I4ORNBY Junior 4-H girls hold first meeting The Canladhan Chioenc, Wedresdiay, Feirtay 4, 1970 11 Change mind Department of Transport orders By Mrs. ltm Hanciltce The Northr Trafalgar canunaaîity Club. hied a vey succestiful eaha e t on Tharsday ove=n, la.2 9, at the Teeaety Anglican Chuech Hall in Streetsville. There mère 23 tables of euchre in play mth lte peizes gcutg ta tht fallownt wiantes-Kate lacs, Grace Winch, May Satttmit (wlsa ptay"dlas a gent!) and Fred Waka. The Iucky drame nue won by Met. Fred Worarcan, Plibsat Ball, Mrs. Juan Sabectan, Hlarold Mattirens, Mabai Allait, aad Roy Harmen. A delictous lunch wus sred by tht coanitttr in charge cf tht uvening. Tht juntice girla cf tht Hartby Noreth 4-H club hrld Iheie face meeting ce Maedayeveitg, Jan, 26, ut tht hante of Mes. John Cardiegley wtth 17 gicla attending. Tht eleclion cf afficre wtt htld and arr ut fugaws-Pesidrrtt Mar Bair, vice-presidrat Valerta Elle secrrtury, Cindy Cardicgley Thnar leader Mes. Cardieglty sand assistant Mes. Roy Wilson Ibr tured the meeting cnet ta thi persideel. Tht club naine wc lai ater ta the cecI rrling They dtcided an the cala tmace far theerrecord book witb tht alternative ta bie grere if mauneis net avadlable. Thr pre reportr fartIhe weeh wu layce Wilson. Tht leader es oet the teqecrements cf a ceai gil and atme gant cul eh membres pamphlets. Sampîts e sitabît matetual vieet shawi Mes. Cavdingiey discasstd lb chaaerng cf mattriîls se pattes. A demenstratien a hem te lakte mescrmeets me giene hy Chistine Krata an Mary ltahher. Ina dtfferte types cf boses nere displcye, Tht neel meeting nilîhle held tht home cf Mes. Roy Wdlson c Mnday, Fb. 2.r art. Tht North Trafalgare Each Club htld ehear neekly ecb parly an Satueday night, la 31, ce tht North Trafatg Recteaten Centre. There ne svntables cf tuchtt te pl watir the prizes getng tu t fclenag cancers Mes. J Salmon, Mte. Rebert Creec, Mes. Madge Ccaig, Buckr Buete Noreman fparirng and gcd Let, rire lecky drawns nere wn Virs. gad t.tty and Char Tewn. Tht atat ruche nill 1 eld en Sateeday nes F brutary 7. aongeseulutece ta Me. a .Recald McHaga fnee Da Iias),,whe, nere tuerird day, lac. 31, at Hittut i Cheteir. Tht ceeme ire nucîrd iry Rtn. P. Ke 'led MA.,B.D. 96. Ms. an BreakBot IY rcting witir Mr. i ,c HaTmIttn and Deh etcty getttgs ite Me. andl Met. hot naI ceirbratr et datag anninetea ty ai,a, Ft 5. til Met. Gttay Hamatla Ienilea and Ktibr tcndey matir 1 ca att Oft Clat rsat CF. ,cIadanc erii tIl ata cee pte seetel iry a KetirHawkes and iPaul b 'ttperantenileaataof EdenaSur lci lira fettatwn ctttdataa1 E à Breda Bell, gHobbiy Hamilton. T Fetends et Mts kilt Robrtsone nll ire plettet lira stht nas ahlet to etu Ila a n Tirsday front tae M. District Hospital. Tire cememrs et St Stapi S Atagican Clauscir (ctild anmuatîc tliaa Jancaty mtng ait e now homeof Ms.iEgara OlipI Mrs. ian Plant nelcomed lades t tiremetingicfhti atptned niti tire Gutld Pr Dae te sicknesa tiree EXCLUSIVEo e LADIES' WEAR semeedal Be, fane memirr andl Canona James E. Mawell presrit. Due te the abtence cf Mes. Baht Cacircan, the mtinutes cf tire liastrrteetitg