I IN a - il,~n.* W~ -.- 88 Te Canadieni Champion, widtisiy, January 28, 1970 I ~ c.... u w ir~1I rs~TU~Ç~I ART MASTERPIECES R o IFREE 11RU VALIO ONLY I £. VAUI NI~ AR du~ M U.M 7 1 Bf MAR.1 ueM - - _2 O.ti - _a '-i-i paîclilci oI fIAu gr mur. IIT D DONLY Il1t WEEIC c tiPONE PERFAML I I11 ~ 3iWt ---------------------------------------------------- ---- --------------- ------------------- --------------------I --------------- -------------------- ~vui'wxIE IWIIR t'~&TU fl~aid mûre ONFIE BA E ~JUIL I)~JIiUL~ UI ILIL. kJLIVIJ FcRESHq FRUPITS - VGETABLES! >pec.mIIy selacted - Velue Ch.ck'd - Branded - Red or Du MAC APPLES 4oi. 69c L D O S 9 SUPER SAVING 35c! 19-Oz. Tins F yuSvTiewt rmedPie LIBBY'S FANCY QQALITY 1. $ TENDER - JUICY 'o aeTie lhTi n rc TOJMO JUICE R RIB SHORT RIB ROASTS 79, SUPER SAVING 17c! - ALLEN'S ASSORTED 48-Oz. Tins ALWAYB TENDER - PRIMROSE BRAND BIEF BURNS -MI.D CURE WEIL 8TREAEED FRUT RIKS3~1 T AK Steakettes 69' Bacon R'vàlss 89~ 9R I R I K Rc B RN S RAND - OBiIEBS SMOKED DINNER GROUNO Ida fo M eâ Loaïves « Sriî sse SUPER SAVING 17c - CUDNEY GRAPEFRUIT OR ORANGE c-nnînci 9 H m Cyvc1.9 efCuk7 FRUIT JUICES ý T S 3o$ REG. 49c VALUE! - BONUS ONE-AT-ATIME PACK 10 to Pack SUPER SÂVING 39c! - STOKELY'S HONEY POD 14,Oz. Tins GARBAGE BACS_3IFANCY -PEAS 5R9 MIX OR MATCH FEATURE!H SOFT SPREAD UE AIGOc SPRSVN 1: KelloggsCereais MARGARINE White Swan WHITE SWAN -ufoP KISMET i OTSU P "aePuf Rico 4 BRAND 3s9 TIUBS O Apple JakiirsUSAIL-_KS 6'$T S U REG. $2.13 VALUE- 25e OFF PACK ... King Six. Pkg. SUPER SAVING 20c! - LIQUID PACKOF MU etrent 14. 69, OXYDO L PLUS 1. 65 SILVERLINE SOZ.TliN PINK SALMON 39cIE W T1 .LB. BAG E W T ' NABOB COFFEE 69, 238 MAIN ST. MILTONA BUPRSAE A WHITE OL BRO2N STORE OPEN ALL DAY WED. Full24 L Lof cWB RUSERVI THE1 MONT 10 LIMIT OUANTIIS va p n ail W. M ad ne te N M fr N H 9 a il W ta t N a h il t 0 but objecte ltha the c building hi Ht mainta industrieccri C ho ma îuggecied if set] off a ni plan of Sul ta hi rigi Hi inainta subdiviion icqucit fot presented a Objclot ti.til dPl . 110- Nu P tientq not affe - r. Leç Fisiems in thi W IL 8 Legate. kat Stialff : ministret CImoniTues iH. Blu indi rupesiocf tb Aion impliud iIursing Na nts nc Mcc. R. Vicia forn icr puai uccing ai H apital is stitl To date nu Sjuin by btoinistratoî, t v cull for bar 1 Afîc 1 tiycai Siiic la A.ditinistiatoi 'ho îisigned S l e Adminasti ,ascincumpil. Mis. Verrati fi uotcof t ie haspitl. a hi cntcid loici' Asscn nd titiy aci e bîhoîf as o l nectar Mis. M Mis. Viciail voutd ai wiou hi houpitlt if fier s forthu coîkang tcu ite kndccacin c îhw nini bannît 9. Heuret Il s onl lthe Oniari by-tata and decîsion on Fron apprnvedl oitjetc tin organizatic, citainan J Titrougitu pt1a nning consultant soticitor ovidence . The bl and otitor latayers ap of titeir cti itohatf or opniug c Champion titi Wedne WEI lthe tuants Zuuioc Bp-i tlie dein stations disaiusu i iipiiciotaii' Asociaion