--i s> -- àv te M2 bc Patient core not affected -Dr. Legate "Pcteot coa km ect bse otfeted asot k rotaent peoblama je ti:se iscimi De. W. &. Laote. Ciea et tisa Modicat Staff ad nm ineim administrate. tutti Tise Champion Tcaatic. Heaom indlicati skate tbail noere kee ee tirSmt te ocansts et tisa hitapia, esisot bae ingthiad ine mmne nom Nursing Director wants name clear Mes. R. VeruSl, fureduii mati fern ir post us Direttu uf Nursing ai Miltun District PHospital is stuS off te juob. To date no sreot iras ireto gsvn isp tise furer adrojiitratu, tise Board ut Mes. VteeuSi fue hon ditsaissai. Mites1 iytesuon staff siremus dioised lasi Tuesday isy Adetijstatut Dolton McQuaig, miro eesigeed Satutduy. tait saisi tire Admeinitri«u cloonned sire mus jocuompeeni". Met. Veaisusthre suppoet of ail ut mosi of tise nrsing staff as tire irospitai. Mites ir djsmisaal sit cuetccted tise Registetei Nures' Assctioan uf Ontaeiu and tey are o ouekson liser iseircf us meS afor ascrutant durestr Mss. Wcikm's. hies. VeeaSl iras net reid tec moudd or mould eut go iscuk tu tise isospital. if and misen sucir an uffet is foetiscussig, isutsh te moekgtae sulece lier rame. GSI> o. TV Sx youepsters feues tise keodeegartn siss as O.S.D. mi leppo tn the Onclle flobhy TV [ olr neot Wedoetduy un EChanele9. Nurses' association supports two nurses suppuet fut Mes. tF. Vetil Miss Leowis eepoeted the nries and Mes. P. Wulloee was weee umuy froue shele pusis fut exressedisy Miss K. R. trois, oede foueisoutcand eioeied. ussou joie diseetut of Tire Cioef of Medicu>l Staff ound emplopoteot reeijons of tise the tories ie chrege of sire waîde Regisieeed Norses Assocjijton of met. cdnised isefute te senjue Ontio, in o stuiemeos su The outses lefi tire huspiiol, sire Chaumpion Tuesduy. erephusiedt. Miss Lewisjetmpisueoed eaony Thre RNAO je keepirg in cos reeportsofseor euseslaig souc i h u hie situaiue aud tiseit pustssmeteuuofusiegniosoe Ms. VerreSoad Mes. Wclkouare je eucis case a Rtgisteeed Nure iseeping tise usssocitue iarutemautedl su uhaege of sire upptistduof thcertis. muids aed icms lecrsnguadcisod Miss Lemis suggeted tire miret iiey ould be cuetcied RNAO roue peepaet tu toise inaeoeegeocy. ro sacion mus eeceissy- "tHaste"e blamod for turnover SNOW KING AND QUFEN, memnati Scturdcgssvening ai the dance mindina up Milton District Mih Suthueis annel retnter carnoival mieagrien eategand arnieiar. Thgrrerusednumrousaîifts anti git certiticctet contrikuttil kg local marchants. Runnart-op mie Courie MacNt., Donua Strouis Bargy Lalugantd Kertis Bridgman. Moe photos set reory on Vooti Papa -10stf> Pheini Il's cir. Tire ld-oî und a irait day long mearin> heore tire Ontarju Municipal Bsiard on Miltu'ouneceeeniu hp-luis and officiaI plan oudeti ut nocn Frîdap and sire toec ml coc acrait 0MB rehîcr A. H. Arroi's cruttoe decssion ce tri euicccro Front ail sndications, tise is lac aed plac cull bce upprcved miti unlp crieur raaions Tioro ceci 24 obsjeCctions rugisre oiiy lacducroers. dosîlopors. urganieulioe aed pricale cilîioes butoi sucrsi cases chraiat