ntee etd by Mes. lim Plant irae ase ganeth viresscre's reprpt rince Mes. Athr Plant was ill. Thanti yaa lettrs n ete tead fteim there nira nere reetemheeldnhte sieh and aise a tirank yeeenote freim Mes. Lydia Raye fer tire deticinca neddingtreceptian peepred by the ladies nirealher daaghe Valda vias marred. A hlanket nas sent ta Me. and Met. Brian Bussel mira nete mateied ntctntty. Thetunen afficees fer litis yeuxarme as fc 'ans Preeideet, Mes. Chff Humter; vice ptesident, Mr. Ctaig Rayce ; tmeretany Mes. Bah Cacircat; tteasuret Mes. Arthur Plane; eceshmne seenstree. Mes. May Bradley and Mes. Floyd Brgdttt, ptagesmt canmintle Mes. Bif Bradley, Met. Ken Jamars, Mes. Pst Flippante and Mes. lim Plant; Auditees Mes. e klsa andl Mte. Edgar Oliphatt; Inemicating canmsttet, Mts. a Notman Ceamp. Canon lames E. aMaxwell gavesa short talir anil s tctended afew neds of adnte .and ramre, suetions le tire r laites an Chtistian netrk. Cacas s Maxwell cdoser! tht meeting catir e prayer andîlucahi sessetved by t Mts. haimPlant. t Atlaege cto and sonrand a hI Dtamquie Patrk et Sandat e a ft eeeaeonr teo sect tha 'f Snanmabate Races, mincI 1- eactcded ranetat ae geecpt a Thetenwas even aPwe u dl Race foe tire ladies. Thee ns ni enly one injaty daeing att tir tl acts. Thee nete pleaty cfhir il delgs peepated by tire ladies i t lire hactir and hot caffre an 1- ather geadees. e Kitchener - maie chorus -gives concert ire ce Kelchtctt's Sceieder Ma vChorus almcst tateed thersect aSt. Pacte Unateil Cirute tY. Wedntsday eveatas att tie hy prerentd a conert icirw lit sponcaredbyi. Patltlchoir irt, Tire anttevataanally kncc chous sang ataed pecgtamt e« numbrts eatgtttg from saet on mutte, folkrscvgsanadtpittt an tegBroadway show music. ,ny Sagtag tc amtst a packi itir hcmet, tht mnat thirtus atidea mod erc acache i ahy presettation wthi a latge aigIt este altttnam crossa iiei ciran ned celcta dueteg tire petfcemec hie Seme cf thir tedacail vumhees icluetie "The Ha att City," "Yellcn Bitil." atnd "T Jce Battît Hyca cf tire Rtachlt TirThe cirus atisc sang lIt entr nmires. tcdacg tir ,on eenîvg'r perfatamatnce c le: "Tire Leedes racyta.' ires. 1 rs -Cais frtem tire Onta Re.Sehect for tire Deaf paeitr L Tire Ciramptcn't peinting; pI ,,a,. Tutsdayattttcgatoflast neeir. Rossiake lake airstrip to close DepatmntcftanpDtetî redicl felt tire steip meaild Nnithbot cf lte RcuWake seme degrec se tire ateap mcttld late aataayi lac attkcd. .,,,ald net pcy c penalty tee fats Stee fc sssn' e ke devac thett paaparty. Mt. Ross aeep irae cireed tiraaieecsed maire ar ief pptatln stHt laits ahs attiahy Ptiaey dlt laheecc ane tiat distance, aastttp te ric.. aphby Match t, suys ptceeeef valtues irve statp mas neeessaty fce a fly'ang "Thty net qaten iatpyattt tcy irmmn jîepceca fisa ataselfinidsdcwsfis utt 1970,cme iteairtc rtfeuthettaceed sccicl buat iiattcentaiy tire as' c aiteaa ct tatîi ie tsepttattrit btte,, ennet Ice Ress teîd tia Aftte tinte "cacet" accidents tamn type cf cpeeattee ma t ctcit,"irt cirargtd. Mr. Wiason taail thut mataf a caterteatcces mrc fiy tc the metir. at tire arterep, tme cf