod at appnrootOtOlY tot trot detarltetsaorttoth£0 in deiiece and 41 prt trot of 135,000 a ytat, thr poroetrtr coooîty rohoolo wrtrh cirilrn theraoanty't otirot brtmaen dtntnstoy unt ras liatt front kcoderttnt r a de oin. Onte and 13 havo no dontal Coonty rorrdrntr ntattp TOry moil exarmint rt chitit dttraroorrt, figoros nhith arr $150,000 o yrno drotist bill. torh or tOn sohool and wilbnitoobo pn fbito "r peopleoareoralo gotting ttromnrn d aoy nordrd Tot.aretenirforthettodiot troroor 10 t the ohîldIs Hr lotit stoooly about theomnrhot seredorr,hOli parnts. flold Thteon doto hoosti' o tory Do. Greto clornnd only 4510o tttth both lot tht dtrntal htrt ryathh ottgo ht ael tIi yg 50 pot trot ai tht peoplt orfco n o h utfco.ifbsatog i ssilYug t-titon CoaotY otr n doottît ith ltth tor t tttOo;n A for batiog bit 000 protît for ttgrtiatly or havet tiro hidt floorîdo, tOto tht deotal dito eigh Yrots, ht ot bored wioh oef dortoir rtruarly. Ht tord toill top 10 11000. Tht dental -oohrnao docîir anl poho floic tsa groter p o ri thetnti i hreprom iooki" n dtidon ubi c h pot ftecut hto o th _to al lOie ohotgs ptfontne hoaîlth reioory as a tortot. Ht dtcoy and othelntiedtWOtot DR. cAULoEti roanly and thtar tnoolo tht ýnjas tht ooork wluntin rotidos 1 thnk her arethre min O. SMUE GREN -atis; f a hil's eethwit an ottythtngitoro arngat staff tlrtohrhrtoChiot ot Dottal Pravntiat coargoa014 rr to o deona toothots ta planning fitos lot peoplo not gains 10n loid ouin d rro ogolntiy Servite or toho Haltot HoaitO orint pot coo Oood ror o mputer rtodiot. Brsidos see l dentst yAt prootot thoor cifofes arr donc concude th dotor" an Unr. y apoitmen ony. orknglot tht tialton Hrnith on rir hrdot on Ua bopptotrtnonit. Unt h t ion tht hoaltb KILIRIDE OnQo vation00 os tolitd a mits ai etht Conty of Pool and btaoh-in" tohith is a tht Baoougis ai Etobtooht and self-appictont of ltaotidrn by Yorki oronto. tis t0e chld on htown toth. He ttroametoptoith onte ott> Rev. C.R. W ragg to reire tOt eeie o opotol Oinonido orOtrtg protrot felot ch toothprtît frto o dootol futurof dentalitretttn tht I L hygianat andoiftorbteingtold 000t 0 iyoats whtth shodb flIt lith ptopor toay, boashos vit g00d ntoslfor mai. Hedainir from KiIbride United Chu c tehfrfv iue oca etlrsaceswl o IIUII tttth or hotorindotooo dtnta otathttsvtoilewi By bito William Watson Ponel totorbetr tonsotrtt "biany totons or Holtan coorfetiovelh tactoro tot soros oand to-soro tnt Coty don't havt Oaatîidated dotoy,tohth sonetiaoowY t Tht atnouel congtogatiotral Normon Hotorl, Mot. Carl orottt ai protont' toi4 Dr. 141 that holo ir tht poohotboah me1nitrof atht United ChmîchOf Gotots, Dt. R. ttiothtod, Mi. Greeot houghi ooad oniy Ktilondo toanhrld ThotsdaY Jnn. Droton, Wila Van dot Voort t 10 cetspt io n par 0t et 10 (ContoradNettWtth) 