IARIAO Omo .......~u -E ~ 2 The Canadien Champion, Wednesdsy, Janoory 28. f970 Esquesing approves "j Limehouse dragstrip -You cancontandtt.tfohtheî C.v Goge Ct re, rae Pront Il btdtomm dopyy îoo loto Ebi, o -itdo' was tho partoîg Cooooîoloto Whî Looho and invtatono0( of n ol close to KeooMail. 75 rit boqootîto towiptî Jubiolan abou ooouncid's oeîîdettîwfo jotooed the decision, M. Britcotoiidl0'd t owtîhip couifi ohambot have racig sltart orntme Eeiday oih to prtfesf the hbtwen ire middle of May anod establshmet orftie Goldentir îlîirsofoio 01n.1 rag a(3 Eloishot Dtogway boîetee flic oo(îoîîî.ot tirel .iîo. Oi bc Fifth and fixth Utnes. pooitittedl tore iri as Esquettos coulIitl ftod (lot ptoided tioy irs pstattgid tesoo(td, by a4-1 odd vote buoîpection to .1pprove (ho issue LAa 1sait o bu biolding permit Pot cooboo ptrnilt.iio ooiii(otoio ot o tht dtîgwa.y oI 50.Op"taloioi pl.ied. pîlmotet Cariol tîoo bviooly dio.1ppoliiiid by tire Cootocîllot Russell Miletio.ioi 101011. Peter Soioot.i, lht loeote 01 .ig.in flic ipIsiatto.io flich pio.,OingO Lighis were p buho hiefltil, frot1oe' tua hein Mr. f(owioiiis tile Jac.queline NEW LIGHTS have bee instalied at thecrner of Main and Ontario Sts., but (003ar not otking et. Town officiels haven'f heard 3010 100 n the ttaffic signais wili be i opEration, Intallaition was part of theOntarioSt. and Base Lin reontrcto pr01r010 (Staff Photo) P Ti P PS C s E b V, IV, A 3 a C (o J; A O. Tire t 10011 be.oOpoî.1111î trafic ligh i icoterol eleto hot i o ii koi.îi Soturday wlioii io" .iîo.îoldcd Dani1 .1 ie c îo .1. diîooîî hy ho bon i i olla Rîîoc.îiiLit GOakiloe, 00(10 set a([150 ohlol damgeto tireli u,,oiidl a ioooived it ileoiih1 îîooîo.d of Mioîiîuz, wzi1 Isteilb Il f200. Accordion Divins Toocal0. girlotnc.cheduled tu opytit on ioou uri îdLly Fthoi.1t17. Ciiîdy adSiidh1i01 lHiggioo. l01 doogliiolo Lit Mr and11 Mtî Att Ililggii. OakC hi otil bc mOong(ic h ptîhorîit .1purtîosorChanneiol Is1 IIIY campb Scout t sio0iiuO g iii,îcIn Ili 00 o i il, a1. '(o00 appear on1 (h3o So100(1(0t Il. Tirtoi poîî oull 7(0 100000 dod îîoop thurdi servi KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH loleroto Moderator. Rev. F. N. Young, BAt. Georgetowon 877-6206 "0 cote let os oroonlip and hoso dootat; let w0 kItl bie lthe Lord ou Milit.- SUNDAY, PEBRUARY i, 190 9.45 .w.-So. Choooh Scoiol. 9.45 a m.-Young Pooplets Bible C(ossî 10.50 o w.-Jo. Chîîooh Sobool. 11,00 a.to-Mootîog Wooob(y. Mioiolo, Rev. ProfeolooJoo C. Hi,,. BD, Ph.D. 11.00.10 000. Gel-Togelheo Grouîo, pot luc 000700 andi meoling ti hîîodoî Shooo Haî1, Mon MILTON GOSPEL HAL f06 Ontario St. N. 878-2022 Christiaon. gatbeood in the raeof (ho Cood (cool Christ. Cord Dey SUNDAY. FEBRI SOY i. 1970 (0.30 awm-Beobutg oS Bread. (2.15 y w.-Sooday Sobol 7.00 y w.-Gosyei Seroto. Wedneîday, 8 p. -Prayeo tod Bible oeading. All .uî, îoeicowe (o te M-oî hallrrIn Ilî, iîoiiîî atone hui i,01 il Col M.oih 4. 4 HIGI4WAY GOSPEL CNUSCN A loo. I,.b tlv CI The hliiiion 7- , , , \ iîoiîoî THE LORD'S DAY SU('(30 CEOSUARY i 1970 9f45 .0I hSonda Schoîol 1î.00 ,..-M.ning Wo,,hop 700 p.n EeiooiogEvigl i0s1(0 Seooice. Tii, i o th, Coud arrl10 l. gooo.1 , - ohLlil 000,0 'i thoioianid oooi h- hait BOSTON AND 0OMAGH PRERBYTERIAN CHURCHES lotioîo Moideorato, R-i SDi hoBoAii . 