iacir titng plaet aitie atesteap.' Tire Regeiatttct icir sttt tiat a peccaat taf riae Rcsakie atitp restt rn The D.O.T.eregioaeelmflttuoitt tetuitei leantesivrhuttugthet aartttpueels atir 120 ftet 2,00 fonut gatp chuid exs fut Ontatte, H. M. Wilson iras eunay, Esqaesmng cual te cqcieeaimene. irtanten ircuset and rite ttp statedin t a ietee te Me. Russ and teferreil tire mompliîte tu tire mee caiegel y Me. Ruess Chais Sampsen, nira upetatts a Depatemeet cf Trtnsport fate Me. Ross ansneedei eetgrs' "miry deent ta appiy tea utpcts Your butcher says: flying service aire, t n thireitcisiee. Ceuricil etirhe ha o . mrilzto ail ce Ontaritu k Guelph, Mect peutle ray irut chiehens aitceaft flyicg helen 1,000 f ett etace deeteuon rester! mîit tire aineges c mmtalaaehy nire iruset uomt rlir up auvttey rctn eu Tr miiin he suhec teesar tescaan Me.e Ruesay have tir flecacieila oet tire aivsaip afte Mtechr1 Depariment. 11>tetmtees airat re cet va ire thebrnyard Tire steîp islcuted al tire merner accidents n eee reelly jutn iienmeuilee tase ae utes Trt au es tetin u of tire Fîfeir Ltee anil 17 incideets. ugicen . Bue e dfet. aumn SidetcadinEhsqeing tonsip, Oneeinvevadplatem icr ' e uec e ce t Ross faem. utetiltt tire anway becatase cf mun0cu 0 p ee Ieaaap atud Recsiaire aiestetp hail teeteil plate, tire pilot haud poursp Taeavatg o hecume a huila-up atea, matir ceedeetiais, bhua ie d atni tua 4WRENCALO peilrpaedb ou cen houmes huila, anc mute jusa ceng aftee dectdite l ail. He dema il aboat mampieted aedutrt ilecdeitu topashttuit GRsD A piennei thie itamreiate futute. culil hua iras gecanil apeel mtGRDE"A Dtutelte eiepmet of ti to augeeeremtdb eet aceust 7 R A I situattuionadtre fuetaaar Silead tirtugirthretfettmof dees esist anil iras irees W A . Brecir. Damagtethe RR ..IN aetablasiril irycasimet tifecessr maw 64Tre Bnetihomt. c tlre heeteap. Tire etl icicdent tetuie a Roses are Red CHICKENS 1b Onet Ju Rusa smoffs at altene ceafa icir attemptil te taire 56IS VRG reasors fut clusisg tire saeîp cff mitir tire mîild esteai cf dun as "geasptng atstume." agaicet te anil tire piles mas Vilts are Blue SBBAVR Therosi easue foreilcsatt.he ueuirete[liftoff, eeiîg up it------ feele, ie tira dteecaeatte cf tire ceng gea ce tire one endlof etV lnieL C SF11 tna et tiree neîgirs mire tire sttîp. "Nu one mas irt," O rB s oe tn U A R ahject tutheupeutauetateclose eail Me. Rata, "atad the pilat tire aatsaeap clowm. Ht eeya thate eeiled up tciig cff cuteectty NO. and tey ae eaffectelhl a euleaaita anue ili re , ARRVaES ON nUEs cent epeeatute. ttppteg a plane up math intimerL AVAtLABLE NOW "T1it mas th irst stnkig of ilamage. la mat tepatîtti, aed Arilud for You I EFLLTFSL t trouble me have irail," Me. Rces tire mae nat tert anccidenat, a aLTeu i l. "Mr. Samnpace ced t mets Me. Rates taail BACON FaLLETOF HADDOCtK justeirattaeg thecmter iluyeend If tire Depuetm ena succetilsan SMOECO at n ere eecseînguone ane taiat clesieg tire sttîp, Mr. Rus ail g atCOt thire mas lest nao isue iren cci cld[se atpptaauîmaaeiy SALMON O IC aeticîpated, tireemataioehatof .