22 In tht Oatday School 00001 andKen Gortert. toah a go0d4aotîtodotot Ron. C. Tht totoatrot ortorof otht R.t Weagg oostintharge ai the ibrdo andiDisttit Rertoo me00001g. Asocatiton mtathettbhometof Ross Harbaolo, tangoogotiottl iota Van dot Vaot bost Manday setatrot, ttod the oInils ai tooning. tho pooviousr meeting. Retîgnatiant wtrt attoptrd Prorîrd rtpotts totttd tht fiomark trorhlndo and Htlltn ottîtatisot ai try otgonOOîtOO wtsan. thin tho thorth. It taowod Plans for the fartbcaooing tinto toror 11 nhildrrnhoapttctd, dance wiii ta dscossrd ao taxer n notai ai £0010 rnoinod by monlh's tnootingl. nto0tnon aillit and one Tht Gond iNornobat club mtr ttondyoctttiîttOt,rtoanlas iosrtndaytoentn£,îJan. 26,in total tronbtf eeslap ai 107. Ont Klbnidtcenttt rorth 0100 tables oronttt onot torootdl hy dtatb, ofiprogressivottathtt or play. loavno a toal moorbotshtp ai Prt tornrs notre bits. Anna 106 an Docoînhot 31, 1909,00s Thoorpsan. bits Gos Parchtto, ori a 10 non-tostdtnt Mls. Boh WoOG. Thoopsoo, E. ortoîhoto Ellintgon andr Ioa Wtthttet. DurtnngtheoltOt the monatto TOn door ptte art on aby ptrfarnrtd 1010 toddrngs in tht Mint loch Robtson. chuch, oooroly Btoan ondl A porithoOk ppnttollbiehtîd Peggc Poochoor. Ho olsu noorrd Pob. 9 at 6.30 1.01 EottyontHalt Ontiosrlod0rO0opnloMna SAV ono0tnor ebto BonlCaoison nkd onbrngoot dih.The oand Roy Smith in Cotlisle. Rot, coma ttet in t harge t bits. B aog ofaficatori at tho furaias Williram Ailison and bits, ai fIWO adhottoto and ant Parthr.T treobrr ni tht coogoogotrott Chrldntn anti ttarrhrs nt drtrg tht ynar ortlrahng thoso Rdlbridt cothaainloytd hot dogj af bits. binroot Loarse fortlunchilast Wdnsdoy. bicAtthr. Notrman Smith and Ttotnry-nint doaon onootR Mis.Marotetr OlivaAYtoThe prtpattd and ertotd by ryorpaty ai tho congrgatton is canototos irs. Miti Donnas and trnddrturithe attosho Mes. Don Carlson asistr!dhy TU hovt bten tu ad otohttaord. bits. Backt tongdo, bits. Rabin Tht fallotottg alîrcots tottO Jonts, bits. Gtotgt Robeotson, lcrd tutht es otrtr a aothtr Mot T, Goroon and bits. AI ytco terni, Gardon Armstrong, Sboto. Phd Fisher and Gardon Taylor Mt er Grtoantn Board ai hStewtrdt fatorï Mns ianol oat imaaitFRI tee yeor ponri ate Joames intosph BrgantMmra Aytao. Sian Cotroan,Dr Hoptl uino. bicflaod. Wrluan Prîktt arîa rîrri Mîts Lynt -Licence ploate dradhino a Htliorrrgtoirr assistants Mi. Oratdoo', Fob. 28. Got por H bciAtiha onri Mît. bcDanald. 