- I A Il A ~ a. s r aaaa ~ s 6 The Canadien Chacmppmne Wcdncsdcp, Janocnp 28, 1970 Approve Holton pilot project Meter Co. union wants for emotionolly A peilot ptcei.t mi tocsi be social security review faiiisfi mtoal In supportno ic. nschp fonmof n soiol octionnboatnnooid diststbed cbttdrn. Tbe mntenticep.tn.tenbnntnifbeipnnontpoetie gentenol fiaiic ngcecooetdntons Lcalt 4574 Unted Steniorenies oeeiieneof Conodtonnttizcn. nene ioond incrport pesented ni Aennca et Cesedosn Menen "Mt tbe co-openton antd 50 tbe boacd bp sopenintendent Co. haoe petttd at necclion octtve parttcipotion ni afiioteil cf p ti edocaten ocd stodcnt otgettin flcEedea oiennent uonns,Provncianl Fedienoiontsn0f services KenAArmstrong. ci intut mwothn entile Ltboe ond Local Eebo cnounilt, Mn. Arsong noted tbe npcnnnn ofciSanl Seconipto onrpnetsise nesoins bone been penegnoo onod bemcndocted dete'nntn it .tdqcyoe f nbtncd bot noeb more nnitconnett ofntheparnctsottd ce.nn.gn. becittis nf tllocetton neoantnttobedonc." oatdierspersin ni sclsool of ccti. plus tlic nnd fot effncîtove ntctiontc and pnooie M S.M c hu he d the nectceny ingicttcion on M s aA tu e d aeqoaec gcernend cntto.e miiu no enfo ali c@iiiiy museum uoard eaa in cs rire stp ci e cnt ci tng the n.ncneg of livcing cstndarndc oi Mndop ofnecnonn Mes. Anna Onlienglon. ion MeQonen, the Ceinedttnc o, ecdý MocAnthura oescend chormntnsent coontp deponp-cieic This ovil, be iiictsd by pcst ofnbhecoonty nnoseotn boand. beconnes the secnenoep-tteosonen. cetdtmeileinctoieMnttecio Sin cceoedtno"'ýits" - tis The sent oppoentec innnn Nactionl Heakti atnd Woif.tc She l'ont terne o oocn ond nbc Ncsgowep tonnship is Mns. Ray Wcod. pncctdeot of tlin fist tonte a noprseentonne ni the Kop Caonpbell ni Mnot, icaleintd. lice: Cendonei Laben Haiton Regien Consnseton nepiocnng Jocb Mino o bots Cocnres cr 19t,2 eitcncdnsd thn Autohcsnp.csheidnbhepost. been on thIe bonrd snce etc rie*dedoeeeaeccincotit ttce-choeeoncn is Woltenencptos. PerncBarofoMinon cecheyceccit spporttcfsne Rnnnnc. the tcpteentonve of repaescRon Harrisoasoacnoun cooncio ppoitnen.> .c c Othnc onembens arn Aies Coob, Milton; Mns. Rop 0dml, Acton, Mes. Jcon Barber, Came & Fish Gews ngetncn, Reorpb Wobcip. J Enqon sing, Ait Spctgbt, Bp otnncoison Georgenown, nepncsntong contyccoctBillSargentcand Mnc. MocArthor nepenrsentnng the i.nineieceg cecenciful scwing ietencsn Ontareonaothe pescnit conserinnstcc otn. cotie OcceiYeoofKibedoecadnnoendtciccn nencnedinom Lae Onrecton Dn. H.J. Nemn Npicciecerfi onecce .pcer acoletRbtonsofiHctbftad acd cortnne Mns. Bsitinn pais laectee fichecg flot )ac cci Lakenhicoe.ndreporta goed neonmwedtbc postpen ctch it einc bul oui ce.ecy ieisci ynn Fniinntnng the dop-iesg lRýiie ecieci cel le ria oired Menrshal of Mnltcc Jacqes pnnencenion rscbnniicas t Peqooco cof Lcoiite i.ced e 12 pillad lae trci and o fonr the ononoo in o pinot pncjecn, enucee Menniteli ceglit cs nccidon flc sae dtp ficheoget Loke eseloteton os toieng place befote hemce Whocnyetiflicicic ietcniLkte & nee'he pnngeinnontmodcosctlobienno Doncto.tonoy reor.ts e tWtcpoudn itotisliadsonne i oiintpcsco. lieernefrntnnucec. Phl cçeciecc.ad [isctme sonsDnnpcad Gay renteceod le'st ccctk item Laeofc Bepc onth scn nece lobe nnop.R sd u L Longe juco tene ae hitnecec likne cyo Lake Esie, dio onn entn en uflt nceoptînc Priseed peci ec.eiecitetinwilioeneinsBay p ceifeeteececo LaeOnct-ie Io >peeuway ster, O.tnceensky. [lieopu en eitedccncmoeteatdteiteti (cechen ftom to eicck Ray Mci.ei ned Jenfy Gntnt.ichnnte EsqoesngCoorranceiemd a Lcoleicepnec Lakeof Bcpniat ee nedgui .ence cantcoie letten ni objeonion no tbc t'outpncpcced $2 mileion dollar Indy-type speedonop neon Milton, n s n Mondop nttght, inoon R. D. Jeeiec Rnodiened lias hecii ciecco bp tho Heitn Spcnnsntn'c Penksep, o neoident ni Lot 10, Aosoccnt eenttticn aiefictAnsceeiCoeoof fine Concessint6. Octntrio ndetteeei of Asginnceand Hcniensnfa c 6eieeid fini yeon on Tbe Inlen espncssed cnncrn lieeofi.end.ieeececdh cyficittec Rctlecd GuncClubh AiMcogoicng nbonh, niien