Acre> appoarîhit lupopld tise tocc's prupusais. Thecughout tire Tuosdap te Prudap isoarue> Mîltou's piasaîulegoultanct Dere>. Little acd engicoering consultant Koneoh Hpde coco ou brasd io asssi Mitos roicitor D. A. Mcoaedoe cuti tho proseita tien of ovidene. The ioarleg rac 40 ducucreets-craps, hp-lacs. lottors and ehirîr ducumonisfiulîd as onlibso A iota> of 13 lampirs appeanîi heour lire Huard lu argue tlise oeios cf lhiu clignts, aed cogitai cilicous appoarîd ou troue ecu iciraîf or rprîsîetiegorugcniealiees A report of tise upooleg dapos irariof crus pshlisirod on ast coîkos Chiruesysce ns c sucmrcrr of tri pruerdsugs throogi lie Wedneedap, Tirursdoy and Fnidap sossiuusý WEDNESDAY corda cmuresuili acd t0 ast Cotcngiteireicg ii indoustilzoeilcoghiainuS(- lise tome's Officisl Plie auud wreopesenedysolircirH.H. Zcnieg Bpy4cr Weduesday. ide Sulsay He uppaieuliy ouns 9h luon cuecueeed su a suggeon ostos iu duc ceu noeuds cf the liea defîilluetis u srvie Buse LUe Rd. and eadt of stauitis snd steuctures h. Ontaîiu Si. Thoîs oisu oc 2003 refeeeed haci fut. ourocdl acteicutiiof DeeîpRd.and dîsouerSuon cri t lirhe euou 0fOntioSl. rerensotires of tise Peuroloucr Maicn Dure, piaucerth Association of Ontario Pluleol Panning Aioclaes, Kon Marsehal deaicg crisa crcscuaeced dute cr00 crossrucd 7are Poccel o> landc lite patir ptopod iteOffiia] Base Line Rd. ageeed to Plan car nul us docurale or industrel essrrgon ilstpiuptity loup spOtein Hie suggeised cn hout uhjested tu a requuremeci oidncresthe silos coss eoad tidaiterminreucruietef a pîtteln ceuld loecd su lie building hoe 10,000 squale foot csucreuuuerad, crisci cuescîdas Hie meletaitied a eurne of oi Woorud Ace., hecumnite industries se quit. fies spoco. c cross hucu îoud uuuuuoticg Ciaiemuo A. 'H. Arel ulueugi taffis c d T iea uelp tugesed if liese mus a desoîe u eigiuisuuiuid ieufic. sel5 off ceoumise o> smail luisea M. M. Denois. sollciter fui Flac o> subrdivision could hace George WuMcy Canada Lud., ute e gitersdco eupacol urgued le support o> thn He maiesaineti if a pdan of peupueed ceira ceus ead suhdivision mur poemuited a pariec requesi for rezsnsug cuuld hoe Cdjenael Anti itidieaied he Presed as thenrae tire. rouoid repoet inleruef lacie> Objeetiore of Toepeop Ltd. tu tire peupoied eoad postese t toast pettesn peoposed in ths crdinosed un tise officsi pies isue eould alterthle lest lu assure su amcereeiisddhbc eceissiry le saîy lire uocd pattetn. Or tire malier o> uppositiou tîotheoscdsiîl ceea ou tise norths cdi o> Maiu Si., eaut e> Ontaiou Si., lie chirites soggeoaed ilbccunsdîredueli foi isig qualiey îcdnoîpcdwitno ootideOuogo. M «H 'Cisocd. tepreseuse>g Hidtuc Land Oroup. uote of 104 acres su lire nouei catit ueugubhsud. onducced ise soppureed tire unduetesal proposais fui theiooe icdeaof Muin Si. Lucgliy aegocronts o o creus uido patts and mihbas cre eoutodcE hy M. M. Denis ou bhiaîf of Deelgo Wucrpey Canada LIA. Me decied lu cocepi c proposai finit oouisg coold ire ohacged au t uie ir se of sobincisseau uf plans uf M Pol tops con C erp Ci T ind tire dits sole jie in jm1 ssit lus of foa t th DALTON McoUAiS Robaus. OPC report iltun Councîl adupteti c conrid effuet us tise more effientc and lîssoore mrecdaiue cf use Otariu part of lise Ciif tu ohsomaut: odlssaccrue." ce Curemission and ferem occurrences uSl uf lire Thi reportîaiseîecoueed .tucted smplrueocîaiuu flueey luoguage.