030 CamooheOiill(( 854 38031 SUNDAY, FPB107RY i. 1970 10.00 oto -Bosoor Wooohîy Stooico. 11(.15 a.w.-Sostooo Cboohh Sobool. (0.15 a.w.-Otoogb Cbooch P Sobool. ((.30 o.w.-Owagh. Worship Service. Roo. Nicholston wil oodoot service aboth cbarcbes. Fo rm Irish-Canadian Club first dance is successful A(((otrgtoup hasjoulthe ail~oii k s .itof Mloh1 t 0 n io li f oi .1 emnCoo iot itho organiztd a social (touP Pot thtwot(oes. then the Dotich-Caoodians foi(oootd suit anod a1bout 2 yooto flic (tii0f.Otdiitt jiood the Noto Milton has o club Pot (host of Irish o1(511 (he -'Milton and District louthi Cataditt Social Club" ooiloo hield lis Pool dance tîtîtot thos mooth. cottplete wi n rs hoow bood fot Ftatk Lee of Ptot St. otgooized thete oogroop and I sevn a i pttoidet. Vice-ptidott i, Nip Modotîl. ,etttoy-ttt.1lttt ClifP Gelant, anod dîttototi Pal Ca((oît and Choolo Ca1il lot'v btooorgantingtE ((0 silice last Si. Pattickh Doy." sal Frantk.ficifîîoîidly Itishmai. He band it do.club etoin htow wihi liad a1 ttotbttdîp, (bol eliville needs roop leader iCamipboillO Cuhoo.1oet Mt. Lloyd Boylty Scouleader id t io(d Tho Chtampion site a hohee trirCubhîyet tyiiig t inellO p aSo0uleder litidi tire1 forovr 1000.year Rîghtîowotheoe cri(. tire boys are lioo or six hoys ttody tu Liiol o oil inoooiop to Scoutad aothet 11 11001nex (00 moohs. but (boey have0 liii place o go an1od 1(holo (0 TV fu! diren toou, , .1ddd. "I hooo îoîodoooîryhody 1 oîiliîîgîîiok ial ie iejob." ouoioduied (oit Mis. Boy(ey eopl1lo t ite job 7uui,riiii a îodî 0000l 0(i(01 nili otok plos bcpeoilig om,îooooohtd tioe l'ortSout oiiooiilith gpotîogoî(îot. camping anîd (.( ihiiigptog7001 The BooiogoO * (îodquartioî osill ptovîde Potce triing (ot dt 00 loadet. "Ail ooîood is onmeîîtotsupervise anid guide the boys lîoy hîold to olii oîoo show, shepointso flic1g psop. booiogs bol wiltii loode ot lguide ihoot CHURCH OtF CHRIST a No. 5 hîdoooad and 40h Cioe C Tooafolgar 9 SIONSAY, FEORUARY t, 1970 (0.00 ato -Bible Soboul Classos for ail oges. Gospel. GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCN Milton, Otario. Roolo R.wW.Foster ssistant : Caon P. H. Mason '(I oJ7A EBOI ARY 1, 1970 Soi.oooo nîd.o 8001 air, -1.1 Commuonion. 90 -.L -JI Choiioh Shhool I(0040 0h ChbiIioh Sohool -011 Hooi(oooioiot ILI'00 .lIi.iioiioloiito .1 Gi..,, Cliiioo EMMANUIEL BAPTIST CHURCH Ciotoo.iStooet, Milton P1ol Souev Cloîloon Colen 8784473 878-3542 '(I '(73il 50ARY i. 0970 M(ok , M Godor Coo 700oo iioo Worhiy. o0OO.00( Jooho Pooo ..... "" ((ohn ' (0010 Oir Sod.od 3,oo Surio.oot ST. PAULIS CHURCN THE UNITED CNURCN 0F CANADA %1 ( litopsî R,, C % 1(oo RhenB. B.D. 11, andoîo Choir Leader: (fiI HLt.d Mogee '(I 0 1 iBR 01003 1, 1970 (10(0RC SCHOOL 00.0010 '(oîoooSýi.ooz Sohool for iI ho%, ando girls over 9 1 îî.00 î 0000007 in .oodoîoîooî doy.atitoot. 