onnnndtng cesnta mcii ho excete vce prsnototflZoneh6iPaulC oin.ttn the nbpeedonop.nacnng entbosisotc Mcoillcntcadeofcconrseectooven a tcecha AnCceiteondmin tooidntendnteontyotheinoon Hnli. TIe Hec Recto B ,uen oific Depenmeon of Lodts aed dnoggeng sies on townsbip t-etnt ciihobcn (infic goct npeknbers cncspeakensmi io eods. iiclee oemeclPearsoc B.A.,cseingmîeo"Fitcg Recrtnoni A neen noee oiec Rngeecn.'" alcc prnesscn E. G. Pieoc cf Thescectnncomoputcr soses Wesnnn ri Unoensit n cccEiecns ofiUthn Desniopntesn on Fib and aoontt ofgsswon tl bnsn idiene. le ecods ney ttttttidues a bikini F--- ENTIRE STOCK TO GO FINAL CLEARANC 0F BRAND RlAME MERCHANDISE E I nD ISCO UNTSý ON LADIES' DRESSES & COATS A fne selecnion of qoehnydesses in brnbet s etc r kootseandotnnesminseesb5no 178 o20 endiln4Y2 ns 241. Ladics meins inenide luon febtios, monts atid for tniotnsd, sie to 1 4syl1 > 228 MAIN ST. MII ONCHfILDREN'S OUTER WEAR Thiers ns stil lts et nincer teSt on nten edotege oftnhcsc beegooins et snoon pents, snnon suens, nor cons, Oeil iengnh ments endl boocing begs. seces ntle 2-3X, 40X,7-14.n R'S LTON 878-2067 disturbed peyiciclgetne chc ccii ion pets a ateniooiieil The tnbeemrcontnndnins -Tbon the Volusteen Assistnt pnngroe oonnntnibengosed in Oobsvilel be esteneled to othen oresconi llon Coontp osoa pilon pnn1cct, pnosndcd finot soitobie sconnenes con be lnocdoand soincient psycolngisns nneli bc osodoabientuoscseesthe prngrot. _Thon o pilon pnojcn ntnieng the nechntiqoe ni tbenopentic on6hdnensoi be nniied cnibh entimedool deilcen nshtbing acting-out bebocenon, pnesndd nhon panentol co-npcnotios con begooined. -Tbnopdcilt pnnjecl enoing closebhomeoandscbhoo iontbc ecnoblished ne linnp the imonoloe typc of emoeonoiip dononrbnd cbid no deseicp self-contrnl. Uit end rue driver gefs Perth refiiu Mtn. George Menants ni 176 hSerah St. is wtthnuttprofh pecnch ndding and Milios Poicn areoitbootomnn nions as to onho btt bec raidtng. Jost toopos od,teradial; ns beokes sortentoncsntocad tbe entd nf lent onenk bot ntos disconced bpoaboypnbis w hnome fomoonnnFciday. Poli ce arc in possession nf conne pinces oi cbnnone whtic tbcp beiene sos fnont the bit and con cor oeitcb sbcp soy coutldbc a 1966 dotE bloc Focd prodoce. Damaoge tu Mcs. Montotes' poneb noiong t505 set et $100. An insornce man ones teocbing btsoife to drive, nthle bokcs ioilcd goengdcown aobill. 1 jons stop et," sbeottied. "Nlnotil t do?" "Don't pnic" ebosband nepied. "Jont btt soonenbing cheop." Whfat miakes Olds Delta 81 Custom so Custom? 555 Y009 LOCAL AOTHORnZE OL108 JACK RICHARDSON CIIEVROUET OLOSMo0i OUR GIGANTIC The C Tonn Gentl the c thea CONTINUES hre o DISCOUNT 5110E STORE t 28 MAIN gr. N. - GEORGETrOWN mn b iorn B Ai the extros thot osent extres. Olde touchese-ot no extroantst -thot nneatomice an olreody imprecoive cor. Exclsnicve fluted mide Bide moldingo. Bold grille. Sweeping front bsoeper. Lorger verticol Eaul lomps. Subtnt chrome highlighto. And moassive star bumper. Inside, deeper ioomn podded crsohionst. Delsoxe iront and reor oronresto. Snug pile carpeting in every nnok and coner. And sonder the long hod, thse heitier 310 hp Rocket 455 V S. AIl at thse modeat prise for which Oldo 8&e ome fatmos. Whot mokes Delta 88 Csustom 80 cusetom? Oldntmobile donse. For thoce miso mont to escope froffl tise ordinary in tise style to which they'd like to becoone occootomeil. OBCLE DEALER LE LITO 8591 28 MnOgHWoY MILTONO PHSONE 7-» CRES aaAGENT FOR V05 HAIR SPRAY CREST 99THE PAMO0US 'OOTHPMSTE REG $0.1.U1 43 RG1.9CANDIES _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HEAD & SHOULDERS HANKSCRAFT V05 SHAMPOO SHAMPOO VAPORIZERir RE.$1.35 99c REG. $99% s6.99 83.08 VALUE $U.J5J SECRET SPRAY ASPIRIN COLOATE DEODORANT 10TOOTHPASTE REG. $1.49 $1.19 RG. 9c 5 9 REG.8 $1.28 88C MAALOX LIOUID CLEARASIL ALKA SELTZER ANTACID r REG. $1.75 sli39 REG. 84c 67c REG. 83C5 9jj OPEN FOR SBUTER DRUG VALUES Johnson EYERY SUNDAY ti It L ,. ,Bby ANP. L>DC lv IIL Powder WEDNESDA Y M'ILITON, ONT. REG. 81.19 96212 MAIN ST. 818-4492 88r .50-t