- Hi muie lto liaiTise Cif and tise N.C.O.'s seduatoly. dutîs> cluod-duuî strerued iithee siu ho bcen siru d cusît quesionu lire sieura Mucdoy uf a compilatioc uf siuistscrdeit criug ogureoen sgnod isy tire ci sobisreded fosewigua tise tesitdsuof tire sarneeareof Tow oucl. Ifuaricoeis cd-equseed invcruigation gîet use en seloctico lasovuericr ie sisuuld ire tire lucal pulice departeseec. eefutcecrool. Besef nutatios seiepocreed ucd ifi re is bsssg ouclai tire sanie fime eiruld replace ecacy repoets tha th î risi loge io sirould hoe eoeued cofidecce on the are nucrbisgubittrdiplithe dicupiced.- efund icofficrs. Miltun Pulice Fuote. Tirey Tise reportetspossodi it eecumcreu d a t iucs tugget tie admicstrtiîon and satisfucton cris lire Chief's seller! "Tht large toîcocer on statisscul cre sisusld ho ooplucusioeonuthe "qolu Milton Puise Pucisj a pefutrud ip thesreetuey. tyslore'. te oas esplasued tho t resul of isue je tirh disc e cuo Cif crus istricsg foi a esuor cf candidates". i Ou5 _Aduditdio of D cnmrc sifriysinte subiissosof ssed liair lie poise funcionur dgal .CO a tire Custables' crcily repoît, aîuounifasmeuesnal tecureededIl issocaccepled Theocumes iet edcwreeocly cli osi oa laoge City. 'Ilis~ standad titucnPlieores e teiîfotra patterncacdcol prtant tisai a policeulifscer ubr femerîtiait 15 mec îutecuded tosetiastandard" i ptecsuus ervise cnuaarge liai eey une, icisg the Theo adsitisîo rcocrended a sagees lu adupe ismf and Cif, is s oeicg policeman." - rotcey syslocrfi itsho sacalsor cretosud teseet theceede -Oolp île poeciilpt uf peîsod oouid ho fuit ac, i eerpusoisitioil ian Regsortai GOueecoot infle Ose qusiciio.aund ocid doualcllt siierepi lu inreduce a ote fctue preenis lie adumîes iroepeorale. poeeual typeuofpoiuieg as ho fiontre î co edog tho Bell "The osaoy disadrastaget e seeoog>tinsa laege cuy.' T ele p irecne Puo1Iss e shcftcreis a chromscorpliau lT tapuet aisu erecroceded, Cu rae es tsioc Sytoem crish ail police eficeis. hfi (tllphune se lise sa)e> lurepl-aceu lisic diut lise sued f5 lie peescit aisrehcg service. polieenr ois e gooclost docsn The presoci uosrcug serisce fitusseigandrngsiibouts. Th ihu d ho ditecîrd su ceoi e tise> if ire s, tho eogul'inu nerds ef the Pulise Foreu iy ufficir of a foece riresuid bce ver osin o ne :u:Z :t lis te pclicer estv ete e fhsm o o n a~~rconededand pssicglhal acdostry posoileffortsi dospaicied. ha iras air a tifs turcoer C W ,Theo eqoîppsug uf euci police Inconclsioo Oste udosseis i - I a oairuisuppis'of fcirmscas E. Daisîeand W. F. toirco eecucreuecdd lu ecuili lise îepoîied the Milon Poise Fort poie unt hure o»l of iris is col aooopsed iy tise citloos bdvso.Mr Dei reot cocrpIeted belfote hi o> the cocrcruoity PFronc us inaie thronssanad oe e îtestation. This os lut Cloofs olsoiefol assuptunccos oe igiettai auf a duoe ocostuceseoîOsoscc aod h îi omufi so inteesar. Foirai sernu named uppateîst ciirgceu t0 acel Tie ciaierosn icdîcasud ire chsange fle Adrîsoîs hsavo r sueed agreement heetoe lise aiuillet constoble quifs disou flai îirocglithsie effot mu and decelpue on theo Cucstable Willicr Patersos ie tie> oder tise difeosc intssof restricioecsandfading fCucidlieooipoit airec suppoeeilure lec oscsiced a pîoi sigeocisy osa thcess frilmues pood tiigureuduerd'scray MiltnîocoilMorduyuandithe htnwei ilbcfsv isîhogste iran utn oi ul eeslu a Stasiss c socpiied as ehge hnucillod pe acs lerdlcoieirirfs ecoguclri crcrustsos Me Pino s uc ulso t o ougelsas te ricdts art lis scia il, ssuîiieBo e aed'sfcciiu tfP1 A lo e ters iusioae isttte d tîcota buge 9ir dMr. Dureic ued fuur Couccil aise aceptr flc $97,917.97 eqocliisg a Me. Densraegoo nluino c ofu Conctluse M. L. cîpiccoclt of>01437 hy udolp higi toquerenir. Incsuenoriig teobjections of Georege Wircpoy cf Canada Lid., tie thaureau iuduccied suopport fou chacge, cluidu creaid oui loqole aocaoised garages te ie set back fios lise front icufin o ose.He ase soggeoted eoducisiofefode yard (Continur! m Poa 7) 13. Ira letuer of îeuigcalsoo tise Constable unplissud she ositutioi a ie acitocituof Olie adcrmiiston. Ho issggeutod feulins lerd Osec peoplein Miton cod ire oosisdod et crould hi hilr t onsiti eso puice cuti elsewhsîcu FED UP WiTH PLOODiNto? Aithogh this the frmer funraa drapai peoperty, ohen pîcite might indicatef soin Milton residents ara Suntiay' thara irooght the district the annuel iaain ton ia henrykottausftoehOea sinaflo tothestronte St.ares.Townt floodina proklems. itsa rot nuit. mo. This gea> warismen cisareti oot the trozers ditohes anti the tronte St. home wa bejttg carteti cmay on a tuck rinoit mater moon dimappureti.-iStaff Photo> to teake way for a i60 sute apafenttttojton Chaoges su fihe cretiodu ecrig ipplicits. sequigomo bckgrossod inforatiou, hia hies cdopied hy courcid May BiBes Oeobld reoerosuin pres eclnesouoo Toosdcp cri due reportwa croceoesed osed Changes Intelaiuoadyibl oupiruoooeduti rdooi papeîroîh srcoiued Appeutceci o> colies Ni ipsousi Meudayocreuli w tfi eîport, lire Mayor se Fardiecnortioiasl biscg toqoosird hemn accu estsg sericer le pics olliero cihmr iii li crin terassac rqoessed. Tii Macyor p ccsosgrisriceoptutot. îspiaicid idt i uson c Clinis cre tolisclaul le pieu dolodls lu suneouie auscoîsu> eau Polie sues hune heîceuqip wcroiepsuofeporiftt lii' eu ha.b cucrpieued uffirors prerelu relcu>n lu uffice. The Mayoe ueduoourd isod heee in upeuaiosui doscussionus hy lie police c miii lie DPC aduisues. Tise Mapue seducuted ise f. dad iseen mmme lu hart sues.e frore oosside tire Cure cundrot thstudpaduuc impartial repues. He ondeel lire nuse ie tisa con'lau misee tire sdniss ha lendic tise peirs mon.e "toe." Administrator resigns "tsabotage" is denied Porsislsyofccantivstgatiou stI staff prosilecro and ullegalsioos uf "saisotage"' of equscret ai Miltos Distrisst Huspital oece isoed llsss ceci isy rte Ontario Hopisil Sorvices Commssion. And Miltes Hospitl Hoacd tel Diecos chiarî J. M. Ledoiith reports lie oould wcroce suds a stsdy cish open arsceo Tise O H ht. crac 10 oel clsflie Hospital Huard le resîco reses> csrcuulsl.sser aI lise irospîtl1 te e if a fuI> sle invsigaionus jseoessary. Lodstir sstd flie Huardwcred eeassly celcocre sssy adss. A hoctie roor> of staff frsicon, dcsmisssls, suspenîsions, rrsgoatîcos aod wsld cuors ai lire Isospîtai culcrioatîd ou flie crekeod crirec -Dalton E. MoQuasf. adrnoslraloi for tie pasl i yîars. teodered litc recîgoalcon Satuîday croroso>. * Esce dîpainuot itiads in fileisespitaiisastdidlegelieitu isea sîatics ossstsîh press aliotfoelagesillesliest.atct5 unistesut incidentostý1ýuae ocs.cinoin osepeitsiuimlt *Dr. Motites Shisia 00F our ci cItie provincial legiscalu or et isgis Pasrk, cioe Ontrts Asloioey-Cersstl Arthcur Wissiaiit eccatslesflicseissiclie esaceaediciidaldy uotlthe uliîged "sotageis fuiiy tnsttgaîed. * Miton Pelie oud op a tocs-day inveicaion otite chsarges ofilauîpucunguithequipmeisl.and aroouueedsldicrasno eideic îiscîarys>ospcriulisartiseislapeOdrsts. *Titeitocpoaiisboard,inss rsofureked ad M da minlîgs, lai actssoid Mr. iseQoasg's icuigualco. lis> appcitssed tise icospîsui's cief cf oudo.al staff Dr. W. S. Legateas soopoîsîr udoittîcos. oc) ausisocîcd Boardtioueaoin. M. Ldidct'î touissue a claieernt~s t irs prcss iepjsogsficntiecio tise lcpsy-luiof crin ard asocîsuf tise puit uas despie sise r ase-up ciof>f pîroor.t pahient "aie was oorlsccotg ais Os oca>li sandard aod lisoi crac cu danger le ouf patieuts ispstoisud. Incasposul inervuiewrcrisThse Heîusu uts aisoeuscorteil t ir Chsampion fins ucui Board cas. Tise Scaîlia sas ewrte chisurmac Mskr Lodosih a i utîîr cf apoiegy te Mis. teitescedfileeosictr ofltheîpsi Heuuis Mis. Veîîaliland Mis. fois days. Waiisîîoceîî(ieu anrn hc A gerus>n disenscon auscug titiy tour seul heon tise itie ispiais staff, wcrii bilding. appeats se isave iees bilding uP As crd opiuad tsisugs sire cuerti e irpus couuplfyair. hespitul sicru 1,iad urîsos f appuiecily scrme te a heud essscid shisseisîs front lueit If Tuesdaycmriog of larlct ee pcctsandleftliteispotalte a cries admîcialos MoQsstsg hid anmtinguand dscsthe crdcrssid DieslaiofNsing5 hoper ad suspesion. Thoy f MîsR.i.Vîîclad suspeOded îitsatedlatinfle day aod e iscr assitant duoelei, Mi ors e crisl sire Suusd's peîsonnul g Phyls Walkîî. Botis aie 10-pu cooscrîssor Ali sf1004 oerlr Y staffeîs alisîecpitl anditieY tes ot> if thr Board ocd n cre soîls soîsoîed loi tîtii proisetusîlotlits o. liseu d srice ai tlie iospit' lods fsooaets il ouirsscy dessus lait Mr. Ladoclî diudicrasa Os Nuseer crais-cut as lestl îepoîîed. Titi Tcooday actonssisu>Teysscued floir postons reporer tisavstered lon't isiforeîieyiiefî.li'ycwreil O as incidentl fihc Priouts5 covsssl anod patssult cati i Satotday, closn $300 crti of ootittued, lise ohisurmao Os ouepossd Xiay flicroaoittsoid osplinod. oe crilsefliciXirayliitecri crac Meccoirdle Board scerss )fou eoteriXay louit.At tOe isocnascrtoudclofminstou at s sieti, ose fiseiîsolutions lýsed ail crouk os tliy Osinte X-icy*s dooilopesg 1000 sotetos eued staîlfuic and .0 oas rissod crieo sorreeo s tsgatid flie charges o> Ir opeiidvae icsieoih-51d tascvnpeosngooitocupreus. Thse nt ui sollos Join Couleîiuoe Ccnucolee. O r MMQcasg lsd tioiboard cossssltg cf fosur Bourd flicsinsdcotsouidihaveirreo sulescisos andîthiot dusioisfsiss id iupciiid to iut bilinsongt uses Wedsesdcy crloso ta cii dicsl but ieheaîdcaboutti soiterse Mr. MeQoasg and ci fr ficitX-a tecisssaos.ilt oessocte sf.saîrerditof 10 Lodti told Tics Chsamspsots a Wedstiodas' uituîuoou Mseeting cir Tise roscet ld tise borcad tisot Mis Wulîîc'ssuspesion crus îiedsouiipeistlse 1esso- s tM lfietrdand sisiasssciedlte MeQuasf crac irtsýty hey aiso et n tus crî Mlro Vutîcifo poscîcd et (i hacoottiet Casuasssseiwd cn Thcîsday of incidntoiadhlappeoeýd 'a's1îc osetsghbutsso cooclusioncas îe asd crac îepoîted,ibuos l rl so dcusstatoî took lioaction uvstigaotg litoicase, cri hase or SoihowMn eescoisoedtlo cnte ono cons.io et * 01 cd alire ars isy goatd frot Mr Ledocis ec Psisiiltoos sseosty oericeon 9 Tisas utesor gf ihe ecomitto Hei cîdeis hemn the adooosiss. a, ,Iterlewe.sdtfileholadcnurso. en Mr. McQuaig had ce iiidodai Thesuses seporetdieycwrî lie and csghl goisîd Moudai' alttr scidy freisesd Mss. Voiiail isut insu ieia ucusal icitssiol ilm pitd te a isîodocrr us tu bei Oe totioOe i asscrselos ioresh CO taicpesosg osîh iropeal totos sîal fliio ic Oul es> opuceci Ms. Ledostis drpete Tire cotumttce isd espiacred. TheuBoard csraitc gteedîtheBoardcruuldltaise o 0cr sasd tisoisouioece u t se dsisciaîy action agutiisoh i îhey croold notince a ide sycpsîry cras 1kou i tire OssOOs ici frlevngi t'd - poots le hoid c creeting. casd io udmisolatoiteldiri Ledocis cs Ate l i e ho îsîsg aod Thcisday afloiuoos li asd suspension, Mi MoQcatgts cocccriiei sieriucrd lire icit rseiaîy Mis. Aloce Beîuse ds >suuon Me îecdeîed hie oî 110 choc Mis. (Ctcnuedmuonage ns ':V No shadow for our groundhog po and flrsv robin signais spring iry tire I nt a fcit siog tue cny sanc ritg ced the. me dits tige ubis arouetisog ta be tasitg octut ofcldag eong. cor hit mitter sait on Mcnday misot Another isokiteger et opaing if Fe. 2 rcted arosntittoial appoeard ut Das St. eatlg tise troditianai 'arcundisca Motdcy mornnasiftttoiacs Ifi day I. up tht aroundiseto predistian ut one Okaesars cet aliasars jneon emiey Meominga mo fer usty tisa titi taie aout tisa 1970. Ara iliit sotteti c i au aroandisate ihodoo repart robio, "silling cmay ta kbut tisa ined opaiugsoan't betfercaesthse bond"o aoneihr'oTVwaii.. sucns turrg eritter didn't me c.g "Eitiar inmWi inea iar pring. uted ticoas Mandcy marnent, o ne' sa omed ep raisin" said It nos mdld, amp, raine cet tise kisti-sptter. I Hearing lais 3/2 days Expect approval s on new zoning by VOL, 110 -No. 40 Sond ClI.« M-il Rgiorotan r Su - 0913 MILT-N ONTAROO WEUNESDAY, FES5UARY 4, 1970 SrrunuitheCommiiOfor 109 Veas Te Cory Pagesr Ftftee Cents Hospital wiII welcome investigation by OHSC 1