11.00 .ito Koodgrtîoand PoOw.1oo Depayootwett, agis Iovitation To Al a bIihOlvill0 ood distrîiar oing1 10 .10 av tri 0.100 li coooting iooootttt. Aoy 1ulc ctContacot Mts. oy(y or group omttttO ha011(0an LeRoy Wood or 0(01((011(0 otrietý ARCHITECT DONALD E. SKINNER B.Aoob - M.RA.LCý 17A Mill Stoeet, Suito 2, Acoo Tcerybno 853-2740 o 20 h1000h.1ok Rd., Pool Coodit 274-3428 Office lfoooo ho Aypoioooeol ACCOUNTANTS EARL O. BLACK< B, Cooo, R.IA., C.A. Chartoood AcooaîlOat (83 Main Si.. Mailton Phone 8786542 MacGILLIVRAY & CO. Cbqsoletd boogmtsants 14 Nelson St. W. 451-4840 RErîdoot Pootoorso G. G. Wilson,. C.A. MI Hogheo, B.A., C.A. CHIROPRACTOR'S A. P. KENT, D.C. Docoo of CiopracOtic, P2KingtCout Croscenl Cooooo Martio St. PHONE 871-2031 OS APPI3INTMEF5T INSU RANCE CG OPPRATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION Honte Pooltîooci Aut hAiid00lO( Deaolh and (topotolent Sol, Doioiog, Etmo Voloolo Rodoo (100 Picoouti Mot Co.IiialO C.W: R, h, Hoothoiogtoo R 2, Milton, 878-48553 oi. 21 Yoooo' Service IThe Mutual Life ROBERT S. HAST Agett 341 GOoiie Rood, Acoo Bs. 416451-340 Rot.5 9l.853-1527 FUNERAL DIRECTORS McK ORS (E 114 Moin St., Our 121h y000 of holylol, 878-44512 O PTO MET RISTS ARTH-UR Aý JOHNSON, O.D, MILTON - (84 Main St 8 78f9972 Toeodcayt and Fridtys ACTON - 54 Mill St. E. 853-2320 Wodoesdayt and Sattoodays Rosidoooe phtone 870-978 LIBRARY HOURS Tuesdoy, Thursday and Fr611. 12 noon to 5.30; 6.30 to 9.05 Monday, 12 mon9 to 5.30 Ctosed Wednesday Saturday - 9.30-12; 1-5.30 halE Ioîth ottd ttofP ooooythtîîg 0(00. Tht Pot olub (o(dod op aod ]110,1 supporters hehmod a toto Irish show band groop, the Keoto Mallty Show Band. Me. Malloy iso former sotoost ftot tte(od wh(1 sang professiooally as"The Ministe Boy". Noto hit si-man show bond, bottd in Toronto, li toooitg the ountry pîtytos lot dances. Ttey perfotmed ait(ho Ioish-Caoadti Clobosftost social outitg on Jant 17 antdar etitectedhobac ora(10hat else?) Maîch 21. ilitto w.10 Pofli hiose crood of about (80 on hood (o vitlcome tireur dobot in Milton ot the Holy Rosary Hall on tlhe 17th and he bad was w rmly ocoepted by tht dancers-(boy mespopolat they ouoldn't let the band oPf (ho stage, says PTe idenot Lee. Clob metobtoship 0010 stand' a1 aoutd 200 and fite preside nt soyt ptoceeds front ltheo social ootings will be put inoa td tu help ospood (ho datnce foot atea air Hof y Rosaty Holl. CarnvalFasciugMari Gras oali it veinait you hâte - it al il C !w LU IMASQUERADE-BALL, iN 111 Union Hall, Pine SI. MILTON Guets Weloe 55 Germait Cantadien Club of Nalton County OXq Show Tlle lmme 8 Pm. FiL & Set 7 FAL & Mitn HATRE9 I THURS.«FR1 -SAT. JAN. 29.31 THE CHAIRMAN (Color) GREGORY PECK TROUBLE SHOOTERS FREIGHT FRIGHT (Cartoon) SUN. MON. TUSES. WD FU. 1 .2.3-4 NIGHT 0F THE! LIVING DEAD - Aduit HILLBILLYS IN I4AUNTED NOUSE - Color THUES. - FRI. B AT. M. S - 6 - 7 SEVEN GUNS for the MAGGREGORS - Color Aduit - DUFFY - Color JAME0S COBURN Phone R~ESIOS 7864 ST LWRENCEL FRUI & GOCE STOE. GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS Il 11C FRESH PINEAPPLE ,gea, 3toe$1.0 NO.1 P.E.I. POTATOES251b.b.9< Guy Lea FIRST GRADE BUTTER lb, 69c FRE oneqa" Arste oDo GingerAle wth purhala of two quarts THROW AWAV BOTTLES 2 9 ORANGE DRINK 3 $1.0 MACARONI DINNER 2 f,294 WAX BIOLOGNA 2 l.. 89< PEAMEAL BACK BACON lb. 89< MpeetWIENERS 'b. 53<4 CHICKEN LEGS or BRREASTS 49< Map ie Liat Vacuum P atkeO COTTAGE ROLLS si. 79<4 Te - - emn s e -e moey You con sove up