$20,000 te matrk anil muney setO at seare eiltrip a lo esteapatait ecti atnd that mesa etceae tire euad ta hein g meil ceterttlae figure. He aise 8 9 -S. DYSTERS estabhiei." estîctîtel ire atui tat cee à a e tc c a "Witet lyaeg liasttieeatctive, $100,00 frot aevenue utat tire ----(W h usinesa duremg rite mîtatea haa feues. eenalot at ceo as ira he iladgteamtent uthitta eL ' FREE DELIVERY surtrnermonts an we ere tartMr. oss id, nd 1wasn K A E N SCLOSE MON. OPENTatES AC tuAT. 9AM. -6PM. dutng heetea thone antacapateil. matfaieimatir tire hyryae liaaat ast c.;nuttYusnFac a l Nu cee rail saggetteil me «et hey mete. I usirei Hydea ta FLOWERA ASHOPA 9AM.-9 M Il tlîoaght tl peuecd byoaaai $I.Olmuatn't atkeiltacdaott. itnPaa 8828 ntm y iluht tht nuismnce fatort mats hart tire aunay Tetualceil m ltnPa 8 -2 1Ayim" as etenlecî hae atcipated." Septembra ta taire suay ettetaes 4 E T N ut "Planes miair eao mcte tacise atut andeilyOeen mil telt yca fut n te ,c v thate a car Sceg hy," Ma. Rus aire sace att a 2,000 fleetM A M R E ce cIaintil." Geanel ttatckrspatîg ceng- th. latattonteaof thehnestaorcf MINS te icessant. Wiry ilcet alaey tiret astremuoff, tca." "t teci 1daidas mutaa1ttaui Tire letter frtamI te teguataaia mairt a ac tata flyte," Me. ait cuetecilea leatis yaute atRates utteateil at helitet iras ta a atstilental re lb ut tiereveta feeze putoi ,a seliag landlafarabuildingratuses. 1 Tire gren heteta ctan iry tire ed appie fut a sepueutian myteit Unitedirats peai ced brut mas tulil ail te lots ellatîteil laarca madineToroto.a 'se tatmeircdireeaasatli."Mr. Rtss l_ _ _ __ _ _ haeInri vrrt ooking for new shopping horizons ee eaiy 'ri buet notatetacl c appracheil m e mith cumplattets," ire ae Ma. Rcss mid tie thougit cil _____________ tir te oppostionct irai peteteil out ducat Onae laucilacil atati aty A. T. MOORE eitc o prltesetaa taitedM: merchants turn eveîy efr always te put pauRss eata tîtuvi andtt' Rcst hnarg e mtaag.ti 854-2271 Muen comatplaetl a mlat- tira Cea E Aitc m m shop with their best foot forward real joy f rom great selections ... where 1 SSHOP prices are 'way down... ILWTOWN p t ere tsanpMttaILeTtON muten mrcashnts er naile seleettens of qality Starne Thes. Der tdasts et ecluenwisu pttce, niti grtnter shopping Feuit Muaret Shees tuvnete. tAnd faut dollats sty nt home, ncriring Haeeis Statteern lieu undileutr enneecity! Statt Staee Bob Burlett' s lsley Deus Puee Food Buhr' Creea Hardae Shees nuedsas's TV Miltton Prtogeaptle Satees Bes Rnight's Dutatatesen Mes's War lien Fuhre Duas Jeelleet Ledmtth's Attente's Fruat Mkt. ueSv lttue Teunut Feedrish's Carmenes Pet West End Sereice The Mue's Shp hpallpapee MKate Mers %It Suasses Feed Mill's Ledmîihs laie Beteeits Met's Weas 137 Main St. Tbe Vettun Bainnen Milton Det. Beooc I NOTICE!1 EFFECTIVE Province of Ontario Peel -Halton regionol assessment office, located at 168 KENNEDY RD. S., BRAMPTON, ONTARIO for Assessment informatiaon for Acton, Esquesing, Georgetown, Nassogaweya and Milton. Acton, Milton and Campbellville subscribers call long distance telephone operator and ask for Zenith 86730 (no toil charges) Georgetown subscribers call Brampton 451-2150 8.