50f> Mît. bcArthti aori Chars IN liaphotor toott appointodl as - me0000£, hoe toil retat, rionl J ~ Uf1 , rrrittrootarg metinogoftht Krlbttdt Hoore and Ochool QPTOMETRIST AssoaîtiO ont was fil ast RB ROM biondytttotang ion. 19 tohen Dr. G. H. bicMiaod toms guat speaktr. aHedart BURUNOTON R S S L Dr. bicbiaoforiedro MALL E Gtnttol Haspooal sood o fidm onrttd -Coanidoico" ond TMeONE 632-f7S8 ROUND ortatod o panel discatsoonn VEAL CH EVIERY MEMBER 0F THE FAMILY CHECK NOW WHOLESALE MIEA Pot Oan GIGANTIC BARGAINS NOUAT 1 TODAT S A.M Discount Shoe Store 28 Main Street N. t3aoqOO" I - Manor resudents ceieoruie several Januarv birthdays Ar4 Mot. M. Wrbanhns On Dc0 14 chanth soonico mar candoctrd hy ga. S. Stoi of tht Prrriytooiaa Chanch i Botrîoand Omogh. Srviceon Don. 21 mas candactril iry Rov. C. A. Otarorý nf St. Pools Undted Chancir, Min. Rev. R. W. Pot of Grato Angican Chanch tonduttmod tht service on Doc. 28. On the aitotnoon afiJan. 1Or grotp ftom Georgetownt sponroroti a musical concert. Thoro taing part moto. Tot Darcoe, M. C., Amry Humr, raphone, Ratph Urso, arigon, Boerard Shothootoe, boss fiddlr, Grorge Rama, droms, Clato Goding, goitor, oingtrr: Tnm Dootoo, Tomi Trooton, Tris Shooet ant ianger danoor Patricoa ToWtono liaot vinh mas ane0tvo afteroho concert and bits. Warbankn tlonkod the vnsitais lot an enjoablo ritomoan. Cltrchsrvionan. 4mwa5 tandoctd hy Gotdon Coto, a stodont ai ohe Toronna Biblo Calttgt. The totot for tho service otas frot tho 014 Testament. A= ploroî hor01 pent ar tht o Jroiota an. 4 whro r gtaap itot tho Choostiot Reoottod Chorth i Gorgotetown carne ta tîti th rosidonts. The metng 000 aprord hy Aody Doar, lb M.C. Albert i. VandonPoc onnisttrofn tht chrch, dohvr has sermon anti toonnonit hyn tiagang mas onjayod. Mo M. Worhanhs thonhod tht gars and rftstmnts toootstrood. Outr rnendsfritortheoR5da Poor stafl h Mîhtons 1970 buidtng boa h starterdotoasoabus n Janu o Buidirng inspectat Boy QI repobts nnly ont buiding prn was0issed frontrhisaoicernd ma o a garage voaud at $6( npor cioith a molcao 10 ail. Mir ScoOt ldor thob prayors and a f1dm otd "Th Stoner Cr O" as enjoyd by aut -Mo. MotoatI tond tho c1aàingprayrrs bits. Wr th ankoil tho nvisiotsa. lo tmint and a iojt loncheon mas thon onjayoti hy mal. Chorth seoric on Jan . 11 mas cnndooood by Roai. D. C. Nicholson haom S0. Donid's Prrsýytvoian chrch ino A bino mas hrld on Wrdnosdoy maoning Jon. t4 in Pottit Hoote auditriumn. Ton gunes moto played ad ohe mIroo ot Mos. Warhanhn on, Mo Dotobtrty 000, Mon. Hanolon to, Mo. 1. Koak, Mis. Mobiillati, Mo. Loger, and Mos. Turner mi toinninB nt ganie rach In tht Martin ose intoe olt;oon tht lrrcky minorta mort Mos. Boss. Mos. Dormis, I Y DIRECT FiGE lE AIATTOIR IDAY & SONDA Y SAXM lu i P.M. C SHOULDER o-SOC ROAST ..... 62, Ys.s...... 59~ STEAK 92gC ETS (Iean>o $1.2OIb I I I films mare ton in theo a aoiim. Ttay wroortitlod "A Trip down Momory lane"a and 'Tht Bailroddrr". A i= saBo Ctopr ; masld in in aoJoimnPia an. lb in the aftaxaoos. Evrona mhn attoodait onjoyed iO non' mnch. A toffirboard court tas tara rot op in the rarortins ronm andl thefndrandts have hoonoinjnyasg many afornolo ptoying or just maocbiig. Roît. Poior of Graco AenIi'U Chorch concntout torC oir srrnice on Jan. lB. A tory fine hirthday pary mnr held in tht aoditorium on Jan. 19 for the Irouary hiotls.dap colobrantr. Ploral deoratiOo docoratoi tht irirtltday tabrle ard ala in theotaitrabls. Ail tine rtidots at tht hhothday tabe rootived a trirtirdai carl mith trolley insido front thn sron 'oaoran'5 InstItUts who arsarsd tira parti. Moitas oS OOAp wtrU ootottaload tirs . ..~L *m.Je12 The Canadien Chompionr, Wednesdoy, Pobtuay 4, 1970 HALTON MANOR ~ oth.. sommat bot most Oosawrs ptrmirr, windowrs ________________ * rckina, demi, rot in nnnodnork, orrder in tlarthe A 5 mr nIgonar ilrtroadhil moairas fie o nmfr ahl t:r ar ut rmanoi.le etractsuptent14 pi01 noun o ionoooorm tbeoir eeooiday. And pono mate nor m anti oariblo babonraira ton n ot Oroare AdjuoOabh Booridistat letstna doa tht dromo ot dtrnoa yna want. matar condenrs Mn thevr fictr WestianouseonposOsilt dYlU Sil Thon rlo Sletn tho omortio lOqrt bob.aipar plasticrthS min ctonnt tar noll an und on cae. Ard, as toa arr, Ol bagrinhuficnimusdanof)' ol an. aesp o 17OSau.t. ro nsui99 W ESTUINGHOUSE Wbieal 30" EIeciric Range SIMPLE TO COOK ON. lniettn e fiaches. Sitimonsoveo MIsal e -nabirr. Soilpaisdritc sot rsotes stons tootommie s entr es. Minte tardar. Ovno sita iigho. Ttidstrai opinoe ourlet. Oven tedo. Pol idt onop dron.. Lastlrinqaito.Os 0- aMn. tASYo TO CLEAN. Lbt a sufins o sitos. Tik UIiowata alsmentr. Lftoffovisnsdont Twoacaromean Vs$2O9.95W.T 33O985 asT. BUY ON SAEY BUDGET TERME - OR USE YOUA CHARS TGV UIT OE Titi FiEE SERVICE AT: RICBARDSOW'Sra 201 MAIN ST. 878-4049 I WESTINGHOUSE D EH UMIDIFIERS SALE A I FROST FREE 2 Dom 13 cu. Hl. titrau fi bi oomrat-ftOrsoU55t t24 tb fes.a LiOnnat -oeo, n 22 ss. P.rn en srisperta. Wbite, Anorido or Antiqu tootose Richte 000 lait e opsios tigots more: Uni. LIoy'd 'aviro ad Uti. Frrank Wilson - fona, dort; Mrs. Hector Bird and agin drat;i thorO Closir readins; Mos =ot MNniri I. PUr bIroa I l fd Brawttrld - sirgiog trio; ndl r. ion Crnary - rrog-oog roder. Mrs. Francis Thompson nroottoo asc is. Jota Etild sit iy Mris. Frank Roddoll. Mts. Suir Greene, oar it>î-yar-old toildent tlaairrd the loatitoto for the lovrly part and r delirinar lunchr mas orjoyrd iry ovoryn. 1NSURANCEI AGNCY LIMITEDI leOMARITINrSMILTON. em7e-1 ISSf11 L7-92 i 7.15 M 1 rSitti Ontarin N Milton'r or by-low i onfortuortt gino inte roirjeot. Vo and largeola ply r" T appearance Planinin bl Prom tho r bo tin ai reprorrotat in cntreil The a god de respect tO nntirst r nnlicearly -oing pr Tin lodgr the* Unfantilio procodrr arr nator Thero orfi the 'Ofl't bochgrn confusionr No a motr go bote rnjnprd My dl North B Coni trot kfl lotion o tparsrly Hte naio I black fl fret to and ri1 doze Bot fislnng Tht à post Lake i me loin