to $2,500 a year of your eorned income, watch your money gowO ond staîl have control of il. Tht gosocroment says in efol "Plan now for veur retirement, and Weill olloto îoeede puy os much as $2,500 inno o regio- trdretiremen savtngs plan. And we \ton't tax you oS il." So yoo eeely lower your taxable in- cornte by investing up to $2,500 in our regissred retîrement savings pions. You save on tax. You can gel your money out too. And ai not dead. It grotos. For instance, suppose you had nvested in our Equity Plan just seven years ago. By noit your money would have more thon doubled. (If y(,u're already in a plan and its growth rate canst compare with ours, corne on oiver!). We also offer you an alternative plan, which guarantees a rate of inerest estab- lished at the first of March cach year. That's definiteiy not dead money. When you withdraw it, of course, you have te pay taxes on aL at that tirne. But this ils exactiy what's most important. You pay tax on the money when you choose tO POT it. This bas led sorne to cati the plan a tax sheiter. One feliow we kot paid into it for five years, watched it grow, then took the bondie out and used it te replace normal income tohile hc lazed in Majorca for six montho. If you care t0, you cao leave it in tili you retire for good. Either way it's an excellent plan for you. It's especialiy valuahie because we don't have a lot of saiesmen out making cails, therefore you don't have tc pay high sales Ail ycu have to do ils cali us. But don't put it off. The deadiine is the end cf February. You can't deciare any contributions for 1969 after this date. Do it noto. Fight fire with fire. Use the rules. H ALT ON & P EEL assocîated with CANADA TRUST Mait ras Charlts St. 878-2834 TONIGHT SCHNIER MAUE CHORUS ST. PAUL'S CHURCH 8.30 PAMS TICKETS 1.00 AVAILABLE AT: LEOWITH'S S. A. FAY &SON E LSLE V S od Cim, liait R.gsation Nuott -0913 sy-I@w resoluIofi@n approved by tountil ILibtîi mtinug of Milton pasil MOierl. teootot iiilciig hli objections Io flic Iiit,il pi.ooî. prortlo (ho Ontrio MuiipaliBoa.rd(1 loi(3in oolicul hogail tire foi(loooiig doy. Delo iiti(and Mtlton ilodooloî.ol Patho weto fil ho oiiîdîooî Lifot coitil gave0 L,,o,îoooi oold con(iidef woild inludo toollolootily dootiiopineiiio ilile airc,10 of (ho olîîîppîîîg (00.0 oand fli(10me Ghji.i.ioiiio ii the Ittolooto Gîl CoýIl Cide i0.l,- odoood dl îîîoî liii . gioi tie eten litil ait01 ,tr1 (iii e 1.00(00er ai si(il hoideiu. àiotideiiio lot. Tire lize ioi Ic lolilIo pi .100 lu oden Pitre i. lo 88 001.îand uobjecotioifoioiidooaiiî Firefighters hotd debate on boundaries llîîoîîdoîy litre,0 Li Hftliirei depiriilgiioiii.0110(li ili.100 disc.usood ai0 Ilo Jalooiy meotinog A iooliiii. ol oiiotdiOiiig ommitiel, itiilodiiig ol lite oîoodyîîîp possoîil future lite hoooidiries o ) lo oooîty-widt OîiotoittOO oo(iih s tooking Ibooto .11 a0 yoot oitodoooe ai t Joîîoooy mting of Motool Aid tooomay of (te lîîePîgliters wtto offP îok. feotety RioS Botgîin, Botrlingloo hosoesigedPftmhis post andoanw euteiatyis tohbe nawed ot lte gtoop's refi toeeting. ~: M LTON lIl Edoo oosdo y rade peakor odît doots le ted fs Peli, Idey( 4.k à'a I*A t l le aisol